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Updated Mar 04
Updated Mar 04

Every Offer is Considered 🐸

$15 $30


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Hi! Great to meet you on Posh! Feel free to comment, or just share 4 or more pieces from my closet for a great share buddy...either way, See you around!!!
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soriag 😃 Hi there! I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark . I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 16Reply
artmart Welcome to Poshmark ❤️
Jan 25Reply
dazzlingtreats @artmart Thanks a lot! It's been fun so far :)
Jan 25Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Stacy. Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jan 26Reply
dazzlingtreats @hmsimon1 Hi Hank, so nice to meet you here on Posh. Thanks for following me back. I absolutely love your work...I can't wait to have a little extra cash so I can browse all your pieces. Very inspiring & impressive to me :)
Jan 26Reply
angreen40 Welcome to Posh Stacy!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.
Feb 06Reply
dazzlingtreats @angreen40 Thank you very much. Sounds great, I can't wait to check it out! 😍
Feb 06Reply
bettys_bags Hi Stacy, Thank you for your follow. I followed you in return. Share With Me? I'll share with you! Should you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, Please free to contact me, anytime. Special pricing ongoing to people of interest. Just let me know which bag/s. No additional discounts on items under $15.00, Unless Bundled. Betty
Feb 10Reply
dazzlingtreats @bettys_bags Hey Elizabeth, great to meet you here on Posh. Your closet is suberbly lovely :) Wow, I love it! Thank you so much for reaching out...I will be sure to share with you & I'll know right where to go if I have any ?s. Thank you so much, have a great evening & see a lot of you here on Posh! :)
Feb 13Reply
bettys_bags @dazzlingtreats Hi Stacy Wow THANK YOU, I wish more people would answer my messages. It make me feel good to show everyone a little more light in their day. Like being nice to to a fellow posher, Or lending a helping hand. Or Just being there when times are not so shinny, But, you have a wonderful day and keep sharing.
Feb 13Reply
dazzlingtreats @bettys_bags Hey Betty, you wanna know what? Your attitude is +awesome+! The world needs more people like you. I, for one, am very glad we've run across each other :) Have a great to you soon :)
Feb 15Reply
bettys_bags You are to kind. I am just simply high on life. Don't get me worn. It's not the greatest. But, God has given me good health, faith, love, happiness and warmth. As for the wealth, Nope Nope Nope. So, I try to help anyone I can that that is trying to help themselves. It's always brighter when you go to sleep. Love Betty
Feb 15Reply
velvetandchains Thanks for the shares! Have a great day!😊
Feb 21Reply
dazzlingtreats @quirkyqueenbee Hey hey -- thank you for the shares, too! :) Have fun Poshin' :)
Feb 22Reply
dazzlingtreats @bettys_bags You say you don't have wealth, but with all your blessings, it sure sounds like you do :)
Feb 24Reply
bettys_bags Yes you are right. About wealth, But wealth has many definitions.
Feb 24Reply
bossladytx Thank you for the shares!
Mar 10Reply
dazzlingtreats @bossladytx Hey, thank you also for the shares!!! Hope you're having a good weekend :)
Mar 10Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats Welcome to posh ! Fun site to buy, sell your favorite brands and meet nice people. If you have any??? please let me know as I am a Posh Ambassador.I offer 20% off to all new poshers and discount shipping Enjoy! You have a nice closet going.
Mar 17Reply
sea4emm Thank you so much for the shares , and following 😊 Nyh n name is Emily ⚘
Mar 28Reply
dazzlingtreats @perazam Nice to meet you on Posh! I am Stacy. Your closet looks have super cute things! :) Thanks for the return shares, see you around! :)
Mar 28Reply
sea4emm @dazzlingtreats oh .... thank you, you're awesome. My pleasure... happy selling and thank you! You too have a great closet😊⚘⚘⚘
Mar 28Reply
dazzlingtreats @crazycooper Hi there, great to meet you here on Posh! Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it. I will definitely check our your closet! Thank you so much, have a great day & have fun Poshin'. :)
Mar 28Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats your welcome. I love your flower pics. Come on spring
Mar 28Reply
dazzlingtreats @crazycooper Right?! C'mon! :) :) :)
Mar 28Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats exactly. We usually mow our lawn for the first time of the season in a few days. Not this year
Mar 29Reply
dazzlingtreats @crazycooper I know what you there is nothing but BROWN. I can't wait for things to turn green.
