A note to Trans and NB Poshers
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Buying clothing online can be frustrating and I imagine all the more so if you're getting used to a new clothing style or a changing body.
If you find you have questions please feel free to ask, I'll help if I can. Questions do not need to relate to items in my closet, I'll be happy to help regardless.
A Kat

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Ik this is a weird question and you don’t know how to answer but how do I know if I’m non-binary...I’m just so confused
Aug 22Reply

Nvm sorry
Aug 22Reply

@indigo533 hi indigo, I'm afraid I can't be very helpful answering your question, I am in no way an expert, I'm just cis woman who recently made shopping friends with a couple of ladies who were completely new to buying women's clothing. Talking with them made me realize there may be plenty of people who have questions about clothes but no one to ask.
Aug 22Reply

@indigo533 you may want to do some reading, look for genderqueer blogs, or or look for relevant Facebook groups to find people to talk who are knowledgeable on the topic. I hope that helps a little bit.
Aug 22Reply

I love this. I keep finding myself annoyed that makeup is under the “women’s” heading. I get separating clothes so it’s easier to find correct universal sizing but makeup?! No sizing or gendering necessary. I keep thinking how devaluing it must be if you are a man (cis or otherwise) shopping in the women’s section just because you like to look pretty. It’s something I’m sure makeup wearing men have gotten used to or overcome, but why should they have to do that? 🤷🏻♀️
Aug 22Reply

@indigo533 do you feel like you’re either? Both? All? Only you know.... I just sort of always knew that girl/woman didn’t fit well. I don’t mind being referred to as female (biologically female) but it’s not what I am. I’m all of it. Some moments I’m more one way or the other on the binary line but as a general rule I’m all of it so not on the line... nonB
Aug 22Reply

@jsoik I hadn't thought about the makeup but it annoys me that when listing kids t-shirts I have to choose between girls or boys further reinforcing stupid norms.
Aug 22Reply

This is a kind message and a kind way to operate. 🖤😽
Aug 22Reply

Love! 🥰
Aug 23Reply

Love this!
Aug 24Reply

@katetate155 What a wonderful message! Much love and support to you and to all who visit here.
Aug 27Reply

@katetate155 oh totally! Or kids toys being gendered!
Aug 28Reply

I just read this..thats very nice of you!
Aug 28Reply

Hi there! Hope you don’t mind me butting in, but I thought I might throw in my two cents. :D
I’m agender (meaning I experience no gender at all) and growing up, I always thought people were kidding or making some big exaggeration when they said things like “Man, I feel like a woman,” - Shinia Twain’s famous song for example, or when they got mad about being called a boy/man or girl/woman when they ‘clearly weren’t’.
Aug 30Reply

In my mid twenties I read the term non-binary, and then specifically agender, and it clicked: People FEEL gender, and I’d never really understood that until I read that there were others who Didn’t. Like I never have.
I don’t know whether that helps, but I wish you happiness and good fortune on your journey though life and this crazy little thing called self-discovery!
Aug 30Reply

I. LOVE. THIS. Thank you for it. May I borrow & use? 🏳️⚧️ 💙💗💙
Sep 09Reply

@moxysquib Absolutely!
Sep 09Reply

I am sharing your items because I love this. I don’t understand a lot of it and I am biologically a female and love that way- but it still bugs me the categories on here and trying to raise my daughter to be accepting, welcoming and loving but I need to learn a lot myself to teach her.
Sep 10Reply

I am so moved by your message. I have several trans friends, but I really never thought about the challenges of trying new clothes for a new body. Thank you for your kindness 💕
Sep 10Reply

@indigo533 Not a dumb question at all. I know here in the Washington DC area there are several groups that are sponsored by PFLAG. If you look at the PFLAG website (https://pflag.org/) you can find online resources, as well as support in your area. Most of all, don’t feel the need to label yourself. Take your time, date who you want, dress how you want, and pay attention to what feels easy and natural. The answer will reveal itself ❤️
Sep 10Reply

Love this! Thank you ❤️
Sep 11Reply

@picklebunny absolutely
Sep 13Reply

I love the inclusivity! 🙌🏼♥️
Sep 13Reply

This is such a sweet message. 💕
Sep 13Reply

Kind and beautiful... thank you for being one of the better humans! ❤️
Sep 14Reply

I love this AND your style!
keep it up :)
Sep 14Reply

i love this so much!
Sep 21Reply

What a lovely and thoughtful and kind post. Love this. Thank you for being a good and kind human! 🥰❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
Sep 24Reply

@jsoik I feel the makeup is under womens heading because the majority of people are use to seeing and putting it there. I feel there are NOT many women who think about that. Hmm. If you're a man and LOVES to wear makeup then Poshmark should be one of the first places to shop for makeup under ANY GENDER.
Sep 24Reply

