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Updated Nov 25
Updated Nov 25


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So my sweet friend @macy77 was scammed by @emmakate7. One of those scammers who steal pics and have multiple accounts going around one time. The emmakate account was shut down right after the trade. These b****** are on my last nerve!!Traders beware.
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pretygirl_ok Thanks for the warning.
Sep 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @pretygirl_ok we have to look out for each other.
Sep 18Reply
pretygirl_ok @dutchessxoxo for sure, I’ve spotted some fakes that are announced as authentic, and I don’t. Now what to do, I want to warn everyone but but it’s poor posh etiquette to say so I’m the comenta of the person, also sometimes I’ve noticed that they don’t know they own a fake because it was gifted by a boyfriend or family but they truly think it’s authentic, but it’s is counterfeit...
Sep 18Reply
ellebellelle @pretygirl_ok I call all the fake bags out. I know how I would feel if I were scammed. Posh doesn’t allow fakes so I see it as helpful.
Sep 18Reply
deondrea8 I see people that are posted in Gucci and LV selling products and they say mirror image or not authentic what do you do in that instance?
Sep 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @ellebellelle true but then there are the know it alls. I had a couple pounce on me within minutes of posting a bag. I have sold enough LV and had them go through Posh Authentication. These women descended like vultures. I reported them to Posh.
Sep 18Reply
thrifthaul @dutchessxoxo thanks darling love. ❤💕 @macy77 so sorry darling.
Sep 18Reply
kvcamp @deondrea8 Report it as a replica...always!! 😊♥️
Sep 18Reply
deondrea8 @kvcamp I’m new to posh how do I report it and thanx.
Sep 18Reply
kvcamp @deondrea8 When you’re on the item’s page, at the top right of the screen, you should see three dots. Tap on that & a prompt will pop up. You’ll see ‘Report this item’ will be in red. It will them give you a list of reasons to choose from & you tap replica.
Sep 18Reply
deondrea8 @kvcamp got it and thanx...
Sep 18Reply
kvcamp @deondrea8 No problem! Happy to help! 😊
Sep 18Reply
macy77 @dutchessxoxo Awe!!!! I love you! Yes, I was into my 2nd week of trading and got SCAMMED so bad... I sent a Damier Azur Galleria Louis Vuitton Bag, 2 LouisVuitton pouchettes, and Tory Burch Bag around $2,500.00. I received a bottle of white out from Ms. Emma Kate a nurse from Texas. To say the least I was/still am sick... I strongly suggest to tell everyone DO NOT TRADE UNLESS THEY HAVE HISTORY OF IT!!! Thank you my Angel @dutchessxoxo 😘😘😘
Sep 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @macy77 u are welcome my dear. Its horrible when ur second trade is a scam. I am even more honored that u traded with me anyway 💝💝
Sep 18Reply
macy77 @thrifthaul Thank you @thrifthaul!!!😘😘😘
Sep 18Reply
macy77 @dutchessxoxo Honestly, I don’t understand how people sleep at night. Clearly I’m thrilled to have traded with you @dutchessxoxo
Sep 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @macy77 they sleep because they have neither a heart nor a conscience. They dont care who they hurt as long as they profit in the end.
Sep 18Reply
ellebellelle @dutchessxoxo “descend like vultures” 🤣😂
Sep 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @ellebellelle girl if you are the receiving end of it as I have been you would see that the comparison is an apt one 🤣🤣🤣 I have blocked them all. Maybe I miss out on a sale or a trade or two but the peace of mind is immeasurable
Sep 18Reply
missy980 Lol not like vultures 😂
Sep 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @missy980 they irk my soul!😖😖😖
Sep 18Reply
macy77 @dutchessxoxo I LOVE THE KARMA PICTURE YOU HAVE!!! That’s so how i feel.🤬
Sep 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @macy77 thats why I dont stress much. As much as you do to others you get it back two fold, whether good or bad. It's just the way the universe works
Sep 18Reply
dalphenia229 @dutchessxoxo I'm in the middle of two trades with two people who have 3 or less trades. Both agreed to ship first. This is the only way I'll trade with someone new. 10 or less trades=no trade at all unless you ship first and Upon receival, I'll send theirs. Learned the hard way s couple of times. And it also doesn't matter how much history you have. Bagnapper and CJDUNNSF have more followers than me and scam the shit out of people still. @thrifthaul I'll never forget that Falenciaga.
