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Updated Feb 08
Updated Feb 08

Meet your Posher, Kathy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kathy. One of my favorite brands is MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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msdubya Kathy- Welcome to Poshmark! 💕
Jan 30Reply
lux_cin Hi! Welcome to Poshmark where you can buy and sell securely and with confidence. If you have a chance check out my closet for great offers! Wishing you abundant of success on your Poshmark journey! Happy Poshing!
Jan 30Reply
denise1437 welcome to poshmark, name is Denise, im a poshmark ambassador and mentor. please let me knowwif you have any questions on anything. please visit my closet and check out weekly listings. my items are a minimum of 70 percent below wholesale. have fun shopping and selling, as they say on poshmark, have a poshing day. god bless
Feb 06Reply
luvnsusie @krazykatt1962 I shipped your shower curtain immediately. I checked today. it was still in my box. I dont know what happened but it WILL go out today, so sorry! I pride myself on fast shipping..:(
Feb 11Reply
nan20002 Hi love and happy Wednesday 🤗can you check my closet when you have time and thank you 🤗
Feb 12Reply
scohan I sent the boots you purchased 2 weeks ago and you haven’t picked them up yet. Can you please do so, so I can get the payment??
Feb 19Reply
krazykatt1962 @scohan I have been out of state for emergency. Will be back on Friday. So sorry for the inconvenience!!!!
Feb 19Reply
embracers Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing🌹
Feb 23Reply
dagmarstone Welcome to Poshmark! As an ambassador and mentor and 5 star rated seller, I always recommend reading the guide to Poshmark, FAQ’s and Poshmark Etiquette. If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to me. Visit my closet anytime! I have something for everyone. Most of all, have fun on Poshmark. There are many wonderful people and closets on Poshmark 🌺😀
Mar 05Reply
dagmarstone @krazykatt1962 always glad to help😘
Mar 05Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Mar 05Reply
poshgarden Nice to meet you 💞🛍
Mar 05Reply
stylenu Welcome to Poshmark 🌹 This is a great app for buying and selling fashion and home goods. Please let me know if you have any questions as I’d be glad to help —Leigh @StyleNU
Mar 05Reply
charliee33 Hi Kathy & welcome to Poshmark!🤗😁
Mar 06Reply
stylish_yan Check out my closet love 🦋
Mar 06Reply
dina_fiore Hi Kathy! Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for following my closet! Have a great evening 👋👏😊
Mar 06Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both men and women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing! @ Shopper411411
Mar 06Reply
bertads Hello thanks for following me and sharing ❤️
Mar 06Reply
bmetcalf6971 welcome to Poshmark! my name is Becca.  🌻 if you need help getting started or have any questions let me know. Happy Poshing!
Mar 06Reply
stylish_yan Check out my closet love 💞
Mar 06Reply
egpeloquin hi kathy, my name's Edarrel. thank you very much for the follow. Welcome to Poshmark! please don't hesitate to contact any of us here for questions. it can be a little overwhelming at first but once you'll get used to the tabs, you'll be a pro in no time. but for the meantime, keep exploring and happy poshing! 😊👍💖💝
Mar 06Reply
dchillas ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Welcome! Please feel free to make bundles of items or make an offer and what you’d like to pay new items listed almost every day. I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have... as you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers❤️❤️
Mar 06Reply
dina_fiore Good morning! Welcome and thank you for the ❤️❣️have a wonderful day 👋👏😊💓⭐️❣️🥰
Mar 06Reply
margitscloset welcome to Poshmark
Mar 06Reply
artmart Welcome to Poshmark ❤️❤️
Mar 06Reply
mariahgarcia953 Welcome to Poshmark :)
Mar 06Reply
steph_w04 Hi!!👋 Welcome to Poshmark ❣️❣️
Mar 06Reply
immortalprincez Welcome and thank you for the follow. Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope you are having a great weekend.
