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Updated 9 hours ago
Updated 9 hours ago

✨Welcome to my closet!✨


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Welcome to Oh That’s Snazzy!! My name is Yolanda, and I am your closet curator. For more info on me, check out my Meet the Posher post! Here’s a few things to know: 💁🏾‍♀️ Offers are always welcome. 🙅🏾‍♀️ No trades. No modeling. No exceptions. 🥰 Bundles are encouraged for the best deals. 🚭 We are a non-smoking home but we do have one cat (December 2024). Have fun, and happy Poshin’ y’all! Let’s chat below!
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happyseller07 Thanks for the shares 💞💞💞
Mar 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @happyseller07 you’re welcome! Love your closet!!!
Mar 03Reply
happyseller07 @ohthatssnazzy awww, thank you. Your closet is pretty lovely too 💖👌🏽
Mar 03Reply
forloveoflinen Hey again! I wanted to ask how you like living in the Seattle area? my brother lives in Portland, and we've been praying about moving out there to the northwest. I adore cloudy cool weather and detest sun and humidity! Haha!
Mar 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen I’m the same way. This weather suits me for sure! I absolutely love it here. We’re in a small town outside of Seattle, but there’s so much to do here. You can’t beat the scenery either. It does tend to get humid with all of the water and rain but I don’t notice it like I did when we lived in Texas. No comparison. My kids love it here, too.
Mar 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen Our home backs up to a pretty sweet mountain view and you just sit there with a cup of tea in awe of God’s creation. It’s so surreal. We’ve been here 6 years now but before we were here 3 years with the military.
Mar 03Reply
forloveoflinen @ohthatssnazzy oh that sounds lovely! Love mountains! Thankful for this nor'easter breeze hitting us in SC...but sad for those in New England brrrrer :( I am so affected by the weather--have to pray often for contentment. My hubby is a former marine! Yours?
Mar 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen Oh my gosh I know you are! We used to live in Augusta, GA. Definitely familiar with the weather there. My husband is former Navy. I miss it sometimes but I’m glad we’re out. I wanted the kids to have more stability with schooling towards middle school and high school. It’s currently in the 40s here but the sun is peaking out for a few days. I’m so biased when it comes to the Pacific Northwest though lol!
Mar 03Reply
forloveoflinen @ohthatssnazzy that sounds wise! Your kids will thank you one day! What's the culture like out there in Pacific northwest? Housing affordable? Jobs pay okay? I lived in Nor California for a few years. Was NOT affordable!!!
Mar 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen I’m so sorry! I totally crawled back in bed lol! The kids are happy to be stable - they’re all teenagers now with good and steady friends. Housing here is pricier than most places, but the jobs pay well because of all the tech and military. We have Amazon, Microsoft, and a few other tech giants out here. Minimum wage in Seattle is between $15-$20/hr. The culture is very diverse here as well. Lots of different people and backgrounds here, and it blends very well together.
Mar 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen Seattle tends to have to typical big city crime, which is why we opted for where we are. It’s a small town and everyone knows everyone, and neighbors look out for each other here. Both my hubby and I are from Houston and it’s still no comparison crime-rate wise though.
Mar 03Reply
changeuptrading HI! Stopping by with some Posh love from a fellow NW girl! Born in Bremerton and have a ton of family that live in the PO area. I moved away because the gray weather affects my depression too much. I grew up there so I needed to get away to the sun. I see you were from Texas on your comments. I lived in Austin for a while and loved the sun, but see people who grew up in heat/humidity love the contrast of moving to the Puget Sound area. Anyways, you have a great closet! Happy Poshing!
Mar 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @paradiseclosetx Hello there neighbor!!! 👋🏾 Nice to meet a fellow PNW’er! I absolutely love it here. You’re probably right in that it has something to do with being from Texas. Their weather is something else I tell you. I still love the lone star state though, and visit every chance I get. Thank you for the posh love too! I just followed you and will really dig in your closet when I get home in a few hours. ❤️
Mar 05Reply
potykc Your closet name is awesome! 😍😂🙃
Mar 09Reply
ohthatssnazzy @potykc Why thank you! I love your closet and your style is phenomenal!!!! #goals ❤️
Mar 09Reply
potykc @ohthatssnazzy aww right back at you! ☺️ I hate looking at cute closets because I’m trying to save money 🙈
Mar 09Reply
ohthatssnazzy @potykc That’s the truth! We’re going on vacation at the end of this month and I have to keep redeeming my balance so I’m not too tempted lol.
Mar 09Reply
alwayschique Thank you for all the shares. Cute closet! Happy Poshing!
Mar 09Reply
alwayschique 💕your Boutique name btw 😊
Mar 09Reply
ohthatssnazzy @alwayschique You’re most welcome! Thank you as well. And I’m glad you love my closet name!!! ❤️🤗
Mar 09Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Mar 10Reply
jlspencer2545 Hey! If you want to reput in your offer for the leggings I’ll accept it xoxo why not right! Xoxo
Mar 12Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jlspencer2545 Ooooohhhh thank you SO much!
Mar 12Reply
jlspencer2545 @ohthatssnazzy your welcome! Xoxo
Mar 12Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jlspencer2545 I’m going on vacation at the end of the month and am *trying* to stick to a budget. I truly appreciate it!!!
Mar 12Reply
jlspencer2545 Totally understand xoxo!!! I’ll ship tom!
Mar 12Reply
armkiko Hi there !!!! I love your closet, beautiful items. 😍😘
Mar 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @armkiko Thank you! I love your closet too!!!! 🙌🏾❤️ Thank you for sharing!
Mar 16Reply
forloveoflinen Thanks for the share backs! 😘 Hope you are well?
Mar 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen You are always welcome! I’ve been doing great - counting down the days to my vacation lol. How about you guys?
Mar 24Reply
forloveoflinen @ohthatssnazzy yeah saw your vacation sign! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 we've been better actually....I got hit by a drunk driver last Friday evening bringing my kids home from school. but the Lord protected us and so only minor injuries. the car is probably a total loss but we're hoping it can be salvaged. We just got back from the park celebrating my son's 10th birthday tnite, so we are worn out but happy! I hope you have a great vacation--any big plans?
