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Updated Jul 08
Updated Jul 08





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You do not want to miss these! The soft feel of these pants are truly next level! A Berber fleece pajama pant with drawstring waist. You will want to live in these things. Available in a pale pink and a gorgeous gray! Amazing stretch and soft plush feel!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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eyecandybydidi PREORDER💕 @sunnyspagirl2 @tlcizm @karidegroot @sidandsam @tvane002 @cheripop @kden_wallace @krs67 @carb7e @lelemarie86 @blueeyes828b @mendilowe @texas_tiramisu @cuppi27 @craftedcreation @klasseigne @jenfab2007 @hbpmenina @annafulla1 @dls1rn @melissacrump @2edgy @kiki931 @jane8824 @ francesrbaca @jojoclark123 @lucy01_01 @angieslilshop @tempted1381 @mads334 @ruthaae @tpiskor
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi PREORDER 💕 @Colleen515 @gayle_woodruff @jaylab2010 @griffiel @sassy_grandma62 @dawnh @sgtusa4life @elanorjamesbtq @lissaloves @melissaecannon @sugrdlemons @maasmith79 @ browneyezt @kgray72 @jennyfletcher1 @beckyl78 @melissamcn @martays @reedkim @mrsalekelly @lex7235 @sophiescott @cattayl63 @maasmith79 @moondollars
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @melodieterrito @cjackson3078 @michjprieto @lissaloves @schmugglemoo HAVE TO HAVE GIRLS 😍🤗😍🤗😍🤗 I already had the gray on preorder now I'm getting the pink LOL it's from our fav famous snuggly PLUSH brand!!!
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi of course i need u to add a large pink plzzzzz lol 😍🤗😍🤗 omg u r the BEST
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @bean5669 I just have to have these! And you got it 👍 the only thing I don’t like is the sizing 😒 comes 3-2-1, with one large. I’d rather it be the other way!
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @desiredcloset more must have pants LOL u know u want these too can u imagine these on with a blankie????? Omg I'll never leave my couch LOL 😂😂
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @figero23 U HAVE TO GET A PAIR OF THESE lol
Dec 21Reply
melodieterrito @bean5669 these look amazing 😉
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi really?? That's weird! Yeah I don't get why they'd do that :( did it say anything about sizing or measurements? Im hoping they don't run super big then, I've never ordered any pants in this brand ...the tops run fine for me but Idk about the pants...crap I hope im not gonna b swimming in them
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @melodieterrito everything by this brand is! U know they're super plush & cuddly!!
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @bean5669 I don’t think it did say anything but I’ve come across a few vendors that do it that way on certain items. I’m sure they will be fine and not be crazy big, they’re meant to be a loose fit. I’ll def keep you posted if you don’t happen to get the gray ones first.
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi oh ok thought mayb they did that bc they run bigger or something gotcha I'm sure it's fine then I'm obsessed with these i luvvvvv both shades they're PERFECT pale pink & nice gray! I cannot WAIT to put these babies on yessssss lol
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @bean5669 I also love the stripes too but gonna wait on those....they are super cute!
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi oh I bet! I would luv these in every color lol
Dec 21Reply
dk1988 I want 2 gray large and one pink large. Ok? How do I do it?
Dec 21Reply
dk1988 How do I do it?
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @dk1988 The orders only come with one large each unfortunately 😔 let me see how many I'll be able to get and I will let you know for sure 👍
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @dk1988 I contacted the vendor to see if I could get more large but will let you know for sure and tag you once these are on the way 👍
Dec 21Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi don't forget I have the pink large plz?
Dec 21Reply
lissaloves @eyecandybydidi What size does the medium fit?
Dec 21Reply
lissaloves @eyecandybydidi I’m a size 6-7 in jeans.
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @lissaloves Hey luv, I think you would be good with the medium 💕 I’ll know a bit better once they come so I can see fit and how they run, but the medium I would think would have the most comfy fit.
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @bean5669 I def got you 👍 I contacted the vendor in hopes of getting more larges and not as many Smalls, here’s to hoping!
