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Updated 3 hours ago

HAPPY WINTER 💝NEW YEAR 2024🙏🏻 which adds up to 8, the Lucky #



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🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 YAYY, i finally made it , I’m a Posh Ambassador!! Thank you dear PFFS for all your support. I’m very blessed & grateful. It finally paid off, constantly follow, share, like, hours & hours of hard work. I couldn’t have done it with out you, my dear PFFs, 4 years & over 200 thousand followers. Thank you for all your encouragement, I’m grateful to be part of this community 🌷❤️
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ally_marc @vanyataycoon 🌺 hi Vanya, I’m much better now had a bad cold. Thank you for your good wishes. What’s new with you, how s your little baby. Mine is getting old, but he’s so cute & very smart.
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon that sounds good, I️ drank cognac😂😂I’m still in bed catching up on posh shares😂😂 time to go down stairs & get ready for my hubby, he comes home for lunch. I️ need coffee, hadn’t yet😊
Nov 08Reply
silvimom64 @ally_marc Congratutlation Ally!! So happy that you made it after all your hard work!! 🌹🌷🛍🌟🍸🍾
Nov 08Reply
bluesea38 Congrats my dear friend❤️ well deserve it!! Enjoy 🎉🎊 and stay blessed !🙏🙏
Nov 08Reply
jimmycat 💐💐🌺🎊ALLY!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SO thrilled for wonderful you and your stunningly stylish closet!!❤️💛💕💙
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 🌺 Thank you dear Lourdes, you have been one of those nicest, kindest PFF for me on Poshmark. Your beautiful closet inspires me everyday. Stay blessed 🌷❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻
Nov 08Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc you are so kind 🌹and I wish you the best!💝❤️😘😘
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @jimmycat 🌺 Thank you dear. I’m glad i met such a classy lady. Have a blessed week. Thank you for sharing 🌷❤️
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @silvimom64 🌺 Thank you dear Sylvia, for being one of those nicest ladies that I’ve met here. It’s because of all your shares, I️ could not have done it with out you. Have a blessed week 🌷❤️
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon OMG, again you are the first one to congratulate me, dear Vanya. Thank you for all your shares & support. You are such a hard worker & have one of the best looking closets here. I️ wish you more success & blessings 🌷❤️
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon 🌺 tell her, Thank you Carla, Your closet is looking really classy. Vanya Are you feeling better? I’m still cleaning my house with the cleaners 😂😂
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon I️ forgive her but she has me blocked !!!
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon 🌺 you know I’m older than both of you, 56, I️ can forgive & even say im sorry, even though im not at fault at this time of my life. Because life has given me other priorities & little things like this don’t bother me anymore ❤️💜💙
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon 🌺 I️ always knew you were the problem. You like me are very emotional, sensitive & say before thinking & have a good heart. It’s our culture. Now, at 56 , I’m learning it’s better to be quiet, no opinions, & more political correct. That’s what my friends told me 😭😭😂😂
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon You know i have enough drama in my life, I️ don’t want any here😍
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon You know you also told Naomi to block, through Naomi I️ was trying to see if Carla church got my donation, then I got blocked 😭😂😂
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon 🌺 since Jesus can forgive all our sins, i accept your apology, we are only human, & not perfect & learning from each other. It’s good to be able to say sorry, always be humble & remember your roots, where you came from, & don’t change for anyone, be yourself !! Amen🙏🏻🙏🏻
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon 🌺 what, are you kidding me? I️ love you as you are. I️ didn’t care about anything. You understand wrong again
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon i thought we were talking & you agreed
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon I️ have nothing against you or anybody. This is Poshmark not virtual reality
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon 🌺 no. Vanya not attacking, we r not dog, we are talking. No, I am sorry for not understanding you , & doing you wrong. Please forgive me.
Nov 09Reply
ajcollections @ally_marc Yayyyyy!!! You made it my dearest PFF!!! 🎉🎀🎉🎀🎉💕🌹💕🌹💕 Congrats!!! 🍾🥂🍾🥂🍾 Luckily I came to share your gorgeous closet else I'd have not known. 😃
Nov 11Reply
ally_marc @ashjesh 🌺 Thank you dear PFF, i couldn’t have done it with out you🌷❤️I have been getting sooo many followers, so busy sharing sharing but no offers😂😂 I am in Napa this weekend for a wedding😍 Have a blessed weekend😘
Nov 11Reply
jovigraham Whoooo hoooooo YAY .. you did it. Congrats my friend 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 and you hv a blessed weekend as well.
Nov 12Reply
ebonyeyes2016 Congrats!!! I hope to be their soon.😍😍😍😍😍😍
Nov 13Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham 🌺 Thank you my dear PFF. I Couldn’t have done it with out your help 🌷💕😘
Nov 13Reply
ally_marc @ebonyeyes2016 🌺 Thank you sweetie, yes you will, sooner than you think 🌷
Nov 13Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham 🌺 No offer no sale. This weekend i was at Napa for a wedding. Had a great time with my kids 😍 just came back & catching up. i hope you had a great weekend😘
Nov 14Reply
jovigraham @ally_marc that's awesome .. I like weddings. And of course it's always a pleasure 2b with family. !! My weekend great thx 🌸🤗🌸
Nov 14Reply
piccadilly_posh Woohoo 🎉💕🎉💕Good job, pff!! You deserved it!!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️❤️😘😘🎉🎉
Nov 19Reply
style_guyd Mazel Tov! 💁🏼‍♂️🛍🛍
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @amarinoni 🍁Thank you, dear, help me clean out my closets to make room for yours😉
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @style_guyd 🍁Thank you, dear. I enjoyed visiting your closet this morning😍 I hope you’re doing well, it’s been very slow here, even with all the low prices, but I’m still loving it at Poshmark ❤️
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @piccadilly_posh Good morning, dear. I hope you’re having a great Thanksgiving Day weekend so far. I finally added some items last night, till 2 am, on my own, without my daughters help. It looks ok, I’ll get better 🤪😂 Please be honest with me, is it bad, makes my closet look cheep that I have listed dust bags & empty boxes for sale?
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham 🍁Good morning dear PFF. Thank you for your honesty, it’s getting harder & harder to sell on Poshmark, now. Any offer should be welcome 🙏🏻 Have a blessed Sunday, happy poshing my love 😍 got to get ready for church 🌷😉😘
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @amarinoni 😍😍😍
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @style_guyd 🍁Thank you sweetie, you too 🙏🏻😍 Is it tacky that I’m selling empty boxes & dust bags?
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @ashjesh 🍁 Good morning My dear PFF. I’m so sorry you had gone through sooo much, I had no idea. I’m glad you are doing much better now, thanks God. Had a nice Thanksgiving Day with family & relatives, enjoying my son & daughter this weekend. Went crazy & lowered everything big sale, but nothing happened, sold a dust bag. Can I list dust bag & empty boxes? Last night till 2 Am was listing, on my own, couldn’t wait for my daughter to help me anymore, I did ok
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @ashjesh 🍁cont. have to do better with the pictures & description 🤪😂 but when I was trying to list Chanel hangers, dust bag or boxes, a warning would flash. I didn’t understand why, as a posh Ambassador I can’t? against the rules? Sorry I’m asking of you, but honestly, you answer faster than Poshmark Support 😉😂 after all that sale, I only sold 1 dust bag. I should get ready for church. Thank you dear, sorry to bother you, have a blessed Sunday 🌷❤️😘
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @ebonyeyes2016 Good morning sweetie. I hope you having a great Thanksgiving Day weekend. I added new items, I did without my daughters help& it shows🤪😂 It’s ok I’ll get better. Have a blessed Sunday 🙏🏻❤️😘
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @ashjesh okay dear, thank you so much. Take care of yourself 🌷❤️😘
Nov 26Reply
style_guyd @ally_marc absolutely not! People need those!!!!
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @style_guyd THANK YOU 😍😍
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham 🍁What do you mean red church? English is my second language, and I’m Christian but I haven’t heard that.
Nov 26Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham 🤪😂 I can’t stop laughing 😆 Wow, that’s so funny, I’m asking my husband my daughter what is red church? We’ve been living here in USA for 45 years & never heard of red church, lol
Nov 27Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham ❤️❤️❤️ Yes almost did. I have to ask
Nov 27Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham 🍁 ask you something. Last night I was adding new items in my closet, I couldn’t wait for my daughter to help me anymore, I did ok? Not as nice as yours, but anyway you know what happened, a warning piped up & stopped my listing saying it’s a violation, I was listing Chanel box & Chanel hangers? Now I have a $30 offer on the box & afraid to sell it & violate Poshmark guidelines. What do you know?
Nov 27Reply
davidawill Congratulations Aleen, it must feel FANTASTIC! Your closet is to die for. I have made it officially my DREAM closet. I just lost sight in one eye,so sunglasses are my new best accessory, and sunglasses you have, amongst other things. Anyway thank you for sharing my closet and feel free to browse through when you have time ☺
Nov 30Reply
ally_marc 🎁 Thank you dear. Everything in my closet is authentic & my own designer collection. All offers are welcome. I see you just started. Your closet is looking great I will share & Follow 😍
Nov 30Reply
thefave1 @ally_marc , WooHoo 🎉🎊🎉 & Congratulations on becoming a PoshMark Ambassador! 👏👏 I'm also a PoshMark Ambassador, and probably don't know have the things I need to know, Lol 😊 continued blessings to you.
Dec 16Reply
ally_marc @pbblacknsexy 🎁 Thank you dear. Merry Christmas 😍💝🎄☃️
Dec 19Reply
san362 Thanks again Alley. Love love them, they are stunning ! Such a pity😤😤😤 they did not fit ! Calves are huge! Will have them adjusted(3rd time experience this 😆😆😆) shopping was super fast and I totally forget to mention in my review. Also should write recommend NOT recommended! 😆
Dec 20Reply
lcousino3r You have a gorgeous closet! I'm in love. 😍 wishing you a prosperous and healthful new year!
Jan 14Reply
ally_marc @lcousino3r Thank you dear 😍 Happy New Year 🎆🎊🎉
Jan 15Reply
ally_marc @aimeecloset Yes, Follow share share participate in the parties, when you give you get back😍
Jan 15Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon Congratulations you are an Ambassador. I’m so happy for you. Finally all that hard work, Follow share party, paid off😍
Jan 15Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon why you don’t list it in the beginning
Jan 16Reply
bohoandbeach @ally_marc Thank you for all the shares of my closet! I appreciate it so much!! 💗💗💗😘
Jan 20Reply
ally_marc @loveday45 YW, me too ❤️❤️
Jan 20Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you and you are welcome 💋💋💋👏 Abundance to you 😇
Jan 26Reply
flyfashion1980 🙌🏻
Jan 29Reply
cceciliasstuff Thank you for follow me, sharing and the like. Nice to meet you.
Jan 29Reply
craftcraze Congratulations on this amazing accomplishments!🌟🎋💌🎋🎈🎉❤️🌟
Jan 30Reply
ally_marc @craftcraze Thank you so much. I couldn’t do it alone. You all dear PFF helped me to get it😍😍
Jan 31Reply
ecprep Hi. Thank you for your like and shares. Just wanted you to know I looked at your closet in detail. Absolutely stunning. A girl after my own heart. ❤️. I’m new to the Posh process but appreciate your obvious expertise! Well done.