Mar 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen Oh my gosh that is terrible! I’m so glad you’re ok though. I’ll be praying that you can salvage the car too. I really wished I knew what people are thinking when they choose to get behind the wheel of a car and they’re inebriated. Seriously! Drives me mad. Again, so glad you’re ok! I was wondering where’d you been since I hadn’t seen you very active the past few days. 💕 As for vacation, it’s just me and my two girls going down to Texas for some R&R. The guys are staying home lol.
Mar 24Reply
classyvic Hey sweet lady Thank you for sharing!!
Mar 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @classyvic you’re most welcome! I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark! xo
Mar 29Reply
thesunriseiris Hi! I hope you’re enjoying your Poshmark adventure! Feel free to come on over and check out my closet! Happy Poshing! 😊🛍📦
Mar 30Reply
jadealsi23 Hi! Just wanted to let you know you've got an awesome closet! Love the style! 💜 Happy Poshing! ❤
Apr 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jadealsi23 Hello! Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kindness. Love your closet too!!!! ❤️💃🏽 You’ve got great taste for sure. Happy Poshing!
Apr 10Reply
mer985 Love your style!!! Gorgeous closet <3
Apr 12Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mer985 Thank you so much! You rock!!! ❤️🎶❤️
Apr 12Reply
missbryson You go girl! missbryson here aka crystal Bryson from fb. your closet rocks. thank you for sharing your tools😍
Apr 18Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson Hey Crystal! Thanks girl! I appreciate it. And I don’t mind sharing anytime if you need anything. I’m usually online lol.
Apr 18Reply
missbryson @ohthatssnazzy you are too sweet taking the time to share almost my entire closet!! I will do some more sharing of yours as well. I really got aome great tips from you, so glad I posted in fb
Apr 19Reply
missbryson @ohthatssnazzy I'm a single mom who had to quit a high paying career to care for my Grandma. she lives with me and elderly care pay is such a joke I had to start posh. my grandma watches me all day so I shared your closet with her and she loved it😍😍
Apr 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson No problem at all! I love your closet! Sharing is relaxing to me at night so I’m up just a sharing away lol. I’m glad you posted on FB too. Now I have another pff! ❤️
Apr 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson That is so sweet! I know your grandmother is glad to have you help her. How old is/are your little one(s)?
Apr 19Reply
missbryson @ohthatssnazzy My nana is 84. she has over 25 grandchildren. I'm her 1st😍 so I'm dear to her heart as she to mine. she has had a hard life with children that gave her more problems than good. stress got the best of her so she's just mentally depressed. Since I quit my career ahe has improved tremendously so I know I made the right decision. ...
Apr 19Reply
missbryson @ohthatssnazzy I also have my dtr who is 14, I raise my cousin who just turned 18 and currently have a childhoods son living with us he's 14. can i say God has put me in the right place at the right time. it took me a while to accept that but now I'm certain I'm where I'm suppose to be
Apr 19Reply
missbryson @ohthatssnazzy How about you? any kids grandkids? did you say you work or are you retired from the 9 to 5?
Apr 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson There is definitely a special bond between grandmothers and eldest granddaughters for sure! I had one with mine before she passed, and I miss her dearly. 😔 I’m glad you both are in a good place mentally and emotionally! As for me I have three teenagers. No grandchildren (not for a while hopefully). My oldest will be 17 next month.
Apr 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson Oh, and I do Posh full time. My husband is a military veteran and I stay home with the kids. I haven’t worked outside the home since my kids were born pretty much. I used to sell on a different platform but found out about Posh and it was just meant to be. This is what I do for work and I love it!
Apr 19Reply
missbryson @ohthatssnazzy awesome! you are blessed as well. do u also use M.E.R.C?
Apr 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson yes we are blessed indeed! And no I am only on here. I used to do “the bay” but cancelled everything over there months ago. Haven’t looked back.
Apr 19Reply
missbryson @ohthatssnazzy really well I can see why I bet u do great here. I would love to pick your brain more on another night about those other I mention. Would u mind if I friended u on fb? maybe tomorrow or some day this wk
Apr 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson sure thing. No problem at all. I’ll see you over there tomorrow. 😊
Apr 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @missbryson you’re welcome. Have a good night too.
Apr 19Reply
gingerspice885 Thank you so much for your kind words and review. Hope you enjoy. P.S. You have a great closet!!!
May 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @gingerspice885 You’re absolutely welcome! Thank YOU! ❤️
May 03Reply
debidodaday You have a really fun closet to browse! Very colorful and artsy! :)
Jul 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @debidodaday Thank you so very kindly! ❤️💕❤️
Jul 14Reply
andreaodom74 Thank you so much for the shares and for the amazing review!💕
Jul 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @andreaodom74 You are most welcome, and thank you just as much! You deserved more than five stars to be honest!!!
Jul 21Reply
abellacurve Beautiful closet! 😍
Jul 22Reply
all_the_threads I love your closet name! Beautiful closet!
Jul 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @abellacurve Thank you!!! Somehow I missed your comment when you originally posted it, and I’m sorry for the delay. But thanks again! ❤️
Jul 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @lrs1967 Thank you SO much! I appreciate it!
Jul 29Reply
abellacurve @ohthatssnazzy No problem at all! 🤗
Jul 29Reply
coffee_n_cozy One of the nicest closets I've come across!! ⚘⚘⚘
Aug 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @wynterdawn_07 Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words!!!
Aug 19Reply
vintage2classic Hi Yolanda, You have a really great closet. Your shots are clear and easy to look at and the variety is refreshing! You go girl! 🌻 Lorri
Sep 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @leviya Hey Lorri!!! Thank you so much for your kind words and sharing! I also thank you for taking the time to browse and check out my closet. It means a great deal. I can’t thank you enough. ❤️❤️❤️ Happy Poshing
Sep 14Reply
vintage2classic @ohthatssnazzy When you share my closet, that is thanking me plenty. I really appreciate it. <3
Sep 14Reply
getzitgurl Hey i just ordered boots from you can you cancel order so I can change my payment type please and I will re but item
Oct 10Reply
getzitgurl Can we buy item
Oct 10Reply
mercatkitten Hi Yolanda thank you so much for the offer on the tie neck LAMB sweater. I will be accepting that offer I just have to wait until after midnight today 10/25 so that payment will post when my direct deposit has been transferred. Thank you kindly for the offer and I am in just hope I dont miss it today in meantime. Best wishes, Mary PS love your closet and variety of sizing thats super!! Happy Poshing!
