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✿。.*☆* HAPPY WINTER *☆*.。✿

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$80,000 $90,000

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jm2768 Welcome!
Jul 23Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Jul 24Reply
junebugnewtoyou Hi. I know you're new to Poshmark so, as you are a seller as well, when making offers to other Poshers it's nice to consider the Poshmark fees a seller has to pay and I'm sure you'd appreciate that consideration in return. I'm mainly a seller but I buy as well because I love supporting my fellow Poshers and I know that for a lot of us this is our job and we do it to help support our familes.
Jul 25Reply
ksfashioncraze This is my only Job I have right now. I am not able 2 work due to my recent medical & was told it would be a while before I can go back to work. I have my kids I need to take care of as I am a single mom. I just started this 3-4 days ago. I am new @ this. Thank you for letting me know how the process of POSH works. I read the entire details on what to do and what not to do just about an hour ago. Thank you for letting me know. God Bless.
Jul 25Reply
steph1387 Welcome to Poshmark, wishing you many sales 🙂💕
Jul 29Reply
ksfashioncraze @steph1387 Thank you so very much!!! I'm new at this but I'm wishing my self the Absolute best luck lol ! <3
Jul 29Reply
steph1387 @krystlerober161 You're gonna do great! 😉lol
Jul 29Reply
upwear You are so welcome!! 😃 Thanks for the great rating and purchase! 😀🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹
Jul 30Reply
moderndaymystic Thank you so much for your shares! In gratitude- Aimee ✨🌙
Aug 01Reply
ksfashioncraze @moderndaymystic You have such beautiful amazing jewelry keep up the awesome work!!! Such a fantastic closet !!!
Aug 01Reply
moderndaymystic You too! And thank you so much! ✨🌙
Aug 01Reply
wcourter10 🌹🐶
Aug 05Reply
good_deal_chuck Sorry we couldn’t work a deal out. Best of luck on your search :)
Aug 05Reply
ksfashioncraze @good_deal_chuck I’m searching still. You have a awesome Closet with amazing deals!!!
Aug 05Reply
good_deal_chuck @krystlerober161 thank you! Take your time and most definitely go with the best deal you can come across. Just a few selling points for me is. Everything is from a clean and smoke free house and I have fast shipping.
Aug 05Reply
ksfashioncraze @good_deal_chuck Awesome! Thank you. I just started posh around July 21st. Same here. My home has always been a Smoke-Free & Clean Environment. I’ve lost many friends and family members to whom passed away from lung cancer / cigarette smoking. May they Rest In Peace.
Aug 05Reply
good_deal_chuck @krystlerober161 sorry to hear that :(. And welcome to Poshmark... if you have any questions please ask. I’ll answer the best I can. Remember to treat and ship your items the way you would want them if you were buying them. Once again welcome and ask if you have any questions. I have helped a lot of people on here :)
Aug 05Reply
digitalsandy Dear Poshette-that's kinda cute, right? Welcome to Poshmania!🎉. This isn't simply buying & selling. You will be making friends willing to answer your questions and cheering you on!😃 Be sure to read the guidelines. 📜 Tip: Posh is all about Sharing your listings. 💌Goto the list of peo. that have "liked" someone. 🥰 Add those people to your list of people You are following. A lot of them will visit Your closet.🗝 ❣️ Come and see *My closet, too❣❣ -Saundra, Posh Ambassador❣️-
Aug 08Reply
ksfashioncraze @digitalsandy Thank you ! I will do that and thank you for your help! Means a lot to me. :)
Aug 08Reply
ksfashioncraze @mattcruzzz123 Hey 🤗 Have you made any price drops of at least 10 % or more of your items ? When I do a price drop I do it on multiple items at a time or I retake photos of a couple of the items and bundle them together with a better price. Also If it’s something new but does not have a tag put NWOT on the description which means New With Out Tag.
Aug 22Reply
ksfashioncraze Also never post anything that’s fake or else you could be banned from posh permanently. Also if you organize your closet with your items like matching Athletic clothing together or Ray Ban and sunglasses in general together back to back helps. Try doing a price drop on some of your items and see if that works! 🤗🛍📦 I hope this helps.
Aug 22Reply
wayayu 🌸I will close in a few days so I am having a huge closet closeout, with already discounted items, and if you bundle you can get an extra discount! 🌸
Aug 23Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings..... Mel
Aug 26Reply
lizort88 My pixi pallette came shattered!!! I’m so sad! Is there any way I can have a refund?
Aug 26Reply
sarajayne98 🥳 Congrats on your Ambassadorship! Your kiddos are adorable! 💗
Aug 28Reply
ksfashioncraze @sarajayne98 Thank You So much! Two are twins and one is 12 and my oldest is 13 but isn’t too much into liking photos lol. 💗💕🌹
Aug 28Reply
carlosenrique Hi Thank you for your share Appreciate 🌹
Aug 29Reply
breecreativ_ I love your closet!!
Sep 01Reply
ksfashioncraze @breecreativ_ Yours is Amazing I really like yours ! 🤗🌹🤗 Awesome Job!!! 💖🛍💖
Sep 01Reply
luv2dclutter Tks for all the shares..I appreciate everyone of them.
Sep 02Reply
laaguadillana Thank you for all the shares
Sep 03Reply
atisticcutters Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🥰🙋🏼‍♀️
Sep 03Reply
designer_up spreading posh love
Sep 07Reply
ksfashioncraze @liana123456789 Thanks love 💕!!! 🌹✌🏼😇💕❄️🥰🌻😍💎😊🎊🤩😋😄😃☺️😛😜😎🤓🧐🥳🤠🤑🤟🤝🤝💄💋🙏👸🏼👩🏼‍🎨👼🏼🧜🏼‍♀️💅🏼🏃🏼‍♀️💃🏼👠👢👚👗🧣👒👕🥿👟💍💼🕶👛👝🌷🌺🌹🍁🍀🌴🌞🌝💫✨❄️🥝🍒🍉🍓🍉🍉🍌🌽🌶🥒🍑🥑🍍🥥🥕🥬🥨🥗🌮🥙🍱🍣🍤🥫🥧🍿🥂🥡🍭🥢🍶☕️🍵🥜🍯🍽⚽️🏀🎾🏐🏈🏉⚾️🥏🥎🎱🏄🏼‍♀️🏌🏼‍♀️⛹🏼‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🤾🏼‍♀️🏋🏽‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️🚣🏼‍♂️🧗🏽‍♀️🎟🎭🎼🎬🎸🎧🎳🎨🧩🎖
Sep 07Reply
morninglori007 Hi!! I noticed you liked a couple of my items in my closet. I went ahead and sent you a bundle offer. Thanks for stopping by!
