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Hello! I'm a LA native, mama to a beautiful baby girl and Coast Guard wifey. We live where the coast guard takes us and luckily it will always be by the ocean because i love the beach life! Check back weekly, I'll only be posting new items when I have a free second from living life off of PM! 😊 Feel free to keep up with me here: Instagram {itsme_feli}.

154 others
like this

Hi name twin! 😉 What breed is your pup? Looks like a lab but the legs look a tad shorter? So cute! It's always fun meeting someone with the same name as me. Surprisingly I've only met 2 in my whole life (& I'm 27)! I go by "Fel" or "Fels" for short. ☺ Anyway, cute closet!! 🐻💕
May 12Reply

@fbear Hi Felicia!! I know, not too many of us out there! I also go by "Fel" or "Feli" but with the Spanish e sound, cause I'm Mexican 😊 our dog Kimo is actually an English Lab, so he is a smaller breed and looks like a perpetual puppy! He was born in Australia, we got him in Hawaii (hence the Hawaiian name Kimokeo) and now he's living the California life. Nice to "meet" you!
May 12Reply

@felifel_hall beautiful!
May 12Reply

@warlenerene thank you 😘
May 12Reply

You are gorgeous!
May 15Reply

@megger aww thank you! 😊
May 15Reply

You're welcome. It's true!
May 15Reply

@megger you're making me blush! ☺
May 15Reply

Ha, ha!
May 15Reply

I love the dress! So cute!
May 16Reply

@kingjessie55 thank you! It's free people, you might still be able to find it, but I'm holding onto this one for a bit 😊
May 16Reply

@felifel_hall That top photo looks like a FP ad! I really thought you had used a photo courtesy of Free People to showcase the dress! Gorgeous! And I love the 2nd pic as well. You two are adorable!
May 16Reply

@tiatia826 haha that's so sweet! Thank you very much 😊
May 16Reply

@felifel_hall You are most welcome!
May 16Reply

@felifel_hall Thanks so much for sharing my listings! That was sweet of you and I do appreciate it. :-)
May 16Reply

@tiatia826 NP! 😘
May 16Reply

lol, why are you so cute cousin?
May 16Reply

@vanessashanks lol cause I'm related to you, obv. 😊
May 16Reply

You are so cute! I love @fbear so I am sure I will love you 😄 @megger is quite gorgeous too!
May 17Reply

@benectar hahah thanks! I'm new here ☺ but I'm quickly learning about all these lovely ladies on here and having way too much fun!
May 17Reply

@benectar is a sweetheart! xoxo
May 17Reply

@benectar thank you, too sweet 😘
May 18Reply

I Iove my shopping experience with you! Items are in excellent condition and individually wrap beautifully! Thank you for the extra lavender touch :) will shop you closer again for sure!
May 21Reply

@funkyrahh feel free to buy me out anytime!! Haha 😘
May 21Reply

I love your dog!! :-)
May 23Reply

I have had 4 labs over time. Only one now. My last baby lived for 18 years!!
May 23Reply

@somalley07 Aww labs are the best! I hope my baby makes it 18 years!
May 23Reply

@shoogal82 thank you!! Labs are the best! Your Riley is so handsome! I'm sure he's a great cuddler too! 😊
May 25Reply

Lovely pictures 😘
May 27Reply

@felifel_hall that top pic of you and your hubs is gorgeous!! I used to have a yellow lab named Moose, but he passed away a few months ago. He was 15 years old and the best dog ever!
May 29Reply

@ejworsham Thank you! :) Omg.. dont make me cry! lol My pup is seriously the best and hes only 5 but we just found a cancerous lump on his leg this past February. We had it removed and hes doing fantastic now, but all i want is that he grows old too! They are the best :)
May 29Reply

@felifel_hall that's what happened to my dog too!! But we caught it too late 😢So glad yours is doing well now!
May 29Reply

