FEB 22nd!!💥LIKE THIS listing for notifications 🛍️ 3X-6X TRAIN
$20,000 $1,000,000
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Exciting news!!
Plus size sellers have joined forces to offer you a 3X-6X (22W-32W) train sale on Saturday February 22nd, from 5am PST ALL day until 12 midnight PST!
It can be frustrating to attend a show and find out there is little to nothing in your size. We want to save you time and money by doing a train offering exclusively these more rare sizes. (hence, the unicorn…🦄)
Sellers sometimes have a few items in a size that they can’t sell—so we are advertising to these sellers to come and SHARE those items in the train!! It’s a win-win!!
NOTE: Sellers have absolute discretion over how much time, if any, they give to shared items.
All listed times are PACIFIC (PST). Eastern time zone is 3 hours later, so ADD 3 hours to the times listed. (I.e. the train starts at 8am EST.)
**Saturday, February 22nd**
5-7a @3blessings4us
*7-8a @acurvyprincess
8-10a @sina_sells_well
10a-12p @ladidi912
*12p-1p @terrieent
*1p-2p @boston02109
*2p-3p @kaplana60
3p-6p @kat_sposhcloset & @jodisawyers
6p-8p @gilsalopez
8p-10p @exoticorchid
10p-12a @christymarie & thatsmomlife
*1-hour slot
166 others
like this
@kenicki86 @sina_sells_well @gilsalopez Hi Posh Sistahs! Wondering if any of you have interest in joining this train show highlighting larger plus size clothing? Also, if you wanted you could share a slot as cohosts if you don’t have enough inventory in these sizes to cover a whole 3 hour block. Let me and @exotic_orchid know if you have interest or know other sellers who might like to join. I’m not sure if other seller friends in our circle cover these sizes but I think you do. Thanks!
@47leland Yes! Please share this around to other plus size sellers. I wouldn't mind sharing my slot or co-hosting either! We also have 9am-3pm PST OPEN!
@47leland I'm not available the times open because my kid has classes on Saturdays but thank you for thinking of me!
Hi there everybody! The train has opened up to 3X to allow for more buying and selling!! Please share the flyer with others who may want to grab a spot on the schedule. We have 9a-3p PST open!
Let's get the word out to this often neglected sector of Poshmark...SHARE SHARE SHARE!!! @47leland @christymarie @gilsalopez @jodisawyers @kat_sposhcloset
Welcome to @gilsalopez! I am so excited to have a bilingual spanish/English show!! Let's get some more diversity in here!!
NOTE: This is a SHARE show, so you will have other sellers sharing their items with you!
Also, if someone wants to co-host with me in my late night slot, you are welcome!!! @kat_sposhcloset @47leland @christymarie @jodisawyers
@kaplana60 Would you be interested in joining our train? I see you have quite a bit of inventory in 3X-6X. Let me know! Thanks, Sherry (exotic_orchid)
@exotic_orchid I might be able to do an hour, but not 3. 2PM - 3PM Pacific time could work. What number sizes are you including, for jeans or skirts, for example?
@kaplana60 That would be fine! 3X-6X. It’s up to you, but I marketed it as a share show so other sellers could come and sell their items.
Number sizes 22-32
@exotic_orchid It should be fine. I can do a share show. I have had problems with guest hosts since they started the share show parties where you are supposed to merge your trays. Maybe just guest hosts for their items will work. I can confirm this a little bit later today.
@kaplana60 Ok, sounds good! LMK so I can update the schedule.
@exotic_orchid It's good. I will join you.
@kaplana60 Great! 2-3pm PST
hey girl! I can do the 12 to 2 pst! Thanks so much for the invite!! I'm so excited!!
@sheenad1984 Hooray!!!😃 I am so excited to have you on our train!!
💥GREAT NEWS everyone—our schedule is complete!! Select sellers have filled in the morning and early afternoon slots, so we are all set for a 9am to midnight train on Saturday November 9th!!🚂 Hooray!! 😃 Please let me know if you need to change or adapt your time slot. @kitschplus has made us a beautiful attention-grabbing graphic for our train, which I will share with you soon. I ask that you use it as your graphic for your show on the train so people can find us easily throughout the day.
Please read the above comment @msbehaven97 @sheenad1984 @gilsalopez @47leland @christymarie @kat_sposhcloset @jodisawyers @kaplana60 Thank you!!
@curvyconsign Please read my comment just above, and all the details are in the description in this listing.
@exotic_orchid Done. Thanks!
