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Updated Dec 15
Updated Dec 15

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Beauty Makeup Personal Mystery Bundle All BRAND NEW Products ~ All in Date RECEIVE 3 High-End Products (think Ipsy) Can include any products used for Beauty & Personal Grooming. From Hotel Samples(high-end Samples & they do not count towards the 3) to full size products Photos are examples of item you could receive, you could receive items not pictured! I just got in over 300 NEW products! Please remember Mystery Boxes are FUN and you may not LOVE every piece! Read my love notes Please! ❤️
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agirlshopping Sorry due to weight this item can not be bundled with other listings, if you do Bundle it will affect the size of your box, if you are ok with that then feel free to bundle.
Aug 08Reply
121lisamarie Hey just wondering...I see this isn’t personalized and I totally understand, but I didn’t know if you mixed in any men’s personal care samples? I love getting new products to try but I felt selfish ordering this and at least not checking to see if there would be anything in it for my husband😂😂😂 Thanks!!
Aug 11Reply
agirlshopping @121lisamarie That’s so sweet! I can put a few things in there for him. Not a problem.
Aug 11Reply
121lisamarie @agirlshopping thanks so much! Purchasing right now, he will be thrilled but now I gotta keep it a secret till it comes in so it’ll be a surprise for him🤩🤩😊😊
Aug 11Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshopping could i also do the same thing with some products for my husband too?? And maybe if u have some little things like lipsmackers for my 3 yr old?? She loves makeup and beauty like i do.
Aug 12Reply
agirlshopping @andreadiane82 Absolutely. I have a tons of kids stuff. I used to sell on 3 different online platforms, so I had a little bit of everything. Lol So if you are ever looking let me know.
Aug 12Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshopping what kind of kids makeup do u have?
Aug 12Reply
agirlshopping @andreadiane82 As far as high-end or Drugstore? I didn’t want to answer and it not be the info you wanted. Lol
Aug 13Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshopping for a 3 yr old. But still interested in what all brznds both drug store and high end u have
Aug 13Reply
agirlshopping @121lisamarie ❤️❤️❤️ Dropping at the post office in a bit! Hope you both enjoy!
Aug 13Reply
agirlshopping @thriftypirate I can Bundle this with your other 2 items, but it will reduce the 5lb mystery box. The total package will be 5 pounds, but honestly I don’t see those 2 items affecting it a great deal.
Aug 15Reply
serenedesire If I order 2 of these, would you be able to do one for a 3 year old girl? Doesn't have to be all makeup.
Aug 16Reply
agirlshopping @serenedesire Are you ok with things that age appropriate as far as accessories, toys, Ect? Any favorite characters or things she likes to do?
Aug 16Reply
serenedesire @agirlshopping age appropriate would be fine. She likes paw patrol and my little pony, other than that she's not picky and likes a wide variety of things. I know she'll love getting one of these.
Aug 16Reply
agirlshopping @serenedesire Perfect. I normally wrap the items up and put them in cute boxes. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to be surprised when she was opening it? I have 3 kids myself so I try to be mindful of not sending anything I wouldn’t want mine to have.
Aug 16Reply
serenedesire @agirlshopping that sounds great, I'd like to be surprised too. She would love that.
Aug 16Reply
agirlshopping @serenedesire yes ma’am! I’m a little extra when I put them together sometimes about wrapping and making them happy. I had someone complain about it. I was 😢, to me it’s like sending a box of Happy. Of course as hard as I try people may not love every item. But I want there to be a childlike giddy to it.
Aug 16Reply
serenedesire @agirlshopping We're all pretty happy go lucky in this house. We love surprises. Lol.
Aug 16Reply
agirlshopping @serenedesire that’s me I’m just excited. Its the little things and I believe if you can enjoy those you can make it through just about anything. My husband used to bring me home a candy bar on his way home from work when we first got married sometimes. That candy bar meant he thought about me. Simple things.
Aug 16Reply
serenedesire @agirlshopping I agree, the simple things are the best. :)
Aug 16Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshopping are u going to be doing more of these? I didnt buy cuz u never got back to me on my last question. Interested if u will do more.
Aug 16Reply
agirlshopping @andreadiane82 yes and I am sorry I missed answering it. Sometimes you have to tag me again.
Aug 16Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshoppingok. Its cool. When u can do more id like to do one for me and one for my 3 yr old daughter as well. Id do one for hubs too but didnt know how much man skincare type stuff u had.
Aug 16Reply
agirlshopping @andreadiane82 go check out my men’s Mystery Box Listing if you haven’t and I just reworded this listing so I hope it helps people out.
Aug 16Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshopping ok ill check it out now. So ill probably order 3 boxes then tomoorow evening.
Aug 16Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshoppingill do one for me. One for him. And one for my 3 yr old. She loves my little pony and spongebob, trolls, and clifford the big red dog. Plus kids jewelry, body sprays, makeup, etc. Whatever u might have that would be good for her.ill buy all 3 tomorrow. Ill do them separately.
Aug 16Reply
agirlshopping @andreadiane82 sounds good. I will create a listing for a kids one.
Aug 16Reply
andreadiane82 @agirlshopping purchasing the boxes now. For this one though i do have oily skin....i know u dont customize but thought id atleast let u know.
