R.I.P. Junebug 😭 01/28/21
$8 $9,999
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To all of my PFF’s who have been following Junebug’s journey, today she crossed the rainbow bridge. I held her in my lap & she went easily & peacefully. I am devastated. Thank you to everyone who continued to check up on her & who have been here for us. 🌈😢 Miley is going to be lost without her!!! Funds from my closet will continue to support Miley’s care for arthritis and heart murmur.
Our Junebug is critically ill (diabetes & pancreatitis) & this closet helps me afford the massive vet bills!

780 others
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Apr 26Reply

@mcjayne @shopoholic91 thank you sweethearts
Apr 26Reply

@shopoholic91 it's not looking good. Her liver is failing. May have to make the worst decision tonight. Will know in an hour. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Apr 26Reply

@lalexander5592 this is why 😢
Apr 29Reply

@lalexander5592 mine has pancreatitis and diabetes (sudden onset) and is insulin resistant. Her organs are shutting down too! We have her at home now to see if she will stabilize out of the hospital but it doesn't look good. She will probably go back in the hospital Monday 😢😢😢. I'm so sorry for your pupper! It's so hard!
Apr 29Reply

@lalexander5592 and thank you!! 😘
Apr 29Reply

@carlagvm hi there! She's still fighting! She's at the vet again today doing glucose monitoring and liver function tests. She gained a pound so that's encouraging! Praying we get good blood work today. If not....it's not going to be good 😢. Regarding the boxes, I thought it was for everything in the listing?
May 05Reply

@carlagvm I mean, I need the large box & dust bag. Can I get those for what I paid?
May 05Reply

@carlagvm ok that'll work. Thanks.
May 05Reply

@iqclothessavvy Thanks so much doll! 😘
May 06Reply

@paige661 I started poshmark because of a super sick pup too! Great fun to report good news on our end. Sending you love, hope, and healing!!!
May 16Reply

@mrshare1 thanks doll! It's one day at a time here but we may be on the uptake. Her days with us may be shorter but she still has quality of life. Testing Friday! Fingers crossed 🤞🏻!!
May 16Reply

I'm so sorry to hear that! And I completely understand what you're going through! My baby boy Jax had to have surgery last year, his left hind leg had to be amputated, and his vet bill was around $3,600! Good luck hun, I'll share this as many times as I can!
May 20Reply

@lexidashiell thank you!! We are one day at a time now 😢
May 20Reply

@sncarmona thanks so much! She's severely diabetic and older so lots of vet visits and monitoring. One day at a time!
May 20Reply

@vicky_ymcagirl thank you!!
May 24Reply

Girls, you know I don't share a lot of sales..but this is to help a sweet fur baby! @jodisjewelry @nic39 @stylenu @tburg21 @croweart @exwolfe @tezza630 @heavensparadise @restlessangel @triciatx @poshsweetly @creative2 @warrior04 @luvabully3
@shenanigans949 @juliejoff
@flowersnmyheart @abstractdreams
May 24Reply

@vicky_ymcagirl you're an angel! Thank you!!!
May 24Reply

You got it; VERY happy to share, for this cause. @vicky_ymcagirl
May 24Reply

@thechicbohemian thanks so much!!!
May 24Reply

We fur baby mamas have to stick together! 🐾❤🐾☺
May 24Reply

@vicky_ymcagirl that's right!!! She's fighting hard and we are sticking with the treatment as long as she seems happy and has a quality of life. Time will tell.
May 24Reply

@abstractdreams thank you SO MUCH!!!
May 24Reply

Please don't feel the need to return my shares. I just hope they turn into many Sales for you & June Bug!💋
May 24Reply

@abstractdreams awwwww I'm so sorry!!! It's so hard to lose our beloved members of the family. And so expensive! I chose the wrong profession, for sure! Thank you so much for the shares. You're very kind.
May 24Reply

@paige661 Sending ((hugs)) & prayers for you all as well.❣
May 24Reply

Thank you Linda for the alert - I'm sorry for your heartache, Kim. A sick furbaby is hard.
May 24Reply

Thank you Linda @abstractdreams
May 24Reply

@tpmom she's a beagle mix. Good call! She has the spirit and sweetness of a beagle. Allllllll love and not a mean bone in her body. Sweetest doggie in the world and a favorite at the vet. Everyone is rooting really hard for her. Thank you so much! I'm truly touched by everyone. ❤️❤️❤️
May 24Reply

@tezza630 thank you sweetheart. Y'all are amazing!!
May 24Reply

@51twenty 😘😘😘 thank you!!!
May 24Reply

@paige661 I have 2 rescue beagles and have been through this, is it Cushings disease ?
May 24Reply

@tpmom she went into ketoacidocis from diabetes (that we didn't know she had) and her body shut down. She has severe pancreatitis and her kidneys were shutting down. We are very slowly getting it under control with strict diet & insulin shots. The ketoacidosis also caused her to go totally blind so we are dealing with that too.
May 25Reply

@tpmom all that being said, even the vet agrees, she's still her happy, waggy, sweet self and she's not "telling us" that she's as sick as she was. She was eating, drinking, doing business, and seemed ok (which is why it got as bad as it did - no signs until she crashed!) So its one day at a time. Love our beagle babies!!!
May 25Reply

I'm so sorry to hear this! ❤️
You're welcome.
May 25Reply

@paige661 She is lucky you're her mom. Dogs adjust well to blindness and the beagle part will make her use scent.
May 25Reply

🙋Hi.. have a go fund me? I'll help🌻🌻🌻 Dee. Pff, prayers & share plz.. @sparrowsage
May 25Reply

@grace4d ohhh that's super sweet! I think I'd just rather try for sales... Appreciate you offering! I feel like there's way too many people on GFM that need the charity WAY more than we do!
May 25Reply

@paige661 ok.. i shared now i should shop. 😉
May 25Reply

@grace4d thank you doll face!!!
May 25Reply

@grace4d I just bought an item to help bcuz I didn't see a go fund me.
May 25Reply

@thiechelle socks? No 😜
May 26Reply

@thiechelle why socks? LOL
May 26Reply

@thechicbohemian thanks hun! 😘
Jun 23Reply

Shares of your wonderful closet with my prayers for your precious pup. We lost our beloved beagle Charlie a year ago. He was my first child! Wishing you the best! Sondra
Jun 26Reply

@fabloot thank you sweet lady!! She's going back into the hospital today 😢. She's not doing well at all. Appreciate the prayers!!
Jun 26Reply

@paige661 Hello and my very best wishes for the pup 🙏🏻 They are smarter than all of us humans put together will ever be
Jun 27Reply

@hmok7411 thank you so much for thinking of her! She's not doing very well actually. She's been in the hospital the last couple of days. Possibly pancreatitis flare again. She's being monitored but the vet is worried and so are we!
Jul 02Reply

Omg, I would be devasted! I'll keep sharing your listings for you to help!
Jul 10Reply

@moodtherapy thank you so much!!
Jul 10Reply

@paige661 What is happening with the dog? I have my 4th Labrador. I understand. My prayers & love ❤️ are with your family. I stopped over because I found education u gave me when I was taking a bag out of stock. Thank you for the help. I will check back.
Jul 23Reply

@mpp2108 thank you for asking and thinking of us! She has good days and bad. Had a crash a few days ago but we caught it early. Just taking it one day at a time. 😢
Jul 23Reply

How is your baby doing?
Jul 29Reply

@lacie510 she's hanging in there! She's actually stabilizing which is a miracle. If she keeps doing as well as she has I may try to raise the money to have her cataracts taken off - if the doc thinks it's safe enough to do it. If she wasn't blind I think she would improve so much more!
Jul 29Reply

@lacie510 thanks for checking on her 😘
Jul 29Reply

@paige661 I am stopping in to see how everything is going. The 7/29 comment sounded hopeful. I will keep praying & sending positive thoughts.
Aug 12Reply

@mpp2108 hey chickie! She's hanging in there! Thanks so much for asking. The vet bills are still outrageous as she needs constant monitoring but we are doing insulin twice/day and she's on a new medication for her tummy. Blind as a bat but doing well finding her way. Appreciate your thoughts and shares!
Aug 12Reply

Your pretty baby🐶
Aug 14Reply

@deborahsbird thanks hun. She's such a sweetie! Thanks for the shares!
Aug 14Reply

Omg your Junebug is too precious💕💕
Sep 02Reply

@debhallenb oh thank you! She's a sweetheart, for sure. My closet is basically dedicated to her now and keeping her healthy. The medical conditions require a lot of monitoring, blood work, regular visits to the vet and medications. But she's worth it! It's keeping her as healthy as she can be. She's my baby!
Sep 02Reply

@paige661 I can understand that wholeheartedly. We had to say goodbye to one of our furbabies earlier this year. Our beloved Molly (she is my "meet the Posher" pic) she developed a nasal tumor. I know how expensive the medical bills are. I will share your closet often...which is very beautiful by the way☺💕
Sep 02Reply

@debhallenb awwwww I'm so sorry! It's so hard to lose our sweet fur babies. I must say it's been a pleasure to meet you today! Always nice when you find a new PFF 😊. I appreciate your shares and I'll do the same! And thank you for the sweet compliment. Your closet is awesome too and I'll return the favor!
Sep 02Reply

Your Junebug is adorable and such a fighter!! I love that you and your family are doing everything possible to help her. Furbabies are family. They give us so much love and support every moment of every day. ❤️
Sep 03Reply

Hope she is ok, the cat loves her too
Sep 04Reply

@cancerf02 thank you! The kitty (Miley) is her very best friend. They cuddle like this all day.
Sep 04Reply

I've added your sick very loved precious fur baby to my 🙏🏻's. I have a Alex & Ani like dog bracelet in my closet. If you look at the comments on that listing---I posted a reading for another Posher my Vet gave me when I lost my little "Buddy". You may want the read it. You and your fur baby are in my 🙏🏻's. God bless.🌷💕🙏🏻🐕🙏🏻💕 🌷. Stephane
Sep 04Reply

@stephanekaye thank you so much!!! She's so precious and we need all the prayers so I greatly appreciate it. I will check out the reading. Thank you!! ❤️❤️
Sep 04Reply

Oh sweetie I'm so sorry about your gorgeous little baby I don't have children in the sense of human but I'm a fur mama and I couldn't imagine having to go through this. You all are in my prayers and I will see what I can do about helping with needed sales. God bless ~ Patricia 🕇😢🌹🐶🐕💚💚💚💚💚💜💜💜💜💜
Sep 12Reply

@p_joyceschoices thank you sweetie!! I appreciate it so much. We are just doing everything we can for her. Any money I make goes to her ongoing care so I can use all the help I can get! You're a doll! Today, she's doing pretty ok! Sleeping soundly on her doggie bed on this rainy day 😊
Sep 12Reply

