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Updated Mar 23
Updated Mar 23





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Meet your 5X 🎉 PARTY HOST Posher Ambassador To Prevent FRAUDULENT claims, On Day of Packing & Shipping ALL items ReChecked, Photographed & Video Taped day of shipping, As PROOF Condition of item is exactly as Shown in Listing 2nd Picture is a recent fraudulent claim, buyer TRIED to STEAL my UGG boots by claiming I mailed the Moldy Boot pictured🤦‍♀️ “Seriously” My Goal is to ensure you always have a stress free experience with my Luxetings Closet. I normally respond to questions quickly😉💕
  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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simplylizcloset Thank you very much for your shares. 🌺👍👠. Have good night.
Jul 10Reply
luxetings @simplylizcloset anytime I ❤️so much in your closet!
Jul 10Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow! Feel free to bundle your 2 or more likes to save on shipping and get an immediate discount. We're Posh Ambassadors and would be happy answer any questions you may have. Happy Poshing!  Lynn & Becky
Jul 11Reply
jkez36m Hi Donna, my name is Angela. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark
Jul 11Reply
poshgarden Nice to meet you 💞💞
Jul 11Reply
pandoras77 Hi 👋🏻 Donna, welcome to Poshmark!! Thanks for following my closet!! I’m always having a great sale!! If you ever need anything or have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!! I’m here to help!! I hope you have a wonderful evening!!
Jul 12Reply
latashavaughn08 Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jul 12Reply
miel0630 Welcome to Poshmark this is a wonderful community!
Jul 12Reply
dshanno Hi Donna! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!😊
Jul 12Reply
dodger13 Hi, my name is Gina🤗 Welcome to Poshmark. If you are buying or selling, have fun with us👨‍👩‍👧‍👧. We are a community of posh Friends.🍻 if you have any questions, please ask. We are here to help. When you get a chance stop👣 by my closet and have a look around👀☺
Jul 12Reply
sigi_bebe Good morning Donna … Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following the Sigi Bebe' Closet! Our Closet is HUGE so be ready to SCROLL! If you don't see anything that makes you want to click "BUY NOW” check back - we upload daily! If you like a whole look, don't be shy just BUNDLE - I’ll send you an offer! Good luck finding what you’re looking for and/or selling what you can’t use anymore… Most of all HAVE FUN!
Jul 12Reply
dchillas Gorgeous pics!!!
Jul 13Reply
ycgirl808 Happy Poshing 🛍💕
Jul 13Reply
luxetings @lynnbeckylynn Thanks so much for the welcome Lynn...We are so excited about this new chapter with the Poshmark family and will certainly ask you all for assistance with selling and learning the Posh principles..👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @jkez36m Thanks for the warm welcome 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @2much_jewelry Thanks so much for the welcome..We are so excited about this new chapter with the Poshmark family 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @poshgarden same here thanks 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @pandoras77 Thanks so much.. we will certainly ask you all for assistance with selling and learning the Posh principles..👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @latashavaughn08 thanks so much for the welcome and sharing advice 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @miel0630 Thanks so much for the warm welcome..we feel the love already 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @dshanno Thanks so much for the welcome we really appreciate it 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @dodger13 Thanks so much we will certainly ask you all for assistance navigating this wonderful community of which we are proud to be a part of 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @sigi_bebe Thanks so much we will remember to always have fun👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @dchillas Thanks so much..the picture credit belongs to my business partner Melissa she is my God Daughter. Melissa is so technologically savvy and just graduated Class of 2019 SCAD majoring in Fashion 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
luxetings @ycgirl808 Thanks so much for the warm welcome...we are really looking forward to the POSH Life 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 14Reply
pandoras77 @luxetings Sounds great!! I enjoy helping whenever I can!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Jul 14Reply
thecampaign19 Welcome to my poshmark gorgeous keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Jul 14Reply
dodger13 @luxetings you are most welcome. I love your pics.❤
Jul 14Reply
jkez36m @luxetings You are welcome. If you need any help let me know.
Jul 14Reply
angie140466 Welcome to Poshmark 💕 I’m so glad you found us and desided to be here. We are a great community here who help each other out all the time, so if you need help to set up your account or have any questions please feel free to ask anything  And if you want to check out my closet please feel free to do so. I give always discounts, and even better once in bundles.  With every package I send out comes a free surprise Gift 🎁 to my customer  Happy poshing and I wish you lots of success
Jul 15Reply
luxetings @pandoras77 Thanks 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 15Reply
luxetings @thecampaign19 thanks so much for the Posh love 💗 we appreciate it 👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 15Reply
luxetings @angie140466 Awesome Angie we really appreciate the Posh love and we’re very excited to be a part of this very supportive Posh family👩‍❤️‍👩
Jul 15Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador too, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :) Check out my New Home Market.
Jul 16Reply
chante_allday Thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor @chante_all day
Jul 16Reply
saleallday Hi Ladies❤️❤️ Welcome to our Posh Community 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩 Please reach out with any question. I’m a Posh Ambassador , Mentor , Top Seller, Bla Bla Bla, I’m here to help. Check out my closet🤗 Wishing you both Massive Success ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🛍🛍🛍
Jul 16Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 18Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask!😊
Jul 18Reply
jimcherrix 💕 Hi. I'm Barb Cherrix and I'm a Poshmark Ambassador and mentor so if you have any questions or need anything else please let me know @BarbCherrix. In the meantime,  Happy Poshing 🛍️
Jul 18Reply
simplylizcloset Thank you for sharing my closet. Have a wonderful weekend.🌺👍
Jul 21Reply
jgreenec Welcome to Poshmark ‼️ My name is JC and I am a Poshmark Ambassador ‼️ If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will be glad to help. I also invite you to check out my closet and Happy poshing‼️
Aug 07Reply
thecampaign19 @luxetings anytime sis keep in touch and stay blessed
Aug 07Reply
brucesgal10 Hi, just sharing the 10 o’clock party... wanted to tell you are gorgeous 💕 Sheena🤗
Aug 10Reply
fletchin Thank you for all the shares!!!
