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Updated Aug 26
Updated Aug 26

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bitty360 I'm 99% sure I'm compliant (I'm newish). Thanks, beautiful!! 😘😘
Jan 12Reply
artsy_chic Congrats!! 👯💕🎉✨
Jan 13Reply
jujuanne @burstsoffashion Please consider one of my listings for an HP! I've never had one and have been here a little over a month. :)
Jan 13Reply
shopninjas Congrats. That's so fun!! Would love you to check out my closet! Thanks. 😃🎈
Jan 13Reply
katlove2018 Congratulations 💖
Jan 13Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @burstsoffashion congrats on hosting the Classic Style Party! 💐🍾🎉 @christyw744 @sparrowsage @stunning_29 @dinofinder @veperez @roos_rendezvous @alisabeegirl @tlude @alluck1210 @marykat @lauras_boutique @cyndy_bennett @annc64 @swanagin @rposen @jeren27 @dawnediva @lhaag721 @cajlove @basebllmom @robandsteph2014 @closetfairies @juliejoff @ginger_nj @alouie97 @juicylina @warrior04 @icaton @mzdvinity @lucidemotion
Jan 13Reply
hcrumcloset Congrats🎉 have so much fun tomorrow night! If you're looking for some cold weather, classic styles, I'd be honored if you visited my closet. Congrats again!!
Jan 13Reply
robandsteph2014 I follow Posh rules, please check out my closet if you get a minute! Thank you!
Jan 13Reply
erinpenny Hi and congrats!! If you have the time I'd be so honored if you took a look at my closet. Thanks and have fun! 🎉
Jan 13Reply
annc64 🎉🍾woohoo can't wait to share all your fantastic host picks.😀Relax and have fun.🎉🍾💕😀
Jan 13Reply
jwang26 @burstsoffashion congrats 🎊🍾🎈🎉
Jan 13Reply
gold_pineapple Congratulations on hosting. Please check out my closet for potential host picks 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 13Reply
tropicalmama @burstsoffashion Congrats 🎉 on hosting party saved the date can't wait!🌴😃
Jan 13Reply
herparallax Congrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! 🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃 Will definitely be there to shop and share! 🌷🌹🌻💐 Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks!! Absolutely cannot wait to check them all out! It's PARTAYYYYY TIME ladies!! @little_bit_hp @la_boutique @longca1959 @jenkan23 @thebrightside @ij0c3lyni @blondsoul @chenlalaland @blingbabe10 @splendeur @mrsstorer @lazulitect @lwilke @poshjeepgirl @laurynking @impossiblychic @hayworth @dotseyqueen @me3314 @postscriptsj
Jan 13Reply
myhappyplace22 😙🎊YAY!!💟🎉Congrats Kendall on Hosting!💟🎉🤗L👀king Forward to Celebrating with You! 🎉💟Enjoy, Have Fun, & Relax!🎉🤗Have a great week!🎉🎉xoxo-Jeanette 🏵🎊 @shoppermaj 🏵🎊 @justice10forme 🏵🎊 @lekohn 🏵🎊 @califoxx 🏵🎊 @paradise_808 🏵🎊 @tropicalmama 🏵🎊 @katyyan25 🏵🎊 @poshtessa 🏵🎊 @dramaless 🏵🎊 @deege65 🏵🎊 @bustingbeauty 🏵🎊 @aulauni 🏵🎊 @lucksterlw 🏵🎊 @lhaag721 🏵🎊 @ashjesh 🏵🎊 @michiv 🏵🎊 @shiloh077 🏵🎊 @nazer95 🏵🎊 @jmjla7 🏵🎊 @oceaneyes2010 🏵🎊 @tomi_o 🎉TY PFF's for tags &Carolyn @51twenty😚
Jan 13Reply
sunnybirdmarket Happy for you!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎉🎉🌟🌟🌟 My closet is compliant! 🙌🏼🙌🏼💕💕
Jan 13Reply
blumoose @burstsoffashion 🌲🌲🌲Congratulations🌲🌲🌲It's almost party time!! Best Wishes for a Fabul-Moose Party❄If you are still looking for host picks, I'd be honored if you checked out my closet. Thank you for your time⏱
Jan 13Reply
kelyeskloset 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations!🎉🎉🎉
Jan 13Reply
enavant Congratulations on hosting tomorrow!! If you're still looking for host picks, I would love for you to check my posh-compliant closet. Thank you!
Jan 13Reply
nazer95 @burstsoffashion 🎉YAY🎉Congratulations on being asked to Co-Host a Posh Party 🍾🎈🎉🎁🌟👗💄👠What an honor-You deserve it!! I can't wait to Party w/you🗓 If you have a chance to peak in my closet as well as my lovely PFF's for a possible HP @kimmiegm1 (<-hasn't had a HP) @abbyannzozo2016 @louieandluna @stylesavenue @dianna_moon @51twenty @sandy_98 @lorinaanne @kellidavis05 @nami001 @jlotopper @51twenty thanks Carolyn & Jeannette for the tag☺️💟🛍👗Have a wonderful Party & Happy Hunting 😊
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o CONGRATS ON HOSTING!!!!!! 😊🎉🍾💃🏾That's exciting news!!!! I hope you have fun looking at all the wonderful closets! Please check out mine and my PFFs closets that I will tag for you! Have a great day and a great time looking at all the amazing closets! 😊💕😊💕😊💕😊💕
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (1) @sofiabella1213 🌻@adrianemace🌹@siyaaa 💐@maggiesfarm 🐕 @poojajp 🐟 @goldensandjewel ☀️@lila64579 🌙@cynthaaa ⭐️@lalew 🐬@emmynoemi 🐱@mandapanda83 🐼@ahnec 👗@prittimonster 🌷@novalties 🎒 @d_laney82 🍍@alenaco 🍋@cha121 🌙@enzeru 🌲@lisamarie1518 🍁@styleimperative 👛 @sweetcheeses 🐢@kellegrey 🐈 @lauried1989 👒 @kg01 💫@cathsattire 🌸@simmysnow 🍂@virago 🌺@belen18 🌳@creative2 🕶
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (2) @myboutique71 🐠@kaisey14showers 🌷@rachs1 🌻@skylyrc ☀️@mfournier2004 🛍 @stunningstyle 👠 @kayhill69 🍇@kkuehns 🍍@alinadimella 🐬@sherryw3 🐞@ravendeaira_ 🍉@aulauni 🍓@alouie97 🍋@lean14 🐚@katyyan25 🍊@petrichjm 🍐@virgomoonlover 🌙@retrouvailles 🍋@rachcook96 🍪@bustingbeauty 💄@peacefrog777 🐸@lotzmannjm 🐿@tayknot92 🎀 @klassy1967 👗@sandralee6 🎀
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (3) @cbm3228 🍓@fabtrends16 👜@lau0789 🌷@bgab 🌺@misskay235 💄@fayepgarcia 🍒@mystanfield ⭐️ @sophiaaleccia 🕊@ykwickss 🐟@zzjwalzz 🛍 @ash_vetts 👡@twiggypop3 🍭@christineclem12 👠@dzaldiva 🕶 @emstar 🌟@gaitante1996 🐚@ericagaitan 🌻@fashionshurelle 👗 @cdy0810 🕶@janetkorsmo 🌹 @guiatunguia 🌼@isesunshine ☀️ @jsduffy78 🎀@aniabrands 🍍@stacyhadac ⭐️ @workingwebers 🌼@ravenrray 🕊@rmoon13 🌙
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting!!! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (4) @polkadots2plaid 👛@lovedolly4 💄@delladay8 🌤@leapederson 🐬@starkeygirls 🌸@precision8277 🍓@nina8625 🌟@methebeau 🎀@dritty 🍇@lovesoflori 💖@markieh98 🌷@deege65 🍉@kswitzer 🍁@debit0823 💐 @britmoe 🛍 @amandabenson31 🍉@staciep77 🍍@jlotopper 👜 @interspace8 💫@pecolaras123 ⭐️@sabrina41653 🐬@gypsyswagg 👒@amyliz2710 🎀@ellissusan971 👛@vardhan 👗@wanaflan ☀️
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting!!! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (5) @disneykendall 🐬@mmarte 🍓@keytar 🔑@teedeean 🌹@camoupandbeyond 🌤@karen1177 🍎 @guzel85 🌙 @achumbley0810 🍂@laboscloset 🐕 @shopnccloset 🛍 @taymanderson3 🌺@ll7207 🌻@dldlas 🍇@volatpropriis 🌟@abbydufort 🐚@clothez4u 👗@lizpink13 🌸 @megan124 🐚@carlyerica 🍁@luvpaisley 🍍@sam0790 🍉@2kays_ 🌼@melissa_anne_83 👜@kyoungdallas ⭐️@tracyknudsen 🍓@aishastar 🌟@pkarina ☀️@gobuyshoes 👠 @katlove2018 🎁
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting!!! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (6) @bombdotcomme 💣@addefoor 🌲@mrs_ah 🍂@bzepka 🍉@amberveraldi 🎀 @lookyou 🛍 @inspired2015 ☀️@beeburd01 🐝@kelleyq5 🍓 @kellymorgan518 🎉 @goldengirlz752 🏅@pixievixxen 🍋@ppamprrd 🌙 @leminohp 🍭 @amberskye2000 🌤@tsilva626 🌹@treasuretoday 🎒 @kinderkim 🔑@mrscarmen 🎈@gizemkocak1 🎁@eperry71 🍎
Jan 13Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting!!! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (7) @poshmarksavvy 👜@kaybee1237 🐝@etoba 🍇@kendallstylny 🌷@mindykirby1 🌺@hcf88 🍉@toshiabear 🐻@hrtstyle 👗@bootsbotas 👢@annick100 ⭐️@ajcook50 🍪@nicoledegollado 🍍@enchantedthread 🌹@gtgwen8 🌙 @stunning_29 🛍
Jan 13Reply
reneecali Congrats 🎉🎉🍾🍾 Can't wait!! Please take a look at my closet for host picks!!!!!! 🎀👗💄💍👛
Jan 13Reply
rp98280 Congrats!🎉
Jan 13Reply
losangelesposh Congratulations! So fun! I will be there! If you need a host pick and have time, please check out my compliant closet. 😊 @michselk
Jan 13Reply
polkadots2plaid YAY🎉🎉👏👏so excited for you. I'd be honored if you checked my closet for a host pick! Congrats again!! ~~Chef Pam 👠👗👜👔🎁
Jan 13Reply
mtnhiker Congratulations for the honor of being selected to co-host 😍 I'll be there to support you and celebrate with you 🎉💃🏻🍾😘 Thanks for the tag @lhaag721 😘 Party @janet0103 @debbie043059 @nami001 @sarrah @tracysg @rnicu00 @kewpiedoll @tudie11 @faith2beshared @roryry @mandapanda83 @sherriesharley @lorriebug @romekey @thegoodchic @ashjesh @janimack7 @matadora978 @justice10forme @shiloh077
Jan 13Reply
parisrobb Congratulations on co-hosting the Classic Style Party🎉🎉 I definitely have some classic style pieces in my Posh compliant closet and I would love for you to take a look for a possible HP. I'll be at the party shopping and sharing😃😃 Have fun !