Mar 29Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats my daffodils were blooming last week before the snow and ice. I see a hyacinth in my flowerbed, some snowdrops and the tulip greens are up. I am starting to see buds on the trees which is a good sign. Here in Maryland next 4 days rain and in the 50s. Monday chance of... rain and snow. Urghhh
Mar 29Reply
dazzlingtreats @crazycooper Sitting here in shock that it is snowing! It's accumulating!!! I also noticed some buds on a pussy willow tree. We haven't gotten our seeds started for the garden yet this year, now I am wondering, maybe we aren't too late? :)
Apr 03Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats where r u? We were suppose to get a mix in MD yesterday. It is raw and cold. We are usually safe here planting veggie plants after Mothers day as no danger of frost but who knows when the ground will heat up. I know if you out black plastic over your garden it should heat the ground up quicker but think we have to have sun.
Apr 03Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats was nice to hear from you. I am a girl that loves to play in the dirt aka garden. Our cherry tree has a few blooms and the climbing rose leaves are coming out. :)
Apr 03Reply
dazzlingtreats @crazycooper I'm near Madison WI... Wow it sounds beautiful where you are! We have next to nothing starting over here...just that brown. Our planting season usually starts more towards Memorial Day, but this year I will keep an eye out. Maybe I was waiting too long. That is so awesome, I'd love to hear about your garden!
Apr 03Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats I will keep you posted when it starts to get warm. Are you on Facebook? I have some of my picture on there from last year and previous years. Love hydrangea and asiatic lilies
Apr 04Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats your cover shots are what caught my eye
Apr 04Reply
dazzlingtreats @crazycooper Sounds great! No, I'm not on facebook, :( Yes, that hydrangea is my pride & joy...the only one that bloomed for me last year! We have some lilies going too, I will post them when they bloom! :)
Apr 04Reply
crazycooper @dazzlingtreats I have a couple different one that bloom blue and pink. I have ones on the side of the house that are cylinder shape and bloom cream with a hint of pink. Also have a climbing hydrangea and variegated. We are supposed to have 8" of snow Saturday. Never going to be able to get outside.
Apr 04Reply
dazzlingtreats @crazycooper Sounds seriously beautiful....oh my goodness. Now 8" of snow, that's just nuts...!!! The temps here are much colder than usual & look to be so through at least the first part of next week. I guess we will see :)!
Apr 05Reply
crishari Good morning! Please enjoy 15% off anything you please today!
Apr 06Reply
idbeads @dazzlingtreats Welcome to Poshmark! 💋👍💋LIKE some things 💕FOLLOW people & ✅🎁SHARE lots of things 🎁✅ SHARE ✅SHARE✅ SHARE = 💥💵 💥SALES💥💵💥 ( Lots of SELF SHARES 2 ) There are so many wonderful people on Poshmark. Just ask an Ambassador if you need help. I’m enjoying the buying and selling opportunities available on Poshmark and I know you will too. I have other helpful messages I can send you if you’re interested. Have fun! 🌹Happy Poshing🌹
Apr 14Reply
dazzlingtreats @idbeads Thank You! I have been enjoying Poshmark very much so far! :)
Apr 17Reply
geeeeena Thank you for sharing 🙌🏽😋😘
Apr 21Reply
dazzlingtreats @geeeeena Thanks to you for sharing too!!! :)
Apr 21Reply
juxtapose66 Thanks for sharing!!
