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Updated Feb 03
Updated Feb 03

Meet your Posher, Jessica

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jessi! I've been selling on Poshmark for just over 2 years! I pride myself on the quality of my items and excellent customer service! I host live auctions and love to meet followers and chat with people. Please feel free to add me on Facebook Jessi NC (plus _jessi_nc on Instagram)... and Thanks for checking out my closet :)
  • Ships to: Canada

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cheripurvis Hi Jessica! Thanks for the like. Happy Poshing! ❤️
Jan 30Reply
alice_stella Thanks for sharing the Posh Love 😍 I add new items to my closet often so please pop in again soon. In the meantime, take care and Happy Poshing! ~Jessica
Feb 02Reply
d_cvintage Hi Jessica!!! Welcome to Poshmark!! Thanks for the shares!! If you see something you like in my closet feel free to send an offer, i’m always open to new offers!! 👔🧥👗Happy Poshing:)
Feb 05Reply
alisonluvs2shop @jessi_nc - Thank you for sharing my closet. I am new to Poshmark and I am absolutely loving the community. You just made it even better. Be well and stay safe 💜🙏✌️🛍
Feb 12Reply
mika2565 Hi! Thanks for sharing my closet. Let us all enjoy this journey of sharing and selling in Poshmark, it’s like a separate world, away from the pandemic even just for a moment. Be happy, be healthy happy poshings! All the best to you .You have a lovely closet :):)
Feb 14Reply
bigsexylift nice pic ! how long have you been in Calgary ?
Feb 15Reply
monimarquet Hi Thanks for sharing my closet!(θ‿θ)
Feb 24Reply
jessi_nc @monimarquet no problem 😊
Feb 24Reply
poshipipi Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Happy Poshing! 🥰
Feb 25Reply
poshipipi Thank you for all the shares! 😊
Feb 25Reply
valleystyles Ryan here, Your friendly neighborhood Posh Ambassador 😊 Welcome to poshmark! 👖👙👕👟👠👔👗👢👡 Congrats on starting your closet!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me ♡ Cheers 🍻🍷
Feb 26Reply
tt_posh_ Thanks for all the posh love 🥰💕
Feb 27Reply
jenamackenzie @jessi_nc thank you for all the shares 🥰
Feb 28Reply
susanwilson828 Thanks for coming to my closet have a great weekend!
Feb 28Reply
champagne_cat Thanks for all the shares, you have a fun closet! Love the cross-section of bags/purses; funky and classy items 😍
Feb 28Reply
jessi_nc @champagne_cat thank you lol I like your closet too!
Feb 28Reply
Feb 28Reply
dawswevesyql Hey just wanted too let you know about my closet sale:) buy one get one half off entire closet and 30 percent off all long bottoms! Just saw you bought from my mom or liked her stuff haha:) or followed and could we potentially make a deal? Feel free too shop my closet and I’ll give u a great deal. Free Shipping on 6 plus items as well. Happy poshing :)
Feb 28Reply
wrenandrome Thanks so much for all the closet love and shares🥰🥂
Mar 01Reply
gensmiley Hi Jessi 👋🏻 My name is Gen with a G! I ❤️ your closet!! I just shared a bunch🥰 and following now. I started last December. So far I've listed brands like American Outfitters, Bulova,Tiffany&Co, RW&Co, H&M, Mango, Zara, Jacob, Jacob Jr, Baby Gap,Toms, MEC, Seven For Mankind, Citizens of Humanity, Joe Fresh, Jessica Simpson, Wilfred, Indigo and Banana Republic. I'll be adding more brands, styles and sizes! I hope you visit my closet and follow me too. 🤞🏼😊 Stay safe & happy poshing! ❄🛍☃️
Mar 01Reply
jessi_nc @gensmiley thats awesome! good luck hun! happy poshing
Mar 01Reply
jenthom876 hello Jesse are you interested in the boots? I will price drop for you.
Mar 01Reply
jessi_nc @jenthom876 unfortunately they won't fit me the brown ones right?
Mar 01Reply
poppyandisabel Hi, thanks for the shares, I appreciate it. You have a lovely closet.
Mar 01Reply
jenthom876 too bad those boots won't fit you..
Mar 01Reply
514lenab Thanks for the support, Jesse! Have a fab day!😉✌❤📦🍾
Mar 01Reply
gensmiley @jessi_nc Thanks, Jessi 🤗 I'm learning so much from this community! 🥰
Mar 01Reply
islandvibes441 You do have some really nice items.
Mar 02Reply
jessi_nc @islandvibes441 yah right girl your closet is banging!
Mar 02Reply
greatbargains1 Welcome to Posh😊🎉
Mar 04Reply
tcstoronto Thank you for sharing so many of my items. I am new to this and appreciate the support. I look forward to check your items.
Mar 05Reply
bigsexylift thank you for the products and wow the perfume or foot cream you put in the Pumas , reminded
Mar 05Reply
bigsexylift reminds me of girl in Calgary I used to date years ago but funny thing is I had 2 strokes and I forgot alot of people due to stroke I don't believe it was you unless you used to party alot at the wranchmans country bar and if you used to run marathons , anyhow to funny that perfume or smell triggered a memory so I favorited a few more items but I was mostly curious if you have any more earings left but I won't be able to buy until next month if you still have them
Mar 05Reply
jessi_nc @bigsexylift its juicy couture lol. I gave them a spray just incase they had a "shoe smell". lol I'm not originally from Calgary. I've been here for a few years. I do have some more earrings.