Sep 18Reply
thrifthaul @dalphenia229 😜🤣😂 me either. My souls peace is disturb majorly when any of this happens or even if someone is unsatisfied with our trade. Good vibes is all I want to feel. Do good and be good ALWAYS
Sep 18Reply
dalphenia229 @thrifthaul seriously! Just do the right thing! If bag is in lesser Condition than described or INAUTHENTIC, trade backs should be done no questions!!!
Sep 18Reply
lisar7118 I have been seeing fakes too and reporting them but I still see them- posh isn’t taking them down! But I do report when I see it.
Sep 18Reply
thrifthaul @dalphenia229 and yes TRADE BACKS are always welcome with me. I mean in a reasonable time frame (3-7 days tops) unless you find it is not authentic then my closet is open to whatever you feel is necessary to make it right. ❤💕
Sep 18Reply
dalphenia229 @thrifthaul ❤❤❤❤ I agree❤❤.
Sep 18Reply
jelllokitty Hello ladies! be aware of this accout “babysammy92” she claiming all her stuff was authentic. she sent me a fake/replica bag! i’m so disappointed been trying to reach poshmark to get a return label and to get a FULL refund! no reply since saturday!
Sep 19Reply
dutchessxoxo @jelllokitty thank you. She is now on my blocked list.
Sep 19Reply
mimiscloset27 Everyone.. thank you so much for all the info on this post. I’m a new posher. Trying to learn the ropes. Coming across information like this is soooo helpful. ❤️☺️
Sep 19Reply
dutchessxoxo @mariesparza1507 you are welcome. I am a posh ambassador and always willing to answer questions.
Sep 19Reply
c_lidey71 @dutchessxoxo yet another? POS 🤦‍♀️
Sep 20Reply
dutchessxoxo @christy_madigan indeed we seem to be overrun with these roaches lately
Sep 20Reply
11752 Thank you so much for posting this! I have never traded and this is why! It’s sad that people have the audacity and the nerve to scam someone out of a bag! And as far as “ gift?” From my boyfriend, or my distant aunt? No ma’am! I don’t fall for the ones who have been gifted! ( I know that is probably wrong of me.... but sorry!) Also I hit that “ report button” like no ones business ! I hate when people misrepresent their items! I’m sorry this happened
Sep 24Reply
dutchessxoxo @11752 you are welcome! There are many hints traders, I am one of them 🤗 there are also many scams and counterfeit items. I report as well but it is disheartening when you report on Monday and on Wednesday the item is still there. We just have to be careful and spread the word so even if Posh does nothing the community is aware.
Sep 24Reply
11752 @dutchessxoxo I agree posh should do a better job! They should have the money and people to be sitting around watching those items being reported and Taking them down! Also I get so sick and tired of the replicas!!! To have to scroll through all that is exhausting! 🙄
Sep 24Reply
dutchessxoxo @11752 and the obvious replicas! When I see a new Gucci listed at 400 that should be a red flag. One woman practically dared me, her item was fake and I was trying to gently point her in that direction. She told me to offer 500 so it would go through Posh Authentication 🤔🤨
Sep 24Reply
lovefashionyay That’s terrible sorry you girls were scammed by scum! I would search her. Name on Facebook find out where she works embarrass her lol 😆 but exactly like the pic says Karma! U put get what u put out ! I swear if u give me her info if she didn’t sell those purses yet I would try to get them back for u! I don’t like seeing people getting taken advantage of. I traded &Shipping tomorrow. I had 2nd thoughts but a deal’s a deal so hopefully it will be fine. She’s an older sweet lady. 🤞!