Feb 01Reply
ally_marc @ecprep Thank you dear. You have a beautiful closet. Very well photographed & priced well. Now all you need to do is share follow & participate in the everyday parties. The more you share the more followers you will get & hopefully it will result in sales😍
Feb 01Reply
ecprep @ally_marc Thanks for the encouragement I will do my best to share and like in true posh spirit. I too have spent a very long time shopping and amassing 👑treasures. Some now need to find loving homes where they can be enjoyed once again. 🍾👍❤️
Feb 01Reply
andine @kleinlori wonderful news! @ally_marc CONGRATULATIONS! So happy to see such a wonderful person and closet added to the ranks! @kleinlori thank you dear friend for tagging us to let us know! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 07Reply
vickie21 @ally_marc Congratulations Ally🎉🎉 🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Feb 07Reply
theresab @kleinlori yay congrats !
Feb 07Reply
elpers6 Yay!!!! Congrats! 🍾🎉🎉 wishing you many sales! @kleinlori Thank you for the tag! 😍
Feb 07Reply
gosia2017 @kleinlori thank you Lori it's kind of fun 🍀❤️🍀
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @janis_marie 🌻Thank you dear😍 Have a blessed week 🙏🏻❤️🕊
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @theresab 🌻Thank you dear😍 Have a blessed week 🙏🏻❤️🕊
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @vickie21 🌻Thank you dear Vicki😍I can’t believe we are just meeting, even though I’ve been here almost a year now😄Have a blessed week 🙏🏻❤️🕊
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @andine 🌻 Thank you Andine, I love Poshmark!! It’s all because of you lovely powerful ladies encouraging each other😍 Have a blessed week. 🙏🏻❤️🕊
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @elpers6 🌻Thank you 😍Have a blessed week 🙏🏻❤️🕊
Feb 07Reply
jimmycat @kleinlori @ally_marc Thank you Lori!! I’m so happy for Ally💛she’s such a warm and special Lady!!💕💫
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @gosia2017 I love your closet, it’s a designer lovers heaven 😍 Thank you 😍 Have a blessed week🙏🏻❤️🕊
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @kleinlori 🌻Thank you dear, I really appreciate the recognition & tagging your friends 😍 I know how busy you are, everyday, but then you took the time to do this extra thing. May God bless you with everything you deserve, you are a very kind sweet & classy lady. Have a blessed week 🙏🏻❤️🕊
Feb 07Reply
gosia2017 Thank you and I just became a Pish Ambasador this morning, after less than a year . 👍🍀🌺
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @gosia2017 🌻OMG , Congratulations, I’m sooo happy for you, it’s good Karma 😍❣️
Feb 07Reply
gosia2017 @ally_marc 🎈🎈🎈🎈🌹
Feb 07Reply
ally_marc @bagsandbaubles 🌻thank you so much for sharing 😍
Feb 08Reply
ally_marc @pmolone 🎁 Dear Paula, thank you, but I’m just trying to get rid of my LVs. I have so much to clear out, don’t have much use for it since I’m not working anymore. You have to go to Fauré Les Paige store in Paris. I posted some bags I got on my Xmas tree listing.
Feb 12Reply
luvyorlook 🙀😉❤️💕💋
Feb 18Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook No it’s like 25-26 because the white ones are also 14”? Also the other 2 you got 😍
Feb 19Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook It’s soft dear
Feb 19Reply
kikistore Thanks for sharing back! I could spend days visiting your beautiful closet!
Feb 27Reply
ally_marc @kikistore GM🌞 TY for the beautiful compliment 😍 Have a blessed day 🙏🏻💫🌷
Feb 27Reply
elliebrown22 Congrats! Great closet 🥂
Mar 07Reply
ally_marc @ekbrown22 Thank you dear, you too 🌷
Mar 07Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook 🌞GM gorgeous how are you. Times change this morning. We finally got some rain in Los Angeles. Want to stay in warm bed & have a lazy Sunday. We usually on Sunday I make brunch for kids , bring my mom over for visit, pop the champagne & stay home. Have a blessed Sunday 🍾💝🦋🐞🌷
Mar 11Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob Amanda please look at this, I attached the email here. Do you think this is a fake email? My daughter said there’s many errors.
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @onsaledesigner Yes love your closet.
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon Look under the next , got this email yesterday. Now another problem. I send it To PoshMark Support to see if it’s from them or hacking. My daughter says it’s fake, too many written errors
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon no it’s here the next picture after Posh Ambassador picture. Did you get anything like that
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon You know Amanda At poshcoffeesnob, I send it to her, she said others received it too. Do not click on the green writing, if you do then they get all your information, bank account Yes I got all my money. And I’m talking to you & sharing & following.
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @vanyataycoon Yes, be careful. I’ll keep you posted. The rain stopped here, Im going to get my hair done today. Have a blessed day 🙏🏻❤️🦋
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @jimmycat Hi Julia, look what happened to me yesterday, I got this, I attached up here. My daughter thinks it’s a scam? Because of the grammar errors. What do you think. I send it to Poshmark Support, but I haven’t heard anything yet.
Mar 14Reply
jimmycat @ally_marc Definitely looks like a new phishing scam to me! You have to hit that button to reclaim your store! Ha ha! Darn it well I’m sure posh will look into that and take care of it!🤔💛
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @jimmycat 🤞I hope this purchase goes thru.🦋
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob @vanyataycoon Hello dear PFFS Please be notified it was a Phishing Email, scam, not Poshmark Support, When received do not click on it, Poshmark will never email you something like this. Please be aware of it & notify your friends. Thank you for your support I really appreciate it.
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 @jovigraham @jimmycat ,@vanyataycoon @piccadilly_posh @poshcoffeesnob Dear Ladies, please be aware of this new scam, Phishing email that I received. Good thing my daughter saw that it was a scam. I notified PoshMark & received all this email from them. Please make sure your friends are aware of it. Thank you for your support, always, my dear PFFS ❤️💛💖💚💙💜
Mar 15Reply
jovigraham @ally_marc thx PFF @senorasassy 👆🏽👆🏽above
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @ashjesh @silvimom64 @style_guyd @ebonyeyes2016 Dear PFFS please be aware of this new scam , Phishing email I received yesterday. I posted everything I got from Poshmark, today. Please notify all your friends. Thank you 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
Mar 15Reply
ajcollections @ally_marc Hi PFF. Looks like they won't stop at anything. Thank you for the FYI. I'll spread the word. ❤
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @style_guyd It’s probably the Gucci belt case, it’s not over. You were right 🤔🤔
Mar 15Reply
piccadilly_posh Thanks for the heads up, my dear pff!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️😘They’ll try anything! Ugh! 🤭😏
Mar 15Reply
poshtessa NEW EMAIL SCAM 💥ALERT💥Do NOT click on these email buttons/links if you get one! ღ @jmwelker5@tweetboo55@xtinascottsdale@belovedsparrow@sunnybirdmarket@sbreza777@shopofthemoment@erinbickley@christineclem12@bbstyle1541@threadsobsessed@bullies19@oparis@lolabunsmami@amandas2ndroom@jjj9_4@lu_lu_luxe@interiorviews@revenantfashion@bethybd@nerdynerss ღ ☆.¸¸.✿Thanks for tags, PFFs💖
Mar 15Reply
ajcollections @spice_country You're welcome!😊
Mar 15Reply
ses54 @ally_marc @lhaag721 Thanks for the heads up, Lynda! This is getting just a little too crazy for me!! That has so many errors in the spelling it’s pathetic! Looks like a grade school child typed it! Omg whey will they try next??? 😳
Mar 15Reply
mlb1006 Email Scam Alert! Read Slides! 💞💞💞List 2 👗@unqiuestore 👗@dixiechik30 👗@jossmilan 👗@sbecker1962 👗@corleen 👗@ajohnsongattis 👗@angyinpink79 👗@gigishanger 👗@jodisward 👗@lipsticknjeans 👗@stacy1973 👗@marla_lobo 👗@suzmamj 👗@nadianbailey 👗@flugette 👗@pearlstash 👗@brittanydenby 👗@ccookson7714 👗@michelled73 👗@simplyme_toyou 👗@abeautifulchaos 💌PRIVATE LIST💌
Mar 15Reply
lynda721 I just reported it to Posh Support. @ally_marc @ashjesh @ses54
Mar 15Reply
divakaaren @sticks_stones TYSM @sticks_stones this frightening!
Mar 15Reply
thesweetcactus @spice_country Thanks for the heads up!👍🏻. SCAM ALERT...@mlminiutti @msellems @coco_shops @stylehunter13 @mintcloset31 @deutzcat @itzposhable
Mar 15Reply
ses54 @lhaag721 Good 👆😂😂
Mar 15Reply
chicmintcloset @boutique2u you are so sweet letting us know ♥️ thanks 🌟 @prestigeluxe look⬆️
Mar 15Reply
ses54 @jcfashioniste They either don’t realize or they just plain don’t care or think their too smart to get caught! I got 2 spams on items today! Always high end items too! Report & block! 👌
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @ashjesh Yes Dear I reported to Poshmark on Monday, when I first received it, that’s the 1st part up there. Today I received Poshmark answer & I posted that up there, for everyone to see. Please you clarify it for everyone, English is my second language, maybe I didn’t make it clear for everyone. Good thing We noticed the grammar, & thought it was a scam. Thank you dear😘
Mar 15Reply
ajcollections @ally_marc Sounds great PFF! Thank you so much. You're the best. @lhaag721 please see Ally's response above. She reported it.
Mar 15Reply
ses54 @jcfashioniste Email spams, they try to get you to email them or call a ph# about your item then they get your info! Ahh yes about AMEX I forgot about that! You’re right about that I s with them! Thanks for informing about the gift cards! 👌🤗💕
Mar 15Reply
gapeachposher @boutique2u thank you so much for the alert! The chopped up english is a red flag. Once again...some people 🙄.
Mar 15Reply
senorasassy @jovigraham @ally_marc Thank you so much for the warning! xoxo
Mar 15Reply
stunning_29 @ashjesh thank you sweetheart for the tag❤ this is awful!
Mar 15Reply
ajcollections @stunning_29 Awe you're so welcome my sweet love!❤
Mar 15Reply
ses54 @jcfashioniste I agree with that 100%!!! Too many men showing up here with blank closets too trying to follow! I do t like that either! No sales, no items, no bio?? No follow! Lol
Mar 15Reply
agaveworld @boutique2u thank you so much for the heads up 👍 some people 🙄 Scam Alert.. @chicboutiques @karen1177 @boopboutique @aschanick @itsallaboutgg @loveandsqualor @cocoboutiques @gbullar
Mar 15Reply
itzposhable @boutique2u Thank You for the tip off! Bad Grammar is usually a dead giveaway too...
Mar 15Reply
centsible_wear @restlessangel thabks for the tag PFF!!!! @ally_marc . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ※Congrats well※ * * deserved! * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mar 15Reply
ebonyeyes2016 What is going on here? Thank you Ally for your e-mail. I am not selling or buying at the moment, i am in the middle of a move and i am taking a 5month break, I appreciate your looking out though, Be careful everyone!!!!!
Mar 15Reply
cherie_lapin @ally_marc Thank you for letting us know!❤️🐰💋💋💋
Mar 15Reply
jio25 WOW. Thank you for the heads up. Didn’t get the email but appreciate this information.
Mar 15Reply
jio25 Thank you @omi_omy
Mar 15Reply
lucksterlw @stunning_29 Thanks Michele!😘😁😁😁❤️‼️
Mar 15Reply
aschanick @coco_shops Thanks for sharing with me! This is so crazy! Had t heard about it yet. So sad that things like this happen 🙄
Mar 15Reply
itsallaboutgg @coco_shops oh wow. Thanks for the heads up.
