Meet your Posher, Penny
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Hi! I'm Penny. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, CHANEL, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

98 others
like this

Penny just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for following my closet. You will meet some of the most awesome people here on Posh. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Apr 28Reply

Thank you for following my closet👠👗👞👛🥿🧥👖👚🕶👜👟👡🧣
If there’s items you like but don’t like the price, please don’t hesitate to make me a reasonable offer and I will consider.
Apr 28Reply

Welcome to poshmark!! If you need anything, I am a top rated poshmark ambassador and here to help! 🤓
May 26Reply

Thank you very much I’ve never done anything like this so I am very overwhelmed right now. You see I’ve added a few things but I’m not quite sure about myself. I was looking at the Poshmark do’s and don’t’s am I suppose to comment to everyone that follows me or shares my post and what do I say. I know that may seem like a stupid question but I’m just not sure and again I want to thank you very much
May 27Reply

Thank you very much for sending me the text or the post I am very unsure of myself and I’m quite overwhelmed at this time I was wondering on everyone that follows me or shared my post am I supposed to text them back to them and if so what am I supposed to say thank you or I’m just not sure I’ve had so many come in on top of me so fast I’m just kind of not sure and again thank you very much for the nice post
May 27Reply

If they share your items, thank them & then go to their closet & share some of their items, that is how you get more followers that will follow your closet. Also go to daily Posh party they have at 10 pm eastern time, share your whole closet. The more people you share to & more you share their stuff the more exposure you get for your items. Love & Peace Carpl
May 27Reply

@msneverending1 Hi I just made my first sale is there a certain box I have to pack it in to ship it or can I just use any box that the shoes will fit in and once I print the label do I just tape it on and drop it off at the post office thanks in advance for your help I really appreciate it
May 29Reply

Congratulations Penny, now all you have to do is go to the Post Office and grab some of the free priority boxes (You can also get them in bulk if you order them online from the post office)); print your label from Poshmark,, it will say download label from the sold page. Put the box together with the wide tape (It’s easier to buy one for your sore). Then label box & drop off at Post Office, it costs you nothing,&send your box.
May 29Reply

@msneverending1 thank you very much I really appreciate your help
May 29Reply

@jlpsthrift thank you I’m learning my way around
May 29Reply

No problem, just asked & I’ll tell you things I have learned; mainly share, share , share, thank & share others to get more followers. Go to nightly party, always one 10pm eastern time & share your whole closet. The more followers you have, the more sales you will make. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
May 29Reply

Hi penny! Thank you for sharing my items. They are all still available :)
Aug 31Reply

@barbieseller your welcome happy to do so you have some really cool Barbie’s but right now all I have is boy grandchildren but we’re hoping for a girl next, both my girls loved those dolls and collected them when they were growing up. If we find out it’s a girl I’ll come back and look for a gift to start her collection!
Aug 31Reply

@penny326 Wonderful! Glad to hear! I have so many Limited Edition Barbies that I will continue to put up.
Aug 31Reply

Penny I love your fur baby, that is such a cute picture on your page. I finally finished cleaning my tarnished Cameo Bracelet, it is Silver. The Jeweler that I brought it to who said it was handcrafted in Italy in the late 1800’s to very early 1900’s and he could clean it up for $125.00 and it was definitely Silver & if I cleaned it he would test it for free. You can’t even recognize it, it is in my closet cleaned ,but I left the last
Sep 05Reply

picture in the listing of what it used to look like with all the tarnish still on the bracelet. It took me 5 months to take off the tarnish and does not even look like the same bracelet. The Jeweler was shocked that I got the tarnish off, he tested it for free yesterday and it is Silver and the Cameo’s are just Gorgeous. Look in my closet at the new picture & I left one picture of the original picture. Love & Peace Carol
Sep 05Reply

Nov 12Reply

Thanks for sharing my listings. I shared back!
Happy Holidays!
Dec 04Reply

Thank you so much for all your shares. Very much appreciated.
Mar 23Reply

check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕
Apr 05Reply

Thank you for sharing 💕
Apr 06Reply

@b11renda thank you very much you do have a wonderful closet, but I’ve been dealing with the loss of my baby in the picture her name was Elcee she was a rescue from a puppy mill that years ago she and I with the help of our vet shut down an awful place selling to pet stores through out the United States. Had her precious soul with me for 12 years she suddenly got sick one day and within 3 days we lost her. I miss her so much, part of my heart is gone. Thanks again
Apr 16Reply

