My 100 Degrees Endless Summer Mini Dress Collection ♡
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I'm absolutely obsessed with this design. Most are NWT or NWOT, 3 are still in the bag. See something you like? Ask me about it! I might be willing to let it go for the right price.
MSRP 78 but you won't find these colors on fp anymore! Most have been discontinued for 3 years+!!
Colors from left to right (25 colors):
Pink coral, Summer sparrow, Wild rose, Warmstone, pink rose? (hidden in the back), Tangerine, Rustic cherry, Myrtle magenta, Fawn, Sea fog, Moon, Silver berry, Mint, Ivory, Light tan/cream, Corsican Blue, Vert de Mer, Tahiti Breeze, Lake/Dusk, Deep sea, Black, Navy, Huckleberry, Wine red, and Mulberry.
Bags: Rosebloom, Smoked pink, and Violetta

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Better pics?
Dec 20Reply

@sotheadorable For sure, which ones are you interested in? I can take individual pics of those for you.
Dec 20Reply

@ice_star I just wanna see the shape
Dec 20Reply

@sotheadorable posted some pics of pink coral for you.
Dec 20Reply

What’s the waist is the Xs
Dec 20Reply

@sotheadorable LOL true. lmk if you want different pics ♡
Dec 20Reply

@sotheadorable XS waist is about 11 inches but its adjustable with back strings
Dec 20Reply

my waist is 27 for reference and I'm XS or S
Dec 20Reply

@sotheadorable sorry added stock photos for you
Dec 20Reply

How much are you asking for the blue? Which shade of blue??
Dec 20Reply

@jessa1155 any shade of blue you're interested in ♡ Dusk and deep sea are my favorites and a hard 150, the other ones I can go lower :)
Dec 20Reply

Dusk and deep sea are the two to the left of black
Dec 20Reply

@ice_star How much for the bright light blue, teal or dark magenta? I haven’t worn these in ages but maybe…!
Dec 20Reply

@jessa1155 10٪ off so 135 each but if you're getting 2 or 3 I can do 125 each :)
Dec 20Reply

@ice_star Ok… thanks for the info. I’ll think on it!
Dec 20Reply

@jessa1155 no problem! lmk when you sell yours :)
Dec 20Reply

Which colors do u have in medium?
Dec 23Reply

@tunafish525yaya hey♡ I only have Tahiti blue in medium, lmk if you're interested, we can talk about the price for that one :)
Dec 23Reply

@ice_star I am interested!
Dec 23Reply

Hi I’m interested in the vanilla one, hopefully in a small
Dec 29Reply

I’d also take the violet one in a small for $50!
Dec 29Reply

@courtf68 hi! sorry I'm not selling for 50 :( these are nwt, violet is still in the bag and it's also a rare color.
Dec 29Reply

@ice_star how much would u do
Dec 29Reply

@courtf68 my prices for these start at 150.
Dec 29Reply

@courtf68 most of these colors will never return on the fp site because they're seasonal. that's also the going rate ( 100-150) for most of the rare colors for this dress
Dec 29Reply

I’m interested in the Corsican Blue in a size small. Do you have one available? Are the free people tags still attached? Can you do $125?
Jan 06Reply

@kellykatt45 Hi! yes it still has the tags, its an xs though is that ok?
Jan 06Reply

@ice_star do you have Medium too or only XS?
Jan 06Reply

@kellykatt45 for mediums i have Tahiti breeze and wild rose :)
Jan 06Reply

@kellykatt45 there's a medium Corsican coast on de pop for 140 right now :) not sure if you saw already
Jan 07Reply

What would you price either of the first two “aqua” ones?
Jan 10Reply

@colbyfish hey♡ if you're still interested in the 100 degree dresses, I'm selling most of them. there's xs s and m, and a honey tea (yellow) thats not pictured. lmk if there's a color you want to make a deal on :)
Jan 11Reply

@ice_star hi! Do you still have the light cream color one? If so, what size?
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa hi! its available and its a small :)
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa sorry I mean to say xsmall
Feb 06Reply

@ice_star okay! And what price for that one are you thinking?
Feb 06Reply

@ice_star and price for that color? :)
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa I would have to price at 102 to break even on that one :') It's also nwt never worn. Full disclosure, light tan and black come back every so often on the fp site. if you're willing to pay over 100 for one of these dresses, it would be a better deal for you to get other colors since they're seasonal and discontinued after a year.
Feb 06Reply

