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Furious 320 drone, excellent condition


Updated Feb 03
Updated Feb 03

Furious 320 drone, excellent condition

furious 320

$249 $850

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racing drone, camera video drone, comes with everything pictured In excellent condition!
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jonnycena3 likes this
sbammesberger I want to buy this next month if possible. Everything works in it, right?
Jan 11Reply
sbammesberger I don't know anything about
Jan 11Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger yes everything works it comes with two batteries and extra parts. my partner bought this a while back for a video shoot but we haven’t used it since and I just want to clear space. the goggles are another listing he bought the two together and they do work well together.
Jan 11Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger oh that’s ok i don’t honestly either just this one🤗
Jan 11Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger please feel free to ask any questions i can always get the answers even if hi don’t have them right away.
Jan 11Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 you need the goggles with it to work?
Jan 11Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger no they are not needed to work the drone they just work to view the camera if one wants to. like for shooting a commercial so you can see what you’re recording.
Jan 11Reply
sbammesberger Can you please put this on hold for me until the beginning of February. I am totally going to buy this, so don't worry. I just don't want anyone else, too. I would definitely appreciate 🙏 ☺️ it.
Jan 12Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 Awesome 👌🏻 Ty so much. Really appreciate it
Jan 12Reply
sbammesberger Do you have any of those new Salvage dresses you were taking photos of?
Jan 27Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger yha i should be able to list them today i think. gimme a few hours
Jan 27Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 Take your I can't buy until February. Lol 😆
Jan 27Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger the model is having issues with her face as it appears so it maybe up to one more week before the new dresses are posted.
Jan 27Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 Ok hun. Sounds okay to me 😊
Jan 27Reply
sbammesberger Then I'll buy the drone too
Jan 27Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger i’m starting to list them anyway(model issues) i can do a group discount for you but please be aware i did pay for a photographer and am looking to sell these dresses to afford next semesters class as well as recoup for photographer so they are a bit higher in the price range. i won’t be able to discount the drone as it’s not mine just wanted to inform ya in advance is all.
Jan 27Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 I figured. No problem
Jan 27Reply
sbammesberger I wondered what you did with all the Salvage dresses I sold you. The first one I sold you for $40! Looks better on you ❤️
Jan 27Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger it’s not me it’s a friend but thank you. between the model, photographer (mostly$), and the location… i’m just trying to recoup what was spent, so i’m taking the total sum and dividing by the 5 pc we shot.
Jan 27Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger you will prolly see one more you recognize in there
Jan 27Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 It actually looks really cool. If I were hesitating to buy, I definitely would buy from the photographed one more likely.
Jan 27Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger i mixed-up the photos on the dress you had in your bundle,(i had to take down as it was two different dresses) i should have time to fix this mistake today or tomorrow.
Jan 28Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 Girl - DO NOT BUY FROM JAIMEWEBER@748!! SHe was on here 6 yrs ago and pulled this same shit! All her Salvage is OLD and USED from years ago! She cons people into giving her Salvage pieces by saying it's her birthday and she has no family and no friends and begs people to sell it to her for $25! She did it to me. I ignored her because I already knew who she was. I then saw her doing it to other people and took a screenshot of it! Mel- my BF on here knows her from 10 yrs
Feb 04Reply
sbammesberger back on here, and all her stuff on here is the same stuff!! Some stuff she just hot from begging people might be fine, but the rest is is SHIT!! Seriously, Girl, watch out for her she's a pathological liar! She fools a lot of people to give her stuff. It's pathetic. I mean, who would go through those lies just for clothes? And she's been at it for over 10 yrs. When we saw her pop up again on here, we were like Oh sheeet...
Feb 04Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger oh wow thanks for the heads up, i will be wary. was there an interaction between her and i?
Feb 04Reply
faithin381 omg wait i just bought her black salvage maxi dress!!!
Feb 04Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger oh no i wish i knew sooner i just bought a salvage dress from her
Feb 04Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 Yes, she said she bought it for $295...Total Bullshit!! And she has 3 more Bullshit!!
Feb 04Reply
sbammesberger Well, hopefully that's one from her sister. And not one she's had from her 10 yr old stockpile. But seriously, girl, don't do business with her. Just to see what she would offer, Mel and I created a bundle, and she offered us full price minus $4!! Like f*** you!! But she can ask me and others to donate to her? I asked her after she did the birthday thing to someone else. I said, "I thought your birthday was last month? And you had no family?" LMAO
Feb 04Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger well i hope so too i really love salvage and can’t fit i. their cute dresses like i used to. i was hoping to keep the maxi for my own collection… will keep you posted on how it goes
Feb 04Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 Hey girl, I shipped this to my man in Florida, which cost me $134 like a week ago. He just got it. He said it looked like it had been crashed before. He got it all set up and said the throttle is really laggy and doesn't think the GPS is working properly. He mentioned that it does look like it has been used obviously and has been through something. Do you know exactly how much your ex was using this in the past?
Feb 22Reply
faithin381 @sbammesberger i know they used it for a commercial shoot once but it’s just been sitting around since that, so it’s just been sitting in the box.
Feb 26Reply
sbammesberger @faithin381 It's all good. He figured it out 😆
Feb 26Reply

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