Firefly! Outdoor Gear Youth Outdoor Camping Backpack - Red & Orange, Unisex.
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This colorful backpack is the perfect addition to camping trips, a day at the park, playtime, or simply going to school. It is outdoor rated so you can go from the playroom to campsite without damage. With a thirteen-liter pack size and two easy to zip storage compartments, there is plenty of room to store all your child’s snacks, school supplies, and toys. The shoulder straps are made with soft and breathable mesh fabric and includes a chest strap with an emergency whistle.
Internal technology pocket perfect for a laptop, tablet, or adventure maps
Includes a chest strap with a built-in emergency whistle
Two easy to zip storage compartments to store all your child's adventure essentials
Made from soft and durable materials which are great for all ages
Great for a variety of outdoor activities such as campouts, school, or backyard playtime
Collect the whole Firefly! Outdoor Gear youth camping set
Pack size: 13 Liters
Dimensions: 11" x 4.5" x 16”
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