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Updated Dec 23
Updated Dec 23

Jewelry notification page- FG repurposed for lives!

Gods child


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This listing has been repurposed for my jewelry page! For over 9 years we’ve been sharing each others FG’sc Hope you will share this as you shared the follow games in the past. This is the new way to help each other! I’ll share yours too! 🌻🌻🌻 Tag me in ur shows, follow games & sales or share to me & I will share it toI!🤗i May shop too! Still a game in that u Like, tag a few pff's if u can, share & return when I drop price! Rem 2 follow everyone! I share back! Thanks to u all 4 ur care & encouragement!! Love to you all! What a journey we’ve had! You are so beautiful & amazing. Blessings 🌻🌻🌻
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sweetieheart Dee, Mary is new and learning about follow games. Im tagging her in a select few that I know will take good care of her. @ maryshill26
Feb 13Reply
lauras_boutique 🎉🎉FG🎉🎉💕@51twenty💕@bellalize💕@bellanblue💕@chicagdl💕@croweart💕@dotgallo💕@dvacante💕@faith2bshared💕@flutter_buys💕@janet0103💕@marlanap💕@daisyd0102💕@hrachal💕@emory1975💕@glamvault💕@hsohailk💕@jimsprincess💕@kden_wallace💕@kellidavis05💕💕@matadora1978💕@molinda25💕@nami001💕@newyork222💕@nic39💕@ninacloset5💕@poshjeepgirl💕@retagit💕@resaleresort💕@rnicu00💕@roryry💕@rposen💕@smchop💕@schx4💕@stunning_29💕@treasuresbytrac💕@turkioculture💕@twinkletoestoni💕@valerieann💕@warrior04💕
Feb 13Reply
4doggypawz ❤@warrior04🐾 🐾@shoppinggirl66❤ ❤@teri98908🐾 🐾@tpmom❤ ❤@whatsleft🐾 🐾@nanookmom❤ ❤@grace4d🐾 🐾@vita27❤ ❤@amywhip🐾 🐾@sammy❤ ❤@tatteredrose🐾 🐾@ebnay_luv❤ ❤@smchop🐾 🐾@tammy4444❤ ❤@clever102🐾 🐾@lovesoflori❤ ❤@sunlvr1821🐾
Feb 13Reply
4doggypawz 🐾@1smalltowngirl❤ ❤@ttanoliver🐾 🐾@abstractdreams❤ ❤@sillymoon🐾 🐾@blukat❤ ❤@bellanblue🐾 🐾@bellalize❤ ❤@cali_gal🐾 🐾@Candykissa143❤ ❤@chicagdl🐾 🐾@delazy❤ ❤@dierks24🐾 🐾@dimndgrl❤ ❤@cmc514🐾 🐾@josiefredericks❤ ❤@hrachal🐾 🐾@iqclothessavvy❤ ❤@violet507🐾 🐾@kewpiedoll❤ ❤@jill555🐾 🐾@mkribs❤
Feb 13Reply
4doggypawz ❤@jeweledonyx🐾 🐾@jansjems❤ ❤@cncalabro🐾 🐾@mharpster❤ ❤@nkhob🐾 🐾@pearls-posh❤ ❤@partymk999🐾 🐾@marinaschic❤ ❤@maidmarian🐾 🐾@treeboop97❤ ❤@motherskiss🐾 🐾@mtnhiker❤ ❤@lelivluv🐾 🐾@melanieshea❤ ❤@missposhtrendy🐾 🐾@kmariec❤ ❤@kden _Wallace🐾 🐾@goensshopping❤ ❤@royalmeadow7🐾
Feb 13Reply
sonyleb 💜💜My Tag Team!!💜💜 @justrightat40 @thecurvyone @c_sales_stuff @karen1177 @3mdr @51twenty @iselita15 @savingadventure @danileeoak @poshcinci 🚫🚫🚫DO NOT COPY🚫🚫🚫 If you'd like to be added on, let me know in my FG post. Don't forget to follow and share!
Feb 14Reply
justrightat40 Let's help our fellow PFF!! FOLLOW GAME!! Like, follow and share! 🦋@camarasaurus145 🦋@lorinaanne 🦋@mexikitty 🦋@clothedonsunday 🦋@sjones69 🦋@elite_eyewear 🦋@mamabearkp 🦋@melissacthienel 🦋@chasedycc 🦋@vintageelf 🦋@melmel6262 🦋@mimizell 🦋@savvyhope 🦋@hye_hopes 🦋@shoppinisjustme 🦋@allureclass 🦋@hannahlamb02 🦋@phia707 🦋@happystar71 Private tag list 🌺Do not copy🌺
Feb 14Reply
robandsteph2014 Here is another Follow Game! 💗 @lexakang 💗 @krc2278 💗 @merabellas 💗 @itseclectic 💗 @shawna7493 💗 @maphatu 💗 @ktssweetsteals 💗 @ninibby 💗 @kbnello 💗 @oxc1y 💗 @lovenicoleanne 💗 @cultivatecovet 💗@lindsay17l 💗 @chasedycc 💗@eligcloset 💗 @murphysmenz 💗 please let me know if you would like to be removed from this list!
Feb 14Reply
stunning_29 @grace4d Way to go Dee!!!!👏👏👏👍❤ im so happy for you!!
Feb 14Reply
kewpiedoll @rposen 🛍 Thank You 🛍. FG 🛍 @mtnhiker 💞 @dyfcloset 💞 @yellowandpink27 💞 @shiachar. 💕 @raquel71 💞 @rposen 💞 @styleyourself. 💞 @patriciacloset 💞 @janmary 💞 @maryshill26 💞
Feb 14Reply
newyork222 Love the pic!
Feb 14Reply
grace4d @newyork222 thx! I fell in love with it too! 💜💜💜Dee
Feb 14Reply
snowbunny ✨🌟 Snowbunny's Private Tag List🌟✨ 🌟🌟🌹FOLLOW GAME 🌹🌟🌟 💕 @lollipopkissies 💕 @jquery 💕 @lexiandrews2 💕 @melanieshea 💕 @plessy 💕 @thelucyandjane 💕 @popstart 💕 @susuberry 💕 @grapeminds 💕 @kgokagla 💕 @tayk_me_as_i_am 💕 @msupergn 💕 @mickeyrn 💕 @barneysbargains 💕 @shabnamroxg 💕 @suelee16 💕 @cadet7687 💕 @certemt123 💕 @newboutique 💕 @tweisy
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 1 @1kynnedy @4luxeshoetique @2dragons @4dresslovers @5kahnefan1 @8heartandarrows  @abbykar @adriannaw5000 @albposhmark116 @alerusyn @alicat827 @alreed555 @amdem @amlayne82 @ammiddl @amyliz2710 @amylm0309 @angie8786 @anna13morgan @annabels_rose @annieonthefarm @aprilflora @aquaina @ashrenee85 @ashsellnshop19 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 2 @awatson8803 @ban0408 @barbielynn @basicallybailey @beautifullife9 @beccaboo93012 @bellabunny @bellasb @belltwinz @bethwilson20 @blanchmae @blonderebellion @blueeyes828b @bmcrampton @bopbopgirl1 @briannastull @briellemshop @britannea @britt_britt415 @bruby92 @btaher2001 @butterflibeauty @cadet7687 @camarasuaras145 @camisshoetique Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 3 @captain_jack16 @carrie6ztg @cathsattire @ceg_2890 @certemt123 @cgab823 @chellebellesc @chyna726 @chrissy1ou @cigi36 @clh0004 @chloecuthbert @christy102780 @cornisha1988 @crazyamerican @cscc @curliesshop @cynthiaasalas @dakatoraec @danalouf @danamichellecol @danawar @danileeoak @dannidoog @darcymichele @dashofglitz Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 4 @dawnleeds @debiwv3 @dirtygirly @ds_boutique @elferguson5 @eholder @els610 @elzeqo @emoral @enchantedthread @ep2chr @ericarose1989 @erinctrent @fahhbee @fairytalesbtq @falician86 @fayepgarcia @feen9541 @foreignminions @freetobemyself @gail8911 @girltalk123 @girlwithpearls @goldengirlz752 @gooddeals11 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 5 @goodshizz @gorjessgirl @gounlvrebels @gracef682 @gracelajules @greenbamboo @gtgwen8 @guzel85 @haleydude @hannibannini @happystar71 @healthystylist @heidy0622 @helga4fun @hjmarquis @holly_tatman @houseofparis @houseofroyalty @iliketurtles31 @ilovejaceevan @its_thrifted @izaapparel @jasmineerman @jaspersummer @javu0923 @jenlbowm72 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 6 @jenniferptk @jenniferromero8 @jesuischic @jezzreel1990 @jojobee1234 @jstarnz @justrightat40 @jwest2014 @kaki_anna @karenmik @karmaluv14 @katyyan25 @kbarias @kcdubya @kejoi95 @kels_sh @kelyeskloset @keska @ketsia4 @kgross23 @kimberlyl3 @kirstenmakeit @kmargel @kmp533 @koelsner @kolansen @kourtneylynn903 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 7 @koukla7 @kriliz @ktw8 @ktbaby89 @kundaliniyogini @lacylynn2013 @lalachica @lauraluise @lauramhudson @laurenthings @lauriehg @laurielyn95 @laxjess @leemkate1977 @lianandlay @life4987 @lilredheadgirl @linsab @littleangel16 @lizannes @lls516 @lmaceron3 @lollipopkissies @loveskoalas @lovesoflori Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 8 @lululilly @luvabully3 @luxefashion23 @luxeious @lwatson80 @lynsmariear @maddagirl @maddiem2b @mamabearkp @mamazthang @mandapanda83 @mandymaescloset @mannababi21 @margaretleighp @mariepose @mdj932 @meagurl44 @meeshfarbs @melissa2383 @melissah99 @melissarfranco @melissarnibclc @melmel6262 @memesclothing @meregypsyglam Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 9 @mgeringer @mhudson0622 @michellecater @miltfeltx @mimizell @mirdonna @miss_me_to @missyap24 @mlaina @mmhtreasures @molinalinda1 @mollydick @mollyruth15 @momma_valdez @monicarosiee @mprovisor @mrshopper2014 @mschilly @mstravesura @munchkin0311 @myboutique71 @mycurvyboutique @mysterygirl0305 @mzro2 @nanzdrew @nativenyer Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 10 @nhrmama @niknak216 @ninascloset @nishaaaa @nyshalexandre @officestyle @parisheals @peacekey @pghmnb @phia707 @phiamaebreezy @pink_ladybug @pinkbabediva09 @pinupdollrawr @plantsun @platinmrhapsody @plessy @msfrith @poshboutique16 @poshcinci @poshgalnycla @poshionistas @ppamprrd @prittimonster @ptcloset @ptroum Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