Mar 06Reply
mimiholmquist Welcome to Poshmark! It is a great place to buy and sell and make new friends. Enjoy Poshing and best of luck. Love Mimi❤️
Mar 06Reply
roguehippie 😁 thank you
Mar 07Reply
candy258 Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
Mar 07Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Mar 07Reply
fineqfinds Happy Poshing!
Mar 07Reply
soriag - [ ] Thanks for following my closet! Do let me know if you find something you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Mar 07Reply
whitestar17 Hello Kathy 😀 Welcome to Poshmark & my closet. Smoke & pet free environment. New & loving kept items. Fast & friendly service. See something you "like" send an offer! Most items are open to reasonable offers. Firm priced items are usually marked by Final Sale, Flash Sale, Last Chance, Discounted or any "Special One Day Sale Days" Bundle items for a discount 😉 Best of luck to you and your closet. Have fun & Happy Poshing! 💕
Mar 07Reply
go4gina Welcome to Poshmark!
Mar 07Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi welcome to Posh happy Poshing happy shopping and Many sales enjoy 😊
Mar 07Reply
sherman2250 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet. I have women’s and men’s clothing plus home goods. Happy Poshing 🌻👗👠👔👖🌻
Mar 07Reply
chrisschilling 🌼🌺 Welcome to Poshmark!!🌺🌼 Feel free to check out my closet!! Lots of great items and offers always considered!!
Mar 07Reply
luckichuchua Welcome to my Closet Kathy😊💚🎉 I accept reasonable offers & Offer Bundle discounts 😉💚Happy Poshing 😁💜
Mar 07Reply
atwinstreasures Welcome to Poshmark
Mar 08Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Kathy!🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Alicia Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐The best way to Buy & Sell Fashion! Thank you for visiting my closet!💎💎👜👜Please feel free to Buy, Make Offers (use button) OR Put ❤️❤️❤️on ALL your Likes & will send you my Lowest Offer!🤑🤑🤑BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so please feel free to ask me any questions!💕
Mar 08Reply
2529bellas Good morning welcome to poshmark please check out my closet I have 15%off in everything .Have a great great Monday
Mar 09Reply
ksfashionfinds 💕 ☺️Hi! welcome to Poshmark!my name is Kerry thank you for following my closet 🤗I’m a poshmark ambassador, top seller, fast shipper, top sharer and mentor!💫if you have questions,I’m Here to help! Remember if your selling ,share your items everyday and add your followers by clicking under followers in your closet they’ll be in blue! Also reading poshmark guidelines under closet helped me a lot too💕Hope this helps and happy poshing!☺️💕Have fun listing or shopping🤗🌷🥰💫
Mar 10Reply
jojohnson686 Hi Kathy! Welcome to Poshmark! It's a great community for buying and/or selling! I am a Posh Ambassador so feel free to ask for help if you need it. I hope you enjoy Poshmark!
Mar 10Reply
jinxy231 Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Mar 10Reply
sweettartt 🌞🌻🌞Welcome to the Posh Life! Wishing you much success, joyous purchases, lucrative sales, and most importantly, fun!🌺🌞🌺
Mar 10Reply
holwaygfm Thank you for the share😊
Mar 10Reply
brrayan207 Hi, welcome to Poshmark, thanks for visit my closet 😊
Mar 11Reply
usedfulstuffs Hi Kathy, welcome to Poshmark and thank you for following and sharing. Happy poshing!💕
Mar 12Reply
denadenn Welcome Kathy and enjoy!
Mar 12Reply
thriftyone2 Happy Poshing!
Mar 13Reply
success770 Hi Kathy! Thank you for stopping by and for sharing my closet! Have a blessed day!🌺💞
Mar 13Reply
jules15 @krazykatt1962 Welcome to Poshmark!❤️👠👗🧣🧣👖👚👛💍👓. Thanks for checking out my closet and sharing my”Betsey Johnson Cosmetic Bag!” I appreciate you!
Mar 13Reply
eldoraposh Thanks for sharing my listing!
