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Updated 7 hours ago

Confessions from a Recovered Noncompliant Closet



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My name is Amanda, and I used to have unsupported items for sale in my closet. At first it was due to ignorance, and later it was due to pride. Being compliant helps us make money. Closets that contain non-compliant items lose out on the support of the community at large. Without that support, we don't get as many sales. I learned, & I changed. I'm very grateful to be compliant today. I hope this listing helps some of you understand why following Posh rules is the only way to go.
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rmccouture @queenmumm So, here are my confessions Brenda. Was curious what you though... Thanks!❤️
Jul 11Reply
queenmumm Amanda, I think the strongest characteristic of a Posher is her integrity. When her closet becomes synonymous with TRUTH, she will always have PFFs at her back as well as the team at HQ. We are a visual medium, and it is a challenge in "reading" someone we've not met in person. I feel like you and I would click immediately. No one is required to divulge her non compliant past, but your gut instinct says it's the right thing to do and I admire your humility and integrity. Cheers, love! 👑😘💗💕
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @queenmumm Thank you Brenda. It is extremely profound to me that you used the words "integrity" and "humility". To some, those characteristics come naturally; to others, like me, they continue to have to be honed. The Universe helps me with that every day! I grow at the speed of pain, and I have been blessed with tons! But seriously, I have learned that no experience is a bad experience if we can use it to identify and help others...
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @queenmumm I hope that by my sharing my experience, people will see the truth in what I have said here. I have had several dialogues with sellers who had unsupported items listed, and saw that my experience helped them better see how they were engaging in self-sabotage because of pride. I thought, perhaps, others might consider tagging closets having difficulty digesting suggestions of compliancy here...
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @queenmumm I hold no judgement against those who choose to post unsupported items; it just baffles my mind how some closets, holding 200 items, would find selling a bra without tags that important. Just because I don't get it doesn't mean I think ti's wrong; it just means I can't share their other items, and that makes me sad. I love to share.
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @queenmumm Your work, and your message did a lot to inspire me and give me the courage to post my truth. Thank you for being so magnanimous, generous, thoughtful and caring. I know it took me a while to create this one listing. You have so many helpful tips in your closet! It's amazing you have time to post items!
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @queenmumm Lastly, I appreciate your belief that my "confession" will not place me into a precarious position with Poshmark. They know that I had listed things that were not supported; it's not a secret to them. I just wanted to show the difference between what we can receive when we do the next right thing, and what is kept from us when we choose to but our pride first. I hope that others see this posting and use it to spread the word that we can recover, if we are willing to.
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @queenmumm Sending tremendous gratitude, love and light your way Brenda. Thank you. ❤️
Jul 12Reply
marycstephens This is great! It takes some time to figure out how things work and we all get a grace period, so no worries! You're such a wonderful, helpful, lovely Posher, so glad I know you! Love, Mary
Jul 12Reply
styledbyodilia Sooooo well-stated and thought out, my friend!!! I couldn't agree more.....I am very dismayed at the amount of "designer-inspired" items (And as a VINTAGE collector/seller, I could talk for another hour about the way THAT word gets so loosely thrown around on this site, but that is a whole other matter) that I feel throws off the integrity of the entire site to an extent.... (cont.)
Jul 12Reply
styledbyodilia (cont.)and I won't even discuss home goods and "slightly used" fragrances, makeup and undergarments. I get that we all want to make $$$, but it hurts the sales of the entire site when we allow closets to serve as mini-flea market booths. Honesty, integrity and professionalism to the best of our ability - I'm AGREE TOTALLY~~~ XOXOXOXO, Odilia
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @marycstephens @skydaisy469 I knew you guys would appreciate this. In all of our affairs. So grateful. Thank you❤️
Jul 12Reply
marycstephens @rmccouture @skydaisy469 ❤️❤️ appreciate y'all so much! Keep coming back! ❤️
Jul 12Reply
styledbyodilia @marycstephens @rmccouture ALL our affairs! *** Such an important reminder for me EVERY SINGLE DAY :)))) XOXO
Jul 12Reply
motherskiss You are absolutely on point!!! I didn't know all the rules, but once I did I gained more respect from the Posh community and then my selling success grew. There are so many other sites to sell unsupported Posh items. I chose to honor Posh rules. Therefore my closet will remain. A lot of rule breakers are not aware that their entire closet can be deleted and they can be banned from ever Poshing again...
Jul 12Reply
rmccouture @motherskiss Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my confessions Dani. Do you think that closets selling unsupported items will even look at this though? I hope that someone will benefit from my experience and leave the shady, underground to live on the light and love that is Poshmark! ❤
Jul 13Reply
motherskiss Even if it just changes one person's attitude it was worth putting up.
Jul 13Reply
proverbs_31 This is such a great idea to share! When I was hosting, it was so frustrating to find amazing items that fit my theme perfectly, only to scroll further and find unsupported items. Mostly I just "un-liked" the item and moved on, but a few times I stopped to say "hey, I'm not the Posh police lol, but I wanted to choose your item as a HP, but I CAN'T because of ...." Hopefully your listing helps people understand those things are holding them back!
Jul 14Reply
rmccouture @proverbs_31 Thank you so much Megan. It is really depressing, actually. I guess I never paid THAT much close attention before to all of the closets that have unsupported items. It's frustrating is RIGHT! (sigh) Trying to raise others up is all good, but if they don't want to be lifted, they are too heavy for any human hands.❤️
Jul 14Reply
thewispygypsy Amanda💖💖💖I LOVE THIS!!!! And you know what? I've noticed how many sales you've had in the few months! I love that you open yourself to others also! Bravo👏👏👏👏👏
Jul 14Reply
rmccouture @dvacante Thank you Diane. You were one of the first ones to try and get me to see what I was doing, and how it was hurting me. I thought you were picking on me! HA! Sorry! You were trying to bring me into the fold, and I was being ornery! I'm very grateful for your help and guidance. Thank you.❤️
Jul 14Reply
thewispygypsy @darkblackrose This is the listing my friend Amanda made! The title reminds me 9f that HBO show Taxi Cab Confessions! Lol😂😂
Jul 14Reply
thewispygypsy I'm glad you don't think I was picking on you now! I love your closet so much. I wanted it to get the exposure it deserved. Plus, I feel lucky to have met you. You're a pretty cool chica!😎
Jul 14Reply
darkblackrose @dvacante lol yes it does
Jul 14Reply
rmccouture @dvacante I have had NO time to binge on GOT, but I have managed to watch a half an episode or so every other night... The "Stone Men" scared the CRAP out of me! LOL! How are Roland and the Man in Black doing?
Jul 14Reply
rmccouture @kookc Hey Carolyn. I wanted to share this posting with you. You help out so many closets that contain unsupported listings, and I know that some people don't want to hear it because they feel as I used to when I was told something I had was not allowed. Feel free to tag those closets here. It would be really rewarding to have my experience help someone else see the truth about compliancy and do a turn-about as a result of reading my story. I hope you're having a great day!❤️
Jul 14Reply
51twenty I sure will Amanda. Thanks for putting this together. 👏🏼
Jul 14Reply
rmccouture @kookc My experience is my most valuable asset. There's no such thing as a bad experience if I can use it to help someone else. Thanks for sharing Carolyn❤️
Jul 14Reply
51twenty You're welcome 💜
Jul 14Reply
rmccouture @mrsmadariaga @mandapanda83 @sunfloweria @lavishlook @flowersnmyheart I made this "confession" in the hopes of convincing others that following the rules was in their best interest. If you guys come across non-compliant closets, and feel like they are sabotaging themselves, feel free to tag them here!❤️
Jul 14Reply
mrsmadariaga Thx so much my friend! I'm finding so many great things for my party but then can't choose because they are non compliant closets. It's tough. I've told some of them with only 1 or 2 bad listings and they've cleaned them up but some are just so full. It's great to have this posting so I can tag then and share my thoughts here. Thank you 😘😘😘
Jul 14Reply
mrsmadariaga @jjetson60 Hi I just wanted to tag you here because I was looking through your closet considering it for a Host Pick for my upcoming posh party on 7/24 but had to pass due to your closet containing some no compliant items. I hope this listing helps you understand what you can/can't sell on posh. If you remove the noncompliant listings please tag me so I can reconsider your closet. Best of luck & happy Poshing 😘
Jul 15Reply
classyvintage I love this and so did I. Lucky for me I had some sweet posher so steer me in the right direction.
Jul 15Reply
lakeforest Amanda-great post👍🏻I could never comprehend why so many Poshers don't know what is supported vs. unsupported.. It is all stated and explained in PM's FAQs, etc..and many of these sellers aren't all new Poshers either😁
Jul 15Reply
rmccouture @mrsmadariaga I'm glad that you are sending people here Tiffany. Hopefully it helps someone!❤️
Jul 15Reply
rmccouture @classyvintage I think that most people did Marie. I like what @queenmumm Brenda wrote about us not being required to disclose our non-compliant pasts... I felt that I had to do this. I'm glad that I did, and I'm super glad to have you as a friend!❤️
Jul 15Reply
rmccouture @lakeforest Thank you Dorothy! I didn't read the rules in the beginning, as I wrote in one of the photos. I searched for the items I wanted to sell, and if others were doing it, I did it too. Ignorance is often the culprit, pride comes second!❤️
Jul 15Reply
classyvintage Awe thank you and vise versa🌸🌻 yes Brenda is a sweetie. ❤️of gold❤️
Jul 15Reply
queenmumm @rmccouture @classyvintage 😘😘😘Aaaawww! Y'all are both the absolute best. I cherish my PFFs!! You totes amaze me, Marie and Amanda! 💗💕💞💓💞💕💗
Jul 15Reply
1smalltowngirl ❤ this is great.
Jul 17Reply
jeanscenequeen @rmccouture Thx for sharing this. It's very thoughtful & humble. I saw a new gal & tried to help her by asking her very nicely if she wanted me to help her have the very best experience poss. on here. She said yes, so I told her that she would have more people sharing her closet if she made it compliant. She shot me back a not-too-friendly note asking if I was the Posh Patrol & to have fun patrolling. Cont'd
Jul 17Reply
jeanscenequeen @rmccouture Cont'd I was doing it from a good place & now I'm even more hesitant to try to help others. It's nice to have this spot to send people. You said it better than I ever could. I hope you don't mind, also, if I send some good friends over here so they can tag it as a resource to help others. Thx again! Dawn xoxox
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @jeanscenequeen What a beautiful and sad message Dawn. Thank you so much for taking the time to share it here with me. I wouldn't take that poshers reaction to you personally. The word "compliant" is very difficult for most people to digest. I think that most poshers work alone, and are used to being their own bosses. Being told to be compliant is harsh on many an ear! It sure sounded harsh to me when people were trying to be helpful...
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @jeanscenequeen I would love you to tag that posher, and any other closet that you feel would benefit from my experience. Whenever I can use my experience, no matter how yucky it was, to help someone else out, it becomes a positive experience.
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @jeanscenequeen would be honored to have the opportunity to help anyone you come across see the truth about how posting unsupported (better word than non-compliant!) sabotages their full potential to be a thriving asset on poshmark. Thank you again so very, very much❤️
Jul 17Reply
jeanscenequeen @rmccouture Thanks so much about the tip for using the word "unsupported." It does have a more positive ring to it. PFF's Here is a great resource to help our new friends become compliant & thrive on PM! @alyssahourglass @autumnlynn3 @caseyspluss @fashioniata @hila808 @janet0103 @janimack7 @katolarae @kcford24 @kookc @lexiface19 @lhaag721 @marlanap @matadora1978 @mistielee @ridinghood13 @sukinukiss @travelbugginger @treasuresbytrac All my love! Dawn
Jul 17Reply
thesassyblondes Love this Amanda!! 👆Brenda @queenmumm hit the nail on the head! I admire you as well although you aren't required to list your past transgressions regarding this you did and that makes you that much more respected here! You would love Brenda! She's a super lady! She traveled to our Posh Live party in Charlotte NC where I met her over a year ago. (I have pics in my closet of our party). She is very well respected in the PM community & by Manish and his team. Love this so much!!!! 😊👍💞
Jul 17Reply
thesassyblondes And Thank you so much for all the shares! You are Awesome! 😘❤️❤️
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @lmfashion @queenmumm does so much for the posh community. She really is a worker among workers. I appreciate Poshmark because they it is made up of real people, and Manish, who I met at the Posh Live NYC this past spring, is authentic and very humble....
