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Updated Dec 23
Updated Dec 23

Sold DISTURBIA - Mourning Ruffle (see-through*) Black Shirt


C$60 C$666


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I loved this shirt so much immediately upon seeing it that i ordered it from England. Do you have any idea how long that takes??? Not long actually, you'd be surprised. Its Australia who's gotta get their sh*t together πŸ™ƒ... So imagine my face when i got the UK package, ripped it open, and tried on this glorious-looking shirt only to discover that somehow i had aged in the time since I'd ordered it. My face looked precisely like this- πŸ˜–. I have less joie de vivre and tranquility in my expression these days and more perma-scowl. How did i go from the youthful vitality i was CERTAIN I'd posessed (DEFINITELY on par with the gorgeous teenaged models in the ad!) to the beached walrus wearing this silly floofy shirt with a visible paunch i saw before me, in ONE MONTH??!! I'm all for the freedom of creative self-expression and firmly believe that clothing is one of those things that is actually UNDER-utilized by individuals individually representing THEMSELVES. But the words "see-through shirt" should not be added to carts of those over 40. Fair? I think so. *ahem* ONE SEE-THROUGH SHIRT as seen above for sale in a UK size 10 (google it) and you can also pay the shipping/handling/customs/taxes (or your parents can, i don't mind)......... 2 THOUSAND DOLLARS (who me? bitter? no....) πŸ€ͺ
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: Canada

  • C$12.49 Expedited (1-7 day) Shipping on all orders

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emvan_ and 77 others like this
catsane Goodluck selling this at nearly double the price on the site.
Nov 13Reply
avaadele45 I'd look like a sea hag in it too!!! it's gorgeous!!. For me another's bday is coming my way in a week and while I thought I looked haggered at 48...well HAHAHA I had no idea how crone-like I could get...but here I are, having Another bday, so perilously close to 50 now. I enjoyed reading your struggle over this shirt. Thanx 4 sharing sisterπŸ‘πŸ˜
Nov 18Reply
kellseven @catsane When you factor in the exchange rate, the fact that I paid full price before it went on sale, shipping FROM ENGLAND, taxes, duties, posting pictures, writing a description, plus give away 20% to Poshmark, plus at least a 10% discount + shipping discount to this BY AND LARGE positive and supportive community we have here, I end up taking quite a loss EVERY SINGLE TIME. Don't like it, don't buy it. But you won't see me trashing your hard work. Sane? Rrrright.
Nov 22Reply
kellseven @avaadele45 Thanks doll. Man, I really had no idea there's still hecklers on community forums. I figured she must be new and needed a little lesson... checked out her page and sure enough she's got one unsold listing. For $18. Maybe she'll get it when she finally sells that thing at a 50% discount in 2 years and receives not money, but $4 poshmark credit which she can then wait 3 days to transfer into her bank account. The competition I tells ya.
Nov 22Reply
lanikaiangel221 @kellseven So true - we’re being ripped off my PM and on top of that, Lives have cheapened our stuff considerably. Unless you’re a thrifter or swim in money and don’t care whether you sell or not, you are probably not doing well here anymore. What a nerve commenting on someone else’s stuff.
Aug 04Reply
kellseven @lanikaiangel221 THANK YOU!! Ive been on here 3 years now and believe me, Ive heard my fair share of wacky "advice" i didnt ask for. But unless someone does the exact same job and lives in that particular person's EXACT pair of steel-toe sh*t kickers, i think its just rude for someone to ever assume or judge how the person has made decisions that are only theirs to make! And anyone who feels its their place to criticize another's listing just ends up looking like an uninformed dingus.
Aug 23Reply
kellseven @lanikaiangel221 And WOW, holy gorgeous closet, woman!! I do have one complaint for you though... You've sold it already, dammitπŸ˜…! Beautiful, beautiful, unavailable (harumph)😣 closet! I appreciate your comments above however, i forgot to mention that in my rant. Haha, Thanks πŸ˜‰
Aug 23Reply
lanikaiangel221 @kellseven Hi Kell, good to hear from you, girl! Anything that you are interested in from my closet will become available (unless it’s sold), if you feel like you have to have it. πŸ˜‰ We’re both in Vancouver. Apart from that, you have some unbelievable items in your closet that are true πŸ’Ž In other words, great minds think alike.
Aug 23Reply
kellseven @lanikaiangel221 I just had another chance to peruse your closet. Have you got any of my ❀s still, stashed away somewhere? πŸ€”πŸ˜…πŸ˜˜
Sep 03Reply
lanikaiangel221 @kellseven Hey Kell, you didn’t β™₯️ things in my closet before, otherwise you’d be able to see them under My Likes. 😘
Sep 03Reply
kellseven @lanikaiangel221 UmmYEAH i did! Just can't add anything to my bundle because they're all NFS... hence why i was moaning about your closet being unavailable... but then you said you could potentially resurrect them. Or something like that. However, i am completely broke as a joke and only open to trades ATM anyways, SO... is you down 4 trades?? If not its totally OK too!
Sep 03Reply
lanikaiangel221 @kellseven Broke - is the word of the day. Husband lost job, I’m working two jobs, hence no trades. Sorry Babe, tough times 😭
Sep 03Reply
lanikaiangel221 @kellseven Actually, if you’re ever interested in purchasing off Posh, let me know. It’s obviously going to be cheaper and no shipping since we can meet
Sep 03Reply
kellseven @lanikaiangel221 Oh yeah! Although for reals- I'm so broke i can't pay attention. But when i caaaan, the question remains... have you still got any of the things i did ❀ sequestered away somewhere? Did they go to Summer camp? Wait... don't tell me you have an evil dungeon. Fer gawds sake woman, FREE THE CLOTHES!! The ones i ❀ were only minors!! Ok that's enough!
Sep 04Reply
lanikaiangel221 @kellseven I adore your sense of humour πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But Kell - the items that you liked before were never in a bundle - which would be the only way for me to see them. I honestly believe that the only way to find them is for you to check My Likes - you know what I mean right? I may have deleted a few items but not that many. Do you remember what you liked by any chance? Any shred of memory at all?
Sep 04Reply
kellseven @lanikaiangel221 ...and also I'm really sorry to hear your family's struggling RN. It was super rude and dismissive of me to not have said so earlier. Just so you know, i hear ya. I've been here with you all along! Haha! (Well, off and on. Mostly on. STFU, Kelly.) πŸ˜… Anyhoo, i wish all the best to you and yours! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
Sep 04Reply
lanahicks13137 Could I please get a rough chest measurement on this. Thanks
Oct 06Reply
kellseven @lanahicks13137 You sure can! It's 16.5 with a huge amount of stretch all over. Sorry for the hold up!
Oct 20Reply

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