Mar 05Reply
bigsexylift @jessi_nc do you sell that perfume ? it would smell nice on my current girlfriend and how many more earings do you have ? where are you from originally I have lived all over canada and arizona , your face looks familiar I have met so many people but never forget a face I wonder if we crossed paths lol it's a small world I ran into 2 female friends one from Edmonton and one from Calgary from 20 plus years ago in Ottawa so very small world !
Mar 05Reply
bigsexylift oh my god I just googled juicy couture they have tons of different smells lol could you post a pic of the one you have because it brought back some good memories of years ago which I never thought I would remember again and it's amazing how smell can bring back memories
Mar 05Reply
jessi_nc @bigsexylift peace and love juicy couture. if you where in alberta 20 years ago I would have been 6 lol. so I doubt. it i moved here with my husband 6 years ago.
Mar 05Reply
bigsexylift @jessi_nc lol no I mean the smell is from a girl I used to know which isn't you but your perfume reminded me of her I was saying maybe we crossed paths before I left Calgary 7 yrs ago I was still working the bars so if you or him went out I was working door at most bars a d doing private bodyguarding
Mar 05Reply
jessi_nc @bigsexylift oh lol gotcha yah maybe. who knows its a small world 🌎
Mar 05Reply
bigsexylift @jessi_nc the earings you have are they silver as well or stainless I think I may want 2 pairs or one pair next pay then the 2 nd a month after that if they haven't sold by then
Mar 05Reply
jessi_nc @bigsexylift I have silver and stainless steel
Mar 05Reply
bigsexylift @jessi_nc well next month I can commit to 2 of them
Mar 06Reply
jessi_nc @bigsexylift ok sounds great! I look forward to it.
Mar 06Reply
latte_luv Hi there!! I’m super excited about getting the Vintage Coach purse!!! Amazing!!! Thanks for your generous discount 🥰💕
Mar 07Reply
montrealposher 👋🏼Welcome to Poshmark 🇨🇦 what an Exciting time for us Canadians. The key is to 🔁 your closet & others and then 🔁 & 🔁 so more. 💕 Wishing you Much Success.
Mar 09Reply
lefrip Thanks for the visit! great closet. nice to meet you 🤗
Mar 09Reply
mar_findss Hi Jessica!🖐Thank for visiting my closet and sharing the posh love. I love your closet and what a great selection of branded items. Great work!✨♥️✨
Mar 09Reply
swk57 Lot of nice items - Your closet has a great feel too. Suz
Mar 09Reply
kaseyscloset129 Love your closet too, Jessica!! I’ll be sure to share some items!! 💕🌟🌷
Mar 09Reply
fairweatherbay @kaseyscloset129 hi Jessica🌹thank you for visiting my closet and for the posh love. It’s a work in progress! Love you closet, but most of all your reaching out❤️ you have so many beautiful things and great prices, I know I’ll I’ll be back again and again! 🌹❤️🌹
Mar 09Reply
yannisaudoux @jessi_nc Salut jess thank you for adding me to your follower and wish you alls the best of luck on poshmark😊🤙
Mar 09Reply
meghanbuch hi! thank you for following :) if you were interested in any pieces in my closet be sure to bundle up! the more you bundle the more the discount! i also have a bunch of 2/_$ sales going on right now that you wouldn’t want to miss! happy poshing -meghan 😊
Mar 11Reply
aleitalaird875 Hi Jessica, thank you, for sharing so much of my closet🥰
Mar 11Reply
meghanbuch hi again! i know i’ve commented already but just wanted to say thank you once more! i appreciate the shares so so much 😊
Mar 11Reply
auntiemskeswick Hi there!! Just stopping by to say thank you for sharing my closet!!! 🥰 I wish you much success with your fab closet! If there is anything I can offer you a better price and shipping on, please don't hesitate to ask.... I will do all that I can to offer you the best deal possible!! Happy Poshing!!!
Mar 11Reply
susanwilson828 Hi Jessica thank you for sharing some of my closet I was admiring your haha
Mar 11Reply
spiros101 🙏🤩🍻🥂🇨🇦😷✌🏼😉💄Thanks gurl for your generous shares and loyal follow as I return the favour fabulous Jessica and to your gorgeous closet your so sweet bless your Heart and bless mine too lol take care and may you have great sales and success on here cheers 🥂 🙏🤩🍻🥂🇨🇦😷✌🏼😉💄
Mar 13Reply
jessi_nc @spiros101 omg thank you! bless you 🙏
Mar 13Reply
capricorn3828 Thank you for sharing my items!! ❤️just wanted to return the favour as well! You have such a good closet 😁
Mar 16Reply
jessi_nc @capricorn3828 thank you so much!
Mar 16Reply
katiekatbc Thank you for all you Posh love ❤️ Jesse.
Mar 17Reply
dharmaboutique Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for your comment. Your closet looks great also!! 💗😊 Thanks so much for stopping by.
Mar 19Reply
cayushi Beautiful closet! ❤
Mar 19Reply
spiros101 You are just too cute to boot 👢 lol thanks darling for your wonderful shares honest every bit helps please accept my thanks and I will do the same and vice versa 🙏🥂🍻😷🇨🇦✌🏼😉💯
Mar 20Reply
babytry Tks for the share darling 🖤
Mar 21Reply
lunf_10 Thank you for sharing. Stay safe Madam.