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @lmfashion I believe that one of Poshmark's objectives from the start was to become a thriving, safe, loving community, where women could work together, share together, and help one another economically, fashionistically (not a word, but I like it!) and socially. It has integrity. So many places in our culture lack integrity, and lack an understanding of what integrity is, and why it's so vital to our spirits and lives...
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @lmfashion I respect Brenda tremendously for personifying that in her closet, and believe that this is a place where people actually can see how doing the right thing does merit having good things happen to them. That is also a rarity in every day life, when so often doing the right thing does not mean that the right thing happens...
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @lmfashion It might be somewhat unrealistic of me to want to believe that this kind of environment online can and is growing into a bit of a movement outside of the web, but I see it happening in the photos from meet-ups and Live Posh events, and I think it's beautiful. I want to contribute to it because it makes the world a better place. I really believe that is the truth...
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @lmfashion and if it's not the truth? Well, no one's being injured because I believe that the world can be more loving and supportive. I would rather have hope than be jaded and skeptical any day! Have a beautiful night Lynn! So nice chatting with you!❤️
Jul 17Reply
thesassyblondes I agree whole-heartedly w/everything you said. It seems we share a lot of the same ideals & values. The meet ups are def bringing a diff level to PM and I can't wait to meet Manish!
Jul 17Reply
thesassyblondes I've heard so much about him from some of our mutual friends. I was just not able to attend Posfest yet mainly b/c of our business. I do hope to go,if not this year,next indeed. It's a long trip & quite expensive. Well you know you're on the east coast too! Have a good night too Amanda. So good talking with you as well! Talk to you again soon! (Sorry, I'm so slow w/this 500 or less char. work around, lol)❤️
Jul 17Reply
matadora1978 @rmccouture wow this post is great amanda!! Thanks ! Will be sending my pffs to read this ...thanks again have a great weekend!!
Jul 17Reply
hila808 Thank you for sharing Amanda @rmccouture It is so big of you to do this & I respect you for being so honest & for opening up to help other poshers out there. I honor Posh rules & I thank Manish @manish and his Poshmark team for creating such an awesome app for all of us to have the opportunity to be our own boss. I admire your humility & your integrity for doing the right thing. Thank you Dawn @jeanscenequeen for tagging me. 😘
Jul 17Reply
eranallo @mimismenagerie this is great! Makes me feel better, too, because when I first started, I didn't know any better and listed perfume. Thanks to a helpful posher, I took down my noncompliant items and I've been doing well so far!!
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 Thank you Jess! I really appreciate it! Hopefully it can help someone!❤️
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @hila808 Thanks so much Maylene. I am grateful that you feel you can use this to help others, and very happy that you feel the same way about Poshmark as I do! Doing "the right thing" did not come naturally to me! I'm no saint! Lol! I've grown at the speed of pain, my friend, and I'm still growing, I hope! Have a blessed day! Mahalo❤️Amanda
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @mimismenagerie Thanks Misty! I hope it can be useful for others❤️Amanda
Jul 17Reply
alyssahourglass @rmccouture ~ Wow! Awesome Post Amanda! I have been compliant since the first day I started selling (07.08.15) but I do see so many Poshers who are not complaint, and I just stop sharing from them/unfollow and if they take other forms of payment or advertise that they sell on other sites, I will block them right away. Extreme? Perhaps. I just don't want to affiliate myself with non-compliant Poshers.
Jul 17Reply
alyssahourglass The only roughest part is telling Poshers I have told 2 people and it did not go well either time. Both times they argued back, telling me there know so-and-so does it, blah blah blah. I don't bother telling anymore, I will report, unfollow & block if necessary for some. ~ I really do appreciate the fact that you're sharing this, new & experienced Poshers who don't know will know now! :) BLAST SHARING!!! 💖XOXO💖
Jul 17Reply
alyssahourglass @matadora1978 ~ Thanks for the tag lovely Jess! This is a fabulous post, and I think more people should post things like this one, especially Suggested Users & Party Hosts! 💖XOXO💖
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @alyssahourglass ❤️❤️Thank you for taking the time to share your experience here, and supporting my attempt to use my experience to benefit others. I really appreciate it!❤️
Jul 17Reply
alyssahourglass @rmccouture ~ Thank you!!! If you have any advice on how we can broach the subject with people who are not following the rules, please share with me. I know it's a delicate subject and like I said, neither time worked for me, so I really would love to know what to say & how to say it to people are are selling non-suggested items.💖XOXO💖 :)
Jul 17Reply
matadora1978 @alyssahourglass...i agree day when i become an SU i will post smt like this too ...i used to be liek @rmccouture when i first started and shes right its not worth loosing so much over a few items ...i saw the light! and im so glad i did...ive been telling some poshers about non complaint 98% so far has been good about it...the other 2% is not ready to be there yet...time will let them know its not worth it.
Jul 17Reply
alyssahourglass @matadora1978 ~ Great idea Jess! When you make one, tag me & I will blast share it for you too! :)
Jul 17Reply
dierks24 Love this!!! So true!! Hopefully this will help out many others see the difference.
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @raeghannorred Here you go beauty!❤️
Jul 17Reply
raeghannorred @rmccouture thank you love!
Jul 17Reply
mistielee @rmccouture Very nice Amanda!!✨💕💖 Thanks for the tag Dawn @jeanscenequeen VERY GOOD STUFF!!
Jul 17Reply
rmccouture @mistielee Thanks so much Mistie! ❤️❤️ I appreciate you taking the time to stop and write me a note. ❤️Amanda
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @ridinghood13 I didn't do that! I just did what I saw other people doing; but like I said, not knowing when the answers are there is no excuse. I think that a lot of people are just ignorant. They don't know that they are spoiling their chances to truly succeed... Love you Jenn❤️
Jul 18Reply
mistielee @rmccouture Sure!!✨💖💕
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @bluecrush89 Here is what I was talking about... Hope it is worth your time if you decide to read it!❤️Amanda
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @rkvanity Here you go beauty! I hope it helps you in some way! Whatever you decide to do, I don't judge you! You have some really great items, and I wish you all the best with everything❤️❤️Amanda
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @brooklyn11230 Here are my confessions! Lol! All the best❤️
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture OOPS! @bklyn11230 I spelled out Brooklyn! Lol❤️
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @rkvanity Most closets have sold unsupported items in the past. We are human. A lot of times we don't know what we can or can't sell. Poshmark removed 12 of my items when I became a cohost because my closet is under a microscope, and they don't want to show that cohosts or suggested users sold unsupported items. It makes sense. They're doing their best to get us all to be successful. So OF COURSE I will support your closet! Lol!❤️
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @rkvanity I'm thrilled that you understand what I wrote here, and you weren't offended. My closet is bursting at the seams with messages because of the upcoming party on Monday, but if you have any questions, please tag me and I will do my best to get back to you!❤️❤️Amanda
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @rkvanity I never realized that it was illegal to ship liquids. You can sell perfumes and makeup on other sites, but pm has CRAZY good shipping rates. I think it's partially because they are so respectful of the USPS's rules regarding that stuff.
Jul 18Reply
rmccouture @mojoy This is my story Joyce. Thank you for reading it, if you do. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! ❤️❤️
Jul 19Reply
rmccouture @belindagonez You are NOT lame! You were uninformed! The best closet to find out about what is allowed and what isn't allowed is Brends @queenmumm . She's the most informative person on here, and she can answer practically any question you have. If she can't answer it, she'll learn about it so that she can! She's really cool like that! ❤️
Jul 19Reply
gordomom What a wonderful listing! This is true for so many of us! I also did not follow the rules when I first started. I think it's important for newer Poshers to know that they don't need to have a perfect record as long as they start following the rules. Thank you for being so open about this! 💖
Jul 19Reply
susansupernova I confess! I listed a few things that werent allowed when I started too-easy mistake to make. Good for you lovely Amanda!! xxx
Jul 19Reply
katz2 👏👏👏 Good job! My wish is for all "newbies" to read the Community Guidelines and the FAQS when they join. Kudos to you for seeing the big picture.😍💞💞
Jul 19Reply
mojoy Ananda, thank you for this reminder of the rules. As a newbie I have made mistakes and I am still learning. I have reviewed my closet and have deleted unsupported items. I will review it later this week and make sure it is compliant. I wish the system could flag items not allowed and not post it. Thank you for advising me. I accept your offer . Blessings Joyce
Jul 19Reply
siouxshawn @rmccouture I tagged you with 💎for 2 items. There are actually several other great things in that closet but there is a Chanel lipstick phone charger that is probably against the rules. Which I did not notice until after I sent thpse
Jul 19Reply
rmccouture @mojoy Hey Joyce. Firstly, I will keep both you and Erik in my prayers. I really felt awful for bringing up rules after I read your first comment. I'm relieved and grateful that you understand that my intention was to be helpful! It would be very helpful if the system was set up in such a way that unsupported items were automatically rejected, but that's pretty advanced filtering and technology, especially when it comes to NWT bathing suits, etc...
Jul 19Reply
rmccouture @mojoy I just walked in the door after being out since 6am EST visiting my daughter in camp. I am going to try and pop in to your closet a little later and see what you've done. I will always help you to get your closet as strong as possible. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to tag me, and I will get back to you ASAP! Sending love, light and prayers... Amanda
Jul 19Reply
mojoy Amanda, thank you for your guidance and support and especially the prayers. Joyce
Jul 20Reply
catleyascott Congrats on hosting tonight! So sorry to bother, wondering if you can take a peek at my closet & see if anything catches your eye that you think might be appropriate for tonight's poshparty! Thank you so kindly in advance & beautiful closet!! 💞💍💄👠🎀👑💅👯💃💋💘💌
Jul 21Reply
poshinistajen @bayleigh30 please read this.
Jul 21Reply
bayleigh30 @sunfloweria it says no home goods. So I will remove all the signs. That's it. The journal and the wall decal is in hold for a lady until her credit comes in.
Jul 21Reply
tippiejax You're awesome!
Jul 21Reply
rmccouture @tippiejax Not really. I just shared my experience in the hopes that it could help. You would have done the same thing.❤️
Jul 21Reply
jeanscenequeen @jferr114 Hi, J! (That's my sister"s nickname. ) I really love your closet & want to b able to nominate it for a HP. But u have 1 or 2 unsupported items. The picture frame is lovely, but I'm sure that u could get much more for it on E bay. I'm not sure about the biz card holder. I personally don't see any dif btwn that & a wallet but ? Cont'd @rmccouture
Jul 22Reply
jeanscenequeen @jferr114 cont'd If you would read the lovely, inspiring post above & decide to remove those items, just tag me & I'll happily nominate u! Don't u agree, Amanda? @rmccouture Hope u both have a great day!!! Dawn
Jul 22Reply
jeanscenequeen @daisy216 Hi, Rose! If you would read the lovely, inspiring post above & decide to remove your sweet little teddy, just tag me & I'll happily introduce you around & nominate u for Host Picks ! Don't u agree, Amanda? @rmccouture Hope u both have a great day!!! Dawn
Jul 26Reply
jeanscenequeen @rmccouture P.S. How r u feeling today, Amanda? Thinkin' 'bout u :0)
Jul 26Reply
rmccouture @jeanscenequeen I was just over in @daisy216 's closet, and shared practically everything! Didn't see any unsupported stuff there! Great job Rose!❤️❤️
Jul 26Reply
rmccouture @jeanscenequeen I'm hanging on by my fingernails today! Lol. But seriously, I'm okay. It's just VERY sticky and hot out, and I don't do well with it... but I do okay anyway! You are such a sweetheart to ask! Thank you beauty!❤️
Jul 26Reply
daisy216 @rmccouture Thank you Amanda and Dawn for the important information in reference to posh rules ♡♡ l really do appreciate it ♡ Thank you, Rose
Jul 26Reply
jeanscenequeen @rmccouture Amanda, Rose fixed her closet b4 yu even got there. Just had to let u know what a blessing it is to have this to point people in the right direction. I appreciate your helping me to encourage them. Sweet dreams & restful sleep, Sweetie!
Jul 27Reply
jwalls73 Love your post! You have amazing character, a great heart and love for people!
Jul 27Reply
jwalls73 @dramaless This is a great post. I learned things I didn't even know! Have a great day!
Jul 27Reply
dramaless @jwalls73 Yeah, I've seen this and used to have one similar in my closet. I see where this one says no to jewelry boxes!!😁 Another posher had written Poshmark about jewelry boxes, and they replied they were allowed!!😳 Now I'm seeing they aren't again. I need to find that letter they sent her and post it. 😉
Jul 27Reply
meybaby too was guilty of not taking the time to be as informed on rules when I started. 🙈 I can't tell you ever broke any rules. Is there a way to get rid of/delete the listings I sold that are considered non compliant? These are listings from over a year ago. 😁 I have been trying to follow the rules. But I'm still paranoid that my old mistakes are haunting me... 😖 I would love to be 100% compliant & be able to ask Posh for the honor of hosting parties and of being a suggested user. 😁
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby Hey Mey. I doubt that your old listings would affect you today, unless you were selling non-authentic items, and a buyer was to go back into your sales history, see that you sold something that was a knock-off, and judge what you sell today based on that... I don't think that many people would take the time to do that! Lol...