Jun 01Reply
dazzlingtreats @juxtapose66 Thank you for sharing too!!! Happy Friday! 😊
Jun 01Reply
mintchipcookie Thanks so much for the shares! 💕💐
Jun 08Reply
dazzlingtreats @mintchipcookie You bet, thank you for the shares as well!!! :)
Jun 08Reply
dazzlingtreats @wretchedexcess glad to share, thank you for the shares!
Jun 20Reply
stormhba Thankx 4 all the shares! Much appreciated! :)
Jul 12Reply
dazzlingtreats @stormhba thank you too! I'm hapy to share anytime 😀
Jul 13Reply
stormhba @dazzlingtreats Me too! Happy sales! :)
Jul 13Reply
dazzlingtreats @drchauvin Sounds great, I am thinking of geting one for my husband, I think he would love it....wll you be getting any additional patterns?
Jul 14Reply
dazzlingtreats @dazzlingtreats HAVE TO THROW THIS OUT THERE = 7/25/18, Would anyone be willing to share my items to the morning parties? I would love to share your items in schedule doesn't allow for attending the morning parties. Let me know, I would sure appreciate it :) Stacy
Jul 25Reply
kelaasmiles Thanks for the shares 💐💐🥂🥂appreciated and 💝🛍💝🛍💝 happy Poshing 👡👠👟👗
Jul 31Reply
elaine_yu @dazzlingtreats Thanks for all the shares and posh love! I hope you're having a great Tuesday evening. I've bookmarked this post so I can share more of your closet.😍😍
Aug 01Reply
dazzlingtreats @elaine_yu Thank you so much! Thank you in return for the shares :) I'm going to save your page too, & hope you have a great night also! :)
Aug 01Reply
dazzlingtreats @kelaasmiles Thank you for the shares!!! Great to meet you here on Posh :) Happy to share anytime!
Aug 01Reply
kelaasmiles @dazzlingtreats oh my you made my day, today is one of those days I just don't feel like sharing, not in the mood...thank you my dear🥂🥂🥂, appreciated and Happy Poshing always 🛍💝🛍🛍🛍
Aug 01Reply
dazzlingtreats @kelaasmiles I hear ya, that will happen == Happy Poshing to you as well!
Aug 02Reply
dazzlingtreats @simply_done hi there! not sure if you realized, but there is a price of 0 on your item, just wanted to let you know :)
Aug 18Reply
simply_done @dazzlingtreats yeah I was still editing it (:
Aug 18Reply
dazzlingtreats @simply_done gotcha! just didn't want you to be wondering why it wasn't selling! :) Have a great weekend!
Aug 18Reply
simply_done @dazzlingtreats you too , thanks😊
Aug 18Reply
nr22655 thanks for all the shares! 😘
Aug 21Reply
dazzlingtreats @nr22655 anytime, happy to share & Thanks to you too! Have a great evening :)
Aug 21Reply
elaine_yu @dazzlingtreats Hi Stacy! Just wanted to drop by and share some posh love!! Hope you have an awesome weekend!!😍😍😍
Sep 08Reply
dazzlingtreats @elaine_yu Hi Elaine, how are you doing? Thank you so much for the posh love, it is so appreciated! I hope your week is going well, the weather seems to have gotten the best of us here for a minute, but luckily things are on the upswing. Drop by anytime, talk to you soon! :) Stacy
Sep 13Reply
trinitymv Hello!! I 💛💛love your closet, it’s so so cute!! If you get the chance, I’d love it if ya checked out my page too☺️ have a great day 💛💛
Oct 02Reply
dazzlingtreats @trinitymv Thank you so much, I really appreciate that! I will definitely check your closet out...I will do some shares later on tonight. Thanks, have a great evening!!!