Aug 10Reply
luxetings @fletchin I love ❤️ your closet and the prices wow so I had to tell everyone!!
Aug 10Reply
fletchin @luxetings ...much appreciated!
Aug 10Reply
duaned Welcome to Poshmark my name Duane let’s start selling
Aug 13Reply
charlenevano You my dear are a very beautiful lady. Your looks are stunning,so I'm sure you do modeling!! Just gorgeous you are. I just wanted to tell you this. Charlene
Aug 14Reply
believer13 @luxetings thank you for the like on my Paul Green boots I am open to offers feel free to counter ! They are the softest handcrafted boots . I see you’re from queens I was born in Brooklyn and now live on Long Island snail world - blessings 🙏🥰
Aug 15Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Aug 16Reply
kamikundu Welcome 🙏😀🌺 Nice closet 😘🎁☀️
Aug 26Reply
luxetings @kamikundu Thanks so much Blessings🙏
Aug 26Reply
carribeanjewels Thank you so much for the shares! Love your closet! ✨🤗💞✨🥂
Aug 27Reply
luxetings @carribeanjewels you are most welcome and your closet made me smile it’s so beautiful 🥰
Aug 27Reply
carribeanjewels @luxetings That's awesome! 😁
Aug 27Reply
oliglamour Hello, thank you for sharing my closet on tumblr 🤗
Sep 03Reply
luxetings @oliglamour anytime 💕😁
Sep 03Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here! 😚😙💖💕💕💔💔💕💖💔💕💖💗💕💕💕💖💕💕💖💕💕💕
Sep 20Reply
luxetings @debsdesigndealz 🥰Wow Debs you make me feel sooo special 👑Thanks soooo much I am very happy to be apart of this fabulous family and I am addicted 😂❤️❤️😘 and I love your closet such great deals!!
Sep 20Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing! 🤙
Oct 02Reply
luxetings @lellowandpink Anytime 💕👍
Oct 03Reply
debsdesigndealz Hi Donna, Happy to have you here ! 💖 Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving and Christmas ! 🦃🦃🦃🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🍗🍗🍗🍭🍭🍭💕💕💕💖💖💖😚😙
Nov 28Reply
luxetings @debsdesigndealz Hi Debz thanks so much for the warm greetings, I am thankful for this wonderful Poshmark family...and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and a Merry Holidays when it comes 💕God Bless and keep you well❤️❤️D
Nov 28Reply
luxetings @nanalynscloset Hi Lyn Happy Holidays! I look at the pictures and I am not seeing the smudge on the left, I don’t remember any such spot, however, I would have to pull from inventory to look over bag to see if it’s the lighting or a smudge?? Thanks 💕D
Nov 30Reply
charmingsteals Shoe game is on Fire!!!! Happy a Poshing! 🔥💕🛍
Dec 20Reply
luxetings @charmsofmine lol lol ❤️❤️Thanks soooo much I am a SHOE-ADDICT😂luv ure closet!!
Dec 20Reply
bellaposizione Hey Donna I’m out of town till Monday. I just got notification that my purchase arrived. I will accept it when I’m home. Sure hope this doesn’t cause any inconvenience. Thanks!
Dec 28Reply
luxetings @bellaposizione Hi Bella it was really nice of you for letting me know; I truly appreciate the courtesy, as you did not have to..thanks so much...I hope you will LOVE and enjoy that Beautiful Purse!! Safe travels💕D
Dec 28Reply
bellaposizione @luxetings ... oh yes I will! The wallet matches my Brahmin purse I got for Christmas! Can’t wait to get home and see it! Hope you have a great weekend. Blessings!
Dec 28Reply
luxetings @bellaposizione OMG that’s so Awesome 😊Happy Holidays 💕
Dec 28Reply
bellaposizione @luxetings you have a safe New Year’s Eve coming up!
Dec 28Reply
luxetings @bellaposizione 🙏 I will be in Church 😇
Dec 28Reply
bellaposizione @luxetings nice! Love my church and church family! 😇
Dec 28Reply
luxetings @bellaposizione Yess mine is also a blessing in my life and I thank God everyday for them and I love to listen to K-Love all day everyday until I get to worship on Sundays 🥰God bless you it’s amazing how he works! It certainly is a joy meeting you 💕D
Dec 28Reply
bellaposizione @luxetings yes Ge is! Great meeting you as well
Dec 28Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 06Reply
luxetings @nanalynscloset Hi Lyn..I am sorry but I will not sell my Bag for that low..thanks for the offers though💕D
Feb 08Reply
cannotstopme @luxetings thank you so much , for the shares
Feb 13Reply
luxetings @cannotstopme have a Nice Closet!