Mar 14Reply
littlericki Thank you for all the shares ❤️
Mar 14Reply
beauty_source Hi, thank you for browsing my closet and for sharing my listing❣️
Mar 14Reply
begin_again @krazykatt1962 Thank you for the share🙆‍♀️
Mar 14Reply
babsgilbert Kathy, Welcome🤗 to Poshmark! I found Poshmark to be a great community of sellers and buyers brought together for one common goal... to see perfectly good products be used by good people at good prices! 🤑 Here's wishing you lots of luck,☘ fun,😆 and success👩‍🎓 poshing!👖👗👚👠👜👒💄 Take time to stop by my closet @babsgilbert to see me, like me, follow me, or find something you may just feel you can't do without. Yours truly, Barbara
Mar 15Reply
scfragilicious Hi luv❣️ Happy 2020 & Welcome to Poshmark!🤗💝💝 Thank you for following me! Feel free to ask me questions as you get your footing here. 🎖Looking forward to watching your closet grow.🥳🥳🤩💕💕 I wish you quick sales and amazing finds in this wonderful community. ❣️❣️ Check out my collection of Clothing, Accessories and Homegoods curated from 98% Natural Fibers and Materials❣️💕 You’ll find many one of a kind, handmade, pre-loved vintage, and even new sustainable choices. 💕Happy Poshing!❣️❣️ - Nik
Mar 16Reply
alternaangel Thanks for the share 🥰
Mar 17Reply
sweetsavleigh Welcome to Poshmark!!
Mar 18Reply
jevitoledo Welcome to my closet, in it you will find a great variety of new merchandise quality and at the best price. I'm happy to give the best customer service. I accept any reasonable offer. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Mar 18Reply
debben22 Hi 👋 Kathy Happy Poshin 🤗
Mar 19Reply
bean63 Hi thank you for all the likes from my closet!! If you decide to do a bundle or purchase please let me know and I’m sure we can come up with a good deal! 😉
Mar 19Reply
bevj48 Welcome to Poshmark. If you want to sell or find great bargains, this is the place to be. My name is Beverly and I am a Posh Ambassador⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Feel free to contact me if I can help. I invite you to visit my closet @bevj48 if looking for new items. Just remember, share your closet daily and share items from all your followers. This is sharing the LOVE and growing your business Happy Poshing and to your success.
Mar 20Reply
carolynw2019 Hi, welcome to Poshmark! This is such a fun social community. Wishing you the best and much success.
Mar 20Reply
brittanydassatt welcome!!! feel free to stop by my closet :)
Mar 20Reply
amberkarels Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Amber, a Posh Ambassador. If you gave any questions please feel free to reach out to me. Good luck with your closet! Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 20Reply
loristarz Hi Kathy! Welcome to Poshmark!
Mar 20Reply
oicloset Welcome to Poshmark!!! I’m a posh ambassador and would love to answer any questions you may have 😊 Please feel free to check out my closet when you get the chance! 🛍🎀💕
Mar 20Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Mar 20Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and welcome to Poshmark 🎉😁
Mar 21Reply
godislove5_ Hi, Kathy, come by and visit my closet and chat a while.
Mar 21Reply
desi54 Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! I Have a fantastic day and happy poshing!
Mar 21Reply
lisamyr Good morning, thanks for the follow!
Mar 21Reply
siemprebella91 Hi! welcome to poshmark i invite you to visit my closet! Feel free to message me with any questions or if you want to bundle and save on shipping please let me know. Happy shopping !! 🛍 🤗 acceptting reasonable offers
Mar 24Reply
natsantangelo Thanks for the follow
Mar 24Reply
redcarpetdeals Hi Kathy. Welcome to Posh.😊👜🧢👔👚👗
Mar 24Reply
slashysatch Thank you so much for your sweet feedback! It made my day. If I get anything else in with skulls I will definitely tag you. Thanks again ❤️ -Ashley
Mar 25Reply
sapp12 @krazykatt1962 welcome thanks for the like 🌸
Mar 25Reply
252princess2 Welcome to Poshmark, have a great night Blessings.
