Meet your Posher, Rocio
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Hi my name is Rocio. I love all kinds of clothes and accessories. I am fairly new to Poshmark, and extremely excited to be part of this wonderful community. I look forward to checking out your closet and hope that you find something to your liking in mine. I am open to review any offers you might want to shoot my way. Happy Poshing!!!!

98 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark!
May 28Reply

@bargainshop25us hello. Thank you barely getting the hang of it
Jun 02Reply

@rociodelgado311 let me know if you have any questions :)
Jun 02Reply

Than you so much. I will definitely keep you in mind.
Jun 03Reply

Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jun 13Reply

Hello. Thank you for following me as well. I'm still getting the hang of things. I will definitely check out your closet ma'am. Thank you for the welcome and good vibes. Looking forward to all the shopping and sales!!!
Jun 13Reply

Please remove tax on Clothing item
Jun 27Reply

🌞BUNDLE SALE🌞 Bundle 3 or more items to recieve SAVINGS up to 50%!
Jul 02Reply

Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 03Reply

Thank you, you as well ma'am! We have a BOGO special going on this week in case you saw something that caught your eye!!
Jul 03Reply

@rociodelgado311 Thank you,
Jul 03Reply

💜Thank you so much for following me. Please check out my closet from time to time and, of course, I’ll do the same. Share and care. In the meantime, Be Blessed💜🥰💐💕
Jul 07Reply

✨💕💐✨💕✨💐✨💕✨💐✨💕Love your closet! 💐✨💕💐✨💕💐
Jul 10Reply

@shoesrmyfave thank you so much girl. We have awesome specials if anything catches your eye!!
Jul 11Reply

@rociodelgado311 hello thank you for the shares I bookmarked you so I could share your items for the future and any Posh parties/ I also saw that you liked a few items I sent you an offer on two items a really good deal and with that comes with free gifts/ All of my items are brand new- I work in the industry with various Buyers/ please let me know if this works for you and again it's a great deal thank you
Jul 14Reply

Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! Please Bundle Your Likes
for One Time Shipping- An Extra Discount and Gift W/Purchase 💕💕💕
Jul 14Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have fun here! Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help 🌸
Jul 20Reply

Hey! Thanks for the shares, I love your closet. Welcome and happy poshing! 😊
Jul 22Reply

So sweet of you to reach out! 💕Thank you for sharing too! 🤗 Have a wonderful day!!! 😁❤️☀️
Jul 22Reply

Thank you very much for sharing my closet. I'm just getting started so I hope you come back soon. Have a great week! 😃
Jul 22Reply

Thank you for liking me garden art! This is one of many different pieces I have. Have a great day! 😃
Jul 22Reply

Thank you for enjoying one of the lights of our lives... Walter! He's a big ham and smarter than we are! 😸🐈 Walter can actually flip the top of this bag closed to take his nap! If he learns to zip it closed, I'll be calling Howie Mandel!! Lol! 😂🤣😸🐈
Jul 22Reply

Thank you for sharing items from my kid's closet!! I will give discounts for serious buyers.
Jul 23Reply

Jul 27Reply

You are welcome. And right back atcha’ !
Jul 27Reply

Hi Rocio! Thank you for Sharing my Listing on tumblr. I'm not able to Share on Tumblr but will gladly Share your Listings here on PM. Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks again!💐
Jul 28Reply

Blessings on sharing from my closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Welcome fellow new posher ❤️. Great closet 💜. Happy weekend and poshing ❤️🤟🏻💜
Jul 28Reply

Hi Rocio! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Jul 28Reply

Hi Rocio. Thanks for the follow. Am following you now too. Excited to check out your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2 or more items. Hope you have a great Sunday & Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Thanks for following me. Feel free to come and visit my closet. I accept offers on any listings. I also have a 20% discount on 2 items. Have a great day.
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for the shares! As a thank you I'm offering you 3 dresses for $50 or mix and match 3 pcs of clothing/shoes for $30! Or feel free to make me any offer(s) on anything you like! I'm very reasonable with pricing! Come take a look! 😊 Happy Poshing! And thanks again! The poshmark support is always appreciated!!
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for following me!
I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram
I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor @chante_all day
Jul 29Reply

