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Updated Sep 23
Updated Sep 23

Helping my baby🐾💞


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So I guess someone decided to report my other post for liv. This is my rescue puppy Livvy. She had to have surgery to have her eye removed.She now needs treatments and everything else for recovery. She may need more treatments & surgeries depending on how things heal for her. This is my only income for now & all money raised goes towards helping her get the treatment and care she deserves.If you’d like anymore information please don’t hesitate to ask.I’m just trying everything I can for her🐾💞
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mycoley @plj32915 so sorry... love the puppers..❤️❤️
Nov 15Reply
plj32915 @mycoley they’re too precious not to love! Thank you for all the shares! Between selling things on here and a gofundme I’m trying my best to take care of her and her needs with the help of some amazingly kind people. Thank you again and best wishes to you!🐾💞
Nov 15Reply
mycoley @plj32915 I hope all goes well. I have my own fur babies.. had them all before my human baby! They are my world too... hope for the best!😉
Nov 15Reply
plj32915 @mycoley I completely understand! She’s my little angel and I have no idea what I’d do without her because she’s my entire world now! Thank you so much it means a lot!☺️💞
Nov 15Reply
krysalexander I completely understand because I’m a major “dogmama”❤️🐾❤️ I’ll share your Posh Closet & will be keeping you & your LIVVY in my special prayers
Nov 16Reply
plj32915 @krysalexander oh my gosh I am so sorry I missed your comment! Thank you so much though it really means a lot and I definitely appreciate it!💞
Nov 19Reply
krysalexander @plj32915 no worries, hon❤️❤️❤️
Nov 19Reply
kttaylor27 Livvy is so lucky to have you as her momma. My family is all about our dogs too. I wish nothing but the best for you both 🐾🐕❤️
Nov 19Reply
plj32915 @kttaylor27 awe thank you that’s so sweet of you to say! They’re part of the family and she’s like my child so I’m trying anything and everything I can for her! Thank you so much and I’m sending best wishes to you and your family including the fur babies of course!☺️💞
Nov 19Reply
sagsoul Ah, hon, what a love. I wish you the best of luck!
Nov 20Reply
spottythedot @plj32915 Lots of shares for Livvy !!! 🐾🐾 I have my dear Plum so I understand ! They actually look alike ! Keep up the good fight ! Kriss & Plum 💖
Nov 20Reply
plj32915 @spottythedot awe thank you! She’s my support and savior in so many ways including with my anxiety and depression and when I get my migraine and everything. She really had been my support through so much already and now I’m fighting and working to be her support! Thank you so much and I’m sending best wishes to you and plum who is adorable btw!☺️💞
Nov 20Reply
cabron7 I love your closet!! 💖🐾
Nov 20Reply
plj32915 @cabron7 awe thank you so much! All proceeds from my sales goes towards my livs care🐾💞 I’ll definitely have to check out your closet when I get back on WiFi and it’ll load. I’ll be sending some share love along with best wishes your way!☺️💞
Nov 20Reply
cabron7 @plj32915 You are very welcome! Sending lots of love to you and Liv. 💕💖❤️🐾
Nov 20Reply
lindseymclewis Lots of love and positive light for your precious baby! You sound like an amazing dog mom ❤
Nov 20Reply
plj32915 @cabron7 sending it right back your way!💞
Nov 21Reply
plj32915 @lindseymclewis that’s very much appreciated right now! Awe thank you so much! I’m trying my best!☺️🐾💞
Nov 21Reply
angeldarling Sending you and your fur 🐶baby💕 many hugs 🤗🤗and prayers🙏🌺😊
Nov 21Reply
plj32915 @angeldarling thank you so much! Liv loves hugs so I’ll be sure to give her plenty for you! Thank you so much and best wishes are definitely being sent your way from Livvy and I!💞
Nov 21Reply
angeldarling @plj32915 awwhh so sweet!💕🤗🌺😊Thank you!
Nov 21Reply
a_to_z_listings Sharing sharing for you & Livvy. Hoping for speedy recovery🐾
Nov 21Reply
frock_n_fashion 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Nov 25Reply
cruznnfinds Hi! ☺️ I’m so sorry to hear that your baby puppy had her eye removed! I have four rescue dogs that I found and two adopted dogs. I also volunteer at the animal shelter. I understand how your heart aches for her! Pets love you unconditionally! ❤️❤️❤️ I wish the best for the both of you! ☺️ Sharing your page! 😉🦋
Nov 26Reply
loriralston Aww. You're the best. She's lucky to have you for a mommy. Fur babies need is! 🐾🐶
Nov 26Reply
katie1014 I hope everything works out for Livvy! Good luck to you!! 🐶
Nov 27Reply
texanlady I'm so sorry to hear your fur baby is sick🐶💕 I know it's so hard When our fur babies are sick and they can't tell us what hurts or what's wrong 😥 I hope Livvy will get well soon💖🐶💕
Nov 29Reply
mandarincollar My dog Sally had her eye removed when we adopted her. The good news is that they adapt to the change amazingly once they heal up. You’re an awesome dog mama! Best wishes to you! 💕
Dec 01Reply
plj32915 @tiffanyapm thank you I appreciate it! Best wishes from both of us!🐾💞
Dec 01Reply
plj32915 @sparkle54 it’s horrible having to watch them go through it but I’m glad I was able to get her and give her the help she needed. Thank you and best wishes from Liv and I!🐾💞
Dec 01Reply
plj32915 @loriralston awe thank you so much! That means a lot and I’m sending best wishes from her and I your way!🐾💞
Dec 01Reply
plj32915 @katie1014 thank you I appreciate that more than I can express! Best wishes being sent your way from Livvy and I both!🐾💞
Dec 01Reply
plj32915 @texanlady it really is the worst and it makes my heart hurt but I’m trying everything I can for her and she’s getting there with her recovery. Thank you so much and best wishes to you!☺️🐾💞
Dec 01Reply
a_to_z_listings @plj32915 you’re very welcome !!
Dec 01Reply
plj32915 @mandarincollar I’m so glad your baby had a great recovery and adapted pretty well with it! It’s tough to watch but she’s getting there with her recovery and doing pretty well so far so I’m hoping she starts to adapt better once it’s healed. I’m sure she’ll probably always be a little clumsy though just like her mama. I’ve had her since she was about 2 1/2 months and she apparently takes after me with her personality and such which I find pretty funny but I love it.