Dec 21Reply
schmugglemoo @lissaloves man- I have a Kardashian sized butt! That thing keeps me in a 10/12 pant 🤣 Even when I work out and eat clean- so I’m kinda jelly over here-LOL
Dec 21Reply
schmugglemoo @bean5669 OMG- I’m laughing!!! I’m soooo broke. I just checked my balances on my cards and it’s bad💸💸💸💸🤫😬🤭😫 but I’m totally smiling picturing you in these with your snuggle bear pink coat-seriously cute! 💖
Dec 21Reply
dk1988 OK. Remember not to be greedy - here is me being greedy- 2 lg. Gray. 1 pink or 2 gray no pink or.... - 1 gray and I’d be most great full. 😇🙏. Thank you, your most high-on Poshnesss🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤪lol
Dec 21Reply
lissaloves @eyecandybydidi How I pre-order? You will lift the “not for sale” button?
Dec 21Reply
lissaloves @schmugglemoo Well..... turns out when you think your best friend, heart & soul, is dying, you lose about 15-20 lbs from all the crying and stress! 😱 I’ve always had no butt. And I can’t work out- I go strong for 2 days then quit 😦
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @lissaloves Sorry hon, I went back to bed 😬 CA time. So with preorders I’ll just make a listing for you until they get here and you will purchase when they are in 👍
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @dk1988 Lol... these pants are def worth being greedy with! I just may have enough 👍 I’m going to call the vendor in a few but I’ll def make sure to get enough 💕
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @lissaloves I’ve been there too, I can’t imagine all the stress you’re going through 💕 I’m so glad he at least ha his meds and you have more time with him
Dec 21Reply
lissaloves @eyecandybydidi That’s ok! I’ll take a medium in the grey, please 🙏😺
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @lissaloves Sounds good 👍
Dec 21Reply
schmugglemoo @lissaloves well I’m so glad your furry buddy is on the mend! 😻 I lost my German Shepard-Jerry Lee 16 years ago to cancer and I still weep every time I see one💔that dog was my heart & soul💞 I love all my babies but there is always that special one ☺️ I have 1 wool sweater that is covered is in his fur and I’ve never washed it & won’t ever give it up- kinda gross-but he was my one💕
Dec 21Reply
eyecandybydidi @dk1988 Okay looks like I will be able to get your 2 gray large and 1 pink large 👍
Dec 21Reply
lissaloves @schmugglemoo I’m so sorry. It makes me so sad. I get so upset thinking about when Socks leaves me. I don’t think I’ll be able to cope and I’m concerned that my mental health will deteriorate. If he has to go, he may as well take my heart with him bc I’ll be as good as dead on the inside 🤧
Dec 21Reply
schmugglemoo @lissaloves 😢that’s how I felt about Jerry Lee. I have that sweater and his collar and those things are to be buried with me❣️ So I totally get it! At that time in my life I had to rely on the kindness of others due to my ex-husband & Jerrys cancer was colon so there wasn’t much they could do. I worked as a vet tech back then too. No other can compare but I’m blessed with our Captain- he’s so sweet and attentive! 💖 my daughters cat Picasso is the son of MeowMah and she adores him so.
Dec 21Reply
schmugglemoo @lissaloves my daughter told me this morning that she doesn’t think she can bare the thought of losing him- So I’ve gotta keep that kitty healthy!!! They eat very well-LOL
Dec 21Reply
schmugglemoo @lissaloves oh Lissa I forgot to tell you that our little MeowMah sits all day on a heating pad that my hubby gave her because we are all West Coast and it’s been hard for her to adjust to the damp cold. She scared me and I thought we were going to lose her when we moved here-got her a heating pad and POOF- back to her old toothless self 😻
Dec 21Reply
lissaloves @schmugglemoo Yeah, all my cats love the heated cat perch. It gets cold here, too. Your older cat should take Glucosamine every day to help with bone joints and arthritis. It’s cheap and works! Liquid form.
Dec 21Reply
everygirlshop Hi love, when these come in in the blue/gray can you lmk I think I. Going to have to do the large..on the other pair of pants. I’m just worried cause I have calf muscles from running but I don’t want the waist too big.