Oct 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mercatkitten Hi Mary! Thank you so much for your kind words! I really do appreciate them so very much. 💕 You’re most welcome on the offer for the LAMB sweater. Just in case the offer expires before your payment will go through, feel free to resubmit it or add it to a bundle and I’ll most definitely honor it at that price for you. Just let me know ok. Thanks!
Oct 25Reply
mercatkitten Hi Yolanda I did miss the expiration of offer on LAMB sweater can you kindly resend and I will buy straight away! Many kind thanks, Mary
Oct 26Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mercatkitten Hi Mary! You caught me right in time. I was about to hop off for a bit. I’ll get it sent right now. Thanks so much!
Oct 26Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mercatkitten Hi Mary. Did you see my comment I left for you in the bundle? Because the last offer expired, you’ll have to send me an offer. It won’t let me send a new offer. So if you’d like to send $109 offer that will reflect the free shipping. Just let me know. Thanks so much. ❤️
Oct 26Reply
mercatkitten @ohthatssnazzy great just sent it thank you so very much! Have wonderful blessed day! Mary
Oct 26Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mercatkitten Got it all squared away for you. Thank you so much! I’ll have this wrapped and packaged for shipping today. You’re going to look phenomenal! Have a blessed day as well, and thanks again.
Oct 26Reply
cmichellethrift Thanks for the shares! Such a pleasure getting to know you! Keep in touch. Beautiful closet!!!!!!
Nov 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @citythrift You’re welcome, and thank you as well! I’ll definitely stay in touch and keep sharing for you. It’s been fun chatting!!! 💕 Let me know if you need anything ok.
Nov 14Reply
ashleebuono I just got my leopard points, I have marigold on the way, & Chili & big cat in cart waiting to check out!!! They are so comfy 🤗
Nov 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ashleebuono Ahhh I want the leopard points so bad! I had the marigold points but they were too small and I just sold them yesterday. There was one size 11 and I missed it. I think you bought them come to think of it 😂 So now all I have are the black round toes and the pink/white/blue stripe ones that will be here tomorrow.
Nov 20Reply
ashleebuono @ohthatssnazzy I did! They should be in tomorrow...I’m a 10.5 in my leopard so if the marigolds are too big I’ll let you know 😉 I want all the colors, but my wallet is not allowing me to buy them all at once!!!
Nov 20Reply
ashleebuono Are you in FB? Are you part of the Rothys Buy/Sell/Trade group? There is a pair of leopards in a size 12 available for $130 obo. They might be too big though...
Nov 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ashleebuono I knew it! I hope they fit you but umm yeah if they don’t please tag me and I’ll buy them right up!!! I am on FB but I’m not in the group. I will definitely check that out though. Sounds fun and dangerous lol. I want a leopard pair and a hot pink pair and a cherry red pair....oh and the metallics! My wallet also says no. 😩
Nov 20Reply
ashleebuono Definitely check the group out because people trade sizes if needed, so if something doesn’t work they offer it up for trade before they sell. I just bought a pair of persimmons off there 5 minutes ago 🤦🏻‍♀️ I need to stop! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Nov 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ashleebuono HAHAHAHAHA! That persimmon sounds so nice! Yeah, I should stop too but let's be real - neither of us probably will LOL. You enjoy your Thanksgiving too! And hey, we both get new Rothy's tomorrow!
Nov 20Reply
ashleebuono @ohthatssnazzy just an FYI the size 11 Marigolds I bought have been shrunk 😫 They for but are snug, I’m going to try and stretch them out with shoe stretchers but I was so bummed they are waaaay tighter than my 10.5 leopards 😔 I don’t think the seller knew...she looks like she does resale so she prob found them and knew they would sell...I’m going to try and make them work though for the price I paid.
Nov 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ashleebuono Aww that’s a huge bummer! I hope you can stretch them out too. I just got mine and they’re so adorable! I ordered a size 11.5 and there’s a huge difference between these and the 11’s I have already but they’ll work. I know to stick with a size 11 from now on though. Let me know if you’re able to stretch yours!
Nov 21Reply
ashleebuono @ohthatssnazzy BTW I now have Chili 🌶, leopard 🐆, Marigold 💛 ( I sold the shrunken ones & bought brand new ones 🤦🏻‍♀️), and black 🖤 are on the way!!! All in the span of 3 weeks 🤣 my poor wallet 😉
Dec 01Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ashleebuono Bwahahahaha!!!! I want some more so bad! I have to calm down though - we’re doing a college road trip tour this weekend. My poor wallet too lol. As for the round toes- that’s all I have anymore. One pair in black and one pink white striped pair. The black ones are 11 (but they may be shrunken) and the other is 11.5. Slightly big but workable cause they’re so cute!
Dec 01Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ashleebuono I want to try those dotted ones I tagged you in but I’m on a spending freeze at the moment and it’s killing me inside. I need to buy a new pair and see the fit in the different sizes. The pink white striped ones I have are brand new and they’re big (11.5). But since I have wide feet they’re not too too bad.
Dec 01Reply
queensa I love love sharing from your closet. So beautiful and well organized. Posh On💕🤛🏽
Dec 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @queensa Thank you so very much for your kind words and for sharing some Posh love with me! It makes me so happy to hear how much you enjoy browsing through my closet! 💕🥰I’ll be sure to return the love to you soon. Merry Christmas!
Dec 25Reply
timeless466 You have a very pretty closet. Very nicely done.
Dec 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @timeless466 Thank you so much! I appreciate the sharing and Posh love too. I will definitely be returning it shortly. Happy Holidays and a blessed new year to you. 💕❤️💕
Dec 28Reply
timeless466 @ohthatssnazzy Thank you! Happy New Year!
