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@jencambensy ..... lots of prayers heading your qay.
Dec 23Reply

Dec 23Reply

@blacouture thank u dear that means a lot!😘
Dec 23Reply

Praying for you be strong!!! Xoxo
Dec 27Reply

My mom has breast cancer as well. My thoughts are with you
Dec 27Reply

@peggypatrick thank u dear means a lot 😊💞🙏🏼🎀
Dec 28Reply

@summerruby86 I am sorry to hear that dear. I will keep your mom in my prayers & your family.😊🙏🏼💞🎀
Dec 28Reply

@missspretty sorry been so busy seeing Drs & going they tests & blood work & meeting everyone & trying to schedule surgery. I really enjoyed talking to u to & felt a connection with u😊 text me anytime. No one will trade or help me find things. I have 2sites was going to buy few things I don't have much$ now cause of
Dec 30Reply

@missspretty of no health ins & bills coming in. The 2sites I know of take too long to get. Can u text me a site please I won't share info.i need LV mono Neverfull GM & LV mono duffle bag for hospital like the brown classic.8136009491
Dec 30Reply

@missspretty will be back on later tonight need to eat sum soup& take meds
Dec 30Reply

@lynnseyspeer thank u so much! That means so much to me! I am tearing up! I'm having a hard time with this & so scared! I will post new update tomorrow & pics. I got my surgery date today. Been on bed rest for 4mths.😘💞🎀🙏🏼
Jan 09Reply

Thank u doll. My surgery is set for Jan21 I'm freaking out! I found out on my birthday! It's spreading fast & getting more tumors. It's so scary!
Jan 13Reply

I will trade items for few of yours tag me on here when u get home drive safe. I will be up I'm in Florida. I'm going to just watch tv & be in here😊
Jan 13Reply

@jencambensy I'll pray for your speedy recovery.. God bless you 🙏
Feb 09Reply

@rbabalato thank you so much dear I need it. I'm in so much pain! I have dr appts everyday this week with my surgeons I am so tired & worn out! Chatting means a lot. Tag me anytime & Also if I would like to trade. I cannot afford much now with medical bills & no ins
Feb 09Reply

@jencambensy I'm sorry got your pain, I hope and pray all goes well for you, what about the affordable health care??
Feb 09Reply

@rbabalato that's why I am selling a lot of things even though I don't want to sell a lot of it. But I do trade if u want too anytime. Trying to cheer myself up with all health issues going on now & bad news
Feb 09Reply

@jencambensy God bless you for this post, cancer took both my children's grand mothers,we lost my mother right before the holidays and we just lost my mother in law last week,she battled stage 4 mediatatic ovarian cancer for 2+ years she fought like a trooper suffer emensly but I the end she left a legacy a lot of love,traditions n a sense of strength to carry on,God bless U doll❤️
Feb 10Reply

@caraschicstuff I am so sorry!!!! My ❤️ goes out to you in your family! God Bless you! Thank you so much for the kind words it means a lot! I find out tomorrow if I need chemo & radiation 😟 Please keep me in your prayers if you don't mind. Also if interested in anything I will work deal with you. Needing $ to pay medical bills I have no health ins. It's crazy! So anything helps & please share if you don't mind I will do the sane💞🙏🏼😊💐
Feb 10Reply

@jencambensy thank you for your kind words doll and I sure will keep U in my prayers, have faith in God he kept my mother in law alive at 79 years old she got diagnose with stage 4 mediataic ovarian cancer n the Dana Faber kept her alive for over 2 years but her age was a factor,Ur young n beautiful n im sure all will work out for u
Feb 10Reply

@jencambensy with today's modern medicine cancer is no longer a death sentence especially if Ur young U have youth on Ur side, I will share Ur closet I will see if I can buy something doll,to be honest I am low on funds with having to do burial service for my mother in law n I have 4 kids,but I'll do my best n many blessings to U sweetie keep Ur faith 🙏
Feb 10Reply

@caraschicstuff thank u so much!😘🙏🏼💞💐
Feb 10Reply

@caraschicstuff ok thank you so much! I will keep you & the family in my 🙏🏼 I am so sorry for your loss💐 yes I found out just recently on my birthday that I had it & it was my first Mamo ever! I turned 43 I will never forget that day!
Feb 10Reply

@jencambensy thank you doll..... I will keep U in my prayers,I believe in the power of prayer n Ur such a beautiful girl so don't worry God won't let U down,he knows this world needs all the beautiful people it can get 🙏👍😘
Feb 10Reply