Jan 13Reply
debbie043059 Congratulations on being chosen to Co-Host again🎉🎉🎉 I will be there to celebrate and share your Host Picks💕⚜💕 Thanks Lisa @mtnhiker 💕💕 for the tag💕⚜💕
Jan 13Reply
sarrah ✨Yay✨ Super Congrats on being selected to 🌟Co Host 🌟!! We will be there celebrating with you Pff🎉 🌟Party Alert🌟 @poshpaisleys @jennifernicoleb @poshgarden @bellanblue @mtnhiker @angel10 @chirocarly @poshinaustin @xoninamarie @goldrose48 @littledarlings1 @meagannwilson @tropicalmama @babygeishga @malee95 @stephxred @lekohn @nmmulkey @laylamaj @lolli_posh @kaylee0910 @danielledunc @likenstudios @tchouseofstyle @cegraves 🌟Fabulous New Closets 🌟@krstpfaucht705 @d1smiles @princess958 🌟
Jan 13Reply
luvmyqh6 @burstsoffashion Count down till⏲🙆🎉Party time!!🎉YAY!🎉You must be so excited!!🙆Have a blast at your Party!!🎉💃🎉I will be there to celebrate, share and to shop!🎉😊❤️🐴
Jan 13Reply
augment Congrats!!!! Can't wait!!!
Jan 13Reply
katz2 👏👏 YAY! Congratulations on co-hosting a Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I will be there checking out ✅ the great Host Picks, sharing and shopping! 👠👗💍
Jan 13Reply
katz2 Party time⭐️ 🎉🎈🎉🎈@nkhob @tammysbeachwear
Jan 13Reply
piccadilly_posh Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾🎉 to you on hosting your second posh party, Kendall🎉 🎉🎉!! Thanks @ashjesh for the tag!! 💕💕💕💕 Please do consider Jesh's closet, also, along with these other incredible closets for potential host picks... @sg1771 @craftcraze @poshgranny @bwhite2014 @newyork223 Thanks, Jendakl, and see you at the party tomorrow!! 👁🎉👁
Jan 13Reply
51twenty Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💟
Jan 13Reply
kontogonis Congrats on your hosting! ✨🍾 Great theme!! Cheers to a new year of Posh success! 🥂
Jan 13Reply
51twenty Congrats🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💟
Jan 13Reply
myboutique71 🎊🍾Congratulations!🎊🍾Party Time PFF's! 🎊🍾🍷(1) 💋 @myboutique71 💋 @alluck1210 💋 @mycurvyboutique 💋 @emscat78 💋 @goensshopping 💋 @classyvintage 💋 @forever_chic 💋 @onnam 💋 @re_inspired 💋 @kroy2130 💋 @terrilynn70 💋 @kirabella35 💋 @_rlpeterson 🔒@poshpinups PRIVATE TAG LIST🔒DO NOT COPY🔒
Jan 13Reply
myboutique71 🎊🍾Congratulations!🎊🍾Party Time PFF's!🎊🍾🍷(2) 💋 @bootr 💋 @jat34d 💋 @warrior04 💋 @awd0866 💋 @katyyan25 💋 @crazyw5 💋 @sherrypd 💋 @star2733 💋 @camocrazy17 💋 @melissa_anne_83 💋 @supersineo 💋 @saphira15 🔒@poshpinups PRIVATE TAG LIST🔒DO NOT COPY🔒
Jan 13Reply
myboutique71 🎊🍾Congratulations!🎊🍾Party Time PFF's!🎊🍾🍷(3) 💋 @sweetdeal22 💋 @zzbee 💋 @ajcook50 💋 @kyladeshea 💋 @urbanlove 💋 @hollypo 💋 @cmlazorenk 💋 @mandriac 💋 @renaykee 💋 @gulperi4 💋 @qsusie89 💋 @jennsclosetxo 💋 @dabogirl 🔒@poshpinups PRIVATE TAG LIST🔒DO NOT COPY🔒
Jan 13Reply
myboutique71 🎊🍾Congratulations!🎊🍾Party Time PFF's!🎊🍾🍷(4) 💋 @meganc456 💋 @sarahbeans13 💋 @passion4poshing 💋 @melissarnibclc 💋 @jeanettew83 💋 @jewelrytolove 💋 @kakchat1 💋 @darcymichele 💋 @ltcwheatex 💋 @northoceanblvd 💋 @mjbp 🔒@poshpinups PRIVATE TAG LIST🔒DO NOT COPY🔒
Jan 13Reply
lacci916 Congrats
Jan 13Reply
mjbp @mjbp hi congrats. Ur invited to check out my closet thank u
Jan 13Reply
heavensparadise Congratulations 👏👏🎉🎉on hosting a party!! I'll be there to shop and share your host picks.👛💄👚👖👗👠 Please takes look at some of my fabulous friends closets!! 🎒👝💍🕶👡👕👔 @treasuresbytrac @warrior04 @creative2 @everybreath @ntaul @palmtree30 @oneluv918 @candyharrison @brooke0729 @bkchristensen @texan9903 @fashionplz @tnrranch1437 @tlmarmie @donarob @carolynqx @jgome228 @cathsattire @vlsavell @twobrokefriends ❌Private tag list do not copy❌
Jan 13Reply
goldrose48 @burstsoffashion Congrats on your 2nd party! Very excited for you! Hope you have fun co-hosting and choosing your host picks! Will be there to cheer and share them! 😀 @sarrah Thanks for the tag! @misskris74 @teaist @nikle714 @plumdelicious @kat_ellis @stephxred @joyamarino @yellowiris Party alert!
Jan 13Reply
owlsandellies Congratulations!🍾🎉🎁🎉🎉🎈🍾🎈🍾🍾🎈 I'm co-hosting a 4:00 party on 1/21! Hope you can find something in my closet. I will find a men's, kid's, or plus-size item in your closet if you have any in those categories!👍🏼
Jan 13Reply
goldrose48 @burstsoffashion If you're looking for newer closets, @alexandriaveary is posh compliant and has only had one HP. Thanks for your consideration! 😀
Jan 13Reply
qsusie89 @burstsoffashion 🌹 🍾CONGRATULATIONS 🍾 🌹SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! 😊 I'll be there for support, to share, shop (of course) & show some Posh ❤️. I shared with my followers. My closet is Posh Compliant. I have some super cute items & would greatly appreciate if u could take a peek at my closet for possible HP's. I'm already on a recommended HP's list but still wanted to congratulate u!!! Can't wait for the party 👗👙👠Thanks, Susie 💜 thanks for the tag @myboutique71 ❤️
Jan 13Reply
alihentzel Congrats Kendall!!! :)
Jan 13Reply
meganc456 Congrats on hosting again! 👏🏻 I'd love for you to check out my compliant closet for a host pick! Thanks for your consideration! 🤗
Jan 13Reply
lele_poshie_btq CONGRATS ON YOUR PARTY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 13Reply
sg1771 🎉✨🎈Congrats Kendall on hosting your second posh party tomorrow night!! 🎉✨🎈Looking forward to it!! 🎉✨Ty MJ @piccadilly_posh for the tag!Please do check out her exceptional closet along w these fabulous closets for potential host picks💫💛💫 @craftcraze @jmjla7 @bwhite2014 @style_central @je_cours @1pandak @lexiandrews2 @jannieshops 💫💛💫💛💫✨💫💛💫✨🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Jan 13Reply
s_rosebud 🎉COngrats🎉Just share bombed your closet, Hope that helps with your party tomorrow😆If you get a chance, please look in my closet for a possible pick!
