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Updated Dec 22
Updated Dec 22

Meet your Posher, Mary: PLEASE READ

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mary. Thanks for visiting! I am new to Poshmark & selling online. This is why: My 33-year-old daughter Alexis collapsed & died here at home with me on 10/31/21 while feeding her many furry babies. The Coroner could find no reason for her death. I am overwhelmed & devastated. Photos of me smiling are from happier days. My daughter left many beautiful & brand new things behind (even if she removed the tags). I’ve donated a lot. Since I supported her, I’m trying to recoup some of my $$ since I’m on Social Security. Alexis was a tiny size for many years so she accumulated a lot. Since she planned on children, she had me save her stuffed animals, books, videos, everything! I am now parting with so much because any hope for grandchildren died with my daughter. We had many pets, most of which I rehomed, which is why many new pet items are in my closet. She was an artist and into electronics, which I’ll be posting. She built bookcases for our 1000s of books, & now I am listing them. Alexis loved Halloween and between that and our many trips to Salem Massachusetts, we accumulated many collectibles which are also brand new. Alexis and I collected green glass, blue glass, carnival glass, copper and bronze items, crystal, Polish pottery, teapots & tea sets, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Totoro, Charmed, & the Avon Cape Cod collection, etc., which I am listing, Thank you so much for visiting. 😢😢❤️❤️ (4803)
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thelillyjoyce Wow love your closet!! I am running a NEW YEAR SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! Lots of new items!!! Please use this as a $2 off anything in my closet that is over $12! if you bundle its even cheaper!!! Ships next day most times with a free gift!! Stay safe xo
Jan 22Reply
marissa44444444 @msacks12 Thank you so much. I’m still learning my way around the Poshmark app. I have been overwhelmed since my daughter passed a few months ago.
Feb 24Reply
marissa44444444 @luxury_cheaper Thank you so much. I’m still learning my way around the Poshmark app. I have been overwhelmed since my daughter passed a few months ago.
Feb 24Reply
totopuff I just read this and I wanted to say I’m so sorry about your daughter. You have a lot of beautiful things in your closet. I have a lot of followers and I will do my best to share things from your closet every day. Take care and God bless. Jen
Feb 26Reply
marissa44444444 @totopuff thank you for your kind words, and thank you for your offer to help. It has really been difficult going through all my daughters things, one by one, bringing up so many memories, and now selling them. Thanks again. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 26Reply
totopuff @marissa44444444 I can’t even begin to imagine. I will be sharing sharing sharing!
Feb 27Reply
stabogs1969 I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine your pain ! I will share your items as much as I can for hopes of many sales ! If you need any help with posh please feel free to reach out !
Feb 27Reply
marissa44444444 @stabogs1969 thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 27Reply
marissa44444444 @totopuff thanks again. I really appreciate it
Mar 03Reply
kmmontone Hi Mary. First let me express my sincerest sympathy for your lose. I understand what you're going through since I lost my husband recently. It's a lot to deal with. I want to thank you for following me. Please stop by my closet and take a look. Hopefully you might see something that would make you happy. I'm flexible on offers and I discount bundles. I will check out your closet too. Thanks again for following and have a good night. My prayers are with you. God Bless. Kay
Mar 13Reply
elliehon12 Mary, I love your closet! You have the best items! 🌺🥰🌺
Mar 13Reply
marissa44444444 @elliehon12 Thank you so much Ellie! That was so sweet of you. ❤️❤️
Mar 13Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 13Reply
marissa44444444 @melanieander922 good morning. I am enjoying a Poshmark very much, having just joined in January this year. I have never sold anything online before. I have to admit it has been keeping my mind off of the loss of my daughter. Thank you again and have a nice day. I will be going out later to shovel out my car. Had about 8 inches here in the Poconos.
Mar 13Reply
janesaysresale Hi Mary, firstly, thank you for having the strength to share your story with us. I truly don’t know exactly how to express to you how much my heart is aching for you, but I hope you know that your experience is not lost on us, and I hope this Poshmark community brings you some much needed and deserved joy. I’ll be sure to share your listings to help you regain some financial stability- I hope with everything in me that things begin to look up for you.
Mar 13Reply
janesaysresale Be well, and know that your daughter was so lucky to have had you in her life. She will always, always be with you in spirit. xoxoxo Ruby
Mar 13Reply
marissa44444444 @janesaysresale Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 13Reply
jmgd19711989 💚Welcome to Poshmark 💚
Mar 14Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi, it's a great day at POSH right. We'll if u buy any 2 items today u get the buyer discount of extra 15% . Also today's deal is spend $15 and get any $10 item FREE... And for the next 2 hours u will get a BEAUTY GIFT BAG (VALUED AT$25) FREE
Mar 14Reply
mndpostcloset 💥⚡Hello. I'm having a huge clearout sale and have discounted many items in my closet. No obligation necessary but you'll see many items can easily be bundled for discounted rates. Like or bundle items to receive a deal (or unlike/remove items from your bundle if you do not want to receive notifications). Thanks for checking out my closet and happy poshing!⚡💥 🙂Many other items open to offers!🥰
Mar 15Reply
warnocks Hi Mary, I’m heartbroken for you! I can’t imagine life without my daughter. I hope you find a community of love and support here on PM. I will share, share, share from your closet. I’m relatively new here as well, and sharing from other closets seems to be the key to selling. I pray God will surround you with His peace and bless you with success here. Hugs!
