💖Claire thinks its a great day for a purchase!💖
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💖Claire gives good advice too!💖

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@lisa0333 This is Claire! I have to take a better pic of her wearing her bandana. She loves those! 💖
Nov 04Reply

Sending Claire a belly rub! 🐾😚 What a sweet girl! 💞🐾
Nov 04Reply

Awww her too!💓💓💓💓🐶🐶😋 she looks so sweet! I love them both! I bet they are so cute together! I'm an animal freak! I volunteer for rescues. When I see pet pics I always look. I see they are already getting comments!
Nov 04Reply

@lilybuds I gave Claire a belly rub for you! She loved it! She is really a sweet girl! We love her a lot & both of my dogs are so spoiled! Lol! 💕
Nov 05Reply

@lilybuds When Claire got bigger we had to buy a King size bed so they could both sleep with us! Sounds crazy but we love our furry children! Lol!💖
Nov 05Reply

@renaykee Sounds perfectly sane to me!! We moved our bedroom downstairs when our pup couldn't do the steps anymore. They make our lives so much richer, it's just so gratifying to spoil them!!! xoxo
Nov 05Reply

@lisa0333 Thank You! She really is a sweetie! Some people are afraid of Rotties but I've had a few & just love them! We donate to the SPCA every month & if Claire would let us we would have more rescue dogs. She is dog aggressive but accepts Ralphie because he was here first. We've tried 3 times to bring in another dog & she didn't like that at all. She's our Special Claire! That's just her. I hate it when people get rid of their pets because they have issues! That's so wrong!💕
Nov 05Reply

@lilybuds That is so Awesome that you moved your bedroom downstairs for your dog! Animals do make our lives richer. My guys make my day every day. I'm home with them a lot due to my Dr. putting me on leave for my neck. I'm so glad they are with me everyday! When I make a purchase from someone on Poshmark our Rottie Claire has to have the box afterwards. She plays pretty rough with it until it wears her out! Lol! 😂😂😂😂 She won't leave me alone until she has the box! It's hilarious! 😂😂😂😂💕
Nov 05Reply

Amen! I know Rotties get a bad rap I've never met one that is anything other then a lovable teddy bear💓💓💓 it's her home I can understand if she doesn't want to share. My dog is the same way but I comes from fear not aggression. They are afraid of another dog taking what they feel is theirs-love , food , toys, seems pretty normal. She looks so lovable
Nov 05Reply

@lisa0333 Yes she is a big lovable teddy bear who thinks she is a lap dog! Lol! She's really good with people also...just not other dogs. I would have a lot of rescue dogs if I could. I love cats too but my husband & I are really allergic to them. We've had some really cool cats that were my daughters when she was younger & still @ home. Took a lot of allergy medication! Lol! We are planning on moving to Michigan & having horses again, & chickens & goats. Michigan is my home state. 💕
Nov 05Reply

@lisa0333 We live in California right now & everything is so expensive. We had to sell our horses because we couldn't afford the feed & upkeep. We want to get some acreage in Central Michigan & have a little farm. Michigan is where I'm from. I've missed it ever since I left! My hubby is from Canada so he will be right at home in Michigan.
Nov 05Reply

@renaykee Oh no, I'm sorry about your Neck! That's Painful! What happened? Now you don't have to ever buy dog Toys! I think you've got great luck in that area! That's got to be a sight to see, lol! 💗😀🐾
Nov 05Reply

@lilybuds I have disc problems in my neck. They want to do surgery but are waiting for it to stabilize. Pain in the neck!! Lol! Claire is so rough on toys so we generally get her Kong toys. I do think she prefers the boxes though! 😂😂
Nov 05Reply

Nov 05Reply

@renaykee Sending you good healing vibes.💗
Nov 06Reply

Your babies are toooo cute! Awww!😍
Nov 06Reply

@lilybuds Thank You! 💕
Nov 06Reply

@sugarkitty007 Thank You! They are my babies for sure! They've been bugging me to be included in my closet! Lol! Talk about the odd couple...Rottie & Shih Tzu! They are a pair! 💕
Nov 06Reply

@katabitboutique Thank You! They are pretty special to me! Spoiled rotten! Lol!!! 😂😂
Nov 09Reply

Nov 13Reply

@renaykee Claire is such a cutie! 🐶🐕🐩💕
Nov 18Reply

@doglover8 Thank You! She is a sweetie. Not a mean bone in her body. She's a lover! 💜🐾💖
Nov 18Reply

Beautiful girl!
Nov 20Reply

@leminohp Thank You! She's a great girl! She's so sweet.💜🐾
Nov 20Reply

Another cutie🐾🐾❣🐾❣🐾
Nov 23Reply

@spiritsnaks Thank You! She is a big sweetheart! 💜🐾
Nov 23Reply

Dec 08Reply

both your doggies are adorable💚💛💖
Dec 11Reply

@makcupcake Thank You! They are my sweeties! 💜🐾
Dec 11Reply

I never saw a Rottweiler smile!! She is smiling!! 🙃😁😀 Fellow dog lover here. Thank you for the shares!! I hope you have a lovely holiday season!!
Dec 14Reply

@brindleracer66 Yes, she does smile! She's a pretty happy girl all the time. I Love ❤️ that Rottie smile! They definitely are spoiled like every dog should be. We even bought a king size bed because she grew into a 100lb ton of fun! 😂 Sometimes she still takes up my whole side of the bed though! 😂😂😂💜🐾💖
Dec 14Reply

Your pups are adorable!! I'm laughing because my husband and I bought a king-sized bed as well and we're always hanging on to the edges! When we start turning our the lights, all of our dogs bolt for the bedroom to get the best spot. 😎 Gotta love them!
Dec 14Reply