Dec 01Reply
plj32915 @mandarincollar also thank you for the words of encouragement it means a lot especially from complete strangers when I’m starting to lose hope with things. Thank you so much and I’m definitely sending lots of love and best wishes from Livvy and I to you!🐾💞
Dec 01Reply
katie1014 @plj32915 thank you!!!
Dec 01Reply
texanlady @plj32915. I'm so glad for you and your baby🐶💕 that she's getting better! I truly Hope she will continue Getting stronger and Make a full recovery💖 I hope you have very good evening!👋😊
Dec 01Reply
heatmil I will share a lot and buy where I can, love our fur babies 💕🐾💕
Dec 08Reply
mabranton Love and prayers to you both devoted dog mamas stick together!!
Dec 29Reply
plj32915 @texanlady thank you so much! I appreciate it so much and I’m sending best wishes and lots of love to you from Liv and I!💞 Also sorry for the late response they removed this post and thankfully just reposted it for me now after they reviewed it again
Jan 08Reply
plj32915 @heatmil thank you so much! I really appreciate it! All the love to our fur babies! Sending best wishes and lots of love to you from Livvy and I!💞 Also sorry for the late response they removed this post and thankfully just reposted it for me now after they reviewed it again
Jan 08Reply
plj32915 @mabranton thank you I really appreciate it! Definitely all have to stick together sometimes we wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything if we didn’t. Sending best wishes and lots of love to you from Liv and I!💞 Also sorry for the late response they removed this post and thankfully just reposted it for me now after they reviewed it again
Jan 08Reply
janfast Hi there! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Jan 08Reply
texanlady @plj32915. I'm so glad it's reposted for you sweetie💕 You're so so welcome! It's my pleasure💖 How is your sweet baby doing now dear? I do know what it's like When a fur baby is sick It's really is painful to see your baby sick and we feel Helpless, so I really hope Your 🐶 baby is all better now dear! Best wishes To you both hin and I hope you and Liv will have a great 2019😘💕💋
Jan 08Reply
heatmil @plj32915 Livvy kisses and peace to you both 💜🐾💜
Jan 08Reply
mrs_kramer @plj32915 I was just reviewing the reported listings and saw this, I guess someone reported it again. Must be a cold blooded person. 💔
Jan 18Reply
mrs_kramer @plj32915 Prayers for your baby fur! 💕💕💕
Jan 18Reply
plj32915 @texanlady thank you! She’s doing okay I think she has had a little cold again the last few days and I’ve been dealing with some issues myself but we’re getting there. Exactly it’s a horrible feeling but I’m doing everything I can for her and she’s what’s keeping me going through everything. Thank you so again and we both send our love!🐾💞
Jan 18Reply
plj32915 @heatmil awe thank you that’s very much appreciated! Best wishes from Liv and I both!💞
Jan 18Reply
plj32915 @mrs_kramer it’s very frustrating because I’ve reviewed the policies over and over and there’s nothing being violated in any of my posts as far as I can tell at least. Every time one of her posts gets removed it hurts and I actually cry over it because I just don’t get it and it makes me so mad that someone can be so heartless when all I’m trying to do is help my baby. But thank you so much! Best wishes being sent your way from Livvy and I!🐾💞
Jan 18Reply
mrs_kramer @plj32915 I know. It's ridicoulus! 💔 there's nothing wrong with your post.
Jan 18Reply
shegreggshop She’s adorable I have a fur baby named Lorelei will post every chance I get. Hope she gets well soon.
Jan 22Reply
shegreggshop *I mean share every chance I get.
Jan 22Reply
seastar3 Big hugs to you and your precious pup. 💕(My Libby (aka Livvy) is around 16 and has recently become blind and mostly deaf. It is difficult to watch our babies suffer.)
Jan 22Reply
gigi11155 I’m so sorry honey!! I’m an avid furbaby lover!! Why did you have to take the other one down!?? I’ll try and share to my followers to help!! Hang in there dear!!❤️👍😊
Jan 25Reply
ses54 @plj32915 awwww how sweet. I just love dogs! 🤗😘💋🐶🐶
Jan 27Reply
ses54 @plj32915 What happened to her eye? 😢😢
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @camjohnss thank you and I appreciate that! Best wishes to you and your fur baby from Liv and I!☺️🐾💞
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @seastar3 thank you so much! Awe that’s so sad and I couldn’t agree more it’s so hard but they have us and we give them as much love and care as we can to help them. Best wishes to you and Libby from Livvy and I!☺️🐾💞
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @gigi11155 I definitely am too! She’s my baby so I’m just trying to do whatever I can for her. I’m not sure I got an email saying something about my post was brought to their attention so I’m guessing someone reported it for some reason. I did email them and they did repost it for me though☺️ but thank you so much I really appreciate that! Best wishes and lots of love from Liv and I!☺️💞
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @ses54 I do too and she’s the sweetest silliest little baby! She was born with the eye it just never developed all the way so it was abnormal tissue that put her at extremely high risk of cancer and major infections. They went in and removed the eye and all the tissue from that side of her head then stitched it shut. She’s still going for check ups and treatments because she’s still at risk and they worry it’ll feel back up with the bad fatty tissue again.
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @ses54 The vet told me as long as I keep up with her care like I have been she should make a full recovery and be perfectly fine since they’d more than likely catch anything early enough to take care of it. She’s literally the reason why I started selling on here because I created the account awhile ago but never used it. I’m just trying my best for her. Thank you for asking💞
Jan 27Reply
ses54 @plj32915 Aww I think that’s wonderful! I used to work at Broward Co Humane society in Ft Lauderdale , actually volunteered 2-3 days a week & some of the sights I saw there just made me cry. Poor abused dogs they would bring in. It’s awful what ppl will do! I hope he gets better. Kisses & hugs from me 🤗😘💋🐶
Jan 27Reply
shegreggshop @plj32915 You’re most welcome. No problem and when you take a break from Poshing Google “Koi CBD for dogs” Lorelei takes it daily. It has helped her greatly. Enjoy 😊 your weekend.
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @ses54 I’ve actually thought about volunteering at my local shelters but even the thought of what people are capable of makes me sick and I can’t deal with it. I’m so thankful for the deal that can and do for the sake of the animals though because I know I’d never be able to take it I’d be hunting some those people down for those poor babies! Thank you so much I really appreciate it! I’m sending best wishes and tons of love to you from Livvy and I!☺️🐾💞💞
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @camjohnss I will definitely do that! Thank you so so so much! I hope you have a great rest of your weekend as well hun☺️💞
Jan 27Reply
gigi11155 Go to @gpuglove there’s where you need to be with your babies issues❤️👍😊🌹
Jan 27Reply
ses54 @plj32915 Oh I know! I’ve turned ppl on lots of time for abusing their animals! That’s something I won’t tolerate! Well you have a good night & I hope things get better for the both of you & nice to meet you. I’m Sherry btw.