Mar 15Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks thank you Sheri for your kind words. Keeping busy with Poshmark has helped to keep my mind off of things. There are some very wonderful people here
Mar 15Reply
armstrongmary Hi Mary - thanks for following me. I read your reason for being here. My heart goes out to you. I shared a lot of your things. You need to be listing the vintage Beatles shirt for a lot more - even with the hole- it’s a collectors item. Always put the brand name first. Any old rock and roll t- shirts sell for big$$$. All the best to you my dear. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 17Reply
marissa44444444 @armpma1 thank you for your kind words, and thank you for the advice. As you can see, this is all very new to me. I’m just taking it one day at a time. Thanks again. ❤️
Mar 17Reply
armstrongmary @marissa44444444 I am new to Posh too and also relying on social security for income. There are quite a few good YouTube videos that will give you excellent advice on how to make the most income. They are worth checking out.
Mar 17Reply
stanrick_emktpl Thank you for following me & for the shares! I recently have become actively listing on Poshmark and I really appreciate your help 💚🧡💚🧡
Mar 20Reply
marissa44444444 @stanrick_emktpl I also just joined in January. Read my “Meet your Posher” to see why.
Mar 20Reply
aprilfegley Thank you so much for all the shares 😉🤗 I’m so sorry for your loss sending lots and lots of hugs and prayers your way 🙏 Take care of yourself and stay safe! 🙂
Mar 21Reply
marissa44444444 @aprilfegley thank you so much!❤️❤️
Mar 21Reply
uneekfinds Just dropping in to say welcome to PM! You will meet some great peeps who are all willing to help out in any way. I have only sold since June 2021, and I am still learning. But I am willing to help if I can Stop by my closet 🛒and check✔️ out my UNEEKFINDS. Quick shipper 🚚, always listing new pieces 👔👚, and bundles always get you the Best Deal 💰! Happy Poshing!
Mar 22Reply
rhonda_anne Mary... I am so sorry to hear about your precious daughter......God bless you!
Mar 22Reply
marissa44444444 @rhonda_anne thank you Rhonda ❤️❤️
Mar 22Reply
dawn0813 omg I am so sorry about the loss of your beautiful daughter 😢 💔 Sending you love and light ❤
Mar 25Reply
marissa44444444 @dawn0813 Thank you Dawn ❤️❤️
Mar 25Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you for the shares!
Mar 25Reply
warnocks @marissa44444444 Good Morning, Mary, you’ve been on my mind and heart and I just wanted to check in with you and let you know that people are thinking of you and praying for you. You’ve certainly been busy! Your closet is amazing! I hope it’s giving you some peace by having something to do and focus on. I’m praying for your success! God Bless! 🥰
Mar 28Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks Sheri, thank you for checking in on me. Yes Poshmark has been keeping me busy and my mind off of sad things. I decided to run a sale on my Easter things. I collected them when my daughter was young, thinking they would be for her and her children. That is never going to happen, so I would like to see them gone. They are all just a sad reminder.
Mar 28Reply
silk_stockings I’m so sorry to hear of your loss that is a pain no parent/human/especially mother should know! I will be scouring through your items and picking up as much as I can! Stay strong, heaven has gained another angel! May she soar high! You are her hero, everything I’m certain of this!
Mar 30Reply
marissa44444444 @silk_stockings thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. There have been some very wonderful people on Poshmark.❤️❤️
Mar 30Reply
rufus1011 @marissa44444444 I’m so very sorry for your loss of your daughter😭 I just can’t imagine what your going through. My heart goes out to you, I’m heartbroken for you! I will be praying for you & your family🙏 You have a beautiful closet of your daughter’s beautiful things. Thank you for all your shares! God Bless You❤️
Apr 01Reply
marissa44444444 @rufus1011 Oh thank you so much for your very kind words, and thank you for all your shares. I really appreciate it. And thank you for visiting my closet. In the midst of my grief all these months I have been trying to find homes for my daughters 35 pets/furry babies.
Apr 01Reply
rufus1011 @marissa44444444 oh my goodness!! Bless your heart!!! Sounds like you have a heart of gold❤️
Apr 01Reply
marissa44444444 @rufus1011 ❤️❤️ We had two milk goats, four laying chickens, one rooster, seven guinea pigs, one cat, 10 rabbits, three chinchillas, one parrotlet, two Koi fish, and four quail she incubated and hatched herself.
Apr 01Reply
rufus1011 @marissa44444444 I wish you the best in finding them homes!!! I also wish you the best!!! Take care of yourself❤️
Apr 01Reply
rufus1011 @marissa44444444 wow! A little farm lol
Apr 01Reply
warnocks WOW Mary! Congratulations on being Ambassador! That was super fast! Happy Easter! You’re in my thoughts and prayers. 🌺❤️🌺
Apr 16Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks thank you! If it wasn’t for the six-month rule, I would already be an ambassador II. Happy Easter to you too!
Apr 16Reply
warnocks @marissa44444444 That’s amazing!! You go girl!!!
Apr 16Reply
retrend11 It’s a great day at Retrend11! You were a suggested posher on my feed and I wanted to drop by and say how much I adore your store. You have killer style. It’s so cute and love everything you are doing. Keep being a posh rockstar, Let’s share each other’s items!
Apr 20Reply
marissa44444444 @retrend11 Thank you for the compliment. However, if you read my profile, you would see the style belongs to that of my daughter who unfortunately passed away recently.
Apr 20Reply
warnocks Good Morning Mary! Thank you for the many shares! How are you doing? Have they been able to give you any information on your daughter’s death? Are you taking care of yourself? I hope so! I continue to pray for your comfort and peace everyday. 🥰
May 05Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks I’m just taking it one day at a time. Some days are better than other days. I am dreading Mother’s Day. The coroner suspects she had a heart arrhythmia but, because that is not something that can be seen by the Coroner, It could not be put on the death certificate. So all they put down was the medical conditions she did have, neither of which caused her death. So we will never have any closure.