@gsd4k 😊😊😊
Sep 12Reply

@p_joyceschoices you're welcome! It's only fair and it only takes a few minutes of my time. I try to give more then I receive hun. Laws of attraction! Thanks so much for the shares. You have a beautiful closet! 😘
Sep 12Reply

@p_joyceschoices it's been VERY slow these last several weeks! We'll just keep on sharing and hope we get some sales up for ourselves! 😃
Sep 12Reply

@vanyataycoon not now that she's already sick. 😢 In hindsight I wish I had gotten it for her when she was younger!! The crazy costs associated with managing her disease are insane. If I ever get another doggie I will absolutely purchase it!!!
Sep 18Reply

@vanyataycoon and thank you sweetie. She loves her belly rubs and, now that she's blind, adoooooored kisses between her eyes on her nose and to snuggle her face into my neck. It's soooooo sweet!!! She lives that physical, close contact. She's always been a cuddle bug but now especially so. And you should see her nighttime tuck in routine! Burrito into a soft blankie. So cute!!!
Sep 18Reply

@paige661 OHH semes as same deal as with humans here with preexisting cond. not american we didn't purchase it for our munchkin either yet but think i will have my new hubby start looking into getting insurance for him live in nyc every vet visit 500 any extra on top of regular visit sky rockets wish best of luck shared some things hope it helps vanya nyc
Sep 18Reply

@yanirax if you get some more listings let me know. My daughter loves bombers and tops like you've had in the past.
Sep 18Reply

One of my eight dogs just finished her 15th radiation treatment (4 more to go). The effort is being done to kill any remaining cancer after having a sarcoma cyst removed so she can enjoy 3 to 5 more years of a healthy life. Pets are wonderful --- unconditional love and support. My Dachshund even gives me smiles to cheer me up when I'm having a bad day. Couldn't live without having a pet in my home. Give yours a hug from me and my pack! ;-)
Sep 22Reply

What a beautiful baby! Wishing junebug a speedy recovery and may you guys be strong during this difficult time! 💕
Oct 16Reply

@alyalba awwww thank you so much!! She’s a cutie pie for sure!
Oct 16Reply

@alyalba unfortunately she won’t “recover” 😢. It’s maintenance now. She’s diabetic and blind. Her pancreatitis is under control so it’s insulin twice a day and constant monitoring. This closet helps pay for the costs as it gets expensive!
Oct 16Reply

@paige661 Oh gosh I can’t even imagine how hard that must be. I have 8, so I know how expensive those bills can get. But Both of you are so extremely lucky to have each other, so many people would have given up on their fur babies. I truly wish you all the best! 😊💕
Oct 16Reply

@alyalba eight?! My goodness! You just have your hands full. We have two kitties and our Bugger. She’s a doll. We have to give her the best chance and she’s happy and doing well with the monitoring so we’ll keep on going!
Oct 17Reply

💕💕💕🌹to the doggie
Oct 19Reply

Poor babe, she is so cute
Oct 20Reply

@j5tar thank you! She’s a sweetie pie for sure! Currently curled up with her BFF Miley the kitty. 😊
Oct 20Reply

Hi. Is it possible to make a donation somehow. I am so sorry about your doggie. I am a dog lover and have 2 and would give up anything to help them. ❤️
Nov 06Reply

Nov 06Reply

@abstractdreams thank you! 😘
Nov 06Reply

@kstyle1234 that is so incredibly sweet!!! Really, all proceeds from my closet go to her care so if you see something you like that would be your donation! I appreciate it so much. She just recently had a diabetic shock episode so I am paying off about a $2500 bill!
Nov 06Reply

@paige661 I will find a few things tonite. ❤️❤️
Nov 06Reply

@kstyle1234 thank you sweetheart! I have tears!!!
Nov 06Reply

@kstyle1234 I just listed a few new things too 😊
Nov 06Reply

Aw adorable with the cat💕
Nov 09Reply

@agreenl they are BFFs! Snuggle together all day. 😊
Nov 09Reply

@susanandtrixie awww sending lots of love to your doggie as well! Will share your closet to help you get some sales! Thank you!
Nov 09Reply

@kstyle1234 I’ve listed a ton the last few days! Appreciate your support!
Nov 09Reply

Kim Good lord I’m a 🐄 I totally didn’t realize that was you about the dress .
You can lowball the heck out of that dress .
I am so sorry I was half asleep .
Nov 09Reply

@catwalk2reality bahaha! It’s cool! I dont think it will fit her. She’s a 34-B.
Nov 09Reply

@paige661 I’m thin with 36 I could pull it on if you want ?
I remember thinking the Waist is tiny .
Nov 09Reply

@koldkashk thanks sweetie! She’s holding her own!
Nov 09Reply

Aww prayers for beautiful puppy to get better🙏🐾🍖💐🎰
Nov 11Reply

Prayers for your beautiful furball....🐶
Nov 12Reply

@chitters thanks sweetie!
Nov 12Reply

@jenfab2007 thank you! We need them!
Nov 12Reply

@raelynnrose21 thank you so much!!! 😘😘
Nov 14Reply

@paige661 Praying for your baby girl!! ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Nov 15Reply

@kimkjc2 thanks sweetie! Us too!!
Nov 15Reply

Poor baby 🐾♥️ Sending love, light and healing your way. Hope you get lots of sales to help with the vet bills. Fur babies are so worth it. Sneak her an extra treat for me 🐶
Nov 16Reply

@stylebyvalerie Thank you!! She's a sweetheart. No treats for her but maybe I'll slip her an extra green bean :)
Nov 16Reply

@classyrancher thank you - me too!!! She’s improving slowly 😊.
Nov 22Reply

@eatcakefirst740 yes!!! She’s doing much better. Thank you!
Nov 24Reply

I’m so sorry to hear about your baby! I can’t imagine watching my two boys go through something like that. I’d be absolutely devastated but I’d do exactly what you’re doing; sell everything under the sun, including my blood, to pay to keep them healthy. I feel as you seem to; that a furry member of the family deserves the same medical treatment as a human, especially for everything they give you during their lives! You’re in my thoughts and I’m so proud to have met you!
Nov 28Reply

@happybeach thank you so much for this sweet comment! It’s very validating! We will fight with her as long as she’s happy and has a quality of life and the vet agrees she has the ability to live for a good long while if we keep treating her. But, yes, SO EXPENSIVE! I will buy insurance on the next pet for sure! I’m selling everything I can to help pay for it. As a single mom I have to!
Nov 28Reply

@paige661 not many self professed animal parents are willing to do that when the time comes because “it’s just a dog” or “it’s too expensive”, what you are doing is admirable! Gives me faith that others have done the same as I have (cancer). Keep up the amazing parenting! (PS-giving plasma pays nearly $400 a month, at least it does in WI and MN...) 👏👏👏👏👏
Nov 28Reply

@happybeach I’ve actually considered that! It’s at a premium here in Nashville. As long as I can keep selling I’ll stay off the plasma wheel as the last time I did that regularly I ended up with pneumonia! Not good for me to do in flu season but I wouldn’t rule it out. Thank you so much. And keep fighting! I’m so sorry to hear that.
Nov 28Reply

@asthticxfrnds thanks so much!!!
Nov 29Reply

Oh my goodness! Poor baby! Sending your furry child good vibes and wishing the little one a speedy recovery. 🙂
Nov 30Reply

@happybeach thank you so much!!! It’s greatly appreciated 😍😍😘😘
Nov 30Reply

@peekcleo thanks sweetie!!! 😘
Nov 30Reply

I hope your sweet baby gets well soon! Sharing and praying
Dec 03Reply

@inga1 thank you! She’s in critical condition tonight at the emergency vet. No sleep for me tonight! Appreciate the prayers. Note to everyone: diabetic dogs will eat ANYTHING
and do ANYTHING to get it! 😢😢😢
Dec 03Reply

@paige661 Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that! I pray that she will get better!
Dec 03Reply

@paige661 I’m so sorry to hear that!😔 How is she doing?
Dec 05Reply

Hi soo sorry hope she makes it🎊🎅🎁🎄🌹
Dec 07Reply

I’m sorry for all your struggles with this cutie. My boxer ate baking cocoa too. Fortunately, she came out unscathed. I’m not exactly sure what homeopathy can do for her but I’d highly recommend looking into it. There are vets who do phone consults. It saved my daughters dog from acute kidney failure and has pushed her into healing from her pancreatitis. To be honest, I don’t trust traditional vets and always look for alternatives.
Dec 10Reply

@wawamama I’d LOVE to hear more! She is pretty well maintained now but I hate having to take her in for the expensive monitoring of her sugar and ketone levels. She’s so delicate that anything can throw her off! If I keep her diet and insulin perfect she does well. I steam fresh green beans for her meals & she eats science diet glycobalance food.
Dec 10Reply

I'm so happy to read she's doing better! :)
Dec 10Reply

@paige661 Hi! I'm in the same boat with my dog. My thoughts and prayers go out to you❤️
Dec 10Reply

@momogo I’m so sorry to hear that! Thank you for the support. Sending prayers up for your pup!!
Dec 10Reply

I'm so sorry, loss one of my babies in May, devastated me!! Prayers for you and your baby. 🙏🏼💙
Dec 11Reply

@kathyallen thank you!!! I’m so sorry you lost one of your babies. It’s heartbreaking!
Dec 11Reply

This link is what we used to find a vet
Click find a vet, at the top. I only looked at vets who did 75-100% homeopathic. I wanted someone who lived it, not dabbled in it. We used a vet in MD.....we’re in NY and this state doesn’t license any kind of alternative docs/vets. I chose her bc if I needed to drive, we could.
Dec 11Reply

I don’t know what they can do at this stage of the game but I would certainly research and make a couple calls. You never know. It’s worth a couple phone calls. I had a diabetic dog years ago. I know how precise and scheduled everything has to be. So stressful.
I found you bc somebody shared your blog post about these damn new algorithms. I appreciate your knowledge.
Crossing al, fingers and paws for you and your sweet pooch.
Dec 11Reply

@wawamama thank you! I think she can live a good life this way as long as we stay regulated. Just wish the stupid vet bills weren’t so high! Glad you liked the post! I put up a new one today about the styling feature 😂
Dec 11Reply

@wawamama that vet resource is great! Thanks for sharing! I also live a green healthy lifestyle, even as a commercial makeup artist.
Dec 11Reply

My heart and prayers go out to your baby! Looks just like mine that passed away this year! I'll look through your closet to try to help out 🌼
Dec 16Reply