Sep 11Reply
bertads Hello my name is Bertha thanks for fallowing me beautiful have nice poshing day 💕🙏🌺
Sep 12Reply
ksfashioncraze @bertads Aw you too hun ! Have an amazing Posh Loving Day !!! 🥰🌹🥰
Sep 12Reply
bertads @krystlerober161 😘🙏Thank you sweetie
Sep 12Reply
airgael Thankyou for all the shares😊 and all the likes. Just a friendly offer, I am trying to downsize my closet, so lots of really good deals, especially on the socks😀
Sep 14Reply
ksfashioncraze @crmnrcks The comment you posted on the rating you changed three times of your purchase was extremely hurtful and has offended me and has hurt my feelings pretty bad. I’m sorry for asking for advice on what I could do better in the near future and was confused on why you still accepted the purchase if you did not like the Simply Vera Wang Fringed Shirt.
Sep 15Reply
ksfashioncraze @crmnrcks I’m sorry If you misunderstood what I was trying to say to you as something negative. Their was no need to change a rating three times over simply asking for advice then lie and say that I blocked you. ☹️🙁😕
Sep 15Reply
imageryshoppe Thanks much for the many shares today!!💕
Sep 15Reply
lovelikebutta Peace and light Krystle. I trust the universe is treating you well. Thank you so much for your shares! Wishing you an abundance of prosperity on your posh journey 🕊💕🌻
Sep 18Reply
passionisvee Hi Doll I Love 💕 You’re Closet!!!!💐🌹💯
Sep 18Reply
ksfashioncraze @mypassionis Thank you !!! 🥰 Yours Too! I was literally just about to post that on your closet !!! What a coincidence!!! 🌸🌻💕
Sep 18Reply
divaslimited1 Thanks Krystle ❣ I'll ship your wallets out this morning. Have a great weekend!
Sep 21Reply
chante_allday Welcome to my closet and thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor ✖️ Instagram @chante_all day
Sep 22Reply
pursecandy Hi! Thank you so much for the Posh Loves!💖Sharing back to my followers. Wishing you tons of sale!🌸💐
Sep 23Reply
msmandilynn Thanks for the like! Feel free to send an offer 💜💜
Sep 23Reply
cmichelle14770 Thanks for stopping by my closet! And congratulations on become a Posh Ambassador SO FAST! 🥳 That is AMAZING! 🎉 Well dome. Wishing you much success in your endeavours! (Cute family, btw!) ~Christine
Sep 26Reply
cmichelle14770 Thank you so much for all the shares & the help! You’re a true gem! 💗💎💗 Have a lovely day. 🤗
Sep 26Reply
ksfashioncraze @cmichelle14770 Thank you !!! 🥰
Sep 26Reply
bdylan56 Thanks so much for sharing my entire home closet, you are SO generous - no wonder you’re doing so well on here in such a short time 🌺. Looking forward to returning the shares and wish you many sales and a good weekend 💕
Sep 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @bdylan56 AWW Thank You So Much! That means ALOT To Me! 🥰✌️💜🤟🌸🌻🎉
Sep 28Reply
ksfashioncraze @fancyshocker I had replied back to you on our conversation in the bundle saying thank you shortly after you had sent me the offer. 🥰
Sep 29Reply
ksfashioncraze @fancyshocker You have a awesome closet btw ! Everyone come visit @fancyshocker closet for some awesome items! 💕
Sep 29Reply
ksfashioncraze @fancyshocker I do it all the time hun! Lol I have family that had graduated from K-State! Awesome! 😁😆🥳🥰
Sep 29Reply
presley523 Hi, thanks for following my closet. Welcome if you are new to Poshmark and Happy Poshing to everybody that’s been around for a while. I invite you to visit my closet. I accept all reasonable and fair offers. I also respond to questions quickly.
Sep 29Reply
ksfashioncraze @presley523 Aww thank you hun. I started ♥️July 21st 2019♥️ then became a 🎉Posh Ambassador🎉 on Aug. 17th 2019. I’ll check out your closet right now. 🥰
Sep 29Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure Do not email them ! Block them immediately!!
Oct 01Reply
ksfashioncraze For now on any one that receives a comment from some one asking them to email them. Please contact me ASAP. This goes out to ALL Poshers. Anyone who sends you a comment asking you to email them or to do a trade please contact me first or posh customer care. Thank you.
Oct 01Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure Tip right settings. 💕
Oct 01Reply
ksfashioncraze On the persons closet.
Oct 01Reply
mbdream Congrats Posh Ambassador❣️😊 Thank you for all the shares!!! M⚜️
Oct 02Reply
ksfashioncraze @mbdream Thank You Hun ! 🥰 That means a lot to me ! 🎉
Oct 02Reply
stormtreasures Hi, thank you for making a bundle. We left you a meassage under the bundle. Please get back to us if you wish to purchase any of the items you listed. Thanks again. All the best of sales and may you have a great holiday weekend. Stay blessed always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
Oct 02Reply
kimmer731 Hey! Thanks for all the POSH LOVE 😀😍
Oct 03Reply
junebugnewtoyou @maxwelltreasure You should get a label emailed to you. Print it out, pack up your package, put the label on it and either take it to your post office or schedule a USPS pickup online and they will pick it up from you. Let me know if you need more help.
Oct 04Reply
ksfashioncraze @junebugnewtoyou Thank You So much for helping this new posh member for me. I have helping another new posh member with all of her questions and she also was having a conflict with a possible scammer so I had to take care of that pretty quickly. Thank you for helping. Means a lot.
Oct 04Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure Also make sure your packages are sealed tight and also depending on the item bubble wrapped if breakable. The postal office has boxes and packaging of all sizes to fit your outgoing packages. Also if any one try to comment to you asking you to send them a email do not respond and block them immediately. 🥰
Oct 04Reply
ksfashioncraze If any one tries to ***
Oct 04Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure Bottom Right Corner Of Each items picture their are two arrows in the shape of a square. That is how you can share other poshers closets/items. ♥️
Oct 04Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure You can also share another poshers closet by going to their profile and up at the top right corner where their are three dots facing upward you then push it then go down to the first area of the settings and click on share poshers closet. 💜
Oct 04Reply
kamikundu Thank you 🙏😀🌺 Nice closet 🎁😘☀️
Oct 06Reply
ksfashioncraze @kamikundu Thank you ! 🍂 You Too Hun ! 🍁🌹
Oct 06Reply
alanashangers Thank you for the shares!!! I’m currently having a SALE! 3 ❤️ items for $20! It’s easy....Bundle 3 items with a ❤️ in the TITLE....offer $20 and I will accept! Take a look throughout my closet! POSH-ON!!!