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @styleforgrab@nancycloset 415 After my Gucci belt case was resolved & I got paid, the next day, yesterday, I received this email 👆🏻👆🏻please go top of the page & read , that my account is suspended for suspicious transaction... & so on.... Please be aware & share. Thank you
Mar 15Reply
deedee_barr Did I ever tell you that I still have my mother’s Prom shoes? They’re 53 years old. Still marvelous! I took the kids to dinner last night with the gift card that you sent me. We don’t get to do that very often! 😃 I was thinking of you and wanted to tell you “Good Morning”! Im off to my cleaning job now. 😘😘😘😘😘......Thank you AGAIN!! You are so full of Grace and Beauty. We’ll talk soon
Mar 15Reply
lexiemadeit @ally_marc @tpmom Thanks for the information 💕💕👍
Mar 15Reply
omi_omy @jio25 😉❤️😘
Mar 15Reply
sheer_fabulous Thank you @deutzcat ..appreciate letting others know.
Mar 15Reply
icharb @mlb1006 thanks for posting and I shared the info..
Mar 15Reply
fleurdelis13 Shared. Thank you for letting us know.
Mar 15Reply
styleforgrab @ally_marc Thank you so much for sharing. Ally you need a spa day after this sale. :) xoxo
Mar 15Reply
paperartist @deutzcat Thank you for sharing this! Can’t believe there are so many ruthless people out there ready to take advantage of anyone they can. 😕
Mar 15Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat Hello Donna, Thank you so much for sharing ❤️😘
Mar 15Reply
valintino1 Thanks for the heads up on these scammers , I get targeted all the time and hate it , so I really appreciate it. Thanks Sherri
Mar 15Reply
cle957 Thank you for posting this to alert others! Thank you Kat @poshtessa for tagging me, I will pass the info along! 😀
Mar 15Reply
cle957 Email SCAM ALERT. Tagging you, just in case you haven’t seen this yet. @wildtimefashion @wanderinggypsie
Mar 15Reply
beauty_essex_ny Congrats!🎉🍾🎊🎈😁👍🏻
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @victorianudelma Scam Alert 👆🏻👆🏻Read the top, all of it
Mar 15Reply
beauty_essex_ny @ally_marc Omg 😮 Thanks. I didn’t realize it.
Mar 15Reply
beauty_essex_ny @deutzcat Thanks so much, girl!👍🏻😁 Good looking out.
Mar 15Reply
beauty_essex_ny @deutzcat Thank you 😊you too!🎈
Mar 15Reply
rachelmacneill SCAM ALERT! PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND READ SLIDES 🌸@jjj9_4 🌸@mlb1006 🌸@amandas2ndroom 🌸@rajaispeace 🌸@clothesplusmore 🌸@stephanielynn13 🌸@katt1003 🌸@nicolesanchez76 🌸@_rosebud_ 🌸@dberra04 🌸@threadsobsessed 🌸@bdutra 🌸@jrerin 🔏Private List🔏
Mar 15Reply
jrerin @ally_marc thank you!!
Mar 15Reply
ally_marc @rachelmacneill Thank you, received more today, posted under Markdowns Listing. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻💖🦋
Mar 15Reply
rachelmacneill @ally_marc Oh my! That’s horrible. I have had people want me to email them more photos wanting to buy an item. Don’t fall for those either. The first day I was on Poshmark I was targeted and have been targeted more than once on that one because I’m fairly new. Little did they know that my fiancé is in law school and works for some noteworthy attorneys and rides to school with a police officer. Joke was on them 🤣
Mar 15Reply
bloomingbrands Congrats 🎀🎀🎀
Mar 16Reply
dianek01 @ally_marc thank you for sharing my closet ❤️❤️❤️ btw, did everything turn out okay with your account and that scam email? I saw someone else post about the same thing! It’s so scary! Posh did write back to me to confirm they had reached out to you so we’re all good there.
Mar 19Reply
ally_marc @dianek01 all is good, TY. I didn’t hear from them. I’m glad you emailed PM support.
Mar 19Reply
rbossman87 Thank you for the share!!!!
Mar 19Reply
ally_marc @rbossman87 😍💖🦋🌷🐣
Mar 19Reply
mandygailg Congratulations 🎉🍾 yahhhhh!!:)
Mar 20Reply
jhunt510 Hi all please read the slides and beware of scammers!! 🥂@anahowell🥂@beriterinhoward🥂@bluewinkz🥂@brunomars9🥂@creitzel🥂@designak123🥂@donnastreasures🥂@dporter20774🥂@effiekats🥂@elanexige2015🥂@globalboutique🥂@justjems🥂@katiieex3🥂@koukla3🥂@mahalo24🥂@mommytechdiary
Mar 21Reply
jhunt510 Hi all please read the slides and beware of scammers!! 🥂@mshikar🥂@ohsojazzy🥂@pearlstash🥂@peytonaaa🥂@redlily21🥂@revlon005🥂@rnurieli23🥂@shanababy80🥂@shop_dj🥂@soare🥂@ssuper_starr🥂@sticks_stones🥂@teenytinydonuts🥂@theuyenandonly🥂@tmccarth 🥂@tracigilliamx3🥂@treschicchica🥂@valine91🥂@vmashburn
Mar 21Reply
ally_marc @silvimom64 Hello dear, just stopped by to say hello. How are you feeling, I hope you had a wonderful vacation with your loved ones😍 blessings to you 🙏🏻💖🦋🌷🐣
Mar 21Reply
tonegak Congrats
Mar 23Reply
perfectsplendid Hey🎉❤️🎉❤️Thank you so much fo the Posh Love' ❤️Please let me know if you have any questions❤️I also love to add discounts to bundles!! 🎉MAKE AN OFFER🎉 Or create a bundle! ❤️Lots Of Love and Happy Poshing❤️
Mar 24Reply
ally_marc @silvimom64 Dear Silvi Happy Palm Sunday🌺🌼🌸🌺🌼🌸🌺🌼🌸
Mar 25Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham Good morning dear, Happy Palms Sunday 🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺
Mar 25Reply
ally_marc @ashjesh Happy Palms Sunday 🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺
Mar 25Reply
jovigraham @ally_marc good afternoon my sweet & loving PFF .. thank you so much. The same to you !!! 🌸🤗🌸
Mar 25Reply
vanessabyington Yay congrats fellow posher!!
Mar 31Reply
tdubplusone Thanks for the ❤️ and follow. I am in love with your closet.
Apr 02Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob 🌞GM dear, please tell me what just happened at Coffee Barista this morning? You chose me a new comer? What does that mean what do I do, I have no clues? Please tell me what I’m supposed to do, I don’t understand these follow games & unfortunately my daughter isn’t home today & my mom is staying with me this weekend.
Apr 07Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob Cont. My mom is 82, a big baby & wants all the attention & hates it when I’m on my iPhone doing Poshmark. She’s seen me over the years how hard I worked & collected all these designer collection & now she watches me how hard I work to sell it. She feels sorry for me... but doesn’t understand I love doing this right now, how fun it is to be kind to someone & give it away for nothing. That’s my fulfillment.
Apr 07Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob thank you so much for including me for your assistance, for always listening to my problems that are happening too much lately in Poshmark 😀 The guy upstairs is testing me, he knows I’m a survivor 😜😂that sounds easy. I will do it right a way. Make it a wonderful weekend XOXO
Apr 07Reply
carolynnk8 Thank you for all the shares, my sweet friend 🌸 I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! 💕
Apr 08Reply
ally_marc @carolynnanne8 YW💗 MAKE it a wonderful Sunday 🙏🏻💖🦋🌷
Apr 08Reply
tatasstuff I just listed a Chanel bag you may love.
Apr 10Reply
clothingcompass Hello! Hope your enjoying Poshmark as much as I am 😊 have a great day!
Apr 17Reply
ally_marc @clothingcompass Yes dear, I love it here. It’s been a year since my daughter started this closet & now it’s just me making it work & she looks st me from the side & laughs st me with my son, at how addicted I am to Poshmark 😂😂 You are beautiful, Blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🌼
Apr 17Reply
uniquely4you Hi Ally this is Lux, ty for the like on the Balmain glasses. If you bundle them I can offer you a discount, FREE SHIPPING and have them shipped off later today.Ok thanks again.~Lux💋
Apr 25Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob GM dear 🌞🥓🍳☕️ Have a funny day. Blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🦋🌷
Apr 25Reply
mylittlebigboy @ally_marc Hi Aleen Would you like to make a bundle? I think you have a few things on your like list. Let me know if i can help you make the best possible choices for you. Thank you! :)
Apr 30Reply
luvyorlook Hi there!!.. I just said to (marcy --?) Beyond --bad with names .. I can tell you intimate things about people's lives -but can't remember names --go figure🙈 but I did say to her that when you two were yakking about The wedding - I felt like I was standing there myself listening to both of you- but I had tape on my mouth.. Was it you that turned me on to her?. iand excuse my poor spelling -I have to do "talk text "and my phone seems to have its own language
May 10Reply
luvyorlook My Goodness it's so difficult to carry a conversation on and finish a sentence with only 500 letters but I had said it was kind of funny the way we all"" find each other ""on here.. OMG the wedding ...tell me where it's going to be ! Like I'm going to know anyway being on the East Coast?
May 10Reply
luvyorlook When & if you have a huge huge family when you start inviting relatives when you want friends to actually understand-- to cut a list 150 is a lot..When is it ? My 1st marriage was quite grand at the time ... I had 10 yds of stuffing in the puffyshoukder puffs.. SO 80"s 😝....,,😝😆marquis cut diamond.. lol🙄🙄😁🤣🙈🙈
May 10Reply
ally_marc @styleforgrab I know where you are this weekend 😍 Enjoy it & have fun with your beautiful family. Are you a mom? Anyway Happy Mother’s day weekend 💝🍷💐🎁🙏🏻
May 12Reply
ally_marc @vacat Congratulations on your host pick, I love your closet 😍
May 15Reply
vacat Thank you. You know I drool over your closet. There’s a lot going on in this post. So sorry you’re having to deal with the nastiness of email phishing. Hope you and yours are all well💐😘
May 15Reply
ally_marc @vacat dear Holly, everything is good, a lot has happened here, some nastiness from Poshers, block me , unblock me, phishing emails, but I still love & enjoy PoshMark, I have met many lovely ladies here, and made some good friends. My daughter is getting married this year, busy planning that & a bridal shower. Have to find 2 beautiful gowns for me😂😂
May 16Reply
drummergrl000 Stunning closet!
May 17Reply
luvyorlook You are one of the most pleasant women on here !! - your are gracious- engaging and warm .. so many are just hustlers., I guessthats the way of cyber space. Ive had to reposh that sweet lacey top you sent.. My man made boobs - I couldnt even zipper. 🙈🙈🙀🤣🤭
May 21Reply
ally_marc @drummergrl000 thank you dear for sharing. You are beautiful blessings to you 💗
May 21Reply
luvyorlook I actually bought them im NYC - so many years ago to go with an outfit for a xmas party.. At the time I was working at " Hair Club For Men-- and our parties were like going to the academy awards .. At THAT time they were really hi end .. lol! Joan & David were big..that tells you how long theyve been collecting dust🙈💕
May 21Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook yes I know I still wear couple of pairs, very comfortable 😀
May 21Reply
sammie2es You are always welcome my pretty Aleen...Stay bless my dear.
May 25Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob Good morning dear 🌞 I got another phishing email from PoshMark. Do I need to report it to PoshMark support? Thank you 💗
May 26Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham where’s Piccadilli_posh, MJ is she okay?do you know?
Jun 03Reply
jovigraham @ally_marc hello beautiful. Funny you asked .. I was thinking of her the other day & left a message but no response as of yet.
Jun 03Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham yes me too, I left a message.
Jun 03Reply
sammie2es And thank you my pretty peincess for sharing mine as well. Stay bless my dear.