@grandmakris10 thank you so much!!! She was just in the doggie ER last weekend but she’s doing better. Never a dull moment. I’m so sorry you lost your pup! My heart goes out to you.
Dec 16Reply

@grandmakris10 let me know if you see anything. Prices negotiable!!!
Dec 16Reply

@paige661 love and prayers for your sweet baby 🐶
Feb 03Reply

@beckycush thank you!!
Feb 03Reply

Precious fur baby ❗️ We have a Pit Bull baby we are paying over $4,000 on Vet bills 😟 Wish yours well 🤞
Feb 26Reply

@jad040492 Thank you! She's such a sweetie. She's been doing well but is having some trouble now :(. Appreciate the good wishes! The vet bills are so hard... I hope your pittie is doing better!
Feb 26Reply

Sending prayers to you and your sweet little one!
Mar 19Reply

@michelet1972 thank you so much!
Mar 19Reply

@susanandtrixie awww do you have a diabetic doggie too? Sending lots of love out to you and sweet Trixie!
Apr 12Reply

I'm SO sorry about your dog!!! Prayers!
Have a posh question for you, this morning when I checked my account I had a credit of $68.78. I have no idea what it's for or where it came from. Whst is a credit and how do they work?
Apr 12Reply

@kellyjosey thank you!!! Credits come from when you sell stuff. So when an item is shipped it comes in the form of a credit. You can either use it on Posh or transfer it to your bank. Sometimes Posh will issue you a credit of a case went wrong and they found in both of your favors but a positive credit balance is almost always from sales.
Apr 12Reply

Shared hope to sell stuff faster!
Apr 25Reply

@kugelschreiber thank you!!! She’s definitely our baby. ❤️
May 02Reply

What a sweet baby! I hope she is doing well.
May 25Reply

@kmt1213 she’s hanging in there! She’s having tests run today on her pancreatic and liver function. Hoping everything comes back ok!
May 25Reply

@kmt1213 and thanks for asking! 😘
May 25Reply

@indaybebot thank you so much! It’ll be ongoing care for the rest of her life but she’s doing pretty well right now. 😊 🐾
May 30Reply

I'm sorry your baby is sick
Jun 05Reply

I am so so sorry. My heart breaks for you. Fur babies are truly our babies 😊❤️
Jun 05Reply

Prayers for mans best friend 🐶
Jun 06Reply

Sorry about your little sugar. Hope she is doing well now.
Jun 06Reply

@nancyherrington thank you SO MUCH! Yes, it’s a very long, very expensive haul! Also being a single parent Posh is the ONLY way I am able to supplement her care. Pet insurance is so important! I will never, ever not get that with future pets. It would have saved me. Your prayers are appreciated. She’s going through a hard time right now so she needs them. You’re so sweet. Thank you!
Jun 06Reply

@shine247 thank you! Not doing so hot right now but working with the vet & hopefully getting her back on track. Thanks for asking!!
Jun 06Reply

@paige661 Praying for her. We have two labs that are our children. Hope you sell the most expensive thing in your closet to help relieve the expenses. ❤
Jun 06Reply

Best of luck with your doggo. So sorry about everything
Jun 06Reply

Jun 06Reply

@carearings thank you so much! We can use them! 🐶 🐾
Jun 06Reply

@newlatj1 awwww I’m so sorry to hear that!!! May sweet Maximilian Rest In Peace over the rainbow 🌈 bridge 😢. Yes, they are our family and we would give anything for them! I hope you’re able to find another seizure dog soon. Won’t ever replace your dear one but can help the hurt.
Jun 07Reply

@paige661 So sorry about your pup :( I know how it feels (and costs) to have a sick one. Sending prayers. Hopefully the shares will help get sales ♥♥♥
Jun 07Reply

@makanaboutique I appreciate it SO MUCH and am sorry if you’ve been through this. You’re the best!
Jun 07Reply

@paige661 Awww you're welcome. I know how it is. I lost my 17 year old Eskie 2 years ago and I went through a whole lot with him during his life. Everyone at the vet started calling him the million dollar dog. My heart goes out to you ♥
Jun 07Reply

I am so sorry to see and hear this. We just went through the same thing with our 12-year-old Jack Russell and he declined very quickly, a little over a month and last Friday I had to make the worst decision of my life. My heart is still broken and my kids don’t fully understand 😭 sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family 💙
Jun 08Reply

I'm so sorry your baby is sick...it's so hard when we feel helpless and they are hurting. As an RN, I know for humans pancreatitis is quite painful. Usually one can't eat either. This may be temporary if caused by diabetes...and I hope it is for you both. I'll be thinking of you. 💜💜💜
Jun 08Reply

@downsy yes! She is insulin dependent now and has to eat prescription food. Insulin shots and feeding every 12 hours. She’s our little love. Such a gentle, sweet pup. Appreciate your kind words! ♥️
Jun 08Reply

@cantamama567 I am SO SO SO sorry! I was there with Junebug too but she somehow pulled through. It was very touch & go. They call her the Miracle Dog at the vet! So sorry you lost your baby. I’m so thankful to still have her & be able to treat her with help from this closet! Much 🐶 🐾 love!
Jun 08Reply

@nykk yes! She is so sweet and gentle that I didn’t even know she was sick until I almost lost her. She seems to be out of the pancreatitis for now but I have to monitor her closely. We do regular insulin curves at the vet & she’s on a strict prescription diet. Thanks for the love & light. Sending it back to you! ♥️ 🌞
Jun 08Reply

Thank you so much for your kind words! So glad Junebug is doing better!! Lots of love and prayers! ☺️🙏🏻❤️
Jun 09Reply

Jun 09Reply

Oh no! I hope your dog is okay! They are like family, I have four dogs myself. Sending lots of juju! 💕
Jun 09Reply

Praying for the baby I know how you and family feel I had one that was sick but thank God he pull through
Jun 09Reply

Best wishes for your 🐶
Jun 10Reply

So sorry about Junebug! Out furry friends are our family! My Crockett just went through a similar situation and the two of them look so much alike. Hope all the shares help!
Jun 10Reply

Prayers for your fur baby 💖
Jun 22Reply

Jun 22Reply

Cbd cannabis oil is a miracle for different ailments n cancers. Read about it
Jun 22Reply

@paige661 Awww Poor Beautiful Sweetheart, praying she pulls out of this nice & healthy ❤❤❤👼🐶👼❤❤❤ I'm going to SHARE this post to help Your Gorgeous Furbaby &You... She has a Wonderful Mommy like you that cares as much as you do & LOVES HER SO MUCH!!! ❤❤❤🐶👧❤❤❤
Jun 23Reply

@designer2buy thank you so much! She needs them right now 😢
Jul 11Reply

I'm praying for your baby and you, of course. I've been there and it's emotionally and financially devastating! I shared and will shop too 💜💜😺
Jul 11Reply

My heart goes out to your family...Animals are such a blessing...I love mine like children.
Jul 12Reply

So sorry about your pup. They certainly do have our hearts 💕. Hope she is stable soon !
Jul 12Reply

Hope she feels better soon! 💕💕
Jul 12Reply

Awe prayers she gets better
Jul 12Reply

Aww hope he gets well soon. 💙💙💙💙
Jul 12Reply

Poor baby.
Jul 12Reply

I hope she feels better!!! She’s adorable
Jul 12Reply

@cherocca thank you!! Not so great right now 😢
Jul 12Reply

Thanks so much! She’s going through a really rough patch. Appreciate all the good thoughts.
Jul 12Reply

Praying for your sweet girl
Jul 13Reply

Poor baby! I’m sorry. Hoping a quick turnaround in health!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 13Reply

It’s worth every dollar, I know because I also had a sick dog whom I cared for, worried for and enjoyed for over 4 years, who had throat cancer. And I have never regretted a single dollar I spent! I will share your items every chance I get!!😘
Jul 13Reply

@jojomall thank you sweetie! Yes, it is totally worth it! She’s our love ❤️. Appreciate you!
Jul 13Reply

@cashmereluv thank you! She needs them right now. We are going through a rough patch 😢. Appreciate your kind words.
Jul 13Reply

Hey, just wanted to send love to ur puppy 💓
Jul 13Reply

@paige661 So very sorry, it is so hard, sending prayers and hugs!😢🙏🙏🤗
Jul 13Reply

@paige661 So sorry. Please keep your chin up, strong little Lady. We understand how difficult that is. We have only fur babe children. We’ve lost many in 35 yrs we are married. One of my best gals had bone cancer at 10, & one of my husband’s favorites lost her life to spleen cancer at only 7. We have another rescue now - a handsome golden retriever that won’t leave our side. When people ask us if we have children we say: “Yes, but they have four legs.” That always takes them a second to catch.
Jul 13Reply

@bebenita good to know! Can you tell me what those do?
Jul 13Reply

@heatflashin you are so sweet. Thank you for your kind words and I’m so sorry to hear about your fur babies!
Jul 13Reply

@paige661 Our feelings can be like roller coasters, sometimes going downward in a split second w/ a passing thought. Please keep reminding yourself what a good life you are giving her, which she is happy for. Proverbs 12:10 reads: “The righteousness one takes care of his domestic animals”. Image that! The Sovereign of the universe calling us puny humans RIGHTEOUS!
Jul 13Reply

@bebenita I absolutely will. That’s fantastic advice. Thank you SO much!
Jul 13Reply

I’m so sorry your sweet dog is sick! Good thoughts and prayers for him.
Jul 13Reply

I mean her ❤️
Jul 13Reply

@jessie_rolfe 😘 thank you!!
Jul 13Reply

I’m so sorry to hear about your precious baby. I shared to Facebook. Money is tight at the moment but going back to work soon. I will check out your closet then. Prayers and best wishes
Jul 13Reply

@paige661 have you checked around your area for any veterinary colleges? We have one about 60 miles from where I live and they treated my daughters roommates little chihuahua who had escaped and came home with a bullet in her jaw. The cost was considerably low because they were getting experience. I’m sure that all treatments are supervised by a licensed veterinarian.
Jul 13Reply

@paige661 I will be praying for you and your sweet girl. 💕
Jul 13Reply

I hope your pup is better soon
If you are in Southern California please contact the San Simon Foundation. Free and low cost vet services
Jul 14Reply

@mwood99 thank you! I WISH! We are in Nashville...
Jul 14Reply

@paige661 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jul 14Reply

@paige661 My Lola hopes your Junebug starts feeling better soon!! ❤️❤️ I can tell she is very special to your family. 🙏🏻🤗❤️
Jul 14Reply

Please be careful and watch her closely. The pancreatitis can kill very rapidly. I know personally: my baby Andy ( nickname was Mommy's Shadow), the white lab with ball in the photo want from healthy to gone in one day. I will pray for you and your baby!!
Jul 14Reply

