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Updated Jul 05
Updated Jul 05

What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is temporarily under my control. Lol JK!

$888,888 $999,999

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Designer bags and wallets for this mornings yours and mine show. Please read carefully as there are 3 steps to this. 1) like this listing(if you haven’t done so) & share with your entire followers list. 2) head over to the sign in sheet and comment signing in 3) send me your bundle of 2 max. Failure to complete the first 2 steps will result in not being out into the tray. I will start accepting items 10 minutes before the start of the show, so share no more than 2 items please. If you want a chance to go high on the list, share this post with your friends first and then move your 2 items to the top of your closet and I will add them. No minimum starting bid, but if you’re willing to throw in an item for $3 you will be bumped to the front of the line. Just comment on the bundle you share with me “🤙”. If you ever need to bump it again you can comment: “hook me up 🤙 “ We are all here for common reasons so please be respectful to everyone. Any negativity will not be tolerated and will result in getting blocked and removed. All sales final! Don’t bud on something unless you are completely sure that you want it. We will show you all possible angles as best as possible, but we can only do so much. Also, every listing should be shared with your followers because it really does promote a 12% chance increase of a follow up sale.
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theposhmarkplug @bagladydeals oh so what does the “deaIs” part mean in your closet name? I appreciate you being a veteran posher by trying to teach( if you were a real person trying to teach and help people grow this will not engender good anything). But speaking about business on my profile for others to see is very mature of you. You have no idea what I want to do with the bag.
Apr 12Reply
theposhmarkplug It could be a gift. I could have gone though a financial crisis, and that’s all I could afford. So please don’t try to speak about what my business would be, cause you aren’t me, nor know me. I can see that Poshmark might be your first professional setting not being able to get experience anywhere else with maybe lack of education or experience, or a passport. Not trying to stoop down to your level, but sometimes a point needs to get across to what society now calls “Karen’s”.
Apr 12Reply
theposhmarkplug Usually business to business is kept between those two parties. They may disagree which is totally fine, not everyone will come to an agreement. However trying to broadcast it for whatever reason other than having other people see what you have to say is a bit immature. I’ve already wasted 2 minutes too many responding to a person who has never had proper training other than trolling on closets.
Apr 12Reply
theposhmarkplug But I need to speak up before you decide to do this to the next person who is just trying to do business. Best of luck to you as well. Like I said try to keep business between yourself and the other person. You won’t lose respect that way. Yes you have 28k followers, just a reminder. It doesn’t really mean anything. It just means that you know how to click a button and bring a box to the post office. LV is a well established brand that a lot of people use to make a living.
Apr 12Reply
theposhmarkplug You didn’t create Poshmark, or LV, or the rules of Poshmark for that matter, so you’re just a person trying to make a living off a well establish brand, like the other people you will meet in the future that will offer you too low of an amount for your liking. I appreciate what you think is advice (again it’s not done in this manner), but i read and consistently learn and grow, you should try it.
Apr 12Reply
theposhmarkplug If you do, you might stumble on a Poshmark blog that talks about low offers and how sometimes they are good for your business. Which I’m sure you think you don’t need, because 28k followers means that you know everything right? Thanks for stopping by. If you need any more real business training or etiquette try YouTube it’s a powerful tool that your generation might not be familiar with.
Apr 12Reply
theposhmarkplug Real respect comes from building something from the ground up yourself. Until then I’d appreciate it if you would please keep your remarks to yourself, you wouldn’t want to jeopardize your “booming” business bag lady dealer 😊 btw I have nothing but love for you.
Apr 12Reply
theposhmarkplug @lisasheba souldentity wanted me to tag you in this as we will finally be announcing the winner of the Kate Spade bag this morning. Don’t worry you don’t need to be present in order to win. Good luck 👍
Apr 22Reply
theposhmarkplug @lisasheba hey there! sorry again for the delay, we got blocked go figure. anyway we pulled the name, and you were the winner of the Kate Spade bag! congratulations. can you message me on i.n.s.t.a. so that we can get it sent to you. Thanks again for your support! we are running another one btw that just started. and will end on the 3rd show.
Apr 26Reply
lisasheba @theposhmarkplug what is your instagram and i will send you the info
Apr 27Reply
theposhmarkplug @lisasheba theposhmarkplug
Apr 28Reply
streetluv @theposhmarkplug I can’t believe you still have not honored the failed payment you had in my auction for something that you legally bid on in a binding transaction. Fix it! No more excuses.
May 02Reply
theposhmarkplug @catzzztaylor aye bruh you won the second raffle!
May 06Reply

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