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Updated Feb 14
Updated Feb 14

Meet the Posher

$111 $11,111

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2/7/2025 Good evening, I will sell the stuff that is left in my closet at a discounted rate. The items that have likes, I wills end an offer and the others I will lower the prices. Please note, I cannot go under $5.00 or I will not make any money. At this point, you will have to combine and I can give you discount. Hi, As of 1/26/2025. I am closing shop and moving stuff to e.ay. Same screen name. Fees are way to expensive and the shipping. Not making the money like I am on the other. What works for one definitely not working for me. Poshy needs to learn to come down on their fees! ( . = b) 1/31/2025 Due to the new tax laws, UGH!, I definitely will not be selling on here anymore and probably the other site too. I am no way an accountant and do not have time to keep up with stuff, every time I go to the post office, every time I buy paper, pens, ink and lada lada dah. It is a new burden that I surely do not have time for and really don't care for. I been selling stuff, not as much as 2024, for nearly 20 years and thanks to this greedy a.s country I will have to call it quits. I am sorry for all my wonderful customers in the past, I appreciate you all. Thank you USA for screwing people again! Please note, I am no way or form a political person and hate politics. This frustrates me and probably many more. I wish they were another outcome, but unfortunately not. I will miss doing this very much. Again, thank you wonderful customers. Good bye and God Bless........


