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poshstylesbyme Absolutely stunning closet 😍❤️🤗!!
Aug 05Reply
poshstreetluxe @poshstylesbyme Thank you! Yours is gorgeous. I love it. I noticed you changed your username fairly recently? I am hoping you won’t mind answering a question for me. Did you find it easy with no real hiccups, or is it more involved? I started about 8 weeks ago on POSH. silly me didn’t realize my @kmctbr was going to be my user name. I’d like to change it to something a little more branded, but I’m still so new, I don’t want to lose any momentum. If you have time, I’d ❤️ your insight!
Aug 05Reply
poshstylesbyme @kmctbr Good evening! Apologies on the delay. I changed my user name about a year or so ago. I probably should change that pic because I would think everyone knows now lol. I didn’t notice a change in traffic, sales, followers etc. I just let my PFFs know my new name along with anyone that would stumble across. Cont..
Aug 05Reply
poshstylesbyme One thing I will tell you is once you change it, it’s gone. You can’t google your old name or find it anywhere. So if people try to search you, they won’t find you under that name. I kept my old one for years before changing it because I was afraid of the same things you are. I did keep my profile pic the same so those who didn’t know would recognize me.
Aug 05Reply
poshstylesbyme It’s very easy to do and what I did it wrote a few I liked and searched for those specific names on Posh through the “find people” tab. I’m always happy to help with anything. I’m a stay at home mom and a veteran on here 😊.
Aug 05Reply
poshstreetluxe @poshstylesbyme Thank you so much! I found Poshmark through a google search in ‘18, and was only a buyer until I started selling at the end of May. I have so many things I have purchased over the years and when I was in an accident my life changed. So, I finally got around to it and decided it was time to start selling some of it since it won’t work for me anymore.
Aug 05Reply
poshstreetluxe @poshstylesbyme I’ve been hustling so hard and built up a nice group of followers so far. My username is just not memorable, isn’t reflective of me, and isn’t really great for other social media platforms. It still terrifies me that someone may want to come back and buy from me again, and I’ll be poof. Does Posh change it immediately or is there a grace period so you can let others know? I’m torn between leaving it alone, or doing it while it’s still early.
Aug 05Reply
poshstreetluxe Thank you for your willingness to respond and help! I’m actually glad you didn’t take it down, because I find so little information being delivered to newer sellers. You don’t want to blow anyone up asking questions, but unless a veteran takes an interest and sends you some beginner tips, reaching out and asking fellow sellers for help is the only way. I’ve tried with Posh Support, YouTube, etc but some of their info/ blogs/guidelines are a little generic or help with the pros/cons aspect.
Aug 05Reply
poshstylesbyme @kmctbr I’m sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you have recovered with nothing lasting. From what I remember with mine is you email Posh and then it takes 2 days approximately to get a reply. Once they change it in their system you have to log out on every device to put it in action. So I would think you would have a grace period until you log out. I was running on my old until I did. I don’t know if things have changed since then though. I would think not.
Aug 05Reply
poshstreetluxe @poshstylesbyme Thank you so much. It’s really so generous of you to help. I do have lasting issues, but the silver lining is that I found my new calling! Thanks for the insight and tips. I won’t “blow you up” asking anymore questions. I did however just realize we live under 2 hours apart. I rescued my dog in the parking lot of The Grandover! Funny how in life things can work out and click! I appreciate you! Have an amazing night! Kristen
Aug 05Reply
poshstylesbyme Wow that’s awesome 👏🏼😍😃! And an animal lover 🥰!! I hope you have a wonderful night too. I enjoy helping others. Should you have any questions I’m here. 💞 Stephanie
Aug 05Reply
flutter_buys Hi again Kristen! 😊💜 I’m glad you stopped in and left me a message. Thanks for reaching out! You have a Beautiful closet btw!! Please let me know your opinion when you get a minute, I appreciate the feedback. Have a good weekend! 😊💞FYI, I tried to leave you a message on your “MTP” page, but it was all Full. 🙃
Mar 20Reply
poshstreetluxe @flutter_buys Hi and Thank you!!! I created a second Meet the Posher Page, since the comments were maxed, but It’s below my first one- which makes zero sense. I will change it, I just have have been suffering from a week of Fibro Fog and No Spoons! My activity is suffering as a result.
