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Updated Dec 06
Updated Dec 06

Can I pray for you?



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Hi fellow Poshers 😊. These are uncertain times we’re living in - it is easy to understand the anxiety, stress, depression and worries we all feel from time to time. I would love to pray 🙏🏻 for anyone - just “like” and consider it done. Any specific struggles, concerns about health, finances, the future...leave me a note 💜
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mybrowneyedgirl Absolutely ❤️ this! 🙏
May 23Reply
amytrex630 @mybrowneyedgirl Is there anything I can pray about for you? ❤️ Amy
May 23Reply
mybrowneyedgirl @amytrex630 You are so kind Amy! Not at the moment. I just thought this was an amazing idea! Is there anything that I can pray for you?
May 23Reply
amytrex630 @mybrowneyedgirl Thank you and yes, I always appreciate prayers 🙏🏻. I am preparing to move several states away and attend seminary school for a career in Ministry. Not sure about details but God has recently put that on my heart 💜. As I prepare to move, I am trying to downsize as much as possible so here I am on Poshmark 😊. I hope you have a blessed day!
May 23Reply
mybrowneyedgirl @amytrex630 I just prayed that God will reveal His perfect plan for you answering His call to Ministry. That’s so exciting! I’ll continue to pray for you and your journey 🙏 wishing you God’s very best! Enjoy your holiday weekend! 🇺🇸
May 23Reply
lillievonstoop1 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Jun 06Reply
shopdropandr0ll Hi Amy, I popped by to peek in your shop, and saw your note. You are sure right about uncertain times (and thank goodness for retail therapy). I generally don't post comments online, but reading your post inspired to me say thank you for making me smile. I am always happy to see the bright spots like these. Wishing you the best as you walk your new path.
Jun 13Reply
amytrex630 @eborzage Thank you 💜. It definitely wasn’t my intention to post MY prayer requests here 😂. I am so happy this post made you smile - keep smiling!
Jun 14Reply
cocovalli 🌸Hi Amy , What a kind gesture for you to offer your prayers ❤️. Would you please include a prayer for my daughter , Rachel, She is being tested for lupus , God , we hope she doesn’t have this . Thank you & please let me know how I can pray for you . Blessings to you kind spirit🙏
Jul 08Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli absolutely I will pray for Rachel, how old is she?
Jul 08Reply
cocovalli @amytrex630 🌸Thank you so much Amy, she is 22🙏🌸
Jul 08Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli I have & will continue to lift her up in prayer. My son will be 20 in September & entered rehab for the 4th time today. I hadn’t cried until I prayed for Rachel - it hurts us so much when our kids hurt. I have to continue reminding myself that they are God’s children first & He’s got ‘em ♥️
Jul 08Reply
cocovalli @amytrex630 🌸🙏What is your son’s name ? I will pray for him too 🙏🌸
Jul 08Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli thank you so much, I really appreciate your prayers. His name is Jackson
Jul 08Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli hi. How is your daughter doing, if you don’t mind me asking?
Jul 17Reply
cocovalli @amytrex630 🌸Good morning Amy, how are you ? Our daughter is feeling a little better , but still having the episodes of almost passing grout with dropping blood pressure. She has cardiologist appointment Monday, & we are still waiting for lab results . How is your son? Thank you so much for your prayers , will continue 🙏for you & your son. Gotta get these kids well! ❤️🙏❤️
Jul 17Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli just checking in...I have been praying for your family, about the labs results & other tests. Have you learned anything new? Thank you for asking about my son, I haven’t had much contact with him, he is discharged 8/4.
Jul 27Reply
cocovalli @amytrex630 🌸Hi Amy, how are you ? Thank you so much for your prayers, our daughter is better, labs are ok. A coincidence, she will return to work on the same day your son is discharged. My prayers continue for him & you also. Have a beautiful & blessed day 🌸
Jul 27Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli that is great to hear! I know God is delivering blessings on August 4th! 💜
Jul 27Reply
cocovalli @amytrex630 🌸OMG Amy ! I love how you said that , about delivering blessings! ❤️🙏❤️
Jul 27Reply
samcat85 This is a really nice thing to do! I imagine it’s what a lot of people right now. 😊 🙏🏻
Jul 31Reply
amytrex630 @samcat85 I know I need it for sure 😊. Let me know if I can pray for you - would love to 🌺
Aug 01Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli mark your calendar for Tuesday - I know God is gonna show up & show off for both are kiddos! I’m thanking Him already for meeting both their health needs & all the success He has in store for their future ♥️
Aug 01Reply