May 05Reply
warnocks @marissa44444444 She was a beautiful young lady! My heart truly breaks for you. I hope you have the believe that she’s living somewhere else and that you’ll be with her again in the future. I hope there’s peace for you in that. 🥰
May 05Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks she has made her presence known many times in this house. This house was meant to be passed on to her. She loved it here. She was the one who picked out this house. So I continue talking to her during the day as if she were here because I really believe in some way she hears me. I have written down all the times she somehow got messages to me. It really is amazing because these thoughts are no way my thoughts. And thank you so much for asking how I am doing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 05Reply
warnocks 🥰🥰🥰Hugs and prayers!
May 05Reply
rufus1011 Thanks you so much for sharing my items!!!!! I appreciate it!!!!! Have a wonderful day❤️
May 12Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Mary!
May 13Reply
marissa44444444 @rhonda_anne and thank you too. We all have the same goal, so maybe helping each other with shares might help. I just began selling for the first time a few months ago. If you read my profile, you’ll see why. Hope you have a great evening. ❤️❤️
May 13Reply
warnocks Good Morning Mary, I appreciate all the shares so much!!! I hope you’re selling lots and lots! But more importantly I hope you’re finding little moments of peace and happiness. You’re always in my heart and in my prayers and often in my thoughts. Wishing you a blessed, happy day!!🥰🌺🥰
May 18Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks Thank you so much. Sales have been a bit quiet lately. I guess people are going out more with a nice weather. I decided to start cleaning out my garage. I’m building wooden shelves also to help me get organized. I’ve been giving a lot of things away also. I’ve been donating clothes to the Salvation Army and giving to a few local needy families.
May 18Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks I find that when I keep myself busy, it’s better. When I sit idle, that’s when the sad thoughts erupt and I become emotional. Hopefully with all our shares we will start seeing some sales.❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 18Reply
warnocks @marissa44444444 I thought I was the only one not selling anything!! WOW, it’s been awful!! I’m sharing to the point that my thumbs are about to fall off! But I love keeping up with the wonderful women on this site so I’ll keep at it!! 🥰
May 18Reply
savvyshopper33 I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. She was beautiful! still, i am enjoying looking through your closet. I never take the time to but something drew me in. I hope you know if you see the numbers 4444 or 444 it means connection and positivity and love. i hope to make a bundle with you. 💙🙏
May 24Reply
marissa44444444 @savvyshopper33 Thank you, and my daughter always said the number for represented angels. She is now my angel in heaven. She was the one that found us this house in Pennsylvania here in the Poconos and became very excited when the house number was 44
May 24Reply
marissa44444444 Auto correct changed four to for. Lol. That’s why my ID here on Poshmark has a lot of 4’s.
May 24Reply
savvyshopper33 @marissa44444444 thats amazing!!!! i’m so glad you have that connection with your guardian angel. that makes me feel a little better! do you by chance have anymore ENERGIE brand tops long sleeve ?
May 24Reply
warnocks Good morning Mary, you are such a sweetheart! I appreciate so much the shares!! I wish I lived close enough to come and sit with you and listen to stories about your daughter and give you a hug!! You’re often in my thoughts and always in my prayers! Have a happy day! 🌺❤️🌺
May 25Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks thank you. I can feel your love and hugs from a distance and I appreciate them so much. Thank you also for the many shares. Hopefully we will both see some sales. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 25Reply
warnocks Good Morning Mary, thank you so much for the regular shares!! I was thinking about the leather books you mentioned your daughter made, we’re they book covers, journals, or was she writing and binding her own stories? What is her name? I hope you have a good day with lots of sales!! 🥰
Jun 04Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks Her name is Alexis’. She handmade her books entirely and was selling them online. She would sew the bindings and age for pages. Some of the books were books of shadows. One of her books she put on auction and was bought by LJ Smith, the author of the vampire diaries. She loved the book so much that she bought a second one. Alexis’ wanted to start making books again and bought all the supplies, but she never had a chance to use them. 😢😢
Jun 04Reply
warnocks @marissa44444444 WOW! What an interesting, talented girl!! 🥰
Jun 04Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks That’s just one of the things she could do. She was very smart and had so many plans for the future.
Jun 04Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️
Jun 05Reply
warnocks Good Morning Mary! Once again, thank you for the shares!! Are you doing alright? Have sales picked up for you? I wish for you to have a happy, peaceful day!!🥰🥰🥰
Jun 20Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks good morning. Sales have been very slow. I have been keeping busy doing yardwork which helps to keep my mind off of sad things. The weather has been nice and cool here in the Poconos which is great. I can’t stand the summer heat anymore, not like when I was young. Thanks again for thinking of me, and I hope you have a great day!
Jun 20Reply
warnocks @marissa44444444 Business has been very slow for me as well. We haven’t been blessed with cooler weather here in Colorado. It’s hot, dry and windy! My yard needs so much work but the heat just knocks all the energy out of me. Maybe when the gas prices stop rising we’ll have sales again! I hope so!! 🥰❤️🥰
Jun 20Reply
warnocks Happy Labor Day Mary! I hope you’re doing well and that your sales picked up for back to school. I hope you sold a ton of stuff!! 🥰❤️🥰
Sep 05Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks hi Sheri. I don’t celebrate anything anymore. Things have been hectic. My grinder pump and it’s alarm failed and I had a back up of waste into my rec room, ruining the wall-to-wall carpeting. Contacted the insurance company.