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @gigi11155 thank you for the pointer! I actually joined the follow game she’s running to hopefully be able to help other dog lovers as well!☺️
Jan 27Reply
shegreggshop @plj32915 You’re welcome 😊 Oh I forgot to mention Lorelei takes the spray but they have chews and biscuits also. Hope your baby gets better with each passing day. Bye for now 😁
Jan 27Reply
plj32915 @ses54 I’ve turned people in also because I definitely don’t tolerate that either. It’s ridiculous! But I’m Paige and it’s very nice to meet you as well. Have a great rest of your night and weekend. Thanks for the little chat☺️
Jan 27Reply
seastar3 @plj32915 thank you! Lots of love to you and your sweet furbaby.
Jan 27Reply
lillieh19 I'm praying for you & your precious Livvy!! We have 2 fur babies & they're our lives!!! God bless 💞💕
Jan 27Reply
lillieh19 Thank you so much!!! No rush on shipping the items out. Please give Livvy a big hug for me!!💞💕💞
Jan 28Reply
gigi11155 @plj32915 good!! It so helps to have fellow furbaby lovers!! You’re in my prayers❤️👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏
Jan 28Reply
plj32915 @lillieh19 I will definitely do that for you! She loves hugs and kisses so she’ll be thrilled to get some extras on top of the tons she already gets! ☺️
Jan 28Reply
plj32915 @gigi11155 yes ma’am it definitely does. Thank you I really do appreciate that💞💞
Jan 28Reply
pizano_s Cutie! I also started selling on Poshmark to pay for my fur baby’s unexpected surgery and medical expenses 💕 hope your pup is doing well!
Feb 03Reply
wrensat44 Can’t believe someone would report a listing about a dog and her mom. Sending lots of good wishes to you both!
Feb 04Reply
nings_things How is your doggie now? See if your town has vet services/animal hospital for people with low income . Is it too late to get pet insurance?
Feb 05Reply
yexenia89 She’s adorable! I hope she gets the care she needs and gets better 💕
Feb 05Reply
angie85630 How do I find your GoFundMe
Feb 09Reply
plj32915 @pizano_s awe well I hope your fur baby is doing well also! Liv is doing pretty well which I’m so thankful for. Thank you and I’m sending best wishes from Livvy and I!☺️🐾💞
Feb 09Reply
plj32915 @wrensat44 I honestly can’t either and it drives me insane! But thank you so much I’m sending best wishes your way from Liv and I as well!☺️💞
Feb 09Reply
plj32915 @nings_things she’s doing pretty well still healing. It wasn’t really an option for me so I’m just trying everything I can for her to make sure she gets everything she needs. Thanks though I appreciate the thoughts!☺️
Feb 09Reply
plj32915 @yexenia89 thank you! She’s the sweetest and I’m doing everything I possibly can to make sure she gets the care and everything she needs in general! Sending best wishes from Liv and I your way!☺️💞
Feb 09Reply
plj32915 @66miranda she’s definitely getting there! Still healing but she’s so much happier and growing now thankfully! Awe well I’m definitely sending best wishes to you and your babies from Livvy and I!☺️🐾💞
Feb 09Reply
nings_things So glad to hear it! I know exactly what you mean. Years ago, I spent my rent money MANY times for my doggie and I would do it again! 💖
Feb 09Reply
plj32915 @angie85630 hi there! the campaign on there is called “Livvys eye surgeries” and there are a bunch of pictures of her as well as her story and some updates that I provide when things calm down enough for me to post them☺️
Feb 09Reply
angie85630 @plj32915. 💜I'll find it, thank you.
Feb 09Reply
plj32915 @nings_things completely understand! I spent all my money I had saved and put away for trade school and I would definitely do it again for my baby! Selling on here is my only income at this time due to having to take care of her and my mom who just had a stroke back in December and I’m also having some health issues. So things are pretty crazy but I’m trying to make it work best I can! Thank you for commenting it’s always nice to see others that feel the same about their fur babies!
Feb 09Reply
nings_things I'm so sorry about your mom. I'll be praying for both of your healing and recovery...and your doggie. I was sick when my dog was having issues too, it was horrible. But I'm better and you will be too.
Feb 09Reply
momisnuttz You've got my support! This is my source of income since leaving teaching to become a caregiver for both my Mom and Dad who have moved in with me and my family. My first Boston, Will, was a one-eyed Boston Terrier rescue who needed thousands of dollars of health issues. He gave us three years of unconditional love and joy before he passed due to congestive heart failure. Kate and Iggy are my joys now!!!
Feb 10Reply
plj32915 @nings_things thank you I really appreciate that. Yes of course! Everyone’s getting there it’s just been a struggle because it seems like every time something starts working out or someone starts getting better something else happens. But thank you again and I’m very glad you’re better now also!
Feb 10Reply
plj32915 @momisnuttz awe well thank you I really really appreciate the support! I wish you lots of luck in sales and I will definitely be sharing for you whenever possible since I completely understand this being the income. It’s hard having babies that need so much care like that because it does get very expensive but Im very glad you had that time with him because I’m sure he was adorable and amazing! I’m also very glad you have your other wonderful joys now!
Feb 10Reply
plj32915 @momisnuttz Best wishes and lots of love from Liv and I for sure being sent to you, Kate and Iggy!☺️🐾💞
Feb 10Reply
nings_things Oh yeah, I know all about "if it ain't one thing its another". But hang in there. your tenacity, strength and determination will one day be used to encourage others. You're gonna make and others will make it because of you! Your season of change is coming!
Feb 11Reply
fireangelm64 Best of luck on livvy recovery!! Xoxo
Feb 11Reply
smartchoice2 God bless, we been through there before and it could get tough financially supporting a loved one. With the help of God all is possible and nothing is impossible for Him. I'll prayed for yall and that yall received healing, blessings and optimal health in Jesus Christ name friend 🙏
Feb 11Reply
litaf201 It is amazing you are doing this and not giving up. I have 4 dogs and would do anything to help them to. I hope all goes well for you and livvy!!!