auctionpricebtq Please share mine 💕
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 11 @pursegalore @qualityapperal @queen09l @razzledaz410 @redsummerell @renaykee @reservoirhobby @retrendthetrend @roedarryl @rposen @sarahbeans13 @sashulyax3 @savvyhope @secondimage2000 @shae042 @shellyrenee81 @sherri862 @sherrylgalvan @shopgirl1880 @shojtes05 @skymoonfaerie @snomoto @snowbunny @starsandstriper @steph_mckenzie @sunnybirdmarket @sydneydak Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 12 @snomoto @so_kosmic @star2733 @stefmonster84 @suelee16 @sunnietrish @tan2016 @tarabrynn @thegirlingrey @thelittlethief @thenoodlebudget @thestaufferhome @thewifeythings @theworktrotter @thortam @tiffaniexo @tkelly401 @tmriley @tnb614 @tropicalmama @tweisy @twonickel @verymary1 @vixen676 @vmusto123 @wanzhu @warrior04 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
shabbychic45 Sweet it's a FG PFFs! 13 @wendylfielder @wolfjensen @worldmaj2010 @workinonmychic @ximena86 @xo_jenny1 @xtinaco @yeslightly @zarco22 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Feb 14Reply
auctionpricebtq Please share mine 💕
Feb 14Reply
auctionpricebtq Congratulations you got it💕💕💕💕💐💐💐💐❤️
Feb 14Reply
posh_dame ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿FG🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 💋💋💋@tereza2000💋💋💋 ☕☕☕@n2starbucks☕☕☕ 🌎🌎🌎@aestheticdavin🌎🌎 💐💐💐@beautifullife9💐💐💐 🌹🌹🌹@gulperi4🌹🌹🌹🌹 💝💝💝@kirabella35💝💝💝
Feb 14Reply
inspiredstyletx 😈🐸💕👑💕🐸😈 💕Camilla's Closet TAGS💕 👑FG: Follow. Like. Share.👑 @luxegrl @jozerodstylist @thc442 @slynn10 @kvieiramendes @katd4 @lahryn04 @phannypak @rachelchiu @seekadarling @kgokalga @glimmergal16 @adriidrii13 @chrisjeske @catsstuff @audreymhoke @jdiverdi @sadieee_ @dsf58 @nataliacm @psuun @iceaholic @jennayumyum @lauren4eventz @joycemanorr @momogo @adrienne2818 @jcover1 @vmusto123 👑DON'T COPY👑 😈🐸💕👑💕🐸😈
Feb 14Reply
janimack7 🌀FOLLOW GAME❣LET'S PLAY 🌀@michiv @adh @nic39🌀 🌀@warrior04 @joyamarino @mmadonna40 @samipoo @frannyzfinds🌀 🌀@kirabella35 @mrsmadariaga @nmmulkey @dsf58 @nanookmom🌀 🌀@meganbrainnecc @stunning_29 @paicar @hippiewife @ccprice74 🌀 🌀@niftylisa @grace4d @wendi41 @loopholer @grace4d @jomeem🌀 🌀@poshboutique16 @matadora78 @treasuresbytrac @treasuretoday🌀 🌀 💞PTL/DNC 💞
Feb 14Reply
grinandwearit I'm happy to share your FOLLOW GAME with my followers! 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩 Happy Poshing! 🙋
Feb 14Reply
alluck1210 👣Follow Game Ladies👣(List 1) 🌺@kirabella35 🌸@jerseyginger 🌺@bellanblue 🌸@myboutique71 🌺@mycurvyboutique 🌸@newboutique 🌺@anawat 🌸@spardikes 🌺@emscat78 🌸@peacefrog777 🌺@epcs042410 🌸@blumoose 🌺@kmf1125 🌸@joaniepb 🌺@onnam 🌸@crazy_for_coco 🌺@annc64 🌸@qsusie89 🌺@goensshopping 💋PoshPinups Private Tag List💋 🔒🚫Please Do Not Copy🚫🔒
Feb 14Reply
alluck1210 👣Follow Game Ladies👣(List 2) 🌺@ascheufele 🌸@cocoken 🌺@ninascloset5 🌸@mandymaemcc 🌺@maxiemelt 🌸@paige4509 🌺@renaykee 🌸@leminohp 🌺@kingamnich 🌸@kjrn1 🌺@hollypo 🌸@alisabeegirl 🌺@sarahg328 🌸@acarlson1003 🌺@vabfashion 🌸@veperez 🌺@greenbamboo 💋PoshPinups Private Tag List💋 🔒🚫Please Do Not Copy🚫🔒
Feb 14Reply
alluck1210 👣Follow Game Ladies👣(List 3) 🌺@gulperi4 🌸@urbanlove 🌺@mamazthang 🌸@mgeringer 🌺@feen9541 🌸@jayboo79 🌺@twangboutique 🌸@missdee0247 🌺@brsuga2 🌸@bellas639 🌺@phiamaebreezy 🌸@tkelly401 🌺@julisdiamonds 🌸@roedarryl 🌺@natesgreatdeals 🌸@belltwinz 🌺@jesuischic 🌸@momlilyry 💋PoshPinups Private Tag List💋 🔒🚫Please Do Not Copy🚫🔒
Feb 14Reply
alluck1210 👣Follow Game Ladies👣(List 4) 🌺@aross06 🌸@retagit 🌺@star2733 🌸@briannademilia 🌺@klutchklothin 🌸@verymary1 🌺@kejoi95 🌸@officestyle 🌺@margaretleighp 🌸@rciocca1661 🌺@vmusto123 🌸@jesuischic 🌺@goldengirlz752 🌸@123buyfromme 🌺@jeanettew83 🌸@mdj932 🌺@sarahbeans13 🌸@guzel85 🌺@chasedycc 💋PoshPinups Private Tag List💋 🔒🚫Please Do Not Copy🚫🔒
Feb 14Reply
prairiecitygirl FOLLOW GAME!!💕🌻🌺🌸🌹🌼🌷💕 @salleylin @ladybugrl16 @shopwitheileen @rachel2335 @emscat78 @curliesshop @mariesgoods1219 @modig @lalachica @sandy_98 @mamazthang @leemkate1977 @wendyhenley @ahnec @shoplittlebird @kbordano @hcf88 @vintage_reborn @palmtree30 @calgirls3ceo @koukla7 @charminglane @ep2chr @retagit @cargru @melissah99
Feb 14Reply
jennifernora32 @grace4d hi love, popping in to share a few for a wonderful lady and friend! A very special Valentine! So glad we've become friends. Your beautiful heart and soul is so endearing to me! Love you doll 💖✨💖
Feb 14Reply
kellic1416 @beautifullife9 following please add me @kellic1416
Feb 15Reply
grace4d @jennifernora32 thank you lady! Happy Valentines to you! 🌷🌷I'm also struggling a bit right now. Love & hugs!🌷🌷🌷🌻🙋 Dee
Feb 15Reply
goensshopping Tomorrow's my 2 year Anniversary. I really wanted 100k by then. Still working on it. I got a day left. Congratulations ✨🎉💕😇🙌🏻⭐️
Feb 15Reply
grace4d @goensshopping i didn't know! We started around the same time! Yay! I'll be by to share blast ya! Love n hugs! 🌷🌻🌻🌻Dee
Feb 15Reply
goensshopping Awe sweetie your so sweet. Thank you. Congratulations again and have a blessed day😇😘
Feb 15Reply
gulperi4 Follow game! Let's share PFF’s 🎉 @lovesoflori @kejoi95 @certemt123 @certemt123 @lozoyam1 @willow_jacs @melsack @amb4jc @hjc11 🍒Private Tag List @gulperi4 DO NOT COPY🍒
Feb 15Reply
kuriouskitty13 LIST 1 💕💕FOLLOW GAME💕💕@cococandy @dallize @thewifeysthings @arianashallman @jasminecloset @pineappleblush_ @ep2chr @tereza2000 @poshgalnycla  @joymcall @vik_rod @aulauni @jomeem @savannah_slim @kreed324 @christi_rai @ojdc @shiloh077 @guzel85 @karebear51 @janimack7 @hfrbryant @davinandtheia @poshgalnycla @rwhyr @asolispink  << PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY>> Please like and follow my game as well! Thx! Much Love, Kurious Kitty @kuriouskitty13 ✌❤😻
Feb 15Reply
kuriouskitty13 LIST 2 💕💕FOLLOW GAME💕💕 @lisadaisy1 @cooljademorning @___adelia @mavila909 @cwiller @kscalvino @girltalk123 @swanagin @kundaliniyogini @secchan  @ahanstine875 <<PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY>> Please like and follow my game as well! Thx! Much Love, Kurious Kitty @kuriouskitty13 ✌❤😻
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 Bringing my PFF's now for your 2nd FG❤️❤️❤️@grace4d
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 ⬆️⬆️⬆️💜💜💜FG⬇️⬇️⬇️ @warrior04 @louisvuittonbag @awaywardmermaid @spottythedot @guzel85 @thecatwalk @msouza188 @zoeykloset @karmaluv14 @koelsner @jmjla7 @cupofjoe @limegreenme22 @cargru @gounlvrebels @caligirlinmn @icat @fashionmellow @fionaspassion @swankyplus2 @jetset_go @vintage_lass @bwhite2014 @nyc_apple @toryshop @fashionplz @loriscloset01 @urbanbridle @skystrukfashion @couturegypsy @jellybean_aj @staubco1996 @mydealyoursteal @latriguenamela⬆️⬇️⬆️💜💜💜