Aug 17Reply
tiffanyhinkle I am going to order one box to show on my YouTube channel. I have been wanting to get a mystery box and this one seems perfect!
Aug 30Reply
agirlshopping @tiffanyhinkle ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Oh my! That sounds amazing and I am uber nervous!
Aug 30Reply
agirlshopping Thanks for checking out my listing, if you have any questions Please feel free to ask on the listing or add to your bundle and we can chat. Sorry this listing can not be bundled due to weight. The price of the Box has gone up a few dollars simply so I can continue to make them. ❤️
Sep 06Reply
s_costello177 What kind of discount or offer would you consider for 2 boxes?
Sep 12Reply
agirlshopping @s_costello177 If I lower the price it would have to impact the items I put in the box and I prefer not to do that.
Sep 12Reply
s_costello177 @agirlshopping ok that makes sense.
Sep 12Reply
s_costello177 @agirlshopping if i purchased two, would I need to pay the shipping twice? When they are being shipped to the same house.
Sep 12Reply
agirlshopping @s_costello177 They are 5 Pound Boxes so they can’t be shipped together unless you pay for additional postage.
Sep 12Reply
shopalexaf This is super random but do you have the malin and goetz pink grapefruit facial cleanser? And how many items would you say come in a box on average?
Sep 12Reply
shopalexaf Also is it possible to get only makeup and skincare?
Sep 12Reply
s_costello177 @agirlshopping how do i buy 2 of them at once??
Sep 12Reply
agirlshopping @s_costello177 you have to make 2 separate purchases. I am not sure if I have the specific product you asked about, I will look. I am sorry but I am unable to do skincare and makeup only.
Sep 12Reply
shopalexaf Sorry I read you can substitute products. How many items would you say come in an average box I am about to purchase a box
Sep 12Reply
s_costello177 @agirlshopping its ok. Ill be passing on buying these. I found another seller who was able to bundle 2 boxes for me. Thanks anyways
Sep 12Reply
agirlshopping @s_costello177 Thank you! I’m sorry I couldn’t of more help. Hope you have a good day!
Sep 12Reply
junebuggin @agirlshopping Just ordered this. Super excited to be surprised! Thank you
Oct 01Reply
agirlshopping @junebuggin Yay!!! I will get it packed up this evening to go out in the morning! Thank you
Oct 01Reply
junebuggin @agirlshopping Wow! You are speedy!! Read great reviews, super excited!
Oct 01Reply
agirlshopping @junebuggin I try to be and I try really hard to make them happy Boxes, so I hope you will enjoy yours.
Oct 02Reply
mara1762 Still available?
Oct 03Reply
mara1762 @agirlshopping ok I’ll be ordering it this week can u put some fluffy makeup brushes lol thanks (:
Oct 03Reply
agirlshopping @mara1762 If I have them yes ma’am
Oct 03Reply
mara1762 @agirlshopping just purchased (:
Oct 09Reply
agirlshopping @mara1762 ❤️ I was about to go to the post office so I will pack it up now and it will go out today. Thank you
Oct 09Reply
kasianellis @agirlshopping are these still available?
Oct 19Reply
pbartonn95 @agirlshopping if we buy one can we have any requests??
Oct 22Reply
agirlshopping @pbartonn95 what did did you have in mind?
Oct 22Reply
pbartonn95 @agirlshopping I just didn’t want any shampoo, conditioner or toothpaste due to the fact that I use a specific kind of each so it wouldn’t do me any good getting them in the box
Oct 22Reply
agirlshopping @pbartonn95 I completely understand, I think as women we all tend to have products we lean towards. Unfortunately with this particular box if take certain things out it isn’t a box 5 pound box. The way I’m able to do the boxes is because of buying in bulk on some products. I try to customize as much as possible. Cont in next comment
Oct 22Reply
agirlshopping @pbartonn95 The reason I keep doing them is because I love it. They are time consuming because I wrap each item and try to make it a fun box. I honestly might make $2-$3 if that off of them. But I enjoy them. I could do a different kind of box like just makeup and skincare, that’s most all high-end so Pricing would be different.
Oct 22Reply
nettieruss @agirlshopping Hi! What would be the price difference if you made a box with mostly makeup and brushes?
Oct 22Reply
agirlshopping @nettieruss a full 5 pound box or a smaller one?
Oct 22Reply
nettieruss @agirlshopping so sorry. I read your comment above about a price difference for makeup only do I was just curious what the price difference would be for a 5 lb box of just makeup and brushes. Sorry if that doesn’t make sense!
Oct 22Reply
pbartonn95 @agirlshopping i totally understand.. is it full size bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste or just sample sizes?
Oct 22Reply
agirlshopping @pbartonn95 Sample and travel size, I have full size I’ve sent a few times but it’s not common they weigh a ton and I don’t want 1 think to be that heavy.
Oct 22Reply
agirlshopping @nettieruss oh no you are fine I have other listings up as well so sometimes I get confused. As far as the price difference it would be pretty big because I would have to use Package so many items. Makeup and brushes are light that unless I was using full size palettes or kits it would probably take 30-40 pieces.
Oct 22Reply
tessbear Love love love your closet love your style!!! I live in cozy crazy socks ! Have a son and daughter! Sorry I missed your offer I was waiting on a sale :(( plus bills to clear! Would it be possible to send again? If not I understand! Xo
Oct 24Reply

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