Jun 05Reply
senorasassy Hi there! I had to just share with you that I wore my beautiful Chanel pumps out to a special birthday dinner tonight & got many complements! God bless you and have a great week ahead! ♡
Jun 11Reply
sammie2es So far so good Aleen...thanks for asking. Have a bless week.
Jun 12Reply
diamoninthrough Ally I have been in court but I will be on this afternoon and tell you when to take not for sale off. So sorry it took a few more days but this is a mess. Really can not go into detail on here but about step grandchild
Jun 13Reply
luvyorlook That woman culnative is a very rude really woman...carrying on about her ridiculous with rants about her pants
Jun 13Reply
ally_marc @marcylafavor13 OMG again, I’m sorry you’re going through so much again. You are so sweet & kind, please don’t give up. I hope they know what an angel you are. My prayers are with you dear🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘
Jun 13Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook Hi gorgeous, who you talking about? My phone shut down this morning, My life was on hold, I couldn’t do anything. I don’t my passwords for PoshMark & didn’t know how to use it on the computer or IPad.
Jun 13Reply
luvyorlook By aharing the means girls comment diesnt that mean you agree with her?? If you reposted it with your own nice commet ..... sharing her nasty words are saying you agree no ones you did it cuz you dont 😞
Jun 13Reply
luvyorlook Something weird just happened... On my news feed - it said " ally marc just listed an new item - share it to help her make sales...'when i went to -?it says listing not found...? This happened also to both missykay to each other today
Jun 14Reply
onlyunholy GORGEOUS closet!!! 😍😍😍
Jun 14Reply
onlyunholy If you ever want to trade... please let me know!
Jun 14Reply
fmrp Hi 👋 just wanted to let you know that if you want to bundle your likes I’ll make a private offer, I’m going to the PO in a few min before they close today.. I’m going out of town for one of those not so fun working trips.. I’ll be back in a week or so 🤗
Jun 16Reply
samloveslife 💖LOVING YOUR CLOSET💖😎😎😎🦄🦄🦄
Jun 18Reply
samloveslife ⭐️WOW⭐️ What a Closet💖💖💖💖💖🔥🔥🔥😊😊😊😊🌺🌺🌺🌻🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼🌸🌸🌸🌹
Jun 19Reply
ally_marc @samloveslife Thank you dear. Please let me know if you have any questions. You are beautiful blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🦋🌷
Jun 19Reply
shegunmed @ally_marc Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jun 28Reply
solepurposes Are you interested in yeezy boost 350?
Jun 29Reply
fashionoam Thank you for the likes ☺️ I had to stop by and say you have an **amazing** closet and one of the best ones I’ve seen on posh! Can I just bundle everything?😂 Have a great day and happy poshing!😊🏝🎉
Jun 30Reply
ally_marc @fashionoam Thank you Noam for that kind compliments. I love fashion 😍 I love PoshMark, it’s sooo much fun & addictive 😝Please bundle everything😀 I need to sell, my daughter is getting married this year and planning a big wedding 🤦‍♀️😱😨😀😂
Jun 30Reply
fashionoam @ally_marc you’re very welcome! I love fashion too and poshmark is great. I will check out your closet :)
Jun 30Reply
sammie2es Happy 4th July to you Aleen...hope you are doing well...
Jul 03Reply
fashionfinds_1 Thanks for the likes! Lmk if u have any questions
Jul 04Reply
convintageous Thank you for the likes, I hope you have a wonderful fourth. Nice to meet you🙂🎉
Jul 05Reply
ally_marc @sammie2es Thank you dear friend. Blessings to you 🎇
Jul 05Reply
ally_marc @convintageous thank you dear Caroline. Happy Independence Day 🎇
Jul 05Reply
convintageous @ally_marc thank you, you too😘🍾
Jul 05Reply
sanaapalestine omg!! ur closet is amazing!! 💕💕
Jul 07Reply
ally_marc @sanaa707 Thank you sweetie 😍
Jul 10Reply
atouchofgold Hi, I hope you are enjoying Poshmark. I love your closet!! When you get the chance please take a look at my closet. All of my items are Brand New and Never Worn. Some of the items include leggings, Cardigan, shoes, and many more!! (:
Jul 12Reply
ally_marc @atouchofgold Thank you dear Rosie for a beautiful comment & for all your shares. Stay blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻💗💗🦋🦋🌷🌷
Jul 12Reply
samloveslife Greetings, Ally😊, Keeper of my DREAM CLOSET😍😍😍 I want just about everything you own!!! Today is my Posh 2-month Birthday !! I’m always looking for inspiration and I’ve read through your bio and notes💖💖💖 I can’t wait to make my first purchase from you😎I am very serious about having fun, and I love this Community! I’m 94% to Ambassador! Anyway, You have inspired me, and I just wanted to tell you that!! Blessings😇 Sandra🦄
Jul 17Reply
samloveslife Ally, Thank You for the Posh L💖VE!!! Appreciate it😎🦄⭐️💖😘💯😻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sandra😎
Jul 18Reply
ally_marc @samloveslife I’m glad you’re still having fun. Please let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy your day, stay blessed 🙏🏻💗🦋🌷
Jul 19Reply
samloveslife @ally_marc Thank You kindly😇 I certainly will do that !!! 😊😊😊Sandra
Jul 19Reply
ziinniia Getting rid of my Fendi on my page 💘
Jul 20Reply
delaneybinette1 Hi I saw you liked my louis, make an offer!
Jul 20Reply
sammie2es Hope you are doing well Aleen...God bless and stay safe.
Jul 21Reply
ally_marc @sammie2es Thank you dear friend. Thanks God everything is good. Have a joyful weekend, stay blessed 🙏🏻💗🦋🌷
Jul 21Reply
samloveslife Good Morning😎 Thank You for He Offer on the Chanel slides! I L💖VE them! I WANT them! I think they are too big for me😟 I usually wear a 9.5-10... I’ll continue to be in your amazing Closet, Liking and Sharing the PoshLove! Sandra
Jul 23Reply
ally_marc @samloveslife Good morning dear PFF. Thank you for all your support. Have a joyful week, stay blessed 🙏🏻💗🦋🌷
Jul 23Reply
samloveslife @ally_marc Thanks, my PFF! 😊You as well🙏🏼😇💖😘🦄⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jul 23Reply
dherron Are you interested on mini love bracelet?
Jul 23Reply
moxxieville Hi.. check out my listings.. im open to negotiate prices, so make an offer!!💕😀🎉 Ps: don’t forget to like ,share and follow
Jul 25Reply
mmegratte Aleen, 🌺 Thanks for following my closet! 🌺 Michele
Jul 29Reply
ally_marc @skiandsail Hi welcome to PoshMark. Have fun buying and selling. Love your closet big selection of Mackenzie. You just got tired of the pattern & selling your sets? I have couple of pieces, my house is mostly black & white 😍
Jul 29Reply
fairhavenfinds thanks! sold a cake plate today!! YAY!! I am a Mackenzie nut! This is only a tad of my massive collection! I have 4 boys so it's my little bit of girliness! Now I'm trying to thin out - starting an inn and going to do each room in a different mackenzie pattern.
Jul 29Reply
deedee_barr Here we go again.... I want to share and my internet disagrees with me! I’m leaving later to spend the night with my friend in a wheelchair. We miss each other. She has GREAT internet! I’ll jump on Posh while she naps!! Her husband called me and asked me to come. No one comes to visit her anymore bc she’s in a wheelchair. That’s SO wrong! You find out who your friends are.... I love visiting her. She’s golden!
Aug 09Reply
jillmancebo Hi! I’m in awe of your closet!!!
Aug 19Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hi my dear ally, I came from Greece a few days ago, I make a short stop in Paris and London, and now, We have to deal with this pm things, check my first post, that was my daugther idea and I think we have to stop this nonsense for ever, is just unhealthy 😂 I think if we star to do this, will be a very good way to teach this people’s how this work, what do you think? blessing for you🙏
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Welcome back dear Lourdes, I hope you had a wonderful vacation. Why, what happened here in PoshMark I don’t understand your question.
Sep 06Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc nothing new happens, but go to my first listing, I just posted the later low ball! that was unbelievable and I think we have to stop this crap
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 but, which 1st picture, I didn’t see anything. If you don’t want to say it here, go to your one of sold items
Sep 06Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc ally, when you go to my closet, you see my first listing near to the “ meet your posher” listing, I just posted a picture of my later low ball offer that I received today 😅😅😅
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Wow, some people 🤦‍♀️😀 how was your trip? How was the wedding? Last week we had my daughter’s shower, I’ll post new pictures, very nice & happy except for the hotel, very bad service, coffee served from paper cups for some guests & they said because dishwasher broke. Disaster!
Sep 06Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc unbelievable, but at least she have her party and she’s happy already ❤️ Greece was just beautiful, I went to Atenas many years ago but I didn’t know the rest, all the island was like a paradise my dear, and the people’s are very nice 💝 the wedding was a traditional Greece ceremony because the parents of my daugther friend are from there, was beautiful and simple, nothing fancy except the island 🏖 I’ll post a picture soon
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 yes please do & tag me. Next week I’m going to vacation London, with 6 girlfriends, traveling first time together, staying in a 3 bedroom apartment that one of them owned 🤦‍♀️😂 Let’s see how that goes, I hope no drama. This morning my husband was telling me that I should just listen a lot & talk little 😂😂 poor man even he’s worried that I have big mouth but good heart but still get in trouble 🤦‍♀️😂
Sep 06Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc Jajaja no worries, you will be fine💃🏻 London is beautiful apart that fricking raining all the time 🌂☔️ one of my daugther friend married an England guy and live there, now she got that weird accent too 😂😂😂
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Yes, I get nervous traveling especially packing. I know you’re an expert in traveling my friend. I’m still looking for a wedding dress even though I found one. It’s a traditional Armenian wedding, so I need 2 long gowns. What day trips can we do? The last time I was there in 2005 with the kids. Now we have night concert in Albert hall & Tea Time in the Ritz
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Lourdes, while I’m away, should I put my closet on vacation? What did you do?
Sep 06Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc if you have someone that can be in charge of the closet, you don’t have to do that, I never closed because my littler one keep her eye on it😅 because she also sell in e- bay
Sep 06Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc you know that Britain people’s are so fancy, I think for the concert, maybe you have to wear a long dress with some pearl and a very elegant clutch that I know you have already 💃
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Thank you my dear Lourdes, I will talk to you when I come back from my moms dentist appointment. Have a wonderful blessed day my dear🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘
Sep 06Reply
ally_marc @aftons_closet Thank you dear , you are so sweet 😍
Sep 11Reply
ally_marc @ebonyeyes2016 Hello dear Elaine, I hope you’re done unpacking 😍
Sep 25Reply
ally_marc @deedee_barr hi sweetheart, I just came back from vacation. I hope you’re doing well. I d love to hear from you. Stay blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘
Sep 25Reply
ebonyeyes2016 @ally_marc. Hello beautiful. How was your vacation? I am almost done unpacking, thank God!!!! What did you buy in Paris??????😍😍😍😍😍😊😊😊
Sep 25Reply
ally_marc @ebonyeyes2016 shoes shoes shoes, on the top posted😍
Sep 25Reply
deedee_barr @ally_marc Aleen! I’ve missed you SO much!!! LOVE your new profile pic! 😍😍 I sent a message to you a while ago... I’m sure that you were enjoying your vacay at the time 😉 We had that hurricane here, and my daughter was ill. I put myself on vacay bc of the stress 😬 I’ll be back soon though... I’m so excited to hear from you! 😘😘!
Sep 28Reply
lara_h I’m working hard to get to Ambassador!