Mar 27Reply
jessi_nc @dulyeawen the danier bag is amazing. it's in perfect condition. the Jacky& celine leather bag is nice a big if you prefer a larger bag. the lieberskind is lambs leather and really nice as well. the merona is a vintage bag but in pristine condition.
Apr 07Reply
lisetina Beautiful closet I will go back to buy stay safe🙏
Apr 22Reply
lisetina Hi Jesse I waiting for my new card because the bank frozen my car for security reasons
Apr 22Reply
alessentials Thank you for sharing!🤗
May 01Reply
po_chan_ hi Jesse! thanks so much for the shares! paula
May 05Reply
zanfel Thank you for dropping by my closet and sharing my listings I like your closet
May 15Reply
asavage01 Thanks for stopping by my closet I have a continuous bundle sale going on. In the title you will see 💌5/15$ that means 5 or more listings = 3$ each for You. 💗 All items from a smoke free home
May 15Reply
shebasplace WELCOME TO POSHMARK. Thanks for visiting my closet. I would like you to find something for yourself or for someone special in your life. I try to price my items at a fair price according to its condition and brand. I hope that you will continue to visit and that we can do business.😊
May 19Reply
silverlady1986 Welcome to poshmark, it's a great place to buy and sell, I am a posh ambassador if I can help you with anything let me know, thanks for shopping my closet, Peggy
May 19Reply
dcase2021 Hello my fellow Albertan Poshmarker! Sharing the love with your gems! ♥ Wishing you great health, happiness and tons of continued success on PM!!!! ♥♥♥♥ Thought I would say Hi and introduce myself. Feel free to check out my closet if you get the opportunity! ♥♥♥♥ Sincerely, Donna
May 21Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both men and women clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
May 23Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
May 25Reply
gemstogo 👈🏽 ℋ𝒾, 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝑜 𝓂𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌, 𝓅𝑜𝓅 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝒽𝒾 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒. 👉🏾😂 𝒜 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒽𝓊𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒹𝒶𝓎! Overworked Poshmark Manager Salesperson: “This computer will cut your workload by 50%.” Poshmark Office Manager: “That’s great! I’ll take two of them.”
May 25Reply
johncruchelow Thanks for your support!!🤘🏼
May 25Reply
spiros101 Thank you foe your likes and shares we greatly appreciate it god bless and speedy sales cheers 🥂
May 31Reply
alessentials Hi! Thank you kindly for following. Receive a complimentary gift with each purchase.☺️
Jun 16Reply
karakenora Thanks so much for the amazing offer on the cute teal purse!! Really appreciate it! 😊💞
Jun 17Reply
jessi_nc @karakenora no problem!!! I will have this bag packaged up and sent out today!
Jun 17Reply
brookecannata Hi Jessica! Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for following me 💝
Jun 19Reply
oliviaami Thanks for following me
Jun 19Reply
thelostboyclub Hey thanks for the follow! Hope you have a fabulous time poshing :) 🌻
Jun 20Reply
puckie12 Have a bless day and stay safe.
Jun 20Reply
mamabearthrift Hey! 2 for $12 this weekend! Any two items priced $15 and lower you can have for $12. Also open to offers :)
Jun 20Reply
yourstatement Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have a lot of fun on your new adventure. You are sure to find some wonderful bargains and if you are also selling I wish you every success. Have a great day. Janis
Jun 20Reply
creolelady314 Welcome to Poshmark check out my closet
Jun 20Reply
ps_collective Hello! my name is Brenda, I am a posh ambassador here on poshmark. I want to be one of the first to welcome you to Poshmark! we are a great community here! if you have any questions about anything regarding to Poshmark selling or buying, I'm your girl! let me know and again welcome and feel free to browse my closet for tips on how to sell. 💜🙂 click ➡️ @prime_style to see my closet.
Jun 20Reply
lmaaronson Thanks for stopping by my closet! I have mostly new and handmade items with a few highly discounted gently used items. You can also check out
Jun 20Reply
bee_amaziing 💐Welcome to Poshmark! Visit my closet for Authentic Louis Vuitton, Gucci and other items. Reasonable offers are always welcome 😊
Jun 20Reply
sharongriffi441 Hello, Jess, thanks for the follow. My daughter's name is Jessica. Her name came from a soap opera star.Lol Happy Poshing!! 😊
Jun 21Reply
chrisschilling 🌺🌼Welcome to Poshmark!!🌺🌼 Feel free to check out my closet!! Lots of great items and offers always considered!
Jun 21Reply
dv1011 Hi welcome to Poshmark! I’m Debbie, a Posh Ambassador. You are welcome to browse my closet and if you bundle 2+ items you’ll receive 15% off automatically-have fun! 🤩🌈🛍
Jun 21Reply
amazing_alesha Hello! 🌹 Welcome to Poshmark! ✨ My name is Alesha, & I’m a Poshmark ambassador. ★ We are happy to have you here! 😊 Please let me know if you have any questions, or need any help. Happy poshing! ♡
Jun 21Reply
whitt_ana hi Jessica thank you for following me!
Jun 22Reply
saunacain Hi, Welcome to POSHMARK!!
Jun 22Reply
poeposturous Hello Jessica! I have some items in my closet that you may be interested in. If you want to check it out and find something you like, let me know and we can go from there. 😊 Happy Poshing!