Thanks so much for your shares today! Much appreciated!😎🌸🌴🦄
Jul 29Reply

All the cutest dresses & skirts! 😍👗💃🌼 Thank you for your share & welcome to Poshmark, Rocio! It is wonderful to meet you. I love the myriad of elegant prints and distinct feminine styles in your closet.😊💖
Jul 30Reply

@rociodelgado311 thank you for the share 👗
Jul 30Reply

Thanks for the info and sharing my closet as well. God Bless You!😀😀💐💐
Jul 31Reply

Thank you for the share💕
Jul 31Reply

@nancylopezg87 @mpsore @statens_closet @neonballet @hlsewing
Of course!! Anything I can do to help my fellow poshers to have lots of sales and to become Ambassadors if they are not already. Wishing you lots and lots of sales this coming week!! Happy Poshing!!!
Aug 01Reply

You are welcome and thank you; Happy Poshing!!!!!
Aug 01Reply

Hi, My Name is Karla😁I Absolutely ❤️Luv❤️ Ur Closet‼️😁, It's Extremely Charming & Beautiful Stuff❣️U have such Great Items in Ur Closet😍 GOOD Luck in ALL Ur Sales👍& ALOT of Ur Pieces ARE Totally on my wish list 😉
Aug 01Reply

@karlalsimental Thank you for your compliments girl!!! I saw you have beautiful shoes in your closet. Also, just to let you know we offer discount in a bundle of 3 or more items but also you save on shipping right off the bat if you just bundle 2 items!! How awesome is that!!!
Aug 01Reply

✨WOW✨ Ur WONDERFUL‼️ Have a Great August 2019❣️❣️❣️😉
Aug 01Reply

Hey girl!!! Thank you so much for everything. It means a lot for our customers to be happy with their purchases but also with their experience shopping in our closet!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
Aug 01Reply

@rociodelgado311 Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗🤗 Have a wonderful and blessed weekend 😘 😘
Aug 03Reply

hello thank you for following me I invite you to take a walk through my closet if you like something I am happy to give you a 10% discount on any garment thank you and Go bless you 🌻🤗🎉🎉
Aug 03Reply

@mariva931 No problem girl you have awesome items!!! Let's keep sharing and helping everyone make lots of sales this August!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Aug 03Reply

Thank you!! You have gorgeous items!!! Specially the baby girl clothes!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Aug 03Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing 💕
Aug 05Reply

Hello, Rocio. Thank you so much for your generous shares. I wanted you to know that all of our hearts here in Portland, Oregon are with all of you in El Paso. I am so very sorry.
Aug 06Reply

@mctocco Thank you so much for your kind words and show of support. It was a sad and very unexpected day on sat, but we stand as one and we will never crumble against evil!! Thank you again for your kind words!!
Aug 06Reply

Hi welcome to Poshmark I’m Mary and I’m your posh ambassador! I’m here to help you if have any questions, concerns, or any comments you may have to help you achieve the most success! Please don’t hesitate to comment on my wall if you need anything or even if you like something! Also I will always match the amount of shares you give! Shares will really help your closet this is from experience! Happy Poshin’ also make sure to check out my closet! @_actuallysarah_
Aug 06Reply

Hello Rocio. Please visit my closet for great deals. Thanks 😃
Aug 06Reply

Thanks for both the follow as well as the share-back Rocio!😁❤️👍🏻
Aug 09Reply

Hello fellow El Paso Posher. EL PASO STRONG!
Aug 11Reply

Hi there. Welcome to Poshmark. Looking forward to helping each other have a blessed rest of the year.
Aug 11Reply

Thank u for the share
Aug 18Reply

Welcome ❤️
Aug 19Reply

Hi there, no problem. Happy to share and help. Happy Poshing!
Aug 29Reply

Thank you doll!! You have one as well 😉
Sep 02Reply

Hi. Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for following my closet!! While I was here I 👀👀👀and shared posh love❤ sharing from your closet. Happy poshing.
Sep 06Reply