Feb 13Reply
cannotstopme @luxetings thank u .and so do you
Feb 13Reply
frock_of_ages 💃💃Hello Donna! Thanks for finding me on Posh! Your closet 🎸ROCKS! 🎸 Sharing now! Stop by and see my closet on tour again soon.💃💃…FROCK ON!💃💃
Feb 19Reply
luxetings @shesparkles247 lol I love it 😻 Thanks so much for the welcome!💕D
Mar 19Reply
recca722 Hi there! 🥳 wishing you speedy sales and amazing deals! 🛍 Happy Poshing! 💫
Mar 26Reply
msneverending1 Donna just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Mar 26Reply
luxetings @msneverending1 Hi Carol you words and blessings is such a “GIFT” Thank You!! So much for your awesome words and kind wishes..I will pray for your good sales and health also..It’s such a blessing to have wonderful people like you in our Poshmark family that as so kind and thoughtful of others! 🙏Stay safe and sweet luv Donna❤️💕
Mar 26Reply
luxetings @recca722 Hi guys thanks so much!!!! I am sending prayers for great sales and good health for you both 💕Donna
Mar 26Reply
bertads Hi Donna I’m Bertha thanks for the follow wishing you many sales ❤️🙏
Mar 29Reply
luxetings @bertads Hi Bertha Thanks so much for the greetings 😁Wishing you Good health and lots of sales! Stay safe!!💕D
Mar 29Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for coming by my closet/boutique 😊🌷🌷 I look forward to following and sharing your closet. Happy Spring Poshing 💐💐🛍🛍
Mar 31Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram...squarevt2018 and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together is amazing!❤️
Apr 11Reply
janfast Hi Donna! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Apr 15Reply
luxetings @janfast Thanks 🙏 for the follow also 😘
Apr 15Reply
coachandtrunk DonnaI thank you for all the shares. I really appreciate you taking time to do that. I always try to return shares and hope they help. If I don’t respond within a day or 2, please know its not because I don’t care. I have Lupus and some days it just take the stuffing out me. If you'd like to stop back by sometime to look, shop, share or chat that’d be great, Sharon ☕👜
Apr 16Reply
michellekainani Cute closet!!🌺
Apr 24Reply
luxetings @michellekainani thanks Michelle 💕D
Apr 24Reply
fredafashion Hi Donna, Thanks for your purchase. I will get the elegant flats out to you tomorrow:) best, Frederica P.S I like your boutique:))
Apr 25Reply
luxetings @fredafashion thanks much Freda, and I wish I found your closet earlier cause I love so much of what was sold from your really nice closet also, and I will keep checking for new items💕D
Apr 25Reply
fredafashion @luxetings thank you so much! Enjoy your weekend and I will send flats out today. All the best Frederica
Apr 25Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 03Reply
rackrevolve Hi! Thanks for sharing!
May 13Reply
sarahsmalbiz921 Hi! Thanks so much for the shares :) I’m moving soon and I need to sell everything ASAP. All bundles over $10 will receive 15% off. Very motivated to sell!! Feel free to check out my closet and send your offer!
May 28Reply
mariva931 Hi Donna! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗🤗 Take care and have a wonderful week 🤗😘
Jun 15Reply
desi_posher Hello there. Happy Weekend! Thanks for the follow. If you get a chance, stop by my closet. In addition to the regular prices, I offer bundle prices as 3/$12, 4/$12, 3/$24, 4/$24, 3/$30, 4/$60. Happy Poshing and stay safe & healthy 😊💕
Jul 11Reply
cate1959 You have such an impressive closet ! You took such care to sow your items so professionally ! Someday I’ll get there ..... 🙂
Jul 16Reply
luxetings @cate1959 Hi Kate Thank You 🙏 sooo much I really appreciate your awesome has made my day heading out now 😊Yes I love fashion and I love poshing thanks for recognizing my closet Have a Blessed Day 😘D
Jul 16Reply
nedbasic55 How do you feel about Coach changing their name
Jul 16Reply
luxetings @nedbasic55 Hi this is what I researched - Coach Changes Corporate Name To Tapestry; Brand Name Is Unchanged : The Two-Way Coach Inc. is changing its corporate name to better include the two other brands it owns: Stuart Weitzman and Kate Spade. Coach bags, accessories and stores will continue to carry the brand name.
Jul 16Reply
nedbasic55 @luxetings I wonder if it had anything to do with the death of the original owner, Miles Kahn @ 95 a few years back. Coach is a great name
Jul 16Reply
luxetings @nedbasic55 I don’t know but I can understand the reason they have put out, and as long as the Brand name remains that’s Good👍 thanks for asking! D
Jul 16Reply
aysha_h @luxetings Hi there! I’m selling a pair of buckle ankle boots super similar to the ones you liked that sold but for $40 less! Happy to accept an offer too 😊
Jul 20Reply
countout40 Amen Donna! Thanks for your moral support. I'm on the grit iron grinding and crushing it everyday. And, while we’re at it thanks for the invite. The thing I must add is before you make any final decision on any of your purchases here, would you entertain yourself by browsing through my shop.. ask to speak with the proprietor and sit a spell take a load off your feet, look around have a coffee. Then afterwards, Y’all come back now you hear!
Aug 19Reply
flowermay Hello! I am sorry I am just now seeing the purchase you made from me in last day or so. I must have deleted something by accident but will do my best to get in mail tomorrow. Hope that is ok. Have a great night! Susan
Sep 03Reply
luxetings @flowermay sure no problem it happens 👍 thanks for advising me 💕
Sep 03Reply
flowermay Hi this is Susan- you made a purchase from me, I am terribly embarrassed but only human 😬 took those to local resale & forgot I had. I have been working all the time & haven’t posted lately so I apologize & will contact Poshmark. Sorry again & I feel terrible. Sincerely, Susan
Sep 03Reply
luxetings @flowermay are you saying you don’t have the shoes..I don’t understand this last message?