@melizzy35 they are besties!!! They sleep like that all day. It’s so adorable. I call them yin & yang 😊
Jul 14Reply

@lesmurphy13 oh believe me, we are watching her very closely! The pancreatitis almost got her at the beginning. They are saying she’s a miracle. We monitor her often with tests and glucose curves and it’s closely but she’s worth it. That’s why I dedicate my closet to her so that i can use this platform to pay for her care. Appreciate the well wishes!!
Jul 14Reply

@maemaew give Lola a neck scratch and a hug from us! Thank you!
Jul 14Reply

I hope that your baby gets well soon!
Jul 14Reply

omg sorry to hear.
Jul 14Reply

Again, I’m so happy that you’re happy💕💕
Jul 16Reply

Nice to meet you! Thanks for following me. Sick doggie how sad. Sending a prayer to get well soon. Been to vet? Nothing serious I hope.. Keep us in the loop. Lots of animals lovers on Posh!! Get well soon.
Aug 06Reply

OMG..so sorry..my girl also was diabetic..I pray to God Junebug gets stronger with each passing day.
Aug 06Reply

Aug 07Reply

Hi there, I'm sorry your fur babies sick! I know the vet bills can get outrageous, I have a dog right now that just got diagnosed with Cushing's and has to have a surgery for glaucoma. I see we have something in common. I'll be sharing some things out of your closet to help you.
Aug 07Reply

@kygrlnfla Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry! I'll be doing the same for you. Yes, the bills are outrageous - but we do it because we love our babies! I hope they're able to fix your doggie's eyes. Mine is totally blind now because her retinas detached when she got so sick & we almost lost her. She's doing well with the blindness now though. You wouldn't even know it most of the time! Sending you lost of love and hope for lots of sales.
Aug 07Reply

I am glad she is doing better. I lost my sweet dog in May. Was fine and then wasn’t. Glad your baby is sticking Around. ❤️🐶❤️
Aug 07Reply

I’m so sorry to hear about your doggie! I hope everything goes well and you sell a lot!!!
Aug 07Reply

My sweet boy was just diagnosed with diabetes and we are struggling too. Sending love and hugs oxoxox
Aug 08Reply

Aug 08Reply

I’m sorry for your baby 😢
Aug 08Reply

@vgkhockeygirl it’s really hard!! I’m so sorry. Getting the diet regulated and the sugar stable is key. Junebug eats fresh steamed green beans (6-8 whole beans), 1/2 can glycobalance soft food & 1/4 cup glycobalance dry food 2x/day with her insulin shot. It’s been great for her! We got glucose curves every other week for about two months until we knew she was stable. Now not as much. Sending hugs? 🐾
Aug 08Reply

@8lucky_poshgirl thank you!!
Aug 08Reply

@yayagabor4 thank you! It’s hard but I just keep going as long as she is ok to go!
Aug 08Reply

@paige661 Thanks so much for the recommendations. i have been giving him the W/D science diet mixed with a little pumpkin and chicken breast. he was recently diagnosed so I'm sure the dose isn't quite right. he will have his first curve friday. Feel so bad because he has to be there all day without me. I am so glad your baby is now stable!! It is a scary thing! hugs oxoxox
Aug 08Reply

@vgkhockeygirl pumpkin does have sugar in it. Is that something your vet recommended? I chose to do green beans because there’s no sugar and it’s good fiber. She won’t hardly drink water anymore (which the vet says is fine) because she gets it from her food. The green beans help. You will figure this out. The curves will help. I know it’s hard to leave them but they get used to it. Mine actually likes going now to see all her friends 😊
Aug 08Reply

@vgkhockeygirl oh, and let me tell you, it took a couple months to get really good, predictable curves! We had to get just the right food dose & just the right insulin type and dose. She takes Novolin N insulin. The glycibalance food was a Godsend! She loves it. Expensive but I buy from Chewy dot com & helps.
Aug 08Reply

@vgkhockeygirl also...one last thing 😊. The vet said it’s a big NO on giving anything like chicken breast. I thought it would be great because it’s just protein but she said it could really mess with the insulin & that we should regulate the protein dose with the prescription food. Just a thought if you stretch fake to get good curves...
Aug 08Reply

@vgkhockeygirl “stretch fake”??? Weird autocorrect LOL. That was supposed to be “struggle” 😂
Aug 08Reply

@paige661 Thanks again, yes the vet said the pumpkin is ok it's good fiber according to her, I don't give him a lot. but will now reconsider it. it just helps me make sure he is eating enough before his injection. That is so adorable that she enjoying going! My dog is such a homebody and gets so stressed and i have read that it can skew their blood sugar just being stressed and away from home. So glad to find someone with so much knowledge!
Aug 08Reply

@paige661 Oh wow about the chicken breast!!! I will def have to have a conversation with my vet. She said we caught it early and wasn't super concerned but I want to do the right thing for him!! Thank you!
Aug 08Reply

@vgkhockeygirl that’s true! Mine is a homebody too and hates riding in the car but she has gotten to feel comfortable at the vets because she’s there so much LOL. The curves really only take about 5-6 hours so it’s not so bad that it’ll mess with their sugar too much. They want to see what that first curve does after the morning meal & then watch how it goes up so the stress should t do anything. Your baby will be ok!
Aug 08Reply

@paige661 glycobalance, is that hill's or another brand? my dog is switched to w/d science diet. it's a diabetic and weight control dog food.
Aug 08Reply

@paige661 how cute...my dog hates anything out of the house! They want me to drop him off at 7 and pick him up at 6....just makes me sad as he is old and used to being home all day with me and his doggie sisters.
Aug 08Reply

@vgkhockeygirl yeah, see mine was literally at deaths door. She had pancreatitis and all her organs were failing. We almost lost her over the course of three days but she fought! It may be different for your baby since you caught it early. Junebug was so bad her retinas detached. It was crazy because she showed NO symptoms. Then started drinking tons of water & wouldn’t eat. Then her eyes looked weird and I was like...time to go! If I had waited an hour we would have lost her.
Aug 08Reply

@paige661 OMG! how scary!! I am so glad she is doing better!! Our dog just started drinking a lot and peeing in the house....i took him in within 3 days so got lucky.!!! I am so glad she got through it! you're a good dog mommy <3
Aug 08Reply

I’ll accept your offer.
Aug 14Reply

@oohlala123 I’m sorry - what offer?
Aug 14Reply

Sorry hit wrong one
Aug 14Reply

Omg prayers to you. Ours went through the pancreatitis issue during Memorial Day weekend and she has diabetes now and during the last 10 days lost her eyesight. It’s so heartbreaking. 😭
Aug 24Reply

@njiskoyan I’m so sorry! It’s REALLY hard. But they can come out of it! We were diligent and kept monitoring her with blood sugar curves u til we got the dosage and food exactly right. Mine is on glycobalance soft & dry food with 1/4 c fresh steamed green beans 2x/day. She also has to have Tylan Sol powder to keep her digestive tract stable.
Aug 24Reply

@njiskoyan She’s happy & healthy mostly! She has adapted to being blind so well that we swear she can see sometimes. She learned “up” & “down” commands for stairs easily. Her skin got really dry so I’ve started putting omega oils in her food. You just learn... but I highly recommend doing weekly curves to make sure you’re on track with the insulin dosage. It’s what saved her life! Much love!
Aug 24Reply

@paige661 thank you for the information. I’m actually gonna ask the vet about this food if it’s good for her. It IS hard :( but we gotta do what we can for them. How is yours doing?
Aug 24Reply

@njiskoyan it’s seriously the best. Do they have you on prescription food yet? If not you should be right away. It’s expensive but I get it from Chewy on auto ship & save a lot. Keep anything edible out of reach! Your diabetic doggie will eat ANYTHING! I thought cup noodles were safe on the bottom shelf. Nope! Ate them, styrofoam and all 😂.
Aug 24Reply

@njiskoyan mine is doing ok. She had to go to the vet this week for a skin infection from hot spots. Apparently now she’s allergic to GRASS so we have to add Zyrtec to her daily routine. They keep you hopping but diabetic doggies CAN live happy & healthy lives if regulated, I promise! Hang in there.
Aug 24Reply

@paige661 aww I hope for the best for her! We are not on RX food, he wanted us to give her chicken breast and rice with a few veggies like carrots, peas and green beans. She’s been ok with that so he wants us to continue but I will ask him about the RX food. 💕💕
Aug 24Reply

I hope she feels better! I will share your closet (:
Aug 24Reply

Sending the best vibes 🌀🌀🌀💗💗💕 for Ms Junebug I hope she’s feeling better soon! As for your closet it’s gorgeous! ☺️ 🧚♀️
Aug 24Reply

@njiskoyan My vet said that chicken breast & veggies can actually metabolize not well in a full diabetic dog, especially if insulin dependent. Are you doing insulin shots? I hate to say this, but you may need to find a better informed vet! The fact that your dog went blind may mean that it’s not being controlled. Junebug went blind because of that. We could have saved her eyes had we known. Don’t want anyone to go through what we did.
Aug 24Reply

@fairygirl16 awwww thank you!!!
Aug 24Reply

@paige661 How's the pup doing? We lost our little guy to pancreatitis in January. He got chemo and did better for 3 months and than it came back...new chemo was too strong and he just never got stronger. He hung on until his poppy came home before he closed his eyes. We had him since he was 3 months old. He was 16. We named him Francis, after St Francis, patron saint of animals, and I think that got him thru all that time.
I hope your little one feels better soon
Aug 25Reply

@epg5 I’m so sorry you lost your sweet Francis! Junebug is hanging in there. She is fighting a skin infection from hot spots/allergies that got infected but is on antibiotics & perking up nicely. Thank you for asking! It’s a constant battle but she wants to live & is happy so we continue to support her! ♥️
Aug 25Reply

@paige661 Thank you. It is hard, but it's so good to hear that you and your family are by his side during the ups and downs. I hope you don't mind if I check in on her again.
Aug 25Reply

@epg5 anytime! It’s an ongoing saga, believe me 😂. She keeps me on my toes, for sure. She goes in next week for liver & pancreatic/kidney function testing so it’s going to be a big week! Thanks for being so caring. It means a lot.
Aug 25Reply

I’m so sorry😔
Aug 25Reply

So sorry to hear about all that your furbaby has been through. I know how hard this is. They are truly earth angels. My dad always tells me the reason "dog" is God spelled backward. Prayers to you and your lil one. ❤❤🌹🌹🐾🐾🤗🤗
Aug 26Reply