Jun 22Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda... Buying or Selling New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile.. Best of Luck to you Jewelry Makes the Outfit...Stop by💋 🇺🇸Buy Made in America 🕊🕊
Jun 22Reply
eekane Welcome! Happy Poshing🌹
Jun 23Reply
oclizzy Thanks for sharing my closet!
Jun 23Reply
jkez36m Hi Jessica my name is Angela Welcome to Poshmark
Jun 25Reply
bigred2019 Hi Jesse enjoying your closet and sharing! I thank you for your follow hope you can come back and browse my closet again sometime thank you. ❤️🇺🇸🌺🐝
Jul 06Reply
2girls2122 Thanks for following our closet...Wishing you many sales👝 and buys📦..Have a great day😊
Jul 09Reply
lusu_designs Greetings, I hope all is well with you and yours. Thanks much for your interest in my page. Feel free to make an offer on anything you like, and we can go from there. All offers are welcome. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care, be blessed! Brandon
Jul 11Reply
jacquee59 Welcome to Poshmark and happy shopping 🛍
Jul 11Reply
texanlady Hello Jesse 🙋‍♀️ Welcome to Poshmark 🌸🌻🌸🌻
Jul 11Reply
angela_k252 Heyy currently holding summer sales if you happen to like any listings you can like them and I’ll collect them into a bundle a offer you the deal:) check out my page for more happy poshing!
Jul 27Reply
ogladyglitter Thanks for all your share love! You’re the best!!
Aug 16Reply
joshuaw69 thanks for always sharing the love :)
Aug 16Reply
shirlyscloset hello can you give me the dimensions of the Gucci bag as you have an offer already that I don't want to dismiss but please give me dimensions of the Gucci bag
Aug 28Reply
jessi_nc @shirlyscloset can you put it in a bundle so I know which one you are talking about please I will get you measurements right away
Aug 28Reply
shirlyscloset @jessi_nc absolutely I will decline your offer sent so that we can shop as there are several bags of Interest okay please do not be hurt by the decline of offer
Aug 28Reply
jessi_nc @shirlyscloset no problem! I will get the dimensions of the gucci bag. I will add the measurements to the bundle you created
Aug 28Reply
sandycat50 morning! I'm Adding genie charm to bundle. have a question please..thx u😀 ..
Sep 01Reply
jessi_nc @sandycat50 hello! ok what is your question?
Sep 01Reply
sandycat50 @jessi_nc just about shipping thx.
Sep 01Reply
jessi_nc @sandycat50 I sent an offer of 28 with 6.99 shipping.
Sep 01Reply
sandycat50 thx u so very much 👍👍🙏😀
Sep 01Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Sep 11Reply
17pizzazz @jessi_nc thanks for all the shares!!! Take care!🥰
Sep 15Reply
bighow104 Welcome to Poshmark beautiful 😉
Sep 16Reply
wheelworx Thank you for the great offer on the velvet bag Jessi. You’ve got the best selection. Giving more consideration. Kind regards, Linda
Sep 18Reply
jessi_nc @wheelworx thank you Linda!
Sep 18Reply
wheelworx Thank you for the shares. Newbie on PM. Appreciate.
Sep 19Reply
faithlovethrift Hello beautiful, thanks for all the shares❣️ I appreciate it allot 😊 Love your store Take care, Dawn
Sep 22Reply
vaiz__mart Cool poshmark! Check out my store page on insta @vaizsmartgame
Sep 25Reply
devonalison1 Hi Jessica, Thank you for following me and Welcome to Poshmark! What a beautiful picture!I hope you will enjoy buying and perhaps even selling here! Let me know if you have any questions about how Poshmark works, as I am always happy to help if I can?! Enjoy your weekend and week! Alison,
Sep 25Reply
jlee5533 Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet because I just started 2 wks ago and I have a TON of items coming up everyday!
Sep 25Reply
shthe6 Hi, So how does customer service work for this app? I feel like my first sale is a dud; it was just delivered but the Customer is a ghost thus far. Please advise
Sep 27Reply
jessi_nc @shthe6 hello! I think I can help. when an item is delivered. the customer has three days to accept the item. after three days it is automatically accepted and the funds are released. if the item is small it most likely is sitting in there mailbox or a pick up parcel slip is attached to there door. it is very common.
Sep 27Reply
jessi_nc @shthe6 some customers open and rate there purchases immediately upon delivery but others take days. you will only have to wait 3 days from the date it was delivered to receive your money ( granted if the customer is happy with there purchase). but that being said there is only a handful of reasons poshmark will accept a return request. hope that helps!
Sep 27Reply
tatnaples Hi Jessica! Thank you for the follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Sep 28Reply
pantipa895 Hello from San Diego! Welcome and thank you if you have some time to stop by my closet:). I’m fairly new to PM but love to be part of community and get to know wonderful people. I need to find time to list more to my closet! Have a wonderful day 🦊🐯:) ;)
Sep 28Reply
jessi_nc @pantipa895 hello! thank you for the message! unfortunately as I am in Canada I cannot shop your closet but I wish you the best of luck!
