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Updated Nov 28
Updated Nov 28

Meet your Posher, Kari

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kari 💎 Make me a reasonable offer! I take great pride in my closet and want all my buyers to be very happy they want to return. I purchase often for me and/or my grandsons. Some of my favorite brands are Prada, Athleta, Ugg & Prana. Thanks for stopping by! 💎 ❤️ Smoke free home ❤️
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parkercloset Congrats on joining Poshmark!
Feb 03Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃
Mar 12Reply
diamond_dealz @zardiva1 Thank you so much. Lovin it but more time consuming than I expected (but I’m OCD)
Mar 12Reply
zardiva1 @kkleppin I have OCD, too 😏 but I also still love it here because of the warm and friendly community 👍🙂
Mar 12Reply
diamond_dealz @zardiva1 - yes, very true. You’ve been doing this longer than I have, so any pointers is appreciated.
Mar 12Reply
samugirls Yes just share back whenever you lady may share my entire closet a couple of times a week and I do the same for her. The ppl in this group are fantastic, they all share back. I was randomly sharing ALOT with no response. Maybe share within the group. My sales have gone up. 😊💕🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️
Mar 28Reply
lisamterry Thanks for all the shares :) Sharing is caring 😊 Have a great day!! 🌺
Mar 30Reply
diamond_dealz @lisamterry right back at ya! Happy Poshing 💎
Mar 30Reply
lisamterry @kkleppin sending you some sunshine from SOCAL! Stay warm out there
Mar 30Reply
diamond_dealz @lisamterry jealous of your sunshine 🌞 WI = 43 & cloudy
Mar 30Reply
lisamterry @kkleppin bummer. It has rained here so much, I am over it. We will be doing a Long Beach walk later today. I will wave at you from the ocean :)
Mar 30Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls been a busy day here so far, thanks for watching my closet 😊🛍
Mar 31Reply
bxelias And whatever you are ready just send me a similar offer and I'll accept it if it's not sold by then. Just don't tell anyone. 😂 and good luck again moving is not easy I hope you guys adopt soon. 😊
Apr 03Reply
mom_la Great closet! Thanks for all the shares! 💕
Apr 07Reply
diamond_dealz @mom_la Back at ya 😊 anytime 👍 Happy poshing 🛍
Apr 07Reply
samugirls Good morning ☀️ Such a beautiful picture of you 💕
Apr 13Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls aww geee thank you 😊
Apr 13Reply
jomain01 @kkleppin Ty for the shares!
Apr 13Reply
diamond_dealz @jomain01 very welcome 💎
Apr 13Reply
patty_louise @kkleppin Thank you for all the Shares 🥰💗🙏🏼
Apr 19Reply
annasposhalley @kkleppin Hi Kari, its super nice to meet you. You have an awesome closet. Have a great weekend ~ 🤗Hugs Anna
Apr 19Reply
diamond_dealz @annasposhalley Hi Anna 💎 thanks 💎 You do too!! Thanks for the shares!!!! Have a great weekend 🛍
Apr 19Reply
flamingoagogo @kkleppin Kari , thank you for all the generous shares I totally appreciate it have a wonderful rest of your day. Sandy
Apr 21Reply
diamond_dealz @flamingoagogo You’re welcome; back at ya! Happy poshing 🛍🛍
Apr 21Reply
iloveditfirst Thanks for all the shares! You have a fabulous closet! Happy Easter 🐣🐇
Apr 21Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls you as well; I’ve been laid up last couple days fighting tooth infection. Happy poshing 🛍
Apr 26Reply
samugirls @kkleppin Oh No that sounds terrible! Take care sweetie
Apr 26Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls thank you 😊
Apr 26Reply
dmiranda1214 Hello Kari, Thank you for the shares ! Have a wonderful day 🌞
May 01Reply
samugirls Thinking of you...good luck today.
May 02Reply
brightestholi Thank you so much. You shared my entire closet! ❤️❤️😍😍😊
May 02Reply
diamond_dealz @chickie13 of course need good krama
May 02Reply
diamond_dealz @chickie13 call it my nervous tick Lol just numbed for root canal
May 02Reply
samugirls Good morning, Is the app acting up for you? Or is it my phone? Having a hard time even typing out this message. Thx for sharing 😊💕
May 05Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls I get that occasionally.
May 05Reply
birdlady329 Thank you for all the shares!!!🌹
May 05Reply
diamond_dealz @my_own_inspo_ You’re very welcome!! Welcome to a great posh world!! I added you to a share group💎
May 05Reply
candiw716 Thank you soooo much for sharing items in my closet! I am new to this so I REALLY appreciate it. Btw I love your closet 💕
May 05Reply
diamond_dealz @candiw716 hi welcome Happy to share any time. I’ve been laid up all weekend. I will take you in a share group if you are interested. 💎💎💎
May 05Reply
candiw716 @kkleppin yes, thank you. I am interested. I have no idea how any of this works. So any insight would be amazing! I need to build my followers up & I don’t know how too.
May 05Reply
diamond_dealz @candiw716 @candiw716 Happy to help; read @coolkidzthings info in her posts, she has different ones (5 or 30) depending on your time availability daily. For me, I always try to return whatever shares I am given & on days I’m bored or sharing during posh party, will share others if I know their closet
May 05Reply
hollywood12566 My new friend you are so very awesome thanks for sharing my posts I am hoping to regain some money that on the Harley shirts I bought thinking I could wear or wear something under it, not! How do I tag you so I can keep you close? I love you closet!
May 07Reply
diamond_dealz @cali3542 💎 You too 💎 Any time 💎
May 07Reply
birdlady329 We are like sharing monsters!!! LOL thank you again hun!!🌹🌹🌹
May 07Reply
diamond_dealz @birdlady329 hehehe agreed Did what I could during down time at work. Thanks for shares 💎
May 07Reply
joy_land Thanks very much for the share, love your closet as well 😉
May 08Reply
diamond_dealz @ammluistro you too!! Anytime 💎
May 11Reply
aspri3232 Thanks for the shares! Have a wonderful day!😘
May 11Reply
jkdesigns I like the “Diamonds and Pearls” display in your handbag pics. That would work for what I do too. Do you mind telling me where you got it?
May 12Reply
diamond_dealz @jkdesigns Thank you so much for your message. They both are from my boxes of Christmas decorations, they all were probably from Target. The diamond shapes are actually made from wood painted white. Good luck on your search 💎
May 12Reply
diamond_dealz @doublek22 You’re very welcome, thank you 😊 Happy to share anytime 💎
May 13Reply
indigo_lane Thanks so much for the shares! 😊
May 13Reply
mytreasures4u Great pics! Thanks for sharing my stuff!😊🙏🏼
May 14Reply
lensgal15 This shirt .. is so sexy! I can hardly wait to wear it.. as soon as I get a day to go out and show it off.. gorgeous! 🌸Patti
May 14Reply
diamond_dealz @lensgal15 Awesome!!!!!! Happy Dance 💃🏻💃🏻 Thank you so much for sharing your excitement; love finding a home that will wear & enjoy items from my closet!!!! 💎
May 14Reply
go4gina Awwww, you are so sweet. I appreciate all of your sharing too. I love sharing from neat closets like yours. Soooo fun!
May 14Reply
mcphersl45cal Your gorgeous
May 15Reply
diamond_dealz @mcphersl45cal thank you kindly 😊
May 15Reply
diamond_dealz @ilovejesus83 Hi Lisa, I appreciate you reaching out to me. I will share the things I did (& was just recently told by more experienced poshers). Follow follow follow, click the little blue follow button for as many people as you can!! Post/re-share your own closet multiple times a day. (Cont.)
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @ilovejesus83 Be part of the evening posh party (always a different name but all brands & categories allowed) share your entire closet there every night or whenever it fits in your schedule; along with any other posh parties you have items that are allowed. Join share groups.
May 16Reply
samugirls Hey girl, are you being asked if you are a bit on the app?
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls Hi - Hi Was wondering how you were? not exactly sure I follow? Asked what? By who? 🥴
May 16Reply
samugirls You know how when your on the computer and you have to prove to Poshmark that you're not a "bot" now we have to prove it on the app.
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls Funny you should ask, today was first and only time I got that (on my phone) while at nail salon, so thought it was their internet setting; jumped off their and didn’t get again.
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @ilovejesus83 When they post the day before I rsvp & add to my phone calendar with reminder.
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @ilovejesus83 our totals for following & followers is about the same but I have shared over 71k for other and 22k self shares; if you don’t look at your “back office” posh stats check out your breakdown 💎
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @ilovejesus83 Not sure the RSVP matters, lol Good luck 💎
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls What is up with that I’m not a bot pop up, OMG got it again, how annoying
May 16Reply
samugirls I never had it on my phone before yesterday, only on my computer. That may be why the app ran slow for a week...everytime they update the app I have issues with it running slow
May 16Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls Never had it before yesterday either Whatever update they did that part sucks
May 16Reply
shugapantz Hi there shared 20ty 😊💕Have a great night !!!