Dec 28Reply
pltbyvero @ohthatssnazzy you have a beautiful closet ...great pics and presentation :)
Feb 26Reply
faithoverfear07 @ohthatssnazzy Hi! Congratulations on hosting 🥳🎉🎊🙌🏻Would you mind taking a look in my closet for possible host picks? I’m a Posh Ambassador and I’m compliant. Have Fun 🥰Thank you 😊
Apr 15Reply
swissli Hiii LOVE!!!!!!!! 👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻 CONGRATULATIONS ON coHOSTING THE PARTY TOMORROW! 😘 I’d be honored if you took a peek at my closet and considered one of my items for HP. See you tomorrow at the party!!!! So excited! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❌⭕️❌⭕️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 15Reply
greenekristen2 Congrats on hosting! Would love for you to check out my closet for a host pick! ❤️☺️
Apr 15Reply
bebot613 🥳 🍾Congrats on Co-hosting a Poshmark party tomorrow! 🎉 Wishing you lots of success! I’d be very grateful if you would take the time to check out my closet for any host picks 🤗
Apr 16Reply
fashionista4114 Love your closet! Great taste.🤗
Apr 16Reply
celyse21 Congratulations on co hosting tomorrow!! Can’t wait to see what you select. Would love for you to check out my closet and see if anything will work for the party!
Apr 16Reply
projectmode @ohthatssnazzy Hello!! Congratulations on hosting! I'm not sure if you are still looking for host picks but if you would be willing to check out my closet ( @projectmode ) I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you'll find something that qualifies for your host pick. Thank you for your time. Have a great day and congratulations!!
Apr 16Reply
brooklynshopgal If you are still looking for host picks for the trendsetter party, I have some gorgeous items that would be perfect for it! ❤️✨
Apr 16Reply
soul_embellish Hi Yolanda!👋🏼🤩 I saw that your profile up for a Hosting Party tonight, so I wanted to stop by & Congratulate you on it!🥳 My name is Laney, @laneywyble //Soul Embellishments, it’s a pleasure to meet you! I’d love it, If you can stop by to say Hi & check out my unique listings, which match your party theme. I’ll be partying with you tonight!🤩🛒💯🛍💐 HaPpY PoShInG!
Apr 17Reply
passporttoindia @ohthatssnazzy Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!!
Apr 17Reply
carrylin Congratulations for you hosting ❤️🎁🌺💕🎉🎊please take look my closet if you still need the host pick ❤️🎁🌺💕🎉🎊🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Apr 17Reply
kmince Congrats on hosting!!
Apr 17Reply
nicschulman Hi!! Congrats on hosting the total trendsetter 🎉 If you think any of my closet is trendsetter worthy I’d love to be picked for a host pick🛍 Happy poshing 💕💋
Apr 17Reply
_lalala_ 🖤🦋Congrats on hosting!🦋🖤
Apr 17Reply
cehines96 Hi there! I see you’re hosting a Party tonight and I’d love to be considered for a Host Pick! Thanks so much. 💜
Apr 17Reply
amoresaluteblog Thank you so much! Just shared on ig!
Apr 17Reply
ky__kyshka ❤️❤️❤️Awesome! 🎉🎉🎉 💟 💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞 💟 💞🌠C🌟O🌟N🌟G🌟R🌟A🌟T🌟S🌠💞 💞 ⚬⚬⚬☺☺☺ON☺☺☺⚬⚬⚬💞 💞 C🎼O🎼H🎼O🎼S🎼T🎼I🎼N🎼G 💞 💞 🎸🎵💃🎶 Have FuN! 🎶💃🎵🎸 💞 💞🍾🍾 Pop pop, it's show time!🍾🍾 💞 💟 💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞 💟 I would be honored if you would take a look at my closet for a potential Host Pick ❤️ thank you so much! YAY!!
Apr 17Reply
sandy290 I would love to be a host pic for this party. Congratulations on being a host, that is such an amazing opportunity!💕💕💕
Apr 17Reply
stylemismatch Yolanda congrats on hosting! Please consider my closet for an HP. Wish ya tons of sales ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Apr 17Reply
vivian0 @ohthatssnazzy Congrats on hosting tomorrow Best in boutique party if you have time could you come and check out my boutique for a host pick
May 16Reply
ladycrackerjack @ohthatssnazzy ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party tomorrow !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
May 16Reply
lindseynmikel Hey congrats on your posh party tomorrow, I'll def be attending. I'd appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes and check out my closet for a possible HOST PICK!! I have some really nice things and really trying to get my closet out there. Thanks so much and cant wait till tomorrow xo
May 16Reply
lindseynmikel Hey congrats on your posh party tomorrow, I'll def be attending. I'd appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes and check out my closet for a possible HOST PICK!! I have some really nice things and really trying to get my closet out there. Thanks so much and cant wait till tomorrow xo
May 16Reply
pattydom1026 Hey love 💕 congratulations on hosting tomorrow !!! If you’re still looking for host picks I would be honored if you can check our my closet 😊 see you at the party 🎉 🥳
May 17Reply
chezphotography Congrats on Hosting your Party 🎊 🎈 🎉 ! Please feel free to visit my closet for any possible Host Picks 🥰💕👍
May 17Reply
nanadscloset I follow you on Instagram and in complete ahhhhhh of your pictures. Love love love!!
Jul 18Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ahprettyplz Aww thank you so much!!! And thank you for following me on IG too. What’s your username so I can make sure I’m following you back? 🥰
Jul 18Reply
raspberryorchid Cute closet name!
Jul 27Reply
city_wildflower It was a pleasure meeting you at Poshfest, hope you enjoyed the rest of your weekend! 💖
Oct 07Reply
ohthatssnazzy @lolathegreat hi Laura! It was great meeting you as well! I’m still recovering from PoshFest overload lol! I’ll be ready to hit the pavement tomorrow though. 😊👌🏾 Hope you had a good weekend and experience!
Oct 07Reply
city_wildflower Same here! What was a weekend felt like a week!
Oct 07Reply
graydaymarket Great to see you at the Posh party live!
Oct 18Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Yolanda, Hans here. A pleasure meeting and I hope we can follow up in all the posh business. Best, Hans G.