@exotic_orchid got it! ty!!
@exotic_orchid 📚 ✔️ ✅️
@47leland @curvyconsign @msbehaven97 @kat_sposhcloset @christymarie @gilsalopez
@sheenad1984 @kaplana60
@jodisawyers NEW GRAPHIC by @kitschplus is available! Please use this graphic for our TRAIN! Thank you!!
@exotic_orchid Honored to be even a small part of this! Thank you for including me! 🥰
@kitschplus I would like to feature you in my kickoff as a Jeffree Star vendor! I know you have another show, but I will host pick some of your closet items to sell in my show. 💜
@exotic_orchid Omg I'd be honored!
@3blessings4us Thank you for sharing the flyer! Please share it out to your followers.
@kitschplus @terrieent @fairejess @jnette91 @3blessings4us @freebirdfancy @jodisawyers @sheenad1984 @kaplana60 @47leland @curvyconsign @msbehaven97 @kat_sposhcloset @christymarie @gilsalopez @christymarie @bossbabebelen Hi everybody!!!! I'm so excited for our 3X-6X Share Show TRAIN next weekend~it's gonna be so fun! Thank you for joining the train, sharing out the flyer and talking it up in your shows! Please tag as many sellers as possible to get them to come in and SHARE!
@kitschplus @terrieent @fairejess @jnette91 @3blessings4us @freebirdfancy @jodisawyers @sheenad1984 @kaplana60 @47leland @curvyconsign @msbehaven97 @kat_sposhcloset @christymarie @gilsalopez @christymarie @bossbabebelen I want to feature as many sellers in the kickoff as possible. So far, I have 7 closets on my list...tagged above. If you have 30/32 or 6X items, please be sure to have them in your show. It seems like they are "unicorns"!
@kitschplus @terrieent @fairejess @jnette91 @3blessings4us @freebirdfancy @jodisawyers @sheenad1984 @kaplana60 @47leland @curvyconsign @msbehaven97 @kat_sposhcloset @christymarie @gilsalopez @christymarie @bossbabebelen If you need to drop out of your slot, or if you want/need a co-host, please comment below so we can be sure our train is FULL!! THANK YOU!!! Sherry
@exotic_orchid I have a variety of 30/32 but they are preloved/thrifted and NOT in my closet as I use closet for torrid and NWT stuff. ; /
@exotic_orchid Will do. I saw all your messages.
@exotic_orchid Confirming! I’m looking forward to a fun day with you all! I’ve been telling other sellers about the opportunity to share their larger plus items too. People seem interested! I really hope this forum helps deliver these items to the audience looking for them!
@terrieent That’s no problem at all!!
@47leland Yes!! I hope we can do this monthly or maybe bi-monthly. ⭐️
@kaplana60 Thanks for confirming and participating!!
@exotic_orchid very exiting 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽!! Thank you for including me!! Let’s project a successful event ladies!! 💕💐🫶🏽
I remembered I have size 6X boutique tops, multiple in various sizes. I also have a Cacique bra size 54C and a swimsuit size 36, both NWOT. Those are unicorns.
@kaplana60 Yes! Definitely!!🦄🦄
@gilsalopez @47leland I think you have the wrong time zone for your show ladies. You should be on right after christymarie and before me. Please double check. Thanks!!🙏🏻
@mabehaven97 Could you please confirm that you are able to join our train on Saturday? There are others who could step in and take the time slot if you aren’t able to. 11am-12p PST/2pm-3pm EST Thanks!!🙏🏻
@exotic_orchid @gilsalopez Thank u! I fixed it. 9pm ET start time for me at Gilsa. Got it! That’s what I had in my head but not in the listing!
@msbehaven97 please confirm that you can participate in Saturday’s train show at 11am-12 noon Pacific standard time PST
@47leland @47leland @gilsalopez I am so glad you are on the train 🚂!!
@exotic_orchid How do I make sure people in my show go to the next one? I have the flier in my tray for them to see but do I need to do anything else besides telling them?
@kaplana60 Write down the name of the next seller, and when you end the show it gives an option to send viewers to another show. Search for the seller and send them. Also, they can follow the graphic since everyone in the train is using it for their personal flyer.
@exotic_orchid Got It. Thanks.
@terrieent The 11am-12noon slot has opened up if you want to jump on the train tomorrow! LMK!
@exotic_orchid is that eastern standard time?
@terrieent No, it would be 2pm-3pm Eastern
@exotic_orchid i already have a show set tomorrow for 4pm so don't think i could handle two that close in time ; ( so sorry but thanks for reaching out.