@trendyuptop thank you so much!! ♥️
Aug 26Reply

@paige661 Hey! I’m so sorry about your doggie! I hope she feels better soon and I know vet bills are to high I’ll share your closet Hoping for many sales for Ms.Junebug My dog Charlie has to have surgery on both his eyes so I’ll be slashing prices to for the surgery’s and follow up visits I’ll be praying for Ms. Junebug 😘😘😘🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Aug 26Reply

@faithoverfear07 thank you so much! I can only hope to get to the point of getting her eye surgery to restore her sight... I hope your doggie comes through beautifully! ♥️
Aug 26Reply

@paige661 Just checking in to see if there's been any change in Junebug's condition
Aug 28Reply

@epg5 she’s doing ok! She’s on antibiotics for the skin infection and is perking up a lot. We go in for liver & kidney function tests at the end of the week. Thanks for checking on her!!
Aug 28Reply

@paige66 I'm sorry your dog is not feeling well. Do you have a GoFundMe page?
Aug 29Reply

@crystalhowley no ma’am but that’s incredibly sweet! I only do Poshmark for her. I like to make sure people are getting something back for whatever I do for her if they choose to buy FOR her, you know?
Aug 29Reply

@paige661 Absolutely. I hope she starts to feel better, I'll keep her in my thoughts. Sending lots of love ❤
Aug 29Reply

@kugelschreiber thank you so much!
Aug 29Reply

@angela_stevens thank you!!! I’m so sorry you lost your baby 🐾 ♥️
Aug 29Reply

Omgoodness is he still sick the poor fur baby 🙏🏼
Aug 30Reply

@4cash yes. She will always be sick for the rest of her life 😢. She is diabetic and is fragile. Most of the time she is fine and leads a happy life but if one thing goes off her kidneys & pancreas stop working right. She has to be hospitalized on fluids, lots of blood monitoring & it’s VERY expensive!
Aug 30Reply

@paige661 aww she is a cutie pie- June!! Hugs and kisses to her and you and your fam!
Aug 30Reply

@possibillidoom thank you!! Yes, she’s a sweetie pie! ♥️
Aug 30Reply

Get well soon ☹️❤️
Aug 30Reply

OK, I shared what I could, I will have my daughter share your closet, she has over 50K followers... my thoughts are with your pup. This will break my daughters heart but she will share the heck out of your closet, that I can promise :)
Aug 30Reply

@classiclbd you are THE SWEETEST! Thank you so very much!!! Junebug and I send you both 🐶 kisses!
Aug 30Reply

@paige661 Hi honey. I hope your sweet baby is feeling better! ❤️💕💜 I went through a lot psychological pain and very large bills a few years ago and almost lost my beautiful baby boy chihuahua but he pulled through thank goodness! So I know how hard it is to have a sick pet. Sharing your post. Very best of luck to you and Junebug! 😊❤️💕xoxo
Aug 30Reply

@fashiondiva411 thanks so much for your kind thoughts and shares. I am SO GLAD your baby boy made it! It is really hard. Appreciate your message! 🐾 ♥️
Aug 30Reply

Oh no! I am so sorry!! My childhood dog died suddenly from pancreatitis, it was awful. I hope your sweet pup gets better xoxo
Aug 31Reply

I have 5 of my own and they are my children, so my prayers are with both of you. I know how hard and expensive it can be, I can’t afford to buy anything at this time due to me losing my job but I have shared most of your closet to my followers, I hope it helps you both, may God watch over you both!
Aug 31Reply

I'm so sorry to hear about your sick furbaby! 😢 I hope she feels better soon.
Sep 10Reply

I wish you all the luck in the world with Ms Junebug. Kiss her real good for me and the cat🐶😺🐶😺🐶😺❤️💋😍
Sep 10Reply

Sep 12Reply

Omg 😮! I’m so sorry! I have a dog and he is my best friend. Sending my best wishes and shares!
Sep 12Reply

Beautiful fur baby. So sorry she is sick. 😟
Sep 12Reply

Sending your sweet dog some love!
Sep 12Reply

I'm so sorry sweetie! I lost one of my kitties to cancer earlier this yr. I'm still paying on his surgery, but it gave us an extra 6 months. I'm going to share your stuff like crazy on my Facebook as well. I know a lot of animal lovers. ;)
Sep 17Reply

@supb thank you sweetie and I’m so sorry you lost your precious kitty. I understand all too well! I have two kitties also. You can see the brown tabby is Junebug’s bestie. Thank you for sharing!
Sep 17Reply

Prayers for your puppy 🙏🐶🙏🐶🙏🐶
Sep 18Reply

Awww so sorry to hear about the pup. 😢❤️
Sep 18Reply

@hap56_ I SO appreciate it! If I get home in time will try to get it out today. Thank you so much!!
Sep 18Reply

Oh my God! I pray she will get better by some miracle! I know how painful it is to have a sick baby:-( Right now I have one who can’t walk but no vet can figure out why. And one of my others has tumors that keep popping up every 6 months or so which need to be removed. The bills have reached over $5000 just for those 2 babies in the past 8 months. My prayers are with you💜
Sep 18Reply

@bmpn82 Thank you! She's type 1 diabetic so it'll be a struggle for the rest of her life unfortunately :(.I know all about the ongoing vet bills. I hope your baby gets an answer soon!
Sep 18Reply

@paige661 thank you
Sep 18Reply

Sep 19Reply

Awe poor poor darling... been going through similar with my Sami, in and out of hospital, I have to give him meds 2-3xdaily and giving him IV’s myself because he started this barking everytime they took him and he couldn’t see me.. the vet said he literally barked around the clock non stop except when I went to visit, he just laid in my lap not moving.
Sep 19Reply

That’s why he was exhausted on top of being sick . So she advised she show me the ropes to take him home because they were afraid he would positively have a heart attack. We LOVE OUR FUR BABIES DONT WE.. I WILL KEEP JUNEBUG AND REST OF THE FAMILY IN MY CONSTANT PRAYERS..
Sep 19Reply

My prayers are with you, my hearts breaks hearing this story. We have been through it. I wish I could by every item in your closet.
Sep 19Reply

@sunset08 you are so sweet! Wouldn’t that be something? LOL I’m sorry you’ve been through this too. It’s hard! But we love our fur babies and will do anything for them.
Sep 19Reply

@kutterbest awwww! That’s heartbreaking!!! I hope your baby is much better now! Thank you for the kind thoughts.
Sep 19Reply

@paige661Yes anything!! Continued thoughts and prayers....
Sep 19Reply

I'm so sorry to learn about Ms. Junebug and her illness(es)! I certainly feel both for her and for her loved ones like yourself. I truly hope that the vets can find the right treatments to leave her with a long and healthy life. Blessings to you and your lovely Ms. Junebug!
Sep 20Reply

@southerngal0724 thank you so much sweetie! Me too!!!
Sep 20Reply

@snobbyfashion thank you! She’s doing pretty well now. She’s adjusting to life as a diabetic and it’s controlled quite well most of the time. She has a good quality of life. She’s just fragile and I have to be really careful & keep her monitored every few weeks with blood testing. Appreciate your well wishes!
Sep 20Reply

@paige661 awe, no- I’m sending prayers light and love!! Xoxoxo 🙏🏻😘♥️🙏🏻
Sep 20Reply

Awwww I hope she’s feeling better. Sending positive vibes and prayers your way. ❤️🐶❤️
Sep 20Reply

I am so sorry. The same thing is happening to my best baby dog and I'm on here for that too. XO
Sep 20Reply

Glad to read ur adorable dog doing bttr!!! I shared abunch of your items, hoping for some sales for the vet bills! Anyone who has or has had animals know how much they can be...sending well wishes and many sales!
Sep 20Reply

Oh poor lovebug. Sharing and wishing you oodles of sales to help! <3
Sep 20Reply

You are both so strong and beautiful. ❤️❤️🐾🐾❤️❤️
Sep 26Reply

@islandartist awwww thank you!! I needed to hear that today. You are strong and beautiful and kind! ♥️♥️
Sep 26Reply

@paige661 I m so sorry. I m praying that your baby recovers.
I m a dog lover and can only imagine what your going through. Stay strong and I ll be glad to share your post ❤️
Sep 26Reply

Sending so much warmth and comfort to your sweet pooch! Fur family is important family.
Sep 26Reply

Awww hope your baby feels better soon 😞😞
Sep 27Reply

Aww, I have 2 pups myself. Sending healing prayers 🤗
Sep 27Reply

I'm so sorry. Pets are family and it is incredibly difficult to watch them suffer. Love to you & your sweet girl in this difficult time. 💌
Oct 04Reply

Hope she’s better soon! ❤️🐾🐾❤️
Oct 04Reply

I am so so sorry to hear about your precious pup! I will share everything in your closet including this post on hopes to get more followers and sales for you! Prayers of health to your little love!! 💕
Oct 05Reply

@carosef thank you so much!!!
Oct 05Reply

@ccflygirl thank you!!
Oct 05Reply

I’m sorry 😐 to hear that! Will check out your closet and will share! Prayers for your baby 😇🐾🐕💋🙏🏼
Oct 05Reply

@8lucky_poshgirl thanks so very much!!
Oct 05Reply

I wish your doggie the best! 💜💚
Oct 06Reply

Prayers sweetie.
Oct 08Reply

@paige661 So sorry you are going through this.... very hard! Lost a Rat Terrier that was the best dog ever! Praying for your fur baby. 🙏🙏🙏
Oct 09Reply

Praying for your Junebug☹️💙
Oct 09Reply

@paige661 💕Praying for you fur baby!! 💕🙏🏻💙
Oct 09Reply

@old_but_gold thank you so much!
Oct 09Reply

@gpuglove thank you!!! ♥️
Oct 09Reply

Cute doggy looks like my dog Buster
Oct 09Reply

@lakelurelady thank you so much! She’s struggling 😢. She’s in for tests today as her glucose levels aren’t cooperating and she could be headed back into pancreatitis.
Oct 09Reply

I'm praying for your precious pup! 🙏
Oct 10Reply

I’m so sorry about your beautiful furson! I will uplift her to our Father also
Oct 10Reply

My heart goes out to you. I know what you are going through. We had a cat with diabetes - costly vet bills and insulin injections twice a day. I hope your dog starts to get better soon.
Oct 10Reply

@katielight thank you!! That’s what I have to do too... she’s hanging in there. Waiting on her levels to even out. Liver and kidneys aren’t doing very well! Appreciate your thoughts ♥️
Oct 10Reply

❤️❤️ to your sweet girl. Do you have a Go Fund Me set up? I’d love to donate
Oct 10Reply

@bfarber11 no ma’am... just my items here! I don’t like to take something for nothing. Appreciate you! If you see anything here let me know. I’ll make you a good deal!
Oct 10Reply