cocovalli @amytrex630 🌸Yes , he is amazing . How are you doing Amy? My prayers continue for you & your family . 🙏
Aug 01Reply
amytrex630 @cocovalli How is your daughter doing?? I was praying for her on Tuesday as I drove 3 hours to pickup my son - who is doing great!! God is SO GOOD 😊 and I am confident you have seen the same with your daughter - I just feel it 🙏🏻
Aug 06Reply
cocovalli @amytrex630 🌸Thank you so much Amy , she is doing better , back to work . Happy about your son , will keep both of you in my prayers for continued blessings. 🙏. You are a blessing sweet Amy 🌸
Aug 06Reply
tootie2258 @amytrex630 Hi, I posted the colors I have left in the listing.. Take your time just wanted you to know. If you are on The Book, I have a part group there, lambs and lions, we'd love to have you praying with us ❤
Aug 31Reply
tootie2258 @amytrex630 Hi, did you decide on colors? I only have two more of the Sultry Move.
Sep 01Reply
tootie2258 Im home now and can take your order. It win ship tomorrow, sweetie 😊
Sep 01Reply
amytrex630 @tootie2258 I commented on my bundle page 🌸
Sep 01Reply
lisa_buehner I will pray for y’all if you pray for mine! Good luck on the move🙏🏻
Sep 18Reply
jessica445788 Thank you for being a hand of God ! We should all learn from you putting your self out there & offering prayer! I know today I will follow your lead & offer prayer to anyone who needs it also! Thank you ! 💜
Sep 21Reply
amytrex630 @jessica445788 ❤️ Is there anything I can pray about for you?
Sep 21Reply
jessica445788 @amytrex630 just to follow were God leads me, my husband , 2 daughters & 1 son & for us to constantly show Jesus living inside of us to whoever he wants us to ! I’m praying for you also❤️❤️
Sep 21Reply
amytrex630 @jessica445788 thank you so much 🙏🏻. I will pray for your family ❤️. Things will always work out for the best seeking God’s will each day. Good job! 🌸
Sep 21Reply
moores1997 sweet!! I love you are doing this!! I believe in the POWER in prayer and would never turn it down. I am a mother of a 18 yr old. She is in college (the reason I am selling) and trying to decide her path in life. Help me pray for wisdom, guidance and safety for her. In return praying for you!!!
Oct 12Reply
amytrex630 @casper463 I will be praying for all 3! Nehemiah 8:10 😊
Oct 12Reply
amytrex630 @moores1997 Thank you for your prayers. I am far too familiar with the age of your daughter & all the changes for both parent & child occurring. I will pray that ya’all continue seeking God’s will in her life and believe in the promise that He loves her so much more & knows the plans He has for her future! Jeremiah 29:11 🦋
Oct 12Reply
moores1997 @amytrex630 Thank you! That’s her verse. She had it taped to her mirror....(here at home)
Oct 12Reply
gramercywyld Hi Amy! I kindly ask if you can extend a prayer for my father going through painful esophageal cancer, it would mean so very much 😔
Oct 17Reply
amytrex630 @gramercywyld I absolutely will! Do you mind giving me his name? If not, it’s okay - God knows the situation. I just feel bad referring to people by their ailment, etc. ❤️
Oct 17Reply
gramercywyld @amytrex630 Eugene -Thank you so so much he is going through “a lot” to say very the least.
Oct 17Reply
grace4d I’ve a fur baby that is near to passing after 20 yrs together. I need prayer for him bc the very terrifies him & I’d rather have him pass at home in my arms. My baby Boo. He has some pain too that just started.♥️🙏🏼♥️
Dec 01Reply
amytrex630 @grace4d I am so sad to hear your news - losing a pet is never an easy thing. 20 years...guessing a kitty? I will be praying that the Holy Spirit gives you a sign & an inner peace if/when it’s time to make a decision re: the pain/suffering. And please give yourself grace to grieve — people can be very insensitive & callous if they have never experienced the love & subsequent loss of a pet 😢 Keep me posted if you want...God Bless you for being such a loving companion all these years! 😘 Amy
Dec 01Reply
grace4d @amytrex630 thank u !♥️it’s my boy chihuahua- 1 of the 3 I had. The girls made it to 19 yrs! I’m familiar w grief & Grace. All my life I’ve had pets. We Usually go and rescue more quickly bc i just love animals. I have one cat he’s 7 yrs & he is a rescue w psych problems -poor baby. Thank u so much for ur prayers! I really appreciate it. Ur sincerity touched my heart too♥️🌻Dee
Dec 02Reply
amytrex630 @grace4d Dee, Please accept my heartfelt sadness for your loss. I don’t know if you are familiar with the Reverend Billy Graham, but he was quoted as saying, “God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in Heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he will be there!” You are in my thoughts & prayers sweetie ♥️ Amy
Dec 03Reply
grace4d @amytrex630 thank u. Yes I watched him all the time - he was a great man of God. My boo had a lot of pain & passed 11am yesterday. It was a tough 24 hrs. Thanks for the♥️♥️♥️
Dec 03Reply
gimbarlina Thank you so much I love this. Make sure to check out my novel it is about this!!
May 03Reply

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