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Updated Feb 03

Black lives matter

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Black lives matter
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tinabberry @ALL LIVES MATTER!
Sep 21Reply
tinabberry @clawsandjaws and why would I be joking? Don't you think that all lives matter. Don't you think that your life matters as much as anyone else?
Sep 21Reply
tinabberry @clawsandjaws I'm not saying that that isn't true,but I think that there is just as many white and other races that are profiled, I think that a lot of people find themselves in trouble with the law because they have no respect and do not do as they are ask, believe me I know that there are some bad cops but I know that most are good hard working respectful men and women, I know that black lives matter only cause problems.
Sep 21Reply
blaqdoll @tinabberry you are a sad part of the american population. You have NO idea what it is like to be black. You have NO IDEA what it is like to call the police for help and be treated like a suspect. Im so fed up with white america telling blacks how to feel about our daily injustice. Black men shot down in the street for NOTHING but being black the passive aggressive behavior and lopside media reports.... You dont have to support but sometimes repect is just not commenting at all
Sep 21Reply
yeahthatskey @tinabberry would you ever go to a cancer event correcting everyone that all illnesses matter? I think you should get help and change your mindset. It's sad that you are that ignorant
Sep 22Reply
Sep 22Reply
andreiaf11 Blacklivesmatter 💯💯
Sep 22Reply
sharkgirl23 @tinabberry Amen! People like to argure no matter what you say. Yes All lives matter and your only trying to get a good point across. Your not singling out anyone. Lol
Sep 22Reply
andreiaf11 @yeahthatskey amen to that!!! Blacklivesmatter ✊🏾✊🏾
Sep 23Reply
lovelykee_xoxo @tinabberry you are a perfect example of ignorance smh of course all lives matter but right now, it's clear that people of color lives don't matter as much. EDUCATE YOURSELF. @yeahthatskey @clawsandjaws 👏🏽👏🏽 Amen to you guys. #BLACKLIVESMATTER
Sep 23Reply
singaporejones Wow. I mean, generally? Of course all lives matter equally. But not all are treated equally. That's kinda the damn point? (And yes, I'm a WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant), the section of American that has it so good they don't even acknowledge it, because they know no different and are often entitled about it. Not all. Maybe not even most. But it's there. You want to be paid real attention to, be a half-attractive male WASP.)
Sep 23Reply
singaporejones And I think everyone has God in their life, for pity's sake. If you believe in something, whatever that is, I suspect that is rooted in an unconscious belief in greater powers (not necessarily deities). To tell someone they need to GET God in their life is assuming He isn't, which He is, according to a Christian belief. Vocatus atque non vocatus, deus aderit. "Bidden or unbidden, God is present."
Sep 23Reply
singaporejones Sorry if that comes across as proselytizing. Don't mean anything like that. Just stating my personal view. And while I'm lucky enough to have met or known some cops who were great guys - one helped me change a tire where I'd limped to the inner shoulder if the freeway heading north through DFW. He was a former farmer and had the 'help people in need" attitude big-time.
Sep 23Reply
singaporejones I'm kinda sick of All Lives Matter. That implies that the dominant ethnicity feels insulted by being left out of the equation. The POINT of BLM is to call attention tho those who ARE left out if the equation too often! There white folk go with their entitlement and desire to start the most important part of the equation. They need to GET OVER THEMSELVES. IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THEM! But society acts like that, often. Ok, end of soapbox.
Sep 23Reply
singaporejones And, last bit, the Bible-thumpers among us need to stop throwing around God's name like it belongs to vacuum cleaner or a nice dog. "Get God in your life." He IS. It's just what sort if relationship WE choose to have with Him. Anyway, i said i was shutting up! Thigh I'm curious what you bthink of my take on this?
Sep 23Reply
blondsoul To say all cops are bad is ridiculous! You are doing exactly - when someone says all black men are criminals! Everybody here commenting is wrong!!! STOP SEPARATING COLORS RACE RELIGION GENDER!! And do not come at me that you're black or white! Plus poshmark is not a political site! This is for women to come together!!!! Help each other!!! To have make friends have fun look good feel good! What's going on out in the world is between good and evil and it's coming in all colors!
Sep 23Reply
tinabberry @plussizeforless please don't contact me again, I really have more to do than listen to your stupid remarks. Thanks Tina
Sep 23Reply
ali_lynn1039 Black lives matter...why this is even debatable is beyond me...
Sep 23Reply
sfvintage @clawsandjaws 👌🏾🙌🏾
Sep 24Reply
jennifernora32 Good grief. Get off of here with your platitudes. All lives matter. Why aren't you screaming in Chicago every weekend. BLM is run by a hoodlum. Islamic State is running the Organization with Soros money. More Whites were killed by Police than Blacks, but you wouldn't know those facts.