@terrieent OK!! No problem. I will find someone or I can just extend my kickoff show.
@47leland Hi Lauren! We will be selling items from our own closets. I am not sure if it’s a share show or not?
@exotic_orchid We had a great time, and I think this WAS a good idea! So many shoppers seeking these sizes! Yay! I hope everyone had that same experience. It’s seemed so when I popped into others shows today. Let me know if you’d like to do another train with this theme. I have plenty of inventory so would love to, if you’re game!
Thank you so much for putting this together. I don't always have 6X but I do have 3X to 5X, so I would love to be included if you do this again. I popped into other shows and it looked good. Thanks again.
@exotic_orchid I could do any Sunday in December EXCEPT 12/15! Any chance we could aim for a different Sunday?
@47leland @3blessings4us and I were chatting about this today on her show. She also needs a different Sunday. Maybe it would make sense to do a show on Black Friday? Or at least Thanksgiving weekend? I’m tagging everyone who told me they’re interested. Let’s see if we can get consensus. @kaplana60 @ladidi912 @sina_sells_well @terrieent @msbehaven97 @bossbabebelen @kimrivera59 @gilsalopez @sheenad1984 @kitschplus @allisonsheph283 @kat_sposhcloset @christiemarie @curvyconsign
@freebirdfancy @jodisawyers See comment above ⬆️
@kinicki86 @christymarie See comment ⬆️
@fairejess @jnette91 @jamievm34 See comment above about next 3X-6X train!!
@kaplana60 I am so glad joy joined the train! I hope you made some good sales??
@exotic_orchid thanks Sherry ! 💜we are IN for Thanksgiving weekend!! Can do Saturday or Saturday!
@exotic_orchid I had a blast on my show and made so many sales! Thank you so much for the opportunity of doing the train! I'd love to do it again. I just have to make sure my son isn't around or won't bother me. He is 8 and likes to try to take over my shows lol
@exotic_orchid I did. With only an hour I didn't have enough time to auction everyone's items, but it was still good.
@exotic_orchid I have my regular show on that Saturday. If everyone wants Thankgiving weekend I could do Friday or Sunday.
@exotic_orchid, thank you for allowing me to be a part. Great group of people for sure in the community. Lots of work for organizing and a big thank you. I have a great deal of items. If you do, another would love an invitation. I can do most days just let me know.
@sheenad1984 well that is fun.
@kaplana60 Or maybe you could keep your regular show and just add it to our train?
@exotic_orchid Mine is not a share show. It's all Torrid and I sell a lot of sizes 0 - 2 also. I could try devoting one hour to mine and two hours to the train but I am not sure how to communicate it. Also once my tray is open I can't close it. Maybe I could do mine first for an hour, separate show, then the train and send my buyers there.
@exotic_orchid I’m down for Black Friday or anytime that weekend. Currently wide open. Looking forward to another train with u all!
@exotic_orchid for me was so much fun and successful event!! Thank you so much ladies! I’m in for the next one if I am invited just let me know the date and I will set the date apart for sure thank you so much! Muchas gracias 😉💕💐🫶🏽
@3blessings4us Can you do Sunday?
@kaplana60 I get it now. It looks like Sunday is the best day so far…11/31.
Whoops! That will be December 1…3 weeks from now on Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
@gilsalopez I was so glad to see you and @47leland having so much fun!!🤩
@exotic_orchid Got it.
@exotic_orchid YES! Sunday will work for me 👌💜
@3blessings4us Hey Dianne, I got a bunch of confirmations for sellers who want to participate on 12/1. I have confirmed @47leland @gilsalopez @bossbabebelen @carrieana_r @kaplana60 @kat_sposhcloset @exotic_orchid @sheenad1984
Shall we run the marathon 9am-1am EST? Or start earlier if we have an early morning host?
@exotic_orchid I would be glad to take on any slot noon-11pm ET. I’m not super reliable for early mornings. I have to drive to where my inventory is located and have to get situated. Otherwise I’m open to any time. Happy to cohost again with @gilsalopez if pairing people up is helpful to allow time for all sellers.