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 FG⬆️⬇️⬆️ 💜💜💜 @yvonnecordova @coutori @vintage_lass @rrsanborn @liveposhlove @katwynne @jacqueray @reinem @giulssss @elsiebelsie @couturegypsy @cgranados @kayellejay @donnaw1 @marcie0707 @123buyfromme @mecronin @jwest2014 @melissa_anne_83 @jat34d @indigodiv @hila808 @pbuzzalino @tqdo17 @kclosetshop @deforrest5 @muddypuddles @lucirose2 @ppamprrd @shabbychic45 @vabfashion @vabkids @destinyshea @chibitotoro @marseille133 @haitianglam @star2733⬆️⬇️⬆️💜💜💜
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 FG⬆️⬇️⬆️ 💜💜💜 @melissarnibclc @mgeringer @angelnurse1003 @ttd2 @whiskeyandroses @texasmommaof3 @entropycat @lovenotjudge @spookyheartsg @hollowseve @texascopywriter @danieblue82 @dawnediva @treasuretoday @ymeadon13 @ashemilli @lovelylilac10 @ptyles @deege65 @mikimakes @whiskeyandoj @deniminiquities @yellowshadess @vmusto123 @sewdramatic ⬇️⬆️💜💜💜
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 FG⬆️⬇️⬆️💜💜💜@4doggypawz @51twenty @bellanblue @gracef682 @herparallax @royalmeadow7 @drizzymizzylove @katwynne @zeusstevenson @outlying0077 @tpmom @peachtreeshop @awepickles @kfab333 @vicky_ymcagirl @caldwellkelsie @dimndgrl @larochelle @tburg21 @misstana @annabels_rose @twangboutique @kayellejay @reinem @halieking @giulssss @elsiebelsie ⬆️⬇️⬆️💜💜💜
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 FG⬆️⬇️⬆💜💜💜 @shieronfire @vabfashion @vabkids @katia_closet @nolaposher @suelee16 @daisymae1970 @hellompenzi @nanacoups @beautifullife9 @dearhope @justice10forme @kirabella35 @shiloh077 @coutori @urbanbridle @julisdiamonds @dawnediva @sneakergurk @cronutcouture @angelabouzeid @dinofinder @jacqueray @shieronfire
Feb 15Reply
warrior04 FG⬆️⬇️⬆💜💜💜💜💜 @vmjohnson89 @khandler12 @kwalden01 @lauras_boutique @lovenicoleanne @ninascloset5 @feeb9541 @aggiegal01 @shoeaddictgirl @tm_stuff @candybycandy @amiboutiqueus @deborahrn @christineclem12 @clemebrit @hismrs @katlive2018 @certemt123 @rolaly @taymanderson3 @ginga69 ⬆️⬇💜💜💜💜💜
Feb 15Reply
grace4d @warrior04 Wendy, thank you! YOU are the best!! 🌻🌻🌻💖Dee
Feb 15Reply
grace4d @frances_louie my 2nd follow game started in early February 🌻🌻🌻Dee
Feb 26Reply
flutter_buys 🐾🐾 FG #2 FOR DEE! 🐾🐾 🦋@lhaag721🦋 🦋@kellidavis05🦋 🦋@abstractdreams🦋 🦋@matadora1978🦋 🦋@treasuresbytrac🦋 🦋@twinkletoestoni🦋 🦋@grace4d🦋 🦋@tgavril🦋 🦋@janimack7🦋 🦋@aerspamer🦋 🦋@daughtrey🦋 🦋@autumnlynn3🦋 🦋@shoefloozy🦋 🦋@katolarae🦋 🦋@stunning_29🦋 🦋@molinda25🦋 🦋@lauras_boutique🦋 🦋@nic39🦋 🦋@juliewahoo🦋 🦋@lolomichelleb🦋 🦋@niftylisa🦋 🦋@shoplunagrace🦋 🦋@klbc3🦋 🦋@cncalabro🦋 🦋@tezza630🦋 🦋@ccprice74🦋 🦋@danalouf🦋 🦋@imagine101🦋 🦋@sford1🦋 🦋@belladesigns777🦋 🦋@tweisy🦋
Feb 26Reply
stunning_29 @grace4d Way to go Dee!😊😘😘 thank you sweetheart Karen for the tag 😘❤❤ @flutter_buys
Feb 26Reply
tracyblue69 @flutter_buys @stunning_29 Thank you ladies 😘💖💖💖
Feb 26Reply
nanzdrew Please share my game?💜
Mar 12Reply
grace4d @sweetieheart hi! I'm closer 110k today bc i wars on the su wheel much earlier 2day.. I'm up to my ears in taxes haha.. maybe i should celebrate the next level of 125k?🙋🌻🌻🌻🌻💖Dee
Mar 23Reply
sweetieheart @grace4d I look for you all the time. Bummed I missed it. Yes. Next level. Taxes will be done soon. We can get that 125k 🎉and celebrate 😁
Mar 23Reply
grace4d @sweetieheart I'm at 109640!
Mar 25Reply
sweetieheart @grace4d today is the day. You will hit 110. 😍
Mar 25Reply
sweetieheart Help get Dee to 110 today. Only a few to go 🎉. Thanks girls. Luv ya 💜 @weekend_warrior @cincinpierce @just3brooks. Cindy please tag Katy. I have not yet memorized her name 😳.
Mar 25Reply
serenity_style_ Consider it done, hugs ladies.
Mar 25Reply
weekend_warrior @sweetieheart On it!!😘😘 @grace4d Sharing away!! Let reach that goal! 😊😊
Mar 26Reply
sweetieheart -EVERYDAY IS A FASHION SHOW AND THE WORLD IS YOUR RUNWAY- 💎Coco Chanel 💎 May followers bring you fabulous buys and lots of sales. 😚💜
Apr 05Reply
dustycarrotclub ⭐️FOLLOW GAME⭐️ SENDING POSH LOVE 💍@crystaura 💍 🎩@helga4fun🎩 🐥@julss5735🐥 💍@kgiles88💍 🐥@katyyan25🐥 🎩@mommi2ri🎩 💍@pamelajudy1💍 🎩@kdslack2🎩 🐥@kelburz🐥 💍@mtallent1💍 🐥@bloomroom🐥 🎩@glimmergal16🎩 💍@somofthisnthat💍 🎩@mercerfashion🎩 🐥@kgross23🐥 ⭐️PRIVATE LIST⭐️
Apr 08Reply
auctionpricebtq @grace4d shared 💕❤️🌺
Apr 15Reply
grace4d @girltalk123 Tu! I couldn't find ur FG.. 🙋🌻
Apr 15Reply
auctionpricebtq @grace4d I don't have one but you can share and like the I love my folders and I will,share your closet weekly 💕❤️🌺
Apr 15Reply
auctionpricebtq I love my
Apr 15Reply
grace4d @girltalk123 😃I knew what u meant.. You used to have one to right? I'm not going crazy? 😆
Apr 15Reply
auctionpricebtq @grace4d I did ...I am not having follow game any more but if anyone likes or share my I love my followers I will share listings weekly❤️
Apr 15Reply
sweetieheart Let's dance!!! It's a follow game. Show our PFF a good time. 💃🏻..... 💜@jclinton912 💜@cincinpierce 💜@katylynn09 💜@sherrynold 💜@wendyalvis 💜@slicktrip 💜@astorm99 💜@oregoncoast4u Thank you my sweet PFFs for playing. 💜
Apr 26Reply
zardiva1 @shojtes05 *Congrats*, haha! 👍😀🎉🎉🎉 (Oh, and *Feb. 10* is also my b-day! 🎂🎂🎂 👈😁)
Apr 26Reply
shojtes05 @zardiva1 Happy Belated Birthday! 🎁 🎈 🎉 🎂 🥂 Hope it was a fabulous & fun day!! 😃😃😻
Apr 26Reply
zardiva1 @shojtes05 Oh, *yup*, haha! 👍😀 My *best friend* took me out to *eat* and gave me a few *🎁🎁🎁*! 😃😘🎂🎈🎉 *👭* And my *parents* gave me some *💵💵💵* and a *🎁 💳*, haha! 👍😀*👨‍👩‍👧*🤑🤑🤑 👈😁
Apr 26Reply
shojtes05 @zardiva1 Nice.... 🎁💵🥘🎂 all are wonderful on a birthday & my favorites. Always a good reason to eat 🎂!! 😃
Apr 26Reply
zardiva1 @shojtes05 Oh, *BIG ⏰*! 👍😃 (Haha! 😄😉)
Apr 26Reply
momisnuttz @shojtes05 I'm following!!!!!!💃💃💃
Apr 26Reply
shojtes05 @momisnuttz Do you want me to send you follow games? I get some for hosting, too. I'll be glad to if you're interested. Sorry if you were on this one already. I tried to check first.
Apr 26Reply
momisnuttz @shojtes05 Hi! I wasn't following this one until you sent it to me! That's why I sent you the "I'm following" back! It's so hard to interpret messages sometimes! I'd be happy to join in on your party lists for now. Between buying/selling our home, last month of school, my sons coming home from college - I will hold off on follow games til end of June. Thank-Q for including me! I'm really good at sharing 😀
Apr 26Reply
shojtes05 @momisnuttz You're welcome. You are great at sharing. I try to be as well. You've got your plate full for sure. I'll send you the party 🎉 ones & hold on the follow ones. I'll be gone for 2 weeks in May so I'll be off line then. It'll get busier as well. Stay in touch 😃 & all the best with your move. 🏡
Apr 26Reply
momisnuttz @shojtes05 Thank-Q! Got all my fingers and tootsies crossed! Moving my parents in with us (their health is not good). We downsized just 3 years ago when my boys left for college. Now the nest is getting full again so...Upsizing! Crazy! Would you like me to share items from your closet when you're away in May?