Sep 24Reply
jennifernora32 @tinabberry Just block them all. It's insane. All lives matter.
Sep 24Reply
kristenevet black lives matter, white lives matter, hispanic lives matter, asian lives matter, police lives matter, all lives matter. like by with you just saying that only black lives matter, is like your saying that if all the other lives were to be killed it wouldn't matter. is that how we want our kids to grow up? thinking that all lives don't matter? i sure know i don't want my daughter growing up learning that.
Sep 24Reply
kristenevet @tinabberry i agree with you like 80790283%.!
Sep 24Reply
priced2sell2u I love the color of your skin and that the same God who created me created you , God loves all of us and sista' you do matter!
Sep 24Reply
andreiaf11 Blacklivesmatter stop talking about the violence in Chicago and travel a little blacks kill blacks whites kill whites etc.. crime is all over the world I know you will find it hard to believe their are worst places to live with very high crime Chicago actually isn't #1 so stop!! You know why we say Blacklivesmatter that shouldn't be a question if you have tv,newspaper, cell phones etc!!! No ones blind folks just choose to be!!! You don't like this post move on why make it about you!!!
Sep 24Reply
andreiaf11 Don't argue with trolls something I learned be gracious and be blessed 😊😊
Sep 24Reply
ashley_brook Please don't follow me thanks 😊
Sep 24Reply
poshwearhouse All lives matter! The black lives matter quote speaks specifically to police brutality towards African Americans. I'm of mixed race and I don't experience profiling often, however, I have witnessed my husband be profiled and treated unjustly in the state of Maryland on more than one occasion. I have learned that some (not all) officers have some sort of anxiety towards African Americans (especially men). It's an unfortunate situation that MUST change. ❤️ One Love
Sep 25Reply
jennifernora32 @lindholm0616 it's all so senseless. the fact that shocking oh yea a gun was on the man. Everyone's supposed to stop and listen and actually follow instructions. That of course is where it all begins. The Attitude of hell no. I'm not. And this load of crap bussed in by asses to destroy innocent lives and business shows the facts. Using people, paying people to tear up the world wherever they go. Paid by Soros. Research. Google facts. Then. Get a grip.
Sep 26Reply
thecurvydiva #BlackLivesMatter!!! 💯 💯 💯
Sep 26Reply
andreiaf11 Blacklivesmatter ✊🏾✊🏾
Sep 26Reply
kkarriem08 @clawsandjaws PREACH!!! I absolutely loved that response! Thank you! <3
Sep 26Reply
fashionchicaz Hello there 🙂 I am a Latino american woman. My son is half African American. I don't believe the woman made the first comment with malicious intent. Grave injustices are occurring within the African American community and the police but it's human nature for people to want to unite, no matter what your color, religion, sexual orientation etc. I have stood and participated in peaceful protest and have been part of the solution without spewing out venomous retorts which adds to the problem.
Sep 27Reply
jordancarman I agree with @blondsoul 💕
Sep 28Reply
abs4295 OK, "theblackeducatedqueen," Black Lives Matter isn't an acronym, first off. BLM would be the acronym. Secondly, to everyone here speaking against BLM--saying that all lives matter isn't going to change the fact that minorities in this country suffer more systematic oppression than people of the Caucasoid persuasion.
Sep 29Reply
abs4295 (And, before anyone says anything, I would like to note that I'm Filipino and Japanese, and I'm constantly being mistaken for Hispanic and have been harassed and threatened by MANY MANY people because of them thinking I'm Hispanic, but those are stories for another day...) The third thing I would like to say is that I think we all know (if you're TRULY educated) that more white people are killed by police than black people.
Sep 29Reply
abs4295 If you REALLY want to get technical about black people being killed by police, then look more closely at statistics and you will find that some of the black people "killed" by police were not even killed intentionally; rather, some were innocent victims caught in the crossfire between a suspect and police having a shoot-out.
Sep 29Reply
abs4295 In a couple cases, the police officers weren't even the ones who killed them--the suspect(s) did--but they are labeled as "officer-involved shootings" because an officer was present in the shoot-out at the time the death occurred; but that doesn't make them responsible for the accidental deaths. Anyway, you can tweak the math any way you want with ratios and what-not, but numbers are--forgive my pun--black and white. In other words, no matter how you spin it, 50 is 50 and 500 is 500.
Sep 29Reply
abs4295 That being said, we shouldn't be warring amongst ourselves because that is exactly what corrupt governments want. We should all be supporting each other, period. On that note, I've never seen such a divisive post in all my life. Don't claim to be a Christian and then go around being divisive by posting something like this that you know is a hot-button issue. That is hypocritical and makes you look ignorant. Just saying.