Feb 12Reply
plj32915 @nings_things unfortunately I think everyone does at some point. But thank you so much I really appreciate the kind words through all this!
Feb 12Reply
plj32915 @fireangelm64 thank you I appreciate that! We’re getting there best we can! Best wishes from Liv and I!☺️💞
Feb 12Reply
plj32915 @nancyherrington awe that’s so sweet! I’d be honored if you added Livvy to your prayer list! Thank you so much and I’m sending best wishes and lots of love your way from Liv and I! God bless☺️💞
Feb 12Reply
plj32915 @smartchoice2 thank you I appreciate it! I hope all is well for you and your family now and stays that way! Again thank you and I’m sending best wishes from Liv and I your way!☺️💞
Feb 12Reply
plj32915 @litaf201 well thank you! I’m just trying whatever I can for her with everything going on and with the help and support of the posh community I’m getting somewhere thankfully! Thank you so much sending lots of love and best wishes from Liv and I to you and your fur babies!☺️🐾💞
Feb 12Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following 😁
Feb 12Reply
hellsgiftshop Thank you for all of the shares!!!! 🖤🖤🖤 good luck with your pupper!
Feb 12Reply
kmosskirlin @plj32915 awe my Shih Tzu almost died several months ago,out of the blue one day,he was on a side table,that he looks out of the window , and out of the corner of my eye,I see something drop off the table, like a rock, onto the floor, it was my baby Senshi, rushed him to the Dr, they said put him down, bec he’s not going to make it, we said NO, then rushed him to the ER, it’s his heart,after 3,000+ Vet bill of $200, he’s alive .
Feb 13Reply
kmosskirlin @plj32915 and he turned 13 on 2/7, his meds are very expensive,$120/mth, but we’re doing the best we can bec we love him so much, he was the last gift , my dying mom bought me , so he’s extra special , I have 2, but I don’t know what I’m going to do when he goes 🐶🐶❤️
Feb 13Reply
xenajuju12 Some reported your post ! Unbelievable. So sorry this is happening to your fur babie. I'm a huge animal lover ❤
Feb 13Reply
plj32915 @reynolds57 you are welcome and thank you for the shares!☺️
Feb 13Reply
plj32915 @jamiefredrick34 you are very welcome! I’ll try to share as often as I can in hopes of speedy sales for you! Thank you I appreciate that! I’ll be sending good vibes and best wishes to you from Liv and I!☺️
Feb 13Reply
plj32915 @kmosskirlin awe that’s so sad! I’m so glad to hear he’s alive and I hope doing much better now! I felt the same way about my CJ I had to put him down last April 2 days before he turned 5 1/2. I was absolutely crushed. Then I ended up with Livvy and I’m trying my absolute best I can for her! I’m sending lots of love and the very best wishes to you and your babies!☺️🐾💞
Feb 13Reply
plj32915 @xenajuju12 I couldn’t believe it at all. It makes me so upset to the point where I start having panic attacks because I have really bad anxiety which liv helps with because she’s my emotional support dog and will hopefully be my service dog after she heals. I’m such a big animal bigger as well trust me! Thank you and I’m sending best wishes to you from Livvy and I!☺️🐾💞
Feb 13Reply
kmosskirlin @plj32915 awe thx some peo don’t understand but their our children, he takes the meds only with liver worst and a low sodium tavern ham, but like this morning, he didn’t want to take them, so I had to push them down is throat , I hate doing that, but he has 4 meds he takes in the am then 2 at night . So I feel blessed to still have him and I hope he sticks around for several more years at least , I will pray for ur baby , my guys pic is on here somewhere .
Feb 13Reply
xenajuju12 @plj32915 Best of Luck and Blessed Be 🌛☻🌜from me and all 9 of my fur babies sweetie 😊❤😍
Feb 13Reply
plj32915 @kmosskirlin oh yes I completely understand! It’s hard on us to make them take their medicine when they’re being stubborn but it’s for their own good and we want to do anything we can to help them and keep them around. I hope he’s strong and well enough to stick around for a long time with you. I’ll have to take a look because I’m sure he’s absolutely adorable! Thank you so much I’ll be praying for you and yours as well!
Feb 13Reply
plj32915 @xenajuju12 awe thank you so much! I’m a fur baby mama of many as well so I can definitely relate to that! Sending lots of love from ALL of us!☺️🐶🐱🐹🐰🐭🐾💞💞💞💞
Feb 13Reply
nelliegirl05 Sweet puppy, She’s a beauty!
Feb 13Reply
gpuglove @plj32915 Hey ! 😊How is your baby doing? 💕🐶
Feb 14Reply
plj32915 @nelliegirl05 awe thank you!☺️
Feb 14Reply
plj32915 @gpuglove hello! She’s doing pretty well! She’s getting there with healing and she’s helping me so much as well. Just trying to take things one day at a time! Thanks for asking I hope you and your babies are doing well also! ☺️💞🐾 Also I share the group and your closet as much as possible hoping to recruit some more dog lovers and hoping to help you make speedy sales as well! Just letting you know Incase you ever wonder why haha
Feb 14Reply
demonhunters Bless you heart for caring such a dog. I have two myself. My Yorkie needs to have surgery too because he has two large tumors on his tummy in a bad area. We have been trying to save too and hopefully he can have it done next month. I totally understand what you are through. My dogs are my babies. I hope you get all the help you can. Prayers are with you.
Feb 14Reply
demonhunters Hi again, I just went through your closet and shared mostly everything. I pray that some of my followers purchases things for your cause. I just join Poshmark only two months ago because I suffer Lupus and pretty much remain in the house 24/7 because I have an extremely weak immune system. Sharing is caring...
Feb 14Reply
gpuglove @plj32915 Aww That's so good to hear! 😊❤️I've been thinking about you guys, especially when I see you pop up in my 'News'. 💞🐶 You're such a sweetheart! I always appreciate the shares and love you give my closet😊 Thanks a million! 💜🐾 I hope you and your sweet Liv have a wonderful rest of your Thursday and a fabulous upcoming weekend! 🐶💞😘
Feb 14Reply
plj32915 @808classysassy awe thank you so much! I really appreciate that! I’m so sorry your poor baby has to go through that and you have to watch it. I hope the surgery can be done soon! I’ll definitely be returning some share love in hopes of helping you make some sales also! Thanks again and I’m sending best wishes and prayers to you and your baby!☺️🐾💞
Feb 15Reply
plj32915 @gpuglove you are so very welcome! I try to share as often as possible especially knowing you put such a great thing together for us dog lovers to get together so thank you for that! Thank you I hope you have a great rest of your night and an awesome weekend! Stop by anytime even if you just wanna say hi!☺️💞
Feb 15Reply
gpuglove @plj32915 💕😘💜🐶🐾
Feb 15Reply
carlysellers0 @plj32915 Girl whoever reported it Obviously has no heart. I shared and if you would send info on gofundme. I have Fur babies, empty nest syndrome. They are my world, besides my grandkids. Will help all I can. If you don't mind me tagging my girls? See if they will share too???? Let me know love.