Oct 18Reply
jleighstyles Congratulations on hosting a party! 🎉👏😊 would love for you to check out my closet for HP! I wish you all the best. Happy Poshing! 😊💕 @jleighstyles
Nov 22Reply
vmjohnson95 Hi and congrats! If you had time to look at my closet as well as my sister’s @erinpenny we would be so honored! Thanks and have fun!
Nov 22Reply
eric_sells Congrats on hosting the next level looks party!!! If possibly please consider my closet for possible host picks. Thanks!!
Nov 22Reply
poshbunnystyle Oh Yeah-I got your Next Level looks. Check out my Posh Compliant Closet for some cool yasssss looks. hahaha Looking forward to ya party AND HOPING FOR SOME HOST PICKS. Thanks in advance. CHA CHING..........Have fun always, Bunny
Nov 22Reply
ladycrackerjack @ohthatssnazzy ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party ! ❤️ Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Nov 23Reply
ridicfabfinds Congrats on hosting your party. Please take a look at my closet. Thank you!
Nov 23Reply
clotheslove22 Congrats on hosting!!! 🎊
Nov 23Reply
tabithasbless 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊Congrats on your co-hosting party 🎉🎊🎉🎊Please take a moment to look through my closet for a possible Host Pick💕Thanks💜💚❤️😘😘❤️💜💚🎉🎊🎉🎊💕💕💕💕🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Nov 23Reply
electricmoose Congrats on hosting the Next Level Looks Party tomorrow!!! I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my items as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!!❤️❤️❤️
Nov 23Reply
bwood8 🦄!!!!!!Congratulations on co- hosting!!!!🦄 🍾Please check out my PFF’S closets! 🍾 🏆🏆🏆(they are AWESOME)🏆🏆🏆 🥳🥳WE cant wait to party with you! 🥳🥳 🥳🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🥳 🥰🎉🥳 📣📣 💃🏼 🥂@sun2city 🥂@stars4u99 🥂@brookewinters 🥂@acelestialsoul 🥂@bellefemme6 🥂@thefebresappeal 🥂@highfashnz 🥂@fashonbyalexis 🥂@kkaytigirl 🥂@stylish_paige 🥂@frillsnthrills 💃🏼Thank you & see you at the party! 🦄l
Nov 23Reply
shopwitheternal Congrats on hosting party today🍾Wishing luck with choosing fashionable pieces! If you get a chance to check out my closet,I have a few pieces what I would love to get promote. Thank you Nana from @viewofstyle🛍🤞🏻
Nov 23Reply
acelestialsoul 🎩Congrats on hosting the 🥳 party! Please come check out my 🥇posh compliant closet for host🏆picks. I have a bunch of 🌟newly-listed pieces🌟...I bet you’ll find a 💎 gem or two to showcase!🍹 See you there.👗
Nov 23Reply
maizeysadowski Congratulations on hosting! I would love it if you took a look at my closet and picked a HP. Happy poshing!🎉💖
Nov 23Reply
abbielovie 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄Nice closet 😍congratulations on hosting party 🎉 🎉🎉enjoy the crazy hours and wish u have great sale🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Hope it’s not too late for celebrating🎊I’d appreciate if you could consider my closet as A 🔥HP🔥 Many thanks🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
Nov 23Reply
riley1tyler2 Congratulations on hosting this evening!! I will definitely be there. If you get a chance to visit my closet, I have some really great things to consider as a Host Pick. And of course, the increased traffic would really help me grow my new business. Thank you and good luck tonight! Kristi
Nov 23Reply
jasdressingroom congrats on hosting!! would love a HP if you're still looking 🛍👑🛍👑thank you!!
Nov 23Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently still donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Nov 23Reply
egp0414 Congratulations on Hosting!!!🎊🎉🎊 How Exciting! 🥳 Would love the opportunity for a Host Pick! Feel free to check out my closet! Have an amazing day! 💕
Nov 24Reply
cmv2015 Congrats on hosting tonight’s party 🎉🥳🥂 I’d love to be considered for a host pick if you see something you like in my closet! 🥰😄
Nov 24Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Nov 24Reply
heyallisonn Congratulations on hosting! 🌟So exciting! It's my birthday and I'd be SO honored if you considered my closet for a potential host pick! 💗 have fun! xoxo
Nov 24Reply
amoresaluteblog Congrats on hosting a Poshmark party! I am a social media Influencer & blogger w/ nearly 50K followers on Instagram @amoresalute. I just launched my closet this year & everyone in the posh community has been so welcoming. I would love to shout out your closet & Instagram over on my IG page in exchange for a host pick. It may help us both to get some new traffic. If you are interested, please message me on ig @amoresalute or at my closet so that I can get your Instagram handle as well!
Nov 24Reply
kjenkinson1990 stopping by to show you some preparty love <3
Nov 24Reply
missmelodyerin Hi Yolanda! I’ve been busy trying to grow 🌱 my closet little by little and would love to be considered for Host Picks if there is anything you think might be a good fit for tonight’s Next Level Looks Party. Thank you so much & congratulations on hosting! -Melody ☺️
Nov 24Reply
thekillercloset congrats on being a party host💕 if you have the time please check out my listings for a host pick consideration! i take good photos and refreshed all of my themed items to the top!
Nov 24Reply
thekillercloset congrats on being a party host💕 if you have the time please check out my listings for a host pick consideration! i take good photos and refreshed all of my themed items to the top!
Nov 24Reply
gossamerdreams Good evening and congrats on being chosen to host this party! Please check out my listings that I shared. I love the Kooba purse, Oka B shoes, jewel encrusted handbag, gold Born shoes, and all the jewelry. My favorite is the Imperio supple leather purse that retails for 600! I'd love to get a Host Pick. Thank you for your dedication to Poshmark! Lisa
Nov 24Reply
tiffanydgirl Congrats on hosting
Nov 24Reply
natbuttaccio Hi love, hope you’re having fun hosting!!☺️ If you get a chance, I’d love for you to check out my closet if you’re in need for picking a host pick!🥰
Nov 24Reply
mapleleopard Hey Yolanda ! Hope you are feeling better ! 🌺🥰Hey wondering if you could take a quick peak at my closet - I am wondering : are my items priced too high? I’m Not selling a thing ! 2 items in 7 weeks 😳thanks for any help !💕
Dec 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mapleleopard Hey Valerie! I will definitely take a look today. Sorry I didn’t get back to you yesterday; it’s been crazy busy! Hope all is well (otherwise that is). 🥰 Hey are you coming Friday to the Posh N Sip for Poshmark’s 8th birthday? I’m hosting here in Port Orchard!
