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Updated Jun 30
Updated Jun 30

Meet your Posher, SheilaRae

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Hello All ; ) I"m Sheila. I am venturing on Poshmark to declutter the mounds of items I have purchased over the years and either have not used or am no longer using "I am cleaning house" as we sometimes call it. LOL! I will be adding a variety of items from women's, men's, girl's and boy's athletic wear, clothing, shoes, jewelry and other accessories of all sizes. Most items are pre-loved, so I will do my best to take quality photos, give detailed descriptions of items and measurements, but feel free to ask any and all questions so I can help assist in the best purchase for you. As I am newer to Poshmark I am learning as I go, any advice is always welcome and appreciated. Thank you for checking out my closet, I am always open to reasonable offers and I am eager to check out all of your closets as well. Happy Poshing!!! Hey and if you have time, come enjoy the fun in my live shows! Hope to see you there!!
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hila808 Aloha Sheila! Thank you for the likes. Check out the rest of our closet and let us know if you have any questions.
Aug 12Reply
leslie_jayne Welcome to Poshmark!!!
Aug 14Reply
amanikelly Hello thanks for liking my listing💕 I have marked the price down to $15 for the Red Sandals!
Aug 20Reply
stephcarnesale hi! thanks for the like.. i am trying to clean out my closet fast so if you want to put in an offer or bundle i will lower prices :)
Oct 10Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Shopping can be very enjoyable and addictive at times especially with so many great deals. If you are going to sell I found in the beginning to be a bit confusing so if you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will be more than happy to try and help. When you have a moment pls check out my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Oct 24Reply
pacaamano Hey there! I see that you liked some items from my closet! Hit the bundle button top right and put them in there. I would live to send you a private offer!😜
Nov 12Reply
greatbargains1 Welcome to Posh 😊🎉
Nov 13Reply
re_birth Hi!! Welcome to Poshmark!!
Nov 23Reply
datcatbrat Sheila thank you for the rating! So glad you like it! 🌷
Nov 25Reply
concoxtions @datcatbrat Thank you, I totally love the necklace. The packaging was lovely and I appreciate the personal touch. I didn’t see the bracelet at the time I purchased the necklace. I just liked it though. I believe the one I like is the matching set. Would you verify this for me when you have time. Much appreciated
Nov 25Reply
concoxtions @hila808 Thank you and I will check your closet out shortly.
Nov 25Reply
concoxtions @leslie_jayne Thank you,welcome to you as well.
Nov 25Reply
concoxtions @amanikelly Oh it was my pleasure, you have some very nice posting.
Nov 25Reply
datcatbrat @sheshecrae Hi. Yes this is the matching bracelet. 😀 you made my night.
Nov 25Reply
datcatbrat @sheshecrae unfortunately the last one sold. I will check to see if I can get another one. If I do, I will tag you. 😀
Nov 25Reply
concoxtions @datcatbrat oh ok, thank you for looking, Definitely tag me if you do get another one in. Thanks a bunch.
Nov 25Reply
datcatbrat @sheshecrae Hi Sheila. Guess what!? I found one more bracelet. If you are still interested let me know and I will post it. You can make an offer. Thank you
Nov 26Reply
concoxtions @datcatbrat oh that is great, yes please post it so I can see which one it is. Thank you.
Nov 27Reply
datcatbrat @sheshecrae Hi. I just shared the pic to you.
Nov 27Reply
concoxtions @datcatbrat I just seen it, I do like this bracelet.
Nov 27Reply
datcatbrat @sheshecrae Give me a minute and I will post it for you if you would like to purchase. I will do it right now
Nov 27Reply
datcatbrat @sheshecrae I just took a quick picture and will post it if you would like to make an offer. Thank you
Nov 27Reply
wildtimefashion Hi thank you for liking/following my boutique! I carry NEW women’s apparel shoes accessories and variety of jewelry! A small boutique at your fingertips! Please come visit me anytime as I am always adding more for you to see! Love new customers and forever customers! Any ? Please feel free to ask! Earn your frequent flyers miles visiting me🥳 Enjoy, Lorrie
Apr 01Reply
jcruzmodelpicks Welcome to poshfamily I am a poshambassador! Any question I would be happy to help! Let’s start by sharing your closet!
Apr 07Reply
royce5000 Hi and happy poshing!
May 07Reply
ycgirl808 Happy Poshing 🛍💕
Jun 28Reply
rockycash Welcome to Poshmark, thanks for visiting my closet! I will love to share your items when listed.
Aug 09Reply
smmo Hi! I just put an offer in for the gray jeans for $10 with $180 off shipping. I hope that will work and will accept my new offer!! P.S. I like your name😊
Aug 22Reply
kimmyk129 Hi! Thank you for the FIVE ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ rating you gave me on the CROCS that you purchased from my closet! I appreciate it so much! Kimmy K
Nov 04Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 06Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Feb 26Reply