Sep 25Reply
acuadela @pretygirl_ok I have no problem commenting on someone’s listing and letting others know it’s a fake. I try to do it in a polite manner. I’d rather save someone from being scammed out if their money, than worry about a liars feelings. I have zero tolerance for liars.
Sep 25Reply
acuadela @pretygirl_ok you can also report them from the upper right tab. Did you know about that feature? Also on my closet I have a page where I warn potential buyers about the fake they’re about to buy. I’ve saved many from being scammed. Feel free to use that listing on my closet to warn others. You’ll know which listing it is. You can’t miss it. It says “Buyer Beware”.
Sep 25Reply
acuadela @deondrea8 Report them. Fakes are not allowed on Poshmark.
Sep 25Reply
acuadela @macy77 Ouch! That’s beyond awful! Where you able to report her?
Sep 25Reply
dutchessxoxo @acuadela I completely agree. A lot of new buyers come here as thier first experience with little or no experience. So they see a new LV with tags for 300 they jump on it. I have another post where I encourage folks to learn thier brands. If u love Gucci then become familiar with the serial number, hardware markings etc. Become your own protection against a scam.
Sep 25Reply
acuadela @jelllokitty So suspicious when they don’t post their photo either. Why would she be selling real Gucci bags for $250? Cuz it’s a fake! Grrrr 🤬
Sep 25Reply
acuadela @dutchessxoxo When I have free time I sit and look for fakes and report them. Poshmark has been taking them down faster. But then they create a new listing and I report them again. One guy got shut down 3 times in one day! He finally gave up. But it is infuriating that Poshmark doesn’t do more about this. They should verify a Luxury Listing before it is posted.
Sep 25Reply
jelllokitty @acuadela yea till now her page is up and still selling fake gucci bag! so annoying! glad i got a hold of poshmark and they will refund my money!!!!!!
Sep 25Reply
dutchessxoxo Just so everyone knows Posh will refund if u buy a fake bag. I bought a bag months ago have had it for sale ever since. This weekend it was removed as counterfeit which it isnt. I emailed Posh and told them that the bag had been purchased on this site and moreover was authentic. So they have two choices admit it's fake and refund or verify as authentic.
Sep 25Reply
pretygirl_ok @macy77 Dear Lord 😱 I got scammed as well last year because dumb me went off posh and sent cash 🤦🏻‍♀️ since then I’ve stop being so trusting... I’m such an idiot sometimes.
Sep 25Reply
pretygirl_ok @acuadela 💖 thanks for watching out for us💗
Sep 25Reply
tabathaembury24 Thanks ladies!!
Sep 27Reply
dutchessxoxo Another one to add to the list iamreallyrosie scammed my friend out of a ring. Disappeared after my friend shipped, she shipped nothing.
Sep 28Reply
c_lidey71 @dutchessxoxo hey girl I just got notice that my item has shipped 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏 still haven’t spoken to her because she still hasn’t signed on since the 26th but possibly she had good reason like a family emergency but I sure am happy that it is on it’s way. I hate thinking The worst that’s why communication is so important
Sep 29Reply
dutchessxoxo @christy_madigan omg that's a relief! It takes 10 seconds to log on and say family emergency will ship as soon as I can. We are not monsters people understand that sometimes life just happens. So glad for you my friend!!!
Sep 29Reply
c_lidey71 @dutchessxoxo I know and we had such a great rap ore while working out our trade that I was worried sick for her health and safety too cuz she was just the sweetest but she actually still has not logged on but I’m sure I’ll get an explanation
Sep 29Reply
dutchessxoxo @christy_madigan I was wondering myself if it was an emergency. Most of us log on at least once a day. I will say a prayer for her. You just never know. I'm just glad it worked out. I could tell that u were upset. Understandably so.
