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Updated Aug 06
Updated Aug 06

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Hi I’m Nephra Feel free to ask any questions I’m always here to help and ship as soon as I can I have all 5* reviews and fast shipping time!
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leahlad2003 No for sale just joking!!!!!😆
Jul 06Reply
morningsglories I just share posh Love to you have a fabulous day 🤩🤩😍😘 Happy birthday jj.😃😁
Jul 22Reply
leahlad2003 @morningsglories its my moms b day im tryin to sell stuff so i can get her a gift
Jul 23Reply
morningsglories @leahlad2003 aaw,!that's sweet of you!!💕💕💕💖💓👼🧛
Jul 23Reply
leahlad2003 @morningsglories yea But no one is interested in my stuff i dont think i can get her something i have to go now ill talk to u tomarrow have a nice night
Jul 23Reply
morningsglories Sorry happy birthday 🎂🍰✨🎇
Jul 23Reply
morningsglories @leahlad2003 happy birthday !!!mom🎁🎀🎉🎉
Jul 23Reply
leahlad2003 @morningsglories my mom said thanx
Jul 23Reply
greatbargains1 Welcome to Posh😊🎉
Oct 13Reply
leahlad2003 @greatbargains1 thank u very much
Oct 13Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris thanx for the like on my pic
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris is that money gram on the Walmart app
Oct 19Reply
codiharris @leahlad2003 yes ma'am!! The one I told you about
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris I’ll try to get it so it will be easier for u so it’s the Walmart app
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris Ima post a Ralph Lauren shirt while it’s downloading
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris ok I’m logged in I made an account wat do I do now!
Oct 19Reply
codiharris @leahlad2003 lol u don't have to do anything. It's even easier and free for me if one of your parents has a facebook. If they can message me i can send it right now to their debit card
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris my dad doesn’t have Facebook and I’m not allowed to give my moms or dads info out
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris I thought u could do it on the Walmart app
Oct 19Reply
codiharris @leahlad2003 its $7 to send it like that. Its free for me fb or p a y p a l
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris ok I’ll talk to my mom can I get a min plz
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 @codiharris ok ima message u cuz wat I want to say it won’t let me
Oct 19Reply
leahlad2003 Thank u @iboadams for the like
Oct 20Reply
fashion_deity Awww. You’re doing so good ! I see you have 5 reviews now . Yay
Oct 24Reply
leahlad2003 @fashion_deity thanx for the like
Oct 24Reply
leahlad2003 @sugarxsugar thank u for the like!!!
Nov 11Reply
thatbombyogamom Aww I’m 20 years older I’m so jealous! That’s why you know this stuff I’m out of the loop being an old lady haha 1st PFF for me! 💜💜💜
Nov 11Reply
leahlad2003 @sugarxsugar trust me ur not that old yet lol my parents r older than u
Nov 11Reply
jgreen0722 Hi Charlotte, l love the kitty picture ! Your kitty is sooocute ! When you get time tell me about you little fur ball. So as a Poshmark Ambassdor l just need to tell you,please make reasonable offers”no lowball offers”. Also if you make an offer use the offer button. I bundle even one item and let the seller make me an offer. I often get great deals that way. Should you ever have any questions feel free to reach out and ask me.Happy Poshing, Jennifer G, Poshmark Ambassdor 🌸👋💐😁🦋
Nov 28Reply
jgreen0722 Hello, l am just dropping in to answer you question. Know go buy long stuffed toys, long enough for him to kick with his back legs. So always keep these toys in each room and easy to grab. Know what you want to do is channel his energy into a different direction. When you play with him just softly wiggle the toy and he will bite them with his mouth and do bunny kicks in back. Also amazon has some great toys.#So when he starts to play bite take your hand away and give him the toy.