@catwitch666 it's great to see this
Sep 24Reply

This made me teary eyed. I so love this. Many of my youngest daughters friends are in this situation. All my 19 yr old would say: " do not worry about others! THIS IS YOUR LIFE. you only have one. Go do and see and feel and fall in love with who or what makes you feel alive and to get out of bed every morning. This is your life. Keep saying: This Is My Life! I Choose To Live,Love, and laugh!! Freely!!🎀🧚♀️🎉🦄🧁
Sep 24Reply

I'm gonna follow all the wonderful people who loved this because they have to be amazing.
Sep 24Reply

@jsoik I love what you said: I'm All Of It!! That is deep and so true with me. Thank you for sharing.
Sep 24Reply

@jsoik I'm learning here. Was to embarrassed to asked my 19 yr old what A and Binary meant. and a few more but cant remember. Sorry I keep messaging more but I keep getting caught up in the sharing of people on this. It's amazing. And therapeutic. 🦄🧁🧚♀️🎀😜
Sep 24Reply

@tinkerbell61667 just because “women” (I put in quotes because I’m not for instance) are the ones predominantly sharing and buying makeup doesn’t mean that it should use an exclusive term to sell. Like, I understand that it’s easier but not necessarily right. The only way to fix that “norm” is to address and question its validity, so yes! Poshmark SHOULD change this! That would be amazing! I’m glad my posts helped you ❤️❤️ thank you for your support.
Sep 24Reply

@jsoik I agree
Sep 24Reply

This is AMAZING. Ive recently befriended a young trans woman early in her transitioning and she's discussed with me her struggles of wardrobe and when to wear what and how. Having people such as yourself sharing support like this is pretty amazing.
Sep 26Reply

I love this message and that you thought to post it!
Sep 27Reply

@jsoik also maybe campaigning to companies like cover girl for example that was the first I believe cosmetic company to have an openly gay women ( Ellen) and a young man who I believe was trans start a non binary campaign or makeup for men? Idk I’m just speaking off the top of my head but why not go for it.
Sep 30Reply

I this is wonderful, I'm sure you are being a blessing to many with this information. Thank you so much for you generasity.
Oct 04Reply

Thank you that means a lot to me
Oct 05Reply

This is great! Thank you for being inclusive and like another commenter, I just found a ton of new shops to follow 💕💕💕
Oct 08Reply

@katetate155 thank you for this! :-)
Oct 22Reply

Awww - 🥰 so great when people love eachother and embrace one another 😘😘😁😘😊😊
Oct 22Reply

Hi hello 👋, Kat. I must say it’s an honor to have you following me. I too am moved by this listing and the amazing responses it has generated. Also, following along. My 15 y/o niece’s best friend identifies as a female (totally in secret from her family😞). I was introduced to her this year and she’s so amazing. I’m so proud of my niece and sister taking her in and letting her be her. BTW they treated her to a fun, fun, fun sweet sixteen celebration. Blessings to you and all who follow! Mary💐💐💐
Oct 24Reply

I love this 💗💙💜
Oct 24Reply

So sweet & thoughtful! 😍💖👍💕
Oct 25Reply

@katncrow ☕️Good Morning☕️🥰Love your Closet🥰💞Sent some posh Love Your way💞☀️Happy☀️Happy☀️Poshing☀️
Oct 26Reply

I love this! May I use it?
Oct 28Reply

@shaehanke absolutely!
Oct 28Reply

@katncrow thank you!
Oct 28Reply

Hi! This is lovely and I hope you don’t mind if I use this post as inspiration for something similar? Sometimes I get frustrated trying to fit things in certain categories and that’s from my cis point of view. How must it be from the shopper wants an eyeshadow, necktie or tee shirt who doesn’t “fit” within the categories assigned here? Thanks for inspiring me to be more inclusive! 🌺
Oct 30Reply

I am a women scrolling thri my Poshmsrk page...and you gollowed me here....what a kind, beautiful person you are....this is kindness the way is MEANT to be...If there is anything I can help out...please dont ever hesitate to contact me! Have a beautiful Wonderful day!
Oct 31Reply

Chiming in to share the love for this post! So great to see cis allyship in action 💛
Nov 10Reply

I am a post OP transgender woman which means I've had my surgery already. I became a pusher because Ebay just wasnt fitting my bill and too many scams on Ebay. I really do appreciate that you are willing to answer questions or help those individuals like myself do better on poshmark. thank you
Nov 14Reply