Oct 09Reply
sweetrebelfashn So nice to meet you! Thank you for the shares! 😊💕Ansley
Oct 11Reply
gino_torres Thank you
Oct 13Reply
ksfashioncraze @stopdropshop11 Thank You Hun ! That means a lot to me ! Cheers to all Poshers! 🥰💕🌟
Oct 13Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🧩🎃 🌵Hi welcome to Poshmark😊 🌵Check out “Your Guide to 🌵Poshmark” under your acct 🌵to see how to buy & sell 🌵To get more exposure to your 🌵Closet share other poshers items, 🌵follow them, and in return they 🌵will follow you and share your 🌵items w/all their followers. 🌵Can’t wait to see what you 🌵add to your closet. 🌵Happy Poshing 🛍 🎃🍂🍁Happy Fall 🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵 🌵 🧩 🌵 🧩 🌵 🌵🧩🧩🌵 🌵🌵 🌵🧩🎃Monica in AZ🎃🧩🌵 🌵🧩🍂🌵🧩🍁🌵🧩🍂🌵
Oct 14Reply
ksfashioncraze @nice_matters11 Aw Well Thank You Hun! I think I’m getting the hang of it now! 🥰💕🍂 Thank You So Much! 🌟🎊☘️🌺☀️🥰❤️💕
Oct 14Reply
cutencomfybyk_t Hi Krystle! Thank you for sharing my closet your so sweet I really appreciate it 💕💕 🤗. Happy to share your beautiful closet as well! 😘
Oct 14Reply
ksfashioncraze @cutencomfybyk_t Thank You Too Hun! Such a beautiful closet ! Awesome Job Hun! 🌷🥰❤️🌹
Oct 15Reply
cutencomfybyk_t @krystlesno aww thank you so much 😘🌺. Your boys are adorable. Super cute family 💕😊
Oct 15Reply
fibergirl1 Thank you for following me and sharing my jewelry. I followed back and shared. We all could use a little help🙏🏻🌺
Oct 15Reply
jennifer0h Thanks for the shares!!! 😊😊😊
Oct 16Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 🎀🌷Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Oct 16Reply
saleallday Beautiful Krystal, you are a lady of beauty and worth . Your closet is stunning ! Thank you my PFF for your support. Your little ones made my heart melt❤️❤️
Oct 17Reply
ads939598 Thank you so much for the shares! I really appreciate it!!!
Oct 17Reply
norcalstyles You are so pretty girl! And thank you for all of the shares! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 17Reply
ksfashioncraze @norcalstyles ✨🌟 TY Hun ! 🌟✨ So are YOU!!! 🌹✌️
Oct 17Reply
norcalstyles @krystlesno awww thank you sweetheart! 😊😘
Oct 17Reply
deusapontes Hi, thanks for following us. We bring the best Brazilian fitness clothing. You can check my closet! We'll give great discounts for you. Thanks 🤝🛍🇧🇷🍑👄
Oct 18Reply
deusapontes Hi, thanks for following us. We bring the best Brazilian fitness clothing. You can check my closet! We'll give great discounts for you. Thanks 🤝🛍🇧🇷🍑👄
Oct 18Reply
bananna_87 I love your closet!! ☺️
Oct 19Reply
ksfashioncraze @bananna_87 Thanks Hun! ❤️
Oct 19Reply
janfast Hi Krystle! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Oct 22Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure You can choose for a check to be sent to your address or to have it deposited into your bank account. If you go under payment methods under your posh settings to your right. You can then add your bank account, apple pay or credit card. You can then make purchases that way also.
Oct 24Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure Posh also takes out a flat commission fee of $2.95 for all sales under $15.00. For sales over $15.00 or more you will keep 80 percent of your sale and posh will get 20 percent. 🎃
Oct 24Reply
msalaska Hi Krystle👋🏼 Nice to meet you and thank you on your generous shares! I really appreciate it😊💐 You’re closet is amazing😊
Oct 24Reply
sophiesspace Hello Krystal! Thank u for all the shares! Shared some of your too! I saw you created a bundle with the gorgeous Betsey Johnson and would like to send you a private offer. Just let me know if u have any questions! Have great weekend with ur family🌸👜🦋
Oct 25Reply
vccloseout Hi🌹
Oct 25Reply
denimjunkies Welcome to Poshmark!!! so thrilled you are here please let us know if we can help you in any way Sis handles all our Plus Size & Mens Mel aka denimmunkies & I Stacy handle all regular size For the best jeans & so much more! ROCK REVIVAL MISS ME OAKLEY BIG STAR SILVER JEAN CO HUDSON VIGOSS THE LIST NEVER ENDS!
Oct 25Reply
denimjunkies Welcome to Poshmark!!! so thrilled you are here please let us know if we can help you in any way Sis handles all our Plus Size & Mens Mel aka denimmunkies & I Stacy handle all regular size For the best jeans & so much more! ROCK REVIVAL MISS ME OAKLEY BIG STAR SILVER JEAN CO HUDSON VIGOSS THE LIST NEVER ENDS!
Oct 25Reply
ksfashioncraze @denimjunkies Aw Thanks Hun!❤️
Oct 25Reply
ckjohansen Thank you for your Congratulations on my selection as Host Pick! Spent the evening at Urgent Care with my kiddo so this was a nice surprise and a much better way to end my day! 😷🤒
Oct 25Reply
keikei2 Hi! Thank you SO MUCH for the shares. I truly appreciate it. I’m new to all this & have so much more stuff to list! I hope I can learn a bit from you & your awesome success! Best wishes! 💜🙂
Oct 26Reply
ksfashioncraze @keikei2 Aw Thank You Hun! Never give up ! Their may be times where you feel like you want to but don’t ! Lol. It all pays off soon enough as long as you stay positive and continue fixing up your closet the best way you can. Sharing other poshers closets helps tremendously! Why ? Because the moment you share another poshers items from their closet that increases their chance of selling X1000 ! Thanks again hun! That meant a lot to me!
Oct 26Reply
keikei2 @krystlesno 😃 thank you so much for the advice &Positive energy’s! I Got you girl w/ my efforts! I’ll definitely support u as much as I can with the diff followers I keep gaining💕😃
Oct 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure I’ll check your closet out really quick and see what’s up hun. I’ll Be right back. 🎃
Oct 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure I believe what they had meant was so have more clear photos. Photos from all views. Front to back top to bottom including a photo of the tag on the item that shows the name of the item and what size. 🎃
Oct 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure The lighting you are using is ✨perfect✨ though so their is definitely a clear view but their might need to be more photos so the viewer can be reassured that the item is what you say it is. I hope this helps hun! 💜 Happy Poshing!!
Oct 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure but if any one asks you to send them a email please ignore them and block them ASAP because they are scam artist. Also try to avoid trades or else you could possibly end up with. Replica or a broken item. 🎃
Oct 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure No you don’t need to delete anything. You can add more photos into the item with what you already have. ❤️
Oct 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure each item you have looks wonderful and the descriptions are great too hun! All you will need to do is add a couple more of each item so the viewers can see that the item is in the condition that you say it is. You have a great closet hun!
Oct 27Reply
jill555 @krystlesno if you are a serious buyer let me know. We can work out a great deal😃
Oct 30Reply
ksfashioncraze @jill555 Great ! Thanks Hun!!!