Apr 27Reply
shojtes05 @momisnuttz I'm so sorry about your parents health. I hope them being with you will help. I'd appreciate your sharing as much as you have time to do so. I'm not sure there will even be wifi access where we're going. Even if there is, I may be relaxing 😎 too much to care about anything anyway.... LOL. God knows I'm in desperate need of some rest & a break. Thank you, dear PFF 😊
Apr 27Reply
momisnuttz @shojtes05 No worries! Happy to do so! Just remember me if a member of your Glam Squad or any of your staff (!) are unable to accompany you on your trip. I'm cheap to keep, don't shed, am housebroken, and show really well...😳🐾
Apr 27Reply
sweetieheart Dee is 54 away from 120k. Let's keep sharing and tagging to get there this weekend. Let's dance!!! It's a follow game. Show our PFF a good time. 💃🏻..... 💜@jclinton912 💜@cincinpierce 💜@katylynn09 💜@sherrynold 💜@wendyalvis 💜@astorm99 💜@oregoncoast4u 💜@Americangirl66 💜@jus3brooks 💜@noafive_apparel 💜@Crystslball864 💜redgirrl1 Thank you my sweet PFFs for playing. 💜 @weekend_warrior
Jun 09Reply
grace4d @sweetieheart aww Thx Tina! 🌻🌻🌻💖🎉🎉🎉😚😚😚
Jun 09Reply
sweetieheart @grace4d I want to be apart of getting you to your next goal. Means a lot to me to help you. 💜🌻
Jun 09Reply
grace4d @sweetieheart 20 away.. I'm headed to bed. I'm losing the nausea fight.. you'll see this in the morning so.. 🙋🙋good morning sunshine! 🌞🌻🌻🌻🏵
Jun 09Reply
heavensparadise 🦋🦋Heyyyy 🌷🌷y'all!! 🌹🌹Here is a follow game to help you gain more followers. 💐💐 I hope you will share and tag your friends!!☀️🌞🌝🌤🌈🏖🏝⛱✝️✝️ (Formerly @marcie0707) @treasuresbytrac @creative2 @vicky_ymcagirl @everybreath @oneluv @fashionplz @tnrranch @carolynqx @ntaul @lisalovesbling @hmaek37 @gemsrpretty @missyaz @sharingiscarin @chiappoc @cato16 @ @chiaropashmina @pinkpin2364 @winefiend @shallowtail ❌Private List❌ Do not copy❌
Jun 09Reply
sweetieheart @grace4d next goal 125💃🏻
Jun 09Reply
auctionpricebtq @gat8or shared ❤️I have a 50k plus share group game you like to play...❤️
Jul 09Reply
auctionpricebtq @grace4d shared ❤️I have a 50K plus share group game you might like!💜
Jul 09Reply
gat8or @girltalk123 I haven't been able to do share groups the last few weeks, thanks for the reminder and when I can do them I'll come to you first. Thanks doll!!!
Jul 09Reply
auctionpricebtq @gat8or no I had put your name by accident I was telling grace I have 50K game sorry.
Jul 09Reply
gat8or @girltalk123 oh okay, no worries. 👍🏻😃
Jul 10Reply
samanthadoc Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 16Reply
jjulibean 💕💚🅟🅛🅐🅨🅔🅓! 💛💕 💕💚💛can yoυ play мιne ιn reтυrn? 💚 💗💕💚💛ғollow gaмe #2. 💕💚💛💗 🅣🅗🅐🅝🅚🅢 ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴛ ᴄʀᴜsʜ!! 😘💚💗   👩🏻💕     👧🏻   👚👍💚👋👕   👖               👗 👠👠          👡👡 💛🅼🆈 🅲🅻🅾🆂🅴🆃 🅲🆁🆄🆂🅷🅴🆂:💚 💗@kaylauribe_14 💚@trustar2011 💛@katlove2018 💗@gracelajules 💚@bella214777 💛@deborahrn
Aug 17Reply
kaylauribe_14 Done ✅ please check out my follow game if you haven't already ❤️ xoxo🌸
Aug 17Reply
danadevereaux Hey! Just saw you're from New Mexico. I was out there in early July, you guys have some really cool thunderstorms. Anyways thanks for the shares again haha
Aug 30Reply
grace4d @danadevereaux hi Dana! Our monsoon season is the highlight of our summer & I love it! Next time you come out this way, you know someone here! 😉Have you been to see white Sands? So beautiful.. ☺️🌻💖
Aug 30Reply
danadevereaux @grace4d no we really wanted to go when my boyfriend and I went but it was 3 hours out of our way!! I was so sad. My grandparents might be moving to Alamogordo so maybe one day I can get to see it :-). However I did get to visit Meow Wolf when I was in Santa Fe and it was AMAZING! Got caught in one of those monsoons trying to visit a meteor crater in Arizona on the way back and it was scary and awesome at the same time 😂
Aug 30Reply
grace4d @danadevereaux next time.. you must see it! It's amazing w wow gymsum sand. take some type of slide (round snow one works) to ride down the dunes.. I lived in AZ a long time & visited the meteor site several times. It is awesome.. Did u do the volcanic trails nearby & see the ice caves? So much to see out this way.. Alamogordo is a growing town. I like it there bc it's cooler & closer to Ruidoso! Just love it.. Ttys & u don't have to share all my stuff ok? 🙋🌻🌻🌻
Aug 30Reply
danadevereaux @grace4d yeah I've seen so many pictures of it online I thought it was all snow at first 😂 and no when we finally made it to where the crater is, they had us turn around because it was raining so hard that they closed it. Nearby off the freeway there was a fire from some lighting also. It's really beautiful out there and would love to go back, just the land itself is so pretty
Aug 30Reply
shelpen @rdomal @boutiquebisel another great follow game.
Sep 17Reply
debsfunfashion What is the secret? Also how are sales?
Sep 19Reply
grace4d @debsfunfashion secret? To posh? Followers? Follow everyone! Up to 1000 a day (seems impossible but doable dep on ur avail time). I'll send you a tip listing. As 4 sales..It's been slow the last 2 months 4 me. School started & it should pick up by October! 🙋 let me know if i can help. 🌻🌻🌻 Dee
Sep 19Reply
debsfunfashion @grace4d I am trying to follow everyone, throughout the day. Thanks for the info. Where are you sending that list?
Sep 19Reply
grace4d @debsfunfashion a few tips I haven't put up yet.. follow new poshers daily & follow veteran poshers followers (esp those w similar brands & sizes). If u share a veteran poshers closet share at least 10 so they will see it h share back. Believe me our news feed gets crazy full! It took me 2 years 2 get to 100k followers but I was part time. U def u get out what u put in. Ttys!☺🌻
Sep 19Reply
debsfunfashion So I go to veterans followers and follow their followers too?
Sep 19Reply
debsfunfashion Thanks for all the shares too. (By the way) have a great day.
Sep 19Reply
grace4d @debsfunfashion yes! There aren't any rules against it. You can follow mine.. often I follow who they follow.. lol. Its actually kind of fun - you met people & chat.. I really love that part.☺
Sep 19Reply
debsfunfashion Wish there was follow all bottom on each area... and not have to click each Follow bottom.
Sep 19Reply
grace4d @debsfunfashion that wb lovely to do one touch follow all! I doubt it will be in future updates.😉 This social connection is what makes posh unique from other selling platforms. I've done much better here than other sites.. building your followers takes time but its easier than it used to be!
Sep 19Reply
grace4d @debsfunfashion and yw on the shares. Def my pleasure (i love to shop). You have a blessed day! Reach out if u have ?s 🌻🌻🌻
Sep 19Reply
debsfunfashion Thank you so much.