Sep 05Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks A remediation crew came in to clean up the toxic mess. Now I’m waiting for the company I contracted with to replace the walls and flooring. I am still dealing with medical and legal issues of my daughter. It’s been one thing after another. I hope you enjoy your Labor Day, and thank you again for thinking of me.
Sep 05Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks Sales have been very slow. I was hoping they would have picked up with school shopping
Sep 05Reply
warnocks Mary, There are no words I can say to you that will help in any way with your loss, your grief, and the horrible frustrations you’re dealing with. But I hope it helps in some small way knowing someone is thinking of you and praying that life will get easier for you. ❤️
Sep 05Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks Yes I do appreciate very much your thinking of me. I have made some friends on Poshmark and they have been very sweet. All I can do is take it one day at a time and hope things get a bit better. Thanks again
Sep 05Reply
leosnana Oh love, I am just now seeing this. May you find comfort in knowing as strong as we are chatting that you WILL see her in the other side. My nephew was murdered at 17 it’s a loss like no other my sister will never recover she is killing herself w/alcohol. We grieve because we love. I will try to help you with what little I have. Sending love.
Nov 16Reply
marissa44444444 @leosnana my condolences to both you and your sister. How awful that that happy to your nephew! I am so sorry. I’ve had many losses just in the past few years: my 41-year-old niece from colon cancer; my 96-year-old mother for whom I was a full-time caregiver for over five years; I stepdaughter and step- granddaughter in a fatal car crash. None of these compared with having to bury my daughter and not knowing why she died. She had so many plans for the future.
Nov 16Reply
marissa44444444 @leosnana I had to rehome all her furry babies, but I kept our cat and one chinchilla because we had them the longest. I am still dealing with insurance, doctor, and legal issues regarding my daughter. I’m sure they were hoping I would have dropped everything since she passed away, but I wouldn’t.
Nov 16Reply
marissa44444444 @leosnana I didn’t know at first what do with all my daughter’s things, and that’s how I ended up selling on Poshmark for the first time. I will pray for your sister because alcohol is not the answer. I try to be strong but some days are just terrible.
Nov 16Reply
leosnana @marissa44444444 I understand not at your level mother to daughter but I understand on the level of experiencing my sister’s loss of a son. Please include your number in my package I’d love to be there for you and talk I’d love to listen to your stories.
Nov 17Reply
kristinlekki 😪😪😪😪😪😪😪
Dec 13Reply
kristinlekki I'm so sorry for your loss , I have 4 grown children in there 30's an my youngest is 26... 2 boys , 2 girls in that order ... 5 grandsons an the newest an first granddaughter born in October 2022 ... I'm blessed everyday an couldn't fathom the loss of a child ... you'll carry her always an her items will be cherished through the love of others ... I hope you have another child that you can share your grief an find comfort ... Bless you an prayers to you an yours
Dec 13Reply
marissa44444444 @kristinlekki Thank you for your kind words. I have an older daughter who is almost 38, not married, and doesn’t plan on having any children due to a genetic disorder. My younger one who passed wanted children. So any hope for grandchildren died with her. She had so many plans for the future, and those all died with her as well. We expect to bury our parents, but we don’t expect to bury our children.
Dec 13Reply
kristinlekki @marissa44444444 no we don't ... I couldn't begin to understand your pain nor would I want too ... grandchildren are truly a blessing it's like our second chance to get it perfect an spoil them , I especially love when my grandkids say but Nannie let's me do it lolol ... enjoy your daughter as you have shown you never know 😪😪😪
Dec 13Reply
marissa44444444 @kristinlekki you are very blessed. Enjoy your children and your grandchildren. ❤️❤️
Dec 13Reply
vintagepixie @marissa44444444 I just came across your closet and read your introduction. The bond you had with your daughter sounds so special and rare. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm happy to share your closet and help any way I can.🖤
Dec 19Reply
marissa44444444 @vintagepixie thank you very much for your kind words. I have met some really nice people on Poshmark. It’s really been difficult going through all my daughter’s things and parting with them. Thank you for the shares, and I will share in return. ❤️❤️
Dec 19Reply
watsonlilmommy @marissa44444444 hello 👋 check out my closet see something you like send me and offer all offers accepted on some items or bundle for a discount
Jan 26Reply
lisakay100 Welcome, Happy Poshing, Check out my Closet‼️
Feb 14Reply
enklm I am so sorry for your loss 😢 but it’s nice to meet you
Feb 15Reply
marissa44444444 @enklm Thank you for reaching out, and thank you for your kind words. ❤️
Feb 15Reply
enklm @marissa44444444 of course 😊🙏
Feb 15Reply
gmcspd_closets Hello Mary, nice to meet you! Thanks for following me, I am still fairly new and would appreciate all the shares. If you have some time, scroll through my closet and let me know if anything interests you, just private message me. If you bundle 3 or more items you get 15% off. Thank you, good luck, and Happy Shopping my friend! 🙏💜🌺
Feb 16Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 19Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply
marissa44444444 @polka5dots thank you too! Have a great evening!
Feb 26Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Feb 26Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Feb 26Reply
ratkshaffer I just had to say what a unique closet! Decoratives, collectables, and more! I scrolled through going back in time. My mom sold Avon for 40 years. Seeing that cape cod collection really took me back. I have to try and remember your closet at gift giving time! Well done!
Mar 02Reply
marissa44444444 @ratkshaffer Thank you so much. I started collecting the Cape Cod collection in the 1970s and thought I was going to pass it on to my daughter. See my profile when you get a chance.