Dec 22Reply
eyecandybydidi @reenaerin Don’t These look amazing! I can’t wait to wear these!they were shipped yesterday so should be here anytime 👍
Dec 22Reply
bean5669 @thewhitelotus u know u need these babies!!!
Dec 22Reply
angborn2dance I've seen your clothes on vicidolls website, are they the same?
Dec 23Reply
eyecandybydidi @angborn2dance We all use a lot of the same vendors 👍
Dec 23Reply
eyecandybydidi @reenaerin These just came in and have the most amazing feel to them!
Dec 23Reply
ktbaby89 @eyecandybydidi oh wow they look amazing. Thanks for the tag girlfriend.
Dec 24Reply
eyecandybydidi @ktbaby89 They are honestly the softest pants I’ve ever felt!
Dec 24Reply
bethybd @eyecandybydidi Hi Diane! When its not Christmas, would you let me know how large the large is please? I love them and saw some discussion in comments about sizing but wasn't sure if you are getting larges and how they will fit in waist. Thanks and Happy Holidays!🎅🤶🎁🎀🎄💋
Dec 25Reply
eyecandybydidi @bethybd Hey there, I am unfortunately all out of the larges 😔 this vendor only gave one large each pack which is a huge pain in the butt!! These have amazing stretch in the waist and throughout. If I do happen to restock with larges I will definitely tag you 💕 Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Eve 🎄
Dec 25Reply
bethybd @eyecandybydidi Okay. I understand and thank you so much!!🛍🌹💋
Dec 25Reply
eyecandybydidi @bethybd You're very welcome 💕
Dec 25Reply
143weinmuller These look amazing
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @143weinmuller They are amazing!
Dec 26Reply
143weinmuller Are these in yet? I’m a 3/4 and my neighbor is like an 8/10. What size do we need?
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @143weinmuller Yep they just got here 👍 you would be good with the small, with your neighbor the large would fit but the medium has so much stretch to them she would be good going with the medium.
Dec 26Reply
143weinmuller @eyecandybydidi let me get her exact size because I’m estimating. Hold a small for me. I’ll get back to you in five minutes
Dec 26Reply
143weinmuller How are they in length, I’m 5’3 so I’m use to everything being long and prefer it but my neighbor is 5’7 . Are these long enough in length?
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @143weinmuller Yea they will be longer on you but I am 5"8 and these hit the ankle area on me, so they should go a tad past the ankle on your neighbor.
Dec 26Reply
143weinmuller @eyecandybydidi perfect! Just waiting for her response
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @143weinmuller You are never going to want to take these off! Honestly the most soft plush pants I’ve ever put on!
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @143weinmuller I measured the medium just to be on the safe side in case it helps with your neighbor as well, laying flat they measure 32" but stretch to a 52". But with the elastic stretch waist they aren't to wear they're falling off, just have crazy good stretch
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @bethybd Hey hon, I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas 💕 I know I mentioned I am out of the size large but measured the medium for someone and because these have crazy stretch to them I wanted to give you those measurements. Laying flat it is 32" but stretches to 52". 👍
Dec 26Reply
bethybd @eyecandybydidi hey there! Thank you for getting me that information! I am strongly considering them. That helps alot if there is that much stretch! 🎀🎁😘
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @bethybd You're very welcome! I knew they had amazing stretch but once I measured had to share 💕 enjoy the rest of your Christmas night 🎄
Dec 26Reply
143weinmuller Ugh, Im so confused on whether or not to get these for my neighbor. LOL she finally answered back last night when I asked why size pant she wore and she said FAT! LOL LOL LOL SO then i asked what size she wear in victoria sweats cause she lives in those and she said a medium, but i wear those too and know they run HUGE!!!!
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @143weinmuller lol... that's funny! Sounds like something I would say!! I put the measurements on the medium if that helps at all but I wear an 8/10 and the medium fit me, the stretch in the waist is insanely good!
Dec 26Reply
dstackrn Love these! Omg!
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @dls1rn I can't even express how amazingly soft and snuggle these things are!! I have lived in mine since they came 😬
Dec 26Reply
dstackrn @eyecandybydidi I have a real ugly pair that are so warm and cozy, so I need a nice pair so I can get rid of these, lololol 😂😫
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @dls1rn Lol... my mom had a pair that were for our funny Xmas Jammie's last year that had the ninja turtle on it but are so soft she will wear them all year so she was very happy when I got these!
