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A fellow posher, Cindy’s daughter went missing 10 years ago today. They still have no answers of her whereabouts, please share this listing in hopes that someone who may know something can give this family the answers they need ❤️ you can follow cindy @cindy_j_y - cindy has an amazing soul & the reason she poshes is to raise money to investigate Christina’s disappearance. Help spread the word guys & show her some POSH LOVE ❤️ please do not purchase this listing, it is not for sale.

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So very terrible! I shared & my heart goes out to this family!
Nov 14Reply

@tandb96 thank you so much for sharing ❤️
Nov 14Reply

@rootedandrising no problem! I hope she is found.
Nov 14Reply

Oh no. The pain no parent should experience. I’m gonna find her closet if it’s still there.
Nov 16Reply

@maidmarian yes ma’am. Let me know if you have any trouble. I’ll tag u on one of her listings 😊
Nov 16Reply

@rootedandrising nope found her easily. Tx
Nov 16Reply

@maidmarian awesome! Thank u!
Nov 16Reply

Nov 17Reply

@rootedandrising my home state..thank you for sharing ❤😥❤
Nov 23Reply

@tessah420 where are u from? I live in MO too
Nov 23Reply

@rootedandrising 25 min South of St. Louis...hey neighbor!!👋
Nov 23Reply

I'm a Mom, & I simply cannot fathom the grief & heartache Christina's family must still be going through...I'm so very sincerely sorry for them....Prayers...
Dec 12Reply

@lubelloo5 thanks for your prayers. I’m still claiming a victory that she will be found soon!
Dec 12Reply

Reading the bulletin about her disappearance made me cry...
Dec 12Reply

@lubelloo5 definitely keep her in your prayers. She was one of the first people I met through poshmark and she has become a great friend of mine. They just held a benefit for her daughter so she could raise money for a private investigator. It did fairly well I’m praying that it will lead her to some answers
Dec 12Reply

Aww I just seen this honey. Bought tears to my eyes. Thank you so very much. I just love your heart. And thanks to everyone who shares and prays for my baby girls safe return. We love and miss Christina with all our hearts. Her daughter is 10 now. She was only 6 months old when her mommy was taken from her. we both are having q hard time with the holiday season. We need her back.
Dec 15Reply

@lubelloo5 It made me cry to. Just knowing someone cares enough to do this touches my heart deeply. Even to you all who share and pray. It means a lot my baby isn't forgotten.
Dec 15Reply

@cindy_j_y I wish I could reach out & wrap my arms around you in comforting hugs......
Dec 15Reply

@lubelloo5. Thanks honey. That's very sweet.
Dec 15Reply

@cindy_j_y shared!!!!! I also requested to join on fb. I live in indiana!
Jan 29Reply

I am only an hour away from Chicago! prayers!
Jan 29Reply

@linzs_closet thanks so much! She appreciates it ❤️ she recently got a lead so please keep her on your prayers that it leads to some answers & she’s found
Jan 29Reply

@linzs_closet. thats great thank you so much.
Feb 11Reply

whatup poshfam!
Feb 16Reply

@bamfshades whaddddddupppppp!!!! 😊
Feb 16Reply

what's up posh fam!
Feb 16Reply

I lost a 1 year old son to SIDS, that's alot of pain, but I couldn't imagine the hole that is missing from your heart. Sometimes it gets hard to remember him,.but never easy to move on and forget. I do believe the God has my son sitting by his side, but I also believe the he will bring your little girl home too. I found your story by accident and will pray hard for you. God Bless you
Mar 02Reply

@cindy_j_y I just saw this!. Hugs and prayers on Easter from Moberly, Mo. Our God can do miraculous things. To everything there is a reason. With all of the chaos and confusion going on now, he has a perfect plan. With the loss of your daughter, he has a perfect plan. Trust in HIM, he has a divine purpose. Do not lose faith, he will bring you strength and answers in HIS time.
Apr 12Reply

@db197260 Aww I'm sorry sweetheart. its horrible going through the loss of a child anyway. It's a neverending pain. I dont see it ever going away. But I do have great faith in a miracle and God will bring my baby home. we all love and miss her very much. Her daughter is going to turn 11 this month. She's struggling terribly to.
Apr 17Reply

