Under The Sea Onesie - ON HOLD. DO NOT PURCHASE.
$28 $45
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Only worn for photos

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Hi! Are u open to offers! Really would like to buy this onesie from u! Also, I would love to know how much bigger the XL cow onesie u have is compared to the large! I’m usually a large at ODU but have been looking for that onesie as well! Thank u!
Aug 02Reply

@shivanighatak hi! i am open to offers and if you buy 3 you automatically get a discount on the order. the XL isn’t super big, but it is a different material than the other ones. i don’t dry mine, but if you dry them they will shrink some. cold wash and high heat.
Aug 02Reply

@baby_nymphette Thank u so much! I just made u and offer for this one! I know it’s a touch low, I might be able to send u a higher one if it is too low for u. Money is a little tight but I have been looking for this onesie for so long and would love to give it a great home!
Aug 02Reply

@shivanighatak i can place it on hold until you get the funds for a higher offer or are able to pay full price. i completely understand the money situation, but unfortunately that offer is too low. you’re more than welcome to
make another offer later on.
Aug 02Reply

@baby_nymphette I totally understand! Curious what the lowest u’ll let it go for is!
Aug 02Reply

@shivanighatak 30 is the lowest i’ll go.
Aug 02Reply

@baby_nymphette Ah okay! I might be able to do $30 right now, but if not, would u possibly take $28 perchance?
Aug 02Reply

@shivanighatak okay and make the offer for $28
Aug 02Reply

go ahead*
Aug 02Reply

@shivanighatak however i cannot ship until wednesday
Aug 02Reply

@baby_nymphette U are so sweet! Thank u so, so much! 🥹
Aug 02Reply

So excited to get to wear it when I visit my ld carer again to go an aquarium! Thank u so, so much for ur kindness!
Aug 02Reply

I just wanted to double check that it’s a size large, correct? I couldn’t tell from the picture but I know the listing says large!
Aug 02Reply

@shivanighatak i’m so sorry, it says medium on there. i listed it incorrectly. im like 200lbs and it fits me tho.
Aug 02Reply

@baby_nymphette That’s okay!! So sorry for responding late! My carer says he thinks it will fit me, but just curious, how does the sizing compare to the large? I usually wear a large in ODUs sizing!
Aug 03Reply

@shivanighatak i will have to put them side by side to get a good comparison of it. i should be able to that done sunday night or monday afternoon for you to order. i will be busy the remainder of the weekend. if someone adds to their cart, i will remove it as claimed.
Aug 03Reply

@baby_nymphette U are all good, thank u so much! I did do a little bit more hunting and found one in the large but not sure if they still have theirs available since their listing is years old so keeping u in mind if urs will fit me! I greatly appreciate ur time!
Aug 04Reply

@baby_nymphette Hi, hi! Just reaching back out about the onesie! Still super interested in buying it if the sizing is not too far off from the large! No rush, thank u! :)
Aug 13Reply

@shivanighatak i’m sorry, i have been caught up in life. i will get this done when i get home after work today!
Aug 21Reply

@baby_nymphette No rush whatsoever! Take all the time u need, I totally understand! Thank u! :)
Aug 21Reply

@shivanighatak thank you so much! can you send me a message? i should be able to send a photo of it through the messages.
Aug 21Reply

@shivanighatak i was able to check the size difference, its not anything major. the large is slightly longer and maybe like half an inch bigger on each side but overall they’re pretty close in size. i know when i previously wore the mediums they would fit a little tight with the length at first, but i am 5’7 and they’re fairly easy to stretch. i hope this helps you decide, i apologize that i cannot figure out how to send a photo.
Aug 22Reply

@baby_nymphette Thank u so much! That definitely helps! I will try on my large and make sure that little difference between then I can do without and I’ll make the offer again for it as soon as I am able to! I’m 5’1 so the length shouldn’t be an issue at all, it was more so the width I was concerned about slightly! I appreciate ur time so, so much!
Aug 24Reply

@shivanighatak of course! i’m glad i could help!!
Aug 24Reply

@baby_nymphette hi, hi! I didn’t forget about u! I haven’t had a chance to try on one of my onesies yet, but I was curious how the sleeves compared! My large sleeves are a little tight and I had to stretch them when I wore them first go, so I was wondering if it was much of a difference with the L and mediums that could feel uncomfy! I plan to purchase next week if that’s okie!
Aug 28Reply

@shivanighatak honestly all the sleeves are like that for me, i have to use warm water and stretch them. they didn’t look insanely smaller compared to the large. but i recommend stretching them regardless.
Aug 28Reply

@baby_nymphette Hi, lovely! My cg said it should definitely fit me! I had some additional bills this week so I should be able to purchase for the $28 u okayed on the 17th at the latest if that’s okay! Thank u so much for taking the time and for holding it for me!
Sep 04Reply

@shivanighatak that works perfect! i’ll make sure no one else is able to purchase. i likely won’t be able to ship on the 18th, i have an appointment that day, but it will be shipped the following friday on the 20th.
Sep 04Reply

@baby_nymphette hi, love! Thank u so, so much for holding this for me! Just got the funds and made the offer for $28 like we discussed! No rush to ship! So excited for this piece! 🥹
Sep 21Reply

@shivanighatak i’m glad you were finally able to order!!
Sep 21Reply

@baby_nymphette Thank u! I felt so bad that u were keeping it for me for so long so I’m super glad I scrounged up some funds! I hope it fits! The print brings me so much joy!
Sep 22Reply
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