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Updated Oct 22
Updated Oct 22

Cotton handmade masks




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Handmade 100% quilters cotton pre shrunk w/ removable nose wire. I've donated over 300+ masks so far, all direct mask sales help purchase more mask materials. Colors vary & strap styles may vary, elastic/ties.Ties ideal for long wear, tie behind the head, no pain on the backs of ears. Elastic loops for short trips to store.
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christinad101 Hi There, I’m looking at all the Beautiful🥰 Patterns🎉 is Numbers 13 & 14 the same soft velvety material like the one I got💜 & if there are more can you message me the numbers? Thanks Christina💗
May 16Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 I'm pretty sure I sent you a purple mask with green print on the inside. I'll check tomrrow and see which ones feel most like those two. I have some lining fabrics like white and some pale colors which are very soft. The softer fabrics are a tad thinner so I normaly add an extra layer of fabric inbetween to ensure the weave is tight enough.
May 16Reply
christinad101 Yes it was the Purple one & I Love It💜 It looks like 13 & 14 are the same fabric. I also see a Sapphire Blue💙 across from the number 5 one. Just let me know when you can & if you have Pink in that fabric? Thanks Your So Awesome😇
May 16Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 please check out the last two pictures they are all soft :)
May 16Reply
mamma_duck I went to the quilt shop this morning :)
May 16Reply
christinad101 Nice I Love The Colors & Your Masks Are Made Beautifully🥰
May 17Reply
christinad101 I would like to buy at Least 5 different colors & I think I need a size Large. Are they 13.00 a piece? I’m new to this Store & I really love it & Your Items🌟 & You🌟 Are An Awesome Seller🌟 When you purchase from Sellers on here are we aloud to be in contact other than just here? Also I’ve got some things I’d like to sell myself is there a number to call to for help on getting my little store started? Thanks💗
May 17Reply
tigeress1958 Hello, I am 62 in wheelchair, and i would like to do the same. But I need to get my disability check 5/27, if you can help me with pattern and product. I can not get out for patterns. No printer, I could pay you for them. Cynthia
May 17Reply
mamma_duck @tigeress1958 😉 I've got you covered!
May 17Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 for multiples I'd create you a special listing for 5 with a price of $50 Postmark takes 20% for listings $15+. The fabrics alone are $11-$20 per yard. Quilting cotton has a tighter wave & is a higher quality that should withstand the constant washing. Fabric is pre shrunken using Norwex detergent & hot water then dried on high heat. I want these to last as long as we may need them to :'(
May 17Reply
mamma_duck I make the bias tape straps myself as well. I can add strap stops for no charge of you still want the tie straps. I'm also experimenting with paracord for straps to see if I can make masks quicker that way without sacrificing quality.
May 17Reply
christinad101 @mamma_duck Sounds Great🙌 when I get paid I’ll message you this week & the colors. I do need a size Large. Thanks💗
May 17Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 sounds great! I'm happy to start making them now if you know which colors. They take me a little while to make, I dont want you to have to wait long :)
May 17Reply
christinad101 @mamma_duck Hey There🌟 The colors🌈 in that same soft fabric like the purple💜 one you sent me I would love❤️ are: Blue, Brown, Red, Pink & Green & can I get all Large Sizes? Thank You💞🌸
May 18Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 yes I can make them in size large, would you like the tie straps like the one I sent?
May 18Reply
christinad101 @mamma_duck yes those strap prints are sweet🥰
May 18Reply
christinad101 How much bigger are the Large? An Inch?
May 18Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 the strap print may vary though I'll try to get them all the puppy paws for you (I'm all out of that fabric but I've got some straps already made just not sure how many) the size difference is about a half inch, please see the last picture I just added of a Medium on top of a Large. I can alter the pattern if you would prefer a little larger.
May 18Reply
christinad101 @mamma_duck yes large please & thank you🌟 for the all the pictures & for all you🌟 do🥰 your awesome🎉💞
May 18Reply
christinad101 Hi I was just wondering how you🌟 were doing on the masks🥰
May 24Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 they are done I'll post a picture so you can decide on which pink and which green would like
May 24Reply
mamma_duck I've the dark green I've not made yet but I can have it done this evening without an issue.
May 24Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 ok I've finished them all, please see the last picture in this post and let me know which ones you'd like. I'll create a separate listing and message you once its posted.
May 24Reply
christinad101 @mamma_duck Hi They Are Beautiful🥰 I want 5 of them🌟 & the Colors🌈 Are: Dark Pink One Brown One Dark Green One Red One Turquoise One😊 Yes can you please message me first before you list them because I really need them working for the Public & I get paid this Friday🎉 Thank You🌟So Very Much❤️
May 25Reply
christinad101 Hi just wondering if you have the 5 masks done in a size Large & the colors I messaged you are done? I’m new to Poshmark it would be so much easier if I had an email to communicate, because some information is private but I need to call this company do you have a number? We should be able to communicate to one another than on here? Thanks Christina
May 28Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 hi the bundle I created for you is ready to gone I'll message you there again so you can find it easily :)
May 28Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 you might also be able to click this link
May 28Reply
christinad101 @mamma_duck it’s not letting me click on the link?
May 29Reply
mamma_duck @christinad101 I'm sorry this is proving to be a little more difficult than expected. would you please try to go to my closet directly and look for the listing with the giraffe picture. The listing has your name in it as well. I'm not sure if your using the app or the website, in the app you should be able to click my username to get to my closet
May 29Reply

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Last Active: Jan 30

Richmond, VA
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Last Active: Jan 30

Richmond, VA
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