Sep 03Reply
flowermay @luxetings yes I will call the store tomorrow to see if still available & I can’t believe I did that. I will let you know & I did let posh know/ I haven’t ever done this & im so sorry
Sep 03Reply
2beornot2be36 I absolutely love your closet🥰, you have one of the best I have come across. Poshmark need to make an icon for favorite closet so its easier to go back to.😉
Sep 15Reply
vivianboutique1 @luxetings Congrats on hosting a posh party Please consider any one of my items for a host pick
Sep 15Reply
cliffordbbailey 💜 LOVE YOUR CLOSET SO MUCH THAT 👔👕👖🧥🧦👗🩱🩳👚👜👞🥾💄💍👡👢 💚💚I shared a few items 💚💚             "Sharing is Caring " I also FOLLOWED you thanks Cliff 💞
Sep 15Reply
jenimadedesigns ✨🎉Congratulations on hosting!🎉✨ I can’t wait to celebrate & share with everyone! I’d love it if you could please consider my closet or my pffs @lele_poshie_btq @piccicu @blingoriginals for a host pick! Thank you so much & enjoy today! 💕Jeni
Sep 15Reply
luxetings @2beornot2be36 wow thanks so much for the compliment it made my day..😉welcome to Poshmark and I love that MJ bag in your closet will keep in touch 💕D
Sep 15Reply
luxetings @vivianboutique1 hi thanks for the compliment and will certainly be in your closet shortly 💕D
Sep 15Reply
luxetings @cliffordbbailey hi cliff thanks so much for the compliment 😁 I a, following you and shared items I will stay in touch with sharing 💕D
Sep 15Reply
luxetings @jenimadedesigns hi thanks I will be in your closet in a few minutes 💕D
Sep 15Reply
angelaenigro @luxetings hey loves I have you scheduled to be featured as a sunshine closet tomorrow 10/9!!!😘😘🌈🌈☀️☀️☀️
Oct 08Reply
luxetings @angelaenigro Wow 😁Thanks so much Angela for this awesome opportunity and honor to be have my closet chosen ❤️💕I am really grateful and will post slide for tomorrow 🥰😘
Oct 08Reply
angelaenigro @luxetings you’re so welcome sweet PFF!🌈☀️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for being amazing! XOXOXO
Oct 08Reply
jenimadedesigns You have a beautiful closet!
Oct 10Reply
luxetings @jenimadedesigns thanks so much Jeni I appreciate the compliment 💕D
Oct 10Reply
dress_it_up Good Evening! I wanted to let you know that my closet is having a special 50% OFF SALE this week only!! Select any 2 or more items marked $20 or under from my closet and send over an offer for 50% OFF and I will accept! YAY! I hope to help you snag some great deals! Blessings--Sommer
Oct 15Reply
thelillyjoyce Thanks for following:) I am offering $2 off everything when bundled!! Just counter offer me your price. All orders go out same day:) stay safe xoxo
Oct 26Reply
lrkell20 Thanks for looking and following me!
Oct 31Reply
sassilino Hi, are you willing to come down in price on the brown Nine West blacklight booties?
Nov 17Reply
luxetings @sassilino Hi I am not seeing the boots you are referencing. However..I accept only reasonable offers (through offer button) on listed prices, if the listing does not state firm.💕D
Nov 17Reply
sassilino Hi, can we agree on $35 plus 4.99 for shipping? smoke and pet free home? no damages correct?
Dec 02Reply
luxetings @sassilino hi i am not sure which shoe you are referencing..please use offer button regarding price please💕
Dec 02Reply
luxetings @sassilino hi I just realize from our previous chats..I just marked down boots 10% I
Dec 02Reply
sassilino @luxetings so you are not willing to go lower?
Dec 02Reply
luxetings @sassilino I countered lowest and yes smoke & Pet free Home 👍
Dec 02Reply
sassilino $38 plus 4.99 shipping ok?
Dec 02Reply
sassilino smoke and pet free home? no damages?
Dec 02Reply
luxetings @sassilino non that I can find.. do look at all pictures closely they’re in very good condition really awesome boots my favorite brand that gets underrated interns of quality leather shoes 👍
Dec 02Reply
sassilino @luxetings yeah I know... $40 plus 4.99 shipping ok?
Dec 02Reply
luxetings @sassilino ok I will send an offer out to Likers now so you can get your deal 👍
Dec 02Reply
luxetings @sassilino I sent the offer out did you receive it?
Dec 02Reply
sassilino @luxetings unfortunately not.
Dec 02Reply
sassilino want me to buy them at $38 and leave "regular shipping"?
Dec 02Reply
luxetings @sassilino i think it may have not sent it to you because you didn’t decline the offer I sent..try adding the boots to a bundle and I can try to make the offer again and hope that works
Dec 02Reply
kuffa Congratulations on hosting tonights Poshmark party! Feel free to take a look at my closet when considering you're host picks tonight. Cheers!
Jan 28Reply
jem2006 Congrats on your party!!! Check out my closet;)
Feb 16Reply
jillian0404 Woohoo! Let's Party! Congratulations on Co-Hosting the Fashion party tomorrow. Please consider one of my items for HP. All the best for success.
Feb 16Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Feb 16Reply
healths4u Congratulations on hosting the party! I’d appreciate it if you post one of my items as a host pick 🎉🎈🎉🎈
Feb 16Reply
luluslatenight 🎉Congratulations 🎉on hosting the 🥳Fashion Line-Up Posh Party🥳Can’t wait to party with you. I’m following you🏃🏻‍♀️ (not in a creepy stalker kind of way🤣)and left you some💜share love💜 Please 💜share the love💜 with my PFFs they have awesome closets too.Thanks for considering us for a host pick. @theposhypeacock @ohheyitsray @cuti1959 @missharleyangel @808dragonheart @vampirestyle Linda💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I have NEW LISTINGS!!