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby As long as you keep your closet compliant and full, I would suggest applying for the suggested user program, and to be a party cohost. If you qualify to become a SU, Poshmark will remove any unsupported items that you sold. They do this because SUs are like ambassadors for PM, and PM doesn't want to have bad examples of the users they suggest...
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby MOST members of PM sold items that were unsupported in the beginning. I wouldn't think too much about it. Just take really strong cover shots, share (join share groups, make a point to share other's closets as often as possible, and share your closet during every party you can, and whenever during the day you can). Doing this will increase your followers and sales...
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby If I never made mistakes, I would never grow. We all have clay feet. I try not to judge others because of what they did in the past. I know if i were to be judged today for all of the mistakes I have made in my past, I would not be able to ever hold my head up. Don't beat yourself up for being ignorant. You're perfect just the way you are❤️
Aug 01Reply
meybaby Oh no, no, no 😳 I didn't sell knock off's lol! I sold a couple of perfumes & a closet space saver hanger thing in a bundle lol But, yes, you are right. I don't ever go through sold listings of other closets, so others are probably also not taking the time either. I guess I'm just paranoid lol
Aug 01Reply
meybaby Thank you so much for the advice! I really appreciate your time 🌹 I have a lot of stuff listed & plan to list a bunch more. And I have been working really hard on not listing anything that is non-compliant. So I'll take your advice & apply. 😄 it would be so great to be given that honor!
Aug 01Reply
meybaby Awwww thank you so, so much! 🌹 Your words definitely help put me at ease and help me feel more confident. We are all always learning and growing. I need to remember that! 😊
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby It truly is an incredible feeling, for me, to have been made a SU. It actually is so sacred to me that I did not announce it, like many people do. I cherish it, and respect it, and appreciate it beyond expression. I'm very glad that my advice was helpful! One more thing (not to quote "Star Wars", but I do love it!) Don't try. Do. There's no reason for you to post something that is not supported, and it's not worth the price you pay on your reputation with PM...
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby If you are unsure whether or not something is compliant, you can ask me, or go onto @queenmumm 's page. She has a SIGNIFICANT amount of very useful information there. I have learned so much from reading her posts and blog, and I still learn from her. People want to help on here. It's just the warmest, fuzziest feeling some days!❤️
Aug 01Reply
meybaby I really like your story- it's so amazing that you had the guts to share it on this post. 😆
Aug 01Reply
meybaby Thank you! I'm always amazed & touched at how many ladies want to help each other. It's inspiring and humbling.
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby I felt that I had to share it publicly when I was chosen to cohost a party. I was messaging so many people privately with my story, and most of them had no idea that what they had in their closets were not supported. Based on the majority of users who reacted positively to the way I used my experience to explain to them why doing what PM requires us to do HELPS us succeed, I decided that it might be a good idea to just 'fess up in a listing!
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby I was nervous about doing it, for sure. I asked @queenmumm before I really started to share it, and her response to it still gives me chills an causes me to tear up when I read it. Anyway, if it only helped one person, then it would be worth sharing.
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby Our experiences, no matter how dark they may be, are turned into our most powerful assets when we learn from them, and use them to reach out to help someone else. The only negative experiences are the ones we refuse to grow from. That's my take on it, anyway...
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @meybaby I hope you're not sharing my closet right now! Go to sleep! It's even late on the west coast (if that's where you are) and it's going to start getting light in New York, where I am! Nighty night Mey!❤️
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @jwalls73 Thank you Janey! I try! I just saw your beautiful comments now. I'm sorry for not thanking you sooner!❤️❤️
Aug 01Reply
meybaby That is definitely true. I'm sure that with this one listing alone you have reached out and helped so many people! 😀 It's so cool! I'm glad you did because It's helping me, and also because I discovered your beautiful closet. Wow! If I had the money I would be buying more than half of your items! 💕😆💕
Aug 01Reply
meybaby It is late haha! And I have to be up in 4 hours 😖 have a goodnight!!!
Aug 01Reply
matadora1978 if only pm would let us delete the sold 'illegal' post we used to have...its unfair how some poshers wont give you a chance because you USED TO walk on the dark side ...smh
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 Hey Jess! I was actually just having a conversation early this morning with someone regarding the EXACT same concern! What I said to her was that I doubt that your old listings would affect you today, unless you were selling non-authentic items, and a buyer was to go back into your sales history, see that you sold something that was a knock-off, and judge what you sell today based on that (cont)
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 I don't think that many people would take the time to do that! Lol. If your closet didn't have a lot of items in it, and your unsupported items were still fairly visible, I could see it making you nervous, but you currently have 414 items for sale, and over 25,000 followers, so you're doing something right! As long as you keep your closet compliant and full, I would suggest applying for the suggested user program, and to be a party cohost. (cont)
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 If you qualify to become a SU, Poshmark will remove any unsupported items that you sold. They do this because SUs are like ambassadors for PM, and PM doesn't want to have bad examples of the users they suggest. Remember, MOST members of PM sold items that were unsupported in the beginning. I wouldn't think too much about it. (cont)
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 Just take really strong cover shots, share (join share groups, make a point to share other's closets as often as possible, and share your closet during every party you can, and whenever during the day you can). Doing this will increase your followers and sales...
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 AND, if you are being bothered because of mistakes you made in the past by another posher, report that person for harassment. That's not cool. You are human. You made mistakes. You learned. Just make sure to keep everything on par with posh's supported items, and you'll be cohosting and be made a SU in no time!
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 Don't worry about the past. It's gone. Just use your experience, like I have, help others, find gratitude, and focus on what you've done right, not on what you did incorrectly!
Aug 01Reply
rmccouture @matadora1978 I'm really grateful that you know this is a safe space for you to express your concerns, and very honored that you asked for my input on this matter. I promise it will all work out, and most sales will go just fine because not many people have time to browse through the sold items in your closet!!❤️ ❤️ Amanda
Aug 01Reply
matadora1978 i know just gets me down to see people be that way when im trying my best to walk a straight line...but anyways thats life ..and your def right the past is the past and that s where its gonna stay....ty so much for your advice Amanda ...i truly appreciated ....your a wonderful posher btw...:) i admire you.XOXO
Aug 01Reply
cmoneyyyyyyyy @rmccouture Have you found that PM is really diligent in removing these items and/or users? I feel as though they flood my feed. :(
Aug 11Reply
azrnjen @rmccouture Awesome post. When I first started here I did not realize that some of my nice, quality things were not supported, simply because I saw others posting the same things. I was lucky to meet a few Poshers who were willing to offer advice, so I asked questions and I got kind and helpful answers. I have a long way to go before being "successful" (I'm considering posting a "What Am I Doing Wrong?" thread, still might. But in all, I've met some amazing people, and that alone is worth it.
Aug 15Reply
nic39 I absolutely love this!! I have only been on Posh a few months but see so much unsupported "stuff" It seems like the majority of the people that try to follow me have something unsupported! It's frustrating when they share something of yours and you won't share back! I know at first I was guilty of sharing from closets that weren't compliant but I have tried to be more mindful as of late!
Sep 04Reply
nic39 I hope Posh doesn't hold it against you when you share something supported only to see at the bottom of their closet unsupported items!!😁😂 Because I know I have done it then realized really??!! Sharing😊💕
Sep 04Reply
poshinistajen @boombrand Please take a look at this post from my friend @rmccouture
Sep 05Reply
seahawksfan So while stalking your closet (again!), came across this & realized I had a non-compliant item (which I've since deleted), unaware because I had seen similar items elsewhere on PM. So THANK YOU! And since you are da bomb and obviously know your stuff here, can you enlighten me as to any way to reorganize listings (so sold items are at end, categories can be grouped together, etc.) other than going through & editing every listing?!? Thanks in advance for any insight 😊
Sep 15Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan I'm glad that you were able to identify an unsupported item through this listing. It's so hard in the beginning because there are so many people who sell unsupported items that does seem that things would be allowed that are not (cont)
Sep 15Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan As for organizing closets, Poshmark is still a very young company, and have some things that should be adjusted within their system to make closet organization easier. As it is now, the only way to organize your closet is to share backwards! If the first item in your closet sells, you need to share every item after it to get the sold item to the bottom...
Sep 15Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan I stopped trying to organize by category. It was too hard for me. All of it is very hard for me because I have a brain injury that affects my short term memory, so I forget what I share right after I share it, and have to refresh my page to see what is on top! I try to organize by color. That's exhausting as well.
Sep 15Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan I envy people who just have what they have where they have it. Attempting to organize, especially when your closet is large, is a time consuming and time wasting endeavor. If I could just let go of all attempts to organize by color or category, I would have a lot more time to share other people's closets, and edit and post new items...
Sep 15Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan If you haven't started to organize it yet, I would strongly advise you not to start. The order never comes out the way you share it (things end up next to each other that you separated, and other random system glitches mess up the order). I'm working (unsuccessfully) on letting go of the color coding. It's just too much effort.
Sep 15Reply
seahawksfan Thanks so much. Okay, then I'm doing it right. Argh, I just want to be able to drag and drop! Can't imagine doing that every time when I have more listings posted. I don't mean to sound like a creeper (I'm a sane, normal person, I promise!), but just wanted to let you know your masterful listings have inspired me to up my game as I work on continuing to build and expand my closet 😊
Sep 15Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan I have 478 active listings, and a lot more to post. Trust me, it's not worth the time. Look at @alicatstrut . Her closet is not organized, but it's outstanding! If you haven't seen it yet, you are going to fall in love!
Sep 15Reply
seahawksfan Another great closet I love and I think you would appreciate too, is @ea4020sherlock . Very cool vintage stuff!
Sep 15Reply
cavernata @seahawksfan A note on organizing your closet... I find it gives buyers fatigue and makes them not scroll through your closet. If the first thing I see is 30 pants and I'm not interested in them, I'm probably just going to leave. If I want to see all of your pants, I can sort myself from the top of your closet. I focus on pairing two listings that are visually appealing next to each other. That's my only organization method, other than leaving listings I want people to see often at the top. :)
Sep 16Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan Thank you so much Lisa! @alicatstrut inspired me with her closet (I hope I didn't insult you by saying your closet wasn't organized Ali- I look at the desktop page, so all of the listings show up in rows of 3. My closet would look nothing like it does were it not for my attempt to copy your closet's, style, methodology and visual appeal. You are my hero!) We all need inspiration. I'm happy to have had a positive impact on you!
Sep 16Reply
rmccouture @seahawksfan And I know Elizabeth @ea4020sherlock well! Lol. Her closet is AMAZING!
Sep 16Reply
cavernata Aw, thanks. No, no offense taken, because it is purposely not organized, haha! I do the pairings of two only because the majority of browsers still use their phone to view and that's an easy enough thing to do. :) It's impossible to control for everyone's view so I just do the most common and don't stress about it beyond that. In the feed it's all a jumble with everyone else's stuff, anyway!
Sep 16Reply
rmccouture @alicatstrut Dude, the amount of time that I spend trying to get my "center" photo right (viewing by 3s), only to have a glitch in the app that upsets the entire thing, is ridiculous! Is it possible that I saw your hubby over at Goodwill last week (9/11)? He was trying to buy what I think was a mislabeled shelving unit, but they gave him a hard time and he left. I thought it might have been him, but wasn't 100% so I didn't say hi!
Sep 16Reply
cavernata Haha, nope, not him! If it was the lumber yard and he was trying to buy wood to MAKE a shelving unit, that could have been him. :)
Sep 16Reply
rmccouture @alicatstrut Lol! I didn't think so, which was why I didn't say hi, but wasn't 100%!
Sep 16Reply
seahawksfan Thank you for your helpful advice, both @alicatstrut and @rmccouture ... now if I could just figure out how to focus more on actually cleaning out my closet (which was the original intent) instead of BUYING EVEN MORE STUFF (!), then I'll be all set 😊
Sep 16Reply
rmccouture @poshlink This is who I am.
Sep 26Reply
sanityscraps Screw the no men's clothes rule, to be honest. I don't believe clothing has a gender. Women can wear pants now, men should be allowed to wear dresses and not have their identities questioned.