@jencambensy sorry to hear that doll,but as I got older n had my share of loss n tragedy I learned to try to pull something postive out of anything negative so just try to think of it as God gave U re best bday gift ever....an early detection and a great chance of beating the S**T out of this cancer 😃
Feb 10Reply

@caraschicstuff thank you so much for being so kind & taking time to talk to me & make me smile 😊 thank you again for the prayers,comments & now I gave a new friend 😉
Feb 10Reply

@caraschicstuff let me know if you ever want to trade
Feb 10Reply

@caraschicstuff that's what I thought! Life is very precious & I am very lucky! You don't know how much life means & family till something major like this happens! You don't take small things for granted & worry about material or petty things! I am truly blessed & will tell my story & share Gods love & blessings !
Feb 10Reply

@jencambensy God bless u sweetie U have the right attitude and I commend U for that,I couldn't agree more with U and yes feel free im always open to an honest and fair trade anytime.... Feel free to hit me up even if U feel like chatting or venting doll im here😃
Feb 10Reply

@jencambensy Ur absolutely gorgeous U can be a model doll....keep Ur faith n chin up it will only get better as God may be going through U to reach others n that's something that I honk is precious in itself
Feb 10Reply

@jencambensy if U have a sterling silver ring im open to trade doll I can't wear anything that isn't sterling or gold im allergic I miss out on all the pretty costume jewlery ugh! Lol but check out my closet sweetie anything U see U like or want consider it yours
Feb 10Reply

@caraschicstuff ok dear thank you 😘💞💐
Feb 11Reply

@caraschicstuff your are do sweet! Thank you for the kind words & compliments. I do not think I am but thank you💞
Feb 11Reply

Jen please contact these lovely people at www.modernmanna.org and tell them your story and ask what treatment options they have they use nature and natural medication which has healed thousands. Danny Vierra runs this program they will help you recover I know of them. Please stay away from Chemotherapy and radiation I've loss many to this procedure. You can email me at ddharkins at msn dot com. God has His eyes on you. 🙏🏼❤️
Feb 17Reply

@christcentered thank u do much! I just found out last week that I do not need radiation, that I just have to get a PetScan & MRI yearly. Actually this am I go see my oncologists & I find out if i need chemo. Please be 🙏🏼 I will be put on hormonal therapy a pill I will take daily for 10yrs. I have 2 more surgeries in 7-8months
Feb 17Reply

@christcentered I go every week to see my plastic surgeon to get injections will do that for 7months. I am in so much pain & still in shock & very depressed. After all this I have to get S full hysterectomy 🙈🙉🙊
Feb 17Reply

Contact them for me, for you! If you heal the natural way years can be added to your life sweetheart. Pray about this, love ya.
Feb 19Reply

god bless you ,beautiful !
Feb 19Reply

@cocochanel01 thank you love.😊🙏🏼💞🎀
Feb 21Reply

@jencambensy Have been praying for u. Hope ur doing well:)
Feb 23Reply

@mperezbrown oh thank u so much!!!!! You are such a sweetheart! Keep in touch😘💞
Feb 24Reply

I hope your ok! I just saw this. I had Thyroid Cancer last year and although can not be as bad, it's still very hard to hear that word.
I will be praying for you and prayer really works! It worked for me! Much love..💕
Jun 20Reply

@lfoxy thank u so much!! I'm sorry you had to go thru that. Yes it's very hard! I have s long road ahead of me. I had a double mastectomy it was 8hrs. Still in pain & therapy, lost sensation,weekly multiple dr.appts. I have 4 more surgeries my next one is next month not looking forward to it. Been in bed rest for 3months. I can't do anything no lifting pulling etc.i can't even wash my hair. I have to go get it done@salon.
Jun 20Reply

Been very depressed!! Found out I have Ovarian cancer now too. Also did Genetic testing & it showed the Breast & Ovarian
Jun 20Reply

@jencambensy hey Jen, was thinking about u the other day and wanted to let you know your in my prayers and pray the Lord heals you and eases your pains.
Aug 05Reply

@really_rebecca u are so sweet girl!!! Thank u so much I need it badly!! I'm getting worse more has happened. Also in deep depression & suicidal have bad insomnia have not slept in a week! Sick 24/7,so much more! My preop appt is mon am & my 2nd surgery is aug 25!
Aug 14Reply

@really_rebecca please keep in touch or text me anytime. Big hugs. Xoxo God Bless
Aug 14Reply

You are beautiful and strong!!!
Aug 04Reply

@redcurlsattic thanks sweetie it a daily struggle! Waiting to see Drs again for more testing
Aug 04Reply
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