Feb 17Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Fashion Line-Up Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Feb 17Reply
fashionwonders 💕💕💕Congratulations on hosting a Fashion Line-Up Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
Feb 17Reply
has90 Congrats on hosting tomorrow nights party. I would love for you to consider my closet for a host pick. Thanks! Best of luck to you and wishing you many sales! 🎉🥳👖👠🎁👗💍💕
Feb 17Reply
ghny Congrats on hosting! If you’re still looking for host pics please consider my compliant closet! I’m relatively new to PM still and would really appreciate the support! Thanks so much and can’t wait!
Feb 17Reply
shopbytiffany PARTY TIME! 🎉🍾🥳 Congrats on hosting, I am SO excited to shop and share your picks! 🛍🎊
Feb 17Reply
heyallisonn congratulations on hosting! 🌟so exciting! can't wait to party with you! I'd be so honored if you considered my closet for a potential host pick! 🍾 have fun xo
Feb 17Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Feb 18Reply
nica78 Hi there. I just bought those espadrilles. I’m sending a message to Poshmark to update my address. If you can wait till they send you a new mailing ticket before sending them out. I would appreciate it. It will be an address in Cali. 😊
Mar 07Reply
luxetings @nica78 thanks Daniela I will await the new label and ship tomorrow..thanks for shopping my closet 💕D
Mar 07Reply
nica78 @luxetings i just updated the address. Let me know if you get it. Thank you!
Mar 07Reply
luxetings @nica78 hi Daniela so far not yet once I receive the email/new label I will message you back 👍thanks for keeping me posted as I kept checking on it💕D
Mar 07Reply
dngo1218 Hello! Just purchased. Looking forward to wearing these beautiful shoes! Thanks!
Mar 29Reply
luxetings @dngo1218 Awesome..and thanks so much for shopping my closet I will mail on Tuesday and advise 👍💕D
Mar 29Reply
dngo1218 @luxetings Great! Thanks so much for the quick shipping! Much appreciated! Have a wonderful week!
Mar 29Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Streetwear Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider my Maison Martin Margiela boots for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Apr 10Reply
shoesandoutfits 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝CONGRATS ON BEING PICKED TO BE A HOST!!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I AM SHARING YOUR CLOSET NOW. I HOPE YOU WILL COME CHECK OUT MINE TO CONSIDER FOR A HOST PICK🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 I am cohosting on June 4th. I will be picking host picks from the hosts who have picked mine first. 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 WISHING YOU LOTS ON SPEEDY SALES💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
May 25Reply
dull_roar Hello! Congrats on being selected to host best in boutiques party tomorrow. I was hoping you’d consider a listing from my closet for a host pick. I have some soy candles and other items in my closet that are boutique. Thank you for your time and I wish you many sales.
May 26Reply
clothes4cancer Happy Wednesday!! I just started an Instagram account for my Poshmark closet a few months ago, & I’m so glad I came across your page. Looking forward to following you here & on Insta :)
May 26Reply
shoesandoutfits 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝CONGRATS ON BEING PICKED TO BE A HOST!!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I am cohosting on June 4th.🍾 I will be picking host picks from the hosts who have picked mine first. 👗👗 I AM SHARING YOUR CLOSET NOW. 🌞🌞 I HOPE YOU WILL COME CHECK OUT MINE TO CONSIDER FOR A HOST PICK🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 WISHING YOU LOTS ON SPEEDY SALES💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
May 26Reply
acelestialsoul 🌼🐛🌺You’re Hosting the BEST IN BOUTIQUES party? Yay! I’m so excited; I love to showcase my things. Can you take a sec & ✅ check my boutique for 🏆Host Picks?🏆TY!😊BTW, I’m a 🦋Social Butterfly🦋on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest! C u @ the party. Tricia, Posh Ambassador🐝🌸🦋💐
May 27Reply
mickeybrneyes @luxeting I just read the case. I apologize for the missing charm on the Kate Spade sandals. The sandals were new but I did not see it was missing. Apologies for any inconvenience!! 🙏🏽
Jun 22Reply
luxetings @mickeybrneyes hi thanks so much..I totally understand, I am so sad it’s missing because I love them 💕D
Jun 22Reply
zoe_posh_shop Congrats on hosting the best in swim party! Please stop by my closet for potential host picks. I have some great swim listed.
Jul 12Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jul 12Reply
slgkali1 ❤️🌟🤍🌟💙🌟❤️🌟🤍🌟💙 Congrats On Hosting A Party 🎈🎉🎊🥳🎈🎉🎊🥳 Wishing You the Best of Luck 🍀 I'll be there❤️🌟🤍🌟💙🌟❤️🌟🤍🌟💙 Congrats On Hosting A Party 🎈🎉🎊🥳🎈🎉🎊🥳 Wishing You the Best of Luck 🍀 I'll be there Rooting You On ! ,❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 If you haven't already found all your Host Picks 😉 I'd Love it, if you have the time, to check out my closet for a possible Host Pick ❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍Thank You for The Consideration & Again Good Luck ❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 ~Shari~
Jul 12Reply
serori 💚💛💚💛💚💛CONGRATS ON HOSTING!💚💛💚💛💚💛It would be an honor if you have time to check out my closet for a potential host pick.💚💛💚💛💚💛Wishing you lots of luck, speedy sales, and a ton of shares!💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛 Love @serori
Jul 12Reply
thisgirlmarlo Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s category party! Drop by on the lookout for swim wear!!! ✨🏖✨
Jul 12Reply
crp60 👙🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Best in Swim Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️🏊‍♂️
Jul 13Reply
ditooshop @luxetings Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Swim Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Jul 13Reply
casey_atbat @luxetings Happy Tuesday & Congrats on hosting the Best in Swim Posh Party today! If you have room for another Host Pick, I’d appreciate if you’d please consider the American Eagle Swim Trunks in my closet. Happy Posh $ales!