Mar 25Reply
fjora2007 Dear Kathy , Happy Poshing Enjoy the experience And the great community; nice to meet you 💐🥰Fjora
Mar 25Reply
miracleoutofme Welcome to the Poshmark family! Feel free to ask me any questions you might have. I love buying and selling on this Poshmark platform and I hope that you do too. May you continue to have a blessed day and week! 🙏❤️✝️😇🤗🕊👏☀️🥰👼
Mar 25Reply
noelanishop Hi Kathy, please let me know if you received both packages I sent. I think I mistakenly used the same shipping label for both. So only one tracked. Sorry for the mix up. Thank you . Kristine
Mar 26Reply
elizagailg Hi Welcome To Poshmart
Mar 27Reply
skellycox   🙋‍♀️ Thanks for stopping by!
Mar 28Reply
no_smoke_here Hi, Kathy. Thank you for following me. If you have any questions, or would like to make an offer on anything, please feel free to ask. May God bless you and your family.
Apr 07Reply
alternaangel Thanks for the share 🥰
Apr 07Reply
daisy_new_dukes @krazykatt1962 Thanks so much for the 5 stars ✨ and love note! I am glad that you enjoyed your gift and everything else!
Apr 08Reply
liz406383 Hi, thank you for the follow! 😊💖💞💖 Happy Poshing! 🌸💞🌸
Apr 11Reply
llathleticwear Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! I would love for you to check out my closet 😁
Apr 15Reply
elsamolina Welcome to Poshmark
Apr 15Reply
trenee250 Welcome to Poshmark!
Apr 16Reply
rosiegirlie stunning! happy poshing xo ❤️
Apr 20Reply
ravenstreasured Hi Kathy, thanks for checking out the unique, vintage and quality items from RavensTreasuredGifts. Angela
Apr 20Reply
henchic Thanks for the follow. Happy Poshing!
Apr 21Reply
newtoyoumarket Welcome to Poshmark. Whether you are buying or selling, I hope all of your experiences here are positive ones. I’m a Posh Ambassador and Mentor, so if you ever have any questions regarding buying or selling on Poshmark, feel free to reach out to me and ask. Be sure to tag me so that I get a notification. ❤️Barbara
May 08Reply
hlgart Hi Kathy! I just wanted to check on the bundle package that you purchased. I shipped it out to you on 5/7. According to USPS tracking it arrived in Tulsa on 5/11 but it doesn’t see to have been delivered, status just says awaiting pickup. Have you received it yet? I’ve never had a delivery take this long but it could be that it’s held up due to delivery delays. I just want to make sure the package gets into your hands so if you could let me know I’d appreciate it. Thank you!
May 15Reply
krazykatt1962 @hlgart will go to post office tomorrow.
May 15Reply
hlgart @krazykatt1962 ok great! Enjoy!
May 15Reply
rosepetals3 Hey Kathy 🙋🏻‍♀️ I want to introduce My closet @Rosepetals3 to you! I have styles for everyone: Women, Men, and Kids. I love offers, and give major discounts on bundles+ Free Shipping🛍Check it out- I may have what you are looking for! ✨I hope to hear from you soon!🌹
May 16Reply
shop_with_susie Hey there!!! 😁 In my closet I have over a 100 items marked down to $7.00 🙆🏻‍♀️ 3+ items gets $4.99 shipping!!!
May 19Reply
natasha_scloset Hi welcome to Poshmark!👋👋 I would love it if you could stop by my closet. We’re having a bundle 3 items get 10% off the whole sale. Or if your interested in anything fell more than welcome to make an offer. Happy shopping!🛍
May 19Reply
newkirkyaya thanks for taking a peek at my closet 😊
May 28Reply
lindanguyen236 HappyPoshing ♥️
Jun 07Reply
howardhowell @krazykatt1962 Hi Kathy. Thanks for stopping by my closet. I see you are still browsing. Please make an offer on the items you are interested in or send me a message with the items and a fair price and I will honor it. Thanks.
Jun 07Reply
stormyofroses Hi There! Thanks for following my closet! Bundle to save 20% on 3 or more items on brands like COACH, Guess, Free People, Anthropologie, BCBG, and Bebe! Bundle and comment 'BOGO50' to buy one get one for 50% off! Thanks again and Happy Poshing!