Aww you're so sweet. Thank you!! Your kind words are very much appreciated. Wishing you many sales your way!!
Sep 06Reply

Hi, Thanks for the share
Sep 06Reply

Hi, thanks! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Sep 07Reply

Thank you so much for the follow and share! My sister and I are raising money for my son to go to Washington DC. Please check out her closet @frostyla for the majority of our listings.
Sep 07Reply

No problem. Happy and prosperous weekend!!
Sep 07Reply

Hi thanks!! You too!!!
Sep 07Reply

Hi there. You are welcome and I will definitely check out her closet and yours. Is he going for a competition?
Sep 07Reply

Thank you. It's not a competition, just an 8th grade trip. It's just really pricey since we live in California lol. Lots of hustling to do. :)
Sep 07Reply

Awww thank you and same to you Vince!! Always so sweet!! Wishing you lots of sales!!!
Sep 08Reply

Glad you're here! Take a peek inside my closet and you'll find new and pre-owned clothing for men and women, purses, jewelry and home decor! Hopefully you'll find something you like! Whether you sell or shop, enjoy yourself. Blessings and be well!! 😄
Sep 08Reply

Special Offer! Any clothing or jewelry item in my closet for $6 and $4.99 shipping. Just msg me that you received this notice when you add item(s) to a bundle. Thanks!
Sep 09Reply

Hi Rocio What a lovely note. Yes, I will spend time, and shop in your Great Closet and let You know.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🌟🌟🌟🌟💕💕💕
Sep 10Reply

Question...i love your pics of long dresses. Where do you stand to take pics? I always cut half the dress off. Or it looks gangly on the wall any tips? Tam
Sep 12Reply

Hey girl, so I take the pics with the camera in the app since I'm guaranteed it will be the right size (1:1). I just dress the mannequin and stand far enough to capture the whole dress. If I'm laying it flat I just use a small step so I can take the pic from further as well. Hope it helps!! If you have any other questions let me know.
Sep 12Reply

You have an AMAZING closet!!! I LOVE so many of your items!! 👍
Sep 13Reply

Thanks for returning the Posh love! Happy Poshing to you! xo Carol-Ann 💜
Sep 15Reply

Hi Rocio,
Thanks for the follow. Stop by my closet anytime to check out what’s new. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 😊
Have a fabulous day!!
Sep 15Reply

Hi 👋 Rocio!! Thanks 🙏 for taking the time to share the items from my closet, I truly appreciate the Posh Spirit🛍, it means a lot to me 😌!! Wishing you lots of sales your way!!!! Mimi
Sep 18Reply

Awww thank you and sorry for the late response. We appreciate your words and please if you or anyone you know is interested in out items, shoot us your offers. Don't be shy!!!
Sep 18Reply

No problem!! And I’ll definitely share!!!! 👍👍
Sep 18Reply

Thanks for following me and I love your logo. Have a blessed day
Sep 19Reply

Just a friendly hello everyone that I have talked to on my closet I am going to share yours today.. Happy sales 😊
Sep 19Reply

Just a friendly hello everyone that I have talked to on my closet..I am going to share yours today.. happy sales 😊
Sep 19Reply

Hello Rocio! I’m Sarah. I joined in May also & loving it! You will do well! Check out my closet. Please make offers & bundle in any item or items you like. Happy Poshing 🌹😊🌹
Sep 19Reply

Thank you for sharing!
Sep 20Reply

Rocio just wanted to stop thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Sep 21Reply

Nice closet I’m Veronica born & raised in El Paso Tx !!💕El Paso Strong
Sep 21Reply

Hi Carol. Thank you for your kind words. You have a beautiful closet yourself. I'm not much of a jewelry wearer but I know people that are so I'll be sure to share your closet to them. Happy Poshing!
Sep 21Reply

Hi Veronica. Same here girl. El Paso Strong!!! ⭐ 💪
Sep 21Reply

@rociodelgado311 stationed in VA right now but my heart is in EP I miss home
Sep 21Reply

