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Comment below what You hate that people do on poshmark.

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When people try share their closet in comments if another posher
Jun 26Reply

When ppl ask me if im interested just because i liked their item lol
Jun 27Reply

When people be commenting on your item saying they will buy it then disappear
Jun 27Reply

People misspelling their listing titles/descriptions! Biggest misspelling/term confusion pet peeve for me is using "sequence" instead of "sequins". 😑 Like, really? You've been through school and you still haven't learned the difference between simple words!?! #Rant
Jul 13Reply

@blossom2015 that happens to me all the time
Jul 16Reply

@blossom2015 did you want something from my other account
Jul 16Reply

When people don't use the offer button
Jul 18Reply

@blossom2015 I agree with u...when u really want something and the seller doesn't respond just happened to me yesterday
Jul 21Reply

When people don't disclose the total description of there product and you ask questions then they don't answer you anymore or when they lye or leave out flaws so you can buy it and you get it and the zipper broke or it's to small and they knew it before selling it knowing you can't return it. Sorry for so much just that I found someone to tell it to thanks for listening.
Sep 04Reply

I would have to say when people ask all the questions in the world about the product and then just disappear 😒
Sep 12Reply

Haha I love this! A place to vent about all the annoying crap you don't want to call people out on directly 😜 I agree with ALL of the above!
Oct 02Reply

But I will add - when people say omg that's expensive or "i saw this cheaper on .." Ok go freaking buy it there then! Or ask to trade and when you say - please read my description it says no trades all over the place and they call you rude! Gah can't take it lol
Oct 02Reply

I hate when people low ball u.
Oct 06Reply

I had this one annoying posher who kept ranting about everything that went wrong with a previous purchase from another seller on MY listing. Simply because she wanted to buy mine. She ranted for 8 days and then disappeared. Never made a purchase. I had to delete my listing and repost. I hate that there is no delete button or block button
Oct 06Reply

@bestfaceforward the iris a block button so you can block the user from going on your page.
Oct 06Reply

@the_ro thanks...where would i find this button?
Oct 06Reply

@bestfaceforward To block a user, click on their closet homepage. At the top right corner, next to the Follow/Following button is a gear symbol (like the settings icon on Android smart phones). Click there and there is an option to block the user. It is quick and easy. I recommend blocking people making repeat negative comments on listings.
Oct 06Reply

My pet peeve is negativity. Comments cannot be removed or edited so people should be respectful about what they say to one another. As the age old (and too often ignored) expression goes, if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all. Thankfully, most Poshers are fabulous and I love the supportive platform for connecting with others.
Oct 06Reply

@believebig thank you so much!! I am all over this!
Oct 06Reply

Seeing the post that says "make me offers".... 😑 horrible grammar.. It makes me crazy! 😁
Oct 08Reply

Lowball offers!
Oct 08Reply

jamieandbrannon's a waste of time and energy 🙏
Oct 08Reply

@jamieandbrannon so you never had a customer that had gotten on your nervous or a bad customer I was just wondering not trying to be rude or anything
Oct 08Reply

Honestly, no. I have been on posh since 2013 and I (thankfully) have not had any bad experiences. Are there things that I have disliked? Absolutely, but hate is a powerful thing.
Oct 08Reply

And I didn't take it as you trying to be rude😃
Oct 08Reply

@jamieandbrannon I know where your coming from I didn't really mean hate because I don't hate poshmark this listing was meant for people to vent to about the problems/people they had problems with but don't want to start a argument on here.
Oct 08Reply

I agree with alot of these..mine is people dont read...if someone asks do you trade...i say no i dont...6 more people what makes you think if i said no to the first 5 people ill do it for you...aggervates me
Oct 09Reply

@b24 yeah that really bothers me too. Have a great day!
Oct 12Reply

What I Most Dislike about some Poshers are a few.
1. Waisting my time & Goodwill. I'm asked to Bundle I give good discount then tell me to hold for a week and them give me all kinds of excuses not to pay.
2. When they ask a Q, I answered and they don't have the curtesy to Reply Thank you!
Oct 13Reply

3. Poshers that CRITICIZE other ppl about their Grammar. Not everyone in here went throu HS or College. Not all minds are Alike. There are many elders Selling in here to make XTRA $ to help their income. If U don't like her Spelling JUST LOOK at the Pics "A PIC IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS"*Don't do unto others what you don't want Done unto You!
Oct 13Reply

Oct 13Reply

I haven't had many pet peeves. I've been fortunate I guess? Until recently tho. new buyer bought something from me for $7 & then turned me in for misrepresenting? I didn't tho. (picture of tags were ON the item). the customer is always right in pm's mind. It affected everything. Not considered for SU status & party hosting etc. Plus I had to pay pm for shipping on a $7 item. Yes, there & back.. So I owed them money on a $7 item.. 1st time experience. enthusiasm lost. Dee
Oct 13Reply

@bishopsma Really low, downright insulting offers 😕
Oct 15Reply

The majority of these posts are dead on!!! you have to laugh about it, no need to get upset. Nobody touched on funky packaging. I don't like it when I buy a designer product and the seller does not take the time to wrap it (at least) somewhat equal to what it is worth. I brought a beautiful Gucci wallet that arrived in a an over-sized (no bubble wrap) envelope, just thankful it survived...Keep on Poshin' my Peeps!!!
Oct 16Reply