@ejworsham Oh nooo! I guess its really common tho :( We're doing everything we can to make sure hes healthy and lives a full and happy live now. Hes on a strict raw diet now and gets rub downs everyday to check for new lumps. He totally loves the attention haha
May 29Reply

So where r u stationed in CA? We're originally fr the Bay Area, lived in HI for three years, back to Cali, and now in Germany. I do think we've been pretty blessed in the moving dept. 😉 But oh how I miss the CA sunshine right now! Your pics r beautiful!!
May 30Reply

@siennethreads I met my husband while he was stationed in Hawaii, he transferred to LA to be with me 😊, we just got married and its time to move again so we'll see what's next!! But he's in the Coast Guard, so I don't see us going anywhere overseas.
May 30Reply

Sweet! What a nice love story. Congrats on getting married, I'm sure ur adventures will continue no matter where u end up! 😃
May 30Reply

@siennethreads Thank you! 😊
May 30Reply

I love this picture! It's magazine perfect!!!
May 30Reply

@eileennk hahaha thank you!!! I have to credit out awesome photographer, Kurt Boomer 😊 his work is incredible!
May 30Reply

I'm in marketing and my professional recommendation would be to shop this to image licensing sites, like Getty images - it's that good :)
May 30Reply

My personal recommendation would be to list this outfit for sale so I can buy it ;)
May 30Reply

@eileennk if you love this photo, you should see our wedding pics 😉http://kurtboomer.com/mountain-valley-wedding they've been featured everywhere! we even got a magazine spread. He's seriously the best! And Whenever I decide to sell my outfit, I will definitely tag you 😘
May 30Reply

Welcome to PM! Love your closet! :)
May 31Reply

@tracy thank you!! I've been very welcomed indeed 😊 having way too much fun meeting all these wonderful ladies and their closets!! Haha
May 31Reply

what a gorgeous couple!! congrats on being a newlywed ☺
Jun 03Reply

@mandysue thank you! 😘
Jun 03Reply

@kwistenm there's a link to my wedding pics 👆😊
Jun 04Reply

Gorgeous couple! I will check out the link! 😬
Jun 04Reply

@felifel_hall you are too precious!!!
Jun 06Reply

@arianna2496 haha thank you!! 😘
Jun 06Reply

@felifel_hall gorgeous pics, gorgeous couple, gorgeous closet, but best of all is your dog!! Love him!! ❤❤
Jun 06Reply

@cityismychurch Thank you!! he's my baby :)
Jun 06Reply

Cute! Where are you backpacking?
Jun 11Reply

Just creeped on your tumblr 😁are you in Seattle?! I'm headed there in August for vacation!
Jun 14Reply

@ejworsham I live in Santa Monica but how crazy, I will also be there in August for my friends wedding!
Jun 14Reply

@felifel_hall how random! Haha I'm so excited. Love Seattle
Jun 14Reply

@felifel_hall Love, Love, Love the pictures..and I remember that FP dress, it's beautiful..gorgeous couple and now that song, I Love the Flower Girl is stuck in my head ;)
Jun 16Reply

Awe, I have an English Lab, too!! She's itty bitty compared to most Labs here in the south. She's about 55lbs. and is my sweet pea. :) Gorgeous pictures and closet! Congrats on your Host Picks, also!
Jun 21Reply

@lspivey thank you!! They are seriously the cutest! Like perpetual puppies 😊🐶
Jun 21Reply

So cute! Love your style! 😍
Jun 21Reply

@cmhowald Thank you!! :) I try to mix it up.
Jun 21Reply

@felifel_hall thanks for following! You've got an amazing closet and you're so pretty!
Jun 21Reply

@audreycee that is so sweet!! Thank you 😊 but you are seriously gorgeous!! And I love your closet as well! I don't think I'll look as cute as you did preggers! Lol
Jun 21Reply