Thanks for all the shares love. Your dog is adorable!❤️
May 12Reply

@penny326 Hi Penny! I’m having a BOGO FREE Sale on ALL 925 SILVER JEWELRY! I would love for you to visit my closet whenever you get the chance. I would love to give you an amazing deal. Thanks! Hope you and your family are safe and healthy!
May 16Reply

🥰😍⭐️🌟🥰😍😊Thank you so much for sharing items from my closet!!!! 😍❤️🥰😍❤️ 💗💕💜
Jun 03Reply

@penny326 love your cute dog! I wanted to say thank you for all the shares🌺 🐶
Jun 19Reply

Hello Penny. Thanks for the shares.🎀🎀
Jul 09Reply

Thanks for all the shares!!😊💕💕
Jul 09Reply

Penny I Love Your Closet.... Thank You for the Shares...I shared while I 👍 Enjoy Your Day...🍋💚🍋
Jul 12Reply

Penny - thank you for sharing my closet!
Jul 12Reply

Just have to let you know how much I enjoyed your closet....very sad my feet are too big for your shoes... great items...🍋💚🍋💚Luckylemon aka Celeste
Jul 16Reply

Hi, My name is Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Aug 05Reply

Thank you for all the shares!😊
Aug 08Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares!! Will share ur closet later on after work.
Ps.. doggie is ADORABLE!! 😊
Aug 25Reply

@dazzle_2020 you’re welcome no problem that’s what we all have to do is help each other thank you for the comment on my dog unfortunately she passed Mother’s Day we all miss her I have her sister left but she’s not doing well either but I do love my dogs they’re part of the family
Aug 25Reply

@penny326 awww I’m so sorry!! As an animal
Lover & have had pets that passed I understand the heartache. They live forever in our hearts ❤️
Aug 25Reply

Penny***Thank you for sharing my closet! It is very.much appreciated. I have shared some of your amazing items as well. Happy "Poshing" today!!
Sep 11Reply

OMG that is the cutest dog ever!!!! Thanks for the shares!
Sep 19Reply

@cjtb60 thank you so much she’s no longer with us in life but forever lives in my heart ☹️😇
Sep 19Reply

Mine isn't either , miss her every day.
Sep 19Reply

@cjtb60 I feel you wishing you health and happiness
Sep 19Reply

Sep 20Reply

@melissaotakie yours looks like your sweet sweet baby too!
Unfortunately I lost mine to stomach cancer not too long ago I think about her everyday she gave me so much love I still have her sister but for the last few months she’s not doing to good they both were rescues and had many problems but lived a good life with us my baby now only has a few months you give all your heart to these babies but the joy you receive in turn is always worth it
Sep 20Reply

Thanks for all the amazing sharing! It’s been a real slow weekend on Posh! Your Yorkie is too cute!!! I have two Yorkies also.💕🐾💕
Sep 20Reply

🎉ACCEPTING offers on all items in my closet .... if interested send an offer on ANYTHING 💐. Stop by when you can and say, “hello” ~ always like to make new friends 😊
Sep 21Reply

Hi, Thank you for all your wonderful shares and for visiting my closet. Enjoy your day!
Sep 24Reply

You have a beautiful closet with so many gorgeous items.
I hope this finds you and your family happy & healthy .
Sincerely, Penny
Sep 24Reply

Sep 24Reply

Oh, by the way, as far as your questions about how should you respond when someone shares your items, there’s no need to actually thank them with a specific message; our normal etiquette here on Posh is for you to just share a few of their items in return 🤗
Sep 24Reply

@zardiva1 thank you very much for your help 😆😁😄😃🥰
Sep 25Reply

I am Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Sep 25Reply

@penny326 You’re welcome! 🤗
Sep 26Reply

Thank you for sharing some of my items!.
Oct 03Reply

Oct 10Reply

Your welcome have a fabulous weekend!!
Oct 10Reply

@penny326 Thank you so much for all the shares, I appreciate it 🙏 Happy selling, best of luck.
Oct 13Reply

Penny, Thanks for sharing my closet. I'm having a slow start at poshing. I have many more things to post but having trouble with time to photo and post my stuff. I'll get there I'm sure. I am buying a lot more than selling. LOL.😂
Your pup is adorable. A Yorkie? I have a 3 yr old Morkie named Molly that I rescued! Love, love her! I like your closet and am sure to buy something and will be sharing. Again thanks for sharing mine. Shanda.🌞
Oct 13Reply