May 17Reply
iwish_iwonder Hey Kari, Thanks for purchasing the adorable little silver Kate Spade business card/credit card holder. I will get that in the mail to you today!📦 Will also include a thank you gift!🤗 Once received, please confirm shipment with Poshmark. Always appreciate a Love Note from you as my goal is to provide you with 5⭐️ customer service! Thanks again!💕 Diana
May 17Reply
diamond_dealz @iwish_iwonder Awesome 💎 Have a great weekend ❤️
May 17Reply
iwish_iwonder @kkleppin Your package is on its way! Can’t wait for you to get it! Thanks again! Diana
May 17Reply
eyekandyunltd Thanks sooooo much for the shares!!! Much success to you here on Poshmark!!! 💞🍭
May 17Reply
moesig 🍉hi! Welcome! Please visit my closet and make an offer on any likes and bundle to save even more! Come find ur new outfit in my closet for a great price!! Reasonable offers welcome!!😉 i wish u many sales!! Thanks🍉
May 19Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :)
May 19Reply
yvette_jaime Hi friend, I just wanted to make sure you knew to keep your closet PC (Posh Compliant) Some people won't share your page and may report you. It needs to be fashion and accessories. Some follow the rules and some don't. Your cocktail shaker isn't PC I just want to know, you work hard on your closet Also make sure that people that you refer to groups are PC. If you have any questions just ask :)
May 19Reply
diamond_dealz @yvette_jaime Saw your shares and was about to send you a message. Been busting butt all day Gaining followers from 13849 to 14774 Following from 30594 to 36906. Thank you so much from watching out for me, I didn’t realize shaker would be a issue (I’ve hear no electronics or towels, among a few other used personal items; which should be a given. I will remove item now & return your shares
May 19Reply
yvette_jaime @kkleppin See it works. No lotions, skincare, perfume, If you want me to tag you in a PC page I can
May 19Reply
diamond_dealz @yvette_jaime No perfume (good to know) yes please do so I can reread. I have a post saved from someone else but it didn’t reference those. Love Posh thanks for helping me so much 💎
May 19Reply
lilyspring 🎊🎉 Welcome to Poshmark! 🌸 Any questions, just tag me in your closet or in mine. Have fun Poshing! 💐🌞
May 20Reply
iwish_iwonder Hi Kari, just sending a quick note to let you know your package has been delivered with the cute little silver Kate Spade business card holder. USPS shows it was delivered at 1:53 pm today. 👏 Can’t wait for you to open it! Please confirm shipment with Poshmark. Always love getting a Love Note from you as I strive to provide you with a 5⭐️ shopping experience! Thanks for shopping with me!💕 Diana
May 20Reply
areacode502 I just shipped your leggings. They said that they would be there on Thursday. I hope you love them like I do. Thank you so much for shopping at my Boutique, have a wonderful day.
May 21Reply
samugirls You have been working so hard Your closet looks fantastic! Love your new bags!
May 25Reply
shineonmiblooms Aloha and nice to e-meet you here on Poshmark! It's always great new poshers. Thank you for the follow 😍🤙
May 27Reply
mk_rose_bud Welcome to the ladybug share game. 😍🐬🌹🐳
May 28Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 30Reply
hollymichaelson @diamond_dealz Thanks for share bombing my closet! I really appreciate the Posh love! I sent some shares back to say thanks!
May 31Reply
neonflamingo_ You are a doll 💎 Thank you 🥰
May 31Reply
diamond_dealz @neonflamingo_ 😇😈😊💎 hehe geee thanks
May 31Reply
mk_rose_bud Hi Kari 👋 thanks for your offer on the VS slippers. I sent you a counter and if you accept on the earlier side of the day, I’ll ship it out today. I know we’re share buddies so I went lower then I planned. Oh I also wanted you to know that as soon as I can get a post made up, I’m having a men’s bogo shirts/shorts with second one half price (of equal of lesser value)
May 31Reply
mk_rose_bud I saw in your pics that you have a number of guys in your family so let me know if you’ll be interested in any of them 💕 you can do the math and send it as an offer and if it’s correct (the math 😊) I’ll accept. I still have more to add but right now you’re finding out b4 anyone else, just bc of the slippers. 😍🐳🌹🐬
May 31Reply
mk_rose_bud You got a great price at 14 but probably they got them for less or something else. Can I still counter at 18? I wanted to be there, which is why I didn’t say 20 to have to haggle. I hate haggling .... unless I know I over priced something or it cost me nothing. Let me know b4 I reply to it. Thx
May 31Reply
liplindy Thanks for the following. I am following you on Instagram too! Any tips?
Jun 01Reply
thyme2create CONGRATULATIONS on the winning jackpot of the day!🎉 Wishing you lots of posh 💙 and a closet full of sales 😎
Jun 02Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Kari. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jun 03Reply
diamond_dealz @hmsimon1 Nice to meet you. 💎 You have very beautiful pieces. I sold jewelry for many years. I look forward to sharing your items with my followers
Jun 03Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 05Reply
vivianna153 Hi there, I’d like to get connected here. Happy Poshing!🤗
Jun 06Reply
vgardon Thanks so much for the Tumblr share and all others, much appreciated!!
Jun 07Reply
samugirls Shared 26 hahaha lol You are at 30k ♡ yeah!!!
Jun 12Reply
shugapantz Hi there 😊Thanks for the tags to my page💕💕by the way —wow how beautiful are these pictures above !!! Where did you go??
Jun 13Reply
diamond_dealz @shugapantz you’r very welcome 💎 Thank you kindly 😊 My 3 large grown sons that tower above me 🤣 Wish I was at any of this vaca spots with 🍸 & PFFs
Jun 13Reply
angelas_avenue @diamond_dealz Great closet! Great name! Great concept! Happy Poshing!😊🛍
Jun 16Reply
diamond_dealz @angelas_avenue 💎thank you very much 💎 Had it changed last month (after 3 months of selling and seeing to potential future ❤️) I wish you a very posh-sale filled weekend
Jun 16Reply
jensdeals37 @diamond_dealz thanks for the shares! Please please tell me where did u go in those tranquil pictures? Especially the 6th pic. Gorgeous. 🌻🌿
Jun 16Reply
diamond_dealz @jensdeals37 hi happy to share anytime 💎 The last 3 pictures are my inspiration for building my posh life to be able to vacation to places like that and work my posh closet while enjoying places like that 💎
Jun 16Reply
onemorecolor Hi Kari! Thank you 🌺🌺🌺 for sharing one of my items! You have a great smile! Have a fab week! 🌞🌞🌞
Jun 17Reply
pazarhino1313 Gorgeous pics & smile!!!
Jun 17Reply
cancell10 Love your Closet! It reflects your personality, sense of style, joy of life and not afraid of hard work! 👍
Jun 19Reply
diamond_dealz @cancell10 good morning 💎 Thank you very much, just made my morning 😊 Love to share so anytime. Happy Poshing 🛍🛍🛍
Jun 19Reply
cancell10 @diamond_dealz Thank you for the shares, can always use them! Your so Welcome and have a great day. 😎
Jun 19Reply
samugirls Still kicking it in sales? I hope so I only wish the best for you ♡
Jun 20Reply
artisticflow05 Loving your style and spirit from posher Gemini #11
Jun 20Reply
diamond_dealz @artisticflow05 Awww 🥰 thank you 😊 made my day 💎
Jun 20Reply
zrooney911 Thanks for the share 😏
Jun 21Reply
amac2019 Thanks for all the shares. So very much appreciated sweetie! 🥰
Jun 21Reply
modifiedmon Thank you so much precious for your shares❤️ Your a sweetheart🤗 Absolutely adorable picture of you doll
Jun 23Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! Beautiful items in your closet.😊
Jun 24Reply
diamond_dealz @computershoptx happy to share anytime Work during the day so I sneak in what I can 💎
Jun 24Reply
hmqpam_18 Sorry. Don't have an active twitter account right now.
Jun 25Reply
lala_diamondgrl OMG! I LOVE your last 3 pics!!! May I ask where were they taken?