@brindleracer66 I am really familiar with the edge of the bed! My husband & I sleep miles apart! Our dogs bolt for the bed too at bedtime...they so know what their doing! When I have an extra blanket on the bed they think it's for them so I never get to cover up with it. It's pretty funny...I wouldn't change it for the world! My daughter has 2 really big German Shepherds & they do the exact same thing! I believe every dog should be spoiled rotten & be allowed to sleep on the bed. 💖💜🐾💜
Dec 15Reply

I'm so glad we're not the only couple in earth like this! I haven't slept through a full night in years, but I wouldn't change it either. My little Lab, Daisy, cuddled up and we talk to each other in strange little grunts..it's something that only dog lovers understand. My dad thinks I'm certifiable! (We don't connect)
Dec 15Reply

@brindleracer66 no, we aren't strange couples. There are really people out there like we are with our dogs, which is a good thing. Over here in Cali you can even take your dogs into restaurants & they have doggie menu's. There are quite a few dog friendly places over here. I have a secret language with our dogs also! I think we even know what each of us mean too! Lol! 😂😂😂💜🐾
Dec 15Reply

Hey there, my Foxy VIP! Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year! 😘💕🦊Thank you for your business! How's your closet doing? Looking GREAT! 🤗
Jan 02Reply

@foxarazzi Hey! Happy New Year!! My closet is coming along nice! How about yours? I've still got my eye on a few of your items!! Hope you have a great New Years Night!! 😘💖
Jan 02Reply

@renaykee thank you! I'm celebrating my 1 year anniversary on Posh, became a Suggested User in December, have 17k followers, a great share group, have pretty steady sales and have made a lot of friends with some pretty cool people, so I'd say it's going really well right now. 🤗 it's fun. Can definitely be work, but anything worthwhile is. 😊
Jan 02Reply

@foxarazzi Well Congratulations on your 1 year Poshmark Anniversary & becoming a Suggested User! I'm glad your having steady sales! I've had some good sales lately & have 15k followers...on my way to 20k. It is a lot of work but I love it & your right it is worth it! I celebrated my 1 year in December! I'm now in the process of adding men's clothes to my closet. 😘💖
Jan 02Reply

Come meet my molly and Jake.
Jan 05Reply

I've met your pets,,,,
Jan 05Reply

Jan 08Reply

@kathleentonly Thank You! She's a big Sweetie! ❤️🐾
Jan 09Reply

I love her! I had 1 her name was sheba ! Best dog I ever had😊
Jan 14Reply

@lizpink13 Claire is a great girl! She's very loving! They are the best dogs!! 💖🐾
Jan 15Reply

@renaykee they are 😊I lost mine to cancer when she was 7 .I rescued her from the spca but she had 6 wonderful years with us 😊😊😊
Jan 15Reply

Hey, Claire!!!🐶🐾you look like a fun dog to play with!!🐾
Jan 22Reply

@herbiedog Hey Herbie! I Love to play!! 💜🐾
Jan 23Reply

@renaykee ♥🐾
Jan 23Reply

I love Rottweilers I have two ... ❤
Jan 23Reply

@aimama Thank You! She is such a Sweetie! 💜🐾
Jan 23Reply

@renaykee ♥Big Girl 🐾❤️
Jan 24Reply

@lovetilly18 Aww! Aren't they great dogs? I've had a few in my lifetime & just like any breed it's how you raise them! 💜🐾
Jan 24Reply

@renaykee awe yes ....agree🐾
Jan 24Reply

@aimama She is a big girl. She weighed 105 last time we had her at the Vet for a checkup.
Jan 24Reply

@renaykee ❤️ 🐾 big baby I bet 🐾♥
Jan 24Reply

@aimama Oh boy is she ever a big baby! She still likes to sit on my lap! 😱💖🐾
Jan 24Reply

@spirit_of_love Claire is such a sweet Rottie! She's really a good girl. She loves to hog the bed @ night! Lol!! 😂😂💖🐾
Jan 28Reply

Ooooh she's so cute, I have a rottie too! He's a big love bug
Feb 06Reply

I Love rotts...adorable!
Feb 17Reply

Aw I love Rotties!
Feb 24Reply

@danalauren90 She's a big sweetie! 💜🐾
Feb 25Reply

chub muffin 😍
Mar 03Reply

I have a rottie myself! 💕💕 sweetest dogs ever!
Mar 10Reply

@paulaannlenk she's pretty convincing in a sweet way! 💖🐾
Mar 11Reply

@hannaholove They are such sweet dogs! 💜🐾
Mar 11Reply

Apr 07Reply

Hi Miss Claire! Are you Ralphie's sisfur? I didn't see your pic yesterday. You're a very pretty girl & I bet you're very good when Mama needs to do photo shoots for her PM closet. Keep smilin'...I mean waggin'! 🐾😘
Apr 20Reply

@mama_magnolia Thank You! Claire is a very good girl! She's perfect when I'm shooting photos for my closet.
Apr 21Reply

Apr 25Reply

Apr 30Reply

@purplepassion68 She's such a sweet girl. She's 5 years old & we've had her since she was 7 weeks old. She likes to hog the bed! Lol!! 💖🐾
May 08Reply

Hello posh lover! Cute dogs!! Check out all of my hand made items in my closet you might find something for that special furry friend in your life 😊
May 22Reply

@g1arlock I checked out your closet! Love it! I'm sure I'll be making some purchases! 💖😃
May 24Reply

@renaykee ok sou ds great😊 If there is one that is sold and you are interested I can make another for you😊😊
May 24Reply
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