Jun 12Reply
bean63 So glad u loved your items! And ty for the great rating and nice comment! 😃
Jul 02Reply
haertfelt1 Welcome to Postmark. Thank you for liking my closet. I hope you will come back to shop. I will check back for listings of your to sell as well. Happy shopping😊 and sales $$$
Jul 03Reply
kaylarosen10 Hi! I’m trying to clear out my closet before I leave for college and if you see anything you like feel free to bundle or make a reasonable offer! 💓
Jul 07Reply
bri_moseley did you get your package yet?
Jul 12Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Jul 14Reply
kaylarosen10 Thank you for the 5 star rating ☺️ I hope your granddaughter loves the items!
Jul 14Reply
janerand Thank you for your share Kathy 🥰🌺
Jul 19Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Kathy, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Jul 21Reply
grojivxatu Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade.. and I always working on new pieces. Also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Jul 25Reply
poshbys Welcome to my Poshmark closet! ☺️ I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I do. If you like any items in my closet please make me an offer. Happy poshing & stay safe 🥰
Jul 29Reply
mar112233 Hey Kathy! Just wanted to let you know I carry a ton of Free People, White House Black Market, Vince Camuto, Lucky Brand, and many more designer brands, all NWT and all at 50% - 70% off retail prices. I am open to offers! Hope you have a wonderful, blessed week💗Meg
Aug 03Reply
oreceholbert welcome to Poshmark 💜
Aug 04Reply
latashavaughn08 Hi I’m Latasha. I hope you are enjoying your time here on Poshmark. My closet is full of New With Tags or Excellent Preowned Items. Stop by and take a look. See something you like, use the offer button and send me an offer. Hope to see you soon. Have a great day 😊
Aug 10Reply
poshiemeg @krazykatt1962 Hi Kathy! I’m having a End of Summer Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Sale on ALL 925 SILVER JEWELRY (except select Luxury Necklaces)! I would love for you to visit my closet whenever you get the chance. I would love to give you an amazing deal. Thanks! Hope you and your family are safe and healthy! 🥰🤗😊
Sep 05Reply
msteph13 Come check out my closet!💕🎀🌸😄🎉
Sep 12Reply
kab_apparel Welcome to Poshmark!🌺💕. Thanks for the follow. Be sure to drop by my closet. I’m one of many Poshmark Ambassadors that’s here to answer any questions you might have. Much success w/Poshmark and Happy Poshing!!👗🥿👖👔👙👜👟👞🩱💵💵
Sep 22Reply
tootie2258 Welcome🙋
Sep 24Reply
sweethonesty3 Hello Kathy, Thank you for the follow. I have followed you back. If you have not already please take a look through my closet for items that may be of your interest. Being a motivated seller I am willing to work out deals on any of my items. I hope to do business with you soon. Stay safe and have a great day. Happy Poshing. Happy shopping! 😊🛍
Oct 05Reply
nickee72 Hello Kathy. Thanks for the follow. Take a peek. I have a 3 for $20 deal with the 🤑 emoji. bundle deals 🛍 and more. Let me know if you have any questions.👍
Oct 07Reply
tammy958 new to Poshmark please feel free to check out my closet. take care 😊
Oct 12Reply
ngreeneaz Welcome to the Poshmark Community, we’re so glad you joined us! I am a Posh Ambassador and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. I also hope you will take a moment to check out my closet. Much success and Happy Poshing.
Oct 12Reply
flashbackcloset Hi! I’m lynn , welcome to Poshmark. Anything you need to know don’t hesitate to ask . We are just Poshmark away. Good luck, happy poshing. Enjoy and have fun.
Oct 12Reply
stephsstorm Hello, my name is Stephanie and I am offering a blowout sale. Please feel free to browse my closet and make offers. “Happy Poshing.”💖🌹👍😊👀. HUGE 50% OFF the lowest marked price SALE!!