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robertmc1978 @pongrapeet Thanks man, glad you like my pics
May 15Reply
bunnysyard478 Hello Robert. I noticed you liked 2 items in my closet. I went ahead and put a bundle together for you. I took off 15% of the original price and discounted the shipping as well. Let me know if you’re interested!
Jul 30Reply
amwhiting0911 Glad to find you again!! A customer from other platforms♥️ Looking forward to purchasing items form you again. :)
Oct 04Reply
poshmarkjunkee Hey. I’ll get the Nike running shorts washed and gently dried for you this weekend then ship. Thanks.
Oct 15Reply
inkedathlete Yo! Would you like the Orangetheory tights to be your free item for purchasing the mystery box?
Nov 30Reply
robertmc1978 @brenteadams that will work
Nov 30Reply
inkedathlete Sweet! For the mystery box items, you want Large?
Nov 30Reply
robertmc1978 @brenteadams medium or large will work
Nov 30Reply
inkedathlete @robertmc1978 Cool! I’ll ship tomorrow.
Nov 30Reply
scottumphenour nice pictures
Dec 22Reply
dazzle_2020 Thank you so much for your purchase. I will ship out today.
Jan 06Reply
kimcavrn1 Hey Robert You can have the NB shirt for $9 if you offer.
Jan 08Reply
dazzle_2020 Hi! Thank you so much for the perfect rating and the lovely comment!! I agree I really love those jeans as well and I’m glad you do too! Enjoy and stay safe 😊
Jan 11Reply
bradjgardner @robertmc1978 if you like all that stuff, let’s throw it in a bundle and let’s see if we can make a deal.
Jan 19Reply
swimstuffchick @robertmc1978 Today only !! February 15th, 2022. All items under $50 are on sale for $15 each!!! Bundle up to save on shipping.
Feb 16Reply
jf_sales Hi there, I saw you had one or more of my items liked in my closet. If you would like a great deal, feel free to bundle multiple items in my closet for a nice discount, you will also pay one shipping fee! Thanks, Jackson
Mar 19Reply
mexone_shopper Love the pics in the moto leathers.😉
Mar 27Reply
robertmc1978 @mexone_shopper Thanks man, glad you like them. My number one gear love behind Speedos and spandex I currently have 16 race suits.
Mar 27Reply
mexone_shopper Love the same thing as well. Definitely be keeping you in mind.
Mar 27Reply
robertmc1978 @mexone_shopper Thanks man, did you see your note. That one way to keep in touch. I have a lot of pics I can show you
Mar 27Reply
mexone_shopper Love to see them!😍
Mar 27Reply
robertmc1978 @mexone_shopper Cool... Did you get my note in your package? That has my e.ail address
Mar 27Reply
mexone_shopper Just found it. Awesome! Be contacting you soon.
Mar 27Reply
robertmc1978 @mexone_shopper AWESOME! Can't wait
Mar 27Reply
chrisbuca99 thanks for checking out my items. I really like yours too very hott. I don't need anything at this time but I sure will sometime soon.
Apr 07Reply
robertmc1978 @chrisbuca99 Thanks man for the comment. I will be adding more stuff probably Sunday once I get back in town.
Apr 07Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 ok great to know. there is so stuff I already see but I can't get right now.
Apr 07Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 no problem you have some.hott style with the looks you got going on.
Apr 07Reply
robertmc1978 @chrisbuca99 Thank you, leather is my top like and the spandex, speedos and athletic wear. I loke all kinds of gear
Apr 07Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 yeah all of those are my favorite they are so hott on the right people such a great thing.
Apr 07Reply
robertmc1978 @chrisbuca99 I love looking at guys in sport bike leathers. I got hooked on the gear. I have a bunch of the leather suits now. Then I also have a lot of speedos, spandex shorts and tights, football pants, cycling clothes and lots of athletic stuff like soccer shorts,
Apr 07Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 that's so awsome. I like and love that stuff too so as you subscribe I love and enjoy that stuff and I saw that in all your listing I could roll around in it lol. hott
Apr 07Reply
robertmc1978 I do sleep in my leathers. I also sleep in my spandex or shorts. I also love running in my spandex shorts or my skimpy track shorts. I love the way they feel
Apr 07Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 keep me.posted when you list new things.
Apr 07Reply
robertmc1978 @chrisbuca99 Okay cool. I will. also too I have my email listed on my page if you want to hit me up directly.
Apr 07Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 ok awsome I sure will do that. mine is and I think it's on my profile too but not sure. Great to know and we can keep in contact great to have a friend that's I to that stuff too.
Apr 07Reply
robertmc1978 @chrisbuca99 It is awesome. It hard to come by some times. Another gear lover to another
Apr 07Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 that's so awsome for sure. yeah I sure hear that buddy. one to another. friend to friend
Apr 07Reply
christopherd535 Beautiful closet thank you for sharing 😘😘😘
Apr 10Reply
robertmc1978 @christopherd535 Awesome closet yourself man! The Aussiebum stuff looks cool and fun!
Apr 10Reply
christopherd535 @robertmc1978 yup I have plenty of it and it’s my favorite brand 😍😍😍😍
Apr 10Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 did you list anything new yet since you got back looking forward to seeing what else you got so can decide what I might want to buy from you.
Apr 12Reply