@ice_star okay! I will think about it! FP has this color on their website for $78 so I could get it cheaper there. But I really love some of the other colors you have too that I’d be willing to pay more for since they are no longer on the website.
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa for sure, light tan and black are better deals straight from fp. you could find some being sold for cheaper than 78 here but they're usually used and not nwt. Lmk which other colors you're interested in ♡ my best deals right now are Tahiti breeze (blue) and cantaloupe (orange) in medium, for those I can do $65. other colors like wild rose and Corsican coast are the rarest and will be the most expensive.
Feb 06Reply

@ice_star thank you!! I do like the tangerine one. I’d need a small or xsmall
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa Tangerine's a super cute color ♡ I have it in xs. does 100 sound good with you?
Feb 06Reply

@ice_star what about the lake/dusk you have? The size and price you’d be willing to sell for?
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa the lake color is actually rarer than Tangerine, I'd ask for 125. I have a small back at my parents place that I can get to you for a bit cheaper if you can wait for me to ship next weekend. it would be 95 for the lake small
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa if you'd like to bundle both the tangerine and the lake i can do 160 for both
Feb 06Reply

@asiahelisa sorry just asked my mom again, the lake is xs
Feb 06Reply

@ice_star I just ordered the cream color from FP so when it arrives I’ll text you again so that I know for sure what size I am!
Feb 07Reply

@asiahelisa Sure thing! By then I should have the lake for you :) Thanks!
Feb 07Reply

Hello! How much is it for the white color in an xsmall?
Feb 21Reply

@lancasterkam1 hi! :) both light tan and ivory are xs. light tan is a little yellower, but you can find it on the free people site for much cheaper. Ivory has been discontinued for 4+ years. I can price at 100 just to make my money back. lmk if this works for you. today is closet clear out on poshmark so if you'd like to buy today, there's discounted shipping
Feb 21Reply

What colors do you have in xsmall?
Feb 22Reply

@krlancaster21 hi! Rosebloom, Huckleberry, Black, vert de mer, Corsican, Lake/Dusk, deep sea, mint, ivory, light tan, Myrtle magenta, moon, summer sparrow, smoked pink, and warmstone.
Feb 22Reply

forgot to add Tangerine. let me know if you want to see any of these in a separate listing :)
Feb 22Reply

@ice_star what color is the light pale blue color in the photos next to the very dark blue?
Feb 22Reply

@krlancaster21 the pale blue is lake/Dusk. I can cut you a better deal for that one, one of the bells is missing from storage. otherwise it's new
Feb 22Reply

Hello What color is the blue? Is it the turquoise if so I’ll buy it right now I need a small
Mar 08Reply

@ice_star Sorry I need a turquoise in a small do you have that?
Mar 08Reply

@missk1231 Hi sorry all my blue/ turquoise are xs. I just checked other platforms and no one is selling Corsican coast (turquoise) in small right now. it's also the rarest color, it might be a while until someone sells another one, sorry. Garden water is similar in color and will be cheaper, but I can't find someone with a small either. Both are xs for me. sorry, best of luck
Mar 08Reply

@ice_star I'm looking for black, mint, white and purple size medium 💜 Do you have any of those?
Mar 10Reply

@colbyfish hi❤ oooh most of those are xs, sorry. I do have sea fog, smokey purple, violetta, and fawn in small tho. let me know if smalls work for you :) the only medium I have right now is wild rose.
Mar 10Reply

@ice_star oooh..what do those 4 in size small you have look like?
Mar 10Reply

Hi! Do you have pink in xs?
Mar 11Reply

@loreleirubik hi! yeah I have a few pinks in xs. I can put the stock photos in another listing for you, gimme a min :)
Mar 11Reply

Hi! Do you still have either of the purple/maroon ones? Top right dresses in your top photo
Mar 13Reply

@wummery hi! yes i have wine red and Mulberry :) both are smalls
Mar 13Reply

Do you have the lavendar or teal/ turquoise in XS? Name your price
Mar 18Reply

@clairebear78 Hi! Lavendar I have a few colors. Moon XS NWT (125), Sea Fog S (250), and Violetta S NWT(125). For reference I'm 5'2" 32B and both XS and S fit me. Teal (corsican coast XS NWT) would be 250. Let me know if you're interested :)
Mar 18Reply

@clairebear78 Garden water is also a similar teal XS NWT (125)
Mar 18Reply

Hi, Yuki asked me to ask "that rosebloom color, that’s the pink I like" do you have small or XS still available to buy the rosebloom pink and can we bargain a little bit?
Mar 29Reply