Dec 26Reply
dstackrn @eyecandybydidi Haha, oh I bet she loves them! Mine are way too big too. I need these! 😫
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @dls1rn You definitely won't be disappointed 😉
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @dls1rn I know you had that eyecandy coupon so wanted to make sure it was applied 😉
Dec 26Reply
eyecandybydidi @143weinmuller Just going through these and I know you asked me to set a small aside for you but I forgot to ask what color 😬 there is the gray and the pale pink.
Dec 27Reply
lissaloves @carrie6ztg I bought these babies, too! Arrive on Tuesday!!
Dec 30Reply
lavendermoonbtq @lissaloves those look so comfy !
Dec 30Reply
bean5669 @lissaloves these are so AMAZING i can't even believe how soft they are OMG I got the gray ones yesterday and I was in HEAVEN lol...anybody who's looking at these NEED to get NOW lol
Jan 01Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi have my plush berber babies on right now!!!! These are RIDICULOUSSSSS lol...I thought I was in HEAVEN with all my chenille these are seriously like a CLOUD OMG!! So fluffy and warm PERFECT for this below 0 weather up here in New England!!! I'm so snuggly!!!
Jan 01Reply
eyecandybydidi @bean5669 aren't they amazing and I bet they're perfect for how cold it is!!! They are really the most comfy pants I've ever worn!
Jan 01Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi omg they're INSANE and u kno I'm the queen of UBER soft lol I feel so snuggly like a security blanket I'm just so OBSESSED...I have a white hoody in the same fabric I got a while back actually and so I threw that on too and I'm like serious in a CLOUD 🤗🤗
Jan 01Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi *almost same fabric, close enough lol
Jan 01Reply
eyecandybydidi @bean5669 I would never want to change...seriously is like sleeping in a cloud. And we aren't as cold here but with your weather snuggling in those sounds perfect!
Jan 01Reply
bean5669 @eyecandybydidi I know I'm gonna have to force myself into the shower tomorrow LMAO
Jan 01Reply
eyecandybydidi @bean5669 Lol... but then put them right back on.
Jan 01Reply
lissaloves @carrie6ztg Buy these NOW. You need them!
Jan 03Reply
lissaloves @cindysusan Buy these, whichever color you want, but probably size medium for you. They stretch very well, but you can do a Large if you really want to.
Jan 03Reply
lavendermoonbtq I am a size 10-12 should I go with the large? I heard these are really stretchy.
Jan 03Reply
eyecandybydidi @carrie6ztg They are very stretchy but I think you should still be good going with the large 👍 the medium would fit I just think you may like the comfort and fit of the large more.
Jan 03Reply
eyecandybydidi @carrie6ztg You're welcome 💕
Jan 03Reply
lissaloves @carrie6ztg Say HELLO to your best purchase of 2018!!!! 🎊 🥂
Jan 03Reply
eyecandybydidi @lissaloves Lol... thanks for sharing luv 💕
Jan 03Reply
lissaloves @eyecandybydidi Yay 🤩🤩😍😍 I told @carrie6ztg She MUST do this purchase. ☁️ ⛅️ ☁️ ⛅️
Jan 03Reply
eyecandybydidi @lissaloves Thank you SO much 💕💕💕💕 you rock and I'm so glad you love them!!
Jan 03Reply
lolilori Are you sold out of large?
Jan 03Reply
eyecandybydidi @lolilori I was holding a few larges for someone but they been on vacation for like three weeks so I'm getting ready to list them again which color are you looking for?
Jan 03Reply
eyecandybydidi @lolilori Just Added 👍
Jan 03Reply
bean5669 @schmugglemoo if u see the 1st few stock pics of the gray pants on here that's how they fit BUT they are SUPER light like I said they're not the regular fleece like ur thinking but u can see how roomy they are better in these stock pics
Jan 06Reply
wegreen @eyecandybydidi Could you list the inseam on the medium?
Jan 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @wegreen Grabbing now 👍
Jan 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @wegreen The inseam is 28".