Sep 28Reply
pantipa895 @jessi_nc thank you 🙏 Jessi
Sep 28Reply
mgusba hi Jesse....I will be declining your offer bc I think I must have liked by mistake as I was scrolling thru'...I never wear a hat, even in winter ! sorry for being silly 😏
Oct 03Reply
sargebill Jessica hi and good afternoon, thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Oct 07Reply
laurahansen64 Hi, Jessica. Thanks for all the generous shares! Hope you are spared the snow we just received in Prince George, BC. Have a good Posh evening. Cheers, Laura
Oct 14Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow! 🤍 God bless 🕊️
Oct 16Reply
crissboys3 Hello my name is LaTanya Davis. you don't know me directly I do have boutique here on Posh (crissboys3). I'm reaching out to you in regards to business opportunity. I work in financial industry servicing and educating families and communities on investment strategies throughout life insurance. I'm currently expanding and am looking to partner with other business minded individuals from all backgrounds. What do you do for work? Do you keep your business options open?
Oct 16Reply
4bobbie Thanks for following my closet! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like! Discount given on bundles!
Oct 17Reply
saamaanthaa939 hiii - I wanted to share that I give 😉discounts😉 and/or a 🤗FREE gift🤗 when you purchase 2+posts from my closet. I hope you take the time to look around and hopefully find something you can treat yourself with this new season💛
Oct 18Reply
mgrtopshop Great closet, gorgeous! 😘💕💯👌
Oct 22Reply
luxe_to_love Hi Jessica, thank you for following me and sharing the pieces from my closet. I am happy to follow back and check your interesting closet as well 😊
Oct 22Reply
dtobin01 Wow! Like you and thanks for the stares…I will reciprocate 😊
Oct 23Reply
sunkneejade hello love💕 welcome to pm🥰 I am an affiliate,  ambassador, top5☆ rated, fast shipper, and mentor for pm, im happy to help🤑here to sell? shares= sharebacks👉here to buy? like, share, send offers, sort by brand/size/style, ask?s, use pm faqs as a guide👉if you're interested, 🤑3/5, 2/8, 4/20 $ales🤑 happening across my closet including nwt clothing,  crafting, decor, & more💌 tag me with ?s 💕happy poshing darling🌤💚
Oct 24Reply
nb_posher Hello Poshmark friend 👋 I want to share with you a great 🍁FALL SALE🍁 I’m hosting in my closet this week! Bundle 3+ items together & I will send you an offer for 40% off!! 🛍🛍 I will honour this until midnight on Friday October 29th. Feel free to reply if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day! ⭐️⭐️
Oct 26Reply
skelco11 Hey there! Thanks for following me, and happy Friday!
Nov 05Reply
rosemastellone Hi Jessica, Thanks for following my closet. Best of luck on PM, buying/selling, making new contacts and having fun. Enjoy browsing closets and finding good deals. Inquiries are welcome so let me know if you have concerns. Much success with all of your transactions and happy poshing. Stay safe,🌹
Nov 07Reply
archetypo Hi & thanks for the follow - loving your closet, such a beautiful selection! I'm still on my first week here so picking up pointers wherever I can 😁💕👏 My closet is still very much under construction but please visit - I have loads more cool stuff I'll be adding soon!
Dec 02Reply
delia_mongillo @jessi_nc hi its Delia I bought the versace wallet could you please mail me the wallet asap by tonight or tomorrow cause its for a gift 🎁...thx
Dec 03Reply
mrslesleyanne Thank you for the offer on the Tom Ford case, sadly it won’t be tall/ big enough for my pair of glasses.
Dec 22Reply
jessi_nc @mrslesleyanne it is a super glasses vase. big enough to gold large glasses.i had q pair of big " bug eyed" su glasses in it.
Dec 22Reply
mrslesleyanne @jessi_nc would you mind sending me the dimensions tomorrow, so I can double check to make sure my pair will fit? Thanks in advance.
Dec 22Reply
jessi_nc @mrslesleyanne of course! I will get the dimensions right now. I will add them to the original listing.
Dec 22Reply
jessi_nc @mrslesleyanne I just added the dimensions to the original listing
Dec 22Reply
jessi_nc @valerietidd64 i was going to send it out today but I can absolutely postpone it for the 3rd! merry Christmas!
Dec 24Reply
hiddenluxe Thank you for sharing my listing. Really appreciate it:-) Happy New Year!
Jan 04Reply
kindposher Hi There 😉🤪😜🥰😊👻☠️💀👽👹👿😈 My Name Is Shannelle 💋💋 I’m a Poshmark Ambassador! Welcome To Poshmark! Happy Poshmarking your stuffs 😜🤪🥰😍😚😘😎🤩🥳 Come Check Out My Unique Vintage Store 🏬 Full Of Interesting, Rare, & Special Stuffs. Super CHEAP & Mind Blowing Price.. Hardly Won’t Decline Any Offer 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 & you will receive some Spooky 👻 🪳🪰🦇🐸 Gifts!!!! My Listings A lot can be good to resell it as my price is just crazy CHEAP - Bundle To Get Even More Crazier price!!!
Jan 05Reply
ngreeneaz Welcome to the Poshmark Community, we’re so glad you joined us! I am a Posh Ambassador and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. I also hope you will take a moment to check out my closet. Much success and Happy Poshing.
Jan 09Reply
saskicarrerabsq Welcome to Posh Jessica ✨✨✨
Jan 12Reply
accentricity Hi Jessica thanks for sharing items from my closet if you like them make a bundle and I’ll send you an offer, or send me an offer and I’ll consider it. Thanks so much Elaina
Jan 13Reply
joemanitoba Hi Jesse. Thanks for sharing items from my closet. If you are interested, happy to receive an offer from you. :) I offer 10% off with the purchase of 2 items and 20% with the purchase of more items. Either way, wishing you the best of 2022!