Sep 29Reply
sanityscraps I'm not an man or a woman. I'm agender and sometimes wear clothes from the men's section. But I don't believe they're just "men's" clothes. I bought them, I wear them. Their my ungendered clothes. The rule is cissexist, sexist, and needlessly segregates human genders from each other. That rule should change.
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps Hey Becca. Thanks so much for expressing your thoughts on this so clearly and articulately. I totally agree with you that genderizing clothing can have a negative impact on an individual's fashion expression and tastes. There are many women who wear clothing designed for men, and vice-versa. I don't identify the items I post as "women's".
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps A man can buy something he wishes to wear without the label of it being made for women. I don't understand why some people post "women's...." because it seems to me that it should be posted for anyone.
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps That being said, I believe that PM has this limitation in place so that they are able to contain the variety of items coming through the feed, so that we are not flooded with everything from home goods to clothing specifically designed for men. This is a site for women's fashion, and personally, when I'm perusing the feed,
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps I don't want to be seeing hundreds of neckties. I don't think that's sexist. I just think that the parameters are in place to curtail an over-abundance of items that most buyers are not looking for on here. When I come across an item labeled as a "man's shirt", for example, I will usually write discreetly to the seller and advise her to remove the word "man's", as it is unnecessary and makes the item unsupported on this platform.
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps Our society has many stigmas and many molds that do not jive with people. This is the truth, and it is sad. I wouldn't let my preference for style be hampered by what society believes should be; I used to wear my father's jeans when I was in high school. When I wore them, they were no longer "men's" jeans because I was wearing them, and I'm not a man.
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps The philosophical ideology behind some of the rules is absolutely arguable, but at the end of the day, I think that most people find a way to work within the parameters of fashion in their own way, and I try not to put too much energy into fighting rules because I usually lose. I just take what I have and do my best to make it work.
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps We have come a long way as a society, but we still have a lot of growing to do. I would suggest trying no focus less on why the boundaries are here, and focus more on working your style within the boundaries. I have found it a lot easier when I focus less on what should be changed in the world; and focus more on what needs to be changed within me and my reaction to the world.
Sep 29Reply
rmccouture @sanityscraps I am grateful that you wrote what you did, and hope that I supported your argument, while explaining why I think the limitations exist on PM right now. While I get why they could feel like a personal insult to you and how you identify yourself, the reality is that it's about what the majority of people on here look for. No one should be listing an item with a gender attached to it anywhere. Get rid of the male/female labels, and all adult clothing is compliant.❤️
Sep 29Reply
incognito13 @rmccouture beautifully stated...I think a lot of us were there when we we're new. I know I was, and it took a lot of work to become a suggested user after I became compliant. I set my goals and I finally got SU in 2014. If you live in a state like I live in, it is prohibited to ship alcohol of any kind that includes perfume, body spray Etc. so some of this isn't only PM, it's the state laws. I love this post and I think every new person should read it.
Oct 05Reply
mswhite56 @rmccouture Yay Amanda!! 😘😇👯😄💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 Good for you Girl! Three years ago, I didn't get the trade thing! Boy, did I learn fast!! I follow the rules now! 🎉
Oct 10Reply
yvette626 @rmccouture may I share this?
Oct 12Reply
rmccouture @yvette626 Of course Yvette! ❤️❤️
Oct 12Reply
rmccouture @murphyheart Here are my confessions! I hope they help!
Nov 04Reply
rmccouture @dani_boots Here is the listing I mentioned about my rule breaking confessions!
Nov 04Reply
rmccouture @charitylane Here it is! I look forward to hearing your opinions on everything Erika ❤️Amanda
Nov 04Reply
charitylane I will be working on this for the afternoon hah (I am moving my men's to another site... Slow but worth it) Thank you again.
Nov 04Reply
flowersnmyheart @rmccouture....Amanda..THIS is Amazing and YOU are the BOMB!!!....When I first "Joined" PM I had what I thought/believed was an Authentic LV BackPack...within 1 DAY I was REPORTED and the Item PULLED from My embarrassed and horrified I was that this had happened...I was shunned by the 'Community' for my indiscretion and 'Almost' left hurt that BAD!!!....Needless to say I regained my Composure and began to build a "Worthy" Closet!!! "Hats OFF to YOU" My Dear Sweet PFF!!!
Nov 12Reply
smlatour @dani_boots Here it is😊💗
Nov 12Reply
mossandvine @rmccouture Very informative posting. Thanks for making it.
Nov 13Reply
rmccouture @mossgirl007 Thank you Monica! No experience is a bad one if we can use it to help other people, right? Have a wonderful Friday! ❤️Amanda
Nov 13Reply
rmccouture @flowersnmyheart I'm sorry that happened to you Redd! One time I was looking for information on whether or not a bag I had was authentic; wasn't trying to sell it, but forgot to mark it as NFS (it was 3am when I posted it). Next day I found all of the questions and offers... I realized my oversight a minute too late, because right as I went to edit the listing.... it was removed because someone reported it! (cont)
Nov 13Reply
rmccouture @flowersnmyheart I have a bunch of messages from you that I didn't get to read yesterday. I am moving and hardly have time to eat, much less posh. I am not ignoring you beauty! I am heading out to parent/teacher conference, and will read and reply to your messages when I get back. I ❤️YOU very much! I"m so happy that you are part of my support group; you have no idea how grateful I am for you❤️
Nov 13Reply
mossandvine @rmccouture Absolutely, Amanda! Our mistakes make us grow, however painful they may be. And I think it is great to spread your story. It's a much gentler way of getting the message across. I was fortunate to meet someone when I was brand spankin' new who shared the rules with me. When you see so many other people doing it, you naturally assume it is okay.
Nov 13Reply
rmccouture @jflittlequail This is the listing I was talking about❤️
Nov 14Reply
rmccouture @mossgirl007 Totally Monica. I was shocked when I learned that I wasn't allowed to sell certain things... but I also felt "entitled" after I knew that I wasn't supposed to sell things, and tried to get away with it.... That's where I learned my lesson, and thank God I did! You're lucky that you had a mentor who wasn't condescending, and could explain things to you without being offensive. That's the main reason I made this. I had such a hard time listening to people tell me what I had to do...
Nov 14Reply
rmccouture @mossgirl007 By just sharing my experience, I've tried not to be holier than thou, tried not to preach, tried not to tell anyone what she has to do. I just told my story, and prayed that my experience could help others understand why following the rules is so beneficial to all! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! I really appreciate it! ❤️
Nov 14Reply
jflittlequail @rmccouture I wasn't aware that complying was such a big problem. I've been on PM for about a year and feel I'm just finding my way. I probably haven't taken enough time to learn everything I need to know. I live in a very small community and can't even board a plane without driving 80 miles.
Nov 14Reply
jflittlequail @rmccouture I noticed that you starred in most of your listings and think that is so wonderful that you have the ability and talent to do so. Would love to try the group and I will work on my vintage listings. Thanks so much.
Nov 14Reply
rmccouture @gabi5354 Good morning! Sorry for the delay in response. It was a rough night with my 10 year old daughter, and I ended up falling asleep. Here are my confessions! I hope you find them helpful! Please let me know if you have any questions about any items, and if you are interested in joining the VSL! Have a beautiful day! ❤️Amanda
Nov 17Reply
turquoiseoma @rmccouture Thank you and you have a beautiful day as well😘
Nov 17Reply
oughttobehaute @rmccouture very nice Amanda. Beautiful insight and poetic writing... I hope you'll remember posh credit in a couple items, I never got to ask questions on. Or see closely. I loved the way you put energy into I was tossed from a yoga ashram into Modeling pro level, mags we've all read... To harm, that I go day to day, as ashram life taught me.
Dec 01Reply
proverbs_31 @ellebeast Here are some thoughts from my "Posh PFF" Amanda. Selling non-supported items on Posh and taking transactions off of Posh both make your closet "non-compliant" and have the same result. Hope this helps you! You'll find lots of great women in the Posh community, and Amanda is one of them :)
Dec 03Reply
ellebeast @proverbs_31 Thank Goodness I asked you questions. I've seen some of those non compliant items on pages. Now I know. 👍 I'm sticking with your advise!! Thank you for reaching out to me snd guiding me on here!!! I hope I can do the same for someone else soon!! Pay it forward!!! 💞
Dec 03Reply
rmccouture @proverbs_31 Thanks so much for referring Michelle @ellebeast to my confessions Megan! I hope that you find them helpful Michelle. Seriously, becoming compliant is the best thing I could have possibly done on PM!
Dec 03Reply
ellebeast @rmccouture Thank you for sharing your story with us!! It was absolutely helpful!! I'm reading all the rules and doing my research before I list more items. I really want to be a success on here!!! Thank you all for being so welcoming and helpful!! 💞 I'm excited to start Poshing!!! 😆
Dec 03Reply
proverbs_31 @sr_closet Check out the pictures. This might help :)
Dec 08Reply
sr_closet @proverbs_31 Wow! It feels like I really knew nothing about! Thank you for sharing.
Dec 08Reply
proverbs_31 @sr_closet If you are ever unsure if an item is allowed to be sold here or not, you can ask me, Amanda who wrote this up, or email Posh support. I've emailed them numerous times to clear some things up and they're always very helpful! And you'll see people with unsupported items in their closet - don't assume all that stuff is allowed. Just ask if you're not sure! :)
Dec 08Reply
sr_closet @proverbs_31 Definitely...thank you so much.
Dec 08Reply
carolsjazzyjunk @rmccouture thank you so much for sharing! I must go now to clean my closet in hopes of getting better sales! Plus I'm going to share w/my girls in hopes it helps them as well, thanks again for the splendid insight! Stay blessed! @lalallal & @april615 plz read as I've just gained new insight & wondered about host pics as I thought they were picking thier own items so now maybe this will build my sales as soon as I do some winter I'll list other misc. On my fb local yardsale groups
Dec 26Reply
rmccouture @carolsjazzyjunk Thank you so very much Carolyn! You made my night! I hope this "confession" helps others as well. No one is perfect, and no one likes rules, but in this case, they pay off in spades! Merry Christmas! ❤️Amanda
Dec 26Reply
carolsjazzyjunk @rmccouture thanks a heap Amanda! Yes I was wondering why I wasn't getting more sales & I thought the host pics were ppl picking thier own items, wow! Ty for the insight I sure hope to build sales better once I clean my closet
Dec 26Reply
rmccouture @suzannesam Here are my confessions! LMK if you decide to change those few listings!
Jan 19Reply
janimack7 Beautiful post! Amanda, you are an incredible person to be so open with your story. I'm sure you are like this in our 'other' life as well....the world needs more people like you!💞
Jan 22Reply
rmccouture @janimack7 Thank you so much for your kind words Jan❤️ My life, and how I live it are very similar to my story on here. I learned the hard way, with lots of pain! Lol. Pain is the touchstone for growth though, and I've done quite a bit of growing! I try to remember that when things are rough; I'm just being given another opportunity to become a better me.❤️❤️
Jan 23Reply
triciatx @rmccouture Please let me know if you see anything wrong with my closet. I am prerty new still < 2 months. I want to grow, join more share groups, get host picks, and become a suggested user. I value any constructive criticism you have to offer. Thanks 🌹
Jan 25Reply
rmccouture @xocalvinn I hope this helps!
Feb 06Reply
rmccouture @triciatx Hey Tricia! So sorry I missed your comment above. Your closet is perfect and beautiful! Happy poshing!!! ❤️❤️Amanda
Feb 06Reply
juliejoff Thank you so much for this! Reading through the Posh rules, they are a bit vague. "Unused makeup" is ok but no "health and wellness items." Leaves a bit of a gray perfume! I was unclear at first as I saw it so many times and was guilty until I learned that apparently you can't even ship perfume or nail polish priority mail?? Still a few things I'm confused about this stuff but whatever... I'll stick with so many other little lovelies :) BTW...aMAZing closet!!!
Feb 19Reply
rmccouture @juliejoff OMG Jules! You made my night! I'm thrilled to hear that my listing had a positive impact on you, and helped you to better understand what the rules are. There's no such thing as a bad experience if we can use it to help others! Thanks so much for reading this and letting me know that it made a difference for you! ❤️Amanda
Feb 19Reply
juliejoff It totally did! And so many closets have so much "stuff"! So thank you again and have a great night! I have my eye on a few of your little pretties. We may be having a chat soon :)
Feb 19Reply
chyna726 @rmccouture Could you look at my whole closet and tell me if I am truly compliant? I believe I am now. I have sold some unsupported items in the past that will stay in my closet as sold no matter what. But I believe I don't have any unsupported items in my closet as of today and here on out. But could you take a look for me and give feedback.