Thank you so much 🌺🌸🌺🙏
Oct 27Reply

wow you are right down the I am in Freeport!
Nov 06Reply

Just so you know, I share 3-5 items per seller per day, and I do it SLOWLY (like every 1 seconds or so). I learned that doing this allows more items to show in the FEED and helps create sales! I am not telling yo to do this- it's just what I do now. Take care, Cheryl
Nov 16Reply

Thank you for the shares! Cheryl
Nov 16Reply

@cheryl1da thank you so much for the advice I just kind of done it by the skin of my pants really didn’t know what I was doing just kind of went with it but thank you so much for the advice I’ll try that take care of yourself!
Nov 16Reply

Oh she looks like my little Yorkie who is the love of my life! They are such sweet little dogs aren’t they. Thanks for all the likes I appreciate it, I’ll be back for future purchases. Thanks and stay safe
Nov 17Reply

@pink_kat4 thanks a lot unfortunately I lost her a few months back I have her sister but she is 14 years old and has lots of health issues, but yes you’re right they have my heart ❤️ always my little girls. Your welcome on the saves take care of yourself and your family plus your little girl. 🥰
Nov 17Reply

Hi Penny...Wow! Thanks for sharing my closet! I DO take offers! Thanks for visiting my closet! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals. I am a 5 star for seller!
Nov 18Reply

Your yorkie is so cute!!! I had a teacup (3lbs) one that sadly passed almost 7 years ago, but it still hurts to think about it. Almost a year later I went to rescue a dog looking for another small, dark fur, pointy ear and short tail dog. Instead the dog I got is small but so much bigger (15lbs), cream/blonde, floppy ears, and a long fluffy tail. Lol I still laugh about it but it was a connection we had and I knew I was taking her home! Anyway, Thank you for the follow! ☺
Nov 19Reply

@fuzbunnyslipper I’m sorry to say I lost mine too not too long ago and yes it’s extremely painful. I give my whole self to those little creatures of god that end up giving me so much more in turn. I still have her sister but she’s 14 years old and she has pancreatitis so it’s hard never can get your self ready for what’s coming I’m glad you got another one I definitely know what you’re talking about when you look in their eyes you know their yours it’s been nice sharing with you take care
Nov 19Reply

Hi Penny, thanks so much for sharing so many of my items! I have attempted to return the favor. I love your closet and hope to purchase from you after Christmas. Take care and Stay safe!
Nov 22Reply

@penny326 Hello my Poshmark friend. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and wishing you a blessed and very happy new year. ❤❤ Yvonne
Dec 31Reply

Hi Penny, I want to thank you so much for the generous share backs! You are very kind, and I’ll get a few more of yours out there😁. Your dog is so adorable with his little yellow duck toy. I love all the pet pics on here🐶
Mar 19Reply

@pinktenaj Thank you so much she passed awhile back and I have her sister still she’s 14 and has some health problems but they are my heart like I know you’re Lucy is for you
Mar 19Reply

I bought the beagle stuffed animal from Amazon for my grandson and he never played with it we never even opened it out of the plastic he had so much other stuff so I decided to sell it but it looks like a real beagle. Have a wonderful weekend
Mar 19Reply

@vonner10 hi Yvonne I seen your Christmas message message as you could see I was kind of out of pocket for a while I had gotten sick and was in the hospital and a few other things went on but thank you again for the wishes I hope you have a very blessed Easter and have a great weekend
Mar 19Reply

@penny326 I’m so sorry to hear about your little baby’s passing. I’ve been through that too many times. I know what you went through. They are like our children and we grieve their passing. I like to think we will see them again one day. After all they say “all dogs go to heaven”😇
Mar 19Reply

What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Mar 25Reply

Penny, your puppy is about as cute as it get ! Adorable 🌼💕🐕🐕🐕
Mar 25Reply

Thank you I love her very much unfortunately she passed a little over a year ago with cancer she was a rescue puppy from a millp farm that we manage to get shut down after I got her I have her sister still she’s 14 but got pancreatitis I love my little babies thank you very much
Mar 25Reply

By the way I love the name of your account one lucky fig that is cool
Mar 25Reply

Aw thanks for all the shares! :)
Apr 17Reply

How cute ! Adorable fur baby!
happy poshing🐕😊
Apr 20Reply

Thank you very much but unfortunately she passed a while back she had stomach cancer I have her sister though she’s 15 years old and still hanging in there. They are my heart ❤️
Apr 21Reply

