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Doggie Waste Bag holders (19 different breeds)


Updated Jun 15
Updated Jun 15

Doggie Waste Bag holders (19 different breeds)

$30 $99

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These are handmade by me. Multiple breeds available the listing is for 1 bag. It comes with a swivel clasp to attach to leash, belt loop, or anything you’d like as well as 1 roll of waste bags. When purchasing one please comment with the breed (if you don’t see it pictured just inquire I’m sure I have it available to make), you would like and m\f. These will still ship with in the 3 day window. • IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ORDER MULTIPLES PLEASE MAKE A COMMENT IN COMMENT SECTION AND I WILL SET UP A SPECIAL LISTING FOR YOU WITH DISCOUNTED SHIPPING.
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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damarish87 Hello, Do you have red leather with a yorkie?
Feb 21Reply
23mary27 @damarish87 Yes, as these are custom made I can make a red vinyl one with color of yorkie you would like. Just purchase one of these listings and I will get it made up for you.
Feb 21Reply
damarish87 @23mary27 ok thank you
Feb 21Reply
23mary27 @damarish87 perfect I just received your purchase, thank you. What color yorkie are you needing?
Feb 21Reply
damarish87 @23mary27 Black and Tan please
Feb 21Reply
23mary27 @damarish87 what is the main body color? These design has a main and an accent
Feb 21Reply
23mary27 @damarish87 hey, just wanted to let you know your yorkie bag is done and it will ship out tomorrow with the rest of your stuff as the PO was closed yesterday and today. Thanks for shopping my closet!
Feb 22Reply
damarish87 @23mary27 thank you!!!!!
Feb 22Reply
cristanlandry These are genius and gave me such a big smile!!!
Mar 03Reply
23mary27 @cristanlandry thank you! They were a big hit this year at the bazaar I did so I thought I would put them on here as well. I loved watching peoples faces when they would see them.
Mar 03Reply
cristanlandry @23mary27 do you have a German shepherd?
Mar 25Reply
23mary27 @cristanlandry I do! These are custom made so if you order just know that they will ship in the 3 day window, not same day.
Mar 25Reply
wynnholly These are absolutely precious! They should be sold in boutiques around here. I will be hopefully opening one by the fall and would love to sale these! Would you happen to have any Australian Sheppard? They can be grey/white/black, or brown and white or black and white with or with out blue eyes.?? Thank you!!
Mar 26Reply
23mary27 @wynnholly they have been a top seller when I do bazaars. Thank you for your kind words 😊 I do have an Australian shepherd, in fact I made one for my niece.
Mar 26Reply
wynnholly @23mary27 oh. Great! What color was that one? I want to get one made for my friend or two. One friend has a grayish brown and white Aussie and the other has Labs I think In every color. She has 5! I have two toy Aussies with blue eyes one black and white one abs one brown and white one.
Mar 26Reply
23mary27 @wynnholly Grey and white is the color of my nieces Aussie.
Mar 27Reply
wynnholly @23mary27 sounds like my friends Aussie
Mar 27Reply
bea_u I just got my bags today and I couldn't be happier! They are made so well, customized to perfection to exactly what I wanted...but BETTER! If you are considering buying these please do yourself a favor and go for it. I will be buying more as gifts for sure! They are so amazing! P.S. Super fast delivery! @23mary27 you are so awesome!
Apr 01Reply
23mary27 @bea_u ahhhh, thank you so much for your kind words!! I really appreciate it. Seeing and embroidery is my first passion
Apr 01Reply
bea_u @23mary27 Itshows! Seriously though, I can see these selling on a massive petsmarts everywhere!
Apr 01Reply
23mary27 @bea_u you can find some of my other stuff on either IG or FB under the name Impossibly Poppy 😁
Apr 02Reply
dotz53 I would like for you to update my bundle by removing the bag that you cannot make to order and please make me one with a light gray poodle (female) thank you so much
Apr 29Reply
23mary27 @dotz53 I have it noted that you would like a light grey poodle female colors for background.
Apr 29Reply
dotz53 Want gray female poodle
Apr 30Reply
cardenap Hi Do you have a pink one with a Blue Heller? She’s white with black and gray spots and right eye black. Thank you!
May 15Reply
23mary27 @cardenap hi, I can do the main body one color and then the stitching in whatever the contrasting color of the pup is. I do my best to personalize them but limited since it’s a design I follow. I can possibly do the black patch eye as well. If interested you can purchase and in notes just state what you would like.
May 15Reply
cardenap Would like the side view of the pup with pointed ears main body is white with contrasting colors of black and gray, black patch right eye that spreads to her ear and other ear is black also but in between her ears are the contrasting colors. Pink bag. Thank you!
May 15Reply
ged59 Looking for a King Charles Cavalier-Blenheim color.
May 20Reply
dgthomas Do you make dog TREAT bags? I'm looking for a treat bag I can clip on a belt loop or the leash when we are out for training.
Jun 16Reply
essenceoftimeny Pomeranian and I’m guessing the white dog is the 🐩 poodle ?
Sep 01Reply
23mary27 @essenceoftimeny that’s correct
Sep 01Reply
essenceoftimeny Which one would be the Pom sweetheart
Sep 01Reply
gottahaveitshop Can you show me what a toy teacup poodle looks like? I have two. One is black and one light brown. Thx!
Oct 17Reply
23mary27 @gottahaveitshop the poodle is pictured in the second from bottom row in top picture. The poodle is white but I can make in either brown or black.
Oct 17Reply
beckster821 Do you have a jack russell?
Oct 19Reply
beckster821 Would like to purchase 3
Oct 19Reply
beckster821 Scottish Deerhound and jack russell?
Oct 19Reply
beckster821 Do u have jack russell and Scottish deerhound? Want 3
Oct 19Reply
23mary27 @beckster821 I do have the Jack Russel and looking at a picture of the Scottish deerhound I believe my greyhound design would work for that one. If interested I can put a bundle together for you. As these are custom made by me I don’t offer as great of a discount as on my “regular” items, but I will still offer a discount when purchasing 3.
Oct 20Reply
themohrstore Do you have Springer Spaniel liver (brown and white)?
Jan 12Reply
themohrstore do you have a liver and white springer spaniel?
Jan 15Reply
relaxshopwine Hi. I have a fawn frenchie or black and white frenchie, do you have any of these? Thanks,
Mar 26Reply
louisbelles Adorable! Can you do a silver/grey lab? ( She is color of a Weimaraner.). If so, I am interested in doing an order for the silver lab, a black lab and a golden retriever. Do you ever put names on them as well?
Mar 28Reply
23mary27 @louisbelles I can do all of those 😁 if you would like I can set up a special listing for 3 bags for you
Mar 28Reply
wynnholly I absolutely LOVE THESE! so unique and original. You should be in stores in Shark Tank! I will share! I have two toy blue eyed Australian Shepards and when I can I will order one from you !
May 29Reply

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