Jul 13Reply
nwtsale21 @luxetings Congrats on hosting today’s Swim party! My small, compliant closet is all NWT Women's clothes, mostly plus sizes, and includes a handful of swimwear (at the top of my Just Shared). It would be great if you could check it out for a potential HP. Appreciate you taking the time to host!
Jul 13Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? thanks so much
Jul 13Reply
luxetings @nwtsale21 thanks all we’re chosen HP before 💕D
Jul 13Reply
fashionmix_1 🎈Hello and congratulations on co-hosting the party today!!!🎈I would be so grateful if you could check out my closet while considering HP🎈Thank you big time🎊🎊🎊
Jul 13Reply
casey_atbat @luxetings Can’t thank you enough for choosing my listing as your Host Pick! Appreciate the opportunity to meet other Poshers and share everyone’s great closet items! Happy Posh $ales💰
Jul 13Reply
mariposadecampo CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PARTY HOSTING!!!!! 🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊 I appreciate if you consider any of my listings for a Host Pick ;) 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jul 13Reply
acelestialsoul 🌺🌴☀️🐬🐚Mahalo for hosting the BEST IN SWIM Party! Count me in. I love having my Posh Compliant closet featured with host🏆picks. 🏄🏿🌋🏝🏖☺️🌈Will you please kokua & ✅ out my closet? T.Y. 🐟A🏝L🌸O🐚H🦀A🐳 from Honolulu, Hawaii. S🦞E🐬A🌼 Y🦐O🌺U🐠 T🦑H🐡E🐙R🌊E🌋 Tricia
Jul 13Reply
casey_atbat @luxetings Thanks again for choosing my closet and the AEO Board Shorts as your Host Pick today! Much appreciated. Wishing you many Happy Posh $ales!
Jul 13Reply
kismet2280 Hi! I placed this order 613f659afadba49e5103d332 And was wondering when I can anticipate it’s delivery? I’m hoping quickly as I’m wearing them in a wedding as a bridesmaid very soon! 🙏🏻 Thank you! 🙂
Sep 14Reply
luxetings @kismet2280 Hi Jessica, thanks for shopping my closet..I have your beautiful shoes packed and ready to ship tomorrow Tuesday. They were purchased today Monday and your label reads 2 day you should receive by Thursday or latest Friday..thanks D
Sep 14Reply
kismet2280 @luxetings thank you so much! I’ve had some bad luck with other sellers on recent purchases not getting shipped and no communication and ultimately cancelled! I appreciate your quick response and shipping. You’ve eased my stress! Haha. 🙂
Sep 14Reply
luxetings @kismet2280 wow that’s not good 😊 your in great hands with me.. I will message you tomorrow once I drop off your package at post office so don’t worry 😉 💕D
Sep 14Reply
kismet2280 @luxetings THANK YOU! 🙌🏻
Sep 14Reply
luxetings @kismet2280 certainly anytime 👍💕D
Sep 14Reply
luxetings @kismet2280 hi Jessica..I just mailed your beautiful should start tracking in a bit..thanks so much for shopping with me 💕D
Sep 14Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi! 🍍It’s nice to meet you🍍 I’d love ❤️ it if you would stop by my closet and take a look 👀. 💫Wishing you all the luck 🍀 in the world 🌎
Oct 08Reply
adornedlovely Hi 😊, Congratulations on Co-Hosting the Everything Petite Posh Party! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a fabulous party & day. Thank you🤍
Oct 08Reply
mela9 Hi! I have some cute stuff for the petite gals! 19 near the top of my closet waiting for you to take a peek! Thanks for your consideration.
Oct 08Reply
tjml4256 hii, just found you and your awesome shoe closet 😍 you have a great sense of humor... I hope I can graduate from Poshmark Univ. and be as good as you ❣️❣️🙏 best wishes for many sales, and future success!! love, Teresa XO XO 😁
Nov 05Reply
myweedbag Hi 👋 Fellow POSHER 😊 ! Just want to wish you Happy Poshing Day! 🤩Would love it if you can please check out my closet 👠👝 👜🧣 👖 👕 👚 👔 @myweedbag ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love something?, but not the price, please send me an offer 😊😊😊😊😊😊 Here to posh🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 LET’s HAVE a FABULOUSLY Poshing Day ! ❤️ as I hustle from coffee ☕️ to champagne 🍾 ❤️💃🕺 Fifi
Nov 08Reply
tatnaples Hi! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Nov 15Reply
luxetings @cyndisales Hi Cyndi thanks for the awesome compliment & thinking of me for advice! For Host Pick once you Receive the daily Party notices from Pm_editor inviting to theme Party click on it you’ll see the party invite select the “Hosts” then Click on each host and message them if they can pick a HP from your Closet tell them you never had one. They may tell you how they like You to request e.g. share your HP item to there bundle😘
Nov 19Reply
luxetings @cyndisales if you need more information let me know💕D
Nov 19Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! If I can ever help you, please let me know...Wishing you a Wonderful Holiday Season!🍁🍂🍁☃️❄☃️❄☃️❄ ...Lisa
Dec 07Reply
nlemiesz 🎉🎉🎉 Congrats on co hosting Best in Dresses & Skirts Posh Party tomorrow! 🎉 🎉🎉That’s so exciting!!! If you have time please take a look at my closest & consider one of my items for a Host Pick. ❤️ Good luck & wishing you many sales. 🌟🌟🌟
Dec 09Reply
scottnlora Hi! I just hosted my first Poshmark party last weekend and I’m sure you’re getting tons of messages. I hope you have a lot of fun! I’ll be there tomorrow too! 💗😊🎄
Dec 09Reply