Oct 30Reply
simone740 Thank you 💞💞💞 so much 💞💞💞💞for all the shares ⭐️⭐️⭐️shared 💞💞💞 back⭐️⭐️⭐️and 💞💞💞💞wishing you lots of success ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oct 30Reply
gucciguci2025 Your a Poshmark seller u know lowballing is just rude
Nov 03Reply
ksfashioncraze @boutiquelane First of all that item is on sale which I had seen at two Kate spade Stores that’s the only reason I made that offer and the fact that you also low balled me by asking for $20 for a Kate Spade Card Holder & bracelet bundle for $20 seems a bit hypocritical of you. You are not allowed to post negative comments on other poshers closets. You should also no better than that too considering you are an Ambassador also.
Nov 03Reply
ksfashioncraze @boutiquelane & btw I was just about to make a bundle out of your closet literally seconds ago until you had posted this rude hypocritical comment.
Nov 03Reply
ksfashioncraze @boutiquelane I am absolutely not about drama. I consider all posh members as family. The comment you had made was ridiculous.
Nov 03Reply
mypowerhouse Hello! Thanks so much for all the shares! You have a great closet. Happy Poshing! 😊💕
Nov 04Reply
bfashion1 @krystlesno when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have a great selection of women, men and children items. Today sale: Bundle your items and take an additional 50% off excluding anything marked with a 🍁. Thanks in advance for looking 🤗💕
Nov 05Reply
iamdebb1e Thank you so much for the sweetest review ever!!💕🥰❤️😘
Nov 06Reply
ksfashioncraze @bfashion1 Thanks Hun I’ll come check it out right now! ♥️🧸✨
Nov 06Reply
ksfashioncraze @iamdebb1e You deserve it hun! 🎡🎊🎉✨
Nov 06Reply
bfashion1 @krystlesno you have a bundle already started. 💕🥰
Nov 06Reply
ksfashioncraze @bfashion1 ☃️ I had changed it up a little bit. I’ll need more time to decide if their is anything else I’d like to add. Thanks hun! You have such amazing stuff ! ❤️🌟❤️
Nov 06Reply
bfashion1 @krystlesno ok great thanks
Nov 06Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in. Its the best time of the year to Posh in your Pjs 😁😁😁
Nov 07Reply
auchaeda3 Thank you so much for sharing my listings!! You have such a beautiful family! ❤️❤️... Janice
Nov 10Reply
ksfashioncraze @auchaeda3 Thanks Hun! That Truly Means A lot To Me. All of My Boys Are My Whole World.
Nov 10Reply
auchaeda3 @krystlesno I love that ❤️❤️.... You’re gonna be in trouble when they get older because of all the girls chasing them 😂😂😂!! Have an awesome day sweetie 😁😁😘
Nov 10Reply
bydonnywu Beautiful family! Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Nov 12Reply
lace2leather Thanks for following me! Please check out my closet and if you see something you like feel free to make me an offer! Happy Poshing!!
Nov 12Reply
hdmomto2 Hi Krystle - thank you for choosing my Judith Ripka earrings as a Host Pick! I’m super excited; however, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do? Please let me know. Thank you in advance!
Nov 15Reply
ksfashioncraze @hdmomto2 Hey hun! ❤️ When you receive a host pick under the description add - HP or Host Pick with a couple emojis then the date and for which party you had gotten the host pick for. Host Picks help boost the sale of the item. 🎊
Nov 15Reply
hdmomto2 @krystlesno — thank you for the information Krystle! I really appreciate it!
Nov 15Reply
ksfashioncraze @hdmomto2 Anytime! ✨ That’s What I am Here For! ✨🧸
Nov 15Reply
noelcouture731 Any advice in becoming a boss seller is welcome !! Mom of two here as well 💞check out my closet and let me know what you think thank you in advance 💗
Nov 16Reply
ksfashioncraze @noelcouture731 Stay Positive! Don’t let any one bring you down! Your closet looks fantastic! 🎉✨
Nov 16Reply
noelcouture731 @krystlesno ok great thank !! been working hard at this poshing thing and not much is happening trying to stay positive!!
Nov 16Reply
ksfashioncraze @noelcouture731 ✨ It helps a lot when you Share others items from other poshers closets so they will do the same. That helps boost sales. Also adding more followers too. I hope this helps! Oh and make sure to constantly share your items from your closet too! ☃️✨
Nov 16Reply
emmkp Hi! Did you still want the hanging bird wall decor?
Nov 17Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure Towards the bottom right corner area of each item from your closet you will see two arrows in the shape of a square. You then click it and it will automatically bring the item up towards the top. You can do that with each item out of your closet.
Nov 19Reply
ksfashioncraze @maxwelltreasure Then after you have circulated your items towards the top middle their are more arrows that you would want to click then click on Just Shared so it will automatically show each item you had circulated in order.
Nov 19Reply
spfeifer99 Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet; I have over 200 5 star reviews, am a fast shipper, and everything comes specially packaged. I sell Vintage and today jewelry (with hundreds of items to choose from and bundling discounts up to 40% off)! Happy Poshing!📿💖
Nov 19Reply
ksfashioncraze @spfeifer99 ✨☃️ I will come check it out right now! ☃️✨
Nov 19Reply
new2youtwo thank you so much! didn't even know I had that. that's exciting.
Nov 19Reply
ksfashioncraze @workingout5 Thank you for the warm wishes. Here are a few tips. • Make sure to have photos from all outlooks of the dress. • If it’s new with out a tag make sure to put NWOT but be sure to be honest about whether it’s new or not. • Also if it hasn’t sold after a week Or two do a price drop of at least 10 percent to catch the viewers eyes. • Also share other poshers items from their closet so they will share yours in return which increases your chance of making the sale.
Nov 21Reply
ksfashioncraze @workingout5 I hope this helps hun. If you have any other questions I’m here to help.
Nov 21Reply
ksfashioncraze @workingout5 Thank you if you take photos near a window or outside as long as the weather isn’t too bad that helps take photos a little better so the viewers can see the item. The dresses you have are so beautiful!!!
Nov 21Reply
whlrman Thanks again...and good luck tomorrow.