Jun 27Reply
diamond_dealz @lala_diamondgrl Thanks 💎 those are my motivation pics to build my closet so I can posh any where
Jun 27Reply
lala_diamondgrl @diamond_dealz GREAT motivators!!! They’re beautiful!🤗🦋🤗🦋🤗
Jun 27Reply
sahara_e_blue Beautiful Closet :)
Jul 01Reply
diamond_dealz @sahara_e_blue 💎 thank you very much ❤️
Jul 01Reply
dsgreely Thank you for sharing, and thank you for your closet I can learn so much from your pictures and specials so professional thanks
Jul 09Reply
diamond_dealz @dsgreely 💎 awww Thank you kindly 😊 Happy to share any time & help with any questions. 💎
Jul 09Reply
dsgreely @diamond_dealz Appreciate that so much, thanks again
Jul 09Reply
diamond_dealz @jvrayb 😊 thank you 💎
Jul 10Reply
4umatthew @diamond_dealz Hi Beautiful 🌻 Your such a sweetheart 💕🥰❣️ Thank you for do much Posh 💕& for being a part of my PFF family & supporting my share party daily! Stay Lovely 🌻! Wishing you Happy Sales 💸& Smiles 🥰❣️✌️💕🤗
Jul 11Reply
diamond_dealz @4umatthew You too sweetness & life! Hormones were getting the best of me today, until I received your posh love ❤️ You rock!!! Wishing you a wonderful evening & many sales this wed 💎🛍💎🛍💎
Jul 11Reply
4umatthew @diamond_dealz I hear ya honey! I've been a mess myself lately. I suffer from depression & some days something simple as opening Posh & seeing all the 💕can brighten my day! Knowing I made ya smile makes it a bright day! Sales have been kind of slow though🤔. This is my first summer selling, is it usually slower at this time? I dropped a boatload to stock & brighten my closet & scared for struggling financially. But, I'm learning that items eventually sell! Have a peaceful evening ❣️✌️💕🤗🌈🌞🦋🕉️👯
Jul 11Reply
vintageleebra Thanks for all the posh love ! 💞 Amazing closet 😍😍
Jul 13Reply
diamond_dealz @mrfulgi back at ya Mike 💎❤️😊🛍
Jul 13Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi welcome to Posh happy Poshing happy shopping and Many sales enjoy 😊
Jul 15Reply
thekctrend soo glad you loved the top 😋 thanks for the sweet comment 🌸 enjoy!!!
Jul 16Reply
hustlehard_23 Thanks for the share
Jul 17Reply
shugapantz Hi Kari😊😊Hope all is well Have a fantastic day tomorrow 😊💕💕
Jul 18Reply
rabbitwholedeal Thanks for all the shares beautiful! VII
Jul 18Reply
diamond_dealz @the7ofyou Absolutely 💎 any time 😊
Jul 18Reply
rabbitwholedeal @diamond_dealz likewise! Happy poshing love!
Jul 18Reply
jennymess822 Thanks for the shares! As a thank you I'm offering you a special for 3 dresses for $50 or mix and match 3 pcs of clothing/shoes for $30 (excludes NIKE sneakers)! Or feel free to make me any offer(s) on anything you like! I'm very reasonable with pricing! Come take a look! 😊 Happy Poshing! And thanks again! The poshmark support is always appreciated!!
Jul 20Reply
kb571960 @diamond_dealz thank u for the shares🌷
Jul 22Reply
kb571960 Thank u very much for the tip and i wish u much success as well🌷
Jul 22Reply
anniebly07 Love your closet! The mannequin torso is so creative! Love it!
Jul 22Reply
diamond_dealz @anniebly07 💎💎 THANK YOU SO MUCH 💎💎 I’ve gotten so many inquiries on it I had my contact get me extras & I have them posted for sale. I love how easy it is to put up or put away. Thanks for sharing, happy to anytime 🛍🛍 Happy Poshing 🌈
Jul 22Reply
anniebly07 @diamond_dealz I see that now! Loving, sharing and adding to my list!
Jul 22Reply
diamond_dealz @anniebly07 posh is great!! If you have any questions ever, happy to help!!
Jul 22Reply
anniebly07 @diamond_dealz thank you! 🙏🏻. I’m new to this platform and it’s amazing so far. Still trying to figure out how to make that first sale and get the rest of my closet listed. It’s more work and time than I thought, but so much fun!
Jul 22Reply
dimpliekrist @diamond_dealz Thank you for the shares love!!!
Jul 24Reply
the_pinkpug @diamond_dealz Hi Kari😊🖐️. Shared the BIG 30❤️. Hop you are doing well❤️. Wishing you many sales!☀️
Jul 25Reply
shugapantz Hi there love, Is the news around Poshmark right ? Are you going to be a grandma😊 ?
Jul 27Reply
sevensjourney Thanks so much for the Twitter and Tumblr shares!
Jul 28Reply
extreme_savings Thanks for the shares!! 😁👍👌
Jul 31Reply
diamond_dealz @pdmason77 💎 Hi 🛍 Happy Poshing
Jul 31Reply
diamond_dealz @extreme_savings hi 💎 you’re welcome (back at ya) 😊
Jul 31Reply
princesscity Thank you!!!!!
Aug 03Reply
hollysmurray Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 04Reply
deedon63 Thanks Kari for all the shares ❤️❤️
Aug 04Reply
myreigndrops2 Thank you for sharing 💕
Aug 05Reply
thorndub Thanks for sharing Kari !
Aug 06Reply
thyme2create Hi Kari! CONGRATULATIONS on hitting the jackpot on 8/6! Wishing you much posh 💙 and a closet filled with sales all week long!
Aug 07Reply
ratnawaty Thank you for sharing my listing 🙏🙏
Aug 09Reply
40fishes Dear green eyes, thanks for following me.
Aug 09Reply
lpetitesboutiqu Hello Kari, Thank you for following me. You have a lovely closet. Shared quite a bit of it. Wishing you speedy sales and millions of followers. Happy Poshing❣️ 💋 Lesley
Aug 10Reply
lpetitesboutiqu Thank you for returning the Posh ❤️Shares❣️💋L
Aug 10Reply
kozy_kloset Thanks for following my my Closet ! 😘💜🛍
Aug 10Reply
kozy_kloset I have a (?) Maybe you can help me If I’m attending a party & Sharing for someone & the item matches the party do I share to the party or just to my followers or to both ?
Aug 10Reply
jchart4 Thanks a lot for the follow!
Aug 11Reply
stormiesposh Welcome To the PoshMark Community !!!
Aug 11Reply
diamond_dealz @stormiesposh Thank you 😊 it’s been a great few months 💎 Building hard & fast 🛍🛍🛍
Aug 11Reply
isellshoes469 Thanks for the shares! Hope you get some speedy sales. I dropped you a follow too and will share in the future. 👍👍
Aug 11Reply
demonhunters Thank you very much for your kindness during this difficult time, it is extremely appreciated. You are truly a PFF....
Aug 12Reply
diamond_dealz @808classysassy You are in my prayers ❤️
Aug 12Reply
soccercao Thanks for the follow, it means a lot. I am currently packing for a move so I need everything gone.Offering buy 2 get one free if you’re interested 😊 Just bundle any items and I’ll offer that discount for you.
Aug 12Reply
diamond_dealz @dlleggs2 thank you so very much ❤️ I love this great posh community 💎
Aug 12Reply
johnathanbush Thank you for the shares you beautiful gorgeous woman you 😘👍🏻😍
Aug 13Reply
diamond_dealz @johnathanbush 😊 so sweet 😊 happy to exchange shares anytime 💎
Aug 13Reply
hayzeeweiner I shared one of your listings too! ❤🎊
Aug 14Reply
hayzeeweiner I shared one of your listings too! ❤🎊
Aug 14Reply
diamond_dealz @forgiven2017 So very kind of you. Very blessed day to you. Wishing you many sales 🛍🛍🛍
Aug 14Reply
kimmer123home Very nice closet great job
Aug 14Reply
diamond_dealz @kimmer123home 💎 Thank you kindly 💎
Aug 14Reply
johnathanbush Thanks for the shares gorgeous 😘 btw you have a very beautiful smile I'd take you out if I were near you gorgeous 💋😘
Aug 15Reply
faith0555 Hi, Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Aug 15Reply
sboyce140 Hello there!!! Thanks for the follow. 😉
Aug 15Reply
janfast Hi Kari! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Aug 18Reply
the_pinkpug @diamond_dealz Shared the BIG 35🤗❤️
Aug 23Reply
diamond_dealz @sweetspell62 shared you back fabulous 40 ❤️
Aug 23Reply
the_pinkpug @diamond_dealz Thanks Kari💙🐦💙🐦💙
Aug 23Reply
mmkelley409 Thanks so much for all the shares!!!
Aug 24Reply
johnathanbush Hey darling thank you for sharing my merchandise again I will do the same for you my super extremely beautiful poshmark's a great big KISS FOR YA ...MUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH😘😘😘😘😍😍😍💓💓💓💓😘😘😘😘😘
Sep 03Reply
sheshemum @samugirls thanks for the advice. I mostly share my new followers and things I like. I'd love to be included in your group. I'm getting hooked on this app and I'd love to share with others who relate to my passion.
Sep 03Reply
sheshemum @bxelias 🥰🥰🥰
Sep 03Reply
bxelias @sheshemum good morning. Sorry I'm not able to read your message for some reason. Can you resend it please. 😊
Sep 03Reply
sheshemum @bxelias I was saying that I'm happy to find a group of poshers that seem to be as passionate as me. I'd love to be included in your group. And some 🥰😍 for adoption well wishes.
