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Thank you for visiting, LE_FOG; Where items are affordable, and reasonable Offers are accepted. Our Listings are Guaranteed; and Orders are inspected, prior to shipping. We personally package and ship within, Hours! May you remain Safe!, and have "An Awesome POSHING Experience". IMAGINE: One thing we can do for Ourselves and Others, FORGIVE; and FORGIVE, again and again. "Alter and/or Adapt; then, Imbue!" ~ "Fully, Rely On; GOD!"

82 others
like this

Greetings and Welcome to Poshmark! 🌺🌺🌺 My name is Michelle & I wish you much fun and success on your “Poshing” journey!!! I am ALWAYS HAPPY to answer any question, any time! 🌟 If you would like to learn more about me, please feel free to take a peek at my my Meet the Posher listing! 😊 CHEERS! 🍾🥂 Michelle, @innerbeauty1968
Nov 15Reply

Thank you for following me! Please check out my closet and feel free to make an offer if you see something you like. Happy Poshing!
Nov 16Reply

Thanks to your warm welcome, Faithful Father is a term only us that walk in Light understand it was nice to see you through the crowd. We bird that fly high must fly together. Have a Blessed Day.
Dec 06Reply

Hello 🙋♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍Wishing you and your family the Happiest of Holiday’s 😍😍
Dec 10Reply

Thank you so much for sharing 😊
Dec 14Reply

Thank you so much for shearing 😊♥️ Happy holidays
Dec 14Reply

hi there!! thank you so much for the shares!! I LOVE the hummingbird ornament, btw!!
Dec 15Reply

Hi Mr. C.! Thanks for following us!👍
We are Jimbo & G.🤠🙋
We hope that you have many sales & find lots of bargains!📈
Happy Posh'ing! Be kind to one another & have a blessed day!🙏☮️❤️
Dec 16Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet!
I am just starting and appreciate your help!
Happy holidays!
Dec 22Reply

Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
Dec 23Reply

Hi Mr. C. , May your next year be filled with success and great deals ! Happy New Year 2020 ! 🎈🎈🍾🍾🍷🍷🎂🎂🍬🍬😙😚🌷🌷🎂🎂🍾🍾💕💕🗓🗓🌻🌻
Dec 26Reply

Thank you for the rating, I appreciate it!!!😊
Jan 23Reply

Hello Mr. C, thank you for sharing my listings today. I am new to Poshmark and don't understand much of what I do with the following and being followed. If you have any thoughts about this and the time to share them with me, I would appreciate it. Thanks, and God Bless you too.
Jan 29Reply

Mr. C, Welcome🤗 to Poshmark! I found Poshmark to be a great community of sellers and buyers brought together for one common goal... to see perfectly good products be used by good people at good prices! 🤑
Here's wishing you lots of luck,☘ fun,😆 and success👩🎓 poshing!👖👗👚👠👜👒💄
Take time to stop by my closet @babsgilbert to see me, like me, follow me, or find something you may just feel you can't do without.
Yours truly,
Feb 01Reply

Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🍀☘️
Feb 02Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Feb 08Reply

TYVM for sharing and following my closet. Best of wishes to you. 😊
Feb 08Reply

GOD Bless you ❤️ Luke 18:27
Feb 13Reply

Amen!! God bless you
Feb 14Reply

Im not but im excited to announce anything to spread the love of Jesus!💕
Feb 15Reply

Hello, The "I'm not" is unclear to Us. However, "but, I'm excited to announce anything to spread the love of Jesus!", is understandable. Unsure as to the "I'm not", yet We're all; HE ~ says we are ... for We are HIS as per KJV and Keeping JESUS' Vision ... Yes, a great way to live. And, So much better than, Chocolate ...
Feb 15Reply

My 10,000th follower! Thank you so much! 🥳
Feb 25Reply

@redemption_rose Such a warm greeting I felt connected.Peace and Love Always
Feb 26Reply

First , I was moved by your greeting to Redemption rose ... Because he is I am. Please .,. what was the items I liked.
Feb 26Reply

Thank you for the shares it is greatly appreciated ❤️🤍❤️🤍
Feb 27Reply

Thank you so much for sharing all my listings!
Mar 06Reply

Blessings Always
Mar 11Reply

one of my favorite scriptures
Mar 15Reply

May your closet be prosperous. Blessed Be ⭐
Mar 20Reply

THANK YOU SO MUCH FIR THE THANK YOU CARD IN MY BOX TODAY. It helped me immensely when I read Fully: rely on God. I needed to be centered again and that did it. your front page on Poshmark is beautiful! thank you again! Lynne🎇
Mar 20Reply

Nice closet! We all can use some inspiration! Be well and safe!
Apr 04Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet 🙋🏻♀️😊👏🌹
Apr 12Reply

Thank you for the follow ❤
Apr 18Reply

Thank you very much 😊
Apr 18Reply

You're very, welcome. Sharing is Caring ... Continued, success and May You, remain Safe!
Apr 18Reply

Apr 24Reply

Thanks for the ❤️💕
Apr 27Reply

Thx for the shares! :)
Apr 29Reply

THANK YOU Greatly for the shares. MUCH Appreciated! AND I ADORE the Faithful Father (Token,Buckle,Coin not Sure?) BUT WHAT A STATEMENT! Not enough of Us to go around Brother. But there's a child SOMEWHERE IN DESPERATE NEED, AS WELL AS A MOTHER IN NEED OF STABILITY.. So Powerful. MUCH Respect😌🙏🙏🙂. That's a Real Man's JOB, VIA GUIDANCE From the Father of ALL! WITHOUT HIM WE ARE NOTHING. THRU HIM WE'RE UNSTOPPABLE!
May 16Reply