Jan 13Reply
melissaa1230 Congrats on hosting!!! If you get a chance to take a look at my closet for possible HP's that would be awesome! Thanks in advance and hope you have a blast!!!!
Jan 13Reply
maggiesfarm Congratulations from @maggiesfarm!
Jan 13Reply
carolynqx @carolynqx congratulations on party
Jan 13Reply
psalm465 Congratulations on getting the opportunity to host a Posh party! If you are looking for host picks please check out my closet! I hope you have a blast! 💕😍🎀💋🎉
Jan 13Reply
lauras_boutique 🎉🎉PARTY🎉🎉💕@51twenty💕@bellalize💕@bellanblue💕@chicagdl💕@croweart💕@dotgallo💕@dvacante💕@flutter_buys💕@janet0103💕@marlanap💕@hrachal💕@emory1975💕@glamvault💕@goodchic💕@hsohailk💕@jimsprincess💕@kden_wallace💕@kellidavis05💕@lifeisgood💕@mandapanda83💕@marlanap4kids💕@matadora1978💕@molinda25💕@nami001💕@newyork222💕@nic39💕@ninacloset5💕@poshjeepgirl💕@resaleresort💕@retagit💕@rnicu00💕@roryry💕@rposen💕@smchop💕@schx4💕@stunning_29💕@treasuresbytrac💕@twinkletoestoni💕@valerieann💕@warrior04💕
Jan 13Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉I am so happy for you PFF!😘xoxo🎉💛Congratulations on co-hosting a fabulous posh party!🎉💛I will be there to share, cheer, and party with you!🎉💛I can’t wait to see your fabulous host picks!💞🎀I would be honored if you would take a peek in my closet, which follows posh rules, and see if there are any possible HP's that catch your eye! Laura😘💋 xoxo
Jan 13Reply
_hannahb Yay! So exciting! Congratulations!😊🎉
Jan 14Reply
rf012984 🎉🎉PARTY TIME!🎉🎉 Congratulations on co-hosting!💘 I hope you have a blast! If you get a chance please check out these Posh compliant closets for possible Host Picks! 👗👙 -Rebekah xoxo✌ @carsurdovel @jangadd @maddieb730 @rntw94 @kat0110 @lekohn @modaragazza @staystrong7155 @cookies4all @hrv_boutique @tsilva626 @dinka2008 @etoba @armani4
Jan 14Reply
gat8or @ashjesh thanks doll for the love ❤️ and including me in the HP!!! 🎉🙌🏼🎉🙌🏼 of more suggestions are needed these Poshers are compliant and fun too @sassyconnection @momtobrielle @memyselfi94 @resaleresort @certemt123 @lalab05 @jennilachica @creitzel @jen_is_lost @deb579 @shaynola @toripetry @the analysis a @warrior04
Jan 14Reply
modaragazza Wooooohooo! Congratulations on hosting! I'm so excited for you and will definitely be there to support shop and share your fabulous picks! Have a blast! Xo Alyssia 💗💃🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃🎉☄💗☄💗☄😘 Thank you for the tag @rf012984 😘
Jan 14Reply
americangirl66 @gat8or thank you sweetie 💯🌬😘
Jan 14Reply
hollypo 🎉🍾woo hoo! 🍾🎉 congrats on hosting! 🎉 party alert! 🚨 please check out my pff's closets for some host picks! 💕 @rachrich2022 @aulauni @aemoser87 @vik_rod @pschuenke @iloveny2016 @mkkc212 @sugarkitty007 @cassmarie8406 @jt1177 @sydneydak @hollypo 💕
Jan 14Reply
danielledunc Congrats on your party!! 🎉😍🍾 I hope you have a great time hosting!!
Jan 14Reply
sparrowsage Congratulations! Maythe success that has come your way light the path for others! Please honor these Posh compliant closets/boutiques with a visit during your search for host picks!@beautybooster @blueberrycircus @flowersandgray @kayydev @matadora1976 @bluegreenwagon @janimack7 @warrior04 @zoezuo @mzdvinity @spookyheartsg @thumper16 @alice888 @samipoo24 @melscrazycloset @arsbars @beagleluv @authenticlabels @sagecs @hippiegirl70 @nicoleinphoenix @sparrowsage👑
Jan 14Reply
sparrowsage Congratulations! Maythe success that has come your way light the path for others! Please honor these Posh compliant closets/boutiques with a visit during your search for host picks! @51Twenty @katzkoz @lucksterlw @deege65 @larmargaret @larmargaret @lmlatour @camilaghei @classyvintage @candymuse @camilaghei @martinigirl27 @classyvintage @beautyshineson @cjpodolsky @califoxx @cjpodolsky @cosmicfaerie @virago @vanessapaulla @bluegreenwagon @vicgea @7 👑
Jan 14Reply
mrsmadariaga Yay!! Congrats on getting to host an upcoming Posh party! Wahoo!!!💃🏻🎉🍾💃🏻🎉🍾💃🏻🎉🍾 🎉PARTY ALERT🎉 @bgab @carenlovesgucci @hrachal @kirabella35 @motherskiss @karens54 @treasuresbytrac @marlanap @clever102 @stylenu @smegathlin @jodisjewelry @janimack7 @abrazosybesos @cali1018 @rrsanborn @joleneberg @kidzcloths626 @karebear51 @tinamarie8462 @rmccouture
Jan 14Reply
eperry71 Congrats on hosting!! I wish you lots of sales at your party!! I would love if you would check out my Posh compliant closet for possible host picks! 💕
Jan 14Reply
goldenstategems Congratulations that's amazing ! 💕
Jan 14Reply
2lemontrees Congratulations on hosting!! 🎊🎉🍾💕 if you still need host picks feel free to check out my closet!
Jan 14Reply
openbutton Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊🎈 on hosting!!!
Jan 14Reply
sweetpea1133 Congrats on hosting your second Posh Party!! I will be there to party and share!!!
Jan 14Reply
maidmarian Congrats 🎉🍾🎈 You'll do great! Marian 💞💞
Jan 14Reply
katzkoz 🎉🎊CONGRATS ON UR PARTY!!!!🎊🎉
Jan 14Reply
ajcook50 Yay!! Congrats!😍 I can't wait to party with you!🎉💞🎉💞🎉 please check out some of my PFF's closests for 🌟HP's🌟😙 @kirabella35 @renaykee @stefroden @belmk00 @ajcook50 @myboutique71 @tkelly401 @phiamaebreezy @jjtnt @yoyoyoko @momoyve61 @deforrest5 @johnnakitts @ashemili @nannyrock66 @imagine101 @stylebycotton @lynn3288 @cfharmon @lolabella70 @gulperi4 @k1mka @beautifullife9 @jsey @umm_its_natalie @missjois @littlemissmyah 🚫This is a private list please do not copy🚫
Jan 14Reply
ajcook50 It's not a party without your PFF's 🎉💞🎉💞🎉💞🎉😙@rbslp @claudia108 @urbanlove @wellsx5 @mozzergrrl @cassmarie8406 @kjrn1 @kbordano @ajs_threads @shoeaddictgirl @poshgalnycla @eholder @maurensparrow @marywkariuki @jmjla7 @pearlposh @xtremeclothing @darkroom8 @dogpacksports 💞 🚫This list is private do not copy 🚫 (2)💕
Jan 14Reply
sydney0489 ✨🎉CONGRATULATIONS🎉✨on co-hosting your 2nd Posh Party‼️If you're still considering Host Picks please take a peek in my closet😊 Have fun‼️
Jan 14Reply
paicar WoooHooo!! YAYYYY!!!!, 👏👏👏👏 Congrats on your party! Your closet is absolutely AWESOME and I couldn't be more excited for you 😘💕💋💕💕. I'll be there to cheer you on and share your FABULOUS Host Picks 💕💕. Have a BLAST and OMG, what a SUPER CUTE invite girl!! 😘💕💋💕💕 ~ Cheers🍷🍷~Debbi (formerly @debbimiller)
Jan 14Reply
paicar Sharing this AWESOME news with my PFF's who ALL have beautiful Posh compliant closets:🎈💃🎈PARTY ALERT LADIES!🎈💃🎈 💕@icaton💕@tpmom💕@proverbs_31💕@cmc514💕@anoliver💕@kden_wallace💕 @luxlauren💕@molinda25💕 💕@zanapie💕 @faith2bshared 💕@nmmulkey💕@daughtrey💕@kimeejae💕@poshgarden💕@jooky💕@scp_in_vb💕@marie5143💕@gretzeli💕@nic39💕@colorado_mommy💕@stunning_29💕@sunnietrish💕@shoplittlebird💕@rnicu00💕@bdbcsr💕@janimack7💕@nyc_apple💕@sdjean💕@dramaless💕@iqclothessavvy💕@croweart💕@xoninamarie💕@sunlvr1821💕 @stylenu💕@texter88💕
Jan 14Reply
paicar 🎉💐Congrats again! Hope you HAVE A BLAST Hosting, get tons of sales and new followers. Here are some lovely Ladies who are very supportive at the parties, ALL have beautiful Posh compliant closets:🎈PARTY ALERT LADIES!🎈🎈💕@muneewo💕 @mzdivinity💕 @marinaschic💕@peachtreeshop💕@jewelinem💕@luvmyqh6💕@justice10forme💕@melohdy_thalady💕@niftylisa💕@joyamarino💕@posh_pineapple💕@califoxx💕@ginga69💕@paradise_808💕@shoppermaj💕@ccprice74💕@dinofinder💕@soni50💕@vogue77💕@teenmomx3💕@limegreenme22💕@katlove2018💕@nanookmom💕
Jan 14Reply
mjbp "Mjbp congrats welcome to visit
Jan 14Reply
nickysthriftys Congrats! 😊 Check out my closet if you get a chance. Thanks! @nickysthriftys
Jan 14Reply
spellsofmagic @burstsoffashion congratulations on hosting!!🎉🎉💃🏻 will be there to party, shop, share and cheer you on💕 please do take a look at my closet and my PFF's beautiful closets for potential HP's ☺️🌸 thanks in advance!