@sheenad1984 @kitschplus @kaplana60 @bossbabebelen @carrieana_r @kat_sposhcloset @gilsalopez @47leland @3blessings4us @fairejess @jnette91 @jamievm34 @kenicki86 @sina_sells_well @freebirdfancy @jodisawyers @curvyconsign @msbehaven97 @christymarie Hello Poshers!! Guess what? We are doing it again!! Yay! Please look at the body of the listing to see the NEW schedule for December 1st, Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. Let me know what time you want.
exotic_orchid @sheenad1984 @kitschplus @kaplana60 @bossbabebelen @carrieana_r @kat_sposhcloset @gilsalopez @47leland @3blessiIf folks want to pair up, you can get a longer time slot. We may go to 1 hour time slots if we have lots of sellers who want to participate. What do you think of that?? Also, next time it will be up to the host's discretion about doing a share show or NOT. I am leaning toward not because it adds another layer of complexity for everyone. Feedback on anything is appreciated!
@exotic_orchid I can do the same one hour 2 to 3, or two, 2 to 4PM Pacific time, depending on how many people want to participate. I found the sharing a little difficult because features keep changing. But I would still like to do a share show. I don't need a cohost. Let me know what happens. Thank you so much for doing this.
@3blessings4us @fairejess @jnette91 @jamievm34 @kenicki86 @sina_sells_well @freebirdfancy @jodisawyers @curvyconsign If folks want to pair up, you can get a longer time slot. We may go to 1 hour time slots if we have lots of sellers who want to participate. What do you think of that?? Also, next time it will be up to the host's discretion about doing a share show or NOT. I am leaning toward not because it adds another layer of complexity for everyone. Feedback on anything is appreciated!
If folks want to pair up, you can get a longer time slot. We may go to 1 hour time slots if we have lots of sellers who want to participate. What do you think of that?? Also, next time it will be up to the host's discretion about doing a share show or NOT. I am leaning toward not because it adds another layer of complexity for everyone. Feedback on anything is appreciated! @msbehaven97 @christymarie
I would love to be a part of it, but I have to work on Saturdays and don’t get off until 3:30pm
@kaplana60 Ok, thanks for your feedback! I put you on the schedule for the same hour 2-3pm PST. It can change if you find someone you want to cohost with, or for other reasons.
@exotic_orchid Okay, great.
@exotic_orchid hello friend! I would prefer not to do a share show, because of limited time to auction items. @carrieana_r what do you think?
@bossbabebelen sounds good! Is the time good for you? I’m down for anytime on Dec.1st😃
@carrieana_r time works for me , I’ll make sure I sleep early and not go out 😆💃😂
@exotic_orchid thank you sharing is difficult especially when you don't do that often. This is a Sunday correct? May want to somehow tie into the cyber Monday theme. Just a thought, throwing out there. What sizes are we doing this time the same?
@fairejess Do you want to do an evening slot?
@exotic_orchid Idk, what time I could do it, I usually don’t get home until til after 5:30pm then have to make sure my son is taken care of
@exotic_orchid @3blessings4us Just wanted to loop in @boho_miri as she may want to participate too, if we have room to include another seller.
@exotic_orchid I'm interested for daytime hours if there are any left. ☺️
@exotic_orchid i see the new schedule now. that's perfect for me! tysm!
@exotic_orchid what spots if any are open?
@jodisawyers Please read the text in the listing for new tentative schedule. You could cohost with kat again at 3pm, or tag team and come in at 5pm for an hour solo. Would either of those work?
@sheenad1984 great Sheena!
@kat_sposhcloset hi Kat-same sizes. Do you want to come host this time around?
@47leland @boho_miri @3blessings4us @bustermacy Dianne is coordinating but I have to update the listing since I originated it. We’re looking at whether or not people want to cohost or work alone. Solo would mean you get 1 hour. Cohosting means you get 2-3 hours. Let us know so we can work out the schedule and get it set. Thanks!
Co-host I mean. If so, with whom?
@kat_sposhcloset Do you want to do a solo or cohost?
Please share the revised flyer and schedule in your shows! @3blessings4us @sheenad1984 @kitschplus @curvyconsign @kaplana60 @kat_sposhcloset @jodisawyers @gilsalopez @47leland @bossbabebelen @carrieana_r
@exotic_orchid Will do.
Is there anyone who wants to do 9pm-12am PST? @fairejess @bustermacy @curvyconsign @vivalaplus @msbehaven97
@jnette91 @kenicki86 @sina_sells_well Do you want to be on the Dec 1 train sometime between 9pm-12am PST?