Dec 04Reply
mapleleopard @ohthatssnazzy no worries girl ! I didn’t see yours listed til after the one In Tacoma - can’t do both this week . But If you could shoot me a Fb message for your next one - I’ll surely come ! I sometimes miss notifications on posh - imagine that 🤣🤪!
Dec 04Reply
mapleleopard 😍😍😍😍❤️
Dec 04Reply
designer_up happy holidays
Dec 20Reply
designer_up happy upcoming new year
Dec 30Reply
designer_up Hace a great Sunday
Jan 19Reply
hodaya Hi there, plz check out my pg for dome cool pcs and deals. Thank you
Jan 23Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Jan 29Reply
masarsky hey hon. congratulations on hosting a party. please consider my closet for HP. sharing poshmark love ❤
Jan 29Reply
curatedbyjenn hey, congrats on hosting!! i have some super cute pieces that i'd love for you to consider for host picks!! happy poshing, congrats again❤️❤️
Jan 29Reply
seanroper Hi! Thanks so much for hosting! I'm new to poshmark and would love if you could take a look in my closet, also my friend @savannahsaxe got me into poshmark and has some gorgeous items in her closet too. Thanks so much for your time!!!
Jan 29Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam!
Feb 03Reply
ladycrackerjack @ohthatssnazzy ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party ! ❤️ Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Feb 24Reply
msquip Congratulations! ❤️Would love for you to check out my closet when you get a chance. I am hoping to have something you would consider for host pick 💕
Feb 25Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Feb 25Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
Feb 25Reply
sales24hours ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am ecstatic for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party ! ❤️ Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! I will be Co-hosting tonight's "Sweater Weather" Party! I hope you can join me as well ⭐️❤️💕❤️💕
Feb 25Reply
monascollection @ohthatssnazzy 🍷Congratulations on hosting the party. I would be honored if you considered any of my hand knit 🎉🎂🍹 accessories as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊I’ll be there & sharing.
Feb 26Reply
shellseabeth Hi there! Congrats on being a Posh Party Host @ohthatssnazzy 🎉 If you’re still looking for Host Picks for tonight’s party, I’d love for you to check out the the unisex coats featured in my closet! Also, please give my PFF @daintywoods a peek! She has a beautifully curated closet to die for! ✨Happy Poshing ✨
Feb 26Reply
luxelistings Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great menswear in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Feb 26Reply
savannahsaxe Howdy! My name is Savannah and I joined posh to help pay for school and if it’s possible I’d love it if you looked in my closet for an hp!! Thanks for hosting!!
Feb 26Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to selling on Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Apr 01Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ✅ thanks so much 🙏
Apr 01Reply
lafashiongal Hi and congratulations on your party!! I love the theme. If you have a minute to take a look in my closet for a potential host pick, I would be thrilled! Can’t wait, see you then!
Apr 01Reply
1fashionfinds1 Aloha! Congratulations on co-hosting the together we posh party! 🎉🎊 Please check out my closet for a possible Host Pick! Good luck and most of all have fun! 🛍
Apr 02Reply
mixhmosh Congrats on hosting tonight’s party 🍾🍾🍾 if you have a moment, check out my closet for some host picks 😊
Apr 02Reply
palmbeachvibe Congratulations on hosting a party! 🎉 Wishing you tons of sales! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking! 🛍
Apr 02Reply
shellybeaneight Hi Yolanda! CONGRATS on hosting tonight! If you're still looking for Host Picks, I would LOOOVE for you to take a peek at my closet! I can't wait to see your AMAZING picks tonight!! And I Hope you & your loved ones are staying safe! All the best to you. XOXO, Shelly
Apr 02Reply
thebarndoorbtq Hi! I am having a huge sale in my closet because I am getting ready to move to college. I've been selling for 2 yrs, so you can imagine how much inventory I have. I would really appreciate a host pick to get more exposure in my closet. Thanks so much + congrats on hosting! <3
Apr 02Reply
starburstlife Congrats on hosting the Together we Posh party this evening! I recently added some items that I think are great additions for this party and I believe you may really like some of them. 💜 I know you are probably busy, but if you could take a look at my closet I would love to be considered for a Host Pick! 💘 thanks for your time 💗see you soon! I’ll Be there shopping & sharing! 💜👩‍🎤💜-Celeste 💐 @StarburstLife💞✨💞✨ Ps- I added you on IG
Apr 03Reply
savannahsaxe Howdy!! My name is Savannah and I joined posh to help pay for school and if it’s possible id love it if you looked in my closet for an hp!! Thanks for hosting and stay safe!!
Apr 03Reply
tew2s 🛍🛍🛍🛍I’m so jealous!!! Congrats on hosting a posh 🎉 party! 🧡🎉🧡🎉🛍🛍🛍Please check out my closet and my friends’ for awesome finds! @tew2s @lovetodecorate5 @sweetheartsla @lauren2d @weberdm @whitneyash12 @ammirick @court_fashion @heatherparr @bandysbargains @ladycrackerjack @moongoddessluxe
Apr 03Reply
designer_up Happy Poshing
May 24Reply
style_heaven sending some happy 2 you
May 26Reply
designer_up How is it poshing firend?
May 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @designer_up It’s going well thanks. Happy Poshing to you too! 🥰
May 29Reply
evolvingalways Beautiful closet!
Oct 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @evolvingalways Thank you Terry! ❤️
Oct 10Reply
evolvingalways Thank you for hosting
Oct 10Reply
shopgw Love your closet!
Nov 12Reply
ohthatssnazzy @shopgw Thank you so much!
Nov 14Reply
cincyposh Beautiful closet! 😍😍
Nov 23Reply
stapleandtrend @ohthatssnazzy Love your closet!