@superblessed131 your baby is beautiful too such a white coat and he or she looks so very happy!❤️
Apr 21Reply

Thank you for the closet loving! Have a wonderful day ❤️🥰 🌸
Apr 22Reply

@penny326 🦎👋Thank you for all the shares❣️🥰I appreciate them but am afraid I may not be able to keep up as prolifically with my arthritic thumbs 😔🥴
Apr 25Reply

@chamlover thanks so much for all the Shares, very nice of you🌷🌷🌺❤️♥️🌺🌸🌷🌷
Apr 26Reply

Thank you so much for following my closet and all the shares! I love to work with people and make a deal so they get what they want! Let me know if something interests you! You have a great closet! So many cute items!
May 03Reply

Happy Poshing 😊
May 07Reply

Hello 😊
Thanks for following me & all the shares
Sharing back,
Happy Poshing & have a great weekend
Jun 04Reply

Good morning!! Thank you so much for all the shares!!!! I love your dog!! How adorable can you get?! ☺️ Well have a nice day. Thanks again!!
Jun 06Reply

Honey...!!! 😁Oh my goodness Thank You so much for all the shares! That was sooooo sweet of you!!!! 😚 Honestly thank you... what a sweet❤️ you are!
Jun 08Reply

My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
Jun 15Reply

I love your small dog he’s so adorable
Jun 19Reply

@beccav75 you’re so sweet thank you very much unfortunately she passed away a year ago we miss her every day I still have her sister she was a rescue pup but she had stomach cancer
Jun 19Reply

I am so sorry about your little angel. It made me cry as she was so adorable. God be with you in this sad passing and give you strength
Jun 19Reply

@beccav75 thank you so very much that means a lot we know all of us animal lovers put everything into our babies
Jun 19Reply

Precious little fur baby 💕 I wanted to thank you for all the great shares 😊 Be Blessed ⚜️💫💝
Jun 25Reply

@mackcarringer thank you very much and no problem I kind of enjoy sharing with everybody
Jun 25Reply

I appreciate your offers on the pet bag, I've already found one. Wishing you the best of luck. It's a great bag!
Jul 09Reply

@ridgepeach thank you for letting me know I think you hit like on it when you had looked at it the first time so every time I send out offers it sent you one so I think you can go in and unlike it and maybe you won’t get it since you’ve already bought you one and I so appreciate you letting me know thank you very much have a good weekend
Jul 09Reply

Penny! Thank you so much for sharing my listings!
Aug 08Reply

Cutest dog!!!
Aug 14Reply

Dear @penny326 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Aug 17Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Have a great week — wishing you many sales😀
Aug 17Reply

thank you Penny for all the shares. you are pretty amazing 🥰❣👸
Aug 18Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet and for the shares. I visited your closet and returned the favor. Wish you a great day ☀️🌸😀
Aug 19Reply

Hi. Thank you for your purchase. I will ship it out tomorrow. 🙂
Aug 29Reply

🌿🦋🌿 thank you for all the shares 💕 Happy Poshing !!
Sep 11Reply

Thank you 🙏 for all the shares 🙏
Sep 29Reply

@penny326 Thanks for all your shares!! 💙💙💙
Sep 29Reply

Hi Penny! Thank you so much for sharing my closet! I always try to share back so share any time! Happy weekend! Dara
Oct 01Reply

Thank you for all of the shares!!
Oct 04Reply

Thank u Penny for your shares, I’ll return the favor 🤗
Oct 30Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet. Your closet is great!
Nov 13Reply

@pink_poodles your welcome I loved yours Also
Have a great weekend 😉
Nov 13Reply

Hi Penny! I can do $158 for ALL of your 5 Likes! Just make me an OFFER!
Nov 19Reply

Thank you tons for all the shares🙏🏻❤️
Nov 20Reply

thanks for sharing
make me an offer if interested
Jan 18Reply

What an adorable fur baby! Thank you for all the shares. You have a lovely closet.
Feb 24Reply

Hello, thank you for checking out my closet. Bundle 4 or more items together and get a 15% discount +$4.99 shipping
Mar 17Reply

Thank you so much for the shares. Your doggie is adorable!!
Apr 19Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything
Apr 19Reply

thanks for looking at my closet. I would also like to invite you to look at my YouTube channel called doc at the barn Snyder and please subscribe too our channel has been designed to help us all with our online at home business. I think you will be impressed. thanks again.
Apr 19Reply