Oct 02Reply
mvolpend Love the closet❤️I’m a Wisconsin girl too! Good luck poshing 🍀thanks for the shares😊🌸
Oct 08Reply
dazzlingtreats @mvolpend Hi, great to meet you! Happy to share anytime, especially a fellow Wisconsin-ite == I love our state! ;) Your closet is filled with great pieces! Thanks for reaching out, come around anytime :)
Oct 09Reply
mvolpend @dazzlingtreats 😊you’re awesome 🌸🌼
Oct 09Reply
elaine_yu @dazzlingtreats Thanks for all the shares! Just shared as well! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!😘
Nov 02Reply
dazzlingtreats @elaine_yu Thank you so much, Elaine! It is so nice to hear from you. I hope your Friday is great as well, and a wonderful weekend to you! :)
Nov 02Reply
jammie819 Thank you so much for all the shares. Much appreciated.
Nov 16Reply
dazzlingtreats @jammie819 Happy to share anytime! Thank you so much for your shares as well! :)
Nov 16Reply
nina_131 Thanks for sharing sweetie 🎁❤️Happy Poshing 😍🌺💕
Jan 04Reply
dazzlingtreats @nina_131 You bet, so happy to share! Thank you so much for sharing! Thanks & Happy Poshing to you too! Have a great weekend! :)
Jan 04Reply
weber227 Stacy! You are the best! Thank you for being such a loyal sharing buddy! I appreciate you! I will continue to always share back! ❤
Feb 17Reply
dazzlingtreats @weber227 Hey Sarah! You are an awesome share buddy & I am grateful for you! Thanks for being an amazing Posher!! I love sharing your closet, & I also dig that you're from WI!!! ;)
Feb 17Reply
weber227 @dazzlingtreats ☺ Same! I love finding wisconsinites! Happy poshing hun! Let's keep sharing!
Feb 17Reply
spham075 @dazzlingtreats Thank you for all the shares, it is so sweet of you and so appreciated 😊
Apr 21Reply
dazzlingtreats @spham075 Totally my pleasure, thank you so much for the return shares!!! Happy Easter to you!! :) Stacy
Apr 21Reply
thrifty1900 Hi thank you for checking out my closet and all your 'likes' how about bundling all those interest so I can make you a great offer. :)
May 16Reply
dazzlingtreats @thrifty1900 your closet is super cute, I am gonna check it out some more!! :)
May 16Reply
thrifty1900 @dazzlingtreats Thank you you so much!!
May 16Reply
beadshine Hi Stacy, Thank you for the Posh shares. All the Posh love is much appreciated. 😊 Big Smiles, Beadshine
Jun 13Reply
dazzlingtreats @beadshine Hi Robbin, I'm happy to share! Thank you for the return shares! Your closet is crazy awesome, I love your new mushroom art!!
Jun 14Reply
mrsv70775 Thank you for all the shares 💕💕💕
Aug 26Reply
dazzlingtreats @mrsv70775 you bet, thank you very much for the shares too!!!
Aug 26Reply
dawgette4ever Welcome to the Poshmark family where you will meet great friends and find some great bargains along the way. Best of luck in your sales and your purchases. If I can be of any help to you please feel free to contact me. Remember to read the message on do and don’t and share share share for more exposure of your closet. ❤️🐾
Sep 08Reply
dazzlingtreats @dawgette4ever Hi, thank you so much! I will do that, nice to meet you! :)
Sep 08Reply
mamacitas_magic Shared 10!! #HappyPoshing!!
Nov 14Reply
dazzlingtreats @hconnection Thank you so much, I will share your closet ASAP!!! :) Thanks, Stacy
Nov 14Reply
dazzlingtreats @serenityceo Hi Barbara, it is so nice to meet you! Thank you so much, the kitties are brother & sister as well :) Your closet is simply fabulous -- how gorgeous!! Thanks for reaching out & thanks for sharing! I have shared your awesome closet as well. Hope you're having a great holiday season so far! Stacy :)
Dec 07Reply
dazzlingtreats @conquistador79 Hey thanks, they are brother & sister...they are quite the monkeys!! Yeah, or maybe just start playing frisbee with a juicy steak, see if that gets him motivated!! ;)
Dec 14Reply
dazzlingtreats @conquistador79 They do actually, they are hilarious & pretty fun to have around!! What kid of dog do you have?