Dec 10Reply
designer_up Have a great week
Dec 12Reply
wholesale_posh Happy Monday
Dec 21Reply
style_heaven Have a great week
Dec 21Reply
hpeldridge @ohthatssnazzy What a great closet name! And your closet is lovely... hp
Jan 09Reply
ohthatssnazzy @christinebegley Thanks! I appreciate it! 🥰
Jan 25Reply
style_heaven Happy Poshing
Feb 22Reply
wholesale_posh Have a terrific Monday
Apr 26Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jun 02Reply
rhondalbiddle Congratulations 🎉 in being selected to 🎉Co-Host 🎉 6/2 Preppy Posh Party! 🥳 Count me in attendance! Sharing some ❤️ from your closet to mine of 20. Thank you for your hard work behind the scenes in making this party happen, wishing you speedy sales. With ❤️ - Rhondalbiddle from Culture Girl Boutique
Jun 02Reply
zshemms HELLO! CONGRATS ON HOSTING A PARTY! I would greatly appreciate it if you chose one of my items as a host pick! 🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊
Jun 02Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
Jun 02Reply
ditooshop @ohthatssnazzy Congratulations on cohosting today's Preppy party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Jun 02Reply
teeek Hi! Congrats on hosting :) would love if you’d check out my closet for a potential host pick ✨ thank you!
Jun 02Reply
passporttoindia @ohthatssnazzy Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!!
Jun 02Reply
visaisa Congratulations on co-hosting your party!!! 🌺🌸💗 I would love if you considered my listings for a host pick!
Jun 02Reply
jillianchristia Congrats on hosting today’s party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much! ❤️❤️😘😘🥰🥰💞💞🎉🎉🙌🙌🌼🌼💗💗💙💙🎁🎁😍😍💖💖🌹🌹💚💚💕💕😉😉😀😀😋😋😁😁😻😻💜💜☺️☺️💓💓🌻🌻😃😃❤️❤️😘😘🥰🥰💞💞🎉🎉
Jun 02Reply
fashionmix_1 ✨Hello and Congratulations on co-hosting today's party!!! ✨If you're still looking for Host Picks please check out my closet. Thank you big time!✨
Jun 02Reply
rileys_clothing congrats on hosting!!! i would appreciate it if you considered one of my listings as a host pick! happy poshing!
Jun 02Reply
self_assured Good morning queen🌹Thanks for the shares! Have a prosperous day!
Jul 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @self_assured Thank you as well! Please have an equally blessed and prosperous day. ❤️
Jul 02Reply
minikjc love your closet! just found you and already found a couple items I am pondering. my hubby and I are fulltime RV'ers. we are planning to travel north as soon as this virus settles down. mind if I ask where the most diverse towns are in Seattle?
Aug 07Reply
ohthatssnazzy @minikjc Aww, thanks! I’m happy you found my closet. ❤️ Seattle is pretty diverse in itself. We are one of the most diverse cities in the country actually. West Seattle is very nice, and north of Seattle is nice as well (Everett is great!). I live about an hour west of Seattle just across the water but I haven’t really met a place here that I don’t like lol. I’ll try to narrow it down and send you some better suggestions.
Aug 07Reply
minikjc 👍🏽
Aug 07Reply
bamfshades Loved it
Aug 09Reply
wholesale_posh Nice style
Aug 25Reply
lils__fitss Hey, I was wondering if you’d want to check out some of my stuff, my prices are very reasonable and offers are always considered, have a nice day!
Sep 15Reply
myzturee Hi, Ms. Yolanda! 👋🏽 Just found myself going down a rabbit hole in your nifty closet. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣😆🥴😵‍💫😉 I finally made myself stop because we're moving (your old stomping grounds - Houston - to Dallas)...I need to focus on housewares. Once we're settled though, I'll circle back to do some shopping with you. 😁🤗 Hope you and yours are well! 💛🧡💛🧡 🙋🏽‍♀️
Feb 06Reply
ohthatssnazzy @myzturee hi Michelle! Lol, no worries at all! Thank you for your kind words. 🥰 I apologize about the offers too. My VA is setup to send them out automatically for me. So please forgive me for that and just know it’s not my intention to bombard you personally lol. Good luck with your upcoming move. Both Houston and Dallas are awesome places that I’ll probably never live in again but always love to visit. Enjoy and be well. ✨
Feb 06Reply
myzturee @ohthatssnazzy No worries. I appreciate a good pitch, not at all offended (make your 💰💸, Sis). 🤗🤑😃
Feb 06Reply
myzturee If you're ever in Dallas, drop a message and we can grab something tasty and fellowship about Posh shopping/selling! We have our own little shopaholics sorority here, and I love it! Can't wait to get my closet back up and running! It's been on ice over a year, while our house was being built. 😳😖
Feb 06Reply
ohthatssnazzy @myzturee I appreciate you cause you know how some folks can get about offers being sent out. 👀🥴😂 And yes, by all means I sure will. Thank you for the invite! We moved at the end of November like 2-3 miles away and I thought I was gonna scream from the transition, so I can imagine moving to an entirely new city! Love and light Sis, for real. You’ll be back up and running in no time and you’ll enjoy the whole process too. It’s soooo refreshing.
Feb 06Reply
myzturee @ohthatssnazzy Thank you sooooo much for the love and well wishes. We actually did Louisville, KY ➡️ Houston, TX (lived with "in-loves" while house was being built - delayed by COVID/supply chain issues) ➡️ Dallas, TX. So needless to say, it's been a journey...and will continue to be until we're fully settled. 🤦🏽‍♀️ So I can empathize with your move...especially since you have children (+ your biggest kid = husband). Bless your entire soul! 😇🙌🏽🙏🏽
Feb 06Reply
myzturee This is our 5th move (hubby's work). 🤪😵‍💫😵🥴😱😳😖😯😫🥱
Feb 06Reply
ohthatssnazzy @myzturee former military wife, so say no more. Moving is bogus and I don’t miss it. My kids are now all taller than me and I’m blessed in this stage of life. I know you’ll be happy to get settled though regardless.
Feb 06Reply
myzturee @ohthatssnazzy Yesssssss! Thank you for your family's service (it is indeed a family person might be enlisted, but EVERYONE involved makes sacrifices). My Dad was Navy/Air Force, F-I-L was Navy (both corpsmen).