Thanks! And you will have NO PROBLEM being a cute preggers!
Jun 21Reply

@felifel_hall absolutely gorgeous!💋
Jun 22Reply

@ahabit Thank you so much! :) and thank you for all the shares!
Jun 22Reply

@felifel_hall anytime doll💋
Jun 22Reply

Thanks so much for following me! You have such a cute closet, I love it! My boyfriend is from SoCal and Mexican, too 😊 Everyone has told you this, but your pictures are lovely! 💕
Jun 23Reply

@misspilar of course! Your closet is so great! Thank you so much for the sweet compliment. Nice to meet you! 😊
Jun 23Reply

Nice to meet you too! And thanks for the compliment as well! 😊
Jun 23Reply

Dying! I WISH we were the same size! I adore your closet!
Jun 24Reply

@mbdavidson well, thank you!! But im sure we can find you something to squeeze into :) I have a lot of smaller items that are just too small for me!
Jun 24Reply

Haha well I will DEFINITELY be keeping an eye on your closet. Everything's practically sold, teach me your ways!!
Jun 24Reply

@mbdavidson Really?? I think the hubs would disagree with you on that one lol My closet is still SO full! haha Doesn't help that as soon as i get rid of something, im off buying 2 more of something else.. oops!
Jun 24Reply

Haha I know how you feel! I'm notorious for getting rid of something then buying 3 more things. So far, cleaning, I have found 3 pairs of nude heels. 2 of which are from the same store. I have a p r o b l e m!
Jun 24Reply

You are gorgeous!
Jun 27Reply

@sarahwydner thank you so much for the sweet compliment! ☺
Jun 27Reply

Jun 27Reply

Love your photos! Such a beauty you are.
Jun 28Reply

@madeyoublush @sam_leslie94 you ladies sure know how to flatter a girl! Sam just compared me to Troian Bellisario! haha
Jun 28Reply

Jun 28Reply

Love your closet lady :)
Jul 02Reply

Oh my gosh you are stunning! Love everything in your closet :D
Jul 02Reply

@jkdressler Thank you! And thanks for sharing ;)
Jul 02Reply

@mirandamarie90 that's so sweet! Thank you! And thank you for sharing :) Lmk if you're interested in anything!
Jul 02Reply

I agree with everyone else gorgeous pics!
Jul 07Reply

@shoogal82 I know! Just saw that! Haha my phone is going nuts!
Jul 07Reply

Woo hoo suggested user!!!
Jul 08Reply

@wearinla haha thanks! I only got it for a day.. weird. Anyway, you still up for the Rose Bowl?? :)
Jul 08Reply

Last time i was it i was only up a couple days. I wrote an email to katef and she said theyre trying out different ways of doing the su but idk!! Im def still down to go to the rosebowl with you!! Idk if @elissaemoto will be able to go bc she got sick on her trip & has plans to get her wisdom teeth out (idk if thatll happen if shes sick though!) but yes lets go! Heres my number 9093293776 text me and we can figure the deets!
Jul 08Reply

Yay!!! @elissaemoto :))) @felifel_hall and i have been texting. We think 7:45/8am meet up sounds good. Let us know and we can carpool!
Jul 08Reply

Omg, you're Mexican!!?? Me too! Well, half. No wonder we kinda look similar...😉 You and your man are just adorable!
Jul 10Reply

@arykah haha yea.. the whitest Mexicans are all in my fam! haha its never the first thing people guess. Kinda fun :) Thank you for the sweet compliment!
Jul 10Reply

@hi there!! (Found you! Feel like a stalker😁) how did you "know" I became a Suggested user? You were so kind to take the time to congratulate me. But I had NO idea.. Just wondering... BTW thanks for your generous shares.
Jul 11Reply

@styled hi!! I think I found you because we were SU's at the same time!! 😊I only add the SU's who's closets are awesome, like yours!! 😘
Jul 11Reply

Ohhh! I never look at that! Ooops!! I am having to much fun just browsing and findings treasures (I kinda enjoy the hunt) .... Jiji! I feel silly..😖I need to work on looking at the list of SU. Seriously thanks for taking the time to letting me know and replying ( and the compliment😘). You have what i call a well edited closet! Everyday I find some amazing women here!! Gracias!!
Jul 11Reply