Sep 19Reply
heavensparadise 🍭🍭Tag #1 Hey ya'll. 🍭🍭Here is a follow game to help you gain more followers. I hope you will share and tag your friends!! ✝️@treasuresbytrac @creative2 ✝️@vicky_ymcagirl @everybreath ✝️@oneluv @fashionplz ✝️@tnrranch @carolynqx ✝️@ntaul @lisalovesbling ✝️@hmaek37 @gemsrpretty ✝️@missyaz @sharingiscarin ✝️@chiappoc @cato16 ✝️@chiaropashmina @pinkpin2364 ✝️@winefiend @shallowtail ✝️@mandabeth062185 ✝️@cbay55 @j83lewis @linette89 ❌Private list❌Do not copy❌
Oct 05Reply
heavensparadise 🍭🍭Tag #2 Hey ya'll. 🍭🍭Here is a follow game to help you gain more followers. I hope you will share and tag your friends!! ✝️@winefiend @shallowtail ✝️@mandabeth062185 ✝️@cbay55 @j83lewis @linette89 ✝️@angelaenigro @aavena12 ✝️@mrs_guerrero209 @mimisinc1 ✝️@hwnislegal2005 @nolatiff ✝️@mscat22 @betjanz ✝️@mechylopes @lindzz84 ❌Private List❌ Do not copy❌
Oct 05Reply
heavensparadise 🍭🍭Tag #3 Hey ya'll. 🍭🍭Here is a follow game to help you gain more followers. I hope you will share and tag your friends!! ✝️@makemesmileale ✝️@gynasc @mscat22 ✝️@thecc_maria @xoxolea ✝️@ainnes @maryhastings ✝️@teresaj1963 @raggurl ✝️@x0x0amanda @sberg930 ✝️@crafty_chic @purplflamingo ✝️@alexandraz86 @russgirl ✝️@bellax5 @maryagrote ✝️@coddliwomple @girasolx31 ✝️@leeschwag ❌Private tag list❌Do not copy❌
Oct 05Reply
lynda721 @grace4d Wooo Hooo! Congratulations on hitting this milestone! 💥😄👍🏻🎈🎊💋💃🏻
Oct 14Reply
preciousandfew Followed, liked and shared. Please check out my FG too. Thank you! 😘
Oct 19Reply
grace4d @preciousandfew hi tu! Do u have a follow game? If so, please share it to my dressing room ok? Thx!🌻🌻🌻Dee
Oct 29Reply
giantsgirl72 Liked. Followed. Shared. 💫💫💫 Please join my follow game if you haven't already 💞💞💞 @giantsgirl72 💙
Oct 29Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF tag list #1 💃🏽@chlos_clothes 💃🏽@orangeblossoms 💃🏽@lindsofficial 💃🏽@rebekahstrunk 💃🏽@kokomokloset 💃🏽@rmolina77 💃🏽@diana_drotenko 💃🏽@katrinadianah 💃🏽@pct108 💃🏽@pbakhoum 💃🏽@poshonbudget3 💃🏽@gingerjane 💃🏽@moodtherapy 💃🏽@msupergn 💃🏽@kgokalga 💃🏽@bra_lover 💃🏽@renees_wardrobe 💃🏽@fashionqueen14 💃🏽@sdfree 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing ✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF tag list #2 💃🏽@tara07120 💃🏽@bradshk2 💃🏽@rnbowen01 💃🏽@katesbliss 💃🏽@1kindgreatfind 💃🏽@erinbickley 💃🏽@pleasanthailey 💃🏽@trice8604 💃🏽@thevelvetlion 💃🏽@classictrends23 💃🏽@mdmorr 💃🏽@reclaimedriches 💃🏽@1blondie9 💃🏽@daisytn 💃🏽@msplf1949 💃🏽@elle_fae 💃🏽@nicecloset1 💃🏽@noafive_apparel 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing ✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF tag list #3 💃🏽@annhua 💃🏽@coryannam 💃🏽@brashlyfe 💃🏽@tracymf 💃🏽@ali30157 💃🏽@belltwinz 💃🏽@camela11 💃🏽@katmiddlebrook 💃🏽@willowtreegrove 💃🏽@kmarielynch 💃🏽@harmfulkorine 💃🏽@sqkh73 💃🏽@kjrn1 💃🏽@rikid8728 💃🏽@angelaenigro 💃🏽@mcgn 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF tag list #4 💃🏽@kmloreng 💃🏽@sue0214 💃🏽@sywchristina 💃🏽@jackiescunha 💃🏽@creativeangel19 💃🏽@briannabee21 💃🏽@kbbubbab14 💃🏽@katd4 💃🏽@katieskorner 💃🏽@coleystmu 💃🏽@regencloud 💃🏽@shmataz 💃🏽@elt1124 💃🏽@vennietagianna 💃🏽@prettypink_love 💃🏽@thedormboutique 💃🏽@heidi76209 💃🏽@di_moda 💃🏽@msplf1949 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF Tag List #5 💃🏽@emg_2017 💃🏽@erinhaneyyy 💃🏽@yaznotyazzy 💃🏽@sbfashions 💃🏽@2amspecial 💃🏽@javamama1 💃🏽@lovely_lely 💃🏽@staciboyle 💃🏽@whitneygmartin 💃🏽@iheartfashion6 💃🏽@momogo 💃🏽@bettinasim 💃🏽@joy_d 💃🏽@jenalz16 💃🏽@collins_trott 💃🏽@lindzz84 💃🏽@lenag2003 💃🏽@shaylove 💃🏽@jakesma3 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF Tag List #6 💃🏽@snappymamma 💃🏽@verdigrissf 💃🏽@darthtribble 💃🏽@beachybabesbtqt 💃🏽@finga004 💃@amoc2001 💃@melissa_james 💃🏻@chercc 💃🏽@ktlnmoss 💃🏽@heatherdpalmer 💃🏽@leprojetvintage 💃🏽@avantxgarde 💃🏽@phoenixrising33 💃🏽@thriftymomboss 💃🏽@messenburg 💃🏽@lsaudert 💃🏽@schutza19 💃@kfhintx 💃🏻@sc3x3 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF Tag List #7 💃🏼@ctcandy 💃🏽@marlajennie 💃🏼@styleworkshop 💃🏽@jamieanne725 💃🏼@clotheshaus 💃🏼@cbeeching1 💃🏽@hsboesch 💃@norcal01 💃🏻@vintagerosebae 💃@danijo0508 💃🏻@jencantin 💃@mstrole 💃🏻@surfcitythreads 💃@serenaos 💃🏻@emmazu 💃@heatherdpalmer 💃🏻@xoxolea 💃@christasclothes 💃🏻@chealbells 💃@haleylineham93 💃🏻@lauren1308 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF Tag List #8 💃🏼@raerae52790 💃🏽@miss_jamie 💃🏼@agradschoolchic 💃🏻@almondsandivory 💃@cams1895 💃🏻@thefreshpair 💃@kay_smi 💃🏻@magg1996 💃@katieh1218 💃🏻@cindersnow12 💃@angelinal_ 💃🏻@absolutecalm 💃@donnapastore20 💃🏼@maryfindley 💃🏽@matinamaria 💃🏼@heatherpj 💃🏽@mmmanson 💃@plus_size_prof 💃🏻@herroyalmomness 💃@krein92 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF Tag List #9 💃🏽@cadet7687 💃@angelndskys04 💃🏻@teachlovesell 💃@bibiandmax 💃🏽@shaunaday 💃🏼@sdiehl77 💃🏽@hulablues 💃🏼@theprincessc 💃🏻@teachlovesell 💃@robsattic 💃🏻@sparklesndwhim 💃@tigereyes24 💃🏻@tamarc6 💃🏼@is222 💃🏻@swhite001 💃🏼@xiomaraxoxo 💃🏽@meliafleetwood 💃@hwindb 💃🏽@jessicalynn9363 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
ctedesc08 ✨✨✨FOLLOW GAME✨✨✨ PFF Tag List #10 💃🏼@kblack1189 💃🏽@sloanandfinn 💃🏼@rachelrbenson 💃🏽@alya8 💃🏼@jossmilan 💃🏽@redlipsara 🚫Private tag list🚫Do not copy🚫 ✨Join my tag list-see my PFF listing✨ Play our FGs too!✨
Nov 02Reply
agradschoolchic Liked and shared!
Nov 02Reply
jessicalynn9363 Done! Please come play my game too?!! 😙
Nov 02Reply
herroyalmomness @grace4d Liked and shared! Good luck! 🍀 Would you mind sharing my follow game as well? Thank you and Happy Poshing! 😊
Nov 02Reply
alya8 @alya8 💐 @karomel 💐 @vcher77 💐 @loveangmarie 💐 @shaunaday 💐 @ccaligiure 💐 @elanexige2015
Nov 03Reply
n2starbucks ☕️Follow Game☕️ #1 🔅@katewaz 💛@cherie9497 🔅@cmgillespie75 💛@verodee 🔅@heidy0622 💛@lovingpurple 🔅@alaska42 💛@rissa7791 🔅@jjj9_4 💛@trail_raven 🔅@classymodchic 💛@kblack1189 🔅@marlajennie 💛@brunomars90 🔅@andreajackett 💛@laniwon1 🔅@boutiquebtbay 💛@aevans37 🔅@miyah_01 💛@jessicalynn9363 🔅@awiz428 💛@meow7 🔅@livhop 💛@lovemariac 🔅@kevmc 💛@nicolekefi 🔅@queenof7seas 💛@crystal_maiden 🔅@cali099 💛@jennews 🔅@michelled73 💛@stacimccubbins 🔅@ashmarneu Private List Do Not Copy
Nov 08Reply
n2starbucks ☕️Follow Game☕️#2 🧡@faiga16 🔅@addyson80 🧡@aquariussurf 🔅@nstylechic 🧡@ellaarieta 🔅@2_blessed_girls 🧡@mamahustles 🔅@nuccikel 🧡@alllleycat 🔅@msuranye 🧡@rosebisou5 🔅@hustlin_hippie 🧡@ladyv8 🔅@cbananas 🧡@queenof7seas 🔅@annastasiyad 🧡@saedellinger 🔅@chelseab0822 🧡@msplf1949 🔅@cubanitatb 🧡@rocknrollsugar 🔅@sarasmile707 🧡@shuffman77 🔅@jennyfletcher1 Private List Do Not Copy!
Nov 08Reply
lovingpurple Follow Game! 💜@sueraep 💜@ragstoobags 💜@nicknacknancytx 💜@sanurse 💜@bcastro17 💜@cam0930 💜@krista711 💜@autumnkellyyy 💜@holyguacamole1 💜@kristin17555 💜@nicolemarie311 💜@alejandraz86 💜@yvannia 💜@mir7781 💜@kristenperry74 💜@heelsinthegym 💜@vagail1966 💜@nellyville1027 💜@thefive 💜@ajo007_ 💜@peacegoddess 💜@palyssas 💜@sarahk8lin 💜@beautywithbling 💜@marcellatedesco 💜@lovebytiger 💜@clara_h *Private Tag List, Please Do Not Copy* Hope you can play my Follow Game, as well. And bring some Posher Friends! : )
Nov 08Reply
lovingpurple Follow Game! 💜@viridianwaters 💜@vickyitalia 💜@lexbanks 💜@cduhon28 💜@ashdickerson 💜@joanne_101 💜@ficklefern 💜@amberosee *Private Tag List, Please Do Not Copy* Hope you can play my Follow Game, as well. And bring some Posher Friends! : )
Nov 08Reply
lipsticknjeans 🌹🌺🌈👣
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @vcher77 @karolmel @shellyrenee81 @fab4curvy @racheltrax6 @maria81412 @hj77 @trintycomedy @babysies @antitab @tfclark @bennh63 @kwilliamson311 @goldenqu33n52 @orangeblossoms @astepp325 @noafive_apparel @22tink @ddavis120 @azalika @momof2wstyle @feistybear @lopez9100 @styledbysamona @paigetaylor2392 @celis_closet @mirandamariee @catherez2003 PLEASE DO NOT COPY! THX!