tribecca10q @luxetings 🎊🎊🎊Many, many, MANY CONGRATS on what is sure to be a FABulous time co-hosting the upcoming party!!!🎊🎊🎊 Feel free to check out my closet if you have a chance!!! 😇😇😇 Fingers crossed that you see something you can pick for the party!!! 🤗💝💎👠🎁😁 Your closet is FABulous, btw. 😍😍😍 I just shared 50 of your amAHHHzing items and have TONS of qualifying items for this party! 💘💞💖💕💓
Dec 10Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party. If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Dec 10Reply
fashionmix_1 Hello and Congratulations big time on co-hosting the party today🎈🎈🎈If you have a chance, would you please stop by my closet for any last minute HP🎊🎊🎊I really appreciate that! Natalia
Dec 10Reply
mariposadecampo CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PARTY HOSTING!!!!! 🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊 I appreciate if you consider any of my listings for a Host Pick ;) 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Dec 10Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jan 20Reply
blorangebay Hi! Congratulations on hosting the sustainable style posh party 🥳 👏🏼🎊🎉 can you please pick me as a host, I would really appreciate it, happy poshing ⚘💖💞🌹
Jan 20Reply
adornedlovely Hi 😊, Congratulations on Co-Hosting the Sustainable Style Posh Party! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a fabulous party & day. Thank you🤍
Jan 21Reply
tracyblue69 @luxetings Congratulations on your Sustainable party tonight 🥳🎉💞 Would love if you peeked in my closet for consideration. I added many new items this week. Sharing your closet & wishing you many sales! 😘 Thank you 💞Tracy💞
Jan 21Reply
marilynsplace Would like to recommend the *Tadashi Collection silk velvet blazer* from the closet of @duneprimrose for a HP. So beautiful!
Jan 21Reply
xtinamtfer 🍾 Congratulations on hosting Sustainable Style! Hope you enjoyed the party. Sharing your closet as a thank you for serving and mingling 🥂
Jan 22Reply
whocaresdamnit Wow! Love your stuff- so hot! 😍 amazing items in your closet. Thanks for the shares - John 😉
Feb 15Reply
luxetings @whocaresdamnit Thanks 🙏 so Much John.. your closet Name is hilarious, and you have REALLY awesome taste!!you cold shop for me also I’m a certified Shopaholic🤣..I appreciate the shares and will keep your closet in mind for future shares and Parties 😉D
Feb 15Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Apr 16Reply
pshmrkbaby18 @luxetings Congratulations 🎉 on co-hosting! I hope you have an amazing party ❤️ with lots of speedy sales🤗 it would be awesome if you could checkout my closet for a possible hostpick ❤️
Apr 17Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Apr 17Reply
ataylor9552 🛍🛍 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛❤💛💚⬛💜💖❤⬛⬛ ⬛💜💖❤💛💚💙💜💖❤⬛ ⬛💙💜💖❤💛💚💙💜💖⬛ ⬛⬛💙💜💖❤💛💚💙⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛💙💜💖❤💛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛💙💜💖⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛💙⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ °。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ╔═.♥.════════════╗ ℂ𝕆ℕ𝔾ℝ𝔸𝕋𝕊 𝕆ℕ ℍ𝕆𝕊𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾! ╚════════════.♥.═╝   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ °。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛❤💛💚⬛💜💖❤⬛⬛ ⬛💜💖❤💛💚💙💜💖❤⬛ ⬛💙💜💖❤💛💚💙💜💖⬛ ⬛⬛💙💜💖❤💛💚💙⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛💙💜💖❤💛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛💙💜💖⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛💙⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛
Apr 17Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
May 23Reply
its_crystal28 @luxetings Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
May 24Reply
urownbeautiful Hi! I’m Jaime. New to Poshmark. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself and say hi! I list a variety of items and plan on buying from fellow poshers as well! I always send a 💝FREE GIFT💝 with every order. 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
May 24Reply
luxetings @beautifynails thanks so much for the compliment and shares I appreciate it♥️😘
Jun 08Reply
melby214 D!!!! It’s Mel! How have you been? Did you see that posh fest is in Houston??? Look at your I G messages. I hope you are doing awesome. 😁❤️ Melissa
Jun 27Reply
luxetings @melby214 HEY MEL☺️..miss you..Yup saw that today, I wish I could attend but can’t at this time, are you going?
Jun 27Reply
donnafab good morning and thanks for the likes. please let me know what items yiu’d like to bundle and I’ll forward a quote ASAP
Jun 30Reply
luxetings @donnafab ok thanks so much💕D
Jun 30Reply
6ixsideviews Just listed a pair of Steve Madden booties in size 8.5 in my closet if you’d like to check it out. Open to offers✌🏽
Jul 17Reply
rposen Hi! It’s great to meet you!💝
Aug 07Reply
pursanality54 Hi, thanks for checking out my closet, if you are interested in any of the shoes you liked, feel free to bundle and you will save 10% off plus we can make a deal. Have a great weekend!!
Aug 19Reply
aikl1027 I adore your closet 😍 And: congrats on the party!!! I’ll be there tomorrow to celebrate with you 🥰🎉💕Ana
Sep 02Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Sep 02Reply
katt_sweeter @luxetings Congrats on your party gig!🙌🏼 I’d be honored if you considered my closet for host pick😻 @katt_sweeter if you’re still looking!🥳 I carry nail wraps (makeup) Have fun hosting!