robertmc1978 @chrisbuca99 Not yet. I will go through more stuff today and see. I know I got another Speedo with the logo on the back. I may have more athletic clothes I be willing to part. What you looking for and I may look around and see if I have that
Apr 12Reply
chrisbuca99 @robertmc1978 nothing specific just anything that catches my eye and think it's hott I would just have to see it then I would know man but thought I would ask.
Apr 12Reply
lseneway Awesome! Looking good Robert! Your Nike shorts hopefully will be on their way this afternoon. Trying to get to the post office this afternoon before it closes early. I hope you have a lovely Saturday and thanks again!
Apr 16Reply
ixios Thanks for the follow! 😊
May 02Reply
bradjgardner @robertmc1978 I have a couple more cycling shorts and jerseys I’m about to post if you are interested. I can do a big bundle if you’d like with a good discount.
May 03Reply
robertmc1978 @bradjgardner Okay cool. I definitely can take a look at that, be best for me around Friday.
May 03Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet..... Mel
May 07Reply
my11kitty Hi Robert thanks for checking out my closet and purchasing Marc Echo Black distressed jeans ! I shipped to you today ! I'm posting a Marc Echo Black shirt same collection soon ! you might want to check it out ! take care !
May 10Reply
my11kitty Hey Robert thanks for the 5 star rating ! Glad you like the Marc Echo Jeans ! Take care !
May 14Reply
robertmc1978 @beautifynails Thank you for the compliment. I do appreciate it.
May 21Reply
jdhollen_1 @robertmc1978 will ship out your purchase on Monday
May 21Reply
jdhollen_1 @robertmc1978 anytime have a good weekend
May 21Reply
ikarus201 Hi! My name is Stan!!! I always offer a New Follower Sale "One Time Only" 30%off Coupon Send me what you like in a bundle and type in "Im your New Follower" in the bundle and I'll give you the offer. Happy Poshing!!!
May 31Reply
fashiongent Any 36 Speedo’s?
Jul 07Reply
robertmc1978 @fashiongent I do in Arena suits, just haven't posted them.
Jul 07Reply
cutehosiery @robertmc1978 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 22Reply
robertmc1978 @cutehosiery Thank you, I appreciate that so much. Have a great day!
Jul 22Reply
stinger9999 @robertmc1978 nice to meet you. Great pics & shop.
Jan 09Reply
robertmc1978 @matty1021 Thank you, glad you like everything. I appreciate it.
Jan 09Reply
orca1962 Thanks for all the shares! Sharing back and wishing you many sales 😍
Feb 20Reply
robertmc1978 @orca1962 Thank you and wishing you many sales as well!
Feb 20Reply
lewdarrow63 Thanks for the likes. Nice closet
May 22Reply
robertmc1978 @lewdarrow63 You are welcome and thank you. I appreciate the compliment. Nice selection yourself
May 22Reply
lewdarrow63 @robertmc1978 thanks man. I dig the riding gear ya got
May 22Reply
robertmc1978 @lewdarrow63 Thanks! I definitely like my leather gear
May 22Reply
lewdarrow63 @robertmc1978 yes indeed. You look great in them
May 22Reply
robertmc1978 @lewdarrow63 Thank you! I appreciate the compliment
May 22Reply
lewdarrow63 @robertmc1978 your welcome. I’ll keep my eye on your closet. Something I’ve been wanting to get into
May 22Reply
jbd19660 Hello Handsome!!
Jul 23Reply
robertmc1978 @jbd19660 Good morning, How's it going. Thank you for the compliment and for viewing and sharing my story. Some of those pics with me in the Nike spandex shorts were from this morning from my 10.5 mile run
Jul 23Reply
jbd19660 @robertmc1978 Doing very well, thanks for asking. And you're quite welcome,BTW.
Jul 23Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
May 05Reply
gabrieljwhite Any jockstraps or underwear in large available?
Jun 28Reply
robertmc1978 @gabrieljwhite I can take a look for you. I think I may have some.
Jun 28Reply
gabrieljwhite @robertmc1978 Awesome, your gear is always hot and I enjoy the photos.
Jun 28Reply
robertmc1978 @gabrieljwhite Thank you, I appreciate the compliment.
Jun 28Reply
robertmc1978 @gabrieljwhite Sorry it took me a couple of days to get back. I do have a couple. Not as many as I thought. I will try and list them tonight or tomorrow morning before I go to work.
Jul 02Reply
amwhiting0911 Do you have more running shorts like the ones you are wearing?
Nov 11Reply
robertmc1978 @amwhiting0911 I definitely can check and see. I got too many as it is and probably can get rid of a few pairs. I get back with you later today and let you know.
Nov 11Reply
robertmc1978 @amwhiting0911 Any particular inseam length. I have 1", 2" and 3"
Nov 11Reply
amwhiting0911 @robertmc1978 sounds good! Thank you!!!!
Nov 11Reply
amwhiting0911 @robertmc1978 umm no particular inseam. Size S/M and whichever ones you are getting rid of I’ll decide from there.
Nov 11Reply
robertmc1978 @amwhiting0911 Okay cool! Will do.
Nov 11Reply
robertmc1978 @amwhiting0911 I found six so far, after I get back from the doctor for my check-up, I will see If I can find a couple more and list some pics for you.
Nov 11Reply
amwhiting0911 @robertmc1978 sounds great mister :)
Nov 11Reply
robertmc1978 @ibrakelate88 Don't like it, why you looked! Go away idiot. Sick-o
Dec 20Reply
tyleralala I have few things you might like...
Feb 12Reply

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Locust Grove, GA
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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Locust Grove, GA
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