Jan 14Reply
leluks1 Congrats 🎈 plz take a look at my closet for a possible HP 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘
Jan 14Reply
aniabrands Congratulations on your party 🎉💕😊
Jan 14Reply
presleybee 🦄would love if you'd check out my closet for a potential host pick!🦄
Jan 14Reply
lilypad606 🎉🎉 Congrats on cohosting!! I would be so grateful if you could check my posh compliant closet for a potential host pick. And if you needed someone to share your listings during the party let me know and I would be happy to help out!! 🎉🎉
Jan 14Reply
kejoi95 Congrats on hosting, please consider me for a potential host pick. ☺
Jan 14Reply
alexandriaveary @burstsoffashion Kendall, congrats on hosting your second Posh party!! I am so happy for you!! Can't wait to party with you tomorrow. Good luck! 💕🎉 & thanks for the mention, Jen @goldrose48 I appreciate it! 😄
Jan 14Reply
trishtam Congratulations on your party. Please check out my posh complaint closet for a possible host pick I appreciate your time.❤️
Jan 14Reply
bustingbeauty Hooray!! Party! Congratulations!! 🎉🎉😊 Thanks @shiloh077 for the tag!! 💖💖💖
Jan 14Reply
jeanettew83 🎀🖤🎀CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!🎀🖤🎀
Jan 14Reply
shoplunagrace Kendall, Congratulations on your Party!🎉🎉 PFF's with PC closets to consider: @bellanblue💖@warrior04💖@paicar💖@poshgarden💖@mbvaughn💖@jayjune💖💖@joyamarino💖@janimack7💖@dinofinder💖@jadrch💖@tburg21💖@katolarae💖@51twenty💖@stephxred💖@lucksterlw💖@candymuse💖@jules1717💖@rnicu00💖@michiv💖@mtnhiker💖@debbie043059💖@ankalo💖@sunlvr1821💖@nkhob💖@icaton💖@paradise_808💖@millicentgar💖@savannah_slim💖@icaton💖@72inches💖 @marlanap💖@iqclothessavvy💖@poshtessa💖@guzel85💖@chicbabygirl💖@croweart💖@chicbomb💖@jennifernora32💖
Jan 14Reply
shoplunagrace Party🎉PFF's with PC closets to consider: @persuasions💖@bdbcr💖@abandonedlove💖@sparrowsage💖@lemurianmuse💖@autumnlynn3💖@niftylisa💖@flutter_buys💖@tpmom💖@shoefloozy💖@amour_libellues💖@nicky9💖@shopaholicsss💖@verbalgymnast💖@outlying0077💖@dramaless💖@kaleyheider💖@soni50💖@purpleposher💖@creative2💖@meagannwilson💖@bustingbeauty💖@skystrukfashion💖@keytar💖@itera49💖@katyyan25💖@sebastian22💖@sherrypd💖@divineessence💖@treasuretoday💖@livsboutique💖@hrtstyle💖@dogmomdwd💖@dotgallo💖@luv2026💖@jenbcloset💖@lovemygirlz💖
Jan 14Reply
shoplunagrace Party🎉🎉🎉 PFF's with PC closets to consider: @lgolivardia💖@juliejoff💖@jill555💖@clever02💖@cattyo💖@bwhite2014💖@dearhope💖@gizzysmom67💖@frannyzfinds💖@jenswee💖@kdollystyles💖@triciatx💖@liss_luvlace💖@wenrella💖@wsp90💖@mmadonna40💖@alyssaditty💖@pindaokane💖@tchouseofstyle💖@stunning_29💖@cutenthrifty💖@charming_mhel💖@tropicalmama💖@oceaneyes2010💖@shiloh077💖@kirabella35💖@lls516💖@christyw744💖@blake6red💖@summerchance💖@limegreenme22💖@annabananaesq💖@snicole82💖@ashjesh💖@lekohn💖@n2starbucks💖@rainmyheart💖
Jan 14Reply
shoplunagrace Party! 🎉🎉🎉 Newer closets! 💕@epcs042410💖@kaitlinkao💖@avondale05💖@robandsteph2014💖@srkogut💖@stevensonkatie💖@avk1430💖 @thoibi💖@agnesandmary💖@cha121💖@blondiegail💖@louieandluna💖@jam3717💖@sararose1💖@alesiacolvin💖@zoie20💖
Jan 14Reply
shoplunagrace Party🎉🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻PFF's with PC closets to consider: @icat💖@klee928💖@tweetboo55💖@leleperry64💖@nbayldon💖@freeman11💖@caligirl332💖@fabloot💖@affffashion💖@sami023💖@jessica_jecker💖@bstic💖@swanagin💖@poshgranny💖@zanapie💖@smegathlin💖@allluck1210💖@califoxx💖@sewdramatic💖@cncalabro💖@jlotopper💖@shoppermaj💖@n2srarbucks💖@davinandtheia💖@skeeterposh💖@upstateangel💖@foundforyou💖@justmekat💖@certemt123💖@turkoiculture💖Thank you for your consideration and we will be there to cheer you on, shop & share! Have fun!🎉💕💕
Jan 14Reply
lemonposh What a fun time! See you there!
Jan 14Reply
cutenthrifty 🎉Congrats on hosting! 🎉 I will be there to shop and share! Please consider my 💕PFF's for possible host picks 🎁 @ojdc 🎁 @syejunior 🎁@sgo709 🎁 @des24rob 🎁@paradise_808 🎁 @ankalo 🎁@justice10forme 🎁 @lilkk13115 🎁@thriftinthecity 🎁warrior04 🎁 fashiondiva382 🎁
Jan 14Reply
alesiacolvin Pls check out my closet for a host pick pls💕
Jan 14Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. ❤️
Jan 14Reply
jennifernicoleb @herparallax @sarrah thank you for the tag
Jan 14Reply
davinandtheia 🎉🎉 Congratulations on Hosting! 🎉🎉 Please check my PFF's amazing closets for possible HP.. 💖 @51twenty @warrior04 @justice10forme @ella0685 @peanut1971 @niknak216 @sandragd @vaortega93 @peachesandking @nicole_629323 @ashsstyles Thanks! 😘 xoxo ~Coney
Jan 14Reply
niknak216 Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 Please take a look at my compliant closet for HP
Jan 14Reply
amandafiona Congrats on hosting your Posh Party, how fun! Please look at my closet as well as that of Susan @smileyjo2 for great classic pieces! See you tomorrow night! Amanda
Jan 14Reply
rain_bow_cloud Congrats on hosting! If you're still looking for host picks, please take a few seconds to visit my compliant closet. Either way, thank you and I hope you have a blast! Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2017! 🎉💃🏻👯💃🏻🎉
Jan 14Reply
michellehangge @burstsoffashion Congrats on your party! I would love it if you had a second to check out my closet☺️🙋🏼💟💞👗👛💅🏻
Jan 14Reply
summerchance @justice10forme Thanks so much for the mention Lisa!!!🌼🌼🌼
Jan 14Reply
katyyan25 Yay! Congratulations 🎉🎊🍾🎈
Jan 14Reply
kbarias Congrats!! 🎉🎉❤️
Jan 14Reply
yorimoto58 Congratulations on your party cohosting! I'd love it if you checked out my SU closet for a possible HP. Can't wait to party!