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @lorenmiller22 @alyssahayes77 @_mpavia @mssparklez @itsjmomo @emilys_finds @ammiek @moxiefashion @kamskloset @pleasanthailey @cupcakelovah2 @alicia_h17 @mnle82 @honeybeezs @jsanchez8914 @lrfulmer @rdrury @babewithclaws @tinkdsntthink @look4u2buy @krichellle @cheesboutique @mnle82 @jzdesigns @mcabuki @luvnlaughter @jhsullivan98 @lauren4eventz @harmfulkorine 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @foreverstylish1 @meagurl44 @brandnameaddict @stacey717 @belltwinz @rebeccasam @lornablaire @littledear64 @moongoddess7 @nhrrmama @10frenzy @zebraboots @titistreasures @bitofedge @aliflower123 @avavictoriax @hkobie @warrior04 @vintage_closet @oleksandra88 @fergie0307 @jazsunshine @shopninjas @myraayn @tracy390 @onnam @jojointx @cbananas @finnryan 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @harlemsweetie94 @jkarnes203 @raeraebop @neese022368 @mvoss6 @christasclothes @rosebisou5 @deeeeegolden @tegwest @lmneuse @bell1971 @lmu1982 @jtineweb @may574nard @els610 @duchess1979 @nicecloset1 @brittanydenby @brinn65 @vickysecretpink @1_chicboutique @mattiesmith11 @jamieanne725 @akookie1 @h5reimagined @1sweettricia @navamary @tsilva626 @megheartz @sierracohen24 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @lindzz84 @msleslied @mccabec82 @fayesjewelry4u @vero_87 @saranwv @alberta_renew @celis___closet @mona_licia @b_rae11 @beauty_for_you  @coledianne @cbay55 @nsunderman @thevelvetlion @skullycrew6 @lindzz84 @ashnotketchum @magster5211 @lilwolfe1 @thedormboutique @more2love1 @flyingdaisy_com @pdb331 @jaysizzlee @herroyalmomness @holyguacamole1 @zanna118 @cmmasbat @jetset_go @jazz_nikole 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @travel15 @moody1104 @ynelis54 @justskirtingby @rikid8728 @kendal_amour @lorigattis @allytiger @ajohnsongattis @arshmani @rj40 @haleys_hanger @cancerf02 @6kretail @empowerwoman911 @lusette @nurseretire @ninjaspice @shopperhicks @alya8 @carolescreation @dressinglauren @michellemc462 @krystals9 @love2shareit @rachelclairmont @kgimigliano @clgreg @mstrole 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @m2goblu @tigggy27 @vbergs1 @sofiapv @crazyamerican @nrchan @lisa_555 @alyposh1 @jamiejesse @sue0214 @elle_fae @jpolley22 @reds0xluvr @dani9067 @czkumisbayev @momof2wstyle @marlajennie @jocemaries13 @jessicalina422 @americangirl66 @honeysheaven @_kayefelle @jacqueline2299 @vintageginger @adriidrii13 @angelochekk1989 @bpour09 @fashionosy @unltdstylonline 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @kaylauribe_14 @johnelem @668lwilliamson @mpp2108 @ccb2v @ansodo @seconds2love @randomgoodfinds @wiresnstitches @deveb @pauliney01 @suzesloane @livingsingle @daniyaz23 @bcristea95 @tlbutterfly @littlerascals @alicialarson701 @chillyne @sup111 @mariahbuchanan @paperxflower @forestean1 @girltalk123 @amberly0512 @courtneyreid77 @jhbposh @starwink8 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @nicolebattista @shaunaday @rosea1986 @tricegirl @lolabunsmami @pmolone @fashfabme @mrscandice @johnsontammi38 @swanstar @stephgarris @afong612 @karenjbrown @madswimmer2013 @rufus08 @malmm @sherriberri1 @goodies4lesd @queenallen @morgue6feet @camille110100 @pnwlife98 @cearajane @lubnaks @lollipopkissies @akgaribay @imaswthrt @sarahe10 @woahitslinny @burt1969 @ccaligiure 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @klasykitten @nicoletttewise @crlist8212 @clasbysydney @thewardrobewell @sfbrickhouse @the1jules @prettyimpink @ellarosebloom @sombraland @ali_thblondeone @sharosmith @hotkok0 @chloescloset08 @tractorqueen1 @airglobee @sweetiejen28 @johnandemily @lapetitemarie @erinbickley @star521 @prelovedkloset @vanedgard @jjj9_4 @shopwithmegan @almaled @demara @ashmarneu @msds2728 @xiomaraxoxo @msds2728 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @nickys1 @pratakid @alli_schreurs @posh_porter @kris10morgan @bellavivi @guusje @breeknight15 @emangino @poshboutique16 @xxsuscitatexx @meliadf @rachelrxbenson @eliseswank @justjess_08 @coconut_couture @notagswag @chic_hawaii_tea @livhop @darlingnicki69 @poshlifenyc @kristina225 @atbamorgan @boober243 @ava_closet @grmartinez @preciousandfew @trexinthecity @mapes84 @bremonkey93 @ajtlittle3 @debsuniqueshop 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @chartier @live_love_lola @katington @jodisward @hbicpoky @methila @sdiehl77 @weareprincesses @curliesshop @bricknbotanical @msthirftyjay33 @addyson80 @theprincessc @rissa7791 @angelicapparel @ohladybug @soulrebel27 @daledbetter @richestoriches @sdeck32 @feens50 @deestreasures @samjill10 @shopsavvychic @nstylechic @fmrp @krys_king @fashionbyjean @desireeroy18 @liamsmomx7 @mrsjensen1221 @indicaspa @pikapikavy 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @rachellynn03 @biggsboutique @skycliffe @shuffman77 @sueraep @chynnagrove @discoedit @cubanitatb @respunretro @livevely @classyfabcoco @tyancy4 @ladyv8 @rhonda720 @jjulibean @alysseswann @thebakaloid @nicacw84 @gdivs018 @armistok @georgiagurl1717 @csclids9880 @armistok @beautywithbling @elhamsaleh @msplf1949 @dmariek68 @aligirl1213 @mensstylehouse @college2classy @katsfinds @lovebytiger @mlb1006 @alyssabianca17 🚫Do not Copy List🚫
Nov 08Reply
vcher77 @grace4d 👣FG👣 @bohomeow @p_joyceschoices @jennayumyum @yvannia @4lisalisa @ragstoobags 🚫Do Not Copy🚫
Nov 08Reply
kgimigliano I've liked, followed, and shared! 💃🎉🤗🎉💃 Please check out my 2nd follow game if you haven't already 🎀😊🎀
Nov 09Reply
cmgillespie75 Tag list...🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 Private...Do not copy 🍀🍀🍀🌻🌻🌻🌞🌞🌞🎀🎀🎀 @herroyalmomness👛 @alyssathurston🐚 @bradfield_e🦄 @minority 🐉 @smilenini🦋 @missy3636🦊 @mattiesmith11🐞 @bellax5🐰 @karolmel🐬 @bgirl13🎈
Nov 09Reply
glitzblitz Liked, Followed, Shared 😀⭐️
Nov 09Reply
vickyp0108 Hi this is Vicky u just purchase a blouse from me you get a item for free could u plz leave a comment on it. It has to be equal or less it could be any item. Thank you
Nov 26Reply
blueberryfab This looks so great. Would anyone be interested in telling me how/what to do? ☺️☺️☺️Just starting to really focus on building my closet. Loving Poshmark. Such a great community of people ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 30Reply
grace4d @blueberryfab🙋 hi there! Posh has gotten so big w many new features to help buyers & sellers. I made this using pic collage & it's a game we play to help grow followers (bc that's how we help each other sell by sharing items or games).. what can i help you with? 🌻Dee
Nov 30Reply
blueberryfab Dee, that was so sweet of you to respond. I was actually just reading some articles online about how to do this. I understand that I should follow each person on the game. Do I click on each one and follow? I just want to make sure I'm not doing it the long way. And then I share the game and like as well? Thanks so much again!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️☺️
Nov 30Reply
grace4d @blueberryfab yes in the follow games just follow everyone on there. And another way is go into find people & follow new & posh ambassadors too. the more u follow.. the more will follow back. Then share ur items to ur followers & share others &it'll pay off (tho it takes awhile). 🙋🌻💖
Nov 30Reply
blueberryfab Thank you!!!!!
Nov 30Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞 List 1 👗@chic_hawaii_tea 👗@cecemariez 👗@jjj9_4 👗@myvintagevanity 👗@fashionconvert 👗@stacimccubbins 👗@amore923 👗@threadsobsessed 👗@fabandglitz 👗@ellawynn 👗@lollipopkissies 👗@momisnuttz 👗@cdy0810 👗@daisy65542 👗@candybycandy 👗@thatlovejones 👗@mkgiese 👗@cakegma 👗@debrennie 👗@judygarland 👗@shopwithmegan 💌Private List💌
Dec 08Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 2 👗@ohladybug 👗@honeybeezs 👗@moongoddess7 👗@karlapaooola 👗@vnarvaez80 👗@kprncss 👗@krys_king 👗@momogo 👗@belltwinz 👗@ivytrellis 👗@shannon06798 👗@ladycrackerjack 👗@missnew 👗@lexikenzie 👗@nstylechic 👗@afrenz 👗@unqiuestore 👗@kstratmann 👗@dixiechik30 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Dec 08Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞 List 3 👗@jossmilan 👗@msplf1949 👗@katieheck 👗@sbecker1962 👗@corleen 👗@ajohnsongattis 👗@angyinpink79 👗@marthaarellano 👗@redheadedone2 👗@gigishanger 👗@kimmyli 👗@girasolx31 👗@mhackford 👗@vickyrich 👗@jodisward 👗@cubanitatb 👗@stacy1973 👗@marla_lobo 👗@suzmamj 👗@shuffman77 👗@nadianbailey 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Dec 08Reply
cakegma Sorry for not participating lately however my daughter in law passed away and I haven’t been able to
Dec 08Reply
grace4d @cakegma 😔I'm so sorry ! It's ok to not participate ! Take care of urself & family. 🌻💖Dee
Dec 08Reply
grace4d @mlb1006 tu so much! 😚🌻💖
Dec 08Reply
jenwampler Please join my follow game if you haven’t already. Thanks!!