Oct 12Reply
simplyrey Thanks for the follow! Feel free to check out my closet and send offers on items you may like :)
Oct 12Reply
jkez36m Hi Kathy my name is Angela Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 14Reply
amandab0511 hello!! please stop by my closet!  I am moving overseas soon and need all of my stuff gone asap!  I am accepting almost all  offers and can give huge discounts on bundles!  I have both mens and womens clothing.  I'm also offering free shipping and a free item from my closet on bundles of three items or more! Any help is greatly appreciated.  please let me know if you have any questions!
Oct 14Reply
shebasplace Hello welcome to poshmark. Thanks for visiting my closest. I hope that you find something special just for yourself or for someone special in your life.😊
Oct 15Reply
tuyetvan_1993 Hello and nice to meet you! Please look for the 🌸 sign for items on sale! Please feel free to check out my closet for the bundle discount! Happy Poshing! :)
Oct 17Reply
jillyjava 🥰Hey there Kathy I’m a 1962 baby as well❣️ Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions let me know and I’ll try to help. Enjoy and Happy Poshing💖
Oct 21Reply
spikeys_closet Hi.Kathy! Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Spikey and I joined last summer. The biggest lesson I have learned is if you choose to sell clothes, share measurements and fabric content to generate more interest in your items. Feel free to visit my closet! Happy poshing!
Oct 25Reply
creolelady314 Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 26Reply
emily_toy Thanks for following me (= feel free to make an offer or bundle for more savings! Happy Poshing <3
Oct 27Reply
taquishaf Welcome to Poshmark🤗 Im also selling Shoes, Accessories & Clothes for Women, Kids and Men in my Closet & Boutique. I also have a multiple SALES going  on , on my website Hope you enjoy shopping and supporting small businesses 🛍 💖Posh Ambassador💖
Oct 27Reply
merlekb Hi there, I am a Posh Ambassador Merle welcoming you to Poshmark. Whether you are here to buy or sell I hope you have fun. Let me warn you its addictive! A good tip is to read your Guide to Poshmark and Posh Etiquette. Share yours and other closets often. It helps to bring attention to your closet. Want to remember a closet, like (❤) the Meet the Posher page. Reach out if you have questions, and remember to check out my closet for fantastic savings.  Good luck, stay safe and happy poshing!
Nov 08Reply
osue15 @krazykatt1962 hey thanks for following. I give amazing deals and always send free goodies:)
Nov 09Reply
martinez_margie Hi there, I'm selling beautiful jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. ❤❤ HAPPY POSHING ❤❤
Nov 16Reply
honeytag Hi there!! 😄 Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love ! 🖤 Happy Poshing 🌸🌸🌸
Dec 11Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet. Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Jan 03Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Feb 18Reply
rosemastellone Hi Kathy, Best of luck on PM, buying/selling, making new contacts and having fun. Enjoy browsing closets and finding good deals. Inquiries are welcome so let me know if you have concerns. Much success with all of your transactions and happy poshing. Stay safe,🌹
May 22Reply
deli126 Hi Kathy, I hope you are enjoying Poshmark, please check out my closet. I have so many great items. If there is anything in my closet you like, please let me know. I’m open to reasonable offers and you save big on bundles. Have a great day! Delia 😊
Sep 02Reply
glam_n3rd Fall greetings! 🍃 🍁 🍂 Just stopping by to spread some Posh Love 🧡💚💛🤎and welcome you to check out my closet when you have a moment! Happy Poshing ❤️
Nov 20Reply
donig1 Good morning🙏❤️
Feb 07Reply
vintagebitchaz Happy Monday! Thanks for the like I'm accepting all *resonable* offers ❤️1 DAY SALE! Right now I’m running a BUNDLE 6 Items get 50% off! So come take a look! Thanks 😊
Jun 20Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Nov 30Reply
rhonda_anne I hope that you have a blessed year! I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse .....this month in April 2023
Apr 30Reply

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Last Active: Aug 08 2021

Chandler, OK
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Last Active: Aug 08 2021

Chandler, OK
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