Nov 28Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 ok thank u he has been doing that with socks he bites the sock and kicks it with his little legs it’s so cute.. he likes to bite anything lol
Nov 28Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 I actually have a video of him doing it to bad u can’t post videos on Poshmark
Nov 28Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 he also likes to chase balls and bite them we only allow him to play with soft small balls since he likes to bite he also chases paper balls and pushes it around the room and chases it
Nov 28Reply
jgreen0722 Don’t say NO, just quietly take your hands away give him the long to to channel the energy and praise him for using his toy. When you want to channel this energy and interest if you say no to one thing immediately say yes to the alternative. Like if you find him chewing on an electric cord give him a plastic straw. Straws are perfect for teething which young cats do as they loose their baby teeth and get their adult teeth. So he will love the stars to chew on.
Nov 28Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 ok thank u very much for all the Information I will definitely try the toys his biting didn’t hurt at all in the beginning now it has gotten to hard to were I have scratches from his teeth on my arm
Nov 28Reply
jgreen0722 I hope this helps. By the way McDonalds has the best straw for chewing on. Paper towel card board rolls are good toys as well as tp card board rolls. Just make sure all the paper is off. Also if the kitty gets his long stuffed toys dirty just fill a large bowl with a little dish soap let them soak for 5-8 minutes then gently wring them out until the water coming out of the toy looks clean then empty the bowl add warm water and wring stuffed toys until clean. You may need to repeat rinsing.
Nov 28Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 it helps thank u very much we don’t go out to eat that often but I will get some straws
Nov 28Reply
jgreen0722 There isn’t much room to write answers down. But l wanted to let you know that at the dollar store you can find ping pong balls and rubber balls for him to play with. If you dedicate three or four times a day to play with your kitty and his toys that’s channeling his behavior in a positive way. Toys like a fishing poll with a toy at the end get him to chase and let him catch it an bite it a couple of times while you play. Ware out kitty with play. Questions,ask me anytime, JenniferG,🐈💕
Nov 28Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 sounds great thank u
Nov 28Reply
jgreen0722 Hi Charlotte, l thought l would just drop by and ask you how the kitty is coming along ? Is it working better to put a toy in place of your hand when he starts to bite ? Please let me know. I am hoping it’s helping . Thanks !🐈💕👋
Dec 07Reply
jgreen0722 Hello Charlotte, l just wanted to check in and see how kitty is doing ? Is he bitting the toys instead of hands ? If not it takes awhile to retrace a habit so don’t give up. Also it’s a common mistake in using your hands to play with the kitty. I get three to four calls a day about kitty’s biting and scratching arms and hands. I love helping people with their kitty’s because it keeps them out of shelters. 🐈💕
Dec 23Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 hes doing better at his bitting thank u
Dec 23Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 he likes the McDonalds straws
Dec 23Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 I actually got him a lot of toys for Christmas so I hope those will help a lot!
Dec 23Reply
jgreen0722 Hi Charlotte, l am so happy that the bitting issue is working out for prince. You can always ask me for help anytime you feel your not understanding princes behavior, or he’s just being a little pill. The best thing for a growing kitten is another kitten to play with. If that’s not possible having daily play sessions were you can really ware prince out with play is the only way to prevent bored bad behavior. Please give Prince a kiss on the top of his head for me. 🎄JenniferG 👋
Dec 23Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 thank u if I have any problems I’ll b sure to ask u!! We can’t have another kitten becuz our house manager charges a $250 pet deposit plus we need to pay for spay/neuter and liscence..I am homeschooled so I can play with him A lot at home we chase him and throw balls he chases them around...
Dec 24Reply
jgreen0722 Thank you for getting back to me. I am so happy that you can spend so much time with him. The first three years are very important in their development. Well l am hear if you have any questions. Have a great Christmas! Love to you both !🎄❤️🎄😁🎄👋
Dec 24Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 thank u for all the info I spend a lot of time with him... I’m actually playing with him right now with a sock he likes socks for some odd reason lol merry Christmas 🎄 too u to
Dec 24Reply
jgreen0722 For your question on wet food, just be sure he has plenty of it to eat and grow. Also put it in a separate dish next to his water and dry food. Take care JenniferG
Jan 19Reply
jenn9707 Omg that kitten is so cute!!