Wishing all the best to you and your sweet pup ❤️
Oct 10Reply

@llcollection thank you so much!
Oct 10Reply

I’m so sorry about your fur baby ❤️🐶
Thank you for following my closet 💫⭐️
Have a good day❤️
Oct 10Reply

Oh my. I hate to read this. I lost my beloved Sadie that was a few months back. Prayers and positive thoughts to you. I KNOW how it is. ❤️
Oct 11Reply

Aww cutest doggie ever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 11Reply

@paige661 Hi Paige I just discovered your blog online tonight and came here to your closet only to see this 😢 I am so sorry for your precious Junebug 🐶 All of us who love our fur babies can sympathize with you, please know your pup is in my prayers 🐶❤️
Oct 11Reply

@papermoon40 thank you so much! That means more than I can ever express. I hope you e joyed s s learned something from the blog too! 😘♥️
Oct 11Reply

I am so sorry to read about the struggles you’ve been through with your fur baby! I can totally relate !!! I actually just started to list items because my cats been sick and my god the vet bills are OUTRAGEOUS!!! I was reading through some of the comments and you’ve definitely been through a long road with your baby!!! 😢 I pray you are able to cover your bills. I will share some listings now to hope to help! 🐾💕🐾
Oct 11Reply

@buttercups_btq it HAS been a long road! It’s been just over a year and had been a roller coaster. Thanks for the good thoughts.
Oct 11Reply

God bless - prayers for your doggie and your family :-)
Oct 12Reply

@poshmark_paige , aww hope your sweet little fur baby gets better soon, prayers for you.. I’ve shared this post to my followers.🐶🐶😞❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 20Reply

Hi there, Gosh I hate reading this. Your baby's pics, I have 100's of the same poses. My babies, all Goldens have now all passed. I lost my 2nd my female 3.5 yrs due to me unknowingly moving us into a home advertised as newly remodeled. We started getting sick right away I just had no clue from what because nothing was visible, you could just feel it & when we breathed it was like breathing fine sand or something. I thought it was dust from the move
Oct 23Reply

@theroyalfunkies awwww I’m so sorry!!!! It’s so so hard to lose our fur babies. Mine is doing pretty well the last few days. I think she’s rebounding. She’s a tough little bug! She will always be sick but she can live out a good life with diabetes. She just has to be monitored closely and it’s costly! I sure hope you were able to get out of that sick house & are ok!
Oct 23Reply

@theroyalfunkies I am SO SORRY that happened to you and your babies!!! That’s absolutely horrific. No words!! Junebug does have some Golden in her. She’s also part beagle, I think. She is the sweetest, most gentle, chill dog EVER. Just a joy! I appreciate the offer of advice. I find that as long as I stay on top of her food & medicines she does very well.
Oct 23Reply

@theroyalfunkies latest scare was with a hidden hot spot that got badly infected very quickly. Diabetic doggie skin is really delicate so it’s been a learning curve. I’ve added omega oils to her diet & it’s helped. Plus she’s now allergic to grass so she’s taking Zyrtec. It’s helping a lot and the hot spots have all healed & she’s feeling better. But that could have killed her!
Oct 23Reply

@theroyalfunkies my vet is actually really awesome! They brought her back from death & are really dedicated to her care. They just adore her there. They call her the Miracle Dog because she was not expected to live. But she fought so we fought. 1 1/2 years later we are still learning but she’s still full of joy & love so we keep going!
Oct 23Reply

CONT: it off saying "Oh, it's just a Golden thing, it's his allergies" Anyhow never again, from there I felt so angry as I asked more than 1x if they thought it could be the big C. Now if a pet shows signs of a certain type of illness or injury, they're just like people so you take them to that type of specialist. I've also spent 20+ yrs volunteering & was lucky to get a ton of free education/classes on all kinds of things. So if you ever want any info, want to talk, etc, I'm here for you
Oct 23Reply

@theroyalfunkies you’re so sweet! Thank you! Yes, I watch her very closely & I know when something isn’t right too. Thankfully they listen and we’ve learned what to look for. With hers being diabetes it’s easy to know what to do with the sugar curve monitoring & liver/kidney function tests every few months. As long as she doesn’t get into pancreatitis again we can handle it!
Oct 23Reply

CONT: & am happy to try to help you in any way I can. I know a ton about food, nutrition, ingredients, supportive supplements & other websites where you can get all kinds of great foods, supplements, etc for much less than the stores. There's so much garbage out there. Anyhow, I truly am sorry for your baby & your family. AND for my longgg msg. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry & to tell you to reach out if you ever want/need to talk about anything or ask ?'s. Big hugs🙏🐶
Oct 23Reply

@theroyalfunkies that’s how Junebug was! She was on deaths door before I ever knew anything was wrong with her! It was such a shock! She went from healthy to me being asked if I wanted to let her go 48 hours later. Thank goodness I had such a great vet & made the decision to give her 24 more hours to fight. Her levels were starting to even out by the next morning after the vet stayed with her all night. Truly a miracle.
Oct 23Reply

awww....you and I are on a similar mission! Best wishes to Junebug from us!
Oct 24Reply

@slblendinger awww thank you!!! Sending the love right back to you!
Oct 24Reply

Sending warm thoughts. I am a proud owner of three labradors, which one of them is very old and not doing well. Stay strong! You are wonderful! 🐾💋
Oct 29Reply

🙏🙏Prayers 4 Ms.Junebug & all your family🙏🙏🌻💖💜🐕Dee
Oct 29Reply

@poshmark_paige shared. Looking thru your closet now. Will try to purchase some things to help out. Sending love and prayers. ❤️🙏🏻 I know how important fur babies are and I know what it’s like to lose them.
Oct 29Reply

@mistydsturgill you are just a doll. Thank you!!! ♥️♥️
Oct 29Reply

@angela_stevens thank you so very much!!! Much Posh love. ♥️
Oct 29Reply

@grace4d thank you Dee!!! 😘😘😘
Oct 29Reply

@monikadweitzel awww thank you! Sending puppy 🐶 prayers back to your pup!
Oct 29Reply

The vet said my dog had cancer and only had about 2 months to live so I started to feed my dog raw meat and he lived 2 more years . He was 14 years old so it was his time, but you might want to try this. That crap of dry food is the worst for our pets .
Oct 29Reply

@poshmark_paige 😘🐾
Oct 29Reply

@suazoalba Well, Junebug is diabetic so she has to be on a special prescription diet. I steam fresh green beans for her but she has to have a prescription glycobalance soft/wet mixture to go with it. I WISH I could feed her more all natural foods, believe me! They would be much, much cheaper. The food is super expensive! I appreciate your advice and so sorry to hear about your doggie.
Oct 29Reply

Shared. Prayers for your sweet baby! ❤️🐾❤️
Oct 30Reply

She/he’s so cute💕😊💕
Oct 30Reply

@tawnykitaen Thank you!! She’s my doll baby. So gentle and has boundless love, looooooves kids and all people. I’m having a huge closet sale and am taking lowball offers on a lot of things. She’s in the overnight emergency vet. I had to clean out savings to get them to keep her and rent is due in three days. I’m freaking!!!! 😩😩😩😢
Oct 30Reply

@tawnykitaen thanks for asking after her 😘😘😘
Oct 30Reply

@tawnykitaen I make jewelry. I have these amazing long dangle freshwater pearl and sterling earrings that I wire wrapped. I think you would love them! Would love to send them to you. You’re always so sweet to me!
Oct 30Reply

Oct 30Reply

Oh this is sad news! I pray for🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✨💫.
Oct 30Reply

@susch52 thank you!! 😢😢
Oct 30Reply

Sorry again. I can't remember if I already told u I lost my cat to cancer in February. But I nursed him through ups and downs for awhile. He had a tumor removed, and it was a lot for a lot time. I'm sorry for your pain and financial worry. Sending u good vibes and shares.
Oct 30Reply

@supb thank you so much. I’m so incredibly sorry you lost your precious kitty. It’s so hard! They’re our babies... it’s definitely tough!! Thanks for your kind wishes.
Oct 30Reply

@poshmark_paige They are. I had him 14 yrs and I don't know how I'm going to get through losing my other one. He was stolen the day his brother had surgery. He searched for a month. I'd pretty much tried to make peace with the fact that I was suddenly losing then both. Then he was found 2 cities over, thx to the internet and some wonderful neighbors.
Oct 30Reply

@supb Oh. My. Gosh!! How awful!!!!! How can people do something like that?? UGH! I'm so happy you found him. My kitty sprained her leg when I was out of town a couple months ago and had to spend two days at the vet. I swear, ever since she got home, she won't leave my side! I must have traumatized her! :(
Oct 31Reply

Hi neighbor, sharing your closet in hopes of helping your sweet fur baby. I have 2 dogs & took in 2 more for a family member & I can never imagine life without the love of animals! They give so much more than I can ever repay them. But I try on a daily basis 😊 💗 🐶🐶🐦🐱🐰🐶🐼🐘🐶🐺💗
Oct 31Reply

omg poor baby!! I hope she gets better, sending love n positivity your way ❤️🌟
Oct 31Reply

@dkayscloset hi neighbor!!! Thanks so much! I’ve been sharing and following like a madwoman trying to raise funds. 😩 Our furbabies are our hearts! ♥️
Oct 31Reply

@emilyp47 thank you!!!
Oct 31Reply

Oh, my heart. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had a beagle who passed 3 years ago. We also had 2 bullies, Stallone and Maya. Stallone got sick suddenly and it ended up being end stage lung cancer. That was just 2 months ago. Then Maya suddenly got sick and was in kidney failure and within the next couple days couldn’t even walk anymore. That was just last week that we had to let her go..
Nov 01Reply

@adombek Oh my goodness, how awful!!!! I'm so incredibly sorry to hear about your pups. Two in two months?? How awful!!! I'm blessed that at least she has something treatable - or manageable anyway. Even though it's costly she can live for quite awhile with this. She's just so fragile that it an get out of hand really quickly! Appreciate your kind words.
Nov 01Reply

@didacamelia Thank you. I am being VERY strong and fighting with her since she is a strong pup. Yes, it's bad, but diabetes is something she can live for a good long time with.
Nov 01Reply

@modprovisions Thank you!!!
Nov 02Reply

@poshmark_paige I am so very sorry you are going through this. My Pom went through it last year. :( liver failure was what happened. It is so very expensive. He was such an awesome dog and a service dog. Diabetes is really awful and Pancreatitis is painful. I think the “harmless” flea control “Comforitis”. Through my little Pom into a state. Anyway, blessings, hope for the best.
Nov 02Reply

@quantum101 you know, I’m *really* glad you posted this!! Not about your dog - incredibly sorry to hear about that! - but about Comfortis. I got some of that for Junebug in early summer and she went into pancreatitis not that long after. I never gave it to her again. I had only gotten it because she picked up a few fleas from having to stay at the vet (!!!) I’ll never get that stuff again!
Nov 02Reply