Mar 01Reply
serpentinasolis I too had unsupported items. I wish someone had told me because I was also stupid and didn't know/didn't read! I've since deleted ANYTHING remotely questionable!! PM is such an amazing place and I would hate having it turn into a junky free for all!
Mar 04Reply
rmccouture @the1stcloset Hey Gerilynn! I meant to write you back the other day. It's been tough keeping up with PM because my father has been in the hospital. I'm so glad that you identified with my story of pride and entitlement! It's not fun to grow at the speed of pain, but unfortunately, some of us have to learn the really, really, REALLY hard way. The benefit of learning that way is that we actually truly CHANGE! (cont)
Mar 04Reply
rmccouture @the1stcloset There are lots of people who do not believe that people can change, but I know from my experience, and from witnessing the metamorphosis in others, that we can change, if we are willing to. Thanks for recommending this post to others! I really hope it helps! ❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Mar 04Reply
rmccouture @serpentinasolis Hey Sarah! Thanks so much for commenting. Poshmark, in its purest form, is a Utopia for sellers! The fundamental principal that we can only succeed by helping one another achieve just gives me the chills every time I think about it. It's awesome that you've embraced PM's policies, and seen how following the rules is the only way to go here. (cont)
Mar 04Reply
rmccouture @serpentinasolis Many people just don't care enough, or they are not engaged in the community, so they don't understand the magic that happens here when we connect with each other. We are the lucky ones, because we get it. It's a gift, and while it is infuriating to see how disrespectful some people are to Poshmark's rules, I have to remember that those who are ignorant, and those who don't care are missing out. (cont)
Mar 04Reply
rmccouture @serpentinasolis They do not get the gift of support, community, sales, belonging and sisterhood that we, who do cherish Poshmark, have found here. I hope you have a wonderful weekends Sarah! ❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Mar 04Reply
serpentinasolis @rmccouture You hit the nail on the head! Much better said than I could. Its true here than one really gets what they give!! 💜
Mar 04Reply
rmccouture @thevintageview Here are my confessions!
Mar 29Reply
pammalla Amanda this is great. I wish everyone would understand like you do 😊
Apr 03Reply
cocosverobeach well said
Apr 27Reply
rmccouture @trendyfashions These are my confessions. Again, I hope that they help❤️
May 08Reply
bohemianjade I love this!!! I used to be a fellow non-compliant closet and I'm so grateful I changed my ways!!!! You go girl!!
May 15Reply
chicbabygirl 👏👏👏
May 19Reply
shelpen this is all so right. It takes a lot of time to figure out if the closet is compliant and if you can follow them or if you can like or purchase a product. I have made a suggestion to posh in the past that the don'ts list should go through the feed every day and also across the top above the comment areas. put it in front of everyone every day and then I know for sure it's wrong. Thanks Amanda
May 21Reply
mhelie23 I love your confessions it's so true ~ I'm am so much happier with all the support from all the share groups and PFFs Ive made over the years ~ cleaning out my closet of non-compliant items is the best and most beneficial thing to do. Thanks so much for sharing your story. 💞💝
Jun 04Reply
rmccouture @mhelie23 Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this and comment Mhelie. When I became a SU and cohosted a little over a year ago, PM erased all of my "digressions" because I became a role model, and they want their role models to have done the right thing. I felt it was important to let people know it's never too late to do it the right way, and when it's done on PM, people really can see the benefits. ❤️
Jun 04Reply
karens54 @desireediggsmau this doesn't apply to your closet but you should read through the comments for some enlightening information. Oh, and Amanda @rmccouture helped me more than I can ever thank her for when I first started. She's the best.
Jun 05Reply
rmccouture @janismarie Awww. Thanks Janis Marie! I'm so glad you reached out to people. I did the same thing last summer. I got some really great responses, and some not so much responses. One user even blocked me! We weren't allowed to sell swimwear without tags at the time.... Still upsets me because my intensions were to help, but you can't please everyone❤️❤️❤️
Jul 11Reply
rmccouture @jereca74 Here are my confessions....❤️
Jul 11Reply
turquoiseoma @rmccouture Hello I am happy to announce that since we've last talked my closet is now posh compliant and I am a suggested user Whooooohoooo 😍😍😍😍😍 Ty for bringing this to my attention I truly appreciate you💞🌹💞🌹💞🌹💞🌹💞
Jul 13Reply
rmccouture @gabi5354 AMAZING NEWS GABRIEL!❤️❤️❤️❤️It was so thoughtful of you to tag me and let me know that I was able to help you out in some small way. I feel very grateful to have been blessed to support you. Enjoy the gift of being an SU! You deserve all of them! ❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Jul 13Reply
rmccouture @sconley1123 Here it is Sarah. Sorry again about falling asleep❤️
Jul 20Reply
nia1113 @rmccouture Great post, Amanda!💕😊💕
Jul 23Reply
packrabbit Please help! 😔 How do I "Right" my closet if I have an unsupported item that I've sold? I can't remove the listing and it's just one item (Curling wand). Trying to learn the ropes....
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @sherrypd Hey Sherry! I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to put your mind at ease! After you have sold an unsupported item, it stays in your closet- UNLESS you become a party host or a Suggested User. PM doesn't hold a grudge for items you have sold in the past that were unsupported. (cont)
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @sherrypd If they were to remove an item from your closet, you would have a mark on your record for 30-90 days (I don't know what they're doing in terms on time now) which would automatically deny a request you put in to cohost or be a SU (hopefully you are aware that in order to have either of those privileges, you need to apply to PM support for them) (cont)
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @sherrypd Once your record is clean for 30-90 days, and if PM decides to allow you to cohost a party and be an SU, they will automatically erase your past transgressions. That's what they did with me. They want their cohosts and SUs to be role models for other closets, so they forgive our transgressions, and erase the old listings (cont)
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @sherrypd Basically, now that you understand what is allowed to be sold and what isn't, and you stay vigilant to be sure that your closet is complaint, it doesn't matter that you sold something unsupported in the past. You're all good Sherry! Nothing at all to worry about! I hope that this helps you feel better! Thanks again for reaching out! ❤️Amanda
Jul 27Reply
packrabbit Amanda, Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information with me. You have put my mind at ease 😊. I want to follow the rules and be Posh Compliant! By the way, you have a beautifully organized closet! To die for! 💕💕
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @sherrypd I'm so glad to have helped Sherry! Have a wonderful day!❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @sherrypd (if I could get my real closet to be half as organized as my virtual closet, I'd be the happiest person in the world! LOL!❤️)
Jul 27Reply
packrabbit Right?!?! LOL. Have a great day Amanda!! 😊😊
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @raquel91407 This is what I was referring to❤️
Aug 03Reply
raquel91407 @rmccouture but I wasn't the nasty one...this girl attacked me for no reason at closet was a quiet one.... I was actually in shock when it happened. .and I made a horrible transaction, that the pocher wouldn't return my money. Yesterday I was in lala land, as they say it!!... What's written there is very true...very very true. Now if I have a person like that one, usually here in the real world, I a friend for help.
Aug 04Reply
rmccouture @raquel91407 This sounds like the end of a really bad story Nadia! I am going to assume that you began this message elsewhere? I hate that we can't view our oldest messages first! I'm going to check now...❤️
Aug 04Reply
raquel91407 @rmccouture I'm always here for anyone that need help, and I do not mind helping either. I was, still am loosing 500.00. And before anyone else tries to say I'm a animal killer, my instinct said to go to a cyber/friend. And also those that say I'm a I wrote it, people that buy shoes, purses belt, pants etc. .are too. The skin that's used is from an animal. I'm a person that loves animals, that must b done, the cutting of the horns for protection.
Aug 04Reply
rmccouture @raquel91407 Hmmm... Did you forget to tag me somewhere? I can't find the beginning of your message. What's above seems to be mid-story.
Aug 04Reply
raquel91407 @rmccouture cows that are being breeder must have this done. Or they can kill other cows and when they're being milked that would bring a cow out furious. I cannot, at my age, 3 kids and 7 grandkids have a me and my husband as she did Trust me, manners is or was the first thing my grandmother taught us. ...oh dear but I hope and I keep talking, I hope I wasn't disrespectful to you. See that wold.shame me so much!
Aug 04Reply
raquel91407 @rmccouture and thank you. ..can I take a picture of that?...I really liked what it says...again thank you. God bless u
Aug 04Reply
rmccouture @raquel91407 I'm so confused! Who said you were an animal killer? I didn't make any comments about a horned item. I was talking about t-shirts...
Aug 04Reply
raquel91407 @rmccouture so ur trying to tell me I shouldn't complain? ..or make a complain?...did i offered you ?.did i say something wrong or nasty to u? Dear God, I hope not and if I did, my sincerest apologies, from the bottom of my heart!..I have to leave it there. I spoke with Poshmark and they are investigating it and they have to see what she wrote!.or else they would've been gone. It's just that I know myself and sometimes I kinda talk nasty when I shouldn't. if I offended you I'm very very sorry!
Aug 04Reply
miwickedstyle @glammy2aj Please read and let me know if you would still like to join our vintage share group. :-)
Aug 10Reply
born_againbtq Beautiful closet!
Aug 24Reply
toryshop @rmccouture This is amazing! I can't think of a time I saw you none compliant /and always thought you & your closet amazing! This my sister took a lot of guts! Something I admire in a woman! God Bless! You & Ur Closet! @toryshop💞
Oct 06Reply
rmccouture @toryshop Thanks so much Victoria! How are you feeling beautiful? I think that you may have corrected one of my listings when I first started poshing, actually! I had an item listed using John Hardy's name, I think, and you pointed out that I wasn't supposed to use designer names in my listings unless they were made by the actual designers... Is it possible that happened, or am I confusing you with someone else?❤️
Oct 06Reply
apassgtovintage @dabogirl hi again. Read this first. Then double check your items I mentioned. Then I can reccomend you to join the @truevintage_vsl Group. Thanks!
Oct 30Reply
jennymcnicol @poshjunkie with posh love
Nov 02Reply
rmccouture @kelly32068 Feel free to use this so others might understand that we try to help them succeed, not hinder them!❤️
Nov 07Reply
kelly32068 @rmccouture Amanda this is awesome thank you so much and I would love to be able to use it 😊❤️😘
Nov 07Reply
rmccouture @scotsmanslady Hi Lily! Welcome to Poshmark! I'm so glad that my listing was able to help you a little! Trading is not encouraged, however it is not against the rules. I would just recommend waiting until you get to know people a bit better before you agree to do a trade, as some people can be unscrupulous. As far as I can recall, we are permitted to sell bras. (cont)
Dec 07Reply
rmccouture @scotsmanslady If you really want a comprehensive list of what is and isn't poshable, you MUST check out @queenmumm Brenda's closet. There is a link at the top of her page, which will lead you to her blog, which she updates whenever there's a change in PM selling policies. She also has the most fantastic "Q-Tips" sporadically placed amongst her wonderful items that has helped hundreds, if not thousands of poshers become better sellers.
Dec 07Reply
rmccouture @scotsmanslady She like, my hero and stuff! Whenever I have a question, she's my goto, so I would recommend following her, reading her blog and Q-tips, and just enjoying the tremendous amount of love that she shares with the entire PM community. Thanks again for letting me know you got something out of my "confessions". It always feels really good to know that the unfortunate choices I made early on can serve to prevent others from having to do it the hard way! Happy Holidays! ❤️Amanda
Dec 07Reply
rmccouture @voiceinharmony This is what I was referring to!❤️
Dec 19Reply
carminfashions Thanks for sharing! Great info 💕👍🏻
Dec 19Reply
jennymcnicol @ellenvil😀❤️
Dec 20Reply
ellenvil Thanks.
Dec 20Reply
ellenvil @jennymcnicol I appreciate the help and advice. Truly. Happy holidays and happy Poshing.
Dec 20Reply
rmccouture @loveskoalas This was the one I just referred to❤️
Jan 03Reply
neesedragon I love this! I have contacted Posh support when I am in doubt. The most difficult thing for a person to do is admit they were wrong. I admire you for the realization and the bravery it takes to share the experience with the hope you can help others. All my best, my Posh friend...