Feb 04Reply
leahlad2003 @jenn9707 he knows how to sit.. lay down .. and up
Feb 04Reply
jenn9707 @leahlad2003 omg that’s awesome !!!!! My cat rolls on command for treats 98% of the time but that’s it 😂😂😂
Feb 04Reply
leahlad2003 @jenn9707 we feed him temptations for a treat he does it when he’s told also he comes when u tell him to! I want to get another kitten for him to have a friend when my family and I r gone but we can’t afford two kitty’s he’s only 6 months old
Feb 04Reply
jgreen0722 Wow, You look so much older in the new picture with long hair. You won’t hurt my feelings about clogs or clothes. The Lands End turtle necks are a women’s small size. You look tall and skinny and l thought turtle neck sweaters are a great basic. Even if you don’t like them, just sell them. You teach people how to treat you by the way you dress. Your sure on the back pack,really small ? Don’t you need room for books ? Ok, kiss prince goodnight. 🐾🐾🐈🥰👋
Feb 07Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 hi I could wear a small but I prefer baggy like clothes..... did u post the pic??? I let u know about the back pack in my next letter cuz I have really great news but it’s too much to text on posh for so I’ll let u know
Feb 07Reply
jgreen0722 I will take a pic of the shoes and get out a letter for you. You could always call me 303-651-3227 it’s my land line. I broke my last phone l had it four years and droped it. So l need to get some money together and get a new phone. As soon as l do we can text each other. That way we could text all we want to about our cats,clothes, school, whatever we want. Ok goodnight sweet Charlotte&Prince ❤️🐾🐾🐈🥰👋🌬🌨🌬💨🌬💨🌬💨we are getting a lot of snow !
Feb 07Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 ok thanx I’ll call you tomorrow! Gn he’s already asleep lol
Feb 07Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 we have alittle snow over here
Feb 07Reply
leahlad2003 @jgreen0722 I just added a pic of him sleeping now I just took that pic of him
Feb 07Reply
leahlad2003 @bkennymore thanx for the like he is cute huh lol?!!?!?
Feb 15Reply
bkennymore @leahlad2003 He is very cute. I have two Yellow tabbies too.
Feb 15Reply
leahlad2003 @bkennymore do u have any pics posted of them I would love to see
Feb 15Reply
leahlad2003 @carolineofparis who did I talk about their price?
Feb 27Reply
leahlad2003 @carolineofparis I was saying they are $1 at Walmart and so I was wondering would I have to pay $11 for 1 or do I get all 18 items in the description that wasn’t being rude or talking about ur price....
Feb 27Reply
russell401 Thanks for sharing!🙂
Mar 14Reply
leahlad2003 @russell401 yup thank u too
Mar 14Reply
curiocity3588 @leahlad2003 Hey I have 2 pr’s of Coral-ish pink Sunnies. Do u want me to send 1 Or Both of them to u? I can Sell them to u for $8 a pr (so $16 Total + FREE Ship) Or do BOGO Free/$12 for the 2nd pr. Lmk n I’ll post pix of them. Also I can follow up w/the description for each pr.
Apr 28Reply
curiocity3588 @leahlad2003 The following is the item title & Original listed Price details for pr #1: 26! Free Ship! Sunnies / Coral Plastic/Gold Metal Rim GUC/Some Slight Flaws | Unknown Brand(NOT Unbranded): $26+Free Ship! Sunnies / 100%UV Protection! Coral Plastic/Gold Metal Rim GUC/Some Slight Flaws | Unknown Brand (But NOT Unbranded) - *I Believe I likely bought these at Target or a similar store*, but that was several or so yrs ago so I am not really sure.
Apr 28Reply
curiocity3588 @leahlad2003 The following is the item title & Original listed Price details for pr #2: $29+Free Ship! Sunnies / Coral Plastic / Reflective lenses. EUC/1-2 Slight Flaw(s) | Unknown Brand $29+Free Ship! Sunnies / Coral Plastic / Reflective lenses. EUC/1-2 Slight Flaw(s) | Unknown Brand (But NOT Unbranded) - *I Might have bought these at some store*, (as opposed to Online), but that was at least a few yrs ago so I’m not 100% sure.