@quantum101 it may be perfectly safe for dogs who are healthy or not fragile but with doggies who may have something already going on it sounds like that might be too much for them. She has taken Trifexis without any problems, which is weird because it does THREE things and Comfortis is only fleas.
Nov 02Reply

Oh my goodness. My thoughts and prayers are going out to her. I really hope she gets better soon. I’ll try to help as much as i can with sharing your closet, purchasing, and etc. please keep us updated 💕❤️
Nov 03Reply

@thatsorainlynn thank you so much!!! ♥️🐶
Nov 03Reply

@poshmark_paige You and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏
Nov 03Reply

@poshmark_paige I will try and share your closet as much as I can. Please no return shares. 🙏
Nov 03Reply

@lindachris thank you sweetie!! ♥️🐶
Nov 03Reply

@poshmark_paige Please no return shares. I know what those outrageous vet bills are like.💔I’m not in a financial situation right now where I can purchase so it’s the least I can do for you. 🙏
Nov 03Reply

Sending Junebug lots of hugs and kisses 💖 🙏🏽 I pray that she gets better soon. She is lucky to have a momma like you that won't give up. #FurBabyMommas
Nov 04Reply

Such an adorable pic with both your fur babies!!🐶🐱💕Love the Kitty giving/sharing loves!🐱💖💞
Nov 05Reply

I hope your sweet baby is doing well. Hugs for that sweet puppy!
Nov 06Reply

So sorry to hear!
Nov 20Reply

@poshmark_paige try aspca for help. & local animal Rescues! Also Guardians of Rescue is on FB! Hope he gets better! Reach out to them for help. Happy Holidays ♥️🙏
Nov 25Reply

@highfashnz thanks for the advice! I’m in a big city so our resources are very strained for the huge homeless animal population. I don’t exactly meet the criteria of someone who would qualify for help & wouldn’t want to take away from someone in a greater need situation. I have the ability to do this to help raise money & that feels like a greater service to me. Make sense?
Nov 25Reply

@highfashnz she’s actually doing pretty well right now. She just needs constant monitoring, regular testing and has things pop up that end up being quite expensive when you add it all up. I supplement her care with my closet sales...
Nov 25Reply

I’m sorry. We just put our dog down. She was really sick Lymes disease and her spleen was enlarged. Her red blood cell count was SO low her gums were white and she wouldn’t move. We tried meds for 3 wks. She got better for a bit then worse unfortunately she was loaded with cancer. She stopped eating & moving 11/9, we had to put her down 11/10 on her birthday. I’ll pray for you and yours. idk where you live but there’s programs to help pay for medical procedures for pets. You should check it out.
Nov 25Reply

Thanks for the shares!! Sending big hugs to your fur baby from ours 💕
Nov 26Reply

@calliescashey omg prayers to you and your family. Pets are so precious!
Nov 26Reply

@poshmark_paige Shares for your baby. 🐾
No return shares please. 🙏
Nov 27Reply

I’m so sorry to hear this!!! Fur babies are just as much family as human babies... praying for your dog and family!! Will share often.. good luck to you💞💞
Nov 29Reply

Hello Paige I just read about your dog June bug. My prayers are with you and your baby!!! Almost lost my baby last September her name is Storm Marie she is my daughter. I don't have any children so I know what your going through my vet bills would have been outrageous!!! But praise God seen her through she will be 11 years old next month. I will look through your closet to see if I can help you out! You have taken such wonderful care of June bug God bless you and keep you and your family!!! 😘🤗😇🐕
Nov 29Reply

@mmd25_ You are just a DOLL! Thank you for the words of encouragement. Yes, she's a member of the family and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her! I'm so glad that Storm Marie is OK and on the mend. God Bless!
Nov 29Reply

@biancasantos Thank you doll! I will do the same!!
Nov 29Reply

@mmd25_ if you do see something add it to a bundle. I’ll give you a good deal!
Nov 29Reply

I am so very sorry...😥 Sending light and love.✨💞✨💞✨
Nov 30Reply

No sharebacks on Shares of Care.💞✨💞
Nov 30Reply

@nancyherrington Thanks doll! She's hanging in there! :) Appreciate your prayers!!!
Nov 30Reply

@janimack7 Thank you doll!
Nov 30Reply

My prayers goes to your baby.🐶🙏so sorry hope your baby gets better.
Dec 02Reply

@fashionandmor7 since she’s already so sick I can’t insure her but I will DEFINITELY I sure future pets!!
Dec 02Reply

@fashionandmor7 thank you so much!!
Dec 02Reply

@poshmark_paige 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Keeping Junebug and your family in my prayers. Sharing and please no share backs💕🐶💕
Dec 03Reply

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear this! Sharing your closet in hopes of connecting you with the right buyers so we can help with Junebugs costs! Hugs to her, you and your family 🐶💞💞💞
Dec 03Reply

Oh my goodness I am so terribly sorry to hear about this please know big prayers are coming from Nashvillle .
I will share this in hopes of many sales...
Kind Regards, Natalee
Dec 03Reply

@sassys_stash Thank you!! We are in Nashville too! :)
Dec 03Reply

Such a cutie! ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 03Reply

😘😘🐶🐶Been there. Breaks your heart. Twinkie and Tuplip have their paws crossed for your baby bug🐶🐶😘😘
Dec 04Reply

Oh u poor thing, and your poop poochie! We just went thru this same thing with one of our furbabies but unfortunately we lost the fight and he passed away ☹️☹️ Sharing for u doll! Sending healing vibes your pups way!
Dec 05Reply

So sorry your dog is sick. I really feel for you. My Doxie passed away about a year ago, and he had congestive heart failure.
I took care of him when he was very sick. He was on lots of meds, and vet Bill's are crazy high. But I had him for over 14 years, and he passed quietly at home.
My prayers go out to you, and your precious for baby. Hope he feels better.
Dec 05Reply

@poshmark_paige Love💖& Prayers🙏 for you and your Junebug! Money is tight this time of year but I can show 💝 and share ...and I will DEFINITELY kkep your closet in mind for future purchases 💐
Dec 05Reply

@4umatthew Aw thank you! I appreciate it and so does Junebug! She's currently COMPLETELY underneath her blanket snoring LOL. Cold day!
Dec 05Reply

Just skimmed through and read of your baby’s troubles . She is precious and I will share share share. My thoughts are with you both. ❤️❤️🙏🏻🐕
Dec 07Reply

@jraefletcher Thank you so much! She's my baby, for sure! I appreciate it.
Dec 07Reply

@quasiatty19 Thank you!!! We will take all we can get!
Dec 11Reply

@cfrancy19 Thank you! She's quite a bit better, just constant monitoring now for the diabetes. Appreciate your message!
Dec 11Reply

Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! Hope your bug is better soon. :(
Dec 12Reply

A friend of mine started an organization called Brown Dog Foundation to help with costs in emergency situations...they may be able to help...
Dec 12Reply

@isabelcorrea I appreciate that! We aren't really in an emergency situation anymore. It's just maintenance and all that goes with having a diabetic dog... it's expensive!
Dec 12Reply

@isabelcorrea I am glad you told me about this though because I know of a family who is very low income who is dealing with an emergency situation with their sweet doggie and their Care Credit is maxed out. I'll have to tell them about it. What an amazing thing your friend has done!
Dec 12Reply

Sending you good thoughts and wishing you many sales!
Dec 12Reply

Sending prayers. Lost my dog to cancer this year and I know first hand how expensive treatment was. I would have paid anything though to help him💗💗🙏🏼🙏🏼
Dec 12Reply

@melissaf177 Awwww I'm so sorry for your loss!!! It's SO hard! I have a friend who is losing her sweet pup to cancer right now too. Thank you for your kind words.
Dec 12Reply

My heart and prayers go out to you and your baby! 🙏🏼 id do anything for mine too. They are truly our babies
Dec 13Reply

Dec 13Reply

I am going to start sending up prayers daily for this baby!🙏🏻🐶😘
Dec 13Reply

@totopuff Awww thank you so much!!!! We will happily take them!!! You're a doll.
Dec 13Reply

I will pray for you daily. My boy is the love of my life and I would do anything the world for him so I know exactly where you’re coming from😘
Dec 13Reply

I'm gonna share everything in your closet right now! I pray for everything gets better for you and your beautiful family😊
Dec 13Reply

@poshmark_paige 😢💔 praying for your baby. We have 4 of our own and ive been through these things. I truly understand how you feel.
Dec 13Reply

All my prayers for your sweet pup! I've been there with my Rottie son was a diabetic too. I will share your closet & keep you in my thoughts and best wishes. <3
Dec 14Reply

I pray that your gorgeous baby feels better soon.
Dec 14Reply

Ohhh my goodness momma I am so very sorry to hear all of this. As I am a huge animal lover. ( with Cherry Blossoms on my left wrist too )
I am going to check out your closet to get this vet bill lower. I know the pain all to well and I could only imagine how much this effects the family. Lots and lots of love and positive energy sent your way. Xoxo🐶❣️
Dec 14Reply

@shammoo Thanks so much doll! Cherry blossoms are all about renewal! I just love on her and know that everything will always work out how it's supposed to. But, yeah, the vet doesn't feel the same way LOL. Appreciate you! If you find something you like add it to a bundle and I'll give you a good deal!
Dec 14Reply

@poshmark_paige Thank you for the shares!! I’ll be praying for your pup! I’m a dog mom myself and fully understand the love, anxiety and expense to keep them, and have them pain free. Praying!!!🤗♥️🐾♥️
Dec 14Reply

😭 poor baby! I hope they can get her stable
Dec 14Reply

@poshmark_paige So sorry your going through this w/your girl. Ours has seizures & takes meds for that. He was also in the emergency veterinary hospital for a bit. It certainly gets expensive in a hurry. I’ll keep sharing your closet. Hope Ms. Junebug feels better really soon.
Dec 15Reply

Hope she continues to heal and get back to her normal self!:)
Dec 17Reply

I hope she feels better soon! 🐾💜
Dec 18Reply

I’m sorry to hear about your fur baby! I hope the shares help!
Dec 19Reply

@adt0608 Thank you! Of course they do!!
Dec 19Reply

@sarieann54 Thanks hun. She won't... this is for the rest of her life but she's doing better! She's insulin dependent diabetic now so it's always managing and testing. She's a trooper though!
Dec 19Reply

@poshmark_paige I’ll say some prayers for you both 💜
Dec 19Reply

@sarieann54 thanks so much!!!
Dec 19Reply

Been there. I was paying off a loan after my my molly passed from cancer last year. She beat it for 2 years. I am praying for you and your baby.
Dec 19Reply