@tippi_fifestarr hi! I can't budge too much since Rosebloom is still nwt in bag and is technically phased off the site already, but what would you offer? it's xs :) pink coral in xs and s i can definitely negotiate on and it's similar in color
Mar 29Reply

@ice_star Hi, thanks for the quick reply! Yuki asks: "Can you do 120$?"
Mar 30Reply

@tippi_fifestarr sure! :) I'll make a listing for you now and drop it off today. thanks so much!! would I be shipping to you or your friend?
Mar 30Reply

@ice_star are you out of dresses??
Apr 01Reply

@missk1231 hi!! no I'm just in a different state right now for a week :) which ones are you interested in? I can reserve them for you
Apr 01Reply

@ice_star Do you have purples or hot pink
Apr 01Reply

@missk1231 my purples are moon (dusty lavender) Large and XS, Sea fog (lavender) S, violetta (brighter lavender) S, Myrtle magenta (saturated pink/purple) XS, Huckleberry (dark berry purple) XS. rosebloom is reserved for someone else, sorry :') there is pink coral XS and S thats pretty hot pink tho
Apr 01Reply

@ice_star I need a small if you can post the hot pink and purple colors I can choose when you get home?
Apr 01Reply

how much for rosebloom :)
Apr 09Reply

@ashyskloset hi♡ 120 for Rosebloom. someone offered 108 but unfortunately too low for me. 120 and its yours :) will be shipped by tomorrow
Apr 09Reply

What colors do you have left in XS? Thanks!
Apr 09Reply

@higgybottom Hi! Pink coral, Summer sparrow, Warmstone, Tangerine, Myrtle magenta, Moon, Light tan, Corsican coast, Vert de mer, Tahiti breeze, Dusk, Deep sea, Black, Huckleberry, Rosebloom, and smoked pink :) Let me know if you want to see stock photos of any and I can make a separate listing for you.
Apr 09Reply

Hello! I love this dress. How much for the brand new smoked pink in the bag. What size is it?
Apr 17Reply

@phae521 hi! :) the brand new ones are 125
Apr 17Reply

@phae521 its an xs :)
Apr 17Reply

what do you have available in medium? please
Apr 20Reply

@jenleighs hi! sorry I'm sold out on mediums. I have a large Moon or let me know if smalls also work :)
Apr 20Reply

Do you have any left in Small’s?
Apr 28Reply

@mgracecochran19 hi! I've got pink coral in small, thats my least expensive one. next is cantaloupe nwt and cocoa. smokey purple nwt in bag, violetta nwt in bag, sea fog, pink rose
Apr 28Reply

What size is the black and how much?
May 03Reply

@kategtaylor hi! xs, I can do 70
May 03Reply

Do you have the red like a lady dress ?
May 13Reply

@annatikhomirova hi! sorry I do not
May 13Reply

Love 💗
May 18Reply

Ice_star price of one dress?
May 25Reply

@sjwilliams0929 Hi! Depends on the rarity/demand/nwt. The nwt ones are less flexible in price.
May 25Reply

@ice_star I would want xxs or xs new
May 25Reply

@sjwilliams0929 XS would be the smallest size they have for these dresses, nwt I can do $125 each. If you're interested in bundling the two you liked, I can do $240 total :)
May 25Reply

Hi! Are any of these still available?
Jun 03Reply

@lorenpoindexter hi! all except mint, tangerine and wild rose are available :) i also have some new colors listed in my closet
Jun 03Reply

@lorenpoindexter I'm sorry, rosebloom was also sold
Jun 03Reply

what price are you looking for?
Jun 03Reply

@lorenpoindexter depends on the color, you're interested in :) 125 is the average price including newer colors that are nwt, ones that don't have tags can be 100 or lower
Jun 03Reply

what colors are available in xs /s
Jun 03Reply

@lorenpoindexter all are xs/s :)
Jun 03Reply

how much for either of the light purples?
Jun 03Reply

@lorenpoindexter violetta is nwt in bag for 125, Sea fog is actually one of the rarer colors and would be rather expensive. Moon is the periwinkle, also rather rare nwt for 125
Jun 03Reply

which colors would be under 100?
Jun 03Reply

@lorenpoindexter pink rose, rustic cherry (coffee color), fawn (purple+brown), silver berry, black, navy, huckleberry :)
Jun 03Reply
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