Nov 22Reply
hazelyne1964 Prayers for you and family💕👍
Nov 23Reply
ksfashioncraze @hazelyne1964 ✨Thank you dear!✨☃️ Come Monday they will be doing the second part of the surgery @ 10 a.m. CST on Monday. 🌟 Due to the location of where the surgery will be performed at theirs a possibility that something could go wrong so thank you for your prayers hun I truly need all the prayers I can get right now for my family and I. 🙏✨
Nov 23Reply
amelialaubsch 🌸 Time for My Tag Team to Take Action!! 🌸🌸 Tag Team #1! 🌸 Please let me know if you would like to be taken off this list! @morticia71 @pookettbear2010 @aephands @billybobsbutik @amandatersigni @efuen @frutimes2 @galacticmanatee @cpillow7 @wilder_flower_ @fadedsunset @milehighclosets @moon177 @jfurn @paulaaguilera @jkwnrw @flynn145 @aprilhammonds08 @kellstreauseres @pacielfsbell1971 @thriftyparadise @crunkal @crowned212 @jodikay1983 @nretzleff
Nov 30Reply
amelialaubsch 🌸 Time for My Tag Team to Take Action!! 🌸🌸 Tag Team #2! 🌸 Please let me know if you would like to be taken off this list! @dremapatrice @sb143posh @bamablonde61 @ashleyflo @vintageelf @misscindyh @mdiva46 @wendyking19 @pinkcupcake7 @itslegit_lydia @artlorehome @pamela_quick @wendyjc77 @treasureweb @damoses21 @tootsiedog1 @momandposh @susanbryant @stylishanger @maninahmanono @ronnie1433 @happynylady @fotinoulagypsyy @sandsmissy
Nov 30Reply
amelialaubsch 🌸 Time for My Tag Team to Take Action!! 🌸🌸 Tag Team #3! 🌸 Please let me know if you would like to be taken off this list! @shopcranecreek @sharekindness @thatscentsylady @sweettfabrizio @only1mallory @baena_evelyn93 @purplepixiemom @morticia71 @bamablonde61 @phreeoni @krystlesno @briannahetrick @shadescloset @tkinnj @cageysclosey @ragingloons @nior @kaleeweber
Nov 30Reply
ronnie1433 @iambcross @tanyrae @robinnr @juliuribe @dshanno @thatscentsylady @msking711 @valine @posh_queen_lv @jessieqk @saradippidy @zipporahehp @only1mallory @frutimes2 FOLLOW GAMES🌻🌻
Nov 30Reply
ronnie1433 Many blessings ur way 🥰❤️
Nov 30Reply
ronnie1433 Great closet 🥰❤️
Nov 30Reply
ksfashioncraze @ronnie1433 ✨Thank You Sweet Heart! Means a lot to me! Sending Shares your way!✨
Nov 30Reply
lvoe2shop @ronnie1433 Thank you🥰 💕🛍🎀💕🛍🎀💕🛍🎀 Liked💕 Shared💕 Following💕 Check out my FG🤗 💕🛍🎀💕🛍🎀💕🛍🎀
Nov 30Reply
sb143posh @page18; @bell1971; @hollypo; @life_is_good_97; @chic_hawaii_tea; @coconut_couture; @hummingbirdjedi; @kp213; @rosieamstutz; @debrasattire; @justme011; @trendsfvetterdiva; @momogo; @glamourgirls4; @ibarrafamilym; @peacefrog777; @shill1981; @lasknickknacks; @thatscentsylady; @crowned212; @fruitimes2; @jovigraham; @debbie00824; @prissymissyson; @pinkcupcake7; @dnj_ourcloset; @rlendore; @ibdagreatest1; @katieeg
Nov 30Reply
ksfashioncraze @ronnie1433 Absolutely love your closet hun!
Nov 30Reply
ronnie1433 @krystlesno thank you 🥰
Nov 30Reply
ksfashioncraze @1kawaii1 @808classysassy @mlb1006 @o2sillyposhshop @amelialaubsch @shopaholicami @zoeserendipity @oceandreams_pm @posh_queen_lv @ronnie1433 @sb143posh @hazelyne1964 @whirman @workingout5 @new2youtwo @spfeifer99 @maxwelltreasure @fancyshocker @cmichelle14770 @divaslimited1
Nov 30Reply
bamablonde61 thank you for all of the shares I have shared your closet on pininterest
Nov 30Reply
ksfashioncraze @bamablonde61 ❤️✨Wow Thank You!✨❤️
Nov 30Reply
bamablonde61 that would be great not a problem at all just let me know
Nov 30Reply
thatscentsylady Liked, followed and shared…please check out my follow game. 😊
Nov 30Reply
thatscentsylady ⭐️⭐️⭐️FOLLOW GAME ⭐️⭐️⭐️ @7kids7cats l @marquemonetstyl @ca29 @mitzeclipse07 @lisamoreno644 @greatforgifts @unmixit @trendyuptop @beachbunny_nsb @snuffy28 @angrymuffin75 @vbrun0418 @briannahetrick @cableandsalt @doctorthrifty96 @bossfemme19 @jenlpfeiffer @goldycat @kp213 @charlotte_west @angelaannestyle @nwparton @huberann @aliencorgi @tkinnj @mimigru @jnichole78 🚫PRIVATE LIST🚫 COME CHECK OUT MY FOLLOW GAME. Please “Like” my Tag List post to sign up or comment to be removed ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nov 30Reply
thatscentsylady ⭐️⭐️⭐️FOLLOW GAME ⭐️⭐️⭐️List #2 @kortmissy @dania1317 @chrispacilloart @ronnie1433@jessica2123 @jgeyer0612 @trinatrawick @briemineco @hethyrfethyr@maaacymarieee @jnichole78 @carriedancer13 @5thavefashions @rucer15 @kdturner7 @retirednhappy @robinnr @vivavogue @keebay4 @bundle_up @_lovelylotusv_ @poshmaris @0kaibree @mhb62 @cindybrooklyn21 @30thrive_thrift @billybobsbutik 🚫PRIVATE LIST🚫 COME CHECK OUT MY FOLLOW GAME. Please “Like” my Tag List post to sign up or comment to be removed ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nov 30Reply
thatscentsylady ⭐️⭐️⭐️FOLLOW GAME ⭐️⭐️⭐️List #3 @sklemoine311 @bluepacific805 @h2haute @milynndanaye @deecubes @meaghanne22 @heyyallapparel @crazy123crazy @boho_sockmonkey @carolineofparis @dtbreaux @makeyoulaugh67 @cara313 @shop_intranced @sarahbearuhhh @kacijocloset @melanieacerny @rmh9 @fairfax_i_do @ehutt2064 @mkbrodie @pooh23ann @dianasuciu @andrealyn0711 @sko1960 🚫PRIVATE LIST🚫 COME CHECK OUT MY FOLLOW GAME. Please “Like” my Tag List post to sign up or comment to be removed ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nov 30Reply
thatscentsylady ⭐️⭐️⭐️FOLLOW GAME ⭐️⭐️⭐️List #4 @serenityknott @avyaktaskye @77jacquelyn @bethanyp101 @katieeg @ theresas_closet @midwestse 🚫PRIVATE LIST🚫 COME CHECK OUT MY FOLLOW GAME. Please “Like” my Tag List post to sign up or comment to be removed ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nov 30Reply
Nov 30Reply
consignwithk @chapell217 @pish_posh_btq @sipnshopchic @mama_of_8 @pixx01 @lynnalou @manhattanmy @zen_98 @rposen @juliuribe @giannagaldieri @lux4ever
Nov 30Reply
mama_of_8 liked and followed and shared. Thanks for all the shares and I am sharing back!