Sep 29Reply
c_lidey71 @dutchessxoxo yes and I hv been praying for her too girl. It’s my daily go to resolution to everything. 🙏😘
Sep 29Reply
marvic13 Pinklover35 is Scammer too!!! She steal my money, and an item.
Sep 30Reply
dutchessxoxo @marvic13 one Posh rule that will save u time and aggravation is dont go off Posh! Do so at your own risk! If you pay F&F you have virtually no recourse.
Sep 30Reply
marvic13 @dutchessxoxo yes ur right!! First time do that here and she screwed me... she gave me the wrong returned add and she file claimed she won.,I would never do that again.
Sep 30Reply
thrifthaul @dutchessxoxo where did the listing go? I was ready to share and its gone now.
Oct 01Reply
dutchessxoxo @thrifthaul Christie asked me to take it down. She said Posh reposnded saying the other Posher is sending the ring as agreed. We will see. Thanks love. Ur closet is looking maahvelous dahling lol
Oct 01Reply
macy77 @pretygirl_ok Don’t ever say you are dumb sweetheart... Karma will get these ANIMALS in this world!👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
Oct 01Reply
macy77 @dutchessxoxo 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Oct 01Reply
dutchessxoxo @macy77 I know right?
Oct 01Reply
samantharemy @dutchessxoxo hi sweetie how are you? What were u tagging in? They took the listing down
Oct 02Reply
dutchessxoxo @samantharemy hey love. It was a scam post for iamreallyrosie. She supposedly shipped so I took it down.
Oct 02Reply
11752 Once again thanks for posting these scammers ! This is the WRONG place for these people! I will continue to report fake bags, fake scarves ( a lot of those ugh) ! I’m no expert but I have knowledge on those!! I sincerely appreciate these postings in an aim to prevent others from being scammed! Thank you😍
Oct 04Reply
dutchessxoxo @11752 u are so welcome. We have to watch out for each other! Add @iamreallyrosie to the list of scammers. She cheated my friend then deleted all her open listings and put her closet on vacation! She had the nerve to contact Posh and say she felt harassed!
Oct 04Reply
macy77 @dalphenia229 Thanks for the info!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Oct 09Reply
sborodach @dutchessxoxo I'm not new to Posh but I am to trading. I honestly have been afraid to trade my luxury items for these reasons. You mentioned to know your seller's trade history. How do you know their trade history? I would love to start trading but want to avoid being scammed as well. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. I would be sick to my stomach as well. You seem very trustworthy and knowledgeable about these things, so wanted to ask for advise 😊
Oct 14Reply
dutchessxoxo @sborodach hi! So go to that person's closet, at the top there is a button 'about' on the about page scroll down to love notes, click and u can see all the love notes! Another way to tell is most traders use $3 as the amount to trade so look for sales for $3.
Oct 14Reply
dutchessxoxo @sborodach also look through the person's closet for items sold or traded multiple times. We all have returns but if u see the same item sold or traded multiple times that's often a red flag. Hope this helps!
Oct 14Reply
melissan1111 Hi wondering if you would know what I should do about a Tiffany and company bracelet I just sold in my closet and I sent out the package but it came back to me cus I accidentally left a mailing sticker on it with my husbands name on it and the other side was the poshers label who bought it. I tried messaging her 5 times now to see if she still wanted the bracelet and she hasn’t answered me back. So not sure what to do now since I can’t cancel the order😬?
Oct 15Reply
dutchessxoxo @braden2007 I would contact Posh. On your sales page if u click on the item u should see problems with the order. You can go from there to send a message to posh
Oct 15Reply
melissan1111 Thanks😊!!💕 I’m Melissa and that helped thanks 🙏
Oct 15Reply
dutchessxoxo @braden2007 hi Melissa I am Dee. Let me know if u have any other questions.
Oct 15Reply
melissan1111 @dutchessxoxo sounds good thanks Dee😊
Oct 15Reply
dutchessxoxo @vintage_holly nice to meet u!