Feb 06Reply
ohthatssnazzy @adoringstyles Hi there. Thank you for your shares. I currently have over 1,600 active listings with new listings almost daily, and my sales are pretty great actually. But thank you again though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
May 22Reply
waterbeauty146 Welcome to Poshmark! If you love accessories definitely check out my Poshmark closet and boutique ✨🤍✨ I have Victoria secret, Jimmy Choo, Kate Spade, Tory Burch, and Jewelry! ✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍 Follow me on instagram for all my latest boutique releases @ lifestyle_bykaylee
Jun 21Reply
mozarteffect Hello, thanks for the items. This is my first time buying from the live so not sure if I needed to message you about the bundle of the two items or you just automatically do one shipping if more than one item. I got the Dooney and Bourke purse and the sweater.
Oct 23Reply
ohthatssnazzy @athenagonzales Hi there! I will message you in your bundle and explain the process of combining your purchases. Thank you so much, and I hope you're enjoying the shows! (Thank you for tuning in to mine, too.)
Oct 23Reply
joanneposh51978 at the end of the show can you tell me how much I spent and how you go about bundling it up - thank you so much
Oct 25Reply
mozarteffect Hello, I have so many charges on my card and need to reach out to everyone I purchased from to confirm they canceled the previous orders. Can you please confirm you cancels the individual orders. Thanks 😊
Nov 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mozarteffect hi there! Just checked and your two individual orders are both showing cancelled on my end. It’s just the one bundle purchase. Thank you so much.
Nov 03Reply
sheniselynch @cstylethrift hey girl I am bowtique girl this is my other phone
Nov 09Reply
bow_g @cstylethrift hi friend I am shenise Lynch I changed my account what have you been doing
Dec 09Reply
ohthatssnazzy @bow_g oh hey. Why do you change your account name? I’ve been busy working as usual lol.
Dec 09Reply
bow_g @cstylethrift I logout on accident I didn’t mean to
Dec 09Reply
ohthatssnazzy @bow_g Lol it’s all good! I get it!! I’m doing a closet clear out and just finished my first show for it this morning.
Dec 09Reply
bow_g @cstylethrift that’s great
Dec 09Reply
goddessstitch Love your style, your energy and how you show up! Powerful, Positive Poshfest Possibilities! I love clothes of which I have many and decided what better way to share than with Poshmark. Thank you for checking out my closet and for any tips as I’m fairly new to Poshmark. GoddessStitch
Jan 07Reply
sarahforman01 Hi there! Am sad. I missed half your show last night. Diner ran late. When is your next one?
Mar 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @sarahforman01 Hey Sarah! I’ll be on again on Monday at 4! It’s every Monday and Thursday at 4. ❤️
Mar 24Reply
sarahforman01 Ok. Will be there
Mar 24Reply
eckert3306 Hi do you still do “Lives”? I haven’t been able to find yours for a while
Sep 08Reply
ohthatssnazzy @eckert3306 Hi Stacy! I haven’t done a live in a while and I’m not sure when/if I’ll do my next one to be totally honest! If I do another I’ll be sure to schedule ahead of time and sent out a message to my previous shoppers in the bundle. Thank you so much.
Sep 08Reply
eckert3306 Thanks for responding, I hope everything is good with you. Hope to see you again soon 🤗
Sep 08Reply
luxemerchbynika Hi Ms. Yolanda, I’ve missed you and hope you’re doing well. 🩵I absolutely love your new closet name. LIVES can be draining so do what’s best for you. I’ve been enjoying promoted closet beta feature it’s bringing in sales. I hope you have access to that too. 🤑🫶🏽
Sep 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @luxemerchbynika Hey Nika! Oh my gosh I've missed you as well! Thank you for stopping by and saying hi. This closet name is actually my original one and I just went back to it. It felt like the right thing to do and I am much happier with it. Lives can be totally draining, and I have so much going on already it gets hard to keep up and be consistent with it. I am happy that the promoted closets is working for you. They are fantastic right?!? Sales have been good for me too thankfully!
Sep 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @luxemerchbynika I tried the promoted beta out a few months back and loved it. I just haven't been using them lately, but thankfully it hasn't made much of a difference without them. I post new stuff just about every day and that helps a bunch.
Sep 10Reply
freshlyfab Watching you speak right now, so fun. You’re so good! ❤️✨
Oct 12Reply
e_p_love3 @ohthatssnazzy Hey Yolanda🥰🥰🥰 I love your vibes💖
Mar 26Reply
ohthatssnazzy @eplove3 Oh my gosh, thank you! I appreciate you! ✨
Mar 26Reply
ohthatssnazzy @freshlyfab oh my gosh I totally missed this comment! I am SO sorry for responding ridiculously late, but notifications during that time were literally insane. I thank you so much for your kindness, and for checking out the workshop too!
Mar 26Reply
b_marshall @missbryson God bless you! You're a blessing to your grandmother. Trust and know...that the love, compassion and sacrifices that you're giving and making will come back to you on many levels ten fold! Keeping you and your grandmother lifted in prayer and light. I'll be sharing, shopping, and supporting your closet!🤗❤
May 06Reply
jodi_harrison You are my Poshmark seller role model 🩷🤩
May 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jodi_harrison Ohmygosh that is so sweet of you! It’s like the nicest thing someone has ever said to me! 🥹 Thank you for your kindness.
May 28Reply
jodi_harrison @ohthatssnazzy I mean it! I’m a new seller and you give me inspiration! 🤩
May 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jodi_harrison Well welcome to the wonderful world of selling on Poshmark! I hope you’ve been enjoying it so far. If you need any help or advice just let me know! I see you’re not far from me either. I try to make it to Portland a couple times a year. You guys have the best bins there lol.
May 28Reply
jodi_harrison @ohthatssnazzy Thank you so much! I’m just starting with selling stuff we have 😅 but I’m enjoying it and I think I might do this bins and stuff once I clear out our storage unit! I do have one question, do you use an app or bot along with the Poshmark app? I try to follow people back and share and such but doing it all manually takes A LOT of time! 😅🤣😭
May 28Reply

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