Sep 03Reply
sheshemum I also followed most people in this thread 💜
Sep 03Reply
diamond_dealz @crussell76942 💎 absolutely And thank you 😊
Sep 03Reply
sheshemum @bxelias 💜💜🥰💜💜
Sep 03Reply
heartsdesirejms Thank you so much for sharing my Closet. I am so excited to be a part of Poshmark.
Sep 04Reply
haertfelt1 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!! Thank you for sharing from AND following my closet. While I was here I 👀👀👀and sent out Posh love❤ Happy poshing.
Sep 05Reply
arnellenger Thank you so much for the shares! I love your pics
Sep 09Reply
chellier Kari!!!!! Thanks for following!!!
Sep 10Reply
chellier Poshmark is really cool, I don’t use much. You seem great! Let’s keep in touch.
Sep 10Reply
resamcc Thank you for sharing my items!! 💖
Sep 12Reply
sisterpie 🌸🌸🌸Hi Kari! Just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for taking time to share. 🌸🌸🌸 Your kindness is greatly appreciated and hopefully much posh love will come your way!🌸🌸🌸 Have a great Sunday!🌸🌸🌸
Sep 15Reply
bzz755 hi i m new and i need your help when somebody send me a message and he or she said that he liked my item and and just i have to contact him on his email or send him message on his cell phone my contact information like my name address to send me a certified check to pay that item is that scam? i received 4 message from people have poshmark account thank you to let me know
Sep 16Reply
diamond_dealz @bzz755 hi 💎 Thank you for asking, Welcome to this great Posh World 🌎 I’m glad to help any time. Anyone that approaches me requesting to do anything off Poshmark; I just reply ALL SALES MUST REMAIN THROUGH POSHMARK. I never hear from them again, you can feel free to block them too, if you prefer. Hope that helps 😊
Sep 16Reply
bzz755 @diamond_dealz thank u so much
Sep 16Reply
rileyjones25 God bless you today and thank you for the follow😊
Sep 18Reply
fancybronze Hi, WELCOME TO POSH! Thanks for following neighbor. FANCY 🤗
Sep 18Reply
cboyanowski I love your piece, however, I am just looking for items that I can add for host picks for the Posh Party I am hosting on Friday. It is jewelry and accessories.
Sep 18Reply
diamond_dealz @cboyanowski awww 🥰 you’re so sweet to consider my closet!!! Thank you 💎
Sep 18Reply
baysidelu Hi 👋 It’s a lot of fun selling, as well of shopping in here. Thanks for the follow. I am gladly following back 🎀🛍🎁🎈
Sep 19Reply
juicedss Thank you so much for sharing my listings. ❤️
Sep 22Reply
brionna1991 @diamond_dealz Love Love ❤️ your closet 😍 Bookmark a lot of items I’m considering 💫
Sep 23Reply
bigfootshoes12 Hi! I am a fellow Posher. I invite you to my FYI page about Poshmark. For newbies and pro poshers! CLICK on my small picture..then CLICK on ‘about’ above my store..then CLICK on ‘meet the posher’ link below the photo...NOW your on my FYI page. It’s full of info. Some info is old and later updated, so read it all. PLEASE do not thank me on that page (go to my closet & use an item)...Hope you find it useful!
Sep 24Reply
flipsters1168 Thanks for the Posh Love😘
Sep 25Reply
mareezon Thanks for alllll the shares you sweet thing!! Happppy Shopping!! 🛍🛍💕💕
Sep 26Reply
auddy2014 Thanks for the offer but I am still deciding! I appreciate the gesture and will follow you:)
Sep 28Reply
leonelamaya Greetings from New York! A pleasure for me to greet you and wish you success in your daily work Nice pic!
Oct 01Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @diamond_dealz ! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Oct 02Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒Thank you for all the posh love ❤ and the closet share!!!🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🌛🌚🌜🍒
Oct 06Reply
the_pinkpug @diamond_dealz Hi Kari🙋. Shared the BIG 30❤️. 🍁🍁Happy Fall🍁🍁
Oct 10Reply
love2livenfaith Appreciate the shares chickie!! 💗 Promise,, I will be sharing yours as well, very soon! I've been off social media for over 3 yrs (drama..ugh!), but I'll be setting up IG, Twitter, etc hopefully today
Oct 12Reply
love2livenfaith Oh.. thinking I already told you that 😂 pardon me, believe I just had 'a moment'
Oct 12Reply
barginsherry Thanks for all the shares
Oct 14Reply
irenecase So many beautiful items !!! I love shopping here 💖💚😊
Oct 18Reply
chelmelt Thanks so much for the shares! Still trying to get stuff listed when I can, and I appreciate all the help I can get 😊.
Oct 21Reply
sharpdm19 Thanks 🙏 for sharing your closet absolutely fabulous and many nice things to browse it’s elegant
Oct 22Reply
sharpdm19 👍😊🙋🏻‍♂️thanks
Oct 22Reply
flavor_reborn Thanks for the shares friend! 😁✌
Oct 22Reply
johnathanbush Hi beautiful 💋
Oct 22Reply
shahin2 Thank you for your sharing, I truly appreciated ❤️
Oct 23Reply
sharpdm19 Buongiorno 😎😊 thanks
Oct 24Reply
cannotstopme Thank u , for all the share ❤❤
Oct 24Reply
shahin2 I truly appreciate your sharing ❤️
Oct 24Reply
lmartin79 Thanks for the shares
Oct 25Reply
amac2019 Good morning Kari and thank you for all the shares!!!
Oct 25Reply
johnathanbush Hey there beautiful woman thanks for sharing my merchandise gorgeous 😘😘
Oct 26Reply
back2basics000 Kari it was amazing connecting with you today! Thank you for attending the Posh N Sip today, I hope to see you again soon!
Oct 27Reply
megan274 Thank you for following me! 😀I am new to selling on Poshmark and excited to see what it offers. If you would like, take a look at my closet. 👚👗👠👢I am open to bundles and deals. 🎉
Oct 27Reply
flowersforher Heyy I love your Posh and you have a nice Family an your Hott.
Oct 27Reply
sisterpie 💐💐💐Just wanted to send out congratulations for reaching 100,000 follows!!! WTG!!!💐💐💐
Oct 30Reply
diamond_dealz @sisterpie Happy Dance 💃🏻💃🏻 woot woot 💎 Thank you for you help & support my great PFFs 💚💜💙❤️
Oct 30Reply
samugirls 👏👏👏👏 you hit 100k good for you!!!
Oct 31Reply
diamond_dealz @samugirls Woo hoo 💎 Thank you 💎 100K
Oct 31Reply
rochelleamber 🥳🥳🥳 CONGRATS on 100k followers my sweet posh friend!!🥳🥳🥳
Nov 01Reply
diamond_dealz @rochelleamber thank you so very much 😊
Nov 01Reply
stephsgr8stuff Thanks for sharing SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️. I’m out for Halloween. I’ll share tomorrow 💕💕💕
Nov 01Reply
diamond_dealz @stephsgr8stuff 👻🕷🎃 HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃 🕷👻 Enjoy, be safe 💎 You’re very welcome 😊
Nov 01Reply
libertylady63 Hello 👋 Kari, thanks for liking, sharing, and following my closet! You have a beautiful and fun closet! As Arnolds Schwarzenegger says “I’ll be back!” I am currently adding new items to my closet, so check it often. If you have any questions or are looking for something special, please do not hesitate to ask! Thanks again and Happy Poshing.🥰
Nov 06Reply
hautehina Thank you so much for all the sheared today, sorry I wasn’t home all day, just saw. 😊
Nov 10Reply
sandradiephouse I am new to POSHMARK. This Grandma saw the commercial on television. I made a couple purchases. Then I decided to purge my closet while home recovering from Cancer surgery and chemotherapy. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. I hope to have fun and make new friends. I am having a hard time figuring things out. 🤦‍♀️ I am not as smart as my phone.
Nov 10Reply
bluepacific805 @diamond_dealz 😘😘😘. Thank you so much for all the shares🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋. Your closet is so full of wonderful things! I have to get my act together and get things photographed and listed. My only problem is that for some reason my Item Description Box only gives me about 3-4 lines and sometimes only to lines🤣🤣🤣
Nov 10Reply
alexandrina707 Thank you so much for sharing my closet!!!! Keep in touch!!!!