Oct 17Reply
vintage_holly @dutchessxoxo you too! People have got so rude on here and scammy. I’ve had buyers claim they never got an item - then it will be for sale on their page later on.
Oct 17Reply
dutchessxoxo @vintage_holly I know right? Folks have lost all semblance of integrity, all for a sale. I try to be as honest and transparent as possible and I refuse to deal with nasty people even if it means losing a sale or a trade.
Oct 17Reply
ddmounts Any of u guys have some sellers you recommend on purchasing Louis
Oct 19Reply
dutchessxoxo @ddmounts what are you looking for? If u can tell me that I can see who has it.
Oct 19Reply
ddmounts @dutchessxoxo I would like to find a speedy 30 or neverfill at descent price I’m just starting my collection
Oct 19Reply
dutchessxoxo @ddmounts what is ur budget?
Oct 19Reply
ddmounts @dutchessxoxo probley at this time between 100-350 Ionia that’s cheap but I hAve two teenage boys that like 150 shoes lol so Xmas hitting hard
Oct 19Reply
dutchessxoxo @ddmounts girl dont I know it! I have a 10 year old with very specific sneaker tastes lol. I will tag u in a few. Also u can always do ur own search and ask about the seller here
Oct 19Reply
dutchessxoxo @ddmounts in addition to the handles always ask to see if there is any exposed piping and cracks to the canvas. Search the seller @jebwa always good bags well described. And good prices!
Oct 19Reply
ddmounts @dutchessxoxo awesome thank u and yes I just purchased one from her very nice quality great deal
Oct 19Reply
misskay235 @dutchessxoxo thanks for posting this.
Oct 21Reply
dutchessxoxo @misskay235 you are welcome!
Oct 21Reply
marchiki Thanks for all your help with trying to stop these scammers. There are sooo many websites out there that are selling replicas and they look very real, so you have to do your homework in order to know what to look for. The scammers will post the for sale & say they are authentic. I think one dead give away is the code on the LV bags. 😉
Oct 21Reply
dutchessxoxo @marchiki I follow a couple Facebook groups and the one thing they fall short is in the area of serial numbers. Either they dont have them or they are wrong in some way. I'm looking to buy a bag and I keep asking the seller for the cloth tag inside. She keeps responding she has the receipt. Honey receipts mean nothing to me. I have seen counterfeit ones that are amazing. What's to prevent u going to the store buying the actual bag so u have a receipt and returning it the next day!
Oct 21Reply
marchiki @dutchessxoxo Your so right about the return & still have the receipt. I didn’t think about that. Going back to those websites that sell replicas, one person that sells the replica, this person provides you with a fake receipt. If the people don’t provide you with the info that you want, then to me that is a big red flag & don’t take your chances. There are thousands of other bags out there.
Oct 21Reply
misskay235 @msluxurycloset. @hjevans109. FYI. Good info.
Oct 22Reply
frock_n_fashion I was scammed by danipie86 who is now trubeautyislove. Posh not only allowed her to keep my NWT items,they gave her a $3 credit.
Oct 28Reply
dutchessxoxo @frock_n_fashion thank you. Blocked her
Oct 28Reply
frock_n_fashion @dutchessxoxo you’re very welcome. We need to protect each other.
Oct 28Reply
calibahamama I just had Posher @laurenmcorbut sell me a pair of FAKE Manolo Blahnik boots!!! So disappointed since Poshmark is supposed to be an amazing community.
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama did u open a case?
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo I’m trying to. Poshmark paid the seller though I sent Poshmark a message that the boots were delivered day later than scheduled delivery date so I was not home to receive. This was 2 days after receiving TWO pairs of FAKE Gucci boots from 2 other scammers so that’s 3 in the same week! I’m new to Poshmark so I’m terribly disillusioned by this site now though I’ve happily purchased several NWT dresses
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama if they are fake Posh will take them back regardless of the time frame and refund you. Had it happen to me where I didnt realise the item was fake until some time later. Make sure you include that the item is not authentic when you do the case
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo thank you. I came back from my birthday trip so excited for these boots as a gift to myself. I would’ve shopped on my trip had. I known:(
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama sucks I know but get your money back!!