so1012 Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of items! Listings are added every few days 😊
Nov 06Reply
harpmermaid7 Hi Sheila, I want to take this moment to thank you for sharing my items since I am new to Poshmark! I truly appreciate it since I'm still learning the ropes of how to navigate things here!! :-) :-)
Mar 15Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Mar 18Reply
sargebill Sheila hi and good morning, here anyways, thank you for your follow, hey Tacoma, I know that place, I was at Ft Lewis, air defense artillery, my wife was an E.R nurse at Madigan Army medical, now a civilian administrator here in louisiana. Wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Mar 22Reply
concoxtions @hila808 Aloha! It was my pleasure and I will absolutely check out your closet. Happy Poshing!!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @leslie_jayne Thank you and Happy Poshing to you.
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @amanikelly Of course my pleasure, I will definitely be looking through your closet more, Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @stephcarnesale Hello, of course my pleasure. I will be taking a more thorough look through closets shortly. Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @bloomingbrshpk Hello and thank you so much for your kindness. You are absolutely correct about shopping and should I have any questions would be grateful and thankful to be able to reach out to you. I happily offer any assistance from myself as well should you wish to reach out to me as well. Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @pacaamano Hello, yes I am having so much fun looking through so many closets and liking items that I see. I will be looking through closet again shortly. Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @greatbargains1 Thank you! Happy Poshing!!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @re_birth Thank you! Happy Poshing!!
Mar 25Reply
bloomingbrshpk @concoxtions thanks so much! Enjoy shopping and stay safe ❤️. Enjoy your weekend!!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @sargebill Hello Bill and Samantha! Just want to say Thank You both for your Service!! How exciting that you have both lived here in Beautiful Tacoma Washington. I have lived in Washington all my life and started traveling the US in the last few years, it has been an adventure and I love seeing new places all the time. Wishing you and your wife many blessings. Thank you for your kindness and it was my pleasure. Happy Poshing!!
Mar 25Reply
concoxtions @littlepeachxo Hello, thank you for enlightening a little info about your closet. How kind of you to share/give your proceeds to these children. Many blessings will follow them and yourself for this selfless generosity. I will absolutely be checking out your closet shortly. Happy Poshing!!
Mar 25Reply
sargebill @concoxtions Hi there, yes, talk about a real sportsman's paradise, Wa. state is it and gorgeous, from.our unit we could see Mt. Rainier, we met when I had pneumonia, of all things, I needed an i.v. and hate needles, pitched a fit, she came in sat me down ,told me to shut up and act my rank, I did, then both reassigned again together, took off from there.
Mar 25Reply
shannonhm Thanks for all the awesome shares!! 🌟🌟🌟
Apr 05Reply
concoxtions @shannonhm It was my pleasure 🙏
Apr 05Reply
concoxtions @shannonhm And thanks so much for sharing my closet as well. Wishing you many blessings and Happy Poshing!
Apr 05Reply
lnr829 Hi Sheila, and thanks for following. When you have a chance, visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions. I price my items fairly and if there is room for discount, I’ll consider offers. Thanks and good day!
Apr 05Reply
jamiebsurfs Thanks for the follow 🏄🏼☀️🕶🏝🥰
Apr 07Reply
concoxtions @jamiebsurfs of course, my pleasure and thank you as well for following and the many shares🙏
Apr 07Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything!
Apr 10Reply
willhescobar88 Beautiful smile 😀
Apr 15Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
Apr 21Reply
ninjaginja13 Thanks for the follow!! Please let me know how I can help you find your next fashion fave for your closet!! ❤️❤️
Apr 23Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Apr 25Reply
concoxtions Thank you Rhonda, you have a blessed year as well!
Apr 25Reply
concoxtions Thank you Rhonda, you have a blessed year as well!
Apr 25Reply
concoxtions Thank you and you have a blessed year as well 🙏
Apr 25Reply
concoxtions @beautifynails thank you, you have a lovely closet as well. I would love the shares and I would love if I can share your closet too.
Apr 25Reply
underdog7171 thanks gorgeous
Apr 29Reply
jamesleazier Sheila, Thank you for the like.
Apr 29Reply
jamesleazier Sheila, Thank you for sharing my boot listings.
Apr 29Reply
willhescobar88 Beautiful smile
Apr 30Reply
vgardon @concoxtions Wow! Thanks so much for all the shares, much appreciated! ☺️
May 11Reply
concoxtions @vgardon It was my pleasure to share your lovely closet. And thank you as well 🙏
May 11Reply
angelaemmerton Another Washatonian! My home star
Jun 03Reply
angelaemmerton Well darn! I got a text and it posted my comment before I was done. Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! Blessings 🦋⭐️🌺