Sep 29Reply
ally_marc @lara_h you are almost there, keep up the good work 😍
Sep 29Reply
luvyorlook Where are your London pix ? They were great moments to share!!!! ❤️❤️🙈😍😳💋
Oct 17Reply
thesugarset Congratulations doll! 💗💗🌸
Oct 17Reply
ally_marc @elmedjian I love your closet 😍
Oct 19Reply
luvyorlook You have a much more interesting & enticing closet to share❤️😍🙈But thank you😍😍💋
Oct 20Reply
ally_marc @prettymommy01 thank you dear, here is the receipt 😍
Oct 22Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook you are the best Lori, I love love your humor😍 I’m so happy I found you here🙏🏻💗🦋🌷💝🎁😉🤗😍💕
Oct 22Reply
ally_marc @thesugarset thank you, I love your closet too😍
Oct 22Reply
luvyorlook I canNOT EVEN IMAGINE how much fun they must of had .. I want to say I’m jealous.. But I need a reality check on my age😕🤨🤭🙈M suppose to act like a lady and behave like a grown woman should (( that’ll NEVER happen.... 😳😂🤣😆 I would like some details.. I mean REALLY 11?
Oct 22Reply
luvyorlook Beyond wonderful to have so many friends to cut up with .. I think I had 6 bridesmaids my 1st round... The couple that I still talk to Are just too busy with grandchildren etc😬 SO glad you “ get” me.. yes - a lot of people don’t even get the emojis.. They’re quite self explanatory of my thoughts😉😍💕
Oct 22Reply
luvyorlook Hmmm... Is it an excuse to buy another?🙈😮🤭🙈😬😂💕
Oct 23Reply
dragonfly_flash Hey me too today! We are ambassador twins!! 🌺🦋💜🎊🎊🍾 congrats!
Oct 24Reply
ally_marc @rensvintagepop Dear Lauren, well done 👏Congratulations 🎉 🎊🎉🎊🎊🎉Happy poshing 😍
Oct 24Reply
dragonfly_flash @ally_marc thank you, Ally! Your closet is like walking into Henri Bendel! Dreamy!!!
Oct 24Reply
uptowngirl69 Sweetheart, the JCs are on a 1 hour sale. Down from $200
Oct 25Reply
luvyorlook H ya❤️❤️💋.. I don’t always ha e time during the day to share back the “ love💕💕💕💕But I always do later🙈🙈🙈😳🙀😬💋💋💋
Nov 02Reply
nikoneko Thank you so much for the likes! If you’d like to make a bundle or an offer, please do. I always appreciate your generous shares 🙏🏼❤️😘
Nov 04Reply
meme2626 🍂🧡🍁Hi there, I SHARED 20 of your BEAUTIFUL ITEMS, Please SHARE IN RETURN. THANKS SO MUCH
Nov 10Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc good morning dear friend, I wish you a very blessed and happy thanksgiving day! With all your family and friends! 🙏❤️🦃
Nov 22Reply
ally_marc @style_guyd Dear PFF, Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, stay safe 🙏🏻🍁🦃
Nov 23Reply
style_guyd @ally_marc My dearest PFF I am recovering from knee surgery (Tuesday) ordered turkey take out to my apartment with my nursing roommate. Much to be thankful for this year, including your virtual kinship 🙏🏼✨ Happy thanksgiving 🍁
Nov 23Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Dear Lourdes, Happy Thanksgiving to you all, stay safe 🙏🏻❤️🍁🦃
Nov 23Reply
ally_marc @style_guyd OMG, I’m sorry to hear that, unless it was scheduled. You are so brave. I’m selling all my beautiful shoes because I’m too chicken to have a bunion surgery😀 dear PFF, Wishing you a fast recovery , stay blessed 🙏🏻😘
Nov 23Reply
luvyorlook Everything and anything goes in LA and S.Fla People that live in colder climates think it's always summer..People love to wear sweaters and boots and it all.. I'm actually still going to bring a mink white leather with me to Fla and a crocheted mink jacket.. To answer you the length would be great -It really looks ridiculous on me I'm 5 ft.when I try it on - I laugh at myself.. Blonds lookgreat in
Dec 09Reply
luvyorlook Omg - talk about not finishing a comment.. I would never sell something so personal without being able to return it if it didn't fit. You're the queen - that's needs to make a dramatic entrance and exit - even if your daughter is the main show🙀❤️😉
Dec 09Reply
luvyorlook Ok so the length is 49 just under 50 inches.inside pit is 21 . Circumference around is 49 inches.. You could fit 3 of me.. Ok.. maybe 2 for real...🤭😁.. I really don't know how I ever wore it it. Yes I,t would fit for almost sure - if it didn't I certainly would take it back😉😉😉❤️
Dec 09Reply
craftcraze @ally_marc Congratulations on your amazing success and achievement! 🎊🥂❣️You have a fabulous closet,...I wish you many more sales and lots of success here!💕😌💕 Have a beautiful weekend!🎋🌟🎄🎋🥂🌟
Dec 09Reply
luckeelady25 I’m so flattered for the Like! 😊 I’m currently having a 🏠MOVING SALE🏠, everything is on sale so the more items you buy the bigger % you save no matter the cost. I do have all budget and sizes too! So check it out cause you may find something else you didn’t know you really needed 😁. So check out sale listing for info and bundle your likes and send me a corresponding offer 🙃
Dec 12Reply
deedee_barr I’m sending you a new client! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 She loves nice things! She’s seen your closet before, but thought that it was out of her range. I told her to talk to you. You are SO sweet, and completely reasonable! Good luck! I love you Ally
Dec 19Reply
ladykrc @ally_marc Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Happy Blessed Holidays to you and yours😘
Dec 22Reply
luvyorlook Omg !!!!!Thank you for sharing such personal memories! 1stly the pic of her on the stairs is beyond picture perfect . Like the perfect romance novel. Truly 💕👍Glad you wore red instead of pink - it ended up being very " you".
Jan 02Reply
luvyorlook Your family resemblance down the line is uncanny! Truly perfect .. And I do loved her boquiette. The colors were stunning not like the prissy normal..I am sure myself and fellow posters wish we were flies on the wall🙈🤭💋💋🍷
Jan 02Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook Happy New Year Dear Lori🥳 Yes the wedding was on the 22 nd(I’m glad that’s over) this year I just didn’t feel the holidays, I was just busy & worried for the wedding, and my mother whether she’s going to make it & see her 1st granddaughter wedding. Then right after the wedding I got a very bad cold & I can’t get read of it. So all I want for 2019 is health health health 🙏🏻🧡🎄Enjoy your vacation😘😘
Jan 03Reply
bysiv Thank you for sharing my listing! Xoxo 🎀
Jan 04Reply
ally_marc @bysiv you are welcome dear, sharing is caring😍
Jan 04Reply
ladykrc @ally_marc Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Happy Blessed New Years to you and yours😘
Jan 08Reply
lbgraham Gorgeous closet!!!😍😍😍
Jan 28Reply
ally_marc @lbgraham thank you dear for sharing my closet. I appreciate you 😍
Jan 28Reply
hotfashionbrand Thanks for following our closet. If you are interested in Prada bags; we are having a special liquidation on some cute rare mini handbags Vela MV515 and MV633 in Pastel spring colors from 08. Our base, and VIP price is 67usd (from 75). They are second choice of course at that price. NWT & has minor defects or discoloration from heat damage in our warehouse, but great for going out to the nightlife. Easy bag to clean and beat up while rocking Prada. Let me know if you are interested ;)
Jan 28Reply
chrysalis_style What an amazing closet!! I love shopping through your gorgeous things.
Jan 30Reply
deedee_barr HELLO MY FRIEND!!! I miss you too! 😢 I’m moving everything to Let Go, but I haven’t forgotten your sweet generosity, and friendship. 👭 I’m still going to check in. I’m quite attached to my friends. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Feb 23Reply
deedee_barr I’ve only been on there for ONE day, and made 2 sales with a ton more interest. Gotta make that money to come and shop in my FAVORITE closet!!! 😘😘😘
Feb 23Reply
ragin500 @ally_marc Your closet is gorgeous with so many beautiful items! Just wondering if you source your merchandise or if it was all from your personal closet. Sharing! 👍🏼😊💕
Feb 26Reply
ally_marc @ragin500 thank you dear Ginny for all your shares. I appreciate you & I will share back your beautiful closet. You are a beautiful Mother & a sister for selling their things too😍 I love fashion & now I love PoshMark to allow me to do this😀🤦‍♀️🥰
Feb 26Reply
ally_marc @ragin500 Yes, dear Ginny, everything in my closet is my own(smaller size my daughter) authentic designer collection of over 25 years. I loved fashion & was obsessed to have every designer item in my closet. My degree is in Business Administration & I worked in Banks & Real Estate. I loved dressing up & going to work, matching head to toe, shoes, bags, sunglasses. I had a great understanding husband who let me do this too(still married to him 34yrs)❤️
Feb 26Reply
ragin500 @ally_marc How wonderful! You are truly blessed ❤️
Feb 26Reply
ally_marc @ragin500 Cont. But, now that I don’t work, (health issues) I don’t have much use for all this, I just visit & care for my 84 years old mom, my daughter just got married and moved out. my daughter started PoshMark for me, and now I can share my passion for fashion here. I’m so happy to meet you dear PFF. Have a joyful week, stay blessed 🙏🏻💝🤗🌷
Feb 26Reply
ragin500 @ally_marc Wonderful to meet you too! I’m glad you found Poshmark! Hoping for better health for you in the future. 👍🏼😊🙏
Feb 26Reply
ladykrc @ally_marc Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Wish you a Wonderful Weekend🌺🥂
Mar 01Reply
matuvi80 Thank you for sharing
Mar 03Reply
luvyorlook 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😍🙈💕🙈🤭🙀❤️🤔😮🙈🙈🙈🙈
Mar 12Reply
thetailoress AMAZING CLOSET 💖💖💖
Mar 13Reply
ally_marc @thetailoress thank you dear, you are so sweet🙏🏻🧡🍀
Mar 13Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hi ally, what Chanel belt are you referring ? I don’t know anything about any Chanel belt except the one that I sold already
Mar 20Reply
tantanfox Thank you for Visiting my Closet😊🌹🍃Yours is Amazing 💕I appreciate the Shares, and Have Done the same for you👍 💰💰I offer Buy 2 or more get 10% Off💰💰 If you have any questions, message me anytime. Have a Wonderful & Blessed Day🌈☀️
Mar 22Reply
demonhunters Hi, I have done may shares for you all at once. I am extremely sick and my dog just had surgery yesterday....
Mar 26Reply
ally_marc @808classysassy oh dear Rhonda, I’m so sorry you are going through some tough times, soon the sun will shine again on your house🙏🏻💗❤️💝🤗😍
Mar 26Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hi dear, did you hear about the sale taxes that pm will begging to collect stating on April?
Mar 28Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc go to your “ news” and check “the new letter from our CEO”
Mar 28Reply
ally_marc @808classysassy how’s your dog? How are you? I was just thinking about you 🙏🏻
Mar 28Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 🤦‍♀️ why us? No I didn’t see? Where is that? My mom is sick, busy with her. She feels dizzy, Her head is spinning can’t hold it up, might be vertigo?
Mar 28Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc omg! Can be many things ally, at her age can be blood pleasure, diabetes, or maybe is just the glasses that she use, who knows, take her to the doctor, for the other matters, go to your news and read” news from our ceo”! Unbelievable !
Mar 28Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hi ally,how is your mom? She’s getting better?🙏
Mar 29Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 thank you dear Lourdes for asking, I appreciate your concern ❤️ yes, she feels better today. Afternoon she could hold her head up & open her eyes, ate some soup & walked to the bathroom alone. But I will sleep with her tonight too. One doctor says might be ear infection, vertigo, or change of season? Blood pressure is good. Do what are we going to do about taxing?