Hi Penny. I'm Kay and I want to thank you for following me. After my husband passed away, I decided to try and sell some things on Poshmark. Please stop by my closet and take a look. I have a great wide variety. Something for everyone. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks again and have a wonderful evening.
Apr 21Reply

Thanks for the follow 🏄🏼🏝☀️🕶🤗
Apr 22Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 23Reply

Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Apr 26Reply

Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet.
Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3.
Welcome to shop at my closet.
Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Apr 27Reply

So adorable I have exactly a teacup female Yorkie. Her name is Stella you can look at her in my closet have a picture of her. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ yorkies.
May 11Reply

@hutchison1973 thank u I love your little teacup Yorkie they are so sweet and 😍 beautiful
May 11Reply

gorgeous fur baby! So precious@
May 11Reply

@penny326, thank you for following , which gives me the opportunity to read over hundred love notes that your kindness harvest.
May 13Reply

@poppyt18 thank you so very much I actually love the letters also I love seeing people happy with what they purchase and what they get and it makes my day thanks a lot take care
May 13Reply

@penny326, i can't believe that you took the time to share my closet to your 59 K followers! I took the calculator to figure out that beside I do not have this massive number of followers, it would take me 100 times the time to share. Enormously appreciated.
May 13Reply

@penny326 OMGoodness 😱 what a precious little fur baby 🥰
Jun 04Reply

@lj61 I was just looking at yours too thinking how cute they are especially the toy fund comment that’s hilarious looks like you love your babies like I do have a beautiful life!
Jun 04Reply

@penny326 TY 🤗
Jun 04Reply

Hi🙋🏻♀️nice to meet you and thank you for visiting 🐦 🐶 🐎 🐈 🎨💐
Jun 19Reply

Sending Posh ❣️❣️❣️ to Penny from Penny 👍🏽❣️😎
Jun 28Reply

thank you for sharing so many things from my closet. 🙂❤️
Jul 11Reply

@penny326 Hello Ms Penny I appreciate the follow. I started on this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We cater to plus size women, big&Tall men &youth boys. I update my closet weekly. I noticed you are a Poshmark Ambassador. I have a question. What is the one thing that you have done to make your sales successful. We hope to have the opportunity to do business with you. Happy Poshing!
Jul 30Reply

Hi Penny, I wanted to tell You that all the characters in your picture are adorable, even the rubber ducky. Thank you so much for all of the shares. I hope to be able to reciprocate.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑💐💐💐💐💐🥥🥥🥥
Jul 31Reply

@happydaysahead you are so very welcome for the shares she was my baby she passed away a few years back I still have her sister she’s not doing too well she’s actually going into renal failure but she is 16 years old I love my Yorkies the one in the picture was a rescue and she always loved her stuffed ducky I so miss her very much thank you for your very kind words 🙏
Jul 31Reply

Aug 03Reply

Thank you very much for your very generous sharing. It is greatly appreciated.
Aug 05Reply

Hello there! Thank you so much for the Posh Love! Have a great day!😊
Aug 09Reply

Aww, your baby is adorable!
Aug 14Reply

@gdlapin80 thank you so much so is yours you’re another dog lover like me. I only hope the very best for you thank you
Aug 15Reply

Penny, I just wanted to tell you that I think you have an awesome closet!! I so enjoyed looking through it and sharing your items. I will be checking back in from time to time. I love closets that have such a good variety of items like yours. So good to meet you and HAPPY, Kathy!!💖💖💖👗👠👙🎁🕶👠👜
Aug 18Reply

@kathyallen thanks a lot your closet was great too! I have a large Family with lots of items to get rid of so it gives me an eclectic amount of things to list but thank you for the shares and your wonderful words,🤗 I responded in kind and I hope you have a great weekend 💕
Aug 18Reply

@penny326 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 19Reply

@cutehosiery thank you so much for your kind words they’re so appreciate it I wish you the best also your jewelry is beautiful have a great weekend
Aug 19Reply

Hello ! I work for a global outdoor fabric brand so I know how each item is made cruelty free, carded pulled best quality cotton, & GMO free. I soak linens in soap free water for 24 hours & line dry in the sun while pulling out wrinkles as this is how to make most absorbent & soft. I repurpose linens & materials to create custom pillow and towel sets. I design embroidery for special occasions, corporate logos, lyrics from songs & such offering my take on one of a kind merchandise
Aug 20Reply

Hi Doll 🌸
Clearing everything out of my closet . Accept most offers when you bundle multiple items to save. Check it out and happy poshing😊
Oct 06Reply