@rociodelgado311 thank you so much for the share🤗
Sep 22Reply

@rociodelgado311 ,
Roses are red 🌹
Violets are blue 💠
Send me an offer 💰
So I can ship it to you ❣ Saludos Rocío, gusto en conocerte ❣ Lulu en California
Sep 29Reply

Hi Rocio and thank you shared my closet I will do the same with urs too on my Twitter account, wish you best in life and much more. God bless us all 😘
Oct 01Reply

Thank You for visiting and following my closet Rocio, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Poshin Day! 😁
Oct 01Reply

Thank you for all the shares, that's so sweet of you. 💞
Oct 02Reply

Hello and thank you for sharing my listings.😊
Oct 03Reply

Hi!! I think I was sent the wrong item. I received a tan and black dress and was expecting a pink cardigan. Thanks! Gen
Oct 04Reply

Hi there. I am deeply sorry for this inconvenience. This has never happened before so I'm not familiar with how to proceed but I have emailed Poshmark about it so they can guide us through fixing this issue. Again I'm very sorry and I will try to fix this as soon as possible. I appreciate your understanding and patience.
Oct 04Reply

You are most welcome and thanks so much for sharing some of mine too. Love your closet, happy Poshing!! 🥰
Oct 06Reply

Thank you so much for the shares💕💕just shared you have a beautiful closet 💕💕
Oct 07Reply

Thank you so much for all of the shares. I really appreciate it.
Oct 12Reply

Hello, thank you so much for all the shares! I really appreciate your help!
Oct 12Reply

Hi Rocio, thanks for following us!👍
We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋
We're still getting our Posh' closet in shape. Hopefully we will be able to start listing soon.😉
I hope you find great bargains & have many sales!📈
Happy Posh'ing!🎉 ☮️n💗
Oct 20Reply

Rocio thank you for sharing my listing on Tumbler.
Oct 24Reply

Thank you for the shares :)
Nov 01Reply

Love your closet!!!
Nov 03Reply

Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. This Posher needs to secure the get a new bag. 😀 Appreciate it & Happy Poshing!
Nov 07Reply

Hi there thank you for stopping by my closet☺️ Im taking offers if you are interested in anything. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks you💕
Nov 27Reply

Great morning Rocio
Thank you for visiting and supporting my closet. Please do come again. Let's continue to share the love. Again, happy poshing.
Dec 03Reply

Thanks for sharing as well!
Dec 17Reply

Thank you for the follow and share 😊
Dec 19Reply

Thank you and you too!!! Happy holidays!
Dec 25Reply

Thanks for sharing ❤️🙏🏻
Dec 29Reply

You are very welcome.
Jan 05Reply

Thanks 🙏so much for following Luv it❤️ I shell follow back😀
Jan 07Reply

Hola rocio cómo estás
Jan 08Reply

Hi Rocio, just a note to say hi and thanks for following my “COACH CLOSET”. I'm glad you found it. I try to keep prices very competitive. I hate that I even have to say this, please no low ball offers. Stop by again soon & thank you so much for your support, Sharon🌹
Jan 10Reply

Hey np girl!!! Same to you, if there's anything you like let us know or send us your offer!! Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 10Reply

Happy poshing
Jan 10Reply

Your welcome! Thank you as well!
Jan 11Reply

@rociodelgado311 Thanks so much for the shares! Here's sending some #poshlove back at'cha!
Jan 14Reply

Thanks you for sharing my listing. I appreciate your support. Happy poshing!
Jan 31Reply

Your welcome.
Thank you for all the shares.
Happy poshing.
Feb 01Reply

@rociodelgado311 THANK YOU For Returning A AWESOME SHARING! GOD BLESS!
Feb 01Reply

@rociodelgado311 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Feb 03Reply

TYVM for sharing and following my closet. Best of wishes to you. 😊
Feb 07Reply

Hiii! I'm Cristina ☺️ I'm new to poshmark and just wanted to stop by & say hello! I can't wait to check out your closet! 🥰 Wishing you a great day & many great sales! 💓
Feb 12Reply