Mar 02Reply
ratkshaffer How tragic! I'm so sorry for your loss! I can relate. I lost my son when he was just 6.5 months old in 1973. He would be 50 years old in May. Losing a child is devastating,and probably the worst experience in life. Sending you much love and hugs! I pray you will find peace. I know we will see our babies again!❤️
Mar 02Reply
marissa44444444 @ratkshaffer Thank you so very much for your kind words, and please accept my sympathy for your loss as well. We are supposed to bury our parents; but as parents, we are not supposed to bury our children.
Mar 02Reply
pmcquatters Hi Mary, I just read your posting, and my heart breaks for you. I know that your daughter is at peace and waiting for you and all of her fur babies to join her one day in heaven. I'm so sorry that you had to go through the most painful experience there is. It's almost too much to bear, and I know that you're still hurting more than anyone can imagine. I pray that God is giving you strength to get through the days, one day at a time. I also pray that God is helping to heal your heart and giving
Mar 04Reply
pmcquatters you hope, in knowing that one day you'll be with your daughter again. God Bless you and keep you safe in His arms. Love, Pamela ❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️
Mar 04Reply
marissa44444444 @pmcquatters thank you so much for your very kind words. ❤️❤️
Mar 04Reply
pmcquatters You're so welcome! I really hope that you're doing better, and I'll keep you in my prayers.🙏💕
Mar 04Reply
marissa44444444 @pmcquatters thank you again. I just take it one day at a time. I don’t cry as much, but I still have my moments. At least Poshmark keeps me busy. ❤️❤️
Mar 04Reply
pmcquatters You're welcome, but you don't have to thank me. I'm a mother of a daughter, and I honestly can't even imagine your pain. I wish I could do something to help you. I think that being on Poshmark keeps you busy and that's a good thing. You can meet some really nice people on here too. Please know that I'm here if you ever want to talk, and I'm thinking about you and wishing you all the best. You're a very strong mother, and I know your daughter is so proud of you. Take care, and God Bless!❤️🙏❤️
Mar 04Reply
cdwarring I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine. Please be sure to save some items that have special memories for you with your daughter. You will cherish them. I will reshare as much as I can for you. Take care!
Mar 08Reply
marissa44444444 @cdwarring Thank you for your kind words. Yes I will be saving things that mean a lot to me. Thank you. ❤️❤️
Mar 08Reply
jenrofia79 🌹Hello Mary. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine your pain. I read your profile and all the loving supportive comments from others. May the love and support of your friends continue to comfort you as you try to move forward with this pain and emptiness. I’m truly sorry. I will include you in my prayers. 🌹
Mar 20Reply
marissa44444444 @jenrofia79 thank you so much for your kind words. I have met some very nice people through Poshmark. I have to admit that keeping busy with Poshmark has kept my mind off of sad things. Thanks again and I hope you have a very nice day. ❤️❤️
Mar 20Reply
jenrofia79 @marissa44444444 💕Mary, Please pick something from my closet as a gift for yourself, or to give to someone else, or even to resell-to help you monetarily. (You’d just have to pay for shipping…🤷🏻‍♀️) 🤗 💕No pressure of course! I just want you to know that you have been in my thoughts for sometime now, and I’ve been wanting to do something for you, to show you that I care.🌹
Mar 20Reply
marissa44444444 @jenrofia79 thank you so much for your sweet offer. I really don’t need anything. I am at that stage in my life where I want to part with everything since I have no one to leave it to. I wish you wonderful sales on Poshmark. Thank you.
Mar 21Reply
csharrow68 I am so, so sorry, bless your heart. That is heartbreaking. I can't even imagine. Sending you well wishes for peace and healing.
Apr 02Reply
marissa44444444 @csharrow68 thank you so very much for your kind words. I’ll keep you in mind if I find another doll stand. Thanks again. ❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply
darlascottage Hi Mary, oh my gosh, this is just devastating! I know you must have memories with each & every piece. But what a great bond you had with your beautiful daughter! Does it help you to see the objects go to people who appreciate them, or could it be more painful? I know there are companies that will auction it all for you, but they take a good chunk of money. However, the emotional part might be easier? For some collectibles, that could bring more money.
Apr 08Reply
darlascottage Suggestion: Get in touch with @emptyhanger about the fandom/tv shows/music etc t-shirts, she might want to source from you for reselling, and you could ship out a big 5 lb order potentially 😀
Apr 08Reply
marissa44444444 @cottagegifts thank you for your kind words, and thank you for the great suggestion.
Apr 08Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means……………………… I’ll be accepting any and all reasonable offers even on bundles! So what are you waiting for? Send some now for a deal you won’t forget!
May 04Reply
maxgoldsuccess I am so sorry for your loss. I know no words can do justice to your feelings. I will keep you in my prayers.🌹
Jun 18Reply
marissa44444444 @maxgoldsuccess thank you so very much. ❤️❤️
Jun 18Reply
maxgoldsuccess @marissa44444444 🙂 You are welcome. Wishing you a blessed day.
Jun 18Reply
marissa44444444 @bellyringj91 thank you so very much for your kind words and taking the time to express them. It means a lot to me. I have met some very nice people on Poshmark. ❤️❤️
Jul 05Reply
elsagoebelstyle Thank you for sharing one of my listings! I appreciate it! 😊
Jul 21Reply
marissa44444444 @doreenmaggie thank you for your kind words, and thank you for your shares as well. Hopefully we will both have some more sales. Thanks again ❤️
Jul 24Reply
tonirich1700 Hi Mary I am so sorry to hear about your daughter passing. I feel your pain my god daughter, my sister daughter passed away unexpectedly. I will share yours on my closet I am new as well to Poshmark and wish you peace 🙏
Jul 25Reply
marissa44444444 @tonirich1700 thank you for your kind words, and please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your goddaughter. Did they do an autopsy to find out why she passed away? How old was she? We are not supposed to bury our children. 😢😢
Jul 25Reply
tonirich1700 Hi again yes my niece had a heart attack on her 42 birthday. She had a baby 6 weeks before she passed.