Sep 03Reply
hibiscusshop 🎉🎉🎉 🎈🎈🎈 Congrats on hosting 🌸🌸🌞🌞 🌻BEST IN BEAUTY CARE & GROOMING POSH PARTY! 🎉🎉🎉 Have fun! Please consider one of my listings as a host pick. Thanks! 😊 🌺🌺🌼🌼🛍🛍🎉🎉
Sep 03Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳Congratulations on hosting the 💄Best in Beauty Care & Grooming Party. Please pop over and take a 👀 at my closet for Host 🏆 Picks. 🙏 Thank you. Have fun. 😀I’ll see you there.💋
Sep 03Reply
kylaraynerose Hi there, congrats on hosting!! I would love if you’d check out my closet for any potential host picks 🥳 either way, congrats and have a wonderful day! @kylaraynerose
Sep 03Reply
pinkdresser Congratulations on hosting! Wishing you lots of party sales 🛍
Nov 03Reply
karinhausman Congrats for hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for host pick? Thanks so much!
Nov 03Reply
rosabella685 Hi ! Congrats on hosting the party tomorrow night, sharing with my followers for speedy sales ☺️✨ Kindly, feel free to put one of my listing as a host pic! Will really appreciate it Happy Poshing
Nov 03Reply
oceanside12345 Hi Donna! Happy Posh Day to you and your beautiful family! I'd love it if you would choose an item from my closet. Thanks greatly and wishing you much success on the 🎉😊🎉 “Together We Posh Party” ! 👠🎉😊🎉!!!! Love & Light!! Jeanette
Nov 04Reply
frmrshopaholic9 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on Hosting a Party!💖💖💖 Hope it’s amazing!!!🎉🎉🎉I would be super excited if you could check out my closet and choose an item as your Host Pick! 😻💕😻
Dec 22Reply
mariposadecampo CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PARTY HOSTING!!!!! 🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨ I appreciate if you consider any of my listings for a Host Pick ;) 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Dec 23Reply
fredafashion Hi, check out the bundle I have for you! Cheers! Frederica
Jan 28Reply
fredafashion Hi! It’s Frederica! Any interest in bundle I sent you? Happy New Year! Let me know. Thanks.
Jan 29Reply
aikl1027 Yaaay, congrats on the Posh party!!! (Gorgeous closet, also!) I’ll be there tomorrow to celebrate with you 🥰💕🎉Ana
Mar 18Reply
cedar_chest ☀️💐☀️🌺☀️🌸☀️🌷🌼Beautiful Closet👏😄!
Mar 19Reply
acelestialsoul 🎀👗🌹🌟You’re Hosting the Best in Makeup 💄 party? GREAT! I’ll be there. My closet is Posh compliant. Please come and check me out for Host Picks.😊See you at the party!🌺🏆👠🦋 Tricia
Mar 19Reply
miguelgarcia480 Hello I just noticed you bundled 6 pieces of shoes. Are you still interested?
Mar 20Reply
luxetings @miguelgarcia480 Hi not as yet 😊
Mar 20Reply
miguelgarcia480 @luxetings ok Well,I tried to send an offer in bundle but I can't because Poshmark says I have exceeded the numbers of times already so if you can make an offer then I think it would be better. I have all pairs in hands ready to ship asap if we happen to agree on a price. The more pieces you add the bigger discount I will apply for every order . Thanks for looking at my closet.
Mar 20Reply
pinkgables Thanks so much for following me! I hope you’ll stop by and browse My Closet often!! 😊 Kathy of Pink Gables
Apr 02Reply
nicas_closet Thanks for all the shares!! Love your closet 💕
Apr 02Reply
luxetings @nicas_closet Thanks also for the shares..I ♥️♥️ your 👠Closet ☺️
Apr 02Reply
carrie2407 Thank you for all the “likes!” Your closet is beautiful!❤️
Apr 30Reply
luxetings @carrie2407 Thanks so much and your closet is on point ♥️also love love all those 👠😘
Apr 30Reply
ivecita1515 Thanks again for your prompt service today! I was hoping that you would have the chance to check out some of my work! My necklaces are very unique and I will be sure to give you a great deal! Please check them out!😍💕👍😊🤩
Jun 18Reply
ditooshop @luxetings Congratulations on cohosting today's Hot Summer Hues Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Aug 02Reply
hibiscusshop 🎉🎉🎉 🎈🎈🎈 Congrats on hosting 🩱🩴👙🌞🌞 🦋🦋🦋 HOT SUMMER HUES POSH PARTY! 🎉🎉🎉 Have fun! Please consider one of my listings as a host pick. Thanks! 😊🌺🌺🌼🌼🛍🛍🎉🎉
Aug 03Reply
jjangu28 Congrats on co-hosting the posh party! 🎉 Please consider my closet for a host pick 💕
Aug 03Reply
carrie2407 Thank you for all the likes! Have a great weekend!😊
Sep 22Reply
allyrio Hi there fellow posher!!! Just wanted to let you know that I sent a great offer to your bundle!!! Hope that works for you. If so i can ship your order out right away tomorrow!!! Have an awesome weekend!!!🌷💕🌷💕
Oct 29Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 13Reply
imbelloftheball @luxetings hi hon, I see three pairs of shoes you bundled. One was sold. I don’t understand bundling. So I thought you wanted the boots and the shoes but when went to make an offer, it just came up the shoes so if you can write me back on what you want, then I could finish the bundle for you thank you Deb.
May 08Reply
luxetings @galswear Hello, I did not see any on your messages until just now. I respond to you in the bundle.
Jul 28Reply
triplesquared Hi there Posher, thank you so much for liking the Dolce Vita High Top Sneakers in my closet!!
Sep 01Reply
luxetings @triplesquared I ❤️ them..☺️
Sep 01Reply

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