Apr 28Reply
leahlad2003 @curiocity3588 hi no thanx I’m not purchasing anything on posh due to the virus and my dad wouldn’t want me too anyway thanx tho
Apr 28Reply
lilhuddyx hey im chase and out of all of my fans on poshmark i see u share m listing alot thanks,chase
May 18Reply
nailsdonebyera Hello! 🌸 I do press on nails, if you are interested for more check my closet thank you!
May 19Reply
leahlad2003 @nailsdonebyera thanx but 1 I’m not buying items due to the virus 2 your nails are a little pricey for me but again thank you very nice nails
May 19Reply
missmoly Welcome to Poshmark ❤️ My name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️❤️❤️ If you have a questions please let me know! I will do my best to help you. ♦️Please check out my closet!♦️ I list new merchandise daily ❤️❤️❤️ ♦️ When making offers, please consider what your offering as Poshmark takes out high commissions♦️
May 23Reply
leahlad2003 @missmoly hi thank you but I have been on posh for about a year now I’ve had many problems with people on so I’m not selling anymore but again thanx
May 23Reply
simmonsrac Hi! Feel free to check out my closet I make homemade Press on Nails 💜
Jun 18Reply
thelillyjoyce Hi:) everything in my closet is $2 off today! When you bundle its an additional %10 off!!! Orders go out same or next day. Just counter offer me your price and I will most likely accept!! Have a great day and stay safe xoxo
Dec 14Reply
leahlad2003 @josh_shops did you get ur necklace!!??how do u like it?
Dec 19Reply
leahlad2003 @josh_shops is there an issue with the necklace?
Dec 19Reply
leahlad2003 @christine_chell adorable kitty!boy or a girl?
Dec 29Reply
christine_chell @leahlad2003 girl! Her name is Phoebe :)
Dec 29Reply
leahlad2003 @christine_chell awe I have a boy and girl Prince and skittles! Prince is 1 yrs old and skittles is 10-11 months old
Dec 29Reply
leahlad2003 @christine_chell Phobe is a beautiful name
Dec 29Reply
christine_chell @leahlad2003 awe! Phoebes 7 months old. I have four more running around too! Love my babies.
Dec 29Reply
leahlad2003 @christine_chell this might sound weird but I want at least 20 kittens lol I love cats they are so cute
Dec 29Reply
christine_chell @leahlad2003 me too! There’s never too many :)
Dec 29Reply
leahlad2003 @starzelda7 adorable kitty! Thanx for the like!
Dec 29Reply
rodanny18 @leahlad2003 Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing ! Appreciate it ! Hope you’re doing well . Stay safe ! You are free to stop by anytime. Thanks again for sharing.
Jan 04Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for visiting my closet and for the like. Bundle another item for 15% off automatically. Any questions please feel free to ask.
Jan 14Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 thanx but I just bought $50’worth of things so I won’t be shopping probably for a while unless it’s cheaper but again thanx
Jan 14Reply
shopper411411 @leahlad2003 No problem if you decide to bundle both likes I would do for 16. No pressure.
Jan 14Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 hopefully the Steelers shirt is still available
Jan 14Reply
shopper411411 @leahlad2003 The Steelers shirt is still available. I totally wish Posh shipping was a lot less. I think we would sell a lot more..hehe
Jan 14Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 we would lol the prices for most items are great but people always ask for shipping discounts lol cuz it’s outrageous
Jan 14Reply
shopper411411 @leahlad2003 I'm 57 but most people think i'm younger because i'm only 100 lbs . I have been blessed with good
Jan 14Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 I wish I was that skinny I’m 128lb
Jan 14Reply
shopper411411 @leahlad2003 Your not big at all. Well it's been nice meeting you but time to get back to trying to share on Posh. Hopefully something sells..hehe I'm going to like your page so I can share your items.