Jan 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @wegreen You're welcome 💕
Jan 07Reply
hollylynn78 How do these fit?? I’m typically a small but I like them to be roomy but I don’t want them falling off lol
Jan 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @hollylynn78 These have such amazing stretch that sticking with the small should still give you that great fit. You’re totally good going that route. If you did want baggier them medium won’t be falling off at all but I really think you’re good going small 👍
Jan 07Reply
hollylynn78 @eyecandybydidi great thanks! Wish I had them like NOW for this bitter cold weather lol
Jan 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @hollylynn78 It luckily hasn't been too bad here but that's because we've had some rain but these will definitely keep you warm!! They're amazing!! I'll get them out first thing Monday so they'll hopefully get there fast!
Jan 07Reply
hollylynn78 @eyecandybydidi wonderful! Gotta try one pair before getting 5 lol
Jan 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @hollylynn78 Lol... you definitely will want to live in these babies! Enjoy the rest of your night and stay warm 💕
Jan 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @julied504 Thanks so much for the offer, unfortunately with the posh fee I don't have much room on these 😔 Thanks again for the offer and enjoy the rest of your night 💕
Jan 08Reply
julied504 @eyecandybydidi do they run small, true to size??? Are they as nice as they look? Thank you for the info
Jan 08Reply
eyecandybydidi @julied504 They run pretty true to size and have amazing stretch as well. And honestly the picture does not do the pants justice, everyone that has bought them has not wanted to take them off 😊 the most comfy pants you will ever wear 👍
Jan 08Reply
eyecandybydidi @hinaturalista Lol... you would want to live in these things!
Jan 12Reply
eyecandybydidi @hinaturalista They are, I jut had on sale at $46 for a 1 day sale yesterday and will alway honor sale prices 👌
Jan 12Reply
legalgirl24 Do you know the waist measurements for a small?
Jan 12Reply
eyecandybydidi @legalgirl24 Grabbing now for you 👍
Jan 12Reply
eyecandybydidi @legalgirl24 laying flat the waist is 27", with that said these have crazy great stretch and with the elastic waist they won't fall or feel loose or too small of that makes sense 😬
Jan 12Reply
eyecandybydidi @legalgirl24 My pleasure 😊 Have a great Friday!
Jan 12Reply
bean5669 @janice829 hi! I noticed u missed out on the cloud soft pants...Didi @eyecandybydidi has gray and pink here and they are AMAZZZZZING the fabric is to die for u will luv!
Jan 13Reply
eyecandybydidi @janice829 Thanks so much for stopping by CLOSET and the offer 💕 The posh fees are killer so I hope that works, have a wonderful Friday night!
Jan 13Reply
abeautifulchaos @eyecandybydidi OBSESSED with these😍
Jan 13Reply
eyecandybydidi @abeautifulchaos No joke, the most amazing things you will ever put on!
Jan 13Reply
stylebisav Happy poshing !!! 😍
Jan 14Reply
eyecandybydidi @laceysavannah Thank you! You as well 💕
Jan 14Reply
jtst2911 I take an 18/20 you can’t get xl in these can you as I love them!!!
Jan 14Reply
eyecandybydidi @jtst2911 These unfortunately don’t come in an XL 😒 I know the medium waist stretches to 52”, The large would stretch to over a 60” waist not sure if that would work for you?
Jan 14Reply
eyecandybydidi @mosborne115 Thanks so much for the offer on the pants 💕 unfortunately with the posh fee I have very little room 😔 thanks again and have a great rest of your night!
Jan 17Reply
sweetest13 Hi I'm trying to get small gray and large gray. Can you help?
Jan 19Reply
eyecandybydidi @sweetest13 Sure thing... I don’t know why posh won’t let anyone add two things from the same listing 😬 I’ll make that listing now for you 👍
Jan 19Reply
sweetest13 @eyecandybydidi I know! I thought I was doing something wrong! Thank you!