Dec 01Reply
manhattanmy I follow 🎁, I like 🎁, I share 🎁, I comment 🎁, I tag 🎁 to help others make sales and I send posh love ❤️. So let’s help each other ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dec 01Reply
ksfashioncraze @manhattanmy ✨Yes Let’s Help Each Other!✨ Because Together we can all make it happen!✨☃️✨
Dec 01Reply
purplepixiemom 🎃☠SPOOKY CREW pff's☠🎃 LIST #1 🎃☠@loganbixman☠🎃 🎃☠@chicklassique☠🎃 🎃☠@jackayeebaby☠🎃 🎃☠@fergiediane☠🎃 🎃☠@coffinhex☠🎃 🎃☠@ccsparksjoy☠🎃 🎃☠@ericaaxrose☠🎃 🎃☠@shopaholicami☠🎃 🎃☠@harlyjoseph2012☠🎃 🎃☠@sammysuenyc☠🎃 🎃☠@bmetcalf6971☠🎃 🎃☠@luxemerch☠🎃 🎃☠@pinkysandpearls☠🎃 🎃☠@theroastedbeanz☠🎃 🎃☠@peacegoddess☠🎃 🎃☠@amal614☠🎃 🎃☠@vannuys77☠🎃 🎃☠@tav35758☠🎃 🎃☠@holnx003☠🎃 🎃☠@jfranks89☠🎃 Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed☠private list☠
Dec 03Reply
purplepixiemom 🎃☠SPOOKY CREW pff's☠🎃 LIST#2 🎃☠@avid_revive☠🎃 🎃☠@ccands☠🎃 🎃☠@doctorthrifty96☠🎃 🎃☠@mrslwtaylor☠🎃 🎃☠@loveurcurves☠🎃 🎃☠@mamalove3kiddos☠🎃 🎃☠@knoxieclothes☠🎃 🎃☠@stylishhanger☠🎃 🎃☠@shopper919☠🎃 🎃☠@mycustomcloset☠🎃 🎃☠@wifeysthings☠🎃 🎃☠@_bonnieboutique☠🎃 🎃☠@adt0608☠🎃 🎃☠@bridgetochoa17☠🎃 🎃☠@daylux☠🎃 🎃☠@tiger_lily19☠🎃 🎃☠@svsellsstuff☠🎃 🎃☠@katiedeleo22☠🎃 🎃☠@e_cubed☠🎃 🎃☠@morticia71☠🎃 🎃☠@nior☠🎃 Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed☠private list☠
Dec 03Reply
dachsundlife78 💋💜 Posh Queen Tag List💜💋 @shopper919 @belle_bottoms @katiedeleo22 @belle_bottoms @amal614 @slpatterson84 @poohscorner @jessicac90210 @tropicalisland1 @acdrinkwater @sheril08 @poshmel888 @4_seasons @svsellsstuff @trendyuptop @diasnewcloset @sherid10 @drf6 @jeannecady @paintmepretty79 @aliciageedey84 @upstairs_attic 💫PL, please DNC💫
Dec 03Reply
dachsundlife78 💋💜PQ-Part 2💜💋 @danatinnell @skamcguff @lilprettyposh @adt0608 @shopcranecreek @musicbird @wifeysthings @krista_201 @fergiediane @bridgetochoa17 @avid_revive @kathysingz @jenn_morris75 @ally_marc @angeer @myownboutique @cocoandbean @poshstreetluxe @_anna_banana @buffalo29 @mazi5 @resamcc 💫PL, please DNC💫
Dec 03Reply
dachsundlife78 💋💜PQ Pt.3💜💋 @dress_in_style @renrhys @deevadzign @morticia71 @laprincipessa @bringdata @theresa_closet @diquadotg @lenoregarnhum @purplepixiemom @bmetcalf6971 @foundbycrows @faithoverfear07 @_bonnieboutique @kellstreasures @2tropical @te222487 @metallicmaven @aprilsweety23 @chewy18 @hconnection @bdinfluence04 @greenbaypackers 💋💜PQ prt.4💜💋 @melodygmd @ninamcdermitt @dandi_randi @di_bh @lwalker227 @juneberrys @abdsanders @bridob3717 💫PL, please DNC💫
Dec 03Reply
bringdata Liked, shared, followed 💜
Dec 03Reply
sherid10 Hi. Liked shared and followed. Hope your day is a 10. 🎭
Dec 03Reply
shopper919 Liked followed shared. Please visit my follow listing
Dec 03Reply
acelestialsoul Krystle! I sent you the wrong thank you about my best in bag HP, and just wanted to say thank you for cheering on my HP! Your closet is so beautiful and well-organized, it's a pleasure sharing! :) ~Tricia
Dec 03Reply
ksfashioncraze @acelestialsoul ❤️✨You are fine sweet heart and thank you!✨❤️
Dec 03Reply
simplysteffy Done 🥰
Dec 04Reply
andrealyn0711 🌹💞 Liked, followed, shared! Please join my follow game too! 💞🌹
Dec 04Reply
rhonda_anne have a very nice closet....
Dec 05Reply
ksfashioncraze @rhonda_anne ❤️✨Thanks Hun!!!✨❤️
Dec 05Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Krystle! Thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G!🤠🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!📈 Happy Posh'ng & have a blessed day!🙏☮️❤️
Dec 05Reply
bamfshades Whatup Posh Fam!
Dec 07Reply
ksfashioncraze @tgriff64 ☃️Thank you angel !☃️
Dec 07Reply
ksfashioncraze @bamfshades ✨Happy Poshing!!!✨
Dec 07Reply
ksfashioncraze @lakedwellerhb ✨Thank you I wish many sales for you both also and Hope you have a beautiful and blessed weekend!✨
Dec 07Reply
ksfashioncraze @tgriff64 ☃️✨It’s never too late ! Lol✨☃️
Dec 08Reply
rhonda_anne Hello...I am offering a free sterling silver heart necklace with any purse purchase from Dec.8th until Dec.31
Dec 08Reply
ksfashioncraze @rhonda_anne 🎄✨I’ll come check out your closet right now!✨☃️
Dec 08Reply
secretsupershop congrats on becoming an ambassador so fast! I have similar goals so let's help each other 💞💞💞 my closet opens 12/11, so come and share the love on Wednesday. I shared 15 pieces of your beautiful closet. and I will keep you in my prayers, good luck on the surgery. 🥰💓
Dec 08Reply
ksfashioncraze @secret_super_sh ❤️✨Thank You! I will come check it out on Wednesday!!! Have a great rest of your weekend!✨❤️
Dec 08Reply
imashoeluver Thank you so very much 🥰😉😄 Appreciate your kind post 🤗😇🤗😇
Dec 09Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have Happy Holidays and successful Poshing!🌲😊
Dec 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Dec 15Reply
timelinestyle ✨thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 excellent service + same day shipping! ✨
Dec 17Reply
princessmarcy Welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Dec 18Reply
Dec 18Reply
nicholepruitt73 I gave u free earrings and $10 off and u will get a tote bag and jewelry grab bag valued at $10 with your purchase
Dec 18Reply
paulettejean Thank you for the great price on my bundle 😘🎉 I really appreciate it ❤️💕💕
Dec 22Reply
ksfashioncraze @paulettejean 🎅✨Merry Early Christmas!✨🎅
Dec 22Reply
ksfashioncraze @paulettejean ❤️ HAPPY✨ ✨HOLIDAYS! ❤️
Dec 22Reply
ksfashioncraze @paulettejean 💖✨I will have this wrapped and packaged with a new free surprise gift and taken to the postal office within the hour. Thanks again sweet heart!✨💖
Dec 22Reply
paulettejean @krystlesno Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too ❤️🎄❄️☃️
Dec 22Reply
paulettejean @krystlesno YAY!! I’m super excited 😆Thank you!!!