This made my day ❤️
Nov 16Reply

@katncrow I’ve always hated that kids clothes and toys even are gender specific. My parents never made us choose, I played with boys toys, and hated dolls lol. They should just be toys, clothes and makeup.
Nov 20Reply

Honestly the type of positive stuff i love to see on here. thank you for this
Nov 24Reply

Such a beautiful post to come across on here ✨
Nov 28Reply

@jamesbaxter844 hi, I'm starting to recover from a bad cold. As soon as my brain starts working again I'll be happy to help in any way I can. if you prefer to communicate privately let me know and I'll let you know how to find me via FB.
Dec 02Reply

I’d love to post this on my page as well, if you don’t mind. I offer huge discounts to trans and NB folks ♥️🤍 cheers and thanks!
Jan 04Reply

@msvaughnwillows absolutely!
Jan 04Reply

@katncrow Tip: You can customize it. If it's for girl or by should ve on the right. I did that with a jacket I sold. It didn't have girl or boy. I just took the number and put kid # for size. I answered either one when someone asked. There is sizing with no gender so. 28, 13 for example. This sizing is for any age but it's used by unisex companies. So items are for everyone. Also I put items up for both or none gender etc. So F size M size for numbers also for XL, L. For every shirt and pants2
Jan 10Reply

So clothes for anyone. I put as much sizes as I can. I use dif. countries or look up the charts. I try.
Jan 10Reply

As a mom of a transgender child, you rock ❤️🥰
Jan 10Reply

@ezzy5679 thank you for the info. I'll have look into it further until I understand the system better.
Jan 10Reply

@heatherarq as a loving supportive parent you rock!
Jan 10Reply

@katncrow In case I didn't make it clear it's on the sizing.
Jan 11Reply

I just stumbled on your closet in the winner’s list for today (congrats!) and I’m so glad I did. Excellent message, keep up all the good work here.
Jan 17Reply

Jan 18Reply

Thank you for this! I love all of the LOVE on here! So touching and inspiring. The world is a little more compassionate and gentle with people like all of you around! Peace, love, and blessings always. 🙏🏻💖💫
Jan 19Reply

What a considerate thought ♥️
Jan 23Reply

what kind of pizza is the best kind, if you were a bear
Feb 19Reply

@bamfshades spinach, goat cheese and army cutworm moth pizza.
Feb 19Reply

@katncrow I agree!
Mar 02Reply

Love this!!
Apr 12Reply

Yes yes yes to all of this! I've thought of this many times before but never concretely put it out there, and I thank you for taking the time to be a true ally. 👏👏❤️❤️
May 12Reply

This is so very sweet of you to post. And many would benefit from it, you are so thoughtful. I specifically don't list my gender on here, and I buy things that belong in two gender categories all the time, but I've noticed if I buy something feminine, no mattrr who for, people will thank me for my purchase and include the world 'Ms.' or 'lady' or 'ma'am' without even realizing maybe I'm not what they assume. Why put pronouns where they aren't needed, I wonder?
Jun 21Reply

@katncrow go on Facebook and join a page called "over the rainbow" they could possibly answer your question
Jun 22Reply

@indigo533 go to Facebook and join a group called "over the rainbow " they might be able to help
Jun 22Reply

@jsoik I feel bad putting button down shirts under boys clothing for kids. My daughter wears button down too.
Jul 21Reply

Oh i love this post! Yay for inclusivity!
Aug 25Reply

Hey, I’m trans and it means a lot to see posts like this. When I was first coming out I had a lot of questions. Thank you.
Oct 16Reply

Wishing you good mlk day
Jan 19Reply

@foxphoric Hi! I usually use people’s first name when writing a thank you note or referring to them. But it is good to be reminded not to call anyone miss ma’am or sir! Thank you for the reminder!
Mar 10Reply

@katncrow hi! I absolutely love this and if you don’t mind I would like to use it as well. I want everyone of all genders and agender and gender nonconforming and or trans folk to be totally comfortable here. It is so great. Thank you for this! Kindness is everything! You made my day!
Mar 10Reply

@rensvintagepop 💜 absolutely feel free to use it! thanks for sharing the love.
Mar 10Reply

@katncrow It’s so funny because I was helping a young transfolk yesterday about heels, shoes I mean. It was so great to help her. And then I came across your post which is just wonderful. Sending big hugs!
Mar 10Reply

Seeing this still makes me so happy
Mar 16Reply

Thank You <3
May 09Reply

@billieppaige @thatdizkid 💚💚💚💚
May 09Reply

@dragonfly_flash 💚💚💚💚
May 09Reply

@katncrow Hello! Just a note to say how your caring & positivity shine thru in this post. I like it tremendously. Be well, Eric 🤓
May 09Reply

Jul 30Reply
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