Feb 16Reply
carlysellers0 Tag list @thatscentsylady @kates_closet18 @kris10_classics @momogo @ms_penny_posher @moonrose171 @ksixnch @ginalee33 @greatforgifts @lubdub6 @moomom17 @2ndavenueco @lostsmurfs @sunshinegirl15 @kimmelz18 @myvintagelady @ninamcdermitt @kathleen5001 @tara6674 @omsdaughter @skullee @designhamptons @skbblackwidow @dsgonza Ladies if you wouldn't mind sharing this listing and possibly her closet? I love y'all.
Feb 16Reply
faithoverfear07 @plj32915 I'm so sorry someone reported your post. Some people on Poshmark are evil and wicked not all but a handful are. I'll share your closet. I hope you get a lot of sales. Good Luck ❣️🐶🐾
Feb 16Reply
plj32915 @faithoverfear07 I just would like to know why someone kept reporting it because it sends me into anxiety attacks because it just stresses me out so much and I just don’t understand. But thank you so so much I really appreciate that! I’m sending lots of love and best wishes to you from Livvy and I!☺️🐾💞
Feb 17Reply
plj32915 @carlysellers0 clearly! I don’t understand how someone could do that when there are people on here trying to scam and rip people off and stuff like why?! But thank you so much for the shares and tagging your girls! Any help even with just shares means a lot and really does help since it’s getting my stuff for Liv out to a bigger audience.
Feb 17Reply
plj32915 @carlysellers0 Also the page for her is listed as “Livvys eye surgeries” on there. I don’t want to post a link and get in trouble on here but there are pictures of her on it just like this post for her! A huge thank you to you and everyone you tagged! I’m sending best wishes and tons of love to all of you and your fur babies if anyone has any and your families!☺️🐾💞💞💞
Feb 17Reply
faithoverfear07 @plj32915 I know hun I’ve had a girl bullying me on here for over a year. Now she’s made couple new friends and they have started bullying me to. Posh won’t do nothing. Hopefully they will once my attorneys talk to them and sends screenshots to them. People on here can be so cruel and mean. I’m not letting anyone bully me from now on I’m a grown woman and all these lies she’s spreader on me will come to a end. Good Luck I hope you get the help you need 😘😘😘
Feb 17Reply
plj32915 @faithoverfear07 that’s horrible! Hopefully something gets done about that cause that’s freakin ridiculous! I hope everything works out for you as well and you have a friend here now if you ever need anything or just want to say hi or vent about those mean girls petty BS. I’m always here💞
Feb 17Reply
carlysellers0 @plj32915 love you girl. Stay strong and I completely understand. Ty. I will go find it. Good luck love. Any way at all I can help just let me know. You have more ppl for you and your baby than you realize. I have a feeling I know who did it. Tries to play Posh God all the time. But I'll be nice. God don't like ugly.
Feb 17Reply
carlysellers0 @faithoverfear07 there are 2 that tried to bully me. I'm not in school anymore so I just ignore them. Girls talk 😄 if you catch what I'm saying.
Feb 17Reply
faithoverfear07 @carlysellers0 Gotcha! 😉 Exactly GIRLS!! Lol 😝
Feb 17Reply
plj32915 @carlysellers0 thanks I’m trying to do the best I can and keep my head up with everything. I really appreciate the encouragement! Love ya too girl and Im here all the time between taking care of liv and helping my mom since her stroke so stop by anytime if ya feel like it or just wanna chat. Trust me I don’t mind some conversation whatsoever!
Feb 17Reply
catsdraggeditin Awww. What a sweet & pretty girl. I’m so happy she has you. 🐶😁❤️🐾
Feb 17Reply
hunnibscloset Shared... praying for Livvy
Feb 17Reply
plj32915 @something2see awe thank you! She’s my baby and I’d be lost without her! Sending hope for lots of sales and best wishes your way from Liv and I!☺️🐾💞
Feb 18Reply
plj32915 @hunnibscloset thank you so much that means a lot. Sending best wishes to you and your family from Livvy and I and also hopes for lots of sales from this great share event!☺️💞
Feb 18Reply
hunnibscloset @plj32915 you’re welcome! I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ fur babies!
Feb 18Reply
daniellebirge Love love love
Feb 18Reply
mach_5 Love to you and Livvy🐾🐾❤️❤️
Feb 21Reply
bkreynolds15 So cute! ❤️ good luck with everything!
Feb 21Reply
c00kie_monster Hello 👋🏽 sorry to hear your pup is going through tough times! Much love & prayers for her ✨ wish the best of luck & that she gets better 💙 I will share & give love! Feel free to come by my closet, share & like! ❤️👋🏽
Feb 21Reply
kmzcloset She’s adorable. How old is she
Feb 22Reply
plj32915 @hunnibscloset oh yes I love the fur babies!💞💞
Feb 22Reply
plj32915 @daniellebirge ☺️💞💞
Feb 22Reply
plj32915 @mach_5 awe thank you! Best wishes and love being sent right back from Liv and i!☺️💞
Feb 22Reply
plj32915 @bkreynolds15 thank you so much I really appreciate that! Best wishes from Livvy and I being sent your way!☺️🐾💞
Feb 22Reply
plj32915 @c00kie_monster thank you so much that means a lot! I’ll definitely have to return the share love when I get a chance! Best wishes being sent to you from Livvy and I!☺️💞
Feb 22Reply
plj32915 @kmzcloset well thank you! She just turned 10 months on the 17th☺️
Feb 22Reply
kmzcloset @plj32915 aw cute she looks like my grandmas dog
Feb 22Reply
margitbaker Liv is one lucky girl to be so loved. I had to laugh because my Chows, both rescues, have the same orange striped fish as Liv! ❤️
Mar 04Reply
brilldelights She looks just like my puppers....except my Jackie Brown is chocolate and auburn. My pup has to have laser therapy and I just spent a boatload too....anything for the furry babies ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Mar 06Reply
phantomfashion hope you and your adorable pup get through this ❤️
Mar 08Reply
pale_blue_speck Shared - Have a good day ❤️💜🌹😊- Liz 3/8
Mar 08Reply
luvme5woofs Prayers for your baby! I have 5 rescues that are the love of my life and I’d do anything for them.