Jan 11Reply
rmccouture @neesedragon Thanks Aneesa! I really appreciate that! I had a hard time not feeling like people were being condescending, telling me what I couldn't sell. i didn't understand the community love & helpfulness at all. It's so rare to find an oasis of such kindness. (cont)
Jan 11Reply
rmccouture @neesedragon All sales of unposhable items were removed when I became a SU. I wanted to let people know that on PM, redemption is possible, & also admit to my mistakes. I just hope it helps a few people see why it's better to be compliant. Thanks again sweetness. You're a class act!❤️
Jan 11Reply
rmccouture @neesedragon Wow! How did I manage to post that so many times??? This new format is freaking me out a bit! Lol!❤️
Jan 11Reply
summerbabe08080 @rmccouture Oh my, I had NO IDEA perfume and nail Polish were not allowed! I purchased a perfume a few months ago, now I feel guilty. Oops. Lol. Well now I know. It makes sense since you're not supposed to ship liquids. Durrrrr I'm blonde, pardon me lol
Jan 13Reply
summerbabe08080 @rmccouture On another note, your positivity and energy is INFECTIOUS! You are just a doll!
Jan 13Reply
apassgtovintage I can't share this enough!!! So much used makeup and open Used perfume. 🙄
Feb 09Reply
heretobuy @rmccouture I had NO idea posh even had an "unsupported" list of items that you aren't allowed to sell. And I've been a member for a while, I'm not very active on it with selling anymore but I'm going to check to see if I have unsupported items for sale. Thanks for sharing this because I honestly had no idea there were those kinds of rules! Thank you for the knowledge and your bravery to admit your truth, at least you know it helped one person, ME! Thank you. 💞
Feb 24Reply
rmccouture @heretobuy OMG Lacie! That comment made my night! I didn't know about the rules either when I started selling; I just sold what I saw other people selling. Poshmark has a list of supported and unsupported items on their blog, and if you really want the most thorough list possible, check out @queenmumm's link at the top of her closet.(cont)
Feb 24Reply
rmccouture @heretobuy I'm thrilled to have been able to help you out by sharing my mistakes! It turns my negative experience into a positive one when I can use it to reach out to lovely ladies like you! ❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Feb 24Reply
heretobuy @rmccouture I'm so glad I came across this! Cheers to you for being human & making mistakes, owning them & helping others learn from your mistakes, that takes guts. You should be proud of yourself to be able to self reflect & share your story candidly to help others. (Continued in next post)
Feb 24Reply
heretobuy @rmccouture I have sold perfume in the past, I'm not sure if selling perfume is not allowed period, or opened, I sold gift sets I got as gifts, never pulled out of the gift set box, and I also sold perfume that still had the cellophane still around the box, never opened. I sold two bathing suits but both were brand new and still had the tags and that sticker strip they put on the "lady area" of the bottom of the suit. (Hate the 500 character thing, posting another comment lol)
Feb 24Reply
heretobuy @rmccouture I sold a pair of panties and lingerie but they all still had the tags on them, they were bridal shower gifts and I definitely did not need as much as I received! I've also sold makeup, but it was never used, however thanks to your post I am going to definitely read the rules and make make sure I am in compliance! I really did not know! Thank you so much! Major kudos and props to you for keeping it real. Girls like you are definitely my kind of girls!! 💞☀️️
Feb 24Reply
cab1979 thank you for this - i think i'm good! 👊🏼😊
Feb 27Reply
momariee @Lovelove222 @Parcheal Awesome Info to know from this wonderful Posher willing to share Check this out 💃🏽
Feb 27Reply
rmccouture @brookemccomb Here are my confessions. I really hope that they help you see where Tricia & Jacqueline are coming from!❤️
Mar 01Reply
triciatx @rmccouture Thanks so much for that comment, Amanda. Very well-spoken! I read this listing about compliancy before. It is very well thought out. I love helping others, sometimes to a fault. I don't troll closets. That is just silly & mean. I too made mistakes when I first joined. When someone shares me and initiates contact, I feel compelled to try and help. Thanks again for having my back. That was super sweet of you. Have a beautiful day:) Best~ Tricia 🌹
Mar 01Reply
rmccouture @breauxmode This is it❤️
Apr 01Reply
breauxmode @rmccouture I was non-compliant in the beginning. I had no idea. But, a sweet lady came to my closet and told me to make changes and I didn't question her at all. I changed everything. lolol. I have been going up every since. Love my mentor @nami001
Apr 01Reply
nia1113 @shking 💕Check out Amanda's closet!!💕( @rmccouture ) This particular listing helps out with the 'Posh Compliant' closet issue (not that your closet has any issues with that). Some people, no matter how long they've been on Poshmark still continue to list items that are not approved. They are risking (worst case scenario) their closet being closed by Posh!! Also, I feel that a closet looks WAY nicer when only things you can wear or carry (purses)..are displayed! 😍💕😘
Apr 01Reply
nami001 @breauxmode Aww PFF, you're the sweetest. You've grown so much and I couldn't be more happy for you. Your closet is beautiful and you've grown so much. Party host and soon to be SU, share group coordinator. I'm so proud of all the success that has come your way. You so deserve it. You've worked really hard on your closet. Big hugs xoxo
Apr 01Reply
nami001 @rmccouture Love this listing. Is it ok if I tag people when I come across a non-complaint closet? I'll only tag them if they reach out to me with questions. Can I share this to my feed? This is perfect! Thank you so much for putting this up. Have a fab weekend xoxo
Apr 01Reply
rmccouture @nami001 Thanks Emy! That's what it's here for! A lot of people take advice regarding compliancy the wrong way, and think well-intended Poshers are being nosey or petty. When I became an SU, PM removed all of my listings that were non-compliant, so this was the only way I had to let people know my story. (cont)
Apr 01Reply
rmccouture @nami001 The fact that Poshmark forgives us for making mistakes, and encourages us once we begin to do things the right way is so unusual in our society. It's wonderful that they allow us to amend our ways, get on board, and be embraced! Please tag whoever you feel might benefit from my experience. ❤️
Apr 01Reply
nami001 @rmccouture That's so true, I always tell non-compliant closets that Posh is very forgiving and if their goal is to host a party or become a SU then they need to remove the non-compliant items. I don't reach out to closets that are non-compliant. Most of the time they'll ask me questions on my help page & when I tell them they get super mad, lol. Once this girl told me to mind my own business about her replica & she's the one who asked me to go through her closet..cont
Apr 01Reply
nami001 @rmccouture & give her advice. When they ask about HP or SU and I tell them to remove their non-compliant items they tell me that every one is selling it so why shouldn't they. This listing is perfect! I'm going to start tagging the ones that ask on here. Thank you PFF for putting this up. It's so good to see you btw. I haven't crossed paths with you in some time. Big hugs to you!! Aloha xoxo
Apr 01Reply
rmccouture @nami001 It has been a while since we crossed paths! It's strange how that happens every once in a while! I read somewhere that our experience is our greatest asset, if we use it to help others, we can turn our most challenging times into beacons of light for others who are going through similar despair. (cont)
Apr 01Reply
rmccouture @nami001 I believe that's true; there's no such thing as a mistake if I can use the lesson to help someone else either not make the same one, or work her way out of whatever she got herself into. Aloha Emy❤️❤️❤️
Apr 01Reply
rmccouture @erikdickerson This is what I was referring to...
May 05Reply
chicknthesticks @rmccouture Amanda, I just had to stop in and tell you how FABULOUS I think this graphic is! WELL DONE! This took courage and integrity. ❤️☺️
May 15Reply
rmccouture @andie1955 I think you might benefit from reading this. I wrote it when I realized that going against Poshmark's rules was the wrong thing to do. I wanted to share my experience with people like yourself, who don't understand that disrespecting Poshmark is not the way to get ahead on here. I hope it helps you find your way.
May 16Reply
rmccouture @chicknthesticks ((((Robynne)))) Thank you SO much for your kind words. It was so generous of you to take time out of your busy day to pay me such a beautiful compliment. I hope that my experience helps others find the way to being a true member of the PM community! God bless!❤️❤️Amanda
May 16Reply
kitschkouture I love your message! I'm new to Poshmark and worry that I'm not compliant. Seeing how people are listing things in their closets is confusing.
Jul 11Reply
marlanap @dthompson One of my Friends, Amanda posted this great listing that I think sheds more light. Lots of it.
Jul 12Reply
marlanap @dthompson3 The comment above is for you.
Jul 12Reply
marlanap Sorry, @dthompson. I was trying to tag someone else.
Jul 12Reply
amoc2001 @skydaisy469 yeah just disturbing.
Jul 22Reply
jakesma3 I think this is my all time favorite listing!! Mainly because its so me. I didn't understand how important it is to be compliant. I even told myself that the higher ups at posh didn't have time to worry about little old me🤷🏻‍♀️ all lies to convince myself it was okay. Thankfully I've done a lot of reading and I now know the importance of being compliant. Thanks so much for your post. It's good to know I'm not the only one!!
Jul 22Reply
thisisporscha Wow!!! Thanks for the info. I saw someone selling perfume and I thought, hey I didn't know we could sell perfume. I almost listed some after that. Thanks for this post! I will not be listing those items ☺
Jul 26Reply
Aug 11Reply
bowen00 @queenmumm I run across poshers all day who aren't compliant. I warn them nicely, check back to see whether they've made a change, and if not, I do report.
Aug 12Reply
bowen00 How about used swimsuits? Why does Posh have Swim parties and makeup parties if they know half the things being shared are non compliant. I have my own strong ethics and values to police myself, but sometimes I think PM doesn't actually walk the walk. It's frustrating.
Aug 12Reply
karens54 @kathys17 This is Amanda's closet. When I first came to Poshmark she helped me so much. Without her I probably would have given up. She is an incredible mentor and, take a look at at this amazing closet! I hope this post helps you understand what is, and isn't allowed.💕
Aug 18Reply
hankypankyvtg @rmccouture Girl. Girl. I get the idea that maybe you and I have more in common than a love of vintage. I practice these principles in all my affairs. Do we have a friend in common?
Aug 22Reply
racheloh Thank you for this post! I didn't even realize what all I had posting that was unsupported! Thank you so much!
Aug 26Reply
ladialarry Yes. I bought from a seller who advertised authentic Tory Burch shoes. I am familiar with the brand and as soon as I got them O knew they were not authentic. I contacted Poshmark to counsel this person. I hope they did. It just ruins the experience for all of Us
Sep 03Reply
ladialarry Her site is tiffanyduog1 some of her things are ok but just be careful. I have been blocked from her closet for reporting. I hope she was counseled. What I got was good quality but definitely not authentic as she claimed.
Sep 03Reply
rmccouture @ladialarry Hi Diane! Those things do happen, unfortunately. I hope that you were able to return the shoes! PM sends an email to sellers who get things sent back to them for being knock-offs, & if an item is flagged for being a replica when it's active, PM looks into it. Sometimes it's best to buy from Suggested Users, as they have consistently sold authentic, high quality merchandise (cont)
Sep 03Reply
rmccouture @ladialarry My rule of thumb if I'm unsure about the authenticity of an item, or if an item's price is too good to be true is that it probably isn't authentic if the price is too low. I also check the feedback that sellers get before purchasing from them, as well as the items they've sold. Sometimes a little detective work prior to purchase is a wise investment of time! I hope you're having a great weekend, and wish you better luck in your future purchases! ❤️Amanda
Sep 03Reply
ladialarry This person lists authentic items and has a generally good rating. I just think she cheats sometimes and should be watched and counseled. It has made me lose faith in this site that you put it on me. She should be contacted by you
Sep 03Reply
ladialarry Still some on this site sell authentic then slip in fakes. I have complained about this person but she is still on site. I sure some are authentic but she also sells fakes. Not sure this issue has been addressed with her. Y poshmark. I do research and she had some good reviews and am ok coder but she still sold me fake Tory Burch shoes.
Sep 04Reply
ladialarry Tiffanyduong1 needs reprimand sells fake Tory Burch items.
Sep 04Reply
tasteofurban I love love love this when I try to tell girls just be compliant they always get up in arms they don't see how they are losing money. Just the few dollars on items they wouldn't be able to list
Sep 08Reply
rmccouture @atc_clothing Thanks so much for taking the time to read this! I know it can be frustrating to explain to a Posher how they're shooting themselves in the foot by trying to "get one over" on Poshmark. That's why I created this listing. Please feel free to tag non-compliant closets here. I've found that when people read my experience, they tend to be less defensive, because I'm talking about myself, not them (cont)
Sep 08Reply
rmccouture @atc_clothing When I became an SU, PM removed all of the "blights" from my account, making me look squeaky clean, but the fact is I had a rocky start. I thought it was important to let others know how I felt I was right, but lost money as a result of my hubris. (cont)
Sep 08Reply
rmccouture @atc_clothing Sometimes we can guide others in the right direction, and other times, they have to learn the hard way! At the end of the day, trying to help others is an estimable act, and you should feel good about your thoughtfulness, whether they appreciate or not! ❤️Amanda
Sep 08Reply
urbanlove Great post
Sep 13Reply
greatnanacloset This is awesome. I see it all the time. ☹️
Sep 13Reply
goldenpolkadot @rmccouture love this ... when you have us were excited and just jumped in without thinking things through clearly,.....luckily we learned the hard way and those of us who are willing to make changes can be successful & prosper 😘 Olga
Sep 14Reply
ladiekh OMG GIRL.. first off I'm so sorry for your loss! Second .. you have an amazing closet!! You have a great mind and use it appropriately. You sound like a friend everyone should have. 😁
Sep 15Reply
poshstylesbyme Hi 😁! I absolutely adore your closet 💗! I'm a very passionate animal advocate and work with Dolphin Project to educate on the annual horrific slaughtering that happens in Taiji, Japan along with the Faroe Islands. It's my endeavor to speak for the voiceless. All animals included. I'm hosting a party next month yay and would love to feature an item from your closet. Cont....