Jan 14Reply
a_day902 hi new to this
Jan 26Reply
jdlcloset @jessi_nc hey there jow's it going? Welcome to poshmark and to my closet. i really appreciate it by sharing my listings. if u have any questions please give me a shout i would be happy to help. thanks and happy poshing 😘
Jan 29Reply
jdlcloset thank u for ur generosity by sharing my listings. i really appreciate it. thanks 😊
Jan 29Reply
haireneville I am also not for sale. I'm saving myself for the one. but I enjoyed you opening line. so for lack of my own imagination, I plagerize you. for give.
Feb 04Reply
dbennett1238 Jessica, thanks for the shares last night ❤️ also love the collection of wallets in yours! I will definitely be back!
Feb 10Reply
katrinvillmann Hi not sure if you can still see messages about cc earrings seeing as they were sold. I am still interested even if broken. Let me know if you still have both pls:)
Feb 11Reply
jessi_nc @katrinvillmann oh no! I tossed them. let me see if I can " rescue them" from the bin.
Feb 11Reply
katrinvillmann @jessi_nc yes rescue them haha
Feb 11Reply
katrinvillmann @jessi_nc i still want them. Please
Feb 11Reply
katrinvillmann Hi just wondering if you managed to find them?
Feb 11Reply
jessi_nc @katrinvillmann I'm sorry! no luck
Feb 12Reply
katrinvillmann @jessi_nc awww well thanks for looking:)
Feb 12Reply
mark_puckett Can’t sleep either…
Feb 18Reply
jessi_nc @mark_puckett I am on poshmark to sell not to socialize. happily married.
Feb 18Reply
mark_puckett Go Trucker’s 🇨🇦 👍
Feb 18Reply
76kloset Hey 👋 thanks 🙏🏻 for sharing my items, I’m new to all this!
Feb 19Reply
kurtvsnikki1 Hi Jessica, thank you for the offer just looking today but definitely will be making future purchase because you have some nice items
Feb 22Reply
msdawg1 Hello Jesse: Welcome to Poshmark. Please see how bundling works. It is a great tool to selling. Happy Poshing. 🤗
Feb 26Reply
ilirazizaj Hey 🙂
Mar 07Reply
essentialnature Hi 👋 Jesse, I thought I had a lot of bags in my closet but you’ve got me beat - Lol! Yours is a beautiful bag collection 🥰
Mar 12Reply
essentialnature I’d like to purchase the black Vera Bradley bag but just found it, so missed the shipping discount from Poshmark. Maybe 🤔 next time?
Mar 12Reply
lmberryberry Welcome welcome!!
Mar 20Reply
tiinsw3 Hi Jessica. I have received the Arcadia handbag. I do love it however the “O” rings that attach the strap on either side of the bag are broken. I’m assuming you weren’t aware however it’s very noticeable and they will not last. I have ordered replacements because,as I said, I do love the bag. I’m hoping that you might consider a reduction in price on something I may purchase in the future. 😊
Mar 24Reply
jessi_nc @tiinsw3 i am sorry to hear that. I did not see that. I will absolutely keep that in mind for your next purchase with!
Mar 24Reply
tiinsw3 @jessi_nc Thank you 😊
Mar 24Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize!
Apr 06Reply
jessi_nc @marcelahasani oh thank you!
Apr 06Reply
dbennett1238 Jessica, thanks for the shares ❤️
Apr 06Reply
duchess_consign @jessi_nc Hello and Congrats on Hosting for today's Party! If you are looking for Host Picks, please check out my closet 🤩
Apr 08Reply
suzyqt42 Congrats on hosting tonight’s posh party 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet for a Host Pick 💗💕🥳
Apr 08Reply
byoutiful365 Jessica ~ thanks for highlighting my closet in the party today. I hope that it’s more fun than work. Posh on🥰💃🏼
Apr 08Reply
aeads8025 I'm for
Apr 18Reply
stickbuds Super sexy hunny
Apr 26Reply
resalemonkey Hi Jessica 👋 Thank you for following ResaleMonkey 🙉 🍌 I’m new to Poshmark 🌟 💫 and I’m so excited to learn about this platform 👽 Because I’m new here, I tried to list my items on a huge discount 🍌 🙊 if you haven’t checked out my page yet I’d highly recommend doing it If you have any questions, offers or anything you want to ask please don’t hesitate 🥰🥰
May 07Reply
carm_h Hi there.. are we able to bundle with the offers?
May 19Reply
jessi_nc @carm_h if you bundled items in my closet I would send an offer on all of it.
May 20Reply
cindyrh Hiya, Beautiful site! 💖
May 28Reply
volkan_d Hello good Night
Jun 08Reply
veryvintage4u Thanks for the follow. I hope you see something you like. If there is something specific you are looking for, let me know and I will see if I can find it. Blessings, love and peace to you.
Jul 18Reply
lou_la_belle Hi Jessica, thanks so much for sharing my listings ~ you really made my night! Warmly, Carrie-Lou 🥰
Aug 21Reply
stevescaglione Hi I think your Very nice looking
Sep 12Reply
medowred Hi, thanks for the follow, I appreciate it!😘
Oct 08Reply
christstyle Hi Jessica I’m co-hosting the Style party on October 11 10:00 EST Please feel free to share some of your items for Host Pick Thanks for sharing my closet
Oct 09Reply
bellabarbie123 Hi there! My name is Maura, nice to meet you! I just posted some new Lululemon belt bags in my closet fell free to take a look and I’m always open to offers! Thank you kindly, have a wonderful day! Xo 😍🥰🙏🏼💕✨
Oct 16Reply
waikikirod Beautiful
Nov 02Reply
jmizi Thank you for sharing my listing.