Dec 16Reply
grace4d @gigishanger here's my follow game ! Lmk if i can help you. Thx! 🙋🌻Dee
Jan 04Reply
gigishanger @grace4d Thanks! Joined already, BUT will gladly share it again!!! Have a wonderful day.
Jan 04Reply
51twenty WOOO HOOO
Jan 07Reply
jennifernora32 @grace4d Hi Love. I'm so glad to see you here today. I haven't chatted with you in too long. I hope you're doing ok Sweet Friend. Happy New Year too 🍃🌹🍃 Hugs and Love.
Jan 11Reply
coconut_couture Follow Game! 💎@chic_hawaii_tea 💎@jjj9_4 💎@shuffman77 💎@bridgemill 💎@swanagin 💎@abc_g 💎@pdcosc61 💎@poshmaymay 💎@heelsinthegym 💎@midtownlounge 💎@beriterinhoward 💎@punkinrn68 💎@alejandraz86 💎@hrtstyle 💎@haleys_hanger 💎@myvintagevanity 💎@rosebisou5 💎@mlb1006 💎@sweettsvariety 💎@ellarosebloom 💎@sparklesandglam 💎@seahighmarkett 💎@lalachica
Jan 13Reply
seahighmarkett 🌷LIKED🌺FOLLOWED🌸SHARED🌷 @ecmarie5
Jan 13Reply
jovigraham Hello all done. Plz like and share mine as well. The you much. Blessings 🤗🤗🤗
Jan 16Reply
davinandtheia Follow Game☝🏻 💟@gat8or 💟@shiloh077 💟@kuriouskitty13 💟@shopofthemoment 💟@designerdustbag 💟@spice_country 💟@warrior04 💟@kgokalga 💟@vabfashion 💟@dmb14325 💟@shesinspired 💟@angelaenigro 💟@thedormboutique 💟@starwink8 💟@coryannam 💟@miss_can 💟@seven13 💟@pepperrican 💟@tatertots135 💟@tracy390 💟@blakem125 💟@cherylroitman 💟@theprincessc 💟@brunomars90 💟@jace1616 💟@blueeyedbelly 💟@dani9067 💟@rikid8728 💟@kingamnich 💟@ellydru Please Join my FG too. Thanks! 😘 xoxo~Coney💋
Jan 19Reply
davinandtheia Follow Game☝🏻 💟@islaboutique 💟@bardecajb 💟@ctruelove74 💟@reenaerin 💟@joy_d 💟@jodisward 💟@tsumo 💟@thriftmom 💟@sammypants 💟@southernvariety 💟@celis___closet 💟@dressed4success 💟@dab_fairies 💟@thuqqieee 💟@coleystmu 💟@paolatorres86 💟@cerisseb 💟@jetset_go 💟@marlajennie 💟@adriannapauline 💟@jmglitz 💟@lauren4eventz 💟@shoppingnest 💟@kblack1189 💟@jacentacaree 💟@bellavivi 💟@daniyaz23 💟@andrea479 💟@proudmommy12360 💟@moongoddess7
Jan 19Reply
grace4d Hi. Shared yours. Pleaee share mine ? Thx a
Jan 21Reply
bella326 Thank you for playing my game, passing by to return the love 😘
Jan 21Reply
shelpen Hi. I’m Sondra. I asked someone else this question recently, and do not think it was you so Im asking again! I have never had a follow game though I have followed hundreds of them and hundreds of party announcements and sale signs. I don’t know how to get one started or the people to go to who can really get one going for you. Continued
Jan 27Reply
shelpen My closet has really suffered in the last 4 to 5 weeks. My sister and her husband were in a very serious auto accident. my sister is now in her fifth week of hospitalization. Her husband spent four weeks. In another city, my father-in-law has had four surgeries in five weeks and is 85. My husband and I have been trying to spend more time with our loved ones. Please pray for them. If you can offer any help or advice or people I can go to, I would appreciate it. Thank you
Jan 27Reply
grace4d @shelpen hi! Thx 4 reaching out.. follow games are fun & u can create a listing w a follow me sign & we can promote it.. but where u get sales is by following alot of new closets, participating in share groups & sharing ur own items several times a day. More in a minute! Have a sick kid last few days🤗🌻Dee
Jan 27Reply
grace4d @shelpen there's a app study done.. that says if you follow all new followers then list 3 new items right after & share 30 items of your closet at a time (returning shares as you go) that the app will show ur items higher in the feed.. it's worth a try.. i will definitely pray 4 ur family.. do y'all have a go fund me set up? I might be able to help some (that's what my closet is 4).. hang in there, don't lose faith🌻💖
Jan 27Reply
shelpen I have to freely admit as I have to others, Sharing hurts my hands and arms. I have never done as many daily shares on my own closet as I’m supposed to or shared back with the people who share mine. I sincerely know I need to do that! I lost sight in one of my eyes a few months ago and then now I have the family hospitalizations. Cont
Jan 28Reply
shelpen Another reason I would love to find someone to pay to help me. My closet doesn’t get the love I should give it. Thank you so much for your thoughts and help. I am 68 And my sister who was in the auto accident is 72 and my father-in-law is 85. used to have a lady that I paid to share my closet but she had to take another job. Thank you
Jan 28Reply
shelpen @grace4d I am so sorry about your sick child. You take care of your children don’t worry about me today. God never gives us more than we can handle, But right now my priorities are not posh is number one. I have to get back to that soon because I have so much money invested. Everything I sell and have not listed is reposh!!
Jan 28Reply
grace4d @shelpen hi there. My son only has a cold so I've time to spend.. did u see my comments under ur closet about doing mystery bundles? This is a proven, quick way to move items without 2 much extra work in shares.. I've RH & osteo arthritis.. use voltaren cream & it helps! We are closer in age 2! I completely feel 4 u & know how hard it is to posh 4 long periods. I do 1 hour in am, 2 at lunch, 1 after dinner then the evening party so it's only 4-5 hours a day.. ttys on more ok? 🌻💖
Jan 28Reply
happystar71 🌈🌈Come and sign up with a tag list and I'll feature your closet, share your follow game 5x + 3listings in 7 separate games to get mind blowing follows🎊🌈😉
Jan 30Reply
flutter_buys 🐾🐾 FG! 🐾🐾 🦋@fkard50🦋@angela_434🦋@abstractdreams 🦋@tonistwinkles 🦋@janimack7🦋@aerspamer 🦋@autumnlynn3 🦋@stunning_29 🦋@nic39 🦋@klbc3 🦋@tezza630🦋@lauras_boutique 🦋@brunomars90 🦋@abeautifulchoas 🦋@aries20601 🦋@skmcphee 🦋@followme73🦋@cathykasi 🦋@shannymike68 🦋@hcorbin🦋@sidleejewelry 🦋@hollypo🦋@tracigilliamx3 🦋@lucylakes 🦋@dblfunky 🦋@chic_hawaii_tea 🦋@smason25
Feb 10Reply
blueberryfab Amazingly Close!!! Congratulations!!!