Dec 22Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Dec 26Reply
kheyka Hi! I noticed you liked some of my closet. Let me know if you have any questions or want to do a bundle. Thank you!!
Dec 27Reply
ksfashioncraze @kheyka 💜✨I only shared some items from your closet. I haven’t liked any items yet but I would be more than welcome to come check it out again! If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask. I am here to help.✨💜
Dec 27Reply
ladylovespink4 Hi, Please feel free to decline the offer and I’ll send a better one.
Dec 27Reply
kelleyvecchitto Hello. Did you want to purchase my purse? I accepted the $8 offer. It is a very pretty purse. Kelley😁
Dec 29Reply
ksfashioncraze @kelleyvecchitto ❤️✨Awesome Thank You! What Brand Is It ? I love the design on it!✨❤️
Dec 29Reply
kelleyvecchitto @krystlesno just a generic fashion purse that looks like a Burberry. Only used twice. 😁
Dec 29Reply
ksfashioncraze @kelleyvecchitto ✨I think it’s adorable !✨
Dec 29Reply
_jodyscloset 🌺🌺Hello, I see that I made you an offer yesterday, I went into my offers, when I opened yours it told me that I took the black suede boots off, when I did not, so I’m wondering if that’s why you didn’t except. I’m still new to posh mark and I’m not sure how to put them back, I thought I’d talk with you first to see if you even wanted any of them still. Sorry about that🌺🌺mahalo
Jan 01Reply
kelleyvecchitto I’m glad you like the purse!! Enjoy.
Jan 03Reply
bunheadyogi Liked, followed, and shared! Thank you! 🌺
Jan 07Reply
mlb1006 Follow Game! 🌟 💞💞💞List 3 👗@jennmolina7 👗@tatertots135 👗@jessdavis444 👗@scriptedstyle 👗@x_stylehive_x 👗@savssavvycloset 👗@stylishgimp 👗@jackieshopsaz 👗@bluedaisy 👗@shopninjas 👗@modernowlbtq👗@autumnhayes08 👗@slynn33 👗@jigdaliag 👗@sconstant1 👗@kristasilverman 👗@skmcphee 👗@lindadg 👗@niki_rylee 👗@aligirl1213 👗@invoguehippie 👗@mikellachrisman 👗@klizzyb 👗@hcorbin29 👗@misslizd 👗@relove7 👗@medusa8383 👗@rehope8200 👗@meme2626 👗@tularoos_closet 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Jan 07Reply
mlb1006 Feel free to join my Mystery Posher FG and FG! 💞💞💞
Jan 07Reply
hollypo Come follow my game too 😊
Jan 07Reply
kimkay78 Already following you. I hope you have a great night! 😊
Jan 07Reply
irenecase Following and shared😊💕
Jan 07Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀If you choose message me just to say Hello😇I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡🕯❄️💐🎁HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH WARMTH SINCERITY AND LOVE🎁💐❄️🕯🧡
Jan 10Reply
ksfashioncraze @madblk3 🏹✨❤️Thank You Hun!❤️✨🏹
Jan 10Reply
tpk95 Hi Krystle! I’m Tobi! 😊! Thank you so much for all of the shares! Congratulations on your beautiful closet and so many gorgeous Host Picks!! That’s so awesome! I just started selling over the holidays!! I was over the moon yesterday as a Python bag I have received the HP but I don’t understand why it didn’t give me much exposure-I have a lot to learn! I still was SO thrilled! So nice to connect!🥰
Jan 13Reply
mickeytreatz 💖💕Hi @krystlesno I noticed that you added the Nwt Ashley Stewart top that I'm selling to a bundle. Just to let you know, I've sent you an offer. If you have any questions please let me know. Have a wonderful day.💕💖
Jan 15Reply
ksfashioncraze @mickeytreatz ✨Thanks Sweet Heart ! I was still looking at a couple more items to possibly add. You have a beautiful closet btw!!! Love it!!!✨💖
Jan 15Reply
mickeytreatz 💕💕@krystlesno Oh thank you so much for the compliment. I love your closet as well. Please let me know what you decide on. I'll give you a great deal. 💕💕
Jan 15Reply
timeless_finds Thanks for the complements share. I'm overwhelmed with the following that my host pick has given me. As a newbie, I consider this a great honor and I'll try my best to Posh it forward!
Jan 18Reply
ksfashioncraze @timeless_finds ✨Great Job Sweet Heart ! & definitely congrats on the host pick! Lovely Closet! Keep up the amazing hard work!✨🍒❤️
Jan 18Reply
moulonrouge1011 Hi! I would love it if you would play mine too!🎈💕🎈💕🎈💕🎈💕🎈
Jan 18Reply
annanelson1972 💃🏼💋💋💃🏼 LIKE FOLLOW & SHARE!!! GAIN MORE FOLLOWERS!! @ashe_monica 🔮 @dressinglauren🔮 @kellen_clark 🔮@miabeesmomma🔮 @spld33 🔮@buppadog1 @kthroyo 🔮@bandbrawn🔮 @vivian0 🔮@lovemesomemk 🔮@d3acquisitions 🔮@portableshua🔮 @jjfaith🔮 @ladycrackerjack 🔮@bkobseff🔮 @alliescloset99 🔮@beescuteclothes🔮 @trendyuptop🔮 @dawn_texada🔮 @foresmewith 🔮 @lizzysled 🔮@ar0413🔮 @americangirl66 🔮@chicklassique🔮@kimmylooo🔮 🚫NO COPYCATTING🚫🙀
Jan 18Reply
annanelson1972 💃🏼💋💋💃🏼 LIKE FOLLOW & SHARE!!! GAIN MORE FOLLOWERS!! 🔮TAG TEAM #2 @jbochic🔮 @beyoutifulday🔮 @momogo🔮 @flgrllife🔮@antitab🔮@queendom212🔮 @jessicarenee985🔮 @seriouslyviolet🔮 @jovigraham🔮 @chrissyblush🔮 @adriane_p🔮 @xocandyscloset🔮@trendyuptop🔮 @jessdavis444🔮 @drf6🔮 @kimber_14🔮 @sarahstidam🔮 kimber_14🔮@thatscentsylady🔮@shopper919🔮 @ashleyrene2010🔮 @desert_willow🔮
Jan 18Reply
Jan 19Reply
bluepacific805 @krystlesno Hi💗. Liked, shared and followed 💗. Would you please consider playing my Follow Game too 🦋🦋
Jan 23Reply
cool2beagal @krystlesno ✨liked✨followed ✨shared
Jan 25Reply
misslanese thank you so much for the great offer. you have Beautiful items and deserve the $$ you request. I however cant buy at this time. thank you again.Hkl
Jan 25Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Wishing you a very Happy Happy New Year ❄ very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Posh Love ❄ Get in your it's cold outside. A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Mega Sale, check ot out if you have half a chance❄ Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Happy New Year filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄❤
Jan 27Reply
rachael_in_nyc Hey. Just wanted to let you know that I believe you picked a host pic yesterday for a LV bag? It’s a known scammer here on posh who gets new poshers to go off posh and scams them. Takes their money and never a bag.