Jan 14Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 thanx nice talking to you as well! Good luck 👍
Jan 14Reply
rodanny18 @leahlad2003 thanks for sharing my listing. I really appreciate it. Stay well young and beautiful lady. And be safe!
Jan 14Reply
jebwa Hi @leahlad2003 , thanks for following us 💗 . You will find the best selection of luxury handbags in our closet. Happy poshing!
Jan 24Reply
leahlad2003 @jebwa thanx but I ain’t got that kinda money lmao 😂
Jan 24Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne thanx so much! You too
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne Wow you are only 14! Did you do all of this by yourself? I am impressed!
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne yes I am! my 15th bday is soon tho haha!! Yes I put my closet together myself and my dad helps by taking me to the post office and making the label
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne I am proud of you! That is wonderful!
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne thank you very much! I appreciate it!!
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne Want to know something funny? My husband set mine up for
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne haha wow I would never have thought... 😂
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne when I started I did really think guys would be on here it seems like a girls thing to me haha!
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne Yes... I think so too....I was always a wife and mother and didn't use the computer....I love to draw and paint and I play the piano..but my husband taught me to use the computer aa few years ago nd now I can do most everything ....I have always loved taking pictures and now I can do quite a bit and even print out the labels
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne my dad is good with electronics lol he can fix things the only thing I am good for is Mechanics I love working on cars with my dad I have changed a lot of things on his truck
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne Wow...that will come in handy in the future when you have your own vehicle!
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne yes my dad is going to teach my two brothers two!! My dad even let me back his truck out of the garage!!!!
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne You have talent in painting...keep painting youtube videos... I have learned a lot on there...
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne thank you very much! I really like to watch bob Ross on tv that’s where I learned to do trees with a fan brush
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne I really like your paintings too I use water color as well
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne I guess watercolor is my favorite......but my husband wants me to use acrylic paint so I am going to start a new painting.... I already have put paint on one to get started.....
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne I painted the background color on and let it dry now I may paint a humming bird
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne ooooo that sounds like that would be very pretty @ me in it when your done if you decide to sell it plz!!
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne I also like to do my own nails I don’t go to the salon cuz it’s too expensive so I do my own I actually bought a building kit I can make my own acrylic nails!!! It should come today or tomorrow
Jan 28Reply
rhonda_anne Yes... that is smart....I do my own saves money
Jan 28Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne yasssss plus it takes less time too
Jan 28Reply
cindizayas3 Hello!! I LOVE your kitties!! Your paintings are very cool also! It’s nice to see ambition in a young lady today! Have a beautiful day, and keep on Poshing! 👠☮️💄
Jan 29Reply
leahlad2003 @cindizayas3 hi 👋 thank you so much ☺️! They love you too! You have a great day! I will keep poshing lol
Jan 29Reply
rhonda_anne I didn't see that one text until later.....I love to watch Bob Ross....I used to watch them with my dad when I was young....
Jan 29Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne it’s ok! Yes I love watching him he makes it interesting too instead of sitting there and painting in awkward silence lol
Jan 29Reply
rhonda_anne Some one another day did put some cards that I painted in a bundle but then I guess they saw the price of shipping and didn't buy someone else put cards in a bundle...I am hoping they buy them...
Jan 29Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne oooo good luck
Jan 29Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne if you drop the price 10% they get discount shipping on posh so it won’t be taken out your pay! Posh give them a free $2.12 off
Jan 29Reply
rhonda_anne That is great! Thanks!
Jan 29Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne my dad is going to take me one more time!! Now I sold enough to buy ink!!!
Jan 29Reply
rhonda_anne @leahlad2003 Yeah! Hallelujah!
Jan 29Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne yessssss!! Thank God
Jan 29Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne hi how’s the selling going?
Jan 31Reply
rhonda_anne Well a lot of people including you have been very kind to share my listings....hopefully and prayerfully ,,,,maybe I will sell some things this weekend!
Jan 31Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne it’s no problem I’m on vacation till my money is released and I buy ink! I hope you sell something soon!