Feb 11Reply
raeonahb @grace4d I’m so glad you love your leggings! I love the material too 😊
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞 List 1 👗@chic_hawaii_tea 👗@cecemariez 👗@jjj9_4 👗@myvintagevanity 👗@fashionconvert 👗@stacimccubbins 👗@amore923 👗@threadsobsessed 👗@lollipopkissies 👗@momisnuttz 👗@cdy0810 👗@daisy65542 👗@candybycandy 👗@thatlovejones 👗@cakegma 👗@debrennie 👗@judygarland 👗@shopwithmegan 👗@moongoddess7 👗@karlapaooola 💌Private List💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 2 👗@vnarvaez80 👗@krys_king 👗@momogo 👗@belltwinz 👗@ivytrellis 👗@missnew 👗@lexikenzie 👗@nstylechic 👗@afrenz 👗@unqiuestore 👗@kstratmann 👗@dixiechik30 👗@jossmilan 👗@msplf1949 👗@katieheck 👗@sbecker1962 👗@corleen 👗@ajohnsongattis 👗@angyinpink79 👗@marthaarellano 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞 List 3 👗@gigishanger 👗@kimmyli 👗@girasolx31 👗@mhackford 👗@jodisward 👗@lipsticknjeans 👗@stacy1973 👗@marla_lobo 👗@suzmamj 👗@shuffman77 👗@nadianbailey 👗@flugette 👗@persstylist 👗@pearlstash 👗@brittanydenby 👗@shybuggy 👗@ccookson7714 👗@michelled73 👗@simplyme_toyou 👗@abeautifulchaos 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 4 👗@meekala 👗@imonicuh 👗@lnalls 👗@24boutique 👗@elhamsaleh 👗@jennyfletcher1 👗@shopcranecreek 👗@avaandlala 👗@justbehappy33 👗@elguad 👗@agradschoolchic 👗@fab_n_frugal 👗@momandposh 👗@pepesposhcloset 👗 @jodiwillis_ 👗@sangriagirl27 👗@carolscreation 👗@christycm57 👗@houndstooth 👗@mommadeuce17 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 5 👗@p_joyceschoices 👗@mecookiemonster 👗@lovemymini 👗@seriouslycin 👗@lindsaygunter 👗@travelourcloset 👗@aettin01 👗@1abby 👗@jennmolina7 👗@cherie_lapin 👗@savssavvycloset 👗@macgirls77 👗@interiorviews 👗@stylishgimp 👗@angelapappas 👗@jackieshopsaz 👗@bluedaisy 👗@shopninjas 👗@mebraheim 👗@melstar2623 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 6 👗@rachelrbenson 👗@coopee03 👗@fsr2018 👗@michelemarie101 👗@massfashionista 👗@girltalk123 👗@autumnhayes08 👗@vintageginger 👗@kat0110 👗@slynn33 👗@jigdaliag 👗@sconstant1 👗@kristasilverman 👗@poshcoffeesnob 👗@tiedwithstring 👗@skmcphee 👗@leahrozay 👗@tsweets04 👗@audreykeyes 👗@lindadg 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 7 👗@niki_rylee 👗@nathaliepereda 👗@aligirl1213 👗@rosebisou5 👗@m_hendricks 👗@mccaluza 👗@yoused 👗@ssuper_starr 👗@nikkinak22 👗@hauteprincessa 👗@jesspark21 👗@your_adornment 👗@trexinthecity 👗@tcmacdesigns 👗@nicknacknancytx 👗@nellyang 👗@ann1923 👗@pearlstash 👗@marie_boutique 👗@maucri 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 8 👗@is222 👗@katherineasb 👗@madelineallen 👗@tracigilliamx3 👗@penguinholley 👗@ca_stella 👗@creativeoptions 👗@sshannbro5 👗@vero_87 👗@mayra_alexandra 👗@nino66 👗@skyh2711 👗@bekatnee 👗@katherinerising 👗@boho_bliss 👗@themrsbrady 👗@mememeee 👗@anelliah 👗@hcorbin29 👗@cwillow 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game!👗 💞💞💞List 9 👗@misslizd 👗@stylebycoley 👗@relove7 👗@heidy0622 👗@katesgarden 👗@medusa8383 👗@3_tiffany 👗@jenelaine83 👗@sweetpeabowgirl 👗@rehope8200 👗@treasurechest01 👗@jlsd 👗@claudiasdeals 👗@queenfish 👗@cwlurie 👗@theprincessc 👗@ktfranklin117 👗@greatbargains1 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Feb 13Reply
mlb1006 Feel free to join my Mystery Posher FG and FG! 💞💞💞
Feb 13Reply
flutter_buys 🎉👍💕😁💜 Congrats Darla!! Yeah!! Onwards to 200,000!! Along with me too! Let’s do it together!! 😜💜😁💕👍
Feb 13Reply
trendsettress shared 15! Now for the tag team....
Feb 25Reply
trendsettress 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 🙃My Fab Tag Babes😋 @rachelles_place, @michelleuhl, @p_joyceschoices, @ThingsofPlenty, @julsblu, @ken4567, @sup111, @queenfish, @icharb, @themrsbrady, @sweetster84, @vanedgard, @ktkinsss @rachelalaina16, @girltalk123, @bellauccello, @jaz62, @claire_posh, @madi11814, @jadehulsey, @silkandnylon, @aprillovesbrent, @denise1717, @pearlstash, @ericano, @mandygailg, @claudiasdeals, @seahighmarkett, @k_leigh_g, @chase1770 ,@iagirl1970, @ravenredlips, @pinkprep, @moongoddess7 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Feb 25Reply
grace4d @trendsettress tu !🎉🎉💃💃🎉🎉🥂🥂
Feb 25Reply
thingsofplenty Liked, shared, followed 😊 @ThingsofPlenty
Feb 25Reply
stylebycoley 🌼 @shahid_akbar🌸 @angela_434🌼 @drfontaine🌸 @thingsofplenty🌼 @minkalamour 🌸 @yinyanng🌼 @shopstylegrow🌼 @miamiluxurysell🌸 @simplyme_toyou🌼 @neenaerin🌸 @tatertos135🌼 @dab_fairies🌸 @tracigilliamx3🌼 @cobblestoneshop 🌸 @michelle_lynne_ 🌼 @vanedgard🌸 @peytonaa🌼 @yoused🌸 @agonz105🌼 @sweet2005🌸 @katievia🌼 @rosebisou5🌼 @foniraec🌸 @blinghill🌼 @ihavedeals1🌸 @homey123🌼🌸 @ladyposhy🌼 @momandposh🌸 @rachelrbenson
Mar 08Reply
stylebycoley 1|🌼 @abeautifulchaos 🌸 @lindsaygunther 🌼 @pearlstash🌸 @belltwinz🌼 @edgestyle 🌼 @elanascloset 🌸 @trendsettress🌼 🌸 @sfnyny515🌼 @dmarie380 🌸 @alhauck001🌼 @moongodess7🌸 @strickco3rd🌼 @peacegoddess 🌸 @queenfish 🌼 @mensstylehouse🌸 @loganblue12🌼 @staceypano🌸 @heathere7🌼 @amalfinunez🌸 @angelameyers889🌼 @pinkjade🌸 @ktnisss🌼 @phiamaebreezy🌸 @jjj9_4🌼 @mlb1006🌸 @holley33884🌼 @poshcoffeesnob🌸 @holley33884🌼 @paradiseclosetx🌸 @houndstooth🌼@rachelles_place
Mar 08Reply
heyheyitskk714 Congratulations!!🎉🎉🎉 Feel free to come play my first ever follow game!!💖💖💖I'm also doing a share 5 game!!!💞
Mar 08Reply
etherialaura @zannabell @basicallymonay
Mar 12Reply
crownandanchor Glad to share, I need peeps😋🤣🤩
Mar 30Reply
iclothes4u @iclothes4u Hi Darla. I was hoping that you could give me some advice on how to gain more followers on my follow game. It has just kinda gone dead. I have sent it to your dressing room and I’m hoping you can review it and help me get it going again.
Apr 11Reply
grace4d @iclothes4u hi there. My game has def slowed as my 1st filled up within months & this one has been a year. Lately the trend in follow games is down. Most are playing the secret (or fairy) posher games where u follow all the followers of the posher chosen 4 that day. There are hundreds of those & u gain 200+ ppl per day just by playing them. I've tried it & it works. Search 4 them by key words or I'll tag u. ☺🌻💖
Apr 11Reply
iclothes4u @grace4d That would be awesome. Thanks so much for your help!!
Apr 11Reply
misankohappy Ur so close I can’t wait to get to 200k!
Apr 22Reply
shelpen @gunner1215 FOllow games! great one because she has over 500 followers. Someday I have to get my own follow list! If you’ve never followed one, click “like.” Very important. Then go to her follow count and it will pull up all of people following. All you do is go through the list and click on anything blue which means you’re not already following that person. Please be sure to share a few items from the host closet and share this post on to all your friends each time you see it.
Apr 22Reply
lalipop0522 Liked, followed and shared!🧡🧡 Check out my follow game too!🧡🧡 🧡Private List🧡DO NOT COPY🧡 @mommalis @icharb @lollipopkissies @mistybear0619 @eschwab11 @k2severett @claire_posh @trendsettress @bell1971 @rachelles_place @thingsofplenty @vcher77 @shopwithmegan @Ihaag721 @poshgarden @rochelleamber @pink_pearl @styleloft1 @marisalm @mkt81 @mandygailg @gplangar @nicholesanchez76 @nic_serena @marisalm Let me know if you want to be removed!🧡🧡
Apr 25Reply
houndstooth @icharb Thank you for tagging me! Picked up quite a few new blues! 💙💙💙
Apr 25Reply
houndstooth 🎉🎤🎉 @grace4d FOLLOW GAME! Almost to 200K!!! 💿 @graceandcotton 🎸 @loveeevintage 🎧 @queenfish 🎫 @coconut_couture 🎵 @cwatts333 🎙 @trueloves_trove 📀 @lipsticknjeans 🎟 @sunraes62 🎤 @shopofthemoment 🥁 @lhaag721 💿 @piccadilly_posh 🎸 @lindsaygunter 🎧 @abeautifulchaos 🎫 @alaska42 🎵 @fleurdelis13 🎙@peytonaaa 📀 @grapeminds 🎟 @tracigilliamx3 🎤 @rachelrbenson 🥁 @modmeover 😍Please Ask If You Wish To Be Removed 👇Continued👇
Apr 25Reply
houndstooth CONTINUED 💿 @rosebisou5 🎸 @bell1971 🎧 @gm2017 🎫 @jcrewgal81 🎵 @sheashea93 🎙 @jjj9_4 📀 @scgirl1961 🎟 @glasshselndry 🎤 @mlb1006 🥁 @stylehunter13 💿 @bethybd 🎸 @sg1771 🎧 @shopninjas 🎫 @janellno5 🎵 @luturnbull 🎙 @styleimperative 📀 @ineffable_100 🎟 @giantsgirl72 🎤 @americangirl66 🥁 @chic_hawaii_tea 💿 @aligirl1213 🎸 @jkelly77 🎧 @shop_essentials 🎵 @schx4 🎫 @jrerin 😍Please ask if you wish to be removed
Apr 25Reply
icharb @houndstooth glad to hear it
Apr 25Reply
thesalleylin @icharb Thank you for the tag. Have a great day 🙂
Apr 25Reply
icharb @thesalleylin you too 😀😀🍭
Apr 25Reply
claudiasdeals @icharb thanks for adding me
Apr 26Reply
claudiasdeals Unable to like because there are already 699 likes. I did follow and share plz tag me when you create a new listing thx
Apr 26Reply
icharb @claudiasdeals you too thanks for keeping me included 😀😀
Apr 26Reply
grace4d @claudiasdeals hi i have a news follow game up & tu so much 4 the heads up! 😃🌻Dee
Apr 26Reply

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