Oct 31Reply
catzfabfindz Thank you for doing this!!!
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @catzfabfindz you are welcome! Have a great day!
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo how do you block people?
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama go to their home page. At the top u should see three dots. Click there it should say block user. That's on a phone
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo thanks! Looks like I need to watchout for a lot of people! I also bought a pair of “designer boots” from a Rosie in Stuart, FL saying they were from “her shopaholic friend” and then she went “on vacation” after they were shipped and now the posting is deleted & ALL of her “luxury” listings too after I wrote a nice love note though I stated I was skeptical after 2 scammers 2 days prior. Seems like a LOT of red flags but she had 100+ love notes so I thought she was a solid seller🤔
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama I see a lot of folks mixing fakes in with authentic items. Some genuinely dont know the super fakes are amazing. Always ask for hallmarks and ask is it authentic. If they say yes and it isnt u won the case.
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo in Rosie’s initial posting she stated 100% Authentic Guaranteed and now she took the posting down🤔
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama that's a dead give away. I believe Posh can access the photos anyway so go ahead and open the claim.
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo thanks! You’ve restored my faith in this Poshmark Community✨
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama dont thank me yet lol. Thank me when u get a refund!
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo had my friend that works at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills verify that Rosie actually sold me real Prada boots. Phew! One out 4 designer boots in one week is my Poshmark record🤕🤢
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama what made you think they were fake? Any chance the others are also real?
Oct 31Reply
calibahamama @dutchessxoxo the others were NOT even suede or leather! Zippers were fake, didn’t even zip & crackled. I’ve been wearing AND buying Gucci, Prada, italian made shoes for 20 years. My husband’s from Italy. Rosie’s pair had gold embossed label & other Prada knee high boots not booties like I bought had raised gold Prada label on pink bottoms so I was skeptical after being scammed 2 days prior & she took my listing off Poshmark & 3rd fake designer pair of boots yesterday
Oct 31Reply
dutchessxoxo @calibahamama if u bought those on Posh regardless of how long ago if they are fake they will give u a refund.
Oct 31Reply
mads0727 @ellebellelle 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Nov 07Reply
lisakrevonick @pretygirl_ok I hope if you spot a fake on here you say so please do I would greatly appreciate it thank you
Nov 09Reply
dutchessxoxo @lisakrevonick I do report fakes but it is disheartening because Posh doesn't seem to do anything. I can think of one bag right now. I private messaged the seller to say the bag was a fake, perhaps she didnt know. She insists it's real. I reported it, a week later it's still there.
Nov 09Reply
vallygirl88 I was 2x in two weeks
Nov 21Reply
dutchessxoxo @vallygirl88 I'm so sorry to hear that!! Please share the name of the Posher so we can all block😡
Nov 21Reply
vallygirl88 Seller A,P i dont know exactly her name but shes selling fake swim suits and listing for 300 or so and even saying aunthentic
Nov 21Reply
dutchessxoxo @vallygirl88 that is so sad. Did u return it?
Nov 21Reply
vallygirl88 Yes🤗🤗
Nov 21Reply
luvmytwins2 @acuadela . My account was suspended for 6 months for alerting a buyer that the item she was interested in was a replica. I was very polite. Poshmark does not take down the fakes. Most of them end up selling. I gave up reporting because nothing gets done. It’s sad that so many people are getting scammed. 😪
Dec 25Reply
acuadela @luvmytwins2 Seriously! That’s absurd. Then they shouldn’t bother having “rules”. I’m getting sick of this site. Every day I see more and more fakes being sold. More people getting scammed. It’s unreal.
Dec 25Reply
dutchessxoxo @luvmytwins2 it's sad to say but I have learned to be silent. I report and move on. I dont engage anyone unless it has to do with a sale.