Jan 14Reply
redoyou 🎉 Congratulations Girlie!! 🎉 Have fun and enjoy the moment! 😆🤗😁
Jan 14Reply
thefashionnook 🍸🍾Congrats on your party🍾🍸! I'm sending out the invites 💌 to my PFF's. Please consider theirs and my closet for🌟Host Picks🌟 and especially consider @hollypo , thanks for the tag 💋! 📖📚@larisa_rose @gingerjane @coffeebeansclst @sarah_elisee @shoediva14 @i@lbaxter0416 @orangejewce @whatcom1 @alenaco @kirabella35 @tipsy4me2 @angelbritton @rachrich2022 @posh411 @hollypo @mimireed @donnastreasures @vlsavell @pschuenke @tracima @darbym1995 @alluck1210 📚📖
Jan 14Reply
stef62391 @burstsoffashion check out my closet for potential HP ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 14Reply
ashsstyles Congratulations on hosting! I look forward to sharing your host picks! ☺️💕🌷🌼🌸
Jan 14Reply
quirkychick Hi. Congrats on hosting! 🎉🎉🎉 I have a well-behaved Posh closet with some new things in it. 😀 I hope you see something you like. 😌 Thanks. Enjoy the party!🎉😊
Jan 14Reply
lauren4eventz @burstsoffashion Congrats!! 🎉🎉✨That's so exciting!! Yay!! 😁 Please check out my closet for possible host picks. Thank you so much 😘💕
Jan 14Reply
mrscoic Congrats on your party! You'll have so much fun! Please feel welcome to take a look at my profile for any last minute host picks! As always Happy Poshing! 🎉💕🎉💕
Jan 14Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hi Kendall! 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on this well-deserved opportunity to host a posh party!!🎉🎉🎉💜I will absolutely be there to admire and share all your party picks! 👠 if you have any slots left, please feel free to check out my PC closet!💜🎉 I always love to return the favor when I host! 🎉💗congrats again!
Jan 14Reply
jenbcloset Woohooo 📢 it's party 🎉🎊 time. Congrats 🍾. So excited for you. It's going to be a blast 💥. If you have a chance please check out my closet for a HP!! Thanks. I'll be there sharing shopping and having fun. See 👀 you there can't wait !!!
Jan 14Reply
bearablecandy Congrats!🎉🎈🎀🐥 I would love it if you checked out my closet! 💕💎
Jan 14Reply
jenniferc17 Congrats on hosting!! Please consider checking out my closet for a potential host pick, thank you ⛄️💞⛄️💞⛄️
Jan 14Reply
sellloveposh Congratulations it's party time. How exciting. What a fun time. If you have the time to take a peak into my closet for a HP I would appreciate it. Thanks. And I will be at the party shopping and sharing. Can't wait for the big day. ☺️🎶💐
Jan 14Reply
lily_eucalyptus @burstsoffashion congratulations! 🎉 I would love to be considered for a host pick.
Jan 14Reply
wvuash Hey gorgeous! Would love for you to check out my closet for host pick consideration. Thanks, doll. Have an awesome day!!
Jan 14Reply
lucky0718 Congrats so exciting, hope you will consider something from my closet as a host pick 💐😘
Jan 14Reply
sweet_hatttrick @burstsoffashion Congrats on Hosting! Please consider on of my beauties for Host Pick. I'll be there. Have fun! Thank you. 💐
Jan 14Reply
lmdeville Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉 Would you consider any of my listings for a host pick?
Jan 14Reply
inna_lala Kendall, I hope you have a wonderful time hosting! 💕 If you're looking for a last minute host pick, I'd be honored if you considered something from my closet! ☺ ️ Also, I think you'll enjoy perusing through my sister's closets @olya22 @juliayak @marikasalamkha @joannka 💕
Jan 14Reply
emi_e Congrats! I hope you will check out my closet 😀
Jan 14Reply
pinkflamingobtq @burstsoffashion 💜💜💜ᑕOᑎGᖇᗩTᔕ Oᑎ GETTIᑎG ᑭIᑕKEᗪ TO ᕼOᔕT!! E᙭ᑕITIᑎG.. ᑭᗩᖇTY TIᗰE!! 🎉🎉🎉 Iᖴ YOᑌ GET ᗩ ᗰOᗰEᑎT I'ᗪ ᗩᑭᑭᖇEᑕIᗩTE Iᖴ YOᑌ'ᗪ ᑭEEK Iᑎ ᗰY ᑭOᔕᕼ ᑕOᗰᑭᒪIᗩᑎT ᑕᒪOᔕET ᖴOᖇ ᗩ ᑭOTEᑎTIᗩᒪ ᕼᑭ. ᑭEᗩᔕE ᗩᑎᗪ TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ! ᗩᑎᗪ Oᖴ ᑕOᑌᖇᔕE.. ᕼᗩᑭᑭY ᑭOᔕᕼIᑎG!! 💜💜💜KᗩᖇEᑎ💜💜💜
Jan 14Reply
erikkaka Congrats on hosting your second party! I'd appreciate it you checked out my closet. Thanks, and have fun tonight! Cheers! 🎉💕🥂
Jan 14Reply
cookies4all @cookies4all, congratulations on your party! 💐🎉🎈🎊
Jan 14Reply
poshthreadz Congrats! Enjoy hosting 😘
Jan 14Reply
laurelizabeth11 Congrats on hosting 🎉 please check out my closet for a potential host pick 😊
Jan 14Reply
gfucillo19 Congratulations on hosting! 🎉💖 I would love for my closet to be considered for a host pic in the future. Thank you! ☺️💋
Jan 14Reply
robokat Congratulations! 🎉Can't wait to party 😁I would love it if you could check out my closet. Nothing says classy like little black dress and I have a few from brands like Diane Von Furstenberg and Lafayette 148 that are in new condition. Thanks!!
Jan 14Reply
rosiesrecycles Congrats!! If you have time, please check out my posh-compliant closet :) Hope you have a blast today!!
Jan 14Reply
pristy08 @burstsoffashion Congrats on co-hosting your 2nd party, such an honor. Have a fabulous time and party on. Please consider my closet for possible pick. And if not it is okay, I will be there sharing and following right there with you. Enjoy the party and see you there.
Jan 14Reply
ruffledglam Congrats on your second Posh Party!🎉 Please consider my closet for a possible host pick. Sharing this with all of my followers!😊👠💋
Jan 14Reply
britannea Many congrats!!!🎈🍾🎉🎊 It's your night to shine!!🌟🌟🌟 Would love it if you would take a look at my bestie PFF's classic chic closet @suelee16 ... and maybe at mine!!💕😊
Jan 14Reply
swirlygurl Congrats on hosting!!! Please feel free to check out my closet for any possible HPs❣️⭐️💋💟😀
Jan 14Reply
zanapie That's great news. Congrats on hosting. I'll be there to cheer, share and celebrate. It would mean so much to me if you could check out my compliant closet for a potential host pick. Please and thanks🌸🌸🌸
Jan 14Reply
daniqueboutique Congrats, Kendall! Thanks for the tag, Lisa! (@justice10forme )
Jan 14Reply
barriebailey Congratulations on hosting your first Posh Party tonight! Based on your closet, I know you'll do great! Sadly for me though I'll be asleep 😴 I lived on the east coast and have two small kids at home. I hope you get a chance to check out my Posh compliant closet though- it is filled with classic styles you'll like
Jan 14Reply
tweetboo55 Congratulations on your co-hosting party, wishing you lots of fun and success 😁PFF's with PC closets to consider : @verbalgymnast , @justice10forme , @zoeykloset @cosmosherry , @gems1955. Thank you for your consideration 😀
Jan 14Reply
tweetboo55 Congratulations Kendall on your co-hosting party😁wishing you lots of fun and success. 😁
Jan 14Reply
alinasher Enjoy hosting tonight!! If you have a moment, I would love for you to check out my closet for a potential host pick! :) Thank you!
Jan 14Reply
gulperi4 Congratulations on hosting your party!! Please check out these gorgeous Posh Compliant closets for your host picks 🎉 🌹 @equintana5 🌹 @katlove2018 🌹 @passion4poshing 🍒Private Tag List @gulperi4 DO NOT COPY🍒
Jan 14Reply
gulperi4 Congratulations on hosting your party!! Please check out these gorgeous Posh Compliant closets for your host picks 🎉 🌹 @shopgirl1880 🌹 @suelee16 🌹 @lunasolei 🌹 @rbcobain 🌹 @mamazthang 🌹 @secondimage2000 🌹 @alreed555 🌹 @shoeaddictgirl 🌹 @alwaysaubreyxo 🌹 @clh0004 🌹 @taymanderson3 🌹 @shieronfire 🌹 @louisvuittonbag 🌹 @hellompenzi 🌹 @poppi822 🌹 @mgeringer 🌹 @guzel85 🌹 @gounlvrebels 🌹 @ladydollzs 🌹 @cpix11 🌹 @kbarias 🍒Private Tag List @gulperi4 DO NOT COPY🍒
Jan 14Reply
gulperi4 Congratulations on hosting your party!! Please check out these gorgeous Posh Compliant closets for your host picks 🎉 🌹 @ajcook50 🌹 @haileyremo2 🌹 @thewifeysthings 🌹 @ktkatlp 🌹 @hillaryshouston 🌹 @shill62 🌹 @jkubicki 🌹 @momoyve61 🌹 @ceeceesbusiness 🌹 @priscillarogers 🌹 @darcymichele 🌹 @ep2chr 🌹 @beautyshineson 🌹 @jassieboo92 🌹 @_mandee 🌹 @rolltidestacy 🌹 @shayml4 🌹 @seahighmarkett 🌹 @rfrulla 🌹 @stylesavvy81 🌹 @star2733 🍒Private Tag List @gulperi4 DO NOT COPY🍒
Jan 14Reply
pinktiarafinds Congratulations or so in on your co-hosting tonight🎉🎊I can tell is totally Chic and you're going to rock this party 😎🍷can't wait to see you it'll be a ton of fun🎀💜👍 if you have a chance I'd be honored if you could take a peek in my closet see you tonight😍😙
Jan 14Reply
posh_dame ✨🎉 Congrats on hosting dear! 🎉✨Hope you have a blast🌺💐🌹💝💫In the meantime, please consider these gorgeous PC closets for Host Picks😘🎉✨ 👑@tereza2000 👑@n2starbucks ⚔️@aesthethicdavin 👑@closetofjules 👑@agnesandmary 👑@margiebailey ⚔️@danielson2 👑@julisdiamonds 👑@seasonsofflavor 👑@gulperi4 👑@kirabella35 👑@ccprice74 👑@bansera 👑@mandymaescloset ✨✨✨✨@ep2chr ✨✨✨✨
Jan 14Reply
melonsquare Congrats!! Please check out my closet if you have time 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 14Reply
gracef682 Congratulations on hosting!! If you are still looking for HP's for your party tonight, I would love if you could check out my closet! I'll be there shopping and sharing!