Nov 17Reply
snazzzer Just by chance I saw Ur snake skin unique heels 👠 so I thought I bet she’s got a unique closet, as myself . . . Luv it ❤️ I will b shopping immediately . . . FANTASTIC CLOSET Babe . . . 😎
Nov 17Reply
snazzzer I put it n my likes so I can share it more often for U . . . No problem . . . 😎
Nov 19Reply
shoppegigi Congratulations Posh-Tini Winner! Wishing you lots of Poshmark love and super speedy sales! Your closet is very amazing and inspiring 🥂🍾Cheers! 💋♥️Xoxo
Nov 20Reply
luxresell Thanks for the follow 😘
Nov 22Reply
sharpdm19 Good morning Kari. Hope you had great selling weekend. I Ben very busy this week with many sales 👍
Nov 23Reply
demonhunters 🌸Thank you Ms Kari for your kindness, caring and thoughtfulness. I appreciate your help! She is much better and hope she will be home in a couple of days. Your are a very special lady! LOL MOM🌸
Nov 23Reply
diamond_dealz @808classysassy thank you Classy Sassy Mom’s Make sure to tell her she is in my prayers (& absolutely NO RETURNING SHARES!!) Tell her just to accept the posh love ❤️💜💙
Nov 23Reply
snazzzer Hey Sweetie, it’s Sunshine, u don’t hav to keep sharing my closet, I’m just trying to get ur Xmas stuff out there, but thanx for all the shares, I’ll keep sharing ur Xmas . . . ❤️💕❤️
Nov 26Reply
a351295 just wondering how much it would be for the 2 led lighted hats
Nov 27Reply
demonhunters 💖💖💖Good Morning 💖💖💖Happy Thanksgiving and wishing you a very wonderful day! Thank you for caring and always being there for me! You are a very, very special lady! 💕🌟💕🌟💕. Sending you lots of Posh Love 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Nov 28Reply
icjulia2 Love your closet… it’s so colorful and fun and beautiful. Would you please work some of your magic and share some items from my closet?
Dec 01Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀If you want message me😇I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡🕯❄️💐🎁HAPPY HOLIDAYS WARMTH AND LOVE🎁💐❄️🕯🧡
Dec 08Reply
colinchamberlin hey beautiful
Dec 10Reply
raspberrysage Thanks so much for the shares! Love your closet! 🎄🛍
Dec 13Reply
anangelsheis Hi! Awesome closet. I’m wondering where you got your background trifold
Dec 15Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow! Make holiday shopping easy 🎄🎁🧸
Dec 16Reply
rdrhoden5 Thank you for sharing my product!
Dec 16Reply
shabbycabbage Thank you so much for sharing my closet!
Dec 20Reply
nicole_347 No problem Beauty Thank you! After the holidays I usually have more money😂 So I'm Definitely keeping your closet in mind!💙
Dec 20Reply
samugirls Merry Christmas my beautiful Poshy friend I hope you have a wonderful Christmas 😘🎀🎄🎁☃️🤶🎅
Dec 25Reply
hollywood1318 Your photos are marvelous!!
Jan 04Reply
zakoonce Love your pictures!!!
Jan 05Reply
zakoonce Thank you Kari for the info! I am just starting so I have a lot to learn!!! I will definitely follow your recommendations!!!
Jan 05Reply
tips2k7 Thanks for the shares gorgeous!! Sorry I just couldn’t bring myself to share the Packer Beenie though. Lol!!
Jan 05Reply
big_bossman95 Thanks for sharing Kari😊
Jan 12Reply
whit1955 Kari, WOW! Woke up this morning and found that you had shared my entire closet. That was incredibly kind and generous. I hope that I grow up to be just like you in the Posh world! A million thanks, Carla.
Jan 15Reply
mollys3 Thanks so much for sharing my closet. I’ve had the flu but will share more of your closet as soon as I’m feeling a bit better. Have a traffic day. Molly ☺️
Jan 16Reply
cheryldye nice to meet you hope you check out my closet
Jan 20Reply
robbiegirl13 Excuse my ignorance, but what is a space baby?
Jan 20Reply
whit1955 Hey Kari! I see that you're working today, too. I've taken your advice and started sharing more. I'm meeting some great people like yourself. Way cool! Better get back to the Posh mines. Catch you later in the Posh World, Carla. 😘
Jan 20Reply
computershoptx Thank you for the Posh sharing 💕! I hope you have a great week and successful Poshing!😊
Jan 20Reply
haertfelt1 Hi Kari. Thank you for viewing and shsring from my closet. I showed and shared from yours while I was here. Happy poshing.❤
Jan 20Reply
sboyce140 Thank you so much for the shares sweetie. 😉😉
Jan 20Reply
sboyce140 Stop it!! You are spoiling me!😉😉😉😉😉😚
Jan 20Reply
lmartin79 Thank you for all the shares. I really appreciate the support. Lets get some sales this week 😊
Jan 21Reply
whit1955 Hey Kari! I see you're back fighting the good fight. You're my Posh Heroine. 👍👍👍--Carla
Jan 21Reply
amac2019 Happy New Year and thank you for all the shares sweetie!!
Jan 24Reply
myjamiz Thank you for sharing my items. I'm still new at this posh stuff. Make me an offer on any of the liked items. I will be posting more soon. I only have a short window while my baby is napping 😴. Thank you again for stopping by 😊.
Jan 25Reply
mszclark @diamond_dealz thanks for the following. Appreciate it. Thank you again.
Feb 04Reply
maedecember Thanks for the share and follow @diamond_dealz ! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Feb 05Reply
denadenn Kari you a great sharer. Thanks so much!
Feb 05Reply
brynn_craig @diamond_dealz hey can you give me some tips on my page ???!!!😁
Feb 11Reply
lookinggood2019 Thanks for the love
Feb 11Reply
ajdmidjad May I ask where the picture with the 2 lounge chairs overlooking the water was taken?
Feb 11Reply
lklgraphics Thanks for the share. We new to Poshmark and will have more items listed soon.
Feb 12Reply
izzstorage Thanks for all the shares and love that smile
Feb 19Reply
limu33yahoo thank you for your purchase, I will get it out ASAP! Eric Carle is the best, I hope you have the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, so good!
Feb 20Reply
johnathanbush hey gorgeous how are you doing thank you for sharing my merchandise I have done the same for you beabeautiful 😘
Feb 20Reply
lhale2483 Thanks for the share 😉
Feb 21Reply
whit1955 Hey! Just wanted to thank you for helping me out when I first started. Your advice was invaluable. By following it, I was able to quickly become a Posh Ambassador. How cool is that? It's all due to me following your advice. So...THANK YOU! 😘😘😘
Mar 01Reply
thecount1977 thank you for sharing my closet, I appreciate it 👍
Mar 07Reply
jlsdomster Morning. I often do daily 100 for 100 shares with other poshers to help with each other’s exposure. If your ever interested in the same let me know and I will bookmark your closet to share you daily.
Mar 07Reply
m702c 😘
Mar 10Reply
babsgilbert Kari, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 14Reply
izzo82 Gorgeous
Mar 18Reply
danvta11 Wow 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Mar 18Reply
derekh85 Thank you for sharing my post
Mar 18Reply
alfred17360 Hi Kari very nice pictures I love it, good luck on you sales. 🙄
Mar 22Reply
wondergiz Hello my friend, long time no see you here. Miss you 😘. Beautiful closet and awesome pictures. Great vacations well deserved ♥️♥️♥️. Hope everything it’s going good for you and please stay safe. Blessings from your friend from PR, Giz 🥰😘🥰
Mar 24Reply
sargebill Kari hi and good morning, thank you for the follow, love the smile, looks great on ya, keep wearing it, have a great day ma'am, Bill
Mar 24Reply
diamond_dealz @yvette_jamie my sons in 1 pic & 1st grandchild/grandson in another 🥰
Mar 31Reply
berlinshop18 so sorry, just saw a note of yours at my Amber necklace, mistook it for me, no hard feelings, still wishing you to stay happy and well😘👍😁
Mar 31Reply
goodvibes321 Hi there! Hey I went to UWM as well. What year did you graduate? I live in CT now. Question—do you have any cat necklaces?
Apr 05Reply
sharpdm19 Have a good 🐣 Easter weekend Kari be safe my friend 🌹❤️
Apr 11Reply
sallysattic Absolutely Beautiful Closet!🌸👛👗👙All the effort, time and love you put into it are most obvious! 💕Thank you for all of your gracious shares! 😘
Apr 12Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😍😍😍😍 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 13Reply
sharpdm19 Hi Kari just checking on you see how are you doing hope everything is good and well 🌹💐😊
Apr 18Reply
nkhalili2 Super stunning pics! ✨😊💃🏻
Apr 19Reply
vicgea @diamond_dealz Shared 25. Awesome 👏 Adorable 😍. God Bless🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Apr 23Reply
luvmycavalier Love your closet! ❤️You have the cutest things. 😊
Apr 25Reply
rabbit16 Good morning 🌇 Kari You have such a beautiful family pic and love the beach pic. I wish I was at the beach. Lol. Thank you for the twitter share and wish u the best in sales and happiness ☺️!
May 02Reply
kellymyers989 Thank you for sharing my item!!!
May 05Reply
sassyscot Where were you, the beautiful water scapes?