Jan 31Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you!
Jan 31Reply
leahlad2003 @rhonda_anne your welcome it’s dinner time so I’ll message back in Alittle
Jan 31Reply
shopper411411 @leahlad2003 I wanted to let you know that I just posted a Dallas LS t-shirt. Hope you are having lots of luck with sales.
Feb 03Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 hi thanx for letting me know! The sales are good I sold three things in a week
Feb 03Reply
shopper411411 @leahlad2003 I finally sold 2 things today it's been slow but that happens at times. That's great you sold 3 things. I was going to share your closet but I notice it's on vacation hold.
Feb 03Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 that’s great I’m on vacation hold becuz I need to buy ink for my printer to sell more
Feb 03Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 I’ll share your closet
Feb 03Reply
shopper411411 @leahlad2003 Thanks for sharing my closet. Good luck with getting a printer.
Feb 03Reply
leahlad2003 @shopper411411 np good luck with the sales as well! Thanx
Feb 03Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! I’m adding something new if you purchase any of my items that’s not jewelry or create a bundle then I’ll add any jewelry except the Ariana Grande ring and cat necklace for Free! Welcome to Poshmark😊☃️🎊❄️🎉
Feb 04Reply
leahlad2003 @sprinklesbaker thanx hi Emily I’m Christina
Feb 04Reply
tweedydo2 🙋‍♀️Hi 🌻🌻On a cloudy,rainy day Sunflowers turn towards each other to share their energy let’s become the same flower in each others lives. Let us supporting and  empowering each other during their of despair. “So keep comforting one another with these words.” Isaiah 41:10 ” Do not be Afraid “ Jehovah’s creation has so much to teach us. The Bible is like a powerful light. We can use the Bible to show us how to make good decisions and to help us see what lies ahead. KEEP SAFE 🙏💕
Feb 07Reply
leahlad2003 @jenn9707 hi I’m just going through my messages! I noticed you like kittens so plz consider check out the post at the top of my page
Feb 19Reply
leahlad2003 @bkennymore hi I know you like kitties so plz consider checking the post at the top of my page
Feb 19Reply
leahlad2003 @cindizayas3 I noticed you love kitties so plz consider checking the post at the top of my page it would really help
Feb 19Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a wide assortment of clothes men's, women's and kid's along with other items, something for everyone.    *Trying to add new items weekly
Apr 13Reply
leahlad2003 @poshmf hi thank you but I just turned 15 so I need to sell as much as possible to buy my first car! Sorry I can’t spend like I normally do anymore since I will hav actually responsibilities!! But again thanx I will sav your closet in case I hav extra to spend
Apr 13Reply
therealposhlife The crooks removed our comments. I am so sick of them on here!!
May 06Reply
therealposhlife @leahlad2003 They are already back with these fake accounts. I know everyone is reporting them but Poshmark needs to do better about letting them come right back! sashanicey sashayander sashatenni sashanelli
May 06Reply
leahlad2003 @therealposhlife ugh I hate scammers
May 06Reply
glitznglam716 Hi hun, thanxs for visiting my closet!! Great to see you on your grind early in life, I started working at a young age too. If you are in need of anything please feel free to reach out, I love to help ppl! 💕 Good luck with your sales! BTW your kitties are sooooooo darn adorable 🐾
May 07Reply
leahlad2003 @glitznglam716 hi thank you!! I will
May 07Reply
jgreen0722 Hi Charlotte, l hope your doing well. I just wanted to ask you to use my new comments black post. That way l can find your comments that l miss on my items. Also you can msg me on FB. Kisses for prince and skittles! 🌸😺😻😸🌸
Jun 11Reply
leilanext Hi! I’m kind of new to poshmark! Check my collection if you like Sandro and maje clothes. I only sell brand new with tags clothes 🌺 TIA
Feb 11Reply
cutehosiery @leahlad2003 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 08Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jul 31Reply

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Omaha, NE
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Last Active: 17 hours ago

Omaha, NE
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