Jan 14Reply
atkorczynski Congrats on hosting again tonight!!! Please consider checking out my closet!!! 🤗
Jan 14Reply
kam19_88 Congrats!! 🎉🎉 check out my closet and these awesome others! @kam19_88 @jennifernicoleb @miss_nicole222 @khenes💕💕💕💕
Jan 14Reply
alwayssposh Congrats on hosting tonight ! Can't wait to party :) It would mean alot if you could take a look in my closet for a possible host pick ! thank you and lets have a great party tonight !! :D
Jan 14Reply
fashionista816 Hi! Congrats on hosting!! Please check out my Posh compliant closet for potential host pics! I have many items to choose from! 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗
Jan 14Reply
evelynsophia543 Congrats on cohosting another party!! A great way to have some weekend fun, with posh friends and a fab theme too :D if you're still looking for hps, please consider checking out my closet :)
Jan 14Reply
b_luxe 💕Congrats on hosting! May you enjoy your party. ☺ I'd be grateful if you would consider my closet for a pick. 🎀 I also admire these closets; @lolli_posh @ericarose1989 @bluechandelier @pbuzzalino @astyleaddict @hopeeleighh @thefashionfortt @littlewing67 Thanks for the consideration! 💕
Jan 14Reply
dinofinder @51twenty thank you, Carolyn!
Jan 14Reply
51twenty 🎉😘You're welcome @dinofinder
Jan 14Reply
kcloveshearts Congrats lovely!!! Wishing you many sales!!! ☺️💗💗💗💗👏🏼
Jan 14Reply
shopaholicsss . ╔══════════════╗ ┊  ┊  ┊  ┊ ┊  ┊  ┊  ★ ┊  ┊  ☆ ┊  ★ ☆ 🆃🅞🅽🅸🅶🅷🆃 is the 🅽🅸🅶🅷🆃! hope you have an awesome time co-hosting tonight! if you haven't made your way to my closet yet, i would love to be considered for a host pick! i have a few ¢ℓαѕѕι¢ ѕтуℓє worthy picks in my closet! ╚══════════════╝
Jan 14Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tonight! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet.Thanks ❤️
Jan 14Reply
foamgirl Super congrats on the hosting gig!! 🎉🎉💐
Jan 14Reply
duckey78 CONGRATS on hosting your Posh Party!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 so looking forward to new listings and fresh host picks!!💕💕💕💕💕 Sharing with my PFFs. If you have time please check out my closet for possible host picks! 💜💙💜💙💜💙
Jan 14Reply
theposhpanda39 Woot woot!! Congrats on hosting today! ! Can't wait to party with you and cheer you on! If you haven't already selected all of your Host picks please take a peek in my closet! Have fun and Happy Poshing! XOXO, Tara 😙 🎉 💕
Jan 14Reply
kim_b22 Hi! 💞 Congratulations on hosting!!! 🎊🍾 If you're still looking for Host Picks, I've moved theme appropriate & newly listed items to the top of my closet. 👗🎉👢💐👚
Jan 14Reply
nessthings Congrats! Would love if you checked out my closet for host picks! ✨
Jan 14Reply
downsouthshop Congrats on hosting! You're going to have a blast! If you have a second, I would love if you could peek into my closet for a potential host pick!! 😊💕
Jan 14Reply
carenhelm @burstsoffashion Helping to spread the word & will be there cheering you on & sharing your HP 'a & closet to the party! Have fun & wishing you many Posh sales. 🎉☺️💕☺️🎉
Jan 14Reply
shoeaddictgirl Congrats on hosting your second posh party!! Have a blast!! Will be there to share and celebrate!! 😊✨💕🎉
Jan 14Reply
bubbleduckie123 💎 Wishing you congrats Kendall on your 2nd time! Hope it's more fun than you imagine and that you find lots of sweet surprises to share as Host Picks! 🐝🍯🐻☘
Jan 14Reply
sejoursouvenir congrats on hosting!!! 🎉🎉🎉 would love if you have a minute to check out my closet for possible host pick! Thank u! 💕
Jan 14Reply
lannaelizabeth Congrats on hosting! Please consider me for your host picks ☺💕
Jan 15Reply
trishtam Congratulations on your party. Please consider an item from my posh complaint closet for a possible host pick. I appreciate your time. Thank you!❤️
Jan 15Reply
passporttoindia Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @burstsoffashion
Jan 15Reply
stylesorceress Congrats on the party 🎉. Your closet is so cute 🦄🌸🌈
Jan 15Reply
lubita_04 Congrats! Hope I can get a host pick! Good luck with sales everyone! 😽
Jan 15Reply
jackielanel Congratulations!🎉 I'd LOVE to be a Host Pick tonight!😊
Jan 15Reply
ajhaskins11 Hooray!! Love this theme! Can't wait! 🎉
Jan 15Reply
kylemcolucci Congrats on the party! Please consider my PC closet, I've got a handful of new listings :)
Jan 15Reply
kenzieaveni Check out my closet for host pick items, pretty please! 😬🎉🙏🏻 congrats on your second time co-hosting!
Jan 15Reply
bellanblue congrats again on hosting tonight! how very exciting! your time to shine! See you there! :)
Jan 15Reply
laurism Congratulations on hosting!!! I'll see you at the party. Stop on by if you're still looking for host picks! @laurism
Jan 15Reply
kelseyk99 🎉Congrats!!!!🎉 I would love to be considered for a HP! ❤️😊💕
Jan 15Reply
lindafinds Congrats. Please check out my closet. 😀
Jan 15Reply
hautecakes Congrats on your second party!!🌟🥂💖✨
Jan 15Reply
melodyraquel Congrats on hosting the party tonight💓💓💓
Jan 15Reply
tylerknight13 Congrats! Please consider my compliant closet for host picks! 🎉❤
Jan 15Reply
lovelacy Congrats on hosting!! Have fun tonight💃🏻
Jan 15Reply
wearablewhimsy @burstsoffashion Can't wait for your party!! T-minus less than an hour! Hope you have a blast hosting :) Can't wait to shop and share your host picks for tonight! xo, Courtney
Jan 15Reply
kingamnich 🎈🎊🎉Congratulations 🍾 Hope you find many great pieces and enjoy the 🎉 party
Jan 15Reply
lotus0104 Yay!!!!! Congratulations 😊🌙👠👖😍👏🌙🌙!!Have fun, see you there!😊😊😊
Jan 15Reply
acksummer Congrats on hosting tonight!!! I'd love for you to check my closet for Host Picks! ❤️😊
Jan 15Reply
kontogonis Congrats on your hosting! 🍾 Cheers to a new year full of Posh success! 🥂🥂
Jan 15Reply
nikongirlrocks It's almost time! Take a deep breath and cherish every second! What an honor! . 🎀⬜️ ⬜️🎀 🎀⬜️🎀 ⬜️🎀⬜️🎀 🎀🐷 HOSTING!🐷🎀 🎀Congratulations!🎀 ⬜️🎀X0X0🎀⬜️ 🎀
Jan 15Reply
lily_eucalyptus @burstsoffashion congratulations on hosting tonight! I would be honored if you checked out my closet for a potential host pick! 💕
Jan 15Reply
jennifernora32 @burstsoffashion Wishing you a fabulous time at the party tonight, know that you're swamped with requests to check out closets and I'm actually here to do the same, if you have just a nano second to peek in and look at a couple of my rare and exotic gemstone jewelry pieces it would mean a lot to me. Thank you for your time, XO Theresa
Jan 15Reply
vivacouture Congrats on hosting tonight have a great time 💃🏽🌷👏🏻👏🏻
Jan 15Reply
hidethebags 💜you are 🌴co hosting 🌴for sure, Kendall! And--You certainly have the closet to BACK YOU UP!!! 🌹Should I congratulate you on the 🌴co host🌴. Or the FABULOUS ⚡️closet⚡️?!?? Lol!!! Both:). Good luck tonight!!! 💜👑🐝
Jan 15Reply
stunning_29 @burstoffashion Congratulations to you on hosting ur posh party tonight! How exciting!!💞🎊💞🎊💞🎊💞!! & idk how I missed your party ad!?! I'll definitely be there to support & share your hps & only if by chance you have any last minute hps I'd be honored if you could take a look at my posh compliment closet! Thank you so much for your time & I sincerely hope you have a blast !! Xo Michele:)💞💞💞
Jan 15Reply
triciatx @burstsoffashion ☆♥♥❥❥❥✿☆___ CONGRATULATIONS ___☆✿❥❥❥♥♥☆ Wishing you tons of sales, shares, and new followers! Best~ Tricia ♥ @triciatx (please check out my compliant closet in consideration for a host pick) .•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥.•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ ✶* ¸ .✫ ♥
Jan 15Reply
artsie_1 Hi. I'm carol. Congrats on your party. I hosted my first one in Dec. if you have not made all your HP's, please look into my closet. I have some amazing pcs.