Jan 19Reply
eyecandybydidi @sweetest13 Nope, their system is just weird but also just in time for the 2 hour sale 🎉
Jan 19Reply
eyecandybydidi @lilrichla These are in stock and ready to ship 👌
Jan 19Reply
eyecandybydidi @lilrichla They're true to size but also have amazing stretch to them. I would think washing on cold should be okay but if you put them in the dryer I would think they would definitely shrink up a bit
Jan 19Reply
eyecandybydidi @lilrichla just the small and large. Honestly going up to the large isn't a huge size difference and the elastic on the waist isn't going to make it loose in the stomach area. Even if you went the opposite way and went small, there isn't a huge size difference.
Jan 19Reply
eyecandybydidi @lilrichla yea that's what I have then for but they're hard to want to take off 😬 of I could get away with wearing them every day I would 😊
Jan 19Reply
eyecandybydidi @lorriegranthawk Thank you 🙏 they’re the most comfy pants I’ve ever put on!
Jan 20Reply
h_s_c In love with these! 😍💕thanks for the follow! 💖Feel free to make OFFERS or BUNDLES for DISCOUNTS!! ☺️😘💝
Jan 20Reply
nikkibella07 Omg I was looking 4 these
Jan 20Reply
eyecandybydidi @nikkibella07 The most comfy things you will ever wear!
Jan 20Reply
nikkibella07 @eyecandybydidi omg sure but I wanted a LG grey
Jan 20Reply
eyecandybydidi @nikkibella07 Ahh bummer 😔 those just sold out unfortunately
Jan 20Reply
nikkibella07 @eyecandybydidi ughhh man thxs anyway
Jan 20Reply
eyecandybydidi @nikkibella07 I'll def tag you if I come across more 👌
Jan 20Reply
eyecandybydidi @nikkibella07 My pleasure 💕
Jan 20Reply
amandas2ndroom @eyecandybydidi what’s the inseam on the pink medium?
Jan 23Reply
eyecandybydidi @amandas2ndroom Hi there, the inseam is 28” 👌
Jan 23Reply
roofmoney Hi! Do you think you will get any additional pairs of the gray? Preferably large? Thanks❣️
Jan 28Reply
eyecandybydidi @roofmoney Hi there, I actually won’t be restocking these unfortunately 😒 these pants do have crazy stretch to them and I’ve had some ladies go to the medium some even the small given their height and they said they still fit perfectly 👌
Jan 28Reply
roofmoney @eyecandybydidi do you have a gray in medium? I thought there was only pink?🤞🏼
Jan 28Reply
eyecandybydidi @roofmoney Oh man I don’t, I thought I had one left 😒 let me go double check 👌
Jan 28Reply
eyecandybydidi @roofmoney Yea Bummer I only have the Smalls
Jan 28Reply
roofmoney @eyecandybydidi ok! Thank you for checking❣️
Jan 28Reply
eyecandybydidi @roofmoney My pleasure sorry I don't have any grey. I know the waist on the small stretches to about 50" but not sure how it would compare on the leg area.
Jan 28Reply
roofmoney @eyecandybydidi gotcha- thank you for looking😘
Jan 28Reply
eyecandybydidi @roofmoney My pleasure 😊
Jan 28Reply
eyecandybydidi @dk1988 Hey hon, hope all is good 💕 I wasn’t able to hold all three pair in the large but do still have one large left in pink if you still wanted 👌 also added some other great items I think you would love! Hope you’re doing good
Jan 28Reply
ladycrackerjack @eyecandybydidi ❤️these are REALLY cute, girl!!
Jan 29Reply
skullee @eyecandybydidi hi...cute!...what is the inseam & waist msrmnts plz.....thx so much for your help!
Jan 29Reply
eyecandybydidi @skullee Hi there, Yea these are amazingly comfy!! Which size did you need measurements on?
Jan 29Reply
merediths404 Hi! I’m a 27 in jeans...what size would that be?
Jan 31Reply
eyecandybydidi @merediths404 you would be good going with the small 👌
Jan 31Reply
merediths404 Hi A couple more questions:) Are these a fleece material? And what is the inseam? I want to make sure the small is long enough.
Jan 31Reply
eyecandybydidi @merediths404 The Inseam is 27". And they're a Berber fleece, the softest material
Jan 31Reply
merediths404 @eyecandybydidi got it:) so they are a little cropped.thx so much for answering my questions.