@styled there are tons of awesome ladies on here! I love the community here on Posh, that and the hunt will always be the fun part anyway 😊 the SU list has actually been improved recently so it's more personalized to your sizes! which should make it a lot more easier to hunt for those treasures! Nice to meet another awesome posher 😘
Jul 11Reply

Thank you for the shares doll!!!
Jul 12Reply

@beautybybella Anytime! :)
Jul 12Reply

@shoogal82 @cityismychurch thought you guys would like the puppy pics i added :) Happy Friday!
Jul 12Reply

@felifel_hall your baby is soooo sweet!! I love the beach pictures especially the one where he's buried in the sand!! 😊
Jul 12Reply

@felifel_hall and the puppy pic just kills me every time I look at it!!
Jul 12Reply

@cityismychurch he is so chill, i still cant believe he lets us bury him when we're at the beach! And that puppy photo was his "take me home" face from the day we got him, still melts my heart!! He's such a ham :)
Jul 12Reply

@felifel_hall haha, his face is so expressive!! I ❤ labs!!
Jul 13Reply

@felifel_hall I had no idea you were a suggested user. Good for you!! I can see why! you're a great seller!! I'll get there one day!
Jul 13Reply

Adorable pics :)
Jul 13Reply

@cmarshall38 it was a surprise to me too! thank you! :) And you have a great closet! i'm sure you'll be picked as well very soon!
Jul 13Reply

@classy_sassy thank you! :)
Jul 13Reply

Thanks for all the shares gorgeous!! 😘😘😘
Jul 15Reply

Your pup is so cute, I love the picture where your dancing ahh! 😍
Jul 16Reply

@felifel_hall you're adorable :) super cute closet too!!
Jul 16Reply

@katefrancis @ms_wang24 Thanks for the sweet compliments ladies! Your closets are fab! :)
Jul 16Reply

@katefrancis @ms_wang24 Thanks for the sweet compliments ladies! Your closets are fab! :)
Jul 16Reply

Ty for sharing my listings! Beautiful photos and bio!
Jul 22Reply

@jwong32 thank you! Sharing is easy when you have such a beautiful closet! :)
Jul 22Reply

@felifel_hall that's sweet of you! 😘
Jul 22Reply

💛 Beautiful pictures!
Jul 24Reply

@mschooley thank you! That's so sweet 😊
Jul 24Reply

I LOVE the cover photo for this! So cute! Gah!!!!! 😍
Aug 01Reply

@instinct all credits go to this guy and his awesomeness http://kurtboomer.com/felicia-tim/ he also did our wedding :) LOVE working with film.
Aug 01Reply

Time to go befriend a photographer... 😝
Aug 01Reply

you are adorable!! Love your style.
Aug 02Reply

@itslove such a sweet compliment! Thank you! :)
Aug 02Reply

Of course hon. Cali all the way! Beach, simple pleasures, and fabulous clothes :)
Aug 02Reply

1. I agree - First photo totally looks like a free ppl ad!
2. We have a British lab too, she's under 49 lbs full grown!
3. Great closet! Xoxo
Aug 06Reply

@lolaalexandra thank you!! Lol I was looking in your closet for pics of your pup but didn't see any! you should make an about me! 😁
Aug 06Reply

Im worried that people who don't love dogs as much as I do might not want to purchase, I see a lot of "pet free" comments on here. But a home without dogs is a sad house! We have two pups. 💜
Aug 06Reply

P.s. don't worry, I don't think it's a legitimate concern!
Aug 06Reply

@lolaalexandra lol I'm not worried about it 😊as long as you keep honest about your listings I've never had any issues! 😘
Aug 06Reply

congrats newlywed! such a cute shot... love that first photo!! 😍
Aug 06Reply

I ❤ your cover shot! So cute! Your beautiful and so is your closet :) any word on whether you guys will move to HI next? Hope you are having a FAB summer! :)
Aug 08Reply