Sep 30Reply
poshstylesbyme However I cannot do so with ivory 😬. Everyone around the world is burning it as a stand against poaching. So many beautiful Rhinos and elephants have suffered 😢. It's a personal decision on your part. The only way to stop is to boycott. I wish you many sales and a wonderful weekend! 💞 Stephanie
Sep 30Reply
rmccouture @sbreza777 Hi Stephanie. Thank you for your message, and the advocacy you do supporting the banning of poaching. I am also a supporter of poaching bans, and believe that animals slaughtered for their tusks, pelts, etc. is a horrific act. I am selling the ivory pieces on consignment for a friend. I have the paperwork, which I presented to Poshmark, proving that the ivory was purchased way before the ban began. It's all antique, mostly dating pre-1900 (cont)
Sep 30Reply
rmccouture @sbreza777 That being said, I am compromising my ethics by selling it. I don't sell fur, or share it, because even if it's vintage, it is something that I have always had issues with. Ivory should be the same, however I feel that the craftsmanship that went into the pieces has great value. I am a sculpture, and can appreciate the artistry, in spite of the medium. I feel it would be worse to burn the pieces, because then the animal whose life was sacrificed truly was done so in vain. (cont)
Sep 30Reply
rmccouture @sbreza777 It's a tough call for me, but I do appreciate your message, and wanted you to know that my selling of it is not something that I take lightly. I donate a percentage of the sales I make to animal-related not for profit organizations, including the WCN and to help in the prevention of further poaching.(cont)
Sep 30Reply
rmccouture @sbreza777 I can't say that my conscience is clear, but I do believe that the burning of antique artwork is not something I support, as I do not believe it helps in the efforts to prevent poaching today. I do support your efforts, and understand why you would chose to refrain from supporting my closet as a result of my antique ivory pieces, and wish you the best of luck cohosting your party. ❤️Amanda
Sep 30Reply
poshstylesbyme I understand. Thank you for all that you do! I appreciate your response ☺️. Happy Poshing 💞 Stephanie
Sep 30Reply
poshstylesbyme I will say I completely understand your mixed feelings. I have a full length fur coat that belonged to Marla Maples. I can't sell it. It was given to me by my aunt. I don't know what to do with it. I too will not share fur. However I feel that you deserve to be shown off as a "Thank You" for all you have done and do in regards to people and animals. I've liked a few items to return. When I know what the theme is I'll modify. If you have a preference just let me know 😊. Thank you Amanda! 💗
Sep 30Reply
leighleiben This is awesome! I tell people (politely) too if it seems like they're new or didn't know. I also mention to people that it's the Law when shipping via USPS 2 Day because of the safety of putting explosive items in an airplane. The Fine for shipping those unsupported items can range 1,500 per item, but no more than 30,000! Not worth the safety & health of USPS employees nor the fines! It's so silly when people can just sell the other items on another platform.
Oct 01Reply
rmccouture @leighleiben You're so right Wendy- but people who are selling perfumes or aerosol cans either don't know the rules, or they don't care. People who sell knock-offs clearly are breaking the law, and they have to know that it's illegal, but they don't care either. (cont)
Oct 02Reply
rmccouture @leighleiben My non-compliant items were perfumes and nail polishes, and I also had a Tiffany pen, & Gucci Giant Penguin salt & pepper shakers (I thought because they were made by high-end fashion houses, they would be considered fashion, but I was wrong!) (cont)
Oct 02Reply
rmccouture @leighleiben I totally didn't know that selling perfume & nail polish was against Posh-rules, but when people started to tell me to take certain things down, I think that the way many of them presented themselves came off as rude (or maybe my ego got in the way, as it occasionally does!) A lot of people see others selling things, so they just follow what they see without checking if they can or can't sell it. (cont)
Oct 02Reply
rmccouture @leighleiben More often than not, people are pretty cool about removing items they are unaware are unsupported, but every once in a while, a person comes along who is vehement about his/her right to sell what he/she wants. I always wish them the best, and move on. This is about helping others, but it's also about making sales. I can't waste time trying to help people who don't want to know the best way to win on Poshmark. (cont)
Oct 02Reply
rmccouture @leighleiben I think it's great that you take the time to educate others. That's a sign of true compassion & community. Kudos to you for trying! Don't let the stubborn ones stop you from letting people know they're going astray. Feel free to tag them in this listing if you think it will help. I hope you had a great weekend! ❤️Amanda
Oct 02Reply
rmccouture @2moonfashions Hey Traci! Thanks so much for your lovely message! You totally have my permission to use any part of this listing in your closet. I have found it to be very helpful, especially to Poshers who don't like to be told what they can and cannot sell! I am happy to hear that you overcame obstacles similar to mine, and recognized how successful we can be once we stop fighting the rules. Congratulations on your new Ambassador status! Wishing you all the best❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Oct 18Reply
taniajazmin_ Hi! Im starting to learn this whole complaint closet and the benefits. I have two listings that I sold when I was starting out and didn’t realize they were non complaint. Is there any way I can have them removed? Would I get in trouble? I want to become a better seller and have a better closet. Any advice will be useful!
Oct 26Reply
taniajazmin_ Compliant*
Oct 26Reply
rmccouture @taniajazmin_ Hey Tania! Thanks so much for reaching out, and for being as mindful about compliancy as you are! It's pretty amazing how many of us mess up when we first start poshing. Were any of your non-compliant items removed by PM? If so, don't worry. PM understands that many newcomers sell things without knowing the rules, and they forgive us after we are compliant for 60 days (cont)
Oct 26Reply
rmccouture @taniajazmin_ (I don't know if that is still the time frame, but I am sure that we are forgiven transgressions (that are caught) after a certain period of time). After that, as long as our closets stay compliant, we are able to apply to become PM Ambassadors. Just keep doing the right things, and the right things will happen for you. (cont)
Oct 26Reply
rmccouture @taniajazmin_ Thanks again for reaching out! If you ever have any questions, please feel free to tag me! Not to sound condescending, but I'm really proud of you! Keep up the great work! ❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Oct 26Reply
taniajazmin_ Thank you for your useful information! I didn’t have any of the non-compliant listings removed. But I just fulfilled the requirements to become a posh ambassadors. From my understanding, they will likely review my closet, which is my concern. Unfortunately those listings are sold😔 I sent an email to Poshmark Support, if there is any way to remove them since it was a mistake😔
Oct 26Reply
megg1234 @rmccouture this is so helpful, thank you for posting. I have read as much as I can but missed with a listing of lipgloss/happy. Never thought about it.... honestly I am not dressed if I don’t have my happy on. But thank you so much for sharing it has me going to my closet on vacation to make sure it is ready for me when I get back home. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Oct 29Reply
jjulibean If only this post had a LOVE button!
Nov 02Reply
jjulibean Ps: things are looking up! Lol listen to this: My neighbor told me last night that she recently got the boot for selling non fashion items.. said her email address and payment info is flagged so she can’t even create a new closet??? 😁😁
Nov 02Reply
rmccouture @megg1234 So glad this was helpful Lorie! I hope you had a great vacation! ❤️Amanda
Nov 02Reply
rmccouture @jjulibean Wow Lauren! That's crazy news! I haven't heard anything about Poshmark kicking people off before (but I've had experiences with several unethical sellers, who should have been banned for doing far worse things than listing non-fashion items). I hope that Poshmark gave your neighbor a few shots to redeem herself before kicking her off. If they hadn't given me a second chance, I don't know what I would have done. (cont)
Nov 02Reply
rmccouture I had a terrible experience with eBay years ago, and when I tried to fix it, I couldn't because eBay is a big machine. One of the many things that I love about Poshmark is their humanity; it's made up of real people, with faces who we can meet at Posh-Events, as opposed to other selling sites, where there are no communities or connections. (cont)
Nov 02Reply
rmccouture @jjulibean Idk how they are going to be able to keep up with the growing numbers of people selling on here, & maintain being so hands-on, but I think they're doing great so far! Thanks for the update! ❤️Amanda
Nov 02Reply
flamingoflippin Do you know if planners are compliant
Nov 04Reply
neesedragon @ccampbell41 From one of my PFFs closet.
Dec 04Reply
chicagoposher @neesedragon great! Took a screen shot. Thank you! 💖
Dec 04Reply
rmccouture @kitty2528 Did you ever read my confessions? I respect your feelings. I felt the same way, but at the end of the day, what was important was making money. Don't know if it will change your mind, but this was my experience, and I want to share it with you. Sending lots of love and light your way!❤️
Dec 18Reply
kitty2528 @rmccouture I have never read this! But I agree! You are Right. I like all the people that I share with..They are So Sweet and Fun. No...I don’t want to quit. Thank you for being my “sister” and talking some sense into me! Love you Girl!
Dec 18Reply
rmccouture @kitty2528 Love you more Townley! So glad that you & I connect so well! I was trying to explain that I understood what you meant, but I wasn't able to really express it like I do here. I was SO irritated by people telling me what I couldn't sell! Didn't they know who I was? Lol! I am very grateful that my hubris was broken, & that you identify with my story!❤️❤️❤️
Dec 18Reply
rmccouture @kitty2528 And if you feel like hostessing.... open invite❤️
Dec 18Reply
kitty2528 @rmccouture Hey Sweet Lady, I adjusted the Combs in my Closet and removed them from “Vintage “. I hope that is alright? Let me know. I don’t know what to do. ❤️
Dec 18Reply
rmccouture @kitty2528 hey sweet girl. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I did. People were giving me a hard time about empty perfume spray bottles. I marked them as being not for sale, and wrote to Poshmark. I explained how they were empty, and how they were similar to other compacts or purse utilities, for lack of a better word (cont)
Dec 18Reply
rmccouture @kitty2528 Poshmark eventually wrote me back and confirmed that I was able to sell the empty spray bottles, which I used to fight anybody who told me I couldn't. Right now it's Christmas time, and it's the most wonderful time of the year to sell things! You have so many great things in your closet, I don't think it's worth fighting over combs when there's so many other things you could be selling.(cont)
Dec 18Reply
rmccouture @kitty2528 I was also selling Tiffany pens, and those turned out to be non-compliant, so I took them down. I don't need anybody not sharing my closet because of a pen! Like I say in this posting, I have to ask myself how important is it really? (cont)
Dec 18Reply
rmccouture @kitty2528 At the end of the day there are other platforms to sell things on, and I don't need to fight or exert energy that's unnecessary when I have so many other things to sell on Poshmark. That's just my personal experience and opinion. I respect whatever you decide to do.❤️
Dec 18Reply
justinadams819 Hey I️ am new to this and have a question. could you help
Dec 29Reply
alison_friedman @justinadams819 welcome to Poshmark! A good place to start for you is to put up some listings. If you aren't sure what to put up yet, you would do well by attending "men's style party", see what other users have up, list some items and share!
Dec 31Reply
mariemari @dianabeauty Here they are Diana, hope this helps! 💖
Jan 07Reply
rockin_retro @cranberryblack Here's the listing❤️
Jan 11Reply
cranberryblack @rockin_retro yeah I just took down my listing . I don’t have time to read through all this right now, but Thanks for the info.
Jan 11Reply
silverstar257 @rmccouture Hi Amanda! This post is so informative. It actually helped me clean up my closet last night. I’m new to Poshmark (started in Dec.) and I made a mistake of posting unsupported items due to unawareness. I wonder if I can use your listing here to talk about my experience and help other newbies not make the same mistake as I did. Also, what do I do if people have bought my unsupported items? I haven’t sent them yet because USPS is closed on Sunday and Monday (Martin Luther King Day).