Jan 15Reply
urfashionneeds Congrats on hosting! 🎉
Jan 15Reply
nycitystyle Congrats on hosting again!! 🎉
Jan 15Reply
sunshinelilies Congrats on hosting! I hope you have lots of fun! If you haven't selected all of your host picks, check out my closet! I'm posh compliant😊
Jan 15Reply
samanthadoc I would really appreciate it if you made one of my listings a host pick💞Also congrats on co host😊😊
Jan 15Reply
jwang26 @burstsoffashion Hi!! You have such a cute closet! Congrats on hosting tonight ☺️ if it's not too late, please check out my closet for a HP? Thanks! 💕
Jan 15Reply
swerley18 Congrats on hosting!!! Please feel free to check out my closet for a possible host pick. I would love to have my 2nd one!! Happy poshing! ♡
Jan 15Reply
p0kie111 Have fun hosting your party tonight!!! ✨c h e e r s✨
Jan 15Reply
allisonbates1 Congrats on hosting! I would love to be considered for a host pick :)
Jan 15Reply
milandpat @burstsoffashion CONGRATS ON HOSTING😀
Jan 15Reply
drgillie ❤❤If you have time I'd ❤ for you to checkout my closet❤❤
Jan 15Reply
rmccouture I hope that you are having a great time cohosting Kendall! Cohosting is a lot of work, and is also the greatest service you can do for the Poshmark community. It is a very selfless act, and I want to thank you for the time and effort you have put into your planning. Idk if you asked a PFF to share your closet to the party, so I'm going to share as much of it as I can. Thanks again! NO SHARE BACKS! ❤️Amanda
Jan 15Reply
shopaholicsss . ╔═════════════╗ ┊  ┊  ┊  ┊ ┊  ┊  ┊  ★ ┊  ┊  ☆ ┊  ★ ☆ 🅟🅐🅡🅣🅨 🅣🅘🅜🅔! hope you're having a blast co-hosting! if you haven't made your way to my closet yet, i would love to be considered for a last minute host pick! i have some ¢ℓαѕѕι¢ ѕтуℓє worthy picks in my closet! ╚═════════════╝
Jan 15Reply
neutralstripes Hope you have a great experience! If you have any time left, feel free to check out my closet 😘
Jan 15Reply
mrsalliexo CONGRATULATIONS ON BECOMING A CO-HOST 👸🏼✨🎉 Hope you have a BLAST picking great items that I can shop from 😉💰💗. When you get a moment, would you take a peek at my closet for potential "Host Pick" items 🎀👭💐. Thank you SO much & good luck with your party!!!! See you there 😘😘 @mrsalliexo
Jan 15Reply
stylebymandy Congratulations on hosting the party! I would love for you to check out my closet and see if there are any possible listings to be considered for host pick. Thank you so much and congrats again! 💝🎉
Jan 15Reply
nursultan hi! i love your closet! if you're looking for host picks i have some items in my closet i'm trying really hard to sell! :) 💖💖💖
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 1CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF TAG©! @mikkimo  @jazzy_love13   @leighkubrav @milissamartin  @kimaj  @txan66  @purpleforestcat  @djgross5  @frosci @amberwoodward  @theneonetwork @otepbunni @dclopes  @donisalon7  @delazy  @onechicday  @lsprague3  @matadora1978   @ellen111200 @checkerednoon @aelalea @kristinabe @kalondrea @bohraj @partymk999 @blondejetli @turtledove56 @dunnlauren6 @petiteshopper !@zeze_nneka @anahb @wanted_wardrobe @pamsschmeck @jskid @mattis728 @psalm465 @educate79 @soufullight
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 2CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G!©  @bjgilliam  @razzrn62 @chrimsonshane  @sconrad878  @ironmissy @donnamz2  @vikinget07 @heather1315  @thegoodgoods @lermsce @sakshi9984  @britshim  @jazzmine_99 @ynotreadfood1  @snichol1  @jodisjewelry @healchno @whatsleft  @kmariec @travelinggirl68 @charms245 @emccandless @shorty3794 @mkribs   @lsheppard29 @dodmomdwd @angelabouzeid @kimberlyrose123 @stewmcg @shopjnicole @bellascove @misscheeseball @donnaw1 @norfolk1 🚫COPY
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 3CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G© @lyveh @annalise0800 @sssylviah @kellidavis05 @craysexycool @finediva @tdkbkt6 @kbsc_ @mrsmadariaga @abstractdreams @tlb1963 @blassiter93 @twinkle1076 @amocie @katralvin @cassandraknox @plainjanexo @lsprague3   @bethany_george3 @divamom820  @symone_says  @mzdivinity @cierramotley @holley33884 @lifebydesign @shelpen @creitzel @antiqueorunique @shanwinans @randmmom2 @sleverette @misspink22 @grace682 🚫COPY
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 4CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G©  @kathrynflood @levyh @doreen34 @meysmom  @chloelove11 @sle082899 @jarheadjen @karias1 @king311 @antonetteo @slightly_used @loveangel15 @monimaven @fashion_lily @divamom820  @kaylas_kloset2 @kaylabrooke722 @yummy333  @jam3715 @mandapanda83 @loveittwice @lalissann72  @kittenb  @alorah @mamaskiss @jenniferptk @amberdwhite @amandaeve16 @ravendeaira_ @beabellacouture @holley338848 @jenniferptk @amberdwhite @amandaeve16 @ravendeaira_ @beabellacouture 🚫COPY
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 5CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G© @between2worlds @millielovesyou @kaciopia @lknyc @ccapello1 @cmmonsini @greekmama1  @yorktownlady @edith_berber @lisdeanne @tifmiller @solrianna @missgabybee @rawrawriah @kylej @foxxy_mom  @kkherma @roseabby100 @queenb73 @hayaz @vixen676 @bonniejean @livsboutique @mkg84 @poshjeepgirl @cjmann @mailteresa2day @tanyamjo @qfrance @warrior04 @lalachica @qtrhrse66 @7thvintage @vik_rod @ptaylor44 @swirlygurl 🚫COPY
Jan 15Reply
mrsmadariaga Yay!! Congrats on getting to host an upcoming Posh party! Wahoo!!!💃🏻🎉🍾💃🏻🎉🍾💃🏻🎉🍾 🎉PARTY ALERT🎉 @bgab @carenlovesgucci @hrachal @kirabella35 @karens54 @treasuresbytrac @marlanap @clever102 @stylenu @smegathlin @jodisjewelry @janimack7 @abrazosybesos @cali1018 @rrsanborn @joleneberg @kidzcloths626 @karebear51 @rmccouture
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss After the party, turn this listing into a follow game and next time you're asked to host use the same listing!!!! CONGRATS AGAIN! Tip brought to you by The Best Poshmark Tips & Advice, find us on Facebook (3,200+ members!).
Jan 15Reply
janimack7 🌀FOLLOW GAME!🌀LET'S PLAY! 🌀DON'T FORGET TO SHARE!🌀 🌀@warrior04🌀@dinofinder🌀@nic39🌀@wendi41🌀@joyamarino🌀 🌀@mrsmadariaga🌀@nmmulkey🌀@michiv🌀@nanookmom🌀@paicar🌀 🌀@stunning_29🍦💞😊🌀@treasuretoday🌀@kirabella35🌀@loopholer🌀 🌀@niftylisa🌀@matadora78🌀@frannyzfinds🌀@kimkjc🌀@grace4d🌀 🌀@goldievd🌀@hippiewife🌀@treasuresbytrac🌀poshboutique16🌀 🌀@samipoo🌀@adh🌀meganbrainnecc🌀@ccprice74🌀@dsf58🌀 💞 PTL/DNC 💞
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 1 @pinkee4evr @xglamorousgirlx @otepbunni @everythingpink1 @qt_invalid @otravezvintage @maidmarian @rcristela25 @rdomal @gabby1984g @tonamikel @teri98908 @healchno @vikinget06 @ashada @plainjanexo  @luxlauren @motherskiss @emccandless @kristinabe @divamom820 @partymk999 @nadiamuy  @cassieissassy88 @sle082899  @jarheadjen @29pitches @michelem3 @dkphoenixdk @acaifromz @lunaaapotterrr @akingcade @mmag0213 @turtledove56 @katara25 @houseoftees @kittymama74 @mishkasstyle DO NOT COPY.