May 05Reply
diamond_dealz @sassyscot I wish I had been there!! Those are my motivation, places I was to vacation 🏝
May 05Reply
hulagirls14 Hi PFF I wanted to Thank you for sharing my closet in Kandyzland Jackpot.💰 I share 💣 your closet as a Thank you.❤ PLEASE DO NOT SURE BACK ❤ Enjoy and Happy Poshing 🌺
May 07Reply
sharpdm19 Happy Mother’s Day Kari enjoy your day 🌹🌹🌹🌹💐❤️
May 10Reply
wondergiz Happpy Mother’s Day my sweet dear friend 🥰, Have a wonderful day, hope you can share some time with your family. Blessings from your dear friend with Love ♥️👯‍♂️🥰👯‍♂️♥️
May 10Reply
debbieheim71 ❤️ your closet
May 21Reply
diamond_dealz @debbieheim71 🥰💎 Thank you 😊
May 21Reply
sharpdm19 Always pleasure my good friend Enjoy your weekend and please be safe 🌹💐❤️🙋🏻‍♂️
May 30Reply
nicknat14 @diamond_dealz 😊Hello, I just love your closet🎉🎉 Such a variety of A - Z items, beautifully laid out and so creative. Your grandson is adorable ❤️ I have two of my own and we have a right to spoil them. Thank you for all the shares and purchase😊 I’ll be back I loved the puzzle pieces with inspirational verses. Thanks, Karen 🥰🥰
Jun 06Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine!
Jun 07Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹
Jun 17Reply
whit1955 Good morning, Kari! How goes it? See that you're up bright and early like me. Got a few errands to run; so, I'll share back a little later. Smooches, Carla.
Jun 18Reply
posh_o_holic Thanks for the Posh love 💕
Jun 30Reply
just_d_finds Hi 👋 Thank you for the follow. I'm Yeidy (JayDee) from NJ. 😊
Jul 03Reply
sharpdm19 Have a wonderful 4th of July my good friend and please be safe 🌹🙏
Jul 04Reply
whit1955 Hey Woman! Thanks for posting me on Twitter. I'd do the same for you, but I'm not on any social media.
Jul 04Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you so much for sharing my items ❤!
Jul 14Reply
1queenemmalani Thanks for sharing my items. I will start sharing and following people as you suggested. The ok ne thing I haven't learned yet is exactly how to bundle and what it is. I'm clueless..... I can't believe you have such a large inventory. Good for you.
Jul 15Reply
alfieandlulu Cute family & baby 🎀Thanx for the follow 💃🏽 gift 🎁 with purchase...🛍👑lots of new items added daily 💐
Jul 15Reply
rick_cardinio Thanks for sharing my stuff!
Jul 18Reply
bunny2312 How nice of you to share my item on twitter. I would love to share yours, but I don’t know how. I’m on Facebook but also do not know how to share??? Stay safe. Bunny
Jul 19Reply
cmcclellan1222 Very beautiful
Jul 21Reply
evepatrice2020 Thank you! 😄👋
Jul 28Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Kari! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 30Reply
lovelylady720 Awwwwww, that is the cutest baby ever!!!😁😁😁😊😍
Aug 07Reply
kelly32068 @diamond_dealz Good morning 😊 Just wanted to let you know I’m watching my 3 grandsons this week so I may not get to share till later at night 💝 depending on how tired they get me 😱😂 please don’t feel like you need to share if your busy ok 😊 I’ll be back to regular on Saturday lol thanks bunches Kelly 💝🥰😘
Aug 11Reply
themuseamundo @diamond_dealz how are you dearheart? hoping this finds you well and having a great day! love Melanee Themuse
Aug 18Reply
astrodrip_ I thought I grew my closet fast...til I saw yours🤯 Great work building that following!
Aug 25Reply
whit1955 Hey Kari! I see that you're up and at it this morning. Me, too. Just wanted to check in too see how you're doing. How's your new grand baby? Have a super day, Carla.
Aug 25Reply
mara__mia Thanks for checking out my closet 💕
Aug 31Reply
sharpdm19 Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend lovely friend 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Sep 05Reply
nanabarr 💚😊Thank you for sharing items from my closet 💜💦
Sep 08Reply
viratorres53 oh my gosh, I love your closet. welcome to mine. shared some of yours with my followers. you have so many lovely items. I'll surely be back!!!! I saved some things in my likes! 💕🌺 please check out my closet when you get a chance. I do accept reasonable offers. I do negotiate prices too. take care and happy poshing!!
Sep 13Reply
rooteddrawers Holy cow. 1 million shares!😧 You go girl! Get it!☺👐 Congrats and thanks for stopping by! Hope you and yours are well.😊🌻
Sep 13Reply
shugapantz Hi there😊 hope all is well with you grandma 😁looks like you added lots of pretties❤️to your closet . Doing good here- talk soon❤️❤️
Sep 14Reply
dsgreely Hope you sell lots today you are Awesome thanks I have a lot to list and try to win one of those prizes if they exist lol
Sep 26Reply
extra_dry Thank you for the shares. I'm a new Posher, and I work hard at it as do you. You have an awesome closet and following. Have a great day! 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
Oct 07Reply
colleena_ Thank you SO much for the shares❣️❣️❣️❣️Have a fabulous Wednesday! 💐
Oct 14Reply
hiddentarot Youre the best! Have a beautiful wonderful day, full of sunshine and posh sales!!! XOXO
Oct 15Reply
amh_store Hi Kari @diamond_dealz ! You are awesome! Thank you so much for all of your lovely & generous shares. May your kindness shown find its way back to you in a multiple ways. Wishing you and all of your loved ones abundant blessings of love, strength, happiness, peace, & great health. Please stay safe & healthy! 🥰
Oct 19Reply
sharpdm19 Enjoy your weekend my good friend and be safe 🌹❤️
Nov 06Reply
izzstorage Thanks for the shares have a great day
Nov 08Reply
kendraklausen03 Thank you so much for following me! 🙌💜 it means so much and your support keeps me going✨✨ I post new items everyday so you’ll never get bored of my closet! Please feel free to give tips or suggestions of items you want to see! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 09Reply
laposhkat Hi there I'm Kat.Thank you for the message..So sweet.I appreciate your words and advice.I will follow and Share and try everyday to do so.I try list a few new items as well, go to the parties..Gain followerers...Im around 2 Mon. old here...I have met some really cool nice people. I will Share your closet as well...I am happy to be here in Posh..Thank you Kat..
Nov 09Reply
lisatravel2 Hello! I like your closet very nice! I am inviting you to like my Facebook page its Skintastic123 I sell vegan and gluten free and parabin free skin care and makeup. Hope you'll check it out! my website is there too.
Nov 10Reply
johnathanbush hey gorgeous I hope and very much pray that your and your family are safe and healthy thank you for all of ur support ......😍XOXOXOXOXOX😍
Nov 10Reply
dsgreely Hey friend That peleton jacket is cool I found a vintage blazer Sophia Nat Paris made in France I will be hones it is above my ability but I am going to list it anyway lol i only found 1 more of her items
Nov 14Reply
classtiques Thanks for the shares, you sweet Posher! Classtiques 🌸
Nov 19Reply
boopboutique Hey there. I just packaged up your items and they will be se t first thing in the am.
Nov 20Reply
classtiques Thanks for the shares, you sweet Posher! Classtiques 🌸
Nov 21Reply
dsgreely Hey my friend, do you have men’s size 11 slippers with fur
Dec 06Reply
tonywoods178 Like your pretty list
Dec 08Reply
tonywoods178 Like your listing
Dec 08Reply
dreamstudy20 Thank you sooo much for sharing my item on Twitter! 🤗🤓💖 Happy Holidays to you and yours! 🎉🥳
Dec 18Reply
jenondablock84 Thank you!!!! ❤️🙏😊
Dec 19Reply
tommyswink7 nice view
Dec 25Reply
prettythings05 Merry Christmas! 🌲
Dec 25Reply
sharpdm19 Good morning Kari. Thanks for continued sharing all year long I appreciate it always. Wishing you and your family a happy healthy New Year and hopefully 2021 brings us a better spirit and better joy . Take care my good friend and be safe 🌹🌹❤️🙏🎉🎊
Dec 26Reply
ivonneth Hello friends, I give many blessings in this New Year 2021 we will continue working and sharing the closet of everything we have, I wish you peace love health and prosperity this new year🎊🎊🎊🎊🥂🥂🥂
Dec 31Reply
jaxruby Hi there, do you have any activewear that I can use for a host pick tomorrow? I looked but didn’t see anything. Tag me if you have something.😊
Jan 09Reply
hiddentarot Have a wonderful day sweet friend 🤗🖤
Jan 11Reply
jlas69 Hi, Thank you for following me
Jan 29Reply
hiddentarot Morning ☀️ Thank you for the love, sending you sunshine and a hug.