Jan 31Reply
poshstreetluxe Amazing closet! ❤️I started selling on Posh 6/19, so we’re one month apart! I was slightly teary eyed last night when KC came back and won. Really happy for the franchise and fans, but esp. for Andy Reid. 👏🔥😘 Kristen
Feb 04Reply
jenniferdulcegg i have some size 9 sandals:) it would mean the world if you would check them out 🤩
Feb 22Reply
haideemia hi hun do u want me to send you a offer or add more stuff I give away free and gift always
Mar 01Reply
ksfashioncraze @brigpkt74 Your welcome hun! Love your closet! 🎉💜
Jun 14Reply
karlensclassics Just noticed we started Poshing around the same time, congrats on your successes here.! Happy to share your lovely listings today.
Aug 15Reply
acelestialsoul I'm following you on PM & IG :) Please follow me back, too! 🏡Wishing you tons of $ales and $uccess! ~Tricia
Aug 16Reply
michele1084461 @krystlesno Following you on Instagram! (My username is @warb_dance) 😘 Michele
Jan 01Reply
loganian Thanks for nominating my Supreme Tee 💜💜💜
Jan 01Reply
vannuys77 Good Morning Sunshine! 💜
Jan 17Reply
ksfashioncraze @loganian ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 17Reply
ksfashioncraze @vannuys77 Good Morning Hun!!! 🤩
Jan 17Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 30Reply
ksfashioncraze @ldadamo123 It looks absolutely gorgeous! 💜 You have some super cute items that’s for sure!!! The set up looks awesome! The double leaf earrings are so pretty too!!! 🤩
Jan 30Reply
swiftiishop @ksfashioncraze Nice to meet you. You have such a positive vibe, it's wonderful. 💕💕 I am loving Poshmark Australia. Cheers, Steph x @swiftiishop
Jul 03Reply
ksfashioncraze @swiftiishop So Nice To Meet You!!! 🇦🇺 Thank You! Your Closet Is Looking Fantastic! 💙
Jul 04Reply
swiftiishop @ksfashioncraze Thank you so much, that means a lot coming from a pro. 👍😁 I'm still learning but loving every minute of it. Cheers, Steph x @swiftiishop
Jul 04Reply
myweedbag Hi 👋 Fellow POSHER 😊 ! Just want to wish you Happy Poshing Day! 🤩Would love it if you can please check out my closet 👠👝 👜🧣 👖 👕 👚 👔 @myweedbag ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love something?, but not the price, please send me an offer 😊😊😊😊😊😊 Here to posh🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 LET’s HAVE a FABULOUSLY Poshing Day ! ❤️ as I hustle from coffee ☕️ to champagne 🍾 ❤️💃🕺 Fifi
Nov 19Reply
heavenlyglam half off black 🖤 Friday sale. just submit offer on anything you would like or create a bundle and offer with be 50% off!!!
Nov 26Reply
mrsaga @ksfashioncraze Hi dear Send an offer for the wallet that you showed interest in. We’ll make a deal. Thank you.
Jan 01Reply
blorangebay Hi! Congratulations on hosting the winter edit posh party 🥳 👏🏼🎊🎉 can you please pick me as a host, I would really appreciate it, happy new year ☃️⛄🎅🍻⚘💖💞🌹
Jan 02Reply
kjoyc ❤️🥳 Congratulations on hosting a party! Wishing you happy selling in the New Year!
Jan 03Reply
dcecloset Congrats on hosting the Winter Edit Posh Party! Please consider my closet for any host picks. Thank you! ☺️
Jan 04Reply
spencer_423 Hello! Congrats on hosting tonight’s winter posh party. I hope you make many sales throughout the night. Please consider some of my listings for host picks! I am sharing your items with my followers now! Thanks you :))
Jan 04Reply
kimmiss Congratulations on Hosting tomorrow’s Best in Bags Posh Party. Wishing you many, many speedy sales and blessings. 🥳🥳💃🏻💃🏻🎊🎊🎉🎉❤️❤️
Jan 04Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jan 04Reply
shoregirl73 @ksfashioncraze Hellllooo My PFF! I’d like to Thank You for all of the HPs you selected for Last nights Posh Party! I can’t express How grateful I am and How much it will help my Boutique out! I’d like to do a chat soon! When will you be doing your next Posh n Sip? I’d love to join and start getting more acquainted with Others and gather some amazing knowledgeable tips! Hope your Holidays were Wonderful and look forward to talking soon! 💖💖💖 Your PFF always, Karen
Jan 04Reply
annabarbeau Huge congrats on hosting tomorrow! I’d be so honored if you considered some of my listings for a host pick 💕
Jan 05Reply
ffmu2010 Congratulation on co-hosting Best in Bags Posh Party! Please check out my closet for a possible Host Pick!! Thanks so much and much success for you in 2022! 🎈✨🎉🎊😊💝
Jan 05Reply
tatnaples Hi! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Jan 07Reply
heavenlyglam Hello, 🌺🌺🌺3 for $13🌺🌺🌺 A great way to add new items to your wardrobe🎉🎉🎉 Over 100 items!!!
Feb 09Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely closet :) Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 22Reply
just_elle143 ✨✨ I sent out an offer on your bundle 😀✨✨ Please let me know if your still interested in the mugs and I will hold them for you. Thanks so much for visiting my closet ~ HAPPY SHOPPING ✨
Nov 23Reply
danadin14 Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 02Reply
jillianchristia Congrats hosting tonight’s party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much! 🎊🎊🥰🥰🎉🎉💙💙😍😍🥳🥳👍👍🙏🙏😀😀❤️❤️
May 28Reply

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Last Active: hours ago

Ottawa, KS
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