@poshly_yours amen to that honey. Your not not far from me are you. I'm here in Hannibal. That's where Christina is missing from. God will bring her home though. I believe.
Apr 17Reply

Love this!
Apr 23Reply

Love this!
Apr 23Reply

I’m sooo I’m sharing now 🙏🏼♥️
Apr 23Reply

Thank you for being creative and using this platform for awareness. I will say a prayer from rural Idaho for you, your friend and others who are in this pain with you. Be well and know you are loved. ✌
May 05Reply

@idahome1 thank you so much! It is so appreciated ❤️
May 05Reply

Shared. Praying for His comforting peace over this family. I pray for answers and I hope she is found. 🙏🏻
May 30Reply

prayers for her safety and for closure to this horrific incident.
Jun 02Reply

@rootedandrising this is heartbreaking. My heart goes out to this mama and family. Prayers going up!
Jun 19Reply

happy to share and to social media if ok
Jul 04Reply

@melissas_posh yes for sure! Thank you!
Jul 04Reply

@rootedandrising what’s her posh name
Aug 08Reply

Forget it. I got it.
Aug 08Reply

tag me in one of her listings so I can support her as well❣
Sep 29Reply

There is no greater sorrow than this. 😢 I am praying for her safe return. Never ever give up hope. ❣️🙏🏼🙏🏼
Nov 17Reply

I'm so sorry I just shared this listing my heart aches for you hopefully she will be found or come home soon. my love and prayers are with you ☺️😙💗💖💞💕
Nov 20Reply

I sure am missing my beautiful baby girl. Id give anything to have her home for the holidays.
Be thankful for those you have. Love them like there's no tomorrow. Because it's promised to no one. There may not be a tomorrow.
Thank you all for prayers. God bless you and yours.
Love you Therra.
Nov 26Reply

@nicolereydel1 Thank you so much
Nov 26Reply

@lucystrunk That's very true honey. Thank you
Nov 26Reply

@snipsnipchick That's very sweet. Thank you. I have post on my page about my daughter also. Feel free to ahare them. I'm not sure how to tag someone on here.
Nov 26Reply

@validposher Thank you honey. Christina Whittaker.
Nov 26Reply

@krissynichol Thank you so much. God bless.
Nov 26Reply

@hayclan Thank you. I know we will get our miracle. God can!!!
Nov 26Reply

@lddetrick Amen. Thank you so much.
Nov 26Reply

@cindy_j_y ive thought about your daughter ever since seeing this post. Last night i saw your response and you have been in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you, your daughter, and your family.❤️
Nov 26Reply

Nov 30Reply

hi Cindy. This is Deborah Burgart. Hopefully this message will find it's way to you. I bought the 6 gold leaf Libbey glasses. You sent me a message but I cant open it for some reason. I couldn't open your last message either. I wanted to thank you for the necklace you sent. Very pretty. my phone # is 434 247 0148. just text me.
Nov 30Reply

@cindy_j_y didn’t know if you saw the previous comment above
Dec 08Reply

@dburgart I tagged her in the comments below! Do you happen to be from southern VA? The only reason I asked is the area code, that’s what my dads starts with lol
Dec 08Reply

shared! and praying for her safe return 😪
Dec 28Reply

Thank you for sharing this! God bless you and Cindy & family while they await her daughters return. 🙏🏼❤️💕🤗
Mar 10Reply

@rootedandrising Thank you for helping this family reach out to find their beloved young woman. Such a horrific happening. God bless you, the family and the search. 🙏🏻♥️ I am sending this on. 🙏🏻
Mar 30Reply

sending you good vibes
Mar 30Reply

Have a blessed Day
Mar 30Reply

My prayers go out to you and your family,my heart breaks for you. God Bless🙏
Apr 27Reply

Prayers for comfort in knowing that God will never leave you during this nightmare. Praying she is delivered home to her family swiftly and safely. 💕
May 05Reply

Liked and shared and will continue to share when I log on. My son had just turned 18 when he was killed in a car crash Christmas 2016 and the grief and anger can still bring me to my knees most days. But I think the only thing worse than losing a child has to be not knowing anything at all.
Dec 06Reply

So so sad - my heart goes out to this family... I’ve shared with my followers ❤️ 🙏
Dec 21Reply

What did the cops do, the detectives?
Mar 21Reply
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