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Updated Sep 07
Updated Sep 07




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Please Read. I am having a sale that if you bundle 3 or more items you get them half price! Some purses, tools, die cast and metal vehicles not included. Read Descriptions thoroughly please to see what may or may not be Included in this Bundle Sale. I add items everyday and some are not Included. Thank you for stopping by 😊
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mel_d123 @jessicasharm123 hi there! Thanks for checking out my closet! Are you interested in bundling? Let me know❣️
Feb 01Reply
brrayan207 Hi, welcome to Poshmark, thanks for visit my closet 😊 and shared tooπŸ’•πŸ’•
Feb 03Reply
victoria_air Would you like to purchase from my store? I can adjust price if needed!!
Feb 11Reply
demonhunters Please one way shares, for I am really sick and don't know when I will reopen.
Feb 11Reply
rooster1984 @808classysassy Ok sweetie I do apologise! I hope you get to feeling better
Feb 12Reply
demonhunters @jessicasharm123 No worries. Please one way shares only, I am in bed and thought I would share several closets.
Feb 12Reply
pugsinparadise πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žLove your selection! Everything from vintage cars and toys to dreamy vintage Prada! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
Feb 18Reply
bags4us I noticed the Jew looked at 3 of my items and like them would you like to make a bundle I can't do 50% like you are But will do something
Feb 22Reply
rooster1984 @bags4us Hi! Thank you for the offer! I was saving them in my likes for later but I appreciate your asking πŸ™‚
Feb 22Reply
kbaams100 @jessicasharm123 I noticed you liked three coats from my closet...I will offer the same deal you have going onπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰buy all three coats and I'll reduce by 50% let me know if this might be of interest to you as I will provide free shipping as wellπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
Mar 08Reply
rooster1984 @kbaams100 Hello! Wow I truly appreciate the offer and if I wasn't having some sudden financial problems I would definitely take you up on your offer!! I may think about it and come back if that's ok. I have to speak to my fiance about it too. Thanks again πŸ™‚
Mar 09Reply
kbaams100 @jessicasharm123 no worries we are moving money πŸ’²πŸ’°πŸ’² is tight here too I get it‼️the offer will be available with no expiration date πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— EnJOY your day and I will say a prayer for your financial situation to turn around🌠🌠🌠
Mar 09Reply
hananjames I love your closet very nice
Mar 14Reply
rooster1984 @kbaams100 Thank you πŸ™‚
Mar 14Reply
rooster1984 @hananjames Thank you πŸ™‚
Mar 14Reply
bebeday0368 Hi, I noticed you liked my Michael Kors purse and I liked quite a few toys in your closet would you want to make a trade my bundle for your bundle?
Apr 18Reply
adele2030 Hi. Feel free to bundle your likes. I will give you free shipping and a great deal. Promise and you can always decline my offer or counter. No obligation. Thank you for looking. Have a blessed evening. Take care Moses and Adele
May 04Reply
rok331 Hi!!! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and for the shares and likes!!! πŸ’• All reasonable offers are accepted or bundle to save even more πŸ€‘!! Have a great day and happy Poshing!!! 😁
May 11Reply
sharimom Thanks for Stopping By My Closet And Sharing The Love πŸ’• Have An Awesome Evening 🏑
Jun 11Reply
happyjoy5 Hi the lowest I could except is 160
Jun 12Reply
rooster1984 @happyjoy5 Ok thank you for the quick response and being so kind πŸ™‚
Jun 12Reply
peyton_w3 Thank you for sharing one of my listings! Let me know if your interested in any of them!πŸ₯° Come check out my closet if you would like!☺️
Jun 18Reply
clausmorals1960 thank you ❀ so much for all the likes . you are amazing πŸ₯°
Jun 25Reply
brookmstein00 Hi! I can give you a lower price on my bracelet if you’re interested e
Jul 08Reply
cococamello HI, thanks for liking my silver hoops. They are so much prettier in person. I have a question since you're a Posh ambassador... If I want to leave a message for a posher that does not have a closet, and they don't have a "meet your posher" how does that work? You did not have that meet your posher, leave me a comment box either so that's why I'm commenting on this listing. I'm fairly new at this. OH, and I'm negotiable. buy those earrings!! :)
Jul 12Reply
rooster1984 @cococamello Hi! The only way I would know how to send a message to them would be for you to add an item to a bundle using their screen name and write your message that way. You can always delete the item in the bundle before you sent the message. Hope that helps sweetie. If it doesn't work just come back and let me know ok and I'll figure something else out πŸ™‚
Jul 12Reply
cococamello @jessicasharm123 Thanks for the info:)
Jul 12Reply
thekingiscoming Hey thanks for visiting my closet and sharing! Bundle your likes and I’ll send you an offer!πŸ‘πŸ˜
Jul 13Reply
theashleyannn13 sent an offer πŸ₯°
Jul 20Reply
theashleyannn13 were you interested in any items πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Jul 21Reply
theashleyannn13 sent offers πŸ₯°β€πŸ™
Jul 21Reply
katbac12 @jessicasharm123 Thank you for liking some of my items! If you are interested feel free to make an offer
Jul 21Reply
theashleyannn13 thanks for the love were you interested in any items
Jul 21Reply
joan_moody hi sweetie, are u ready to purchase anything yet? your so cute, I do the same thing & pile in peoples bundles, but tom & sunday I'm gna just b putting up bundles & bundles of 5 lbs cuz if I dnt do it now I'll nvr gt this house done, slot of nice stuff, u should visit, I'll giv u great deals whenever u decide, ok😘😘😘😘
Aug 07Reply
joan_moody hi hny, hw r u? uggh, sales r so slow, I'm gna try really hard, I'm gna take a bit b12 to gt my butt moving so bad to put up bundle after bundle tom of everything & mre, last time I did it I sold thm faster thn I can put thm up, I hav to, I cant gt my butt off the COACH, hope all is well, if u decide u wanna trade or anything, I can giv u a gd price if u want, take care sweetone, talk to u soon😘😘😘😘
Aug 07Reply
theashleyannn13 hello interested in any items
Aug 08Reply
gearheadgirl50 see no mention of that would be false advertising
Sep 02Reply
rooster1984 @gearheadgirl50 Mam in the descriptions of the newer items I added states whether or not the items are included in the bundle sale. Please See the description under the listing. Again I apologize for any inconvenience but my fiancee is also on a fixed income and I can't give it away. I asked him will he let me do half price on the items for you and he said he will think about it. He paid alot of money for the movies. I'm trying to be fair.
Sep 02Reply
rooster1984 @gearheadgirl50 These are older posters so I'll add it that please read all descriptions to see what is and what is not Included in the bundle sale. Thank you for bringing that to my attention
Sep 02Reply
prettyinposh101 Hi! I noticed you liked some Michael Kors items, I am selling a lot of nice Michael Kors bags if you are interested check out my closet I offer 10% discounts on bundles of multiple items or feel free to make me an offer on any item you like πŸ˜˜πŸ’—πŸŒΉ
Sep 07Reply

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