Nov 05Reply
8katkara8 Thank you for the follow
Nov 16Reply
redlipgloss Well, hi there! Thank you so much for sharing a couple of my listings. I really appreciate it ❤️
Nov 17Reply
sageguitarhero Thank you so much for following me! I really appreciate it! Merci beaucoup
Nov 19Reply
unitednation send me your whatasapp number
Nov 28Reply
jessi_nc @unitednation I am a happily married woman. Poshmark is not a dating site.
Nov 28Reply
allthingsmarisa Hi Jessie, Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet, very much appreciate it. Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to send offers.Happy holidays🎄
Dec 28Reply
suzewoodward Hi Jesse! I loved your show tonight! I’d love to add the Ralph Lauren sneakers and the Burberry glass case to my purchase of the Banana Republic purse. If you have to cancel the purse purchase and then bundle the 3 and send me an offer, that should work! Thanks, Sue
Jan 03Reply
2ndhand_seller Congrats on your Make a Deal Days win! 🏆
Jan 05Reply
emmaziegl Hi 😌👋 Thank you so much for sharing 😊
Jan 06Reply
fabscore Hi I just put a Kate Spade up that you might like
Jan 16Reply
baileyapproved Hi Jesse, I had a great time tonight, thanks for the laughs. I have a bag I thrifted a long time ago and it says coach but this bag is really strange and I have tried to find it somewhere. I thought I could send you a picture so maybe you would know what it is? It's leather but does not look anything like a coach bag.
Jan 21Reply
kberly10 Hey it’s me Kim from Calgary can I get help to start to do live video thank you when you have time thank you so so much
Jan 21Reply
jessi_nc @kberly10 hey! so I know that ypu have to be a level 2 posh ambassador and if you are you can send a request to poshmark to do live shows. they will send you a link for a 1 hour seminar on how to do everything and then your set!
Jan 21Reply
kberly10 Ok love your show thank you so much I’ll keep trying to share and hope I get there
Jan 21Reply
vickydimitry I’m new to Poshmark. I saw your show the other night where you sold so many beautiful purses. I REALLY enjoyed you and your show. How do I know when you will have another show?
Feb 12Reply
vickydimitry I noticed #4 & #41 didn’t go at your show. What price could you offer me if I bought them after the show?
Feb 12Reply
jessi_nc @vickydimitry can you put them in a bundle so I know which ones your referencing! pls😀
Feb 12Reply
donnaj613943 Hi Jessi thank you for everything you are very caring and supportive and means the world to me !!🥰 Who was the winners at the end of your live tonight?
Feb 14Reply
jessi_nc @donnaj613943 Jill won the prize!
Feb 14Reply
donnaj613943 @jessi_nc that s awesome congratulations to Jill 🥰
Feb 14Reply
meowandbark OMG!!# It was meeeee
Mar 04Reply
meowandbark please send me a photo of the shoes. I want to show my niece her new shoes. thx
Mar 04Reply
meowandbark Hope you are feeling much much better. Penny (Felitza)
Mar 07Reply
meowandbark Hi Jessi, need to ask a favour. If I buy a bag(s) tonight, the 17th, can you hold off on mailing it till next Friday? I am going away and don't want to have any boxes on our front steps. Thanks, Penny.
Mar 17Reply
jessi_nc @meowandbark Hello Felitza! yes of course I can hold on to your items!!
Mar 17Reply
meowandbark Hi Jessi, we just got back late this afternoon. Will go to mailbox tomorrow. No doubt that all will be great and 5stars!
Mar 29Reply
piir Hi there, I see that you do a lot of Posh Shows. I did 3 shows in the last week and I sold absolutely nothing! My last show was all $9 starting bids. I mention that I will take Closet Requests so buyers can bundle but still no sales. What is your secret!
May 27Reply
jessi_nc @piir So my suggestion... is to start watching my show on a regular basis. You will learn from this and you will meet other sellers/buyers. People tend to buy from familiar names and people they like. Best regards, your Posh friend Jessi_nc
May 27Reply
piir @jessi_nc Ok thanks.
May 28Reply
sdukee50 hi Jess got my order today it's great. Do you hame any Birdiebee camo bra in 3x? thanks sdukee
Jun 19Reply
jessi_nc @sdukee50 I don't I only had 2x
Jun 19Reply
emmaziegl Hi! We are holding our best sale yet!!!!!!!!!! 50% off 2+ items! All $$$ earned goes toward my cat's thyroid meds! I truly appreciate any support. All offers are always welcome!
Jun 26Reply
meltedgum Hey Hun. My name is Sherrilynn. My entire closet is 50% off and every order I receive 25% of every purchase goes out to my town's local community shelter and food bank that I volunteer for. I'm open to all reasonable offers and usually accept every offer 99.9% of the time. Please feel free to follow my Closet and like any ideas. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Love, Meltedgum. FREE Gifts with every order.
Jun 28Reply
river_bather Hi Jessi!! Please add a gardenia candle to my package please. Thanks! Teresa
Jun 29Reply
cdnomaposher Hello there. I purchased a handbag last night. I didn’t see it didn’t have the matching strap with the bag. I wanted to gift it and it doesn’t have the long strap so I know she won’t use it like that. Please cancel the order. I’m very sorry about this …..thank you
Jul 15Reply
upcyclemachine Hey I just wanted to say that I love your live shows - you are so delightful ;) I try to pop in whenever I can just because the energy is so great!