Mar 29Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 next they will ask us to file income taxes 🤦‍♀️ you know my daughter moved to N Carolina, because her husband is still doing his MBA. I’m getting big purchases, my friends & shipping there, because if the store isn’t in the state, no sales tax😍
Mar 29Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc good morning ally, I hope your mom is doing better today🙏 about the taxes, I don’t know what will happens about that, I think that we have to charge sale taxes for items, so ridiculous !! That’s one of The reason why people’s buy in markets places! No taxes! Unbelievable 🥵🥵🥵
Mar 29Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Good morning dear Lourdes, TGIF!! I love Friday even though I’m not working anymore(outside of home)but you can’t break old habits 😀 My mom is doing well, she’s a strong woman, this morning she was up cleaning her room, didn’t like how I do it😅control freak, but that’s good 😂 About taxes, do you know if the other sites are charging too or PoshMark. Suddenly, it got sooo big, over Billion in sales, wow 😮
Mar 29Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc I’m so glad to heard that about your mom!🙏 and yes! This is the biggest marketplace! but I do my real and big sale over there, and I don’t have to deal with the fricking low ball! getting worse day by day😡 the issue there is that they take so much time to release the money and charge 2.9% for transfers.
Mar 29Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 you know what I noticed yesterday, on my Hermes shoes sold yesterday, it was in the “2xHP”category instead of Hermes category, you know what I mean? Scroll down & see the listed items, it all starts with “2xHP. I would see my ESCADA bag in Kate Spade because I started the title by “rare”
Mar 29Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc thats mean hot pick twice? I don’t really know, this place is so crazy! I have to review a bunch of fakes items every week, I don’t have time for that!
Mar 30Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc the place is full of crap, and they sent a list with a bunch of swimming set to check if they are authentic,! Those are listing reported from others sellers that doesn’t have anything to do that wasting others time.
Mar 30Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Yes, you are absolutely right, I agree. So now, starting April 1, charging taxes
Mar 30Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc exactly 😡
Mar 30Reply
sara0201 Wow! I didn’t know about posh ambassador things! Cool :) congrats!🎊🎈🎉
Apr 03Reply
ally_marc @sara0201 yes, thank you dear so much. Welcome to PoshMark, please let me know if you have any questions. Remember to follow share participate in the appropriate party, and have fun. A great community of beautiful ladies helping & encouraging each other. Stay blessed 🙏🏻💗😍
Apr 03Reply
foundbyfran Thank you for following my Poshmark closet! I sell many brands such as Victoria’s Secret, Express, Guess, Francesca’s and more!!🥳 Everything must go! Find something you like! 🎊
Apr 12Reply
ally_marc @narnia1 Yes mine is 13, bites, very aggressive, very smart, my protector, doesn’t like men but is slowing down 😍
Apr 12Reply
narnia1 @ally_marc Ahhh, there he is! Romeo, Romeo, tho he may bite, I’m still in love with the lad😍🐶😂!!! What a sweetie! I love his bow tie! Vincent is pretty tame, but he won’t let me out of his sight & goes into a funk when I’m gone or on vacation. These type of dogs are really special & attached to one person-THEIR person😜
Apr 12Reply
ally_marc @narnia1 OMG Yes, every time Im away all day he gets depressed, doesn’t come down to eat for my husband, attitude attitude 🤪 but I love him, my baby 😍 that’s from my daughter’s wedding last December, she went away & left him behind so I won’t be too lonely. Romeo was her sweet sixteen gift from her husband, now.
Apr 12Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Happy Holy Week dear Lourdes 🙏🏻💗🌷
Apr 17Reply
ally_marc @poshcoffeesnob I hope you’re doing well & having a wonderful week. Happy Holy Week 🙏🏻😍🌷
Apr 17Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hi my dear ally, I had this flu for 5 days now and I have to travel tomorrow 🤧 I’m feeling better today so I hope that I’ll enjoy the trip, Thanks god your mom is ok, have a very blessed week my friend ❤️🙏🙏
Apr 18Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 Good morning dear, I’m glad you’re feeling better & ready for your trip. My husband & I are going on a tour too, Easter & my birthday in Eastern Europe. God be with all of us🙏🏻🙏🏻😘
Apr 18Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc congrats in advance my friend💐🎊🎉🎁 I’ll go to nice and them,I have to go to Cannes,is around 35-40 mts in train,thanks god! I’ll put my closet off because I travel with my two daughters this time, I hope to heard from you soon! remain blessed my dear!🙏🙏
Apr 18Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 oh that sounds lovely, Easter in south of France, I love that part of France. I’ll be in Prague, Vienna, Budapest, first time away for Easter with out the kids. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Apr 18Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc those cities are just beautiful, I went last year but for business , no enough time to enjoy the beauty 😅
Apr 18Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 07Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 hello dear Lourdes, welcome back. I hope you had a wonderful vacation & enjoyed yourself 😻 we had a great time husband & wife & now we are back & everything is back to normal, running after that dollar 🤦‍♀️🤪😍🙏🏻😘
May 07Reply
ally_marc @schracl hello dear Rachel, of course I will my dear, I always do 😍 your closet isn’t new to me, I love it, I just came back from vacation 😍
May 07Reply
lavishlilac I just had to bookmark your closet! Oh My Gosh.... I love so many things here! Just Gorgeous! 🤩 I gotta sell some more so I can start shopping 😊💕 It’s motivating me 😁 Thank you!
May 07Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hi my friend, glad to heard from you😀 I hope everything is going well👍 I’ been busy since I got here 😅 but I have to travel to NY this 24 for Memorial Day, for my older daughter birthday on 26! So excited 💃🏻💃🏻 have a very happy and blessed Mother’s Day! ❤️
May 07Reply
ally_marc @greekprincess11 thank you dear Jolene, I appreciate it🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
May 08Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 how exciting dear Lourdes, sounds a lot of fun. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter 🍷have fun don’t work so hard🙏🏻😘
May 08Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc thank you my dear ally, have a very happy and blessed Mother’s Day!!🙏🌹❤️
May 08Reply
ally_marc @luvyorlook I need your opinion 😻today I have this big fund raising Tea luncheon for Mother’s Day, outside in a garden 😍 I had planned on wearing this beautiful flowers spring dress but it’s so cold & gloomy here today. I want to wear this funky 80’s Moschino Jean coat ( I posted picture here, scroll up) & my daughter’s big felt boho hat. What do you say😉🙄🤪
May 08Reply
thatssovogue You have such beautiful taste!
May 18Reply
ally_marc @thatssovogue thank you dear Renee, this is all my own collection of over 25 years. I loved fashion & enjoyed collecting it. Since I stopped working, I don’t get to use most of it, & my daughter has a different taste than me, I share it with others only here on PoshMark 😍
May 19Reply
saleallday Hi Ally, just saying hi lovely❤️ hey what’s all the scam stuff that I see in your comments? Your closet looks beautiful as always! Sending you some ❤️❤️ Hope all is well🙏😘
May 20Reply
ally_marc @saleallday oh yeah, that’s old from last year, put it out there to warn other posters. but, it still happens all the time, on my emails, yahoo account. Just be careful. I had a wonderful weekend, my married daughter is back to LA for good, her husband graduated Duke university & got a new job in Los Angeles. I’m very grateful finally sold, Chanel wallet... hangin there & share your closet every day. Stay blessed🙏🏻💗🛍
May 20Reply
saleallday @ally_marc that’s Awesome!! I’m an hour from LA! Love to meet you when your in town . Are you going to Posh Fest?❤️
May 20Reply
gdeluxe Just wanted to stop by and tell you how lovely your closet is!! 😍❤️ It’s to die for...and that denim jacket in the photo is gorgeous!! Have a good day and Happy Poshing!! 🌸🌺🌷
May 21Reply
ally_marc @gdeluxe thank you dear, I appreciate your lovely comments, specially coming from you, you’re a long time expert here ...😍💕 I love fashion & have been a collector for a long time. Everything is my own authentic designer collection that I have worked for & paid for. Even though my career was in finance & banking , I always wished to own a store & be in fashion... I love PoshMark, stay blessed 🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
May 21Reply
msmemegirl Thank you for visiting my closet. Happy Poshmarking.🎉
May 25Reply
ally_marc @pandapreston thank you dear 🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
May 29Reply
ally_marc @saleallday @alliowens I reported to PoshMark that closet selling fake Chanel umbrellas & ray bans sunglasses. PoshMark is investigating now but the closet isn’t open anymore, I think the fake sellers noticed something, 2 days ago, it was saying on vacation & will be back on June 22, but now it shows nothing selling
Jun 23Reply
saleallday Good to know Ally, I was wondering what was going on. Something didn’t seem right. Kick the fakes out!!❤️ As always sharing your beautiful closet.🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️😘
Jun 23Reply
ally_marc @alliowens thank you dear (sorry I don’t know your name) for telling me about the scam alert. I reported to PoshMark Support that the umbrella I purchased is fake, but they are saying I didn’t report it within the 3 days & the funds were released to the seller... 😩How did you know about this fake seller? And, their reviews were so good, so many love notes
Jun 23Reply
ally_marc @style_guyd Good morning dear, I hope you’re doing well 😍 enjoy your weekend 🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
Jun 23Reply
ally_marc @saleallday I like the new picture 😎😍 On vacation, nice, enjoy it and have a great time. We’ll continue when you come back. Your closet is looking gorgeous you have added so much, will be sharing 🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
Jun 23Reply
saleallday Ahhh thank GF!!! ❤️ I filled out the paper work to be a key note speaker because of your encouragement . I’ll be back Monday night late , that’s why I opened my closet.i have about 70 pcs to list but doing my best to relax. This is a company earned all paid trip from my other side gig so I’m taking it all in. Also where my late husband and I got married 27 years ago. Lots of good memories. I really appreciate all your Posh Love. Have an Amazing Sunday😘❤️🛍🛍🛍🛍💰💰💰💰
Jun 23Reply
luvyorlook ❤️❤️😍🙀💕
Jun 25Reply
ally_marc @saleallday 💗❤️💝🛍
Jun 25Reply
kaysuniverse @ally_marc hi there im Kay im still new to Poshmark but actively trying to connect with ppl and build my followers. i stumbled onto your closet thru comments on another pg. if itz not too much trouble plz view my closet and share your favorite items and I'll do the same 🙂 Happy Poshing!
Jul 10Reply
ally_marc @kaysuniverse hello dear Kay, you have started beautiful closet. Love the pictures displayed. I wish you all the best, let me know if you have any questions. I will definitely share your closett. Happy Poshing, blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
Jul 11Reply
kaysuniverse @ally_marc thank u so much i really appreciate the posh luv 🙂🙂🙂
Jul 11Reply
ally_marc @styleforgrab did you here there’s a PoshMark party here in LA on 7/18/19 in LA Live. Are you going Donna told me about it today 💫
Jul 16Reply
kaysuniverse hello im Kay 👋 im still pretty new 2 Poshmark so im actively tryna meet other poshers and build up my following. instead of just clicking "blue buttons" i like 2 formally introduce myself. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet then follow me back. i welcome likes, comments, shares, and offers. 😀 happy poshing!
Jul 21Reply
ally_marc @kaysuniverse Hello dear Kay, yes we have met & I follow & share your beautiful closet when I get the chance 😍. Happy Sunday, Many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🌷🛍
Jul 21Reply
sammie2es You are always welcome Aleen...Your boutique is one of a beautiful and classy. Stay bless my beautiful friend and more sales from your boutique!
