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Bundle your likes . If you buy 2 items youll automatically get 10%off total price.Please refer to guide when making offers as you can see poshmark takes a big percentage off items above $15. Any of my items listed $15 and under are firm. Certain items like my gemstone rosaries the price is firm due to the special wire used, the quality of the gems and all the hand wirewrapping. Please remember that poshmark takes 20% off my total earnings for anything above $15. Thanks so much for your support! As with all my creations it takes alot of time and patience and supplies to create! Please please keep this in mind!! Thanks so much!!
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From🌼#131🌼🚁@flghtmedc1907 🚁 . . .🌟💛🌼🌟💛🌼It’s a⛱🌼💛BEAUTIFUL😎💛SUNNY🛍💛💕💝SHARING🛍DAY🌞EVENT😊...🌟Make🌟🌼something of it in your 💛Favorite💛Tiny-Winy💝👙Bikini👙💝😌😌😌😌
Jun 10Reply

@flghtmedc1907 lol thanks. I don't wear bikinis
Jun 10Reply

@shortydoucette ......neither do I
Jun 10Reply

@flghtmedc1907 cool lol. I won't step foot outside being caught in a bikini. My body is not ready for a bikini
Jun 10Reply

Me again, also crazy about the top poster here. May I copy and use in my closet???? Please!!!!!♥️
Jun 19Reply

@ttlcd yes you may use it. Thanks so much for asking. Feel free to use any signs you want. Anytime I can help out a fellow posher I will. Have a ball with my signs cuz I don't care how many you use. Much posh love Melissa 💟💜💚💙💛💖
Jun 19Reply

@ttlcd hey again. It's also a good idea to have the price guide in your closet. You can copy all if you want. Also about posh compliance. Some of it came from @moongoddess7 if you see this in my description please give her credit. I don't care about credit for me but moon does
Jun 19Reply
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