@exotic_orchid not me
@exotic_orchid I won’t be able on that date but please keep me in mind for the next. Thank you so much for thinking of me! 😊
@jnette91 @curvyconsign Thank you for your response!😊
@exotic_orchid sorry.. lol it sent before I finished typing. never answer during a share show lol. not me. I'm out of town that weekend. it wasn't supposed to sound that abrupt. lol
@curvyconsign I am glad I did not do anything to turn you off! 😊 Maybe on the next train…🚂
@bossbabebelen & @carrieana_r Hi ladies, I wonder if you would be interested in changing your time slot on the train? I'm down for the 9pm-12a PST time, but it is too late for me. @bossbabebelen said she would like to go out late on Friday...or was that a joke?? LMK
@exotic_orchid hello, I am unable to switch from am to pm as I made plans already. If things change closer to the date I will update you💕
@exotic_orchid thank you for the offer but finding 4x 5x and 6x is nearly impossible for me.
@kenicki86 Ok! No worries. Thanks for the response.
@bossbabebelen Ok, thank you!
I am not able to due to show due to having to be at work at 5am the next day
@fairejess Ok, thank you!
@exotic_orchid Hi! I reached out to a few friends to see if they’d be interested in doing a share show or cohosting with each other for a bit. I’m already cohosting later that night but could do a NWT 3x-6x block by my self earlier in the day if we are looking to fill the time. And/or host an hour long share show.
@exotic_orchid Another awesome plus size seller wants to jump aboard the next unicorn train! @sina_sells_well is open to either doing an hour by herself or cohosting with someone for a longer block of time. She doesn’t have anyone in mind as a potential cohost but is open to making a new PFF if u have anyone else looking to share time.
@47leland Hi I haven’t heard back from @sina_sells_well about joining the train. We have the early slit open: 6-9am PST.
@exotic_orchid Weird! She told me she can do it. I’ll text her! @sina_sells_well Are u still able to join the 3x-6x train on 12/1 in the early part of the day?
@victoriaw0827 Are you available or interested in joining the share show train for 3X-6X on Sunday Dec 1? It’s Thanksgiving weekend. The 6-9am PST time is open—you could do part or all of that time. Let me know! Thanks, Sherry 🌷
@christymarie @kat_sposhcloset I don’t have Christy in the schedule as of yet. Do you want to do the 5-6pm time again, Christy? Or we have 6-9am PST still open. Thanks! 🌷
@exotic_orchid hi, yes. I am still able to do the live. I'm sorry I didn't see the message!
@exotic_orchid Hopefully you’ve received the response from @sina_sells_well now. I texted her and she let me know she had missed your message.
I also wanted to let you know that though she isn’t available on 12/1, Andrea @thatsmomlife is interested in participating in future unicorn trains. Let’s keep her in mind!
@sina_sells_well ok!! Awesome! Do you want all 3 hours?
@47leland Thanks for facilitating!!
@exotic_orchid Yes, but will I be co-hosting? I don't think I have enough for 3 hours alone.
hi, can you let me know who I will be co-hosting with, or will I be on my own? I'm fine with it either way!
@sina_sells_well Hi Sina, I think you will be ok because there is a share show component! You can decide how much time you want to devote to selling from others who share to your tray. I have some feelers out trying to find another person who is available during that time. Meanwhile, I can come on to cohost if you want me to. I don’t want to get on at 6am PST…but 7:30 would be ok. Let me know what you think.
@exotic_orchid I quickly went over my inventory, and I think I'm good for going it alone. Especially since you said I can share from other sellers. But, I honestly think I'll be fine! I'm super excited, but I'm also nervous since I'm starting things off. Lauren @47leland has been a big help, and I'm sure she'll answer any questions I might have.
@sina_sells_well Absolutely! Reach out if you have concerns. I will probably pop in to see you! 🌟
@exotic_orchid thank you 😊
@sina_sells_well @exotic_orchid Yay! And yes absolutely I can be a presence in the chat or even on screen in co-host mode (either to talk with u Michelle, or show items if helpful) if preferred. It’s early on the west coast when you’re starting but I’ll be up and moving on the east coast so happy to support you in any way getting the train kicked off! You’re an awesome addition and have great energy!
@47leland @sina_sells_well Good point! Sina will be our kickoff seller!! Sina, do you know how to send viewers to the next seller at the end of your show?
@exotic_orchid yes I do.
@belletown Like this one too! This is for the train.
@sina_sells_well @47leland @kaplana60 @gilsalopez @bossbabebelen @carrieana_r @jodisawyers @kat_sposhcloset @sheenad1984 @kitschplus @acurvyprincess Hi there Plus share show sellers!!! I'm excited for take 2 of the 3x-6x train!! Please share the listing far and wide, and talk this up with your shoppers. It's a big shopping weekend-- I hope people are still interested in shopping although we changed the train to a Sunday. PLEASE send me a bundle and let me know if you can NOT participate.