Mar 10Reply
corin1965 @plj32915 good luck hope shes doing better. Love all my fur babies. 🐕🙏🐕💗
Mar 10Reply
belowmsrpprice @plj32915 Sweet PFF...I am BACK!! #30 from the PAYDAY Share Event stopping by to say that the ONLY DAY BETTER THAN FRIDAY IS PAYDAY! CHI CHI CHING!!! Keep up the awesome work PFF and let’s turn these shares into sales and make everyday a PAYDAY! Much love, all smiles, virtual hugs… Sincerely, PAYDAY Princess (Courtney)😝💚
Mar 15Reply
jenquin14 You’re an amazing rescue mom! I have done the same for my rescue dog as well when he had to have surgery. I hope everything goes well for her and so far looks like she’s living her best life!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Mar 17Reply
heidizme #23 here for penguin 🐧 fun Sharing all the closets until I'm done But I'm glad I met you and love to share. Because myself and my 🐧 penguin friend care!! (For you) Love ya my PFF!🐧💜🐧💜🐧💜🐧💜🐧
Mar 19Reply
pale_blue_speck ❤️ #5 was here 😊 shared 5 lovely items 🦋 ~ Liz 3/21
Mar 21Reply
pale_blue_speck Happy Payday Shares 😂❤️😊 ~ Liz 3/22
Mar 22Reply
parisgrl1007 Hi ♡ Just stopping by to say "Hello" & Wishing you a Fantastic Day of goodness & many sales 🌷✌😍 #121 Dancing into Spring Event ◇ Love your puppy ♡♡
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @margitbaker awe thank you! I think I’m the lucky one to have found her honestly! Haha awe well that fish is well loved by both of them I’m sure😂 sending best wishes from Liv and I to your and your fur baby!☺️🐾💞
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @brilldelights awe sounds adorable! Yes anything for them! They’re our babies how could we not try everything possible for them! Sending lots of love and best wishes to you and your baby from Liv and I!☺️🐾💞
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @laurelayla thank you so much I’m trying to make everything work!💞
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @luvme5woofs awe thank you! completely understand that my dog before her was my baby and I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him. we rescued him from the place he was supposed to go cause it wasn’t suitable for ANYTHING to live there let alone a baby pupper and after I lost him I got her! I’ve never loved anything as much as I loved him and now her! I’m trying everything possible for her because she deserves it! Lots of love and best wishes to you and your babies from Livvy and i!☺️🐾😘
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @corin1965 thank you! She’s doing pretty well it’s just been rough trying to keep up with all the bills with everything going on but I’m trying to make it work! Definitely love the fur babies! All of mine are definitely like my kids! Best wishes to you and your babies from Liv and I!☺️💞
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @jenquin14 awe thank you so much that means a lot! You seem like a wonderful fur mama as well! We have to do everything possible for our babies and I’m glad others understand that and actually do it or at least TRY their best! Sending lots of love and best wishes from Livvy and I your way!☺️💞
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @jenquin14 oh and she is soooo spoiled! I try to spoil her in anyway possible! It may not be spending lots of money on her but all money earned between on here and little handmade jewelry and homemade candy I sell to friends and family goes towards her. This is my only source of income right now but I’m trying to make it work! When I have a little extra after putting money towards her bills and food and everything else she needs she gets some special treats and toys when possible☺️
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @parisgrl1007 awe thank you!☺️💞
Mar 23Reply
erinbwv I do not like that! We all have our own reasons for selling on Posh and I like to hear them. Keep us updated, please! ❤️🐾
Mar 23Reply
plj32915 @erinbwv I couldn’t agree more I like to hear about people especially if they have a specific reason. Yes ma’am I definitely will do that!😘💞
Mar 23Reply
pjgirl1969 Best of luck and a speedy recovery for your baby! I am a huge dog lover and just lost my baby of 11 years this week so I understand your situation. Prayers being sent and thank you for being a great dog mommy! ❤️🐶🙏🏻😇
Mar 24Reply
akmantia Shared ✔ @ rachelles_place's Spotlight Share Event Tuesday 3/26/19 Participant #27 😊 Wishing you many sales! 🛍 ❤Allison
Mar 27Reply
greenbaypackers Hi. Liv is so lucky to have you!!! Thanks for the follow. Am following you now. Have to love our fur babies. Would do anything for them:)
Mar 28Reply
erinbwv ❤️😘 🐾 from Scott, Erin, Sidney Marie, Geno and Cutchie. We love you, sweet girl! ❤️😘🐾
Mar 28Reply
parisgrl1007 Shared & Best of Luck with your fur baby 💙🖤 Honoring Jen 💙 Share Event #121 ~~ dropping in to wish you a great weekend & many glorious sales ☆☆☆
Mar 29Reply
lostinkaradise Hi there!! Participant #102 from the Honey Bunny Share Event!! Just checking in to admit and share your closet!! Best wishes Kara👗
Apr 02Reply
pale_blue_speck Hope these shares bring 💲💲💲sales!~ Liz ❤️🌹🦋🤪 4/2
Apr 02Reply
pale_blue_speck 😊🤪😊🌹🌹~ Liz 4-2 After Fools Shares
Apr 02Reply
akmantia Shared ✔ @ rachelles_place's Spotlight Share Event Tuesday 4/2/19 Participant #4 Wishing you many sales! 💡Allison 😊🔦
Apr 02Reply
abeautifulchaos @plj32915 BEAUTIFUL BABY!!! 🐕🐶🐾❤❤❤
Apr 03Reply
plj32915 @pjgirl1969 awe thank you so much! So sorry I missed your comment I’ve been missing a lot on here because I had oral surgery last Monday so I’m trying to get caught up and it’s crazy! I’m so sorry for your loss it’s hard losing your baby. Sending lots of love and best wishes from Livvy and I your way!😘🐾💞
Apr 04Reply
plj32915 @greenbaypackers awe thanks that means a lot! Definitely would after all they are our babies! Sending best wishes your way from Livvy and I!☺️🐾💞
Apr 04Reply
plj32915 @parisgrl1007 thank you love☺️💞
Apr 04Reply
plj32915 @abeautifulchaos thank you so much! She really is my baby!☺️🐾💞
Apr 04Reply
akmantia 🔄 SHARED 🔄 @ sarah_boynton 's April Showers Event ☔☔☔☔☔☔☔☔☔☔☔☔☔ 4/3/19 Participant #80 Wishing you beautiful May Flowers! 🌷🌺🌻 🌼🌹💐🌷🌺🌻🌼 🌹💐 And lots of Spring sales! 🔆Allison
Apr 04Reply
pale_blue_speck let’s share some dresses... 👻🤪😂❤️ ~ Liz 4/4
Apr 04Reply
erinbwv Kisses for my girl! 😘 🐾
Apr 05Reply
lasvegasnv @plj32915 She's gorgeous! Hugs and love to you both. I love my fur babies Moe Moe and Curly. Lol Yep after the 3 Stooges!❤❤💖💖😊
Apr 07Reply
spld33 So amazing of you to do this for Liv!! You are an amazing person!!! 😊🥰😍
Apr 07Reply
firstscale @plj32915 I appreciate the fact that you shared my listing(s) and/or followed me. Thank you for the support. Also, you have an awesome selection of clothes! I wish the best for you and your animals. May good fortune be in your future!