@kmadeoy Aw thank you! 😘 No word yet, we Put in our top picks in Dec then find out around March where we get, but I've been working so much I really hope it's Hawaii so i can finally get a break from the crazy!! Lol
Aug 08Reply

Yes, HI is wonderful for slowing down :) I hope it works out for you guys! You'd love it!
Aug 08Reply

I made an about me! ;)
Aug 11Reply

You are stunning!
Aug 17Reply

Beautiful pictures! You are so incredibly photogenic!! And I looveee the doggy pics! I want pictures with my dog in our wedding, but I'm not sure it's going to happen 😔 Congratulations on the marriage!!
Aug 20Reply

@jguffey you are too sweet!! Thank you so much 😊 I wanted our piping the wedding but that didn't quite pan out either. My husband brought him out later in the evening tho so at least I got him there for a dance! Haha
Aug 20Reply

love the floral crown!! So cute :)
Aug 20Reply

That is adorable! I wanted mine to be our "ring bearer" hahaha, but I think my fiance would want his dog there also and she's just very..motivated. She means well, very affectionate, but she likes to be on everyone and everything. I just hope I get at least a cute shot like yours!
Aug 21Reply

@felifel_hall So beautiful! Your wedding gown is simply divine!
Aug 21Reply

Aug 21Reply

You're so pretty!! Enjoy married life!! It's so amazing!!
Aug 21Reply

@felifel_hall Love the wedding pic! I married my long time boyfriend who is retired Navy Commander, we got married in the Keys and your dress Is the dress I was looking for! Gorgeous! My husband ended up spending the night before our wedding in the emergency room so needless to say, we get a do over!
Aug 21Reply

Gorgeous closet :)
Aug 21Reply

Its nice 2 meet U ✌ CONGRATULATIONS on your party🎉 even though I'm closed till December I'll still b supporting u at the party. I'm a huge fan of Instagram. I'll post u in mine
Aug 22Reply

Your absolutely stunning!! I love Free People & thought your photo was their ad!! Awesome photos 😘😘and closet to match! 💗
Aug 22Reply

I can't find u on Instagram. Maybe look for me " @ wenrella " your closet has been posted. 20 likes so far
Aug 22Reply

@felifel_hall you're a doll, and you and your husband look so happy😘(and your dog of course) lol😉
Aug 22Reply

Very cute
Aug 27Reply

@globkesaric thank you 😘
Aug 27Reply

@natasha_fox thats awesome! Who did you email at UME? I work closely with a lot of them ;)
Aug 27Reply

Looooove your lab. :) I have a black lab too and I know I must have a pic with him on my wedding day too!
Aug 28Reply

@felifel_hall hey lady! just stopping by to say hi
Sep 04Reply

@warlenerene you're back!
Sep 04Reply

@felifel_hall yes lol! ill be posting up some original work in the next few weeks. My daughter has told me to get myself back on lol
Sep 04Reply

@felifel_hall Love your closet! Congrats on your marriage and start of a new journey! I just got engaged. We are shooting for June of next year. Heading to the big island for my birthday this October to look at a few places my other half has in mind for the big day next year. I wanted know if the picture of you on the beach with your furry little guy is your wedding dress? If so, what brand? Thanks!
Sep 07Reply

@talismujer hi there! Thank you so much and congratulations!!! I see you are from LA too! I actually bought my dress in Beverly Hills at Panache Bridal. The designer is Angelina Bridal Couture. Good luck with your search 😉
Sep 07Reply

@felifel_hall thank you! I'm going to definitely stop by. Did you make your floral headband?
Sep 07Reply

@talismujer I had Holly flora make it for me. They're the best! 😊
Sep 07Reply

@felifel_hall Beautiful Pics... Nice to meet you, we share the same last name. Gorgeous Wedding Gown && an adorable Dog. Maybe it's my locale but in the South (SC) we have LOTS of Felicia's lol so many spellings too. Again, it's nice meeting you. Happy Poshing 👍
Sep 11Reply

