Another Counterfeit Coogi
$3 $3
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Another example of a fake Coogi Australia sweater dress. It is illegal to sell counterfeit items. Beware of sellers selling items they are not familiar with. Please purchase only from reputable Coogi collectors. If ever in doubt, feel free to contact me for assistance.
Hi there! I wanted to let you know I had this item checked for authentication after you left me the comment and have since removed the listing. I always take precautions with unusual interactions on selling platforms, the internet is a weird place. The block and delete was to allow me time to do further research and contact a professional. I would appreciate you removing this listing as it is not reflective of my business or business practices. Thanks! :)
@glamazon_prime I appreciate the effort to remove counterfeit products from the marketplace. I will edit the listing to remove any identifiable information that would reflect your page. However, I will still keep photos of the item listed to help further educate others on what a fake COOGI looks like. Good luck on your sales.
@coogithekid hi! How can you tell this one is fake? Thanks so much - love your profile and info!!
@shmoutfits There are many flags on this one. Main culprit is the pattern. There are dozens of items that use this same/similar pattern, I probably have a couple posted in my counterfeits. That is not a Coogi pattern.
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