Jan 29Reply
yannisaudoux Good evening Kari thank you for following me have a great evening and good luck on poshmark God bless 🙏😊
Jan 31Reply
yannisaudoux Thank you miss much appreciated 😊🤙
Jan 31Reply
yannisaudoux Oh do you make sure I see it first 🤣👍
Jan 31Reply
butterfly_inkk thank you for all your faithful shares I appreciate it
Feb 21Reply
cutestuff2467 hiii! check out my shop and see if ya like anything! if not, please repost. i am trying to save for school! thank you and have a marvelous day :)
Mar 01Reply
joejoc88 Jordan nike just about anything name brand. pants/sweats size is 32 w. and L in sweats and shirts and sweaters shoes are 10.5
Mar 13Reply
matadora1978 shared 20!🙋‍♀️
Mar 18Reply
poshmarkvt Hello, thank you so much for purchasing the free people top. I'll get it ready and in the mail tomorrow. Thanks again 😊
Mar 31Reply
spreadlove Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️❤😍
Apr 21Reply
tammielynne921 Hi , Thanks for your offer 🥰. I was just checking everything thing out!!!! Nice!!
Apr 25Reply
seanthonyp Thanks for sharing my listing! 😊
May 11Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
May 21Reply
shugapantz Hi there 😊hope all is well with you & your family. My granddaughter is getting so big- how is your little one?they grow so fast🥰🥰How is your son doing? Doing good here-Enjoy your weekend!!!💕💕😊😊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
May 30Reply
butterfly_inkk I have a question for you I have probably about 50 pieces of plates they're vintage 1970s and I was thinking of selling on Poshmark do you think it would cost me too much and shipping if I done that?
Jun 04Reply
amixkloset @diamond_dealz I just wanted to take a few seconds to thank you for all the shares we have been exchanging I love it! Thank you for taking the time to visit my closet every day! You know if I don’t make it one day I will double the shares the next day, but always return the love! Thank you once again 🤝🤝
Jun 30Reply
butterfly_inkk thank you for your loyalty with shares I hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th of July
Jul 03Reply
jasontackett709 Thanks for all the shares
Jul 08Reply
finrin6 Good Morning Kari, Just wanted to say Thank you, Have a great weekend, Janice
Jul 23Reply
christyldh1 Hi Thank you for sharing I really appreciate it!! I’m a new seller. I don’t have Twitter but I did share from your closet. Have a great Wednesday!
Aug 11Reply
christyldh1 Hi I appreciate you sharing my listings thank you so much. I’m new and hoping it’s a success. I love your closet!! Have a awesome day!
Aug 11Reply
johnathanbush hello gorgeous ❤️ hope all is well with you and your family thanks for all the support and I will always return the favor...... 🥰
Aug 12Reply
bmanakas Cora thank you for sending me the fanny pack but it is actually smaller than described in my wallet won’t fit inside it. I needed the 8 inches because my wallet is 7 1/2. I have never had to send anything back so I don’t know exactly what the procedure is??? I sure wish it would’ve worked😏
Aug 16Reply
jaxruby Hi there, I hope you are doing well. I love sharing with you and thank you so much for always sharing but I can only share 20 listing a day. I have been so busy that I am trying to keep up with everything. Thank you so much!🌼💕🌼
Sep 03Reply
alohasunnybeach 😍🌸🌸hey doll! thanks U for Your Generous Shares🌸🌸🏝🏝🏝aloooha🏝🏝🌸🌸
Sep 16Reply
snazzzer Sorri Babe for such a long time before sharing . . . I’m single again, but I’m totally happier . . . Just trying to catch up . . . Keep up the good work Babe . . .
Oct 02Reply
butterfly_inkk congratulations how adorable
Oct 16Reply
pamelanaccache So happy that you have another one!!😍My Taj is my best friend ❤️Thank you so much for everything 🍭🍬👻it’s super great to deal with someone so understanding!!
Oct 27Reply
amixkloset Hey beautiful! Hope your doing well, just here to say thank you so much for your time every day to share my closet! I know I don’t always get back to you but with 2 kids and activities it’s a full day every day! But I love to share with you, thank you once again! Have a blessed night 😘
Oct 29Reply
gemsandhems Hi Kari! Thank you very much for all the shares! Have an awesome rest of the week and good luck with your Poshing!💚💛💜💚💛💜💚💛💜💚💛💜 😁 Connie
Nov 10Reply
aviatortwin Kari, my Posh friend Leslie @pcpenguin30 is looking for Nutcrackers, I wasn’t sure if you have any yet, but your closet is so fun to browse, I figured she would love it either way.😘
Nov 18Reply
pcpenguin30 @aviatortwin thin you so much your the best!
Nov 18Reply
rbd257 @diamond_dealz Thank you so much for sharing my closet on Twitter, Kari! 💕 I truly appreciate your help. Sincerely, Renee 🌺
Dec 07Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day. Happy Poshing 😊🐞🐯🦁🦀🐾
Dec 10Reply
butterfly_inkk happy holidays to you and your family
Dec 14Reply
butterfly_inkk I hope you and your family have a happy holiday Merry Christmas
Dec 24Reply
ivonneth @diamond_dealz Hi Dear Happy New Year. Hope you have a great and prosperous year. Thanks for being such a wonderful posh friend.
Jan 01Reply
detailedlooks 🎉Congrats on your WIN!🎉🤗 There's A LOT of great sellers waiting to provide you with Awesome items of your choice!😜 Feel free to check out my closet!😉 I offer DEALS and Consider All Reasonable Offers!🎉Happy Poshing!🎉
Jan 26Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Jan 26Reply
snazzzer Hi Babe, Sorri I didn’t get bac to U when ur shared my closet, I’ve been so busy & overwhelmed with things, never time enough, but I finally got a quick break & I did it . . . Hope things r goin well for U . . . Stay safe Babe
Jan 30Reply
51twenty_if Yay!!! You won!🌟 Make a Deal Days!🌟Congratulations Winner!🌟
Apr 06Reply
omosico10 Thank you for your kindness in sharing 🙏🏾 Wishing you speedy sales and continued success 🌸💝
May 11Reply
savvytavvy Thank you for the Twitter share. We really appreciate it!!!!! You have a beautiful family❤️. Happy Poshing 🥰
May 12Reply
diamond_dealz @savvytavvy thank you kindly!! I am blessed & truly appreciate your message 🥰
May 12Reply
lydiasingleton Thank you for checking out my closet! If you are interested in any item(s) just put them in a bundle and I'll send you an offer for 20% off the regular listing price. 😊🌺🌼
May 15Reply
almondjoyd236 Thanks for sharing items in my closet. Appreciate the love. Have a good night!
May 19Reply
gracie607 @diamond_dealz Thanks for stopping by my closet ✨👗🙋🏼‍♀️✨
May 23Reply
123morningstar Thank you for following my closet. I provide 20% off when you bundle three or more items from my closet. Please feel free to make offers on all my listings. I ship fast, daily. All my listings are stored in excellent condition for fast, easy transactions and come from a smoke/pet free environment. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Enjoy, wishing you have lots of fun as I have a large selection to choose from. Again, thank you and welcome to my closet!
May 24Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing! Hope you have a great evening and many Posh sales!😊🇺🇸 Helen
May 31Reply
savvytavvy Thank you so much for the Twitter share. We really appreciate it. You have a beautiful family!!! Happy Poshing 🥰🎉
Jun 05Reply
wife4life13 hello I believe you had sent me some sort of a message through Poshmark I have no idea how to check these or where to find them cuz I'm new to this app I'm not sure if maybe you can help me on how to find messages that would be awesome either way thank you for writing
Jun 14Reply
mary_puleo You are beautiful!! Thanks for your patience with me, zI hope everything is going well in real life and your beautiful family is doing well. Blessings snd peace to you.
Jun 18Reply
jillkazeroid Good morning, if it's morning in Wisconsin 😊Happy Friday🌸
Jun 24Reply
elliemae102021 Thanks for sharing my listing. Great pics. Have a Awesome weekend! Andy
Jun 26Reply
heidicruz007 Thank you for the share!! ☺️ Have a great day and hope you continuing suceed in everything you put your mind on! ✨
Jun 30Reply
sara_french Hey there and thanks for the follow! I am currently trying to clear out my closet as quickly as possible! If you bundle three or more items you automatically get 30% off! I am also open to offers and negotiating 💕💕
Jul 05Reply
laruelabelle Thanks so much for the follow 😊! We appreciate it and are happy to follow back and share 😀.
Jul 10Reply
whit1955 Hey Kari! Thanks for sharing. Glad to see that you’re still alive and kicking. Grand babies doing well? Smooches, Carla
Jul 16Reply
cutehosiery @diamond_dealz Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 19Reply
patrickmarti325 HIYA! Thank you so much for liking my closet appreciate it so much! Best wishes to you ❤️ 🥰😍🤗😆😁😄😃
Aug 21Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Sep 05Reply
roshawnd2018 Hey, just want to let you know I definitely appreciate your support 💯. Your really supportive and encouraging Poshmark definitely has some great ambassadors.