Jan 15Reply
rmccouture @emmielhayes Thanks so much Emmie! I felt that it was important to share my experience on how we really do succeed on PM when we stop fighting the rules, and start being team players. I don't know if everyone starts off making the mistakes that I did, but I do know a lot of poshers who don't realize that being non-compliant is actually hurting their ability to earn! I hope you had a beautiful weekend! ❤️Amanda
Mar 25Reply
rmccouture @fritzsmomnotu OMG! Thank you so much for your kind note Sharon! It made my day! Sending love, light and blessings your way! ♥️Amanda
May 07Reply
gemsrpretty @rmccouture you are so amazing this is very helpful bc when I first started I was so excited to get going that I didn’t realize I wasn’t compliant in the beginning months I just figured it was pretty I could sell it😂 like Beautiful lotions & perfume’s had no idea it was not proper. Your closet is so amazing 😍👏🎉thank you again for another great posting of information😃
Jun 05Reply
amandaconway I was surprised to see used make up on this site. I thought: « who buys that? «  There are many things that definitely make the site look like a flea market. But it’s hard to be black and white on used items. Someone’s trash might be someone’s treasures. And most things if not wearable can be used specially by creative people! I hope I am complying.
Jun 06Reply
shelpen good for you! I have reached out many times very gently to new poshers to enlighten them on things in their closet. Most have been very appreciative, but one or two have been kind of nasty. That’s OK. I have never sold anything non-compliant but one time I bought something that was noncompliant and felt just as guilty as if I had sold it. So I haven’t done that again either. You’re a trooper. Sondra
Jun 10Reply
hopesparkles ✨💖 I applaud you!!! Just perfect!!! 😘✨
Jun 12Reply
indigolove3 Thanks for posting that. I had a couple things in my closet that I had no idea were noncompliant. I went back and deleted the listings. Thank you 🙏🏻
Jun 27Reply
mosolly This is some pretty heavy dissertation for an online selling market place…
Jul 01Reply
dezchic @rmccouture Amanda I only recall,how helpful you were to me when I started, I have not forgotten, since then I have over 115 followers, I hope you are well, I still love sharing your beautiful closet, 💕💕
Jul 02Reply
musemax No worries about shares. You don't have to make them up for me. Hope Atticus is better. I love your cat's names.
Jul 09Reply
nina101293 @rmccouture thank you for sharing this. I’m a new Posher and this info helps greatly🍍
Jul 15Reply
mosolly I love your closet, but admittedly I’m really tired of seeing this posting. PoshMark has so many sets of eyes that vet items regularly I find it unnecessary. Also as a healthcare practitioner I always think of compliance in regards to following medical protocol,etc. or flight safety items, or travel safety etc. things that are truly life impacting.
Jul 27Reply
rmccouture @mosolly Hi Mo! Thanks for your feedback, and understand both & appreciate where you are coming from. I have had this listing in my closet for 3+ years, & from what I've been told, it has helped many Poshers see the benefits of being compliant before they have items taken down, which avoids jeopardizing their abilities to succeed on PM.(cont)
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly I understand why this may seem superfluous to you; however you strike me as someone who didn't have the same attitude as I did when I first began Poshing. I have been able to reach very reluctant Poshers through the use of my personal experience, and feel that it's important for certain types of non-conformists (or those who feel "entitled," as I did) to see where I came from, how and why I changed, and where I am now. (cont)
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly When I became a SU; Poshmark took down all of the sales of non-compliant items I had made, because as a SU, I was a role-model, so they needed to manipulate my mistakes in order to show others how to Posh. I didn't want my past to be erased. I wanted people to know that PM is forgiving, and that we can redeem ourselves when we change our ways, and follow the rules. (cont)
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly Yes, there are many eyes that report non-compliant listings to PM, and have their listings taken down; however many people don't understand how being compliant (a word which may people detest) is the only way to succeed on PM. They continue to try to manipulate the system, & don't see how they're losing. (cont)
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly My story had been shared with many Poshers, & I have had the honor of receiving an abundance of gratitude for sharing it. Some people need a first-hand account of how doing the right thing actually works, because they've been hurt, or burned in other parts of their lives when they did the right thing and lost. (cont)
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly If I can still reach just one wayward Posher, & my experience helps her/him to change his/her ways, it's worth it to me to keep it up in my closet. I received a stamp of approval on this listing from Manish, the CEO of Poshmark, when I first created the listing, & I have been blessed to spread the message of compliancy in a unique, personal way. (cont).
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly I am sorry that you are tired of seeing this Mo, as you most likely never needed to read this story in order to follow the rules; but there are others who really do need to hear a first hand account of how being compliant is the only way to "win" on PM. They need to hear how I hated the rules too. They need to know that I felt the rules didn't apply to me...(cont)
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly I went from being non-compliant to having over 250,000 followers. That is a tremendous attestant, and inspiration to others who feel the way I once felt, & I want to help as many people as I can, so I am going to keep this listing in my closet. If I can help just one person succeed as a result of identifying with my rebellious attitude, and how changing it turned me into a winner, it's worth keeping it up... to me at least.
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly I do apologize if the listing bothers you, but hopefully you understand that there are some Poshers with amazing potential, who just don't get the ides of following rules. They are the ones who benefit most from hearing my story. (cont)
Jul 28Reply
rmccouture @mosolly I still feel responsible to admit to others that my closet was not what it is today in the beginning. I have to remember where I came from. It keeps me humble, and more grateful than I could ever express. Thanks again for your feedback.I hope that you can tolerate this listing a little more now! Happy Poshing! ❤️Amanda
Jul 28Reply
rockin_retro @thekitschkitty❤️
Sep 22Reply
rmccouture @nina101293 Hi Nina! I see that you tagged me on this listing. Just wondering why? Hope you're having a lovely night! ❤️Amanda
Sep 28Reply
nina101293 @rmccouture Hi! It was a mistake. Hit the wrong button. Enjoy your Friday😎🍍
Sep 28Reply
joanieonie Amanda, what a GREAT
Oct 04Reply
joanieonie ...what a GREAT listing! Thanks so much for posting. I'm reformed too & am so grateful to one of my very 1st PFFs for pointing out the error of my ways. We lost a share sister today due to this issue. I very nicely tried to steer/convince her to remove some NC listings. She blocked me & withdrew from our SG. A case of cutting off her nose to spite her face. SMH. Thanks again for this. YOU ROCK!
Oct 04Reply
rmccouture @lasuzanamaison This is the posting I was just babbling about!
Oct 14Reply
naturallyme4 Ive never seen a oust like this. I’m still learning and asking lots of questions. I’m glad it’s worked out for you. I love the idea of this post.
Nov 17Reply
snowybutterfly I love your story! Thanks so much for sharing 💕😘
Dec 24Reply
rmccouture @carolineofparis Of course you can use this! People need to know, and I think it's helped a lot of people understand why we "win" when we're compliant. The only thing I would ask would be for you to tell your story, using your own words. If you use mine, people will recognize it, and it will lose it's authenticity, if that makes sense. (cont)
Apr 18Reply
rmccouture @carolineofparis I think that the more people are honest about what they did when they first started selling on Poshmark, and each tells her story in her own, individual way, it will make each story more powerful, and cause more of a positive effect in the community. What do you think?
Apr 18Reply
marymccreery Hi. Very excellent listing. I’ve run across multiple poshers recently that have listed and already sold “non-compliant” items. Am I wrong to assume PM is paying attention and will notify them? Mary
May 21Reply
rmccouture @marymccreery Hi Mary! Thanks for appreciating my listing! I too sold non-compliant items when I first started Poshing. I did so out of ignorance, because I didn't bother looking up Poshmark's guidelines, and just sold what I saw other people selling. Poshmark removed the non-compliant listings when I became a Suggested User (now known as an Ambassador) (cont)
May 22Reply
rmccouture @marymccreery That was why I decided to create this listing, because I wanted people to know that if they changed their bad selling practices, Poshmark would reward them. Unfortunately, Poshmark only has so many employees, & they really only remove reported items. (cont)
May 22Reply
rmccouture @marymccreery If I reach out to someone to let him/her know that items are not poshable, and the items remain up for sale, I will flag the item as non-compliant. I have actually flagged entire closets as being non-compliant, when there are enough items that are not supported to sell on Poshmark present. If PM isn't told, they most likely won't catch people doing the wrong thing.
May 22Reply
marymccreery Hi! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. As a new Posher, I know when I’ve seen Xbox items or decor like I have in the last 24hrs I’ve wondered how they have gotten by with it. Most of who I saw won this weekends love it or list it. So going through support is the first best route, but how do I tag the listing to support?…I really don’t know how to tag people well without typing them in...🙄 Blessings to you...Mary
May 22Reply
rmccouture @marymccreery You're very welcome Mary! I wouldn't say flagging the item first is the best way to go in every situation. Some people literally have no idea about what they're allowed to sell on PM. If I see an amazing closet with beautiful, compliant items, that has 2 or 3 items that are non-poshable, I will usually send the seller a private message through a bundle, and let her/him know that they should check out the guidelines. (cont)
May 22Reply
rmccouture @marymccreery If it's a closet that is filled with designer counterfeit bags, clearly is showing no respect for Poshmark or the community, and advertises for their shops on other sites, those are the closets I flag. Next to where it says "Like" "Comment" "Share" is a box that says "Report Item". A drop down menu will appear, giving you options to choose from, explaining why you're reporting an item. (cont)
May 22Reply
rmccouture @marymccreery Simply click on the purpose, and rest assured that PM will take care of it. If it's an entire closet, go to the sellers front page, and you will see 3 dots in the upper right side of the page. If you click on that, you will have the option to report a closet, using similar comments on those used to report a listing. I hope this isn't too confusing! It's way too early for me to be writing!
May 22Reply
lipsticknjeans 😂😂😂😂😂
Jun 10Reply
mistielee @rmccouture Amanda🥰 Goodness I have never heard of such a thing. I will be praying for you! It sounds so serious!! But I know allergies can really wreak havoc on the body. I appreciate you. Never worry about late ness!! I got my grandson on Friday am... he just went home so getting to my feed!! And our shoe post was deleted. So sorry for the delay😘 Yes please on the update!! Thank you for sharing... PRaYiNG!! Much LoVe Amanda❤️
Jun 16Reply
rmccouture @mistielee Thanks for the prayers Mistie. It's not allergies. I am just so flippin' tired of going through so many trials. I feel like God's secretary accidentally put my file in the wrong spot, because God doesn't give us more than we can carry, right? Well, I'm buckling under all of the trauma I've been through, especially the last few months. (cont)
Jun 16Reply
rmccouture @mistielee My right vocal cord is paralyzed! WTF? It's a very rare thing to happen, and there are very few reasons that are appropriate explanations as to why this happened to me. My voice has changed; the pitch, the volume... I can't cough. It hurts. There are some people who recover from it, both most don't. I just don't know how God can take away so many people I love, my career (due to the car accident) (cont)
Jun 16Reply
rmccouture @mistielee My ability to think quickly, multitask, comprehend what I read (I was an ENGLISH TEACHER!), enjoy the sunlight without getting migraine headaches, keep me shut inside, working all the time to pay the rent, give me tinnitus (ringing in my ears), make me visually disabled... and after all of that, take away my voice? Just seems so harsh. I'm really down about it. (cont)
Jun 16Reply
rmccouture @mistielee I know that no one has it easy. I don't think I have it any worse than any one else. Life is hard. But to have the accident, followed immediately by witnessing my father's deterioration into dementia while I was almost evicted from my apartment, due to my inability to make enough money from being disabled (cont)
Jun 16Reply
rmccouture @mistielee Watch my daughter suffer under my ex-husband's illness, and have him die so shockingly and suddenly in December. And then to lose my best friend without warning in March... I mean, I have made mistakes in this lifetime, but I've made my amends. Maybe I'm being punished for something that my spirit did in a different life. All I know is that it's too much. I'm cracking, and I can't afford to crack. My daughter needs me.
Jun 16Reply
lynda721 I love this Amanda! I am going to tag you on a listing I created for all to use. It has the most updated Poshmark Policies and Prohibited Items. ~Lynda 💕
Aug 21Reply
1apropos I can't seem to find any clarity regarding selling 'pre-owned' bras. I don't and won't, but seems like everyone has them listed. I am trying to create a 100% compliant closet and also only follow and share those who do. Can't seem to get a straight answer on this one. Egads!
Apr 15Reply
ally_marc @rmccouture OMG this is great, I love it. Thank you dear Amanda for all your kindness for sharing your knowledge & experience with us all. Stay safe and healthy 🙏🏻💗🤗😘
May 08Reply
mosolly This list is outdated since you can so many of those things now.
Mar 27Reply

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