Thanks for following. HAPPY POSHING! 🤩
Feb 16Reply

Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet❤ I appreciate you🌺 Glad to return the shares 🌺 Have a fabulous Posh Day 💰
Feb 20Reply

Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
Feb 22Reply

Hello, great closet with some amazing items and great variety of sizes (not just small) which I especially appreciate being 6’ tall and a large lol. I bookmarked your closet to come back and look 😊 Happy Poshing
Feb 22Reply

Thank you so much and yes we try to have a variety of everything including sizes. Your closet has a lot of nice things as well. I will definitely let you know when ready to buy something!!! Happy Poshing, Rocio!!
Feb 23Reply

@rociodelgado311 - your to kind - you have amazing things compared to what I have. Ive already “eyed” up some things. But have to be good for another month as all my extra money is going to one of my fur babies surgery. Than I can think of me again. But I did Bookmark your closet - lots of pretty things for my “me” time 😊 Debbie
Feb 23Reply

@rociodelgado311 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 01Reply

Your closet is adorable!
Mar 04Reply

@retrograce Thank you, you are so sweet. Your closet is super cute too!!!
Mar 04Reply

you have such a cute closet! if I wasn't so self conscious about the weight I've gained, I'd want to buy one of everything! 😄
Mar 09Reply

@rociodelgado311 Hi Rocio! Thanks for shares and welcome to my closet! I started on Poshmark a couple of weeks ago and still learning.
Thanks again for your support! ❤️🥰🌺🌺
Mar 17Reply

Thank u for sharing
Mar 29Reply

Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Caring is Sharing!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!!😃
Apr 05Reply

Hi Rocio! Thank you for all the shares! It's much appreciated. Happy Poshing!
Apr 06Reply

thank you so much for sharing my listing🦋
Apr 18Reply

thank you for sharing
Apr 24Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing ❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
Apr 29Reply

Hi Rocio, thank you for sharing my listing❣️. I liked, shared and followed yours❣️
May 03Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings ! I truly appreciate it ! I’m open to offers if there is anything you like ! Hope you’re having a great evening !
May 21Reply

💜thanks for your share, Rocio💜
May 25Reply

Hello, I am accepting all reasonable offers on all my items for the next few days. If you see something send me an offer and we can work through a deal. Bundle to save even more. I’m looking to clean out inventory as quick as I can!
May 27Reply

Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 29Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet. It is very much appreciated!
Happy Poshing to you!
Jun 08Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares. I will keep a look out on your closet also.
Jun 08Reply

Thanks so much for sharing my listings! All the best to you!
Jun 09Reply

Jul 26Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 22Reply

Hey there , I’m Ashleigh. I shared some of your items, I hope you’ll return the favor. I have a closet with sizes ranging from small through 3x. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off!🔄 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 19Reply

Aren’t we havin’ fun!!! Thanks for tge shares!!💕🎶🍷🌸❤️💕
Feb 18Reply

Thank U so much appreciated and I will keep looking through cheers
Mar 04Reply

hi i made a offer on the justice dress
Mar 11Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily if you like any of my items please send an offer or create a bundle!
Jul 01Reply

Thanks for following 👍🏽
Jul 01Reply

Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for Sharing 🤙🏼😎
Jul 01Reply

Hello. So sorry I hit like by mistake while trying to share your closet. Fat fingers! Again, so sorry!😩
Jul 16Reply

@systuff don't worry, Happy poshing!!
Jul 17Reply

Just LIKE 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy!
Aug 30Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Oct 05Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 22Reply

Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊
I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry
Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Feb 11Reply

@rociodelgado311 hello how are you check out my closet to see if you are interested in anything if so please send me a offer
Feb 15Reply

@rociodelgado311 hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will be glad to help
Feb 20Reply

Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 29Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime.
I have something for everyone!
Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
May 07Reply

Hi there! I still really want that other dress that I received the incorrect one! I cannot find out how to send you a message! Please let me know!
Jun 17Reply

@rociodelgado311 hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer and I will help you out bracelets an earrings sets
Jun 29Reply

@rociodelgado311 hello how you check out my closet all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in
Aug 05Reply
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