@schoomkie that annoys me the most
Oct 18Reply

When you post something new and ?? Trade for something that is not appealing !
Nov 01Reply

I love this so much! All of this! Another one of mine is when people say "trade", make you an offer, etc, you politely respond with a "thank you so much for your offer but not right now".... Then they ghost you. I've only been on posh since September and have encountered every issue you ladies have posted.
Nov 02Reply

When people ask to trade but their closet looks like a dust bucket honestly like my item is 90$ nwt why would I trade for your 5$ used tshirts and off brand jeans please tell me why lol Ahhh I feel better
Nov 02Reply

When people make offers on my listing I say yes, then they do not buy. When I negotiate/talk on my listing then at the end they be like can you hold I get paid blahh blah blah, but I would be rude if I did not reply or possible miss a sale if they were serious, espically when they are sellers aswell like girl.... :)
Nov 02Reply

@_ultraviolet your post made my day
Nov 02Reply

When people abuse the offer system
People say they saw it cheaper in someone elses closet
When people call me hun, and there younger
when you share there listing (15) and all you get is "thanks"
When people misjudge your kindness for weakness
When they talk about you under a hidden listing
When there just plain rude and cause cyber drama because they have nothing else fukin better to do
Nov 07Reply

When people ask you to trade even though you have it in every single listing NO TRADE!
Nov 07Reply

Last one : When you negotiate a lowball price and ship same day, and they recieve the item, then they give you a bad rating just to be an A-hole and then turn around and use your pictures without permission, to sell it for 10x more
Nov 07Reply

@mandavais you can post as much as you want on here this is for people to vent their anger on here.
Nov 07Reply

Thank you so much, it actually felt good to get off my chest lol, my little fingers were banging the keyboard haha. theres just so many little things that annoy you, like if you have something listed for $30 and someone offers you $10, i find that very annoying!
Nov 07Reply

@mandavais somebody did that to be I declined. I rather declined then making my first sale lower than it already is.
Nov 07Reply

Yeah this was before the offer system, I had them listed for six dollars she asked for five dollars so I agreed. Then she said "are you shipping these today I would really like them by blah blah" so I ship them and then she gave me a bad rating stole my pictures and turned around and try to resell them for $20
Very very rude
Nov 07Reply

When people order me to model things.
Nov 14Reply

Also I had this one crazy person who tagged someone else on my listing saying she's seen the item cheaper on another website. Totally understand letting someone know, but on MY listing? So I had to delete it and repost. THEN she posted something similar on another listing, saying I should sell it crazy cheap because it's not new and she found it cheaper. It was new. I had to block her. What's wrong with people? Just go buy it from the other website!
Nov 14Reply

@mandavais I always wonder if someone is trying to do that when they make this crazy lowball offer and I go to their closet and see similar items for much more.
Nov 14Reply

@planetqueen right!!! I just got lowballed again! And she has LV and expensive items!! The shirt I had was only $12 lol so annoyibg
Nov 14Reply

I have to say that I don't like lowball offers... But on that same note, I've also seen listings for items I've owned before that are listed at ridiculously high prices. For instance, I sold a pair of wedges I had owned for 3+ years(I never wore them); moved & got settled in my new town; wished I had those wedges again; found them on Poshmark for a RIDICULOUSLY high price; and offered the seller what I know they should be worth.
Nov 17Reply

Continued: It was a lowball offer because of the price they were listed at. I hated to do it, but I felt my offer price was reasonable because I know how long those particular wedges have been out. Thoughts???
Nov 17Reply

@deberjeois you wasn't wrong did you search around poshmark to see if those wedges was anywhere else
Nov 17Reply

@the_ro, yes I did. My offer was comparable to what the other listing was priced at.
Nov 17Reply

@deberjeois did she decline or did she say anything
Nov 17Reply

@the_ro, the Posher just declined my offer.
Nov 17Reply

@deberjeois Netherlands next best thing would be check other sites would you at me to the wedges you wanted and I'll look for them and if I find them cheaper I would @ you
Nov 17Reply

@the_ro, I appreciate your offer. I think I'm okay for the moment. I like this forum of being able to discuss our issues. Thanks for posting it!
Nov 17Reply

@deberjeois your welcome
Nov 17Reply

It bothers me that people get so upset about offers. I had never heard of lowball offer until I started using Posh. I had always used eBay. I would rather have someone make me an offer and decline it rather than no offers at all. Some times I don't even make an offer just because I see how crazy it makes people on Posh. Just say no thank you if you don't like the offer and let it go. Life is too short to stress over the small stuff!!! Thanks for letting me vent.
Nov 22Reply

Being called Hun. It's such a condescending term to call an adult
Nov 30Reply

@schoomkie lol I agree with your comment the most. "Interested Hun?", drives me insane, I despise other women calling me"Hun". I know I shouldn't sweat the small stuff 😄
Dec 05Reply

@cschar precisely !!!!
Dec 05Reply

When people buy something from you and and it's supper cheap and then we they get it, they want to complain to Poshmark that it not authentic..m😑😑😪like really if you get an item for that cheap why didn't you ask if it's authentic. Some people want to complain to Poshmark for the little things. It's not like it was expensive... Like come on use common sense
Feb 02Reply
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