Jul 22Reply
ally_marc @malak68 nice to meet you too, my dear. Lovely closet & a beautiful person doing such an important work, so inspirational 🙏🏻💗🦋🛍
Jul 29Reply
ally_marc @sammie2es hello my friend I hope you had a wonderful weekend 🙏🏻💗🦋🛍
Jul 29Reply
ally_marc @thelouisgasm I have picture of my Romeo, isn’t he cute? He is so smart & active , 13 years old, very protective of me. That’s from my daughter’s wedding last December, was her dog, but left him for me, thinks I need him more 😀
Jul 29Reply
thelouisgasm Oh my gosh... what a little munchkin! So cute. You are your daughter are gorgeous ! Wowzers!
Jul 29Reply
sammie2es Hi Aleen...I am in Ghana, West Africa...visiting my dad n siblings...miss home a lot....good to be home to see families after 11yrs in the states.
Jul 29Reply
ally_marc @sammie2es I’m so happy for you, you were able to do this trip. Family is the best, have a wonderful time enjoy it. I went back to Armenia, 10 years ago to see again where I am from, I’ve been blessed, I have my mother & my brothers all living in the same town, but for my husband, he’s Armenian from Iran, all his siblings still live in Iran.blessings to you all 🙏🏻💗🦋🛍
Jul 29Reply
malak68 @ally_marc Thank you for the encouragement! Today your kind words ere just the thing I needed! 😘❤️❤️❤️ Many blessings! Michele
Jul 29Reply
ally_marc @malak68 yes just like you me too are clearing my closets my own collection of over 25 years. I donate to animal shelters & women shelters back in my motherland where that need big assistance 🙏🏻
Jul 30Reply
ally_marc @peaceluvandcats 🥰 you too dear😍 have a blissful week 🙏🏻💗🦋🛍
Jul 31Reply
ally_marc @thelouisgasm oh no dear Lindsay, don’t worry about it, I’m sure everything from you is perfect. It’s just I haven’t received it, waiting for my son to bring the package to me. I will rate it right now so you can get your money😍
Aug 01Reply
thelouisgasm @ally_marc OMGosh.. you didn't need to do that... I was just hoping to hear how everything came across. If there's anything that doesn't meet your expectations, you can count on me to make it so you are happy:) Lemme know whenever things settle down .. at your convenience. xoxo
Aug 01Reply
paperbagclothes @ally_marc Hi. I’m Lucy.🙋🏻‍♀️. Thank you very much for the shares. Have a wonderful day. Many Posh Blessings. 💐💗🍀💐💗🍀💐💗🍀💐💗🍀💐💗🍀💐💗🍀💐💗🍀💐
Aug 01Reply
ally_marc @paperbagclothes YW dear Lucy, you too have a blissful weekend 🙏🏻💗🦋🛍
Aug 01Reply
pink_skies00 Thank you sweet lady for sharing the dress from my closet! I really appreciate you! 😉👍🥰🙏
Aug 01Reply
ally_marc @whitemagnolia00 thank you dear Liset🙏🏻💗🦋🛍
Aug 01Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Aug 18Reply
ally_marc @appareltrends thank you for sharing my closet 🙏🏻💗🦋🛍
Aug 18Reply
megwechter @ally_marc hi! I saw you liked my gorgeous brand new Fendi silk scarf! As well as my brand new Zimmermann blouse! Are you interested at all in either? I can be somewhat flexible with the prices, as I’m eager to sell. So beautiful and in style! Let’s chat 💕🥰
Aug 25Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 dear Lourdes, how are you, I hope this hurricane isn’t in your area. Stay blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘
Aug 30Reply
ally_marc @jimmycat do you know why Lori’s closet says boutique & not ours. What does it mean?
Sep 05Reply
jimmycat @ally_marc doesn’t the boutique designation represent items purchased wholesale only? In other words, if I wanted to list Norma Kamali clothing under boutique I would have to be purchasing wholesale from Norma Kamali from her New York Business location. I’m not sure, let’s find out!
Sep 05Reply
jimmycat @ally_marc I did consider that, because Norma Kamali offers discounts to wholesale sellers. I’m not quite certain where our friend would be getting the high end handbags wholesale? You can buy from Poshmarks offerings under their options to start boutique listings, but there aren’t any interesting designers lines to purchase.
Sep 05Reply
ally_marc @jimmycat it sounds too much hard work purchasing from wholesalers , with PoshMark credit or with my own money ?
Sep 06Reply
jimmycat @ally_marc if you go to your account ( lower right corner) you can go to “seller tools” and then to either “complete boutique certification” or to “get my boutique started”...there’s a blog there about boutique selling. Interestingly, you can not sell things under the boutique designation that have been purchased retail.
Sep 06Reply
dancingbee05 I haven’t shared in a long time!! But I’m back! Happy Friday! Shared 5! Your closet is amazing as always!!!! ♥️ Hugs! @dancingbee05
Oct 11Reply
ally_marc @dancingbee05 Thank you dear Jodes for all your shares 🙏🏻💗🍁
Oct 11Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 hello dear Lourdes, how are you dear, what’s new? I hope everyone is doing well. you have added more beautiful Chanel I love it. Have a blissful week 🙏🏻🙏🏻😘
Oct 16Reply
ally_marc @ebonyeyes2016 Good morning dear I hope you’re doing well. Have a blissful week 🙏🏻🙏🏻😘
Oct 16Reply
ally_marc @kleinlori hi Lori how are you. Was everything ok with your doctors appointment? Stay blessed 🙏🏻🤗
Oct 16Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hello dear! Everything is wonderful over here, the summer never end😅 glad to heard from you🌹many blessings🙏🙏
Oct 16Reply
megwechter @ally_marc hi! I saw you liked my gorgeous animal print Aquazzura booties that are in like new condition! Are you interested at all? I can be somewhat flexible with the price, as I’m eager to sell. Not only are these beautiful and in style, they’re incredibly comfortable too! Let’s chat 💕🥰
Oct 19Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒🎉Congratulations 🎊🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 22Reply
ally_marc @purplepixiemom thank you dear Lalaine for your support. Happy Poshing 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Oct 22Reply
ally_marc @wileycom dear Michelle Congratulations on becoming an ambassador 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 it will get easier from now on, enjoy it. I love PoshMark 😍 please let me know if you have any questions, you have started a beautiful closet. Have a blissful week 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Oct 29Reply
ally_marc @jennhamm05 🥰 thank you dear Jennifer for your lovely note, I appreciate all your shares & your support. You have beautiful closet 😍 have a blissful weekend 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 02Reply
smaroulis Outstanding collection of gorgeous designer items! Let me know if you have any questions on the bag you liked❤️
Nov 03Reply
neverenuf4sale Congrats!
Nov 04Reply
ally_marc @smaroulis 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 04Reply
ally_marc @neverenuf4sale thank you dear Cheryl, you have beautiful closet 😍 happy Monday & Happy Poshing 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 04Reply
ally_marc @enluxe you’re welcome dear 😍 Happy Monday & happy Poshing 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 04Reply
wildhoney1971 Beautiful Closet! It’s my favorite! So much amazing treasures! I love all the designer! And the Paloma Picasso scarf is Stunning! I bet it feels so good to touch the fabric! Enjoy all your beautiful things!! And posh sales! 💕🦋
Nov 05Reply
luxury_lair I absolutely love your closet 💕
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @wildhoney1971 thank you dear lady, I love your treasures too😍 have a blissful weekend 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 08Reply
ally_marc @luxury_lair thank you dear & I can’t stay away from your beautiful closet. Have a blissful weekend 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 08Reply
wildhoney1971 @ally_marc you too!!! 🥰
Nov 09Reply
krystaltrends Congratulations 🎉🍾🎈
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @krystaltrends TYSM🙏🏻💗🍁
Nov 09Reply
ally_marc @dancingbee05 TYSM🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 14Reply
ally_marc @casey_atbat TYSM 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 14Reply
ally_marc @meboutique what beautiful statement pieces@jimmycat @styleforgrab @style_guyd @kleinlori @andine
Nov 21Reply
1witty_username 💕 @ally_marc Your closet is absolutely stunning, STUNNING! Best of luck with all your sales. Kindest regards, Molly
Nov 24Reply
ally_marc @1witty_username thank you dear Molly much appreciate your visit 🙏🏻💗🍁🛍
Nov 24Reply
ruthieh11 Wow.. I’m speechless 😍 i think it’s safe to say that you officially have the most exquisite and phenomenal handbag and accessories on the entire platform . Needless to say, I cannot stop admiring your collection.
Nov 28Reply
ruthieh11 sorry if this is too personal.. but I admire you for your courage and generosity, willing to pass on to new lovers.. lady, you rock ❣️🥰🦋
Nov 28Reply
zhozho70 Congratulations, well done 👏🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🛍🎈🎈
Dec 12Reply
ally_marc @chrisonthia thank you dear Cindy, Happy,Healthy New Year. all I want is health. 2 weeks ago my mom fell down in her house ‘ fractured her arm/shoulder very painful. I’ve been staying with her 24/7, sleeping by her side, she’s very weak, was walking with a walker already, can’t do anything with 1 arm.
Jan 01Reply
ally_marc @ruthieh11 thank you dear Ruthie. Stay safe and healthy, many more blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🌻
May 07Reply
ally_marc @designsmiami thank you dear, you are beautiful. Many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🌻
May 07Reply
cool2beagal @ally_marc Happy Mothers Day Aleen💐😘
May 10Reply
bundle_trundle Thank you for the shares 🙏
May 15Reply
ally_marc @tracy031770 oh dear sorry to hear that, I hope he gets well soon to go home. It’s not safe to be in the hospital now days. I know we’re the sandwiched generation, always giving care to our kids & to our parents, me too, but just now, a very wise posher here was telling me to take care of myself first, so I’ll be healthy to care for everyone else. Take care dear friend, I’ll keep you all in my prayers 🙏🏻😇🥰
May 25Reply
ally_marc @tracy031770 yes me too. My mother took care of my 2 children so I could have a career & now it’s my turn💞
May 25Reply
cdmroses Hi Ally long time .... so good to see your comment 😊hope you are safe and well 💞 Such difficult crazy times.
Jun 01Reply
jessicawilso611 thank you Liv . for sharing my item periodaccly !! I really appreciate cuz i know you have huge following of nice posher! yer so sweet
Jun 11Reply
jessicawilso611 luv not liv
Jun 11Reply
ally_marc @cdmroses yes Louise ... I hope you’re all together & safe. This week my husband started going to the office for a few hours, taking caution. I haven’t been anywhere other than visiting my mom everyday, since 3/14. How are things there, how’s your husband?
Jun 11Reply
cdmroses @ally_marc Hi Ally I’m happy to hear you & your family are well. We are also, my husband is still working from home. We sheltered in the desert for 6weeks and now in Laguna. Our son & wife came from SFO to sheltered w us. Which was wonderful! I’m just now carefully venturing out - walked Fashion Island Mall just and even shopped Anthropologie - it was so nice. Simple pleasures of normalcy.