Dec 25Reply
luvmytwins2 @dutchessxoxo ya, that’s what I’ve been doing too but it saddens me because years ago I was scammed and I remember the feeling of purchasing a replica . I just wish Poshmark would do something about this problem .
Dec 25Reply
luvmytwins2 @acuadela yep. It’s known as the site to go to to sell your fakes ... SAD
Dec 25Reply
dutchessxoxo @luvmytwins2 the truth is Posh takes 20% of whatever is sold so to actively monitor fakes would impact their bottom line. I take great pride in selling only authentic bags and I know I'm being undercut by Poshers with neverfulls for $300!
Dec 25Reply
jeanister @pretygirl_ok Hi, I just got scammed too and I'm wondering if you sent it to the same person. I'm filing a police report and if there are more victims, I think it will increase the chance of being investigated. Did you use Zelle or Chase Quickpay? Or was the seller's first name Keaira?
Mar 01Reply
dutchessxoxo @jeanister sorry that happened to you. First rule of Posh never go off Posh, they cant help you when u do. What did u lose?
Mar 01Reply
pretygirl_ok @jeanister omg!!! 😤😤😤😡
Mar 01Reply
pretygirl_ok @jeanister I was literally such an idiot and used moneygram
Mar 01Reply
dutchessxoxo @pretygirl_ok wow. That's an expensive lesson!
Mar 01Reply
destebb I'm new to this site and after reading this am scared to death to make my first purchase. I made an offer on a LV.... How do you know who is a scammer and if their stuff is real
Mar 03Reply
dutchessxoxo @destebb welcome to Posh. How do you know?? You have to do your homework. Study and know the markings typical to the bag u are buying. Unless it was made in the 1980s it should have a date code. There are great references online that can walk u though what to look for. I sell LVs and if u want I can take a look at the one on which you made the offer.
Mar 03Reply
destebb @dutchessxoxo Thank You. I read a great article about authenticity and what to look for. But how do you know if the people selling are duplicating someone else's ad and photos. I saw where someone mentioned that above.
Mar 03Reply
dutchessxoxo @destebb you dont. But a seller doesnt get a dime until u receive the item and verify that it is the same one u offered on. Also Posh will refund if u determine down the road that it's fake. It's really a good idea to have any luxury bag authenticated on receipt. I buy and sell bags as well and I use Authenticate First.
Mar 03Reply
destebb @dutchessxoxo Thank You I appreciate your help. 🤗
Mar 03Reply
dutchessxoxo @destebb u are welcome. And if u like I can take a look at the bag. That's my livelihood buying and selling authentic bags.
Mar 03Reply
destebb @dutchessxoxo I have saved this listing so I will definitely take you up on that offer. Question is everything refundable on Posh regardless of price if it's found to be a counterfeit or just things over $500.00
Mar 03Reply
dutchessxoxo @destebb I purchased a bag on Posh for about 200. Listed for sale and Posh removed it as counterfeit. I messaged saying I purchased it on the site and they promptly refunded. So any amount
Mar 03Reply
destebb @dutchessxoxo Perfect, that makes me feel a little better.
Mar 03Reply
dutchessxoxo @destebb🤗
Mar 03Reply
aloharavanna @pretygirl_ok I think Poshmark would have no problem with anyone calling out a scammer. It protects the Poshmark integrity. I would of course notify Poshmark also. SCAMMERS BEWARE!👁
Mar 07Reply
dutchessxoxo So did a trade earlier this week. She has only one trade and should have mailed first. Heading for the post office anyway so I mailed. Three days later it's still pending shipment and it appears she purchased postage outside Posh! She posted the receipt but when I went back to look at it again she deleted it. So I intercepted my package and hopes she does the same.