Apr 10Reply
angelas_avenue @plj32915 💞🐾🙏🏼💔
Apr 12Reply
holbrooksusan Horrible that someone reported your listing, I have dealt with a few dog haters who want to spread their misery for some reason.
Apr 12Reply
holbrooksusan feel your pain, all my sales are going to help one of my guys get medical treatments. I have tore my closet apart and came to the realization I only need 5 shirts, pants, etc, selling everything else. I will share your closet as much as possible. I am working multiple jobs, so I only get a change later in the evening before I go to sleep, but I will put you on my share list.
Apr 12Reply
akmantia @prel0vedthreads 🔄 Event 4/17/19 Participant #3 😊 Wishing you much success here on Posh! 📦📬Allison
Apr 17Reply
grasshoppersg Hi sweetheart! Extra shares for you today for the jewelry trunk show! Lots of good luck for many sales my PFF! xoxoxox
Apr 20Reply
glamhoard Happy Easter! Wishing you and your family a healthy holiday and life. I love my doggy so much and she too, has had serious medical issues as she has Kushings Disease. I know your struggle as their bills get so expensive. My prayers are with you. Their love is so worth the hard efforts we make! Stay strong and live well! 🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾
Apr 20Reply
heidizme #47 @heidizme ☎️📒📥📤📝📅🖇📌✂️📇📱🖱⌨💜📠 Happy Administrative Assistants Day Some answer phones, some take notes, some type on a computer. Make coffee, order lunch, order travel arrangements, calm down irate customers, schedule people to see the boss. But no matter what you do from all of that or just lending an extra helping hand. This is your day. We thank you for all you do Assistants!! Now let's go party!! 📠💜⌨🖱📱📇✂️📌🖇📅📝📤📥📒☎️
Apr 24Reply
heidizme #42 On bring your kids to Posh Day! Whether your kids are little or grown up, Or are from humankind or fur babies. May you watch them live and grow. Teach them love to share for the world! The world can always need more LOVE! 👶🧒👦👧🏼👩‍🎓👨‍🎓🐱🐈🐕🐩🐏🐶🐤🐦🐠
Apr 26Reply
akmantia All shared! 🔄 @ megs_markdowns ' Bring your kids to Posh day! 4/25/19 #56 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Wishing great success for all of today's participants! 💛
Apr 26Reply
tkoppri Aw praying for livvy. 🙏🏻🐶 I understand your heart 💕 my fur babies are my life. We do whatever it takes to keep them safe, healthy & happy. They deserve no less. God bless you. ❤️
Apr 26Reply
rockcandystyle You’re a good mommy. 💖🐶🐾 My fur baby Holly is 17, we rescued her as a kitten. She’s developed arthritis and there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for her, so I completely understand. Sending you love and blessings!! 😽🐾💖
Apr 26Reply
heidizme #105 from the "Follow the rainbow event" but as I look out my window the rain is heavy and the wind is blowing. Now they tell us be prepared there is a tornado warning. Let's hope by me sprinkling your closet with rainbow dust you'll get sales and I won't need to build a Noah'sArk to save my family and fur babies!! ⛴🛥⛴🛥💜🐒🐒🐕🐕🐅🐅🐂🐂🐎🐎🐀🐀🐫🐫🐟🐟🐞🐞💜🛥⛴🛥❤💙🖤💜🧡💛💚❤💙🖤💜🧡💛💚
Apr 26Reply
akmantia 🔄 YOUR closet has been shared.... with high hopes for a well deserved PAY DAY! 🥜🍫 @ midge96 's Mini Share Event Friday 4/26/19 · Participant #53 😘Allison
Apr 27Reply
poisedtaupe I hope you get some sales from my shares for your sweet girl💕💕
Apr 27Reply
clothes1234 Hi! I know youre on vac mode, I was wondering how your doggy is doing? I hope all well 😍😍😍
May 14Reply
maditozzi Best wishes to you and liv!!! much love Madi
Aug 12Reply
althiascloset Livvy is lucky to have you for her mom. Best wishes for both of you.. all the beat❤️ Sharing your closet..
Aug 12Reply
daniellekuziel Just started following you and saw beautiful Livvy. I hope she is doing better now. She is very lucky to have you as the leader of her pack! 🐶
Sep 13Reply
styledbylhei hey babe!! ✰ i sell lots of brandy melville like items & cozy sweaters! (: really hope you can check out my page & maybe shop as well!! ♡ have an amazing day!
Oct 24Reply
krea99 So so precious!!!! Love the pics!!!
Jan 03Reply
manhattanmy I am so sorry for your fur baby 😞 my heart goes out to you ❤️. You and liv are in my prayers
Jan 10Reply
carmensiya Awwww... She’s so precious! 😍 What kind of loser would report a post about a dog, when her owner is moving mountains to give her a better life? I love your furry baby and she’s really lucky to have you. I foster and volunteer and there are too many dogs dumped when they need expensive treatments 😢
Apr 30Reply
leylapittman I am so sorry you are going through this, such a precious baby!!! I have 2 special needs cats that were rescues as well and I know how expensive the vet bills are and can imagine how you must feel. I wish you and this precious baby the best of luck and I will make sure to share your closet as much as possible!! Much love and prayers to you 💕💕
May 02Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡💯Agape=Love as an action: During this challenging time we need to take a step back😇breathe😇take care😷share😷be kind😷thoughtful😷We can then move forward🎶Many of us have no income but PM because our primary businesses are closed💕We can be mindful of each other & what each of us needs now💵🧻🛒🧡Love Love Love🧡We will get through this alone together🧡be careful😷be safe🧡be blessed🧡Love🧡
May 02Reply
mycloset81307 awh she’s beautiful 💕💕 good luck raising enough money🥰.. I’ll share this post!!