Sep 07Reply
unclaimed beautiful 👪 pictures ,nice closet Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory. expires 09.27.22
Sep 25Reply
mariannemorr123 @diamond_dealz just dropping I’m to tell you how fun your closet is! Wishing you a fruitful posh week 🙂
Sep 26Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! Thanks for following me:)) My closet is made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 30Reply
lisha68 Thank you so much for sharing my post
Oct 06Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the share! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means…… I’ll Be Accepting Any All Offers! So what are you waiting for?! Send some now for a deal you won’t forget!
Oct 13Reply
perrytim54 Hello, Good morning just wanted to thank you for always sharing items from my closet it greatly appreciated 😀😀👍🏾❤️
Oct 14Reply
sharpdm19 Have a wonderful Sunday my good friend 🌹🙏
Oct 16Reply
perrytim54 Good Morning Have A Great Day 😀😀😉
Oct 18Reply
lybellula @diamond_dealz Hi dear, thank you so much for sharing my listing! It’s a pleasure to meet you, please, let’s keep in touch! 💫
Oct 31Reply
theresaant351 Hi! Thanks bunches for the follow and support, happy Poshing
Nov 02Reply
elizabethdanne1 Thank you! 🤗. Will take a deeper look
Nov 03Reply
josephfro12 What a beautiful closet you have! Love your set ups! So colorful & well planned. ☺️👗
Nov 03Reply
thegirlingrey Congrats on your win. I won a few months ago. Happy Shopping 😁 Thank you for all your continued shares. I really appreciate it. Have a great day 😀
Nov 09Reply
adp081283 Daiiyymnn you are a active thnks for checking out my closet... looking into yours I'm learning alot.
Dec 03Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Dec 03Reply
jewelsbyjas Beautiful!!!!
Dec 17Reply
perrytim54 Good morning Kari, Have a great week 💰💰😀🌹
Dec 19Reply
joshinigami Cute picture! Happy Holidays!
Dec 25Reply
lavenderstyles Hey there! kinda wierd question... but how much do you generally earn on Poshmark? I'm a newbie who just became a posh ambassador (SO EXCITED!!) and I wanted to know if all this effort is going to be worth it. Thank you so much dear!🤗💖
Dec 29Reply
blessingsup Just wanted to say you have so many super cute items! YOU must have a lot of fun shopping for things for your closet!
Jan 01Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I sell many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, jewelry, seasonal and holiday decor, religious items, books, puzzles, craft supplies, plushies and figurines to name a few. I love to bundle and offer a 20% discount on 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs). My home is pet and smoke free and I ship promptly. I hope you’ll take a minute to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours😍
Jan 11Reply
gzaniewski Thank you for sharing.
Jan 13Reply
blainesword Hello, do you mind if I ask a business/Posh question?
Jan 19Reply
jaewaldt Thank you Kari for sharing my recent posting. I appreciate it immensely!
Jan 19Reply
onedayinjune Hey you!! Been awhile, hope sales are going well for you.
Feb 08Reply
amoc2001 ❤️
Feb 09Reply
calilove81 Omg girl, you are so beautiful
Feb 10Reply
diamond_dealz @calilove81 ☺️ Thank you kindly 🤗
Feb 10Reply
waikikirod Beautiful
Feb 14Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend and many Posh sales!😊
Feb 25Reply
maicrystalroom Thank you so much for the share, dear! I appreciate you. 💕
Mar 03Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Mar 04Reply
esther138 @diamond_dealz hi beautiful. Thanks for following and sharing. Happy to work on anything you like in my closet. Have a great day!!! 😍
Mar 12Reply
kelly32068 @diamond_dealz sorry I’m late Kari 😳 today is first time on Posh since last week, I’ve been babysitting 4 year old for the last week 💖🤗 however HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🤗💖🎂🎉🎈😘 I hope you had a wonderful one 💖💖
Mar 12Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Mar 24Reply
unclaimed Kari amazing beautiful 👪 pictures ,nice closet . Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50.00 or replenish your inventory.expires 04 14.23. Check out the poshmark videos on YouTube,l 've found them helpful in increasing my sales.
Apr 11Reply
cullvoidecho Thanks for the share.
Jun 23Reply
ig0000 Thanks for sharing my closet.
Sep 28Reply
rougelips Thank you for the purchase! Your order will ship shortly ☺️
Sep 29Reply
sondrabydesign Hi Kari, thank you so much for sharing one of my listings, I will be sharing some of yours too, I like to share a variety. I also wanted to let you know that I’m having a 50% OFF sale, just bundle and send me an offer for 1/2 off my item prices and I will accept. 5 items per box 5 lb. Limit. Come visit my closet if you’re interested! I hope you’re having a wonderful day 😊
Sep 29Reply
dbrollins425 😍😍😍😆
Nov 19Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Dec 15Reply
_a_miranda_v_ Hi there! Thanks for following me! 🤗 If you ever want to bundle or purchase an item I’m more than happy to accept reasonable offers!
Dec 17Reply
perrytim54 Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 😀
Dec 25Reply
dollar3370 @diamond_dealz Thanks for your kindness, taking your time to share items from my closet. I really appreciate your help. I'm fairly new to Poshmark and I need all the help I can get. Hope you have a blessed day.
Dec 28Reply
computershoptx Happy New Year🎉 and Thank you for the share! I hope you have a joyful 2024 and many sales!😊
Jan 03Reply
baron126 Hellooooooo & thanks for following my closet❣️My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle & save!! 5 star rates seller & FAST shipper!!! Happy poshing!!!!
Feb 01Reply
kristinlekki Hi ! How do you have over a million shares in 4 yrs lol ? You must be on your phone all day and night lol 😂 happy Poshing
Feb 03Reply
shopwithcandice Hi there 💖 I’m having a big closet sale and many items are JUST $5!! All items are either like new or gently used. 🫧 I sell women’s, men’s and kids clothes. I also post new listings everyday! 🏷️ Shipping is ONLY $7.97 and you can put as many items as you want into your box 📦 Lmk if you’re interested in bundling and I’ll create a new listing for you 💌 Happy Shopping!! 🛍️
May 03Reply
janviers Thank you
May 03Reply
perrytim54 Happy Mother’s Day🌹🌹🌹
May 12Reply
poshmf Hi, feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Jun 04Reply
caseysledge I have a question for you. I'm new and keep getting weird messages about my pictures are blurry and I need to email these people? Is this a hack?
Aug 19Reply
diamond_dealz @caseysledge hi thanks for asking Yes it is. NEVER call or email a person regarding selling something off Poshmark. If you want you can block that person and/ or report them using the lil flag the comment. Hope that helps
Aug 19Reply
caseysledge Thanks again for the advice. People are creeps
Aug 20Reply
jypsyjuls it's way too early! go back to sleep!
Sep 06Reply
chaselb09 Thank you for sharing my listing's beautiful 🤗🥂
Oct 29Reply
esther138 @diamond_dealz hi thanks for sharing. Pls check out my closet. Happy to work on anything you like!!! Have a great day!!!
Nov 04Reply
sybaritica Ms. Lari, I'd share more, but it appears you sold everything. Btw, my wife needs some things. Let me know when you have some time.
Nov 09Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have women's men's kids in my closet. I'm always listing more. always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows. I do shows Mondays- women's S-4x lots unlisted NWT, NWOT, like new, $15& under. tuesdays- kids share show train& pop-ups too. each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. in LIVES you only pay 1 shipping. I pay anything over 5lb. you also get rewards- spend $100 with me. get $10 off next purchase! Thanks - Ania
Nov 24Reply
missink3383 🍂❄️⛄Happy December☃️❄️🍂 Wishing u many wonderful $ales😀 🤍Happy Poshing💙Missinks❄️Serah
Dec 23Reply
rvnk74 Hello, Thanks for the follow/shares If there's something you're looking for or like in my closet, feel free to ask. I appreciate the shares. Seriously Take care & God bless
Jan 02Reply
kalalili Thank you for sharing my listing!
Jan 15Reply
computershoptx Happy 2025 and Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a great year with many Posh sales!🎊😊
Jan 18Reply
sinsofcyn 🌄 Good Morning Kari ! Great photos you Shared THANKS for DISCOVERING 🧗‍♂️ MY MESSY lil' CLOSET and VINTAGE STUFFED 🧸CUPBOARDS feel free to select at least 12 items & LIKE leave a comment on price you OFFER to pay then I SELECT from YOUR CHOSEN LIKES SAVINGS at 50% off the Individual list prices THUS 🎁 CREATING YOUR CUSTOM CURATED MYSTERY BOX 🎁 GUARANTEED to THRILL
Feb 20Reply

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