OMG!! I hope this sweet little angle is doing better! <3 sending lots of love and positive energy your way!!
Dec 27Reply

God bless you and your dog 🐕 love goes a long way I will share this for you 😉👍in cape cod can offer you free reiki for the dog if you can get here otherwise I will send reiki and prayer 🙏!
Dec 30Reply

@laurieconefrey awww thank you for the offer! I would love to give her reiki! Not likely to get to Cape Cod but you are super sweet for offering. We will gladly take it remotely though and send it right back 💙
Jan 03Reply

@poshmark_paige One way shares for her. 🙏
Jan 29Reply

I'm SO terribly sorry about your sick puppy! I'll be sharing more to help you get some more sales. Hang in there!
Jan 29Reply

Poor puppy prayers coming your way
Jan 29Reply

Awwww poor Pup 😢 we’ve been there and it’s not easy so I know how you feel. Just love your pup and do the best that you can ❤️🐾🐾🐾🐾❤️ animal hospitals can be expensive unfortunately but when you have fur babies you do as much as you can for them . Hang in there 🙏🙏🙏😘
Jan 30Reply

Jan 30Reply

Best of luck to your Pooch!
Jan 30Reply

Sending all my love and prayers 😘❤️🙏🏻
Jan 30Reply

Oh no!!! I know that’s tough, good luck! I hope your pup feels better soon!
Feb 07Reply

I started selling on Poshmark for the same reason, my fur baby got very sick and vet bills went through the roof! Wishing you lots of luck with sales and I hope your pup is doing better 💕🐶
Feb 09Reply

I have 2 pups and one had a serious but healed condition. Over $5k easy. It's heart wrenching and I know what you're going through. I'm sorry. You and your family including the furry one are in my heart and prayers 🙏
Feb 11Reply

Oh, sweet pooch! I know how these vet bills are... good luck, I'll be back to shop next pay period! 🧡🐶🧡
Feb 13Reply

Feb 14Reply

Prayers for your sweet baby
Jun 02Reply

Have you considered starting a go fund me sight for her. Lots af people love animals and are big hearted enough to make donations but may not be interested in buying something first.
Jun 02Reply

@4sailsresale I really don’t like to ask for charity. If people are going to give I would much rather they get something for it! It’s why I run this closet 😊. It’s a good thought though!
Jun 02Reply

The reason I mentioned it is that 2 years ago my son walked the Application Trail from Georgia to Maine, over 22hundred miles across the mountains. He vedio logged his treck and posted it to youtube. He did this so his family could experience his trip with him
Jun 02Reply

Along the way he pucked up other viewers that subscribed to his channel and enjoyed his journey. Then out of the blue someone donated $ to him but that ment he had to go into town, find the post office and hope it was there when he was so he could get back to the trail as quick as possable.
Jun 02Reply

The first time this happened was a real surprise and then it happened again. Another hiker helped him set up a go fund me account so he would not have to go off route. He announced on his channel that he was not asking for donations but still there was those sending in donations anyway. So this go fund me was set up to make things easier for everyone envolved.
Jun 02Reply

I have a 10 year old terrier mix and I can’t imagine how stressful it must be. Not sure if you are religious but I will send prayers your way 💞🙏
Jun 02Reply

Prayers for you & your sweet fur baby. I lost mine last year & Im still grieving. Please don’t return my shares. Shares & Happy Positive thoughts coming at ya! 😘
Jun 02Reply

@poshmark_paige I am so sorry to hear about your baby being in the hospital. Diabetes is a terrible disease. My Jack Russel struggled with it for years...I hope she gets to feeling better....🐶❤🐶❤
Jun 03Reply

So sorry to hear this!! Been there with my pups before. Shared your listing, best wishes for a speedy pup recovery!
Jun 03Reply

Praying for your baby 🙏. She’s beautiful 💗
Jun 03Reply

@jumpin4judi How DARE YOU! My dog does very well a lot of the time. Just because she has a delicate disposition and can go downhill quickly does NOT mean she needs to be put to sleep. If you don't have anything nice to say then please stay off my feed. I give EVERYTHING to my sweet dog & daughter. For you to say otherwise is out of line!
Jun 04Reply

@poshmark_paige Wow. That was totally uncalled for and it got her blocked. I hope your baby is doing well. Block out the negativity.
Jun 04Reply

@darlingnicki69 yes! A nasty lady. Junebug DID go blind and critical a year ago, which is when my closet started going for HER. She still has a good life but does have points of being critical due to how fragile a diabetic dog can be. For her to imply I was dishonest is below the belt. I’ve never even talked to her!
Jun 04Reply

Prayers for your sweet baby. Dalton, RIP, my fur child whom I miss dearly I racked up lots of vet bills. He had pancreatic cancer. He was the best dog ever. Prayers. I’m about to check out your closet.
Jun 09Reply

@dierks24 awwww I’m so sorry to hear about Dalton! Our fur babies sure have our hearts, don’t they? Junebug is struggling this time around but I am starting to see a bit of hope. We just need to get her levels back to where they need to be. Pancreatitis is a tough one to fight!
Jun 09Reply

I am so sorry 😥. Our sweet pups (well..they'll always be pups to me..they are 12 and 13) are our babies. I am sending positive vibes your way and praying for your baby's comfort AND yours.
Jun 21Reply

Jun 21Reply

I pray your precious furbaby gets better.
I know how hard it is, when there so sick.
I will keep you in my prayers
Dogs are definitely family.💞
Jul 20Reply

I am so sorry. I will share your closet♡♡. Sending lots of love.
Jul 21Reply

I am so sorry about your dog! I lost my dog Friday 😔 sending you lots of love and shares! ❤️
Aug 05Reply

Keeping your baby in my thoughts. <3
Aug 05Reply

im so sorry, i hope she eventually recovers. ive gone through a similar situation and i know how hard it can be to come up with the money for it.
Aug 06Reply

@poshmark_paige I am so sorry your fur baby is sick. Prayers that she feels better soon.
Oct 29Reply

I’m so sorry miss Junebug isn’t doing well. I know you’re heartbroken and I will be praying that she recovers. We have to love and care for our babies! You and she have been through so much together and it’s hard to watch your loved one suffer. Bless her sweet heart and may God be with you both through this🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🦋🌷🐾🐾
Oct 29Reply

Praying for your sweet fur baby!
Oct 30Reply

how is your baby doing?
Jan 04Reply

So sorry to hear about your fur baby. I read through the emails and it sounds like you’re on the way back up♥️. My fur boy was just diagnosed with diabetes 3 weeks ago and we are still doing the monitoring and increasing the insulin. My thoughts are with you! They are family!
Jan 04Reply

I'm praying that your precious furbaby gets better.🙏🙏🙏
Jan 04Reply

Hey, could you maybe set up a go fund me so I can donate money? I want to help but I don’t need anything
Jan 04Reply

@jaymonique478 I haven’t done that... I would much rather sell than ask for charity, KWIM? @watson_district I wish that was true! She’s definitely still in critical condition. She’s diabetic so they have fragile systems. She can go from healthy to kidney failure in a flash! 95% of her life is great & healthy. It’s the 5% that gets scary & expensive!
Jan 05Reply

Sep 27Reply

Prayers for your babies. I have one with congestive heart failure and one with cancer I started poshmark just to assist with medical bills for my babies
Sep 28Reply

@poshmark_paige Hello, I'm sending all my love to your 🐶🐈 babies❤ I have an 12 year old Yorkie and he is the motor of my life, I've started poshmark for him to help with the medical bills and to pay his very helpful health insurance.
Sep 28Reply

@poshmark_paige I SUPPORT the awesome idea of @jaymonique478 🤩🤩🤩
Sep 28Reply

@cuteamore yes I just got back from the emergency vet with my dog, wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I would love to help but I don’t want to order things I know I would waste. I’d rather give freely
Sep 28Reply

@jaymonique478 I'm very sorry to hear about your fur baby is not doing well, I hope your baby get better soon ❤ is INCREDIBLE how much love our fur babies can give, I feel my life is complete every time I see my Amore's eyes.
Sep 28Reply

@cuteamore @jaymonique478 It's so sweet to offer but I just can't accept charity. You're right, it's insanely expensive. Just to do tests on little Miley cost me $800. It's robbery when you're at your most vulnerable. I hope one day to set up a fund to help people who can't afford vet care! But they are true soulmates. One will go without the other so I'm fighting for them both!
Sep 28Reply

Prayers for June Bug and Miley😢😭I just lost my baby cakes. Positive vibes and lots of sales.
Oct 01Reply

@lildaisy2 oh I’m so sorry sweetheart! 💜😭 Thank you for the kitty love. She needs it right now!
Oct 01Reply

@poshmark_paige Sorry to hear about your precious fur baby ☹️ I know what that’s like and it’s totally heartbreaking! 💔 I shared some of your things please don’t feel you need to share back❤️
Oct 02Reply

priceless absolutely adorable love it 🙏🌬💜
Oct 05Reply

Both are adorable, I hope they are doing well❤️Happy Poshing🍓
Oct 07Reply

Too cute! What lovebugs. 😀💜
Oct 07Reply

So sorry to hear of your pet(s) illness. I lost my boy to cancer and just recently got a kitten and I still feel guilty. I will share your items and I hope it helps. You and your pets will stay in my thoughts and prayers.
Oct 11Reply

~sending healing vibes and good energy to Ms. Miley~
Oct 13Reply

@poshmark_paige My hope for your fur babies Junebug & Miley is that they recover from their ailments!🙏🙏
My two rescue kitties 🐱🐈are going blind from their former owner allowing their parents to inbreed.🤨🤔
Sending your family-human & fur alike- lots of love, hugs, & kisses!🤗🤗 Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers!🙏🙏
Oct 13Reply

Hi there. I love love love your pets and I wish them well. I had a beagle named Toby and a cat named Ruby Junebug. My heart goes out to you. Tiny
Oct 14Reply

@poshmark_paige AWW! Too cute! ❤️
Oct 14Reply

@poshmark_paige What sweeties!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏To you all!!🐕🐈🐚🌺
Oct 22Reply

🙏 for your baby’s
Oct 23Reply

💎🛍 Super cute dog..Happy Poshing🌻💌
Oct 29Reply

I'm so sorry love. 🐕😻🙏😭
Oct 30Reply

@poshmark_paige I hope doing better 🙏🏻💗🦃
Nov 24Reply

Your Grey kittie looks like my grey kittie😍😍😍
Nov 24Reply

@mandyberlin54 awww I want to see!! She’s so pretty. I’m sure your baby is also!! 💜 🐱
Nov 24Reply
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