Aug 01Reply
marissa44444444 @tonirich1700 oh my God! I am so sorry. 😢😢. My sympathy and prayers to you and your entire family 🙏🙏🙏
Aug 01Reply
tonirich1700 Thanks so much I appreciate that and I’m sending you my condolences and prayers. 🙏🦋
Aug 01Reply
orca1962 Thanks for all the shares!! Sharing back and wishing you many sales 😍
Aug 06Reply
rad0529 Hello Mary, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda (I am so sorry for your loss and please know I'll be keeping you in my prayers)
Aug 13Reply
marissa44444444 @rad0529 thank you so very much for your kind words, Rhonda. ❤️❤️
Aug 13Reply
g_closet53 Hi there! Thank you for the shares! Make sure you check out my closet, I am currently having a clear out sale, so if you bundle 3 5$ items, I will offer 5$ for all three! I have men’s clothes, women’s clothes, children’s clothes, and home items and electronics available in my closet! 🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️
Aug 14Reply
impeachtrump Everything you say is so true! I always message that one item does not make a bundle so either add or that’s the price! I used to be so excited about listing items & checking my sales in fact years 1 & 2 combined I made $36k now I get a sale every week or 2 after so much back & forth, hardly worth my effort. The venue has really gone down hill & I think it happened when Poshmark went public on the stock exchange! They care about nothing but the might dollar!
Aug 18Reply
travelingfrog My condolences to you dear. may you find some comfort in memories you shared together. 💜💜💜
Sep 01Reply
marissa44444444 @travelingfrog thank you so much for your kind words.
Sep 01Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you find grace and some peace. I wish you successful Poshing!😊 Helen
Sep 07Reply
marissa44444444 @computershoptx thank you so much. ❤️
Sep 07Reply
jeanbean32 Hi Mary Thank You So much for sharing my closet I will also continue to be sharing your closet as well ❤️Have a beautiful and blessed day ❤️
Sep 28Reply
marissa44444444 @jeanbean32 hopefully we both have some super sales. I wish you a wonderful and blessed day as well.
Sep 28Reply
jeanbean32 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sep 28Reply
caseylrigby Hi! Just wanted to say you have a rad closet and give you some shares! Cheers, Casey
Oct 01Reply
jbarnak There are no words , to loose a child is devastating. I am so sorry for your unimaginable loss. Welcome to the Poshmark community
Oct 04Reply
marissa44444444 @jbarnak thank you for your kind words. This Halloween it will be two years since she collapsed at home and died. I have found some very nice people on Poshmark since I joined. Come January, it will be two years I’ve been selling. This has kept my mind busy and off of sad memories. Thank you again, thank you for visiting my closet, and I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️❤️
Oct 04Reply
daughteranddad I want to extend my heart felt condolences to you! My daughter and I have only been doing this since July and I could never imagine not having her around. Please know we will share and like your items as often as we can. You and your family will be in our prayers! Ps thank you for all the shares, it’s truly appreciated! :)
Oct 08Reply
marissa44444444 @daughteranddad thank you so very much for your kind words. I still can’t believe this Halloween she will be gone two years already. Poshmark has helped keep my mind busy and off of sad memories. Thank you again and have a blessed day ❤️❤️
Oct 08Reply
eclecticzebra This brought tears to my eyes. I am eternally so very sorry for your loss. Folks say time heals all wounds but we all know that is false. Your closet encompasses everything I love and Alexis's spirit lives on, I feel her artisan aura here ❤️
Oct 14Reply
marissa44444444 @eclecticzebra I just got to read your message because I was just discharged from the hospital. That’s why my closet is on vacation. Thank you so much for your very kind message. This month is hard because Halloween will be 2 years since she died suddenly. Thank you again. ❤️❤️
Oct 15Reply
eclecticzebra @marissa44444444 Oh my goodness, I hope you heal and feel better soon! Self care first.. I'll be sharing your listings, heart compells me to, for you and Alexis' spirit ❤️
Oct 15Reply
timetrekker You have a super fun closet! Be strong. Much love to you!
Oct 19Reply
marissa44444444 @timetrekker thank you so much. ❤️
Oct 20Reply
todaysthreads I am so sorry for your loss, be strong 🙏
Oct 21Reply
marissa44444444 @todaysthreads thank you for your kind words. ❤️❤️
Oct 21Reply
cooky2020 Mary, I love the items in your closet and wanted to leave you a note to that respect. Then I read your bio 😢😕😢 I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my sister at a too young age. It was too hard on my mom. She passed less than two years afterwards of a broken heart. That was almost 15 years ago. I’m hoping you are getting the psychological support you need. We are close in age. We think we can handle everything on our own. We were brought up in the age of Woman’s Lib. Please take care of you! ❤️
Oct 21Reply
ig0000 Thanks for sharing my closet.
Oct 22Reply
marissa44444444 @cooky2020 thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness. What you say is very true. ❤️❤️
Oct 22Reply
julissazelaya Hello Poshers! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I offer a lot of beautifuls and fashion charms for bracelets and necklaces, 18 Gold plated over stainless steel tarnish resistant and S925 jewelry trendy, modern, perfect for fashion girls or an elegant gift! 🎁🍸 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Oct 23Reply
eme_boutique I’m so sorry for the devastating loss of your daughter. From your writing, she sounds like she was a beautiful young woman. 😔❤️‍🩹
Oct 25Reply
marissa44444444 @eme_boutique thank you so much. ❤️❤️
Oct 25Reply
purplehairchick Your closet is absolutely amazing!!!💜
Oct 25Reply
marissa44444444 @purplehairchick thank you so much. I have my daughter to thank for that if you happened to read my profile. ❤️
Oct 25Reply
purplehairchick @marissa44444444 I did and I can relate more than you know, bless you sis✨
Oct 25Reply
marissa44444444 @purplehairchick ❤️❤️ I am here for you if you ever need to talk. ❤️❤️
Oct 25Reply
katsreply Hey! I just wanted to point out your Versace knit skirt is typed as skit. I don’t want you to miss out a sale!