Mar 20Reply
poshstreetluxe @flutter_buys I appreciate the information on the small shirt! 💜 I will wait. YES, I will want the larger size. I appreciate your honesty. I think short sleeves are a great idea, and I prefer that too. I’m not a tank top person, even though I think it would be appealing to a lot of people.
Mar 20Reply
poshstreetluxe @flutter_buys Do you keep a list of people for notification? Or should I just check back? Once you restock, I’ll buy either a short sleeve ( or long sleeve if that’s the direction you go!) I SO APPRECIATE YOU. Have a wonderful weekend! Kristen
Mar 20Reply
flutter_buys @poshstreetluxe Hey, thanks for your opinion. I appreciate it. I don’t think I’m going to get the fitted woman’s shape this time. People with fibro are not necessarily wanting tighter clothing, that’s for sure! But, no, I’m sorry I do not keep a list for future orders. But I will go thru comments and contact those that were interested. I suggest you like my “Notification” listing. When I have new listings I let people know that way. For sales too. Thanks for everything! Ttyl 😊🌸💜
Mar 20Reply
gogogiglio Your closet is beyond BEAUTIFUL! much love, Christine ❤️🐾
Dec 01Reply
acoastalchic Hi Kristen! I’m Carol. Nice to meet you here! Your closet is beautiful! I’m happy to share your listings! Thank you for sharing mine!! I’ll check back often. Happy Poshing! 🌸💕😊 P.S. Your Meet the Posher listing is full so I’m posting here.
Mar 23Reply
poshstreetluxe @acoastalchic Hi Carol! It was my pleasure 💖 Thank you so much for your genuine kindness and thoughtfulness. I really appreciate you! 💕💕Kristen
Mar 23Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Apr 21Reply
poshstreetluxe @candy258 Hi Candy! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello 💕 I hope you’re having a great day, Kristen
Apr 21Reply
sisboutique_55 Love your amazing products!!
Jul 27Reply
yomalli34 Wow such a stunning closet!! 😍 💜
Aug 20Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 🦋
Oct 12Reply
flutter_buys Hey hey!! I love all your new additions!! Beautiful as always!! How are you doing and feeling?! We just got back from a cruise to the southern Caribbean. It was awesome! Just what I needed. Some warm sunshine!! Then I had a back procedure this past Thursday. Still sore, not sure if it took. I hope you are doing well!? Hugs!! 😁💖😘
Jan 22Reply
rlee73 This Closet is like a Dream 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hot Fuego Smoking Hot Beautifully Stunning ❤️❤️⭐🌟⭐🌟 It's Really Something Beyond Spectacular I haven't seen it in a long while tho it seems so I am happy I came across You just now 🥰🥰🌟☘️☘️☘️ Enjoy your shares
Mar 09Reply
splendour76 @poshstreetluxe Your closet is more amazing than ever!!! ❤️🤩❤️
Jun 30Reply
poshstreetluxe @yourmakeupfairy Thank you! I am as partially shocked to see that as more and more of my fave Posh friends are moving on. This new direction has really done a number on our businesses.
Jun 30Reply
poshstreetluxe @yourmakeupfairy Personally, I’m so disappointed with the new direction, however I do hope newer and better doors and opportunities will open for us all! I hope you are well, and if you happen to remember, please reach out to me before you close. Have a happy 4th! x, Kristen ❤️🩷❤️
Jun 30Reply
poshstreetluxe @yourmakeupfairy Oops- typos in my first reply! I’m so sad and sorry to see you are closing, but not completely surprised. I’m thinking about it as well, they’ve done a number on us. It’s a little bit heartbreaking after all these years….
Jun 30Reply
splendour76 @poshstreetluxe I can't close now. I have too much to sell or lose thousands. I can't even pay my rent tomorrow; it's been so depressing since "the new direction." I can't sale most of my things for 3 to 10 dollars, wish I could!! Sorry, I'm not ok. Haven't been for awhile. Ty for reaching out love.💋🌹❤️
Jun 30Reply

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