Aug 10Reply
courtneykakepet Oh Gosh I missed the show 😩 I am so sorry. Please let me know when your next show is and I will put it in my Calendar. Ugh I am so sorry. Please forgive me.
Aug 19Reply
jessi_nc @courtneykakepet no worries! lol it's OK! I'll see you next time darling!
Aug 19Reply
courtneykakepet Oh is there another way I can purchase the items I wanted for the show price?
Aug 19Reply
doree_1 hey pretty lady. I came looking for my bundke
Oct 09Reply
garbozio72 I’ll see your live this Friday. Looking forward to it!!!
Oct 26Reply
baileyapproved Hi Jessi, 👋 I was wondering if you could help me out with something? I know you are very busy, my apologies.
Nov 04Reply
leeanne217 Hi, just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am that you found the bag and that I won it last night! I've been wanting this forever! I'd found the smaller version year ago but the seller wouldn't ship to's the only novelty bag I've ever wanted...and you got it for me!! Thanks so much!!!
Nov 04Reply
jessi_nc @leeanne217 oh my gosh I am so happy!
Nov 04Reply
leeanne217 @jessi_nc, I was watching for the five buck starts last night cause I need to watch my pennies but maybe I'll have a chance at those next week!
Nov 04Reply
jessi_nc @leeanne217 yah! unfortunately I didn't have enough sales to run the 5ers. lol I couldn't let the gucci for example go for like 45 bucks etc
Nov 04Reply
leeanne217 @jessi_nc , yeah, I get it...those would be a loss for you...and not right.
Nov 04Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Jessi I just made a comment in a live show I was looking for Xmas presents for my girlfriend and she blocked me for making a comment about Adele I wasn’t a creeper lol I’ve sold over 1000 items on Poshmark lol anyway you can tell her to unblock me please I was genuinely interested lol
Nov 15Reply
irishleprechaun Thank you for sticking up for me your amazing 🤩 truly appreciate it. Was making a joke didn’t think I’d get muted for that was actually there to buy stuff . Thank you 🙏
Nov 15Reply
merlekb Hi Jessi, I hope you can help me. I had a show today and the posher bought a few items from me. Now she has looked over my closet and wants to add a few other things. How can I add it without the posher having to pay for shipping twice. What do I have to do? Please help. I need to ship tomorrow. Thanks.
Nov 27Reply
call_me_momo Hi Jessi, the most gorgeous woman on Posh 💖☺️ Wishing you & your whole family a fantastic holiday and a grand new year!!! 🥳😘😌
Dec 22Reply
doree_1 I thought your bag sale was on Fridays?
Jan 20Reply
doree_1 I hope you are well. I looked for you on Friday to buy the turquoise handbag.
Jan 22Reply
private5 Hi Jessica it’s Private5 bought your coach leopard sparkle tote with the lip clutch. Remember I was asking about your eyelashes I had to send u a message to remind you… really would like to try the ones you buy that I can leave on as you say 😄 I’ll pick it up on Amazon. Let me know which one you wear 🙏 🥰
Jan 28Reply
heatherszego Hello😊 Jessi... please make sure you cancel the item I was supposed to get from this evening's pallet sale. Your hubby accidentally posted a different item and I bid on it thinking it was a different item. Someone else actually won the item I was supposed to win lol. Anyways.. hope this makes sense.. loved your show tonight!! thanks so much 😊
Mar 18Reply
loubellou Hi Jessi, so sorry to bother you. I was at your show last night & you had an “underwater” body suit…think it was an CL. Full bum, snaps at crotch & it was a cream color. You said you would do $24 (I think). Anyway, long story short, my app hung & I couldn’t msg you to run it. Wonder if you still have it? Let me know, sorry to bother, & thanks so much!
Sep 03Reply
poshme_poshyou Hi Jessi! When you bring in clothes, do you still bring in smaller sizes? If you do it’s great. If not could you let me know. Thanks- Jaia🦋 xo
Sep 13Reply
private5 Hi 🙋🏻‍♀️ Jessica it’s Private 5 , I’m going re posh the Raquel Welch wig . Gorgeous but I think it’s too light for me. Maybe a Red or Eggplant Color would look better. Just wanted to let you know.🫶
Sep 26Reply
stylealallori Leaving next week….I’m driving…will msg you❤️
Sep 28Reply
capture88 @jessi_nc do you know why it won't let me join your posh shows anymore 😶😥
Oct 08Reply
louloutho Hi I’m interested in your lavender long sleeve blouse that you have listed in your other Poshmark account. However it’s not allowing me to purchase due to inactivity. Is it available? Thnx.
Jan 18Reply
jessi_nc @louloutho I don't have another account.
Jan 18Reply
louloutho Jhanzelkova?
Jan 18Reply
louloutho Oh sorry my mistake.
Jan 18Reply
shopccloset Jessi, I bought the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter - Glue Stick 😂 and you are so right! It’s 👌🏻 amazing! The smell 🍫 is also 10/10! Thank you so much for the recommendation, so sweet of you!!! Really appreciate it:)
Feb 03Reply
jessi_nc @shopccloset oh that's amazing @ they are literally the best!!!!
Feb 03Reply

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Calgary, AB
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Calgary, AB
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