Oct 26Reply
oliviaami Hi @61df29e4ca86644e97edb931 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Oct 27Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with another fur baby lover! 🌺 MelissaL
Oct 30Reply
ttarney @marissa44444444 Thinking of you ❤️
Oct 31Reply
klbrooks27 Welcome to Poshmark and a wonderful community of women 💖I read your whole bio and it makes me so sad to hear you lost your daughter so suddenly and for seemingly no reason 😳 I only had sons and now have a 2nd granddaughter who I will cherish at my age of 77.. daughters are an exceptional look into your own life ! 💖💖💖 I will share your closet regularly to assist in your journey 💕💕💕May God Bless your daughter in heaven and you find peace in your loss 😇 Heaven has another angel 💖
Nov 04Reply
marissa44444444 @klbrooks27 thank you so much. You are very blessed. With the passing of my daughter died any hopes for grandchildren. Thank you again.❤️❤️
Nov 04Reply
klbrooks27 @marissa44444444 You’re so very welcome ! Maybe go do volunteer work at an orphanage 💖That would bring joy to your heart 💕😉
Nov 04Reply
brendamk My heart aches for you... I do know the pain of losing a daughter. It's a pain like no other! Mine died in 1986... and it still hurts. Time doesn't heal, but it lessens the pain. Best thing ever was finally attending 'Compassionate Friends' Support Group for Grieving Parents. A life saver - They ALL had the SAME feelings, thoughts, fears, etc. I'm forever grateful. After surviving her 1st anniversary I knew I could survive anything! I wish you much peace, joy, & love. 💕
Nov 10Reply
marissa44444444 @brendamk I am so sorry for your loss as well. And thank you so much for your very kind words.❤️❤️
Nov 10Reply
taraswygard Hello Sweet Lady, I send you so much love and peaceful energy. You and your Daughter have touched my heart. I truly hope that I will get the opportunity to own a piece of your daughter's life, would be a great thing.
Nov 12Reply
marissa44444444 @taraswygard ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 13Reply
brandauthentic Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Nov 28Reply
orca1962 Thanks for all the shares!! Sharing back and wishing you many sales😍
Dec 01Reply
marissa44444444 @orca1962 thanks. You too. ❤️
Dec 01Reply
heidismithaz Thank you for all the shares!! I’m excited to look through your closet 💕💕
Dec 02Reply
marissa44444444 @heidismithaz I just visited your closet. You have beautiful things. Hope we have some great sales this month!
Dec 02Reply
look1look2 thank you so much for your kind shares from my small closet. I read your story and think of you every day. may God give your beautiful daughter Peace in Heaven and may her presence in your heart give you strength 🙏🙏
Dec 11Reply
marissa44444444 @look1look2 thank you so much for your very kind words. You really touched my heart tonight. Thank you again, and I hope we both have some really great sales. ❤️❤️
Dec 11Reply
my79ta17 Akexis was beautiful. So sorry for your loss.
Dec 14Reply
marissa44444444 @my79ta17 thank you so much. ❤️❤️
Dec 14Reply
warnocks Merry Christmas, Mary! I hope you have a happy and blessed New Year!!🥰
Dec 24Reply
marissa44444444 @warnocks Merry Christmas Sheri. Holidays are very difficult for me. I don’t know if you ever had a chance to read my “Meet the Posher.” I wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year. ❤️❤️
Dec 24Reply
warnocks @marissa44444444 I have read your story and my heart breaks for you. I wanted you to know I was thinking of you. 🥰
Dec 27Reply
monstercube Hi sweetie I just read your bio. I’m so sorry about your daughter. I have lost a lot of lovely people in my life to abroad spectrum of things and this world is getting weirder all the time I’m an animal lover, as I’m looking at 3 3rd hand hounds that live in my house ranging from 60 pounds to 150 and every other animal that shows up, I’m in Minnesota and I’m also a deep MT do some CST and Microcurrent NF if I could snap my fingers and be there I would do anything I could for you. ❤️🙏🏼
Dec 28Reply
marissa44444444 @monstercube thank you so much for your kindness. So many wonderful and caring people on Poshmark.
Dec 28Reply
monstercube Thinking of you babe if you ever wanted to get in touch, let me know
Dec 29Reply
style_high_club I am already following you :-) your closet is absolutely beautiful. I am so dreadfully sorry for your loss. I know there is nothing that can compare to the loss of a child.
Jan 02Reply
marissa44444444 @laramcrae thank you so much. ❤️❤️
Jan 03Reply
srq_millie Thank you for the shares - I always reciprocate 😊
Jan 24Reply
vintage_vampira @marissa44444444 Oh, my dear!! I'm so, so sorry for all that you have gone through and the grief that I know you must be living with... sending hugs, sharing your tears... there are no words that can heal your pain, I'm not even sure time can... 💔💔😭😭
Jan 30Reply
marissa44444444 @vintage_vampira Adrienne, thank you very much for your very kind words. I have lost many loved ones over the years but nothing compares to losing my daughter. This is something I will live with the rest of my life
Jan 30Reply
vintage_vampira @marissa44444444 I know... and worse is the not knowing why
Jan 30Reply
vintage_vampira @marissa44444444 I tried to share a bunch of your items, but I got a weird error message... I will try again...