Sep 29Reply
abs4295 PS I live in the most racist state in this country, ALABAMA. Racial profiling IS a thing, with EVERYONE. I've had black people call me 'wet-back,' 'beaner,' etc. Even Hispanics profile me as Hispanic. That being said, most of the cops in Northern AL aren't racially profiling--they're more worried if you have drugs, so they're looking for track marks, etc., not at your race.
Sep 29Reply
abs4295 PPS Racism is not just a black issue, it's all over. If you think calling a white person a cracker isn't racist, then you're ignorant and need to educate yourself on the definition of racism. If you think calling an Asian a slant-eye or a Hispanic a beaner isn't racism, then, I reiterate, YOU ARE IGNORANT AND NEED TO EDUCATE YOURSELF ON THE DEFINITION OF RACISM.
Sep 29Reply
crimson112 Black lives matter. For some reason that seems to freak some white people out and honestly, I have no idea why. I work in the inner city of Milwaukee and I've seen first hand how my African American clients are often treated like second-class citizens. It's okay for all of us to stand up and say that isn't acceptable. No one needs to fight about someone standing up for what's just. I stand right along with them, regardless of my race.
Sep 29Reply
andreiaf11 Blacklivesmatter ✊🏾✊🏾
Sep 29Reply
andreiaf11 Girl you actually read that paragraph lmao 😂 please don't acknowledge trolls!!! They love war be gracious and stay bless Queen 👸🏽 Blacklivesmatter
Sep 30Reply
abs4295 @_deecelfie I didn't say I didn't support it. In fact, the first thing I did in my first comment was tell all the people AGAINST BLM that saying "all lives matter" doesn't solve the racial issues in this country. DO I NEED TO SPELL THAT OUT FOR YOU?
Oct 01Reply
abs4295 I simple added facts afterward so that supporters of BLM don't sound so know, like you do...
Oct 01Reply
abs4295 simply*
Oct 01Reply
abs4295 Also, you weren't referencing the actual acronym, BLM, in your original post regarding the matter, you spoke as if you were referring the the movement itself, which cannot be quantified in the same manner as the acronym (because acronyms are letters which are not personifiable, whereas the movement is personifiable).
Oct 01Reply
abs4295 Maybe if you educated yourself more on grammar/semantics, your point would have been made more clear from the jump and you wouldn't have sounded like you were speaking so ignorantly. Have a nice day! ^_^
Oct 01Reply
abs4295 P.S. Learn what the definition of 'trolling' is. 'Trolling' is where you deliberately post something with the implicit intent of garnering a reaction from people, whether that reaction be negative or not. Ergo, that essentially means that the person who posted the BLM listing is a troll herself, being that she posted it while knowing that it would create dissent on this comments section.
Oct 01Reply
viciousbunny Well, this post is great for finding out who to NOT follow. Maybe it would help folks to think of it as Black Lives Matter ALSO. There is a portion of our population that feels that needs to be stated outright, because they are treated less than because of their skin color. That hurts my heart.
Oct 01Reply
viciousbunny I think it's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that there are huge problems with our criminal justice system, and the way our society views and treats black people. If you can't get that, and don't work to correct it, you are on the wrong side of history.
Oct 01Reply
viciousbunny If someone saying BLM offends you, you need to step back and examine why that is. Black Lives Matter is not meant to shame you, it's a plea for inclusion and equal status.
Oct 01Reply
tabulahrasah @mimibeach72 Understanding,thats what makes thw world work.
Oct 06Reply
secretaposhle Black Lives Matter! :)
Dec 02Reply
lovemygirlz @tinabberry I AGREE WITH YOU!! And people need to stop the hate!! That's what's wrong with society today- no respect left for anyone!! We all bleed the same color. All races and people need to come together. More love not hate. ❤
Dec 23Reply
ali_lynn1039 @lovemygirlz but the problem is that is not happening. Not in this society where it’s common to see minorities treated like dirt. I come from a small town and it’s not uncommon for the people here to call any black person they see a filthy N*****.
Sep 27Reply
ali_lynn1039 Our society is rigged to make you believe that minorities are less, ever wonder why they only show black people on the news? Why they only show white kids going missing?
Sep 27Reply
ali_lynn1039 They are trying to plant in your mind how they want you to feel and you are buying into it hook, line, and sinker. All media is owned by the top 1% and it’s in their best interest if you fight with one another so you don’t notice them stealing all your money. There is a reason why the top 1% of this country makes 99% of the income and they want even more. Keep falling for their little games, I’m sure the Koch brothers and the Waltons will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Sep 27Reply
lovemygirlz @ali_lynn1039 please don't tag me and try and spread more hate! I'm not about that! Have a good night
Sep 27Reply
ali_lynn1039 @lovemygirlz how is this hate?
Sep 27Reply

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