@exotic_orchid hi. I’m interested, but didn’t see my name on the list. I’m not available on Sunday from 3pm-5pm PST or at 9pm PST - have to work at 6am on Monday. An hour or 2 max only for me, please if there’s any spots left. If not, next time. Thank you.
@exotic_orchid thank you we are set.
@exotic_orchid I am excited!
@47leland Hi Lauren!! Please correct the time for your show tomorrow. You are on at 6pm PST. It says 2pm right now. Thanks!
@exotic_orchid Hi! I’m having a home goods show at 4pm ET and the train show is scheduled for 9pm ET. I think that’s correct, no?
@47leland Oh! I wasn’t aware of your home show. PST is 3 hours earlier than EST. So, your flyer should say 6pm PST. Maybe you can have a flyer that incorporates both of your shows? You are competing with @kaplan60 as it is now.
@47leland Or, maybe you can have your home goods show, then send all your viewers to Gilsa and run the train part on her platform ?? @gilsalopez
@exotic_orchid I’m confused. 9pm ET = 6pm PST. I can’t change the time zone. There isn’t a setting for that. I have it scheduled for 9pm ET. It doesn’t show correctly for u at 6pm PST? I’d think it would. The home goods show might compete with Anna, but I want to take advantage of the free shipping option for that 2 hour window tomorrow. I’ll still promote our train though!
@exotic_orchid I’m going to take a break between the two shows. Just staying on 4-7pm ET. Then starting with the train at 9pm ET. There is a train show listing scheduled under me at 9pm ET. Can u not see it?
@47leland I am so sorry, Lauren!! I am messaging the wrong person! I see your listing—it’s all good! I apologize. ☺️
@exotic_orchid If you’re having trouble finding the live show listing for our part of the train it’s got the same pink black & white tile as yours. It’s under “plus sizes” for the category.
@exotic_orchid No problem! I was just confused!Thank u for taking on all the organizing again! I know it’s not easy! Gilsa and I just send viewers to u after we are done, right?
@47leland 🙏🏻⛄️Yes…I am the last one!
@exotic_orchid May I have the 8 to 10 am time slot ?! 🙌🏽💜🙋🏻♀️let me know —thank you!!
@3blessings4us Yes...first come, first served! Please like the other listing with all the boxes. This is our flyer and it is getting so long with the comments!!
@exotic_orchid Hi! Thank you for including me. I would like the 10am-12pm slot for first choice, 7-8am for second choice. If not available just lmk.
@acurvyprincess You have 7-8am. Please like my other listing with the boxes to keep up with the current train chat. Thanks!
If ya'll end up needing another host at any point, let me know! I'd love to fill in.
Gonna try to make it! I have Plus Sizes in my closet plus low shipping!! 🥰😘See ya soon!!
@exotic_orchid Hi! I have been hoping it would get better, but I’m having some issues with my lower back and leg. Is there any way you can fill my spot for this Sat? It’s getting better, but I don’t think it’s good enough yet. I’m so sorry for the late notice.
@exotic_orchid Hi. I’m not sure if you saw my above message yet. I’m hoping so, but I’ll also see if anyone can take my spot. I’m also right next to an area where power has been shut off for several days last week and now this week due to the fires. I know it’s last minute, can someone please cover my 1 hour spot from 7-8 am PST @kat_sposhcloset
@acurvyprincess Hi! I’m glad you are reaching out to other sellers to fill your spot. If @3blessings4us or@47leland & @sina_sells_well can pick up that hour it would be the most seamless transition. If not, I can pop in for an hour.
@curvyprincess @3blessings4us @47leland @sina_sells_well @kat_sposhcloset @jodisawyers We have found a replacement for the 7-8am time slot!! @msbehaven97 will be joining us!! Please double check your times and who you are passing your shoppers on to!
@sheenad1984 @kitschplus @kaplana60 @boston02109 @terrieent @gilsalopez @christymarie @thatsmomlife We have found a replacement for the 7-8am time slot!! @msbehaven97 will be joining us!! Please double check your times and who you are passing your shoppers on to! Thank you and lets' get BUZY EEEEE!!!!!!
@exotic_orchid @christymarie I may be 10-15 minutes late if you want to start without me do you just invite me in screen ? If work is slow I’ll be on time
@exotic_orchid thank you! See you in Feb!
@exotic_orchid @msbehaven97 thank you!
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