May 05Reply
mainstreetmod I’ll share! There’s no love like dog love. All mine have been rescues/adoptions since 1967!❤️😍🐶
May 11Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 17Reply
alexharris116 Hi doll I run a pet care company anyone you refer to and send my way big portion will go to pay off your debt for your fur babies surgery
May 17Reply
closet_by_mads aww your dog is sooo cute I’m sorry about his eye but he is absolutely adorable❤️ I have a cat that she had her eye removed and she went blind in the other eye all before she was 6 months
May 19Reply
kgilbride So sorry ❤️
May 21Reply
recca722 Hi there 🥳 Wishing you speedy sales and amazing deals! 🛍 Happy Poshing 💫
May 22Reply
piggyann1960 Bless the foster parents heart! Every dog and cat we've had through the years have been rescues and adoptions. We'd do anything for our babies. I'm very happy to help as much as I can. Give our love, hugs and kisses to Livvy. She's beautiful!! Pretty in pink!! She's going to thrive with your love. Have a cuddle with your beautiful girl. Enjoy every day!
Jun 03Reply
princesspicks Oh my gosh sweet girl! You have to look at my dog pics in my closet! Our most recent rescue barley looks so similar to your livvy!! He’s a pit mix with lab and a bunch of other random breeds. I don’t know if you know what she is but they look so similar! Hope she’s doing well 😊🐾💗
Jun 07Reply
grace4d Precious!🌻❤️
Jun 07Reply
getzelsa such a beautiful girl! your family and Liv are in my prayers! 💛
Jun 08Reply
frock_n_fashion She is beautiful.
Jun 08Reply
shopaholicami Oh my goodness God bless you, you're family and your sweet baby Liv! ♥️🐾🥰 I have rescues myself and know how wonderful saving the babies can be! And they just love you so much that you need to spoil them so... I'm glad to have read this and see all the photos of your angel! She is so sweet and I'll be sending my prayers, well wishes, and sharing!
Jun 08Reply
randielynn91 You’re doing the best you can for your pup! I hope you achieve what you need!
Jun 08Reply
lizzykaur 🙏🙏🙏✨✨✨
Jun 10Reply
disney_4_eva Beautiful dog. ❤️😊🐶
Jun 17Reply
cinnscloset @plj32915 I see some of the comments are older and wanted to check on your sweet baby to see how she is doing. I’m a rescue mom, too (of NINE special needs dogs). I will be sharing items for you and tons of love to you and your baby ❤️
Jun 18Reply
bspan0 @cinnscloset ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 22Reply
plj32915 @princesspicks I apologize for the late response everything has been extremely hectic and stressful here lately. aww I’m so happy to meet another rescue parent! She is a lab/border collie mix and she is doing wonderful! Thank you for asking!☺️🐾💞
Jun 22Reply
plj32915 @shopaholicami I’m so sorry for the late response everything has been so hectic and stressful here lately its hard to try to keep up sometimes. The love of an animal is so special and amazing especially ones rescued from a horrible situation. I’d be so lost without all my babies! Thank you so much we really appreciate it!☺️🐾💞
Jun 22Reply
plj32915 @cinnscloset so very sorry for taking a little to reply it’s been very hectic and stressful here for us and I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with comments sometimes. I am so glad to meet another rescue parent especially one that cares for special needs animals that a lot of people don’t want. It breaks my heart what some of these precious babies have to go through. Liv is doing very well though thank you for asking we really appreciate it!☺️🐾💞
Jun 22Reply
cinnscloset @plj32915 It’s Ok, hon!!! I just wanted to know what you’re sweet baby is OK. Believe me, I would sell everything in my whole dang house for me babies and not think a thing about it. They are completely IRREPLACEABLE!! My dream was always to make enough money to have a 501c3 status (non profit) for rescues. I also have a one eyed chihuahua name Edie Uno (my main squeeze) who was abandoned at the shelter w/one eye. I snatched her right up and I’ve had her 10 years, She’s perfect ❤️
Jun 22Reply
livchic @plj32915 Thank you for your shares. I’m sad to hear about your dog, hope she gets better. You have a beautiful dog. I love animals.🐾
Jun 24Reply
sassyirishlass Awe I’m sorry someone reported you that happens here but I love your post about your pup! I have rescues myself and I too live in my Poshmark sales so I will share all I can to help you and Liv because dogs 🐶 rule! 💜😊🦋🍀
Jun 24Reply
zepigrl @plj32915 Awe 😊. Such a gorgeous cutie pie 🥰.
Jun 27Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 So Sweet! I have a rescue dog of my own he’s a tripod. He thinks he’s still a puppy getting around. My boy turns 11 tomorrow! Best wishes to you and Livvy! All dogs hold special places in our hearts especially the rescued one! Sounds, like Livvy is well taken care of. I shared quite a bit of your closet in hopes in brings in some sells for Livvy. 🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾 Take Care!
Jun 30Reply
weav7577_ Beautiful baby! Speedy recovery
Jul 08Reply
pacificwinds Love them!
Jul 11Reply
tpk95 @plj32915 Hi! I don’t know how old this post is about your dear fur baby Livvy... She is such a love! I hope she’s well on her way to recovery! We do anything for our fur babies too!! Dogs are so special!! 🐾 their way right into your heart!! Sending positive thoughts and prayers!! Will share more again!💕Tobi
Jul 12Reply
libbyspence916 I understand with my whole heart. I'm a nurse, but that career destroyed my back. After 3 yrs I was finally awarded disability last week. This is also currently my only income until that $ comes in and I am the mom to 2 gorgeous, amazing Boston Terriers!! They have some minor health issues, but it still adds up. I will do all I can to support you & your precious baby girl 💕🐾. Poshlove Luck Snuggles & Snorts - Libby, Penelope Layne & Spencer Grant ❣️❇️🐾
Jul 17Reply

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