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss Follow game tag list brought to you by "The Best Poshmark Tips" a free and open support group on Facebook (3300+ Members) @mamaskiss @motherskiss
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 2 @newyorkbound @milissamartin @chrimsonshane @kendall1196 @hasmith12 @kellidavis05 @craysexycool @miturbe @efillingham @finediva @whatsleft @infinitelyposh @delazy @smittys @bethany_george3 @ellen111200 @checkeredmoon  @monimaven  @lisaguirre24 @meysmom @alex_art @rainewear @cierramotley @fashion_lily @hersheypiee @bpie81 @hayaz @heatherhogan72 @kay_tann @dogmomdwd @crazy_for_cocoba DO NOT COPY .
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 3  @blassiter93 @shorty3794 @becca656 @_mpavia @woodvl1 @anniemar @lucia888 @zoepittite @ynotreadfood1 @jodisjewelry @poshgarden @levyh @emarald02 @ritadee @kathrynflood @cassandraknox @shopnccloset @kalondrea @bohraj @symone_says @miami_wife @mzdivinity @momo513p @creative2 @yummy333 @jam3715 @mandapanda83 @loveittwice @lalisaann72 @kkherma @alorah @roseabby100 @xaris @lunar_poetry @seclendenin @chicandbroke @sunnysidevp @mina_davis @72inches @qfrance @bailee_lane @educate79
Jan 15Reply
motherskiss 4   @antonetteo @between2worlds @chloelove11 @karias1 @king311 @glee14 @kait330 @slightly_used  @millielovesyou @miranda_218 @mjbpv @julskewl  @galeyg @sunnygirl124 @shopndontstop @lknyc @yorktownlady @edith_berber @tifmiller @iambcross @lexi020612 @ellestark @lisdeanne @solrianna @missgabybee @rawrawriah @foxxy_mom @kylej @kaylas_kloset2 @kaylabrooke722 @kaylyn14 @mobilethrift   @vixen676  @shoreenuff @abizook @fashionistawi @lovesoflori @kathar679 @blak_hart DO NOT COPY .
Jan 16Reply
alesiacolvin Pls check out my closet for a possible host pick please💕
Jan 16Reply
ginga69 👣👣👣👣FG👣👣👣👣 @motherskiss🌹@lucksterlw🌹 @mmadonna🌹🌹@candymuse🌹 @frogs4me430🌹@joyamarino🌹 @bwhite2014🌹@veperez🌹@warrior04 @paicar🌹@rnicu00🌹@fashionjunkie16 @beccabiz🌹@charming_mhel🌹 @teamaddison🌹@angelabouzeid🌹 @spookyheartsg🌹@manahannah🌹 @cupofjoe🌹@shawnee_love🌹 @ginga69🌹@camieanderson🌹 @adenabean🌹@envymycurves🌹 @rack1257🌹@blue1222🌹@windrew11 @annahalsey🌹@artsie_1🌹@sunnymommy🌹@tomi_o🌹@laurendeubel🌹 @cheetah123🌹@captain_jack16🌹 @ericagaitan🌹 ❌Private tag list no copies ❌
Jan 16Reply
thefashionnook 👣Thank you for the follow game!👣 👜👠👞Let's follow ladies! FG alert 🚨! 👞👠👜 @larisa_rose 📖 @gingerjane 📚 @coffeebeansclst 📖 @sarah_elisee 📚 @hmillz5 📖 @orangejewce 📚 @alenaco 📖 @lizjnevin 📚 @kirabella35 📖 @tipsy4me2 📚 @whatcom1 📖 @tracima 📚 @angelbritton 📖 @rachrich2022 📚 @hollypo 📚 @mimireed 📖 @cajt62 📚 @vlsavell 📖 @ashleyandme01 📚 @angelaenigro 📖 @dotsandjems 📚 @alluck1210 📖 @sydneydak 📚 @sara_miichelle 📖
Jul 02Reply
chrissmith81 How do you sell so many Items? Any pointers? What do I need to do to perfect my closet? Thanks Christina ♡
Aug 16Reply
citrusandjune Looking for more follow fun?👀 Want to gain more followers FAST? 💪🏼 Come by my follow game @mcurley619 and help more poshers reach their goals! Don’t forget to make all those buttons 💙BLUE💙 🔁 SHARE 🔁 and leave a 💬COMMENT 💬 SEE YOU SOON 🕐
Nov 03Reply
thegetfitnurse Tag List 1!! 💞 @passion4poshing @jennifersugg @jstarnz @bestylish4real @ecsun2000 @jjulibean @maureen888 @hcampbel @sparkle95833 @lulu288 @k_doll @mras727 @canarygreen @gypsybeauty1111 @misspwhy @hunnibscloset ❌PRIVATE LIST-DO NOT COPY❌ Just tag me & tell me if you would like to be added or removed!😘
Mar 19Reply
thegetfitnurse Tag List 2!! 💞🛍👗 @abbeynicolerowe @loveangmarie @rachelscloset15 @suzmamj @groovychick4u @ourdailyride @cha8606 @thatlovejones @nccountrygirl13 @rosalina2017 @cannaleah97 @therealerinj @jdtucker08 @pattyjo_bowers @lovelykendu ❌PRIVATE LIST-DO NOT COPY❌ Just tag me & tell me if you would like to be added or removed!😘
Mar 19Reply
thegetfitnurse Tag List 3!!!! 🎉 @karriemdubois @lmneuse @laniwon1 @amandaf9572 @cnlajeun @lollipopkissies @hwnislegal2005 @stephgarris @rosemcnab @avery_dew @blondiebundles @yohabee @tnwalkerbabe @babymeisje @shawns_closet ❌PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY❌ Please visit my tag list sign up if you would like to be added or removed! 😘
Mar 19Reply
thegetfitnurse Tag List 4!!!! 🎉 @fergie0307 @robstermama @tpart001 @annhua2 @invoguehippie @msprincess88 @belmont27 @bellax5 @adalostanka @katington @livingsingle @aab @livingmypurpose @kimmylooo @candice3076 ❌PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY❌ Please visit my tag list sign up if you would like to be added or removed! 😘
Mar 19Reply
thegetfitnurse Tag List 5!! 😎 @alinaa011 @tinkerrn @peacegoddess @ayyyg @_sophia_o @ladonna678 @mybleulove @treasuresdev5 @emtminnie @floridasunny25 @sharuma @jennyfletcher1 @alvarophaz @lizzieholdridge @n_middleton ❌PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY❌ Tag me & let me know if you want to be added or removed! 😘
Mar 19Reply
thegetfitnurse TAG List 6!! 😍 @kenzie3212 @angiemirelespaz @penni1 @mystery1981 @padfoot0811 @dogs5001 @incognitomoon @tmssales @hairdiva007 @youngjenn20 @belleesha @lk_brockmeyer @karinlouise @covert820 @cincinpierce ❌PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY❌ Tag me & let me know if you want to be added or removed! 😘
Mar 19Reply
thegetfitnurse TAG LIST 7!! 🎉🛍😘 @_kgf @marla_lobo @nicolern86 @savvy3155 @cocoshopgirl @goochiemama @canarygreen @rkbgeiger @angelapappas @lindseymlittle @sinsofcyn @msplf1949 @stcloset @pdr80 @vmashburn ❌PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY❌ Please visit my tag list posting if you would like to be added or removed! 😘
Mar 19Reply
thegetfitnurse TAG LIST 8!! 🎉🛍😘 @claudiasdeals @kathelena1111 @kimmysue1979 @thriftyunicorn1 @amoicani @moonrose171 @dawn_k_erick @bugdootle @smd83f @upliftinglove @marietripp @michellek1980 @lexirenee2204 @sgbear98 @delilahwear ❌PRIVATE LIST - DO NOT COPY❌ Please visit my tag list posting if you would like to be added or removed! 😘
Mar 19Reply
curatedbycindy Liked, followed all and shared 💜
Jul 28Reply
valine Follow Game 🌟 💞💞💞 List 10 @moongoddessedgy , @moongoddess7 , @jjbbrc68 , @starwild18235 , @rjlee2 , @skylinpyles , @djmflygirlshop , @eschellapurvis , @junker9926 , @luv2shop438 🚓Private list do not copy.
Nov 02Reply
tammaracoleman liked followed and shared 😊
Nov 02Reply
rjlee2 Liked, shared, and following! Come check out my follow game too!
Nov 02Reply
reesbrown56 🍓Liked,  Shared and Following all Blues 💙Please Follow my New Game..near the top of my Closet... if you aren't already 👱‍♀️Jeanne
Nov 02Reply

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