Jan 30Reply
marissa44444444 @vintage_vampira that is strange, but the same thing has happened to me. I have gotten error messages when I tried sharing some people’s listings.
Jan 30Reply
sandyallison957 Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 06Reply
bethbaker49 hello there. I am so sorry for your loss of your daughter. She is your Angel forever watching over you. Time heals your heart & pain of the loss. Cherish what memories & photos you have😘
Jul 17Reply
marissa44444444 @bethbaker49 thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️
Jul 17Reply
retroclassicvtg @69andholding Hi Marissa I sent a note thanking you for the shares this morning. For some reason it didn't send. So very sorry about the loss you suffered. If my words could change those things for you, I would write them here. The best I can do is send prayers abd uplifting thoughts through the ethers. Undgird yourself and know that you are loved.
Aug 16Reply
marissa44444444 @69andholding thank you so much for your kind words. It is lovely people like you on Poshmark who keep me going. I can only take it one day at a time. It’s going on three years since she passed away suddenly. Not knowing the cause of her death will always haunt me. We are not supposed to bury our children. Thank you again and have a blessed day.
Aug 16Reply
yoyoblondie Oh Mary! You are as brave and beautiful as your daughter and my heart aches for you. My daughter also loves Halloween, anime, and bunnies. Kindred spirits? I am happy to share your closet and tickled that you chose to share my crazy vase! I love crazy!
Aug 17Reply
marissa44444444 @yoyoblondie thank you so much. I just took a peek at your closet and I saw a Polish pottery and teapots. We have a lot more in common than you realize. You should read my profile. Thanks again and have a blessed evening.
Aug 17Reply
marissa44444444 @tutuwig thank you for the shares and the compliment. I will certainly stop by your closet and share your listings as well. Thanks again and have a blessed day.
Aug 25Reply
cutehosiery @marissa44444444 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 28Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Sep 03Reply
secnd2n0ne I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you. Sending you strength...
Sep 04Reply
marissa44444444 @secnd2n0ne thank you so much ❤️
Sep 04Reply
smwherthrifting Hi Mary. Thank you for sharing Alexis and both your stories as well as photographs. You are both beautiful. I’m very sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how you’re feeling and what life is like without your daughter and the dreams that left with her passing. It’s amazing that you’ve created a Posh closet with her things, how hard it must be. You and Alexis are in my thoughts tonight and I’m sending you a virtual hug. I’ll share with my followers and wish you peace. Hang in there, Mama.
Sep 11Reply
marissa44444444 @smwherthrifting thank you for your beautiful words and sympathy. You really touched my heart this morning. ❤️❤️
Sep 11Reply
photographerb @marissa44444444 I read your about ~ I am wanting you to know that I’m Praying for you and I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter she was beautiful just as you❤️. I hope you know that prayers and positivity are with you. Hugs
Sep 13Reply
marissa44444444 @photographerb thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️
Sep 14Reply
straykat1269 I love your whole closet I can get lost for hrs just in your library it’s so amazing I’m am very sorry for your loss as I have lost a a daughter myself. I would love to say it gets easier everyday still has its challenges and my loss was 17 years ago how time flies.. as I said I’m sorry, I try living for her instead of trying to live without her. Is how I can keep going myself .. take care you are not alone
Sep 21Reply
marissa44444444 @straykat1269 thank you so much for your kind words and please accept my sympathy as well for the loss of your daughter. Most of the books in my closet were selected by my daughter for the library she was planning on having in our house. That is why she built all those bookcases which I am sure you saw pictures of when you read my profile. this Halloween will be three years. Since it happened right here in our house, I relive it every day. Thank you again, and have a blessed evening. ❤️
Sep 21Reply
mareli1030 Hello, I happened to come across your closet while looking for plush that I collect. I read your about section and wanted to say I’m sorry for your loss. ❤️ I wish you the best
Sep 21Reply
marissa44444444 @mareli1030 thank you so much for taking the time to message me. That was so sweet of you. It’s hard to believe it will be 3 years since this happened. I hope you have a blessed day. ❤️
Sep 21Reply
appy1212 I absolutely love your closet! I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your daughter. ❤️
Oct 04Reply
marissa44444444 @appy1212 thank you so much ❤️❤️
Oct 04Reply
passionaterose @marissa44444444 I got your Halloween bundle note. I had an Alexis too. You've melted my heart to pieces this morning. I don't "do" Halloween but I absolutely do goth and scene kid. Even if I only wore rainbows, I wouldn't miss honoring this time with you. I'll see you soon. 🫂
Oct 18Reply
marissa44444444 @passionaterose thank you so much. My daughter had many goth items which I did list in my closet. Thanks again. ❤️
Oct 18Reply
845collections Sending love and light ! I’m sorry to hear of your tremendous loss. 🙏🏽
Oct 26Reply
marissa44444444 @845collections thank you so much. ❤️❤️
Oct 26Reply
marissa44444444 @beautifynails thank you so much
Oct 30Reply
sonjahanczaryk Hi there! Thanks for sharing, I returned the favor! You have such an AMAZING closet!! Your decor is breathtaking!! I shared a ton!! I hope you have a lovely holiday season and sell lots!! best wishes! Sonja ❤️
Dec 09Reply
marissa44444444 @sonjahanczaryk thank you so much. I returned the favor. Many blessings and sales to you during the holiday season ❤️
Dec 09Reply
lynnbryan Hi ,thank you for the shares!!Have a Merry Christmas!!!!
Dec 15Reply

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