Jun 12Reply
ally_marc @cdmroses I love fashion island, back to shopping? You are more courageous than I am, out already shopping 👏👏 I got so lazy in quarantine, no makeup no contact lenses, tied back hair, eating front of the TV, no socializing... I liked it 🤦‍♀️🙈😜
Jun 12Reply
ally_marc @treazuretreebtq thank you dear Denise, I appreciate all your support. Stay safe and healthy. Many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🤗😘
Jun 16Reply
ally_marc @tracy031770 yes, just like me, I say the same thing to my daughter. I dressed up today for the first time in 4 months & went to a funeral, a girlfriends mother, only 100 people allowed to the church, burial, & luncheon, but there were only about 40 in masks, people are still afraid to be out
Jun 19Reply
ally_marc @tracy031770 I finally got a haircut & highlights, it felt good & felt good to get dressed & makeup. I posted a picture under Markdowns listing😍
Jun 19Reply
heyitsme_julia Hey Aleen! Just wanted to say hello & thank you for liking my listing! Just so you know, I offer 25% off to new customers :) Sincerely, Julia xx
Jun 22Reply
ally_marc @heyitsme_julia that’s good to know dear Julia, do too, to everyone😍 Sharing your beautiful closet. Happy summer 🙏🏻💗🌼
Jun 22Reply
ses54 @ally_marc Your closet is pure luxury! Beautiful items! 😍👌
Jun 27Reply
ally_marc @ses54 thank you dear Sherry, you’re too sweet 🙏🏻💗🤗
Jun 27Reply
ses54 @ally_marc You’re quite welcome 💞
Jun 27Reply
poshwithcin Congratulations babe!!! GOALS ! ⭐️😍❤️
Jun 28Reply
ally_marc @poshwithcin thank you dear 🙏🏻💗🌼
Jun 28Reply
poshwithcin @ally_marc 😘🙏🏻🙃
Jun 28Reply
onlyunholy Hi friend! Do you trade? Have any size 11ish flats or kitten heels by chance?
Jun 30Reply
ally_marc @onlyunholy no my dear I don’t trade, downsizing, I don’t work anymore, nowhere to dress up 😍
Jun 30Reply
onlyunholy @ally_marc fair fair! If you like the magicsuit I can take my closet off vacation hold if you want to offer♥️
Jun 30Reply
aovintage Lmk if you’re interested in purchasing the bra!
Jul 06Reply
ally_marc @aovintage I’m sharing, thank you dear🙏🏻💗🌼
Jul 06Reply
inlovewithluxe @ally_marc Feel free to make me an offer on the great sweater in my closet!
Jul 08Reply
believer13 @ally_marc thank you for the likes in my closet yesterday - you have a lovely closet as well feel free to bundle & save or make an offer on anything you like 🥰🙏blessings
Jul 09Reply
closetgems2 Thank you for this valuable information! Sorry this happened to you
Jul 12Reply
ally_marc @closetgems2 yes dear, please be careful. Thank you dear for your generous shares. Have a wonderful weekend, many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🤗
Jul 12Reply
ally_marc @tracy031770 thank you sweetie 🙏🏻💗🤗
Jul 12Reply
ally_marc @tracy031770 thank you dear 🙏🏻💗🤗😘
Jul 24Reply
closetbandit415 You're the sweetest! you just made my day beautiful 😍🙏🏽❤️I hope you have a great day and a great weekend ahead. Can't wait to shop in your closet! 🌼😍 🙏🏽❤️
Jul 30Reply
etherealeyes Stunning closet, madam. Wishing you blessings and many sales! Xoxo
Aug 20Reply
ally_marc @shiv125 you are beautiful. Happy Thankful Thursday 🙏🏻💗🤗
Aug 20Reply
ally_marc @spiritualdeity you are beautiful 😍 Happy Thankful Thursday 🙏🏻💗🤗
Aug 20Reply
closetbandit415 Hope you're having a good start to this week & had a fabulous Monday! Have a great rest of your week ahead too.❤️🤗🌹
Aug 24Reply
ally_marc @closetbandit415 thank you beautiful. Love your closet & I shared it to my followers. Sharing is caring. Have a blissful week 🙏🏻💗🌷
Aug 24Reply
mylittlebigboy @ally_marc hello Aleen. I’m Gia. I see you have one ofnmy bulgari bracelets in your bundle. Would u be interested in buying thru P//pal so I can give u a better price and I don’t lose so much money? I have been working in high end since I was very young. Everything I sell is authentic. Kindly let me know if you’ld like to chat. 3475382776. NY. Thanks very much.
Aug 27Reply
ally_marc @mylittlebigboy no dear I don’t do any other platforms, only PoshMark. Happy Thankful Thursday 🙏🏻💗🌷
Aug 27Reply
60andflawless Good afternoon Ally your beautiful friend Kim shared your lovely Gucci slip on’s. How are you doing today? Thank you for coming to my closet.
Aug 30Reply
ally_marc @60andflawless Good morning gorgeous, I’m in Los Angeles, so I’m still in bed Poshing 😂🤣 finally it got cooler here, all week it was in 100’s. I love Sunday s, planning to see my adult kids for a brunch 🥂 how about you?
Aug 30Reply
60andflawless @ally_marc I’m so happy to have met you. My mom, younger brother and sister live in Los Angeles. My adult step son and finance canceled our brunch. So my husband is making Bloody Mary’s and going to post a couple items. We’re thinking of relocating back to California in Carlsbad area. I’m over the winters. I love to play golf golf. I enjoy playing in Carlsbad. What type of cuisine for brunch? You have an amazing closet.
Aug 30Reply
sammie2es Thanks's been a has bn so busy lately....Thanks for sharing my closet....Stay safe my dear.
Oct 05Reply
ally_marc @amberpace126 yes of course, sharing is caring 🙏🏻💗🌷
Oct 20Reply
ally_marc @soboutique welcome to PoshMark, what a beautiful closet , please let me know if you have any questions. Many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🍁
Nov 17Reply
ally_marc @jovigraham Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Wishing you & your beautiful family happy healthy year full of new hopes and possibilities. Peace on Earth. Many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🎇🎄🍾💃🏿🌟😍🥰😘
Jan 03Reply
ally_marc @jimmycat Merry Christmas & Happy New Year my dear friend. I hope it’s full of healthy happy year with new hopes and possibilities for all of us. Peace on Earth. Many blessings to you 🙏🏻🙏🏻💗❤️💞💕🍾💃🏿🌟😍🥰😘
Jan 03Reply
jinxy231 Congratulations I am glad that your hard work had paid off. As you so deserve it. Stay safe during this hard time. I hope the best for you on sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Jan 06Reply
ally_marc @jinxy231 thank you dear Ashley for your generous shares. Happy New Year, May it bring new hopes and possibilities. Stay safe and healthy, many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🎇
Jan 06Reply
luvyorlook 👍🙈😕😍
Jan 20Reply
ally_marc @mylovejewelry yes it does, loll😍thank you dear. I will definitely share :) stay safe and healthy, many blessings to 🙏🏻💗💫
Feb 03Reply
ally_marc @taradan99 thank you dear Tara, I love yours too. Happy Thankful Thursday 🙏🏻💗💫
Feb 04Reply
meepershop Thanks for sharing my only listing I appreciate it alot!❤️
Mar 08Reply
thetorip Hey the Gucci belt u liked is a scam. I texted the number under the bag they’re also selling and it’s super suspicious. Me and someone else are trying to reach out to prevent people from falling for it! I’m reporting the listing so u can too if u want! We are prying to help other people from getting scammed❤️
Mar 11Reply
ally_marc @thetorip thank you dear, I will. Stay safe and healthy, many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗💫
Mar 12Reply
apesoup21 I don’t remember getting the last one from posh just all the fakes that so many of us thought wore real 🤦🏻‍♀️ thank god I never gave my info I will share u r one amazing women 👍
Mar 27Reply
gypseathreads May you continue to blessed and we all make it through another year in health and happiness👌💐
Mar 27Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hi dear, sorry for the late replay,
Mar 31Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc very busy at this time of the year😅getting ready for the weeding ! The dress is from Gucci, beautiful and 💰💰💰🤣🤣
Mar 31Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 I know my friend, all these preparations & then poof it’s over 🤦‍♀️Don’t stress too much, I can’t wait to see the pictures. I know it’s going to be a beautiful classy affair. Many blessings to you all🙏🏻 happy Easter 😘
Mar 31Reply
ally_marc @cool2beagal happy Easter dear Silva, may your Easter basket be full of joy, happiness & peace🙏🏻💗🐣
Apr 03Reply
ally_marc @fatibah10 Happy Ramadan 🙏🏻 are going to travel aboard? I hope your mother is doing well too. I can’t believe how fast this whole year passed and it’s Ramadan again or it came earlier this year? Have a blissful weekend, God bless🙏🏻😘
Apr 11Reply
kitties15 My husband is Armenian !!
Apr 11Reply
luxecollectible @ally_marc Thank you for all the sharing and advocating for my little closet by sending your friends my way. I sincerely appreciate your kindness and generosity. Thank you, dear Ally
Apr 12Reply
leoswife Beautiful words to make us realize what is most important in our lives. Having lost my dear Leo after 65 years of marriage, I understand how the simplicity of life is so important. I was blessed with the best husband and gentleman anyone can imagine. That marriage was the greatest gift. We strive for more and we sometimes have all we need right with us!
Apr 15Reply
leoswife And, Ally, my dear uncle “Stosh” was Armenian. Last name was Bugyhi.
Apr 15Reply
winstondunbar Have A Bless Posh Day🥙🥖🥃🥘🚜🚦🏺🎋🌴🍀🦅🦌🐴
Apr 21Reply
ally_marc @winstondunbar thank you dear, you too 🙏🏻
Apr 21Reply
cool2beagal @ally_marc 👍🏻😍
Apr 25Reply
ally_marc @leoswife May his beautiful memories bring you comfort every day, he sounds like my husband, married for 35years. Staying more home because of Covid I have realized many things too, like you said... have a blissful week 🙏🏻💗🌼
Apr 25Reply
ally_marc @cool2beagal yeees, finally, Biden is the man for saying it Armenian Genocide 🙏🏻😘
Apr 25Reply
cool2beagal @ally_marc long over due👍🏻🙏🏻💕
Apr 25Reply
ally_marc @leoswife your uncle Stosh would be a very happy man today, for Biden recognized & said Armenian Genocide 🙏🏻😘
Apr 25Reply
leoswife @ally_marc Ah, it is so heartwarming that you remembered my reference to Uncle Stosh. Armenians have suffered much,,thank God for Joe Biden’s leadership in recognition of the beautiful people. Uncle went through a lot during WWII, as did my mother, a Slovak, because of their names and accents. We see today the injustices done to Americans who are not White or speak with accents, do Americans ever learn? Or are we always predicated by politics? Love always Wilma
Apr 25Reply
ally_marc @annick100 yes, Biden gave me a big bday gift to me, on my 60th, said Armenian Genocide in 1915, it happened. He’s the MAN!! My grandparents are survivor, in 1916 they escaped to Syria then my parents were born there, & in 1946 they immigrated to Armenia, USSR, I was born there, then in 1974 we all came to California, for freedom & opportunity 😍
Apr 26Reply
annick100 @ally_marc First Happy Birthday 🎊🎂🎈 And second; so glad those 2 event coincided!! What a great day indeed. About dam/time we stand up to that dictator Erdogan-and about time that Genocide is named in this country exactly as such!! I hv a deep love for the Turkish friends I made working in-country on women’s rep. health/family planning-but hv always had my beef w/ their government. So HAPPY for you & your Fam-& so glad my gift; which has to do w/ this topic-is headed yr way. xxx ƛƝƝƖƇƘ
Apr 26Reply
daniestease thank you for stopping by my closet and sharing! i shared your listings as well blessings to you your family and your business !!
May 06Reply
ally_marc @daniestease thank you dear, you have beautiful closet. Stay safe and healthy, many blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🌼
May 07Reply
bluesea38 @ally_marc hello my friend! Just to say happy mothers day🌹 enjoy your day with your beautiful family❤️ im busy today after the wedding but ill talk you you tomorrow, many blessings🙏🙏🙏
May 09Reply
ally_marc @bluesea38 thank you dear Lourdes, I’ve missed you my friend ❤️ I can’t wait to see the beautiful pictures & hear about your time. Happy Mother’s Day & to your beautiful Mama in Heaven🙏🏻🙏🏻😘
May 09Reply
ally_marc @daniestease thank you dear sharing back 😍
May 09Reply

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