I LOVE a ton of your items and I'd really like to look through it and come up with a list of my favorite items. Perhaps we can come to an agreement 😉. You have SOME SUPER COOL, DARE I SAY "HIPSTER" ISH items. Which stinks because they just appropriated Vintage and Kitchy , into THEIR thing. MY GRANDMOTHER WAS AN OG HIPSTER THEN, CUZ SHE LOVED THAT
May 16Reply

I know you're checking out my closet, since you're sharing many things. BUT IF you come across any item you like or WANT, please feel free to let me know. And we'll work something out. Once again thank you for your help with the shares. I will CONTINUE to repay you in kind. Take Care my friend 🙏😷🙏❤️❤️.
May 16Reply

Hi! Awesome Closet! Please visit my Closet soon! Updated on weekends! Happy Poshing! 🛍. @Shasha3167
May 17Reply

Hi Posher. Thank you for following my closet. While I was here I viewed and shared some items from your closet. I am in several share groups and we usually share for share. Happy posting..
May 18Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet!!
“All good things in all good time”
May 22Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a name your price sale so feel free to send me an offer on anything that you like from my closet and I will accept any offer that you send. Have a great day.
May 26Reply

please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today if you find any two items that you would like to purchase I will give you 15% off your entire purchase and you'll get a free surprise gift valued at 5 to $10 just for becoming a valued customer
May 27Reply

Hi there! Thank you for the follow and shares! Best regards and peace, Tania 💐
Jun 01Reply

Thanks for following me!! Feel free to look around and check out my closet!! Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to share as well if you want! I am a new seller so it would be appreciated! Happy Poshing!
Jun 01Reply

hey neighbor, nice to meet you! come see our natural gemstone sterling silver designer jewelry, gent's jewelry, natural gemstones, original paintings, etc.
Jun 11Reply

hey, thank you for sharing, for the info,for the affirmation and the well wishes...' Ssfty is of the LORD '.💎
Jun 11Reply

Glory !!!🙌
Jun 11Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Bundle Sale. All NWT items are 2/$65 and non-NWT items are 2/$12. Have a great day!
Jun 15Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings! I really appreciate that and your help! Wishing you great success and happy Poshing! ☺️😁🛍🥳💕
Jun 16Reply

Hi!Shared 10 of your listings! I hope you will check out my closet when you have a chance 😎!Stay safe and healthy
Jun 16Reply

hi hun! I am accepting any and ALL offers in the next few days! I am moving so looking to reduce my closet! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like! It will be accepted and shipped out same day! Thank you :)
Jun 23Reply

@katecarroll6 Evening and Thank you for the invitation. Sounds like quite an undertaking, moving and shipping. Of course, viewing you items and sharing them will occur, as well. Perhaps, finding a few will help. May you remain Safe, and Enjoy.
Jun 23Reply

Thank you so much! Stay safe as well!
Jun 23Reply

@mncohen Thank you for the invitation; and will view your listings and share them, as well. Perhaps, finding a few to purchase will take place, too. May you remain Safe, and Enjoy.
Jun 23Reply

@katecarroll6 You're welcome, and We're pleased to Serve.
Jun 23Reply

Mrc L, this is my life verse and one that brings much comfort to my soul! Such a joy to know another believer!🎈Thank you for visiting my closet and for following me! May His blessings rain down on you!🙏🏻
Jul 01Reply

@selinak8 Welcome to LE_FOG, and Thank you for Liking Our listing.
You're Welcome to a Savings of $2.00 on this Item, and Offer $13.00.
Our Orders are thoroughly, Packaged and Shipped; within, HOURS!
Thanks again; may you have great weekend, and Remain Safe!
Jul 31Reply

@katiekay25 Welcome to LE_FOG, and Thank you for Liking Our listing.
You're Welcome to a Savings of $2.00 on this Item, and Offer $9.00.
Our Orders are thoroughly, Packaged and Shipped; within, HOURS!
Thanks again; may you have great weekend, and Remain Safe!
Jul 31Reply

Hi This is George in Pa thanks for sharing my listings and good luck with your sales
Oct 08Reply

I agree with all you have posted my sister in Christ. Have a wonderful Resurrection weekend!!!!
Apr 02Reply

Thanks for following and sharing. I’ll check out more of your closet and share too. I’m recently retired and hoping to downsize. 😃😃 Betty
Apr 02Reply

Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Apr 05Reply

We at Kerwins_korner have noticed that you have your eye on a particular item. We wanted to let you know we are running a 15% Off Everything in the Store sale this weekend. Great items for birthdays, anniversaries, and holiday gifts. Please let us know if you have any questions about this sale. HAPPY POSHING!!
Sep 03Reply

Happy poshing and great sales!❤
Oct 20Reply

❤The message on your site is timely 🙏Thank you 🤗
Nov 04Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 30Reply

Hi, I'm Marianne, a Postmark
Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on any item that you’d like to purchase.
Jun 30Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Oct 02Reply

@le_fog Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 10Reply

@le_fog hello check out my closet see something you like send me and offer or bundle up for a discount everything must go lost my grandma trying to get extra funds to go towards her tombstone
Jul 22Reply
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