Aug 02Reply
dutchessxoxo My record should speak for itself. This is what I get trying to be nice. I have been branded insane, in need of medication and high strung🤣
Aug 02Reply
dutchessxoxo I have a.very low tolerance for BS of any kind @trositano
Aug 02Reply
ebonyeyes2016 Thanks for the heads up!!!! These scammers make me sick!!!!!😖
Aug 10Reply
dutchessxoxo Here is another one folks! Agreed to a trade then when the other person shipped he cancelled his sale and blocked her here and on social media. Has the nerve to say hes not trying to scam! Luckily she was able to intercept the package. rgrayson3340 is the scammer
Aug 14Reply
dutchessxoxo @mardel5959 there is nothing wrong with trading if done carefully. On the other hand going off app is a sure way to get scammed.
Aug 15Reply
piccicu I will not trade but thank you for posting the warning. I have been getting offers and then they disappear when I accept. WTH!! Thanks again.... Stephanie🌻
Sep 21Reply
itsyagirllex7 @dutchessxoxo thanks for posting this warning girl! So many people are scammers now :(
Oct 05Reply
loveone215 Thanks for the information
Nov 09Reply
dutchessxoxo @loveone215 you are welcome. And welcome to Posh!
Nov 09Reply
loveone215 Thank you @dutchessxoxo Thanks for the info I made my first purchase now I’m on the edge awaiting the delivery. My daughter was scammed out of her Jr prom dress these scammers are ridiculous😞
Nov 09Reply
dutchessxoxo @loveone215 oh dear I am so sorry to hear that! Hopefully your first purchase will go smoothly. Honestly scammers are a small percentage of Posh sellers. Most of us are honest people.
Nov 09Reply
styl1stcloset @pretygirl_ok omg what a novel you just wrote in my head!!!! I would be so so so BEYOnD if a guy ever thought about trying to swindle a lie like that. Indicative of a much larger issue!!!!! People just need to be real!
Dec 13Reply
dutchessxoxo @styl1stcloset this time of year brings the scammers and swindlers out of the woodwork like the roaches they are
Dec 13Reply
buddys7 @dutchessxoxo hello im looking at a bag to buy but not sure if its authentic. I did do research on but still not sure who could i get to help me? The person is @diana_tola Its the moschino bag?
Jan 03Reply
dutchessxoxo @buddys7 I dont know much about that brand. from what I see online it looks ok. u can also get it authenticated at Authenticate First for $10
Jan 03Reply
dutchessxoxo @hawaiicori yeah. She shut it down right after the trade. That’s how these scammers operate.
Mar 14Reply
thequinnscloset @dutchessxoxo Hey girl!! Quick question! I read almost the entire comment thread and I’ve seen people “trade” all the time. I usually don’t even entertain the idea since I have Poshmark as a secondary income. I recently decided to try. We both reduced the price to $3 and purchased each other’s listings. Isn’t my purchase protected through Poshmark? Like if she sends an empty box, I’d be able to open a case, even though it was only $3 and vice versa?
Mar 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @halscloset37 yes and no. Purchasing the label through posh gives u tracking only. Posh allows trading but in the event of an issue generally won’t intervene. Couple trade rules I live by. Only trade if the person has love notes from previous trades. If the posher is new they must ship first no exceptions. Last and most importantly go with ur gut. If something seems off to u it probably is. Hope that helps
Mar 18Reply
thequinnscloset @dutchessxoxo Thank you so much, it does help! She seemed super trustworthy and her item was more expensive than mine, so I think we’re in the clear, but we will see! Thank you. So bizarre I figured Posh would guarantee any purchase no matter the price
Mar 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @halscloset37 they guarantee the price associated with the purchase. So in the case of a trade your refund would only be $3
Mar 18Reply
thequinnscloset @dutchessxoxo Oooooohhhh gotcha that makes total sense! Thank you 🙌
Mar 18Reply
dutchessxoxo @littleamyv sorry to hear that. What happened?
Sep 07Reply
love2loveya @luvmytwins2 my friends account was terminated indefinitely for calling out a scammer who stole 1500$ from her! So messed up!!
Sep 30Reply
dutchessxoxo @jen82551265 did you open a case?
Jun 25Reply

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