Jan 31Reply
skullee @eyecandybydidi hi...thx so much for getting back!...been in the hospital...I wear an 8 so maybe msr a sm & md.....thx so much for your help & time!
Jan 31Reply
eyecandybydidi @skullee I hope you’re feeling better 💕 I’ll grab those now for you 👌
Jan 31Reply
eyecandybydidi @skullee okay waist on the small pre stretch is 26” but stretches to 40” and the inseam is 27”. The medium waist pre stretch is 28” and stretches to 42”, Same inseam. These have amazing stretch but are not loose where they will be falling off 👌
Jan 31Reply
skullee @eyecandybydidi thx for helping! cute...they are short tho...
Feb 01Reply
eyecandybydidi @skullee You’re very welcome 😊 Yea I’m 5”8 and it hits my ankle.
Feb 01Reply
fercat @eyecandybydidi do you have a grey in size small? Or will you be getting more of these? Thx!
Feb 06Reply
eyecandybydidi @fercat Hi there, I only have the light pink unfortunately and won't be restocking 😔
Feb 06Reply
lisabell21 No gray large?
Feb 07Reply
eyecandybydidi @lisabell21 I am out of the gray unfortunately and just have the pink.
Feb 07Reply
loribushing I have the grey !!! Luvvvv 💞 so comfy! My daughter has a pair too! Perf for college chilly nights!! 👍
Feb 24Reply
eyecandybydidi @loribushing They are amazing! Trying to clear out my winter section 😬 posh has a new feature which I’m not sure I like too much but figured I’d try it out
Feb 24Reply
loribushing I just asked my daughter. I may get . Lol. Waiting to see if she wants. I just started selling . I just bought😁 but spring cleaning. So I thought I would see if someone else needs! Lol my sons gf has a closet your daughter may like Katherineflick his he has to add a lot . Is sold down
Feb 24Reply
loribushing Oops... Her closet is Katherine F
Feb 24Reply
eyecandybydidi @loribushing Ooh I will definitely take a look!! Yea spring cleaning my closet and getting ready to move 😬 So a closet clean out is a must!
Feb 24Reply
loribushing 👍👍👍😘
Feb 24Reply
missdwvu I love these, but not my size 🙁
Feb 25Reply
eyecandybydidi @missdwvu Bummer 😒 trying out the new posh feature they added today 💕
Feb 25Reply
ericaelmore9797 so what do you have in stock as of now/today? :)
Feb 25Reply
eyecandybydidi @ericaelmore9797 Hi, I have the pink in small and medium 👍
Feb 25Reply
legalgirl24 Are you getting anymore gray?
Mar 08Reply
eyecandybydidi @legalgirl24 I won't be restocking these unfortunately
Mar 08Reply
tandb96 Not my size....😩
Mar 09Reply
eyecandybydidi @noniblood Thanks so much for the offer on the bundle 💕 unfortunately with the posh fee I can't go any lower than the sales price and bundle price 😔 thanks again and enjoy your weekend 💜
Mar 09Reply
alixricci1 Are you getting more sizes in ?
Mar 23Reply
eyecandybydidi @alixricci1 Hi, unfortunately I won't be restocking these
Mar 23Reply
eyecandybydidi @morgasm888 I know they're so comfy!
Apr 06Reply
hmok7411 @eyecandybydidi what is the inseam on these? I love the look of them?
Apr 24Reply
eyecandybydidi @hmok7411 Hi there, the inseam is 28” on these 👌
Apr 24Reply
hmok7411 @eyecandybydidi Perfect! I will get back you in a couple days. How many pink small to do have left?
Apr 24Reply
eyecandybydidi @hmok7411 Sounds good 👌 I have 2 smalls left
Apr 24Reply
barrowf6 Loving it!
May 04Reply
dk1988 Any large left at all?
May 24Reply
eyecandybydidi @dk1988 I don’t unfortunately 😔
May 24Reply
eyecandybydidi @summersun192 Hi, the 5th picture shows the pink ones 👌
Jun 11Reply
ecarlsen05 Hi!! Will you be getting these back??
Dec 15Reply
eyecandybydidi @ecarlsen05 I won’t be restocking these unfortunately 😔
Dec 15Reply

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