Jun 03Reply
concoxtions @angelaemmerton lol that has happened to me as well. Hello my fellow Washingtonian, my home town to. Thank you and Happy Poshing to you!
Jun 03Reply
godsize71 are you accepting offers? sent 2 with no response
Sep 04Reply
concoxtions @godsize71 I apologize, I was on vacation longer than expected. I have just returned and have accepted your offer. Thank you for your patience and I will ship them out to you tomorrow.
Sep 04Reply
concoxtions @godsize71 oh goodness, I just realized today is Labor Day, due to the post office being closed for the holiday I will ship them out to you tomorrow.
Sep 05Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Sheila and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Sep 16Reply
clothfluid Hey! I’m accepting all offers, please come check us out!
Jan 20Reply
foresttreasures Hey Sheila! Can you please tell me exactly what #5 was? I put my coffee cup down on my keyboard (duh uh) & it apparently bid on #5. I won't cancel, it was my fault, but just wondering what it was my coffee cup bought for me! :)
Apr 04Reply
concoxtions @foresttreasures Yes absolutely, it was a black yoga zip front bra, size M.
Apr 04Reply
concoxtions @foresttreasures Hi Cindy, you did not purchase the yoga bra, you purchased a baby blanket with 1-12 #’s on it so you can take pictures of them with it month to month for the first year. So sorry, I told you the wrong item. I am packing it up now and will ship first thing tomorrow morning.
Apr 05Reply
cutehosiery @concoxtions Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 02Reply
concoxtions @cutehosiery Hello, thank you kindly, I am glad you enjoy my closet. You have a wonderful closet as well, great job!! Wishing you a happy and safe 4th of July🙏 Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 02Reply
oliviaami Hi @5b6f870d70157360e3c42531 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Jul 03Reply
starplunep 🍔🍕🌭🍔🍕🌭🍔🍕🌭🍔🍕🌭🍔🍕🌭
Aug 30Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi! ty for the follow! I'm having a clearance deal under the everything must go black box listing in my closet .possible $55 worth for just $25 plus shipping
Sep 10Reply
samabbymommy Hi! Do you resell others' clothes on Poshmark? I'm looking for someone to list and sell things for me. I'm in North Tacoma. Thank you!
Sep 17Reply
concoxtions @samabbymommy Hi Wendy, no I do not sell other peoples clothing.
Sep 17Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me☮️
Nov 30Reply
concoxtions @dulciesdelites My pleasure 🙏 your closet is lovey, i shared some items out of your closet. Wishing you much success and happy poshing!
Nov 30Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for sharing 💯🤩
Nov 30Reply
candynv2021 Hi! Thank you for liking items in my closet! (Measuring Cups / Spoons). Please feel free to send me offers on individual items or create a bundle of items so I can send you an offer. I welcome reasonable offers. Happy Poshing! Thank you!!
Jan 29Reply
meganhacker888 Thanks for following my page ;)
Feb 16Reply
concoxtions @meganhacker888 my pleasure Megan, you have a lovely closet, welcome to poshmark and happy poshing!
Feb 16Reply
jaimeeharvey hello do u have 15 watt Scenty replacement bulbs & those cotton warm wax remover pad things? please & ty
May 05Reply
concoxtions @jaimeeharvey Hello, no I do not have the wax removing cloths, nor the 15 watt replacement bulbs. I have only the 25 watt replacement bulbs.
May 05Reply
kozdoc Hey Sheilarae! Thanks for the follow and the shares 😉
May 08Reply
concoxtions @kozdoc Hi Jeff, my pleasure and thank you for the follow and shares as well. Happy Poshing!
May 08Reply
jlas69 Hi, Thank you for following me!
Jun 24Reply
concoxtions @jlas69 Jade it is my pleasure 🙏
Jun 24Reply
jlas69 @concoxtions hope I could maybe ask a question
Jun 24Reply
concoxtions @jlas69 Of course you can ask questions, I will assist if I am able to.
Jun 24Reply
jlas69 @concoxtions what would you maybe suggest for a cute and sexy summer outfit?
Jun 24Reply
concoxtions @jlas69 oh my goodness Jade with summer outfits, the sky is the limit 👏 so many options🤩. It all depends on your style and the look you are wanting to achieve. Would this be daytime or nighttime look as well? Give me some ideas and I will put some items in a bundle for you to look at.
Jun 24Reply
jlas69 @concoxtions I’ll say both daytime and nighttime
Jun 24Reply
concoxtions @jlas69 ok and next would be size, any fabrics and colors you like?
Jun 24Reply
concoxtions @jlas69 also your measurements would be fabulous. Pit to pit, bra/cup size, pant size, waist, hip, rise, inseam measurements. I do have some sexy summer sets not posted. I could take some quick photos for you to maybe take a look at. I do plan to do a live show shortly, but I don’t have an exact date yet.
Jun 24Reply
jlas69 @concoxtions do you think we should continue this onto a blank bundle and be a bit private?
Jun 25Reply

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Last Active: Mar 13

Dawson, GA
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Last Active: Mar 13

Dawson, GA
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