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@msxsunshine Ill probably only trade with you because we've been trading a while & theres been no problems ..
Jan 14Reply

@cramlo82 lol !! Scamming?? the post office couldn't have been holding the package for four effin days! The postage barely shipped today so you were lying to me the whole time ! If you were unhappy with the items then thats another story but i never portrayed my items to be anything they wernt !! Get real .. if you wanted me to ship first and you inspect the items to your liking that thats a condition you shouldve set with me before the trade ! And thats fine that you've sent my items back .. since you wernt small enough to fit a small romper and the excuse of a broken zipper is exactly that .. an excuse .. because i had no problems with it .. and no problems with the ending of this .. thank you for returning my items and not leaving me with nothing ..
Jan 14Reply

& fyi @cramlo82 ANYBODY can become a top seller .. it tells me im a top 10% seller too ..smh lol .. 😂😂😒😒
Jan 14Reply

@msxsunshine ikr !! I dnt feel i need to worry with you .. and i got my items today ! Thank you !! Yours should be there tomorrow :)
Jan 15Reply

Oh man!! I'm new to posh mark and i've read the FAQ section regarding trading but I didn't think people were actually that dishonest. Reading this makes me never want to chance it. Sorry you went through that. That is frustrating.
Jan 18Reply

@nubia87 there are actually some honest traders .. you just have to be careful .. read old comments and feedbacks ..
Jan 18Reply

Where do you read peoples feedbacks? Like how can you tell someones rating?
Jan 18Reply

@nubia87 i dnt believe theres a way to see ppls ratings but ppl usually post a listing asking for feedback .. now .. some ppl dnt evn bother .. ive posted a feedback posting but no ones took the time to write ..
Jan 19Reply

Ah ok, I see! Thank you!
Jan 19Reply

@nubia87 np love ! & thanx for sharing !😘
Jan 19Reply

Lol @cramlo82 i havnt posted the romper cuz i dnt have a saved pic of it and i havnt had time to take a new pic either .. Sunshine knows i work alot and i really dnt have nothing to hide or be ashamed of .. stop trying to buy small clothes if you cnt fit small clothes .. but yes i did get my sh*t back .. im not immature enough to not admit .. but you kno you shoulda communicated better with me instead of lie about when you really shipped cuz we all kno the post office dnt hold nobody's package for four days lol but im not evn mad about this .. its done and over with .. we kno NOW not to do bussiness wih eachother so go on about yours and ill do the same ..
Jan 25Reply

Is that romper teal and white?
Jan 30Reply

@mnloving10 no it was a yellowish floral romper
Jan 30Reply

I'm sorry for the bad experience :( some people just wear never taught how to be trustworthy
May 01Reply

@naturallyhappy its ok .. Lesson learned & im more careful now .. Just funny how she really played it off as if she went back 4 days later and they still had her package .. Be real 😒
May 01Reply

@marigoldtlee I would've brought the wrath upon her like people do understand how much women pay for clothes and they rip you off for free clothing the talk a lot of junk the block you or delete there profile I pray I never experience it I would be sad
May 01Reply

@naturallyhappy i hope you dnt either .. 😌
May 01Reply

@marigoldtlee thank you and I hope you never experience it again :)
May 01Reply
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