@tshan86 Thank you so much, such sweet comments! Nice to meet you too! :)
Sep 11Reply

@felifel_hall YW ... && many blessings on your sales. 🎀
Sep 11Reply

You kinda look like Roony Mara :D
Sep 12Reply

@felifel_hall Hi Felicia, just want to wish you a happy birthday and enjoy Disneyland tomorrow💝I invited you to the posh meet up just in case you didn't remember me.
Nov 09Reply

@goldnrl of course I remember! Thank you for the birthday wishes! 😊💕😘
Nov 09Reply

@felifel_hall @fbear hey I was reading your posts, I'm a Felicia also!! I don meet too many Felicia's either!!
Dec 06Reply

@felfol Hi Felicia! Nice to meet you :)
Dec 07Reply

@kaleyelaine487 aw you're too sweet! Thank you! 😊 My boots are vintage from 'American Vintage' on Melrose here in LA 😉
Dec 07Reply

Love your closet!!!
Dec 30Reply

You're beautiful! Just moved to la myself, I'm from NYC! Ahhhh California dreamin' 😍
May 06Reply

You are beautiful! I just found your closet and am so happy that I did 😘
Sep 07Reply

You are gorgeous!❤️
Sep 19Reply

Our names are almost alike! Mines Spanish, too and I've never met anyone with the same name as me lol I also go by Feli! 😄 btw you're really pretty and your dog is beautiful! ❤️
Jan 13Reply

When did you move to the Bay Area??? I'm in Danville!!! 🙀
Jan 29Reply

@cmhowald we moved last summer and loving it! You should hit me up if you're ever at the beach. It's been beautiful this time of year! :)
Jan 29Reply

So cute!!! I love how much you love your dog! Dog people are good people! 😜
Feb 10Reply

Congrats on a new chapter in your life! I am dream about getting out of the city someday and living a more peaceful life!
Aug 30Reply

Beautiful pictures!! 📸📸📸 Thank you for your SHARES 💞! Your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listing! 😍👠👗👛👚👜👡👢💍👒
❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Yesenia
May 11Reply

Hey name twin!!!😉
Jun 17Reply

I LOVE your closet, and I scroll down and see these sweet and loving pictures, an even greater thing to see. Mazel tov!
Nov 12Reply

Hi there! Did you by chance purchase the PinkBlush navy floral maternity dress in December? I'm looking for that exact one for my baby shower. I'm having it next month if you decide to sell it. Please tag me! I'll buy it from you.😊 thanks!
Feb 17Reply

@lydiam21 hi there. I did not, not sure who snagged that. Good luck!
Feb 17Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed this weekend will ship Monday morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Mar 02Reply

Hello doll, It's an honor to meet you‼️Please pop in & check out our over 200 Baby & Kids items. We've got all sorts of goodies we'd love to make a deal on including women's clothing, maternity, jewelry & Home Goods🥰 New, Newish & Always Worthy Items.
We are a Mother & 2 Daughters Fashionistas Closet with 6 Grandchildren so lots of variety👠👗& Top Rated Sellers. BUNDLE 3 for 30% OFF‼️ We hope your having a really great day. HAPPY POSHING🌈💜
Sep 30Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 12Reply

Hi. I’m Dana. Welcome to Poshmark❤️I’m a posh ambassador and I love meeting new people. If you ever need anything let me know and I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have💕Wishing you lots of sales and great success. Happy poshing!!❤️
Apr 12Reply

Hi Felicia…I’m Sydney1758 (Robyn O.) a Poshmark Seller here in Wilmington, NC…I’m selling my Poshmark Inventory…and am reaching out o local Poshmark sellers to inquire if you would have any interest in purchasing (part/all) of my inventory for your closet.. Thank you…Let me know if you have any interest…
Mar 28Reply
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