Hi there Penny and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Oct 09Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet!
Oct 27Reply

@stylemarketatl your so very very welcome that’s what’s really nice about Poshmark is people helping each other Thank you very much Penny
Oct 27Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing so many items! Very much appreciated!
Nov 17Reply

Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂
Feb 05Reply

Thanks for all the shares ☺️☺️
Feb 12Reply

@jsslp15 you are very welcome I hate I couldn’t bundle the three tiered can shelf for you but it is just a tad over 5 pounds I’m hoping to keep it within the 5 to 6 after I package it when I do sell it but I did bundle the other three so if you’re interested let me know look forward to hearing from you I hope you’re having a great day. Let me know if I can do anything different for you
Feb 12Reply

Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day!
Mar 01Reply

Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Mar 06Reply

Thank you for sharing. I'm trying to get the hang of this.
Aug 24Reply

@jules_jems27 no problem glad to be of assistance and help you out. You’ll get the hang of it. Love your closet.
Aug 24Reply

Thank you Penny for the offer. I love cats and that is a cute coffee cup but I'm just not able to make any purchases as of yet.
Aug 25Reply

@jules_jems27 no problem you take care and have a great weekend 🤩
Aug 25Reply

Same to you.
Aug 25Reply

Nice closet!!!
Sep 07Reply

Welcome! Poshmark offers $4.99 shipping every Friday and Sunday.
If you look at my closet and find treasures let me know.
You can bundle too at no additional shipping cost 🙂 if you have any questions, feel free to ask
Sep 15Reply

Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with another fur baby lover! 🌺 MelissaL
Oct 30Reply

@le_stage you’re welcome no problem your fur baby is absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately mine passed this January. I haven’t been able to even think about getting another one right now but they do pull at your heart a lot but you just love them so much you take care of yourself and your fur baby.
Oct 31Reply

@penny326 I’m soooo sorry about your baby…idk what I’ll do when mine go, so I can totally empathize. I hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. I really appreciate your feedback and look forward to getting going with Poshmark! Take care and happy poshing 🌺🤗
Nov 04Reply

OMG how adorable!
Nov 13Reply

@cdc9711 thank you very much but unfortunately I lost her the beginning of the year she had stomach cancer. She was 12 years old. I had lost her sister the year before from pancreatitis, which is common in Yorkies I just hadn’t had the heart to get another puppy every time I think about it I start crying. I actually don’t know if I can ever get another Yorky. It just hurts too bad but thank you very much. She was adorable.
Nov 13Reply

Happy Holidays! Come and shop my closet for unique and special Christmas gifts!
Nov 19Reply

@candleart thank you very much for the likes. You do have a unique closet those are pretty cool candles right now I don’t have the money to spend on something that I like I’m having to pay doctor bills so I will mark your closet and if ever I can, I will come back & check it out, but they are gorgeous happy holidays
Nov 19Reply

Thank you so much for the recent 5 stars and and wonderful positive love note. So happy you are happy!
Dec 06Reply

Hellooooooo and thanks for following my closet❣️My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle and save more!! 5 star rated seller and FAST shipper!!! Happy poshing!!!!
Dec 11Reply

O 😍 M 😍 G !!!!!
Give me that sweet lil baby teacup butter ball sweet pea baby!!!!!! How precious 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍.
Following you back - I usually don’t, but what a little sweet furry Angel face 🥰 😆 I couldn’t scroll by that face!
Happy I did, excited to review your closet- looks great!! Cheers 🥂
Jan 17Reply

LOVE your profile picture!😀
Jan 17Reply

@christal542 thanks 🙏 we miss her so badly there’s nothing like giving and receiving love from your furbaby 🥲
Jan 17Reply

@bhappy4007 thanks we miss her terribly there’s a whole in my heart that she’ll always have 🥲
Jan 17Reply

@penny326 I understand completely 😢
Jan 17Reply

Welcome thanks for like or following I’m just getting started with posh
Feb 21Reply

Hi Penny,
I am writing because you bundled 4 items. So and what I did was that each one is on sale for $ 15.00, then because it wanted me to give a discount for shipping, I added the $2 to the price.
This way, We can still make a $10 donation for each pair purchased, and Posh gets their fees, and I get 7 to offset my handling cost.
So the total would be $62.00 plus 5.95 shipping.
I hope this works for you. So that I can ship out tomorrow for you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mar 05Reply
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