Dec 15Reply
brandisstyle7 Good evening, thank you for the follow I hope you had a wonderful day if you’d like feel free to check out my closet. I have a sale going on, on long sleeve tops. Bundle and save 15% off
Jul 07Reply
gingerbelk Thanks Stacy for all the shares. good luck in poshing.
Sep 08Reply
dazzlingtreats @gingerbelk Hi Ginger, so nice to meet you! Thanks so much for all the shares!!
Sep 08Reply
lj61 @dazzlingtreats ❤️TY so much for the awesome shares 🤗
Feb 10Reply
dazzlingtreats @lj61 Happy to share!! I just loved your puppy pics, omg so adorable!! 🐕🐕
Feb 10Reply
lj61 @dazzlingtreats ❤️ TY 🐶❤️ and your kitty pics are adorable too! If this will bring more sales to our closets then we need to upload a poop load of our precious furry babies to bring in the sales 😄👍
Feb 10Reply
dazzlingtreats @lj61 love it! I agree, if anyone can sell things, they can :) :)
Feb 10Reply
lj61 @dazzlingtreats Always grateful for the shares 🥰 Thank you 😊❤️
Mar 25Reply
dazzlingtreats @lj61 Thank you for the shares!! The pic with the pups in the wagon, is b e y o n d adorable, omggg!!!!!
Mar 26Reply
lj61 @dazzlingtreats Awww thank you! They are quite the little hams 🐾🐾
Mar 26Reply
dazzlingtreats @lynniefish my pleasure, Lynn! Your closet looks great! Hope you are doing well, and great to meet you!!
Apr 22Reply
kateskloset207 🎉🌺Hi, I’m Kate! Nice to meet you! I LOVE your cat photos! I am a cat lover as well and have 4 of them! I have several brands you may be interested in such as kate spade, Free People, Ted Baker, Banana Republic , GAP, UGG, and many more! I offer a very generous discount to every one of my repeat customers! . I’m a five-star Posh Ambassador with epic customer service, fast shipping, and I’m always open to offers. If you have a chance, take a peek! ❤️🌺
May 20Reply
jmill31 Happy Poshing 😊 I shared your beautiful closet and hope you are blessed with many sales!!
May 21Reply
dazzlingtreats @jmill31 Awesome, thanks!! Your closet is totally cool!!
Jun 04Reply
jmill31 @dazzlingtreats Thanks so much and your closet is awesome too!!
Jun 05Reply
dazzlingtreats @kateskloset207 Awesome, sounds great, I will check it out, Thanks!!
Jun 06Reply
timamy21 Hi! Thanks so much for the follow. I will be sharing some of your items and hope you feel like sharing some of mine. I'm relatively new to pashmark and have not made many sales so every little bump helps!
Nov 17Reply
dazzlingtreats @timamy21 hi Amy, so nice to meet you here on Posh! I would love to share your closet, it looks great. I know your sales will pick up. Thanks so much for reaching out...shares coming your way!!
Nov 17Reply
tatnaples Hi! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Nov 20Reply
dazzlingtreats @tatnaples hi, so nice to meet you! Your closet is great! and I would love to continue sharing :) thank you so much for reaching out, hope you're having a great weekend so far...!
Nov 20Reply
tatnaples @dazzlingtreats nice to meet you, too! You are very sweet, thank you for your lovely compliment 🙇‍♀️ Hoping you have much Posh success and, a beautiful Holiday Season xozT 💜💜💜
Nov 20Reply
dazzlingtreats @jraysnest Hi, so nice to meet you! I see you have a kitty as well? Mine are quite the characters :) Some of my prices are low, others I need to revise / get to editing!!! Thank you for reaching out, I hope you have a great Saturday! <3
May 14Reply
cutehosiery @dazzlingtreats Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 23Reply
dazzlingtreats @cutehosiery Thank you so much! All the same to you, Posh buddy!
Oct 24Reply

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Last Active: Mar 01

Madison, WI
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Last Active: Mar 01

Madison, WI
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