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Updated Aug 02
Updated Aug 02



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midoa Welcome to Poshmark Rosalind 😊 feel free to check out my closet as I’m having an incredible sale of 30% off on any purchase! Happy poshing my friend 🤗
Feb 18Reply
ppnbrk01 @midoa thank you for the welcome. I will check out your closet thanks for stopping by.
Feb 18Reply
tinkjack Adorable pup🤗🤗🤗 Thank you for the shares friend!!! Happy posting :o)
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @tinkjack oh thank you, we love him! Good luck with your sales, happy to help. 😊
Feb 19Reply
graysgoodies Thank you for all the shares!!!💚💚💚. Your sooo speedy, lol!😃
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @sbgray25 bahahahahaha! Well I'm just laying on my bed with my dog. Happy to help.
Feb 19Reply
graysgoodies @ppnbrk01 gorgeous dog😊 Gotta love the furbabies💚
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @sbgray25 thank you. I have 3 furbabies, 2 dogs and a cat. I love them much!
Feb 19Reply
graysgoodies @ppnbrk01 Animals are awesome! So much nicer and more loving than most people🤣.
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @sbgray25 well that is true. I'd be lonely without them for sure.
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @sbgray25 well my dear I hope you get lots of sales and interest in your closet. You have lots of lovely things! 😊
Feb 19Reply
graysgoodies @ppnbrk01 I have 3 dogs myself and they are great companions😃. I couldn’t keep up with you😅Thank you and I wish the same for you💚
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @sbgray25 oh how nice 3 dogs! You did me a great favor and I appreciate you!
Feb 19Reply
rescueranch Thank you for all the shares!! Love the 🐶 too!! ❤️ best of luck to you... you have some nice items to sell!
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @ladypickers oh how nice of you to say, we love our pup! You have nice items as well! Happy Poshing!😊😉👍
Feb 19Reply
rescueranch @ppnbrk01 Thanks! Happy poshing!! 💕
Feb 19Reply
jacaranda1831 Welcome to Poshmark!! You're going to love it here. I have bought and sold many great things. When I started, all I wanted to do was to sell a few things, and try not to buy too much. Well, months later, I'm a Posh Ambassador, Mentor, and a whole slew of other things. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Love to help. Have fun poshing!!
Feb 19Reply
ppnbrk01 @jacaranda1831 thank you so much for the welcome I appreciate it. I started on Poshmark because it's time to downsize and let go of things. But with that said I have found many beautiful items on the site and it's hard to resist. I love vintage clothes so that's kind of what I'm seeking out. You're very kind welcome me and I appreciate it.
Feb 20Reply
jacaranda1831 @ppnbrk01 Wishing you much $ucce$$ and many $ales and lots of fun $eeking. Got my neighbor started on PM and she gave up candy crush for PM because it was more fun and less costly to play.
Feb 21Reply
ppnbrk01 @jacaranda1831 that is so funny that you say that because I used to play Candy Crush and Bubble Witch constantly. And it did get a little expensive. So I had to delete them off my phone. Now I'm doing Poshmark and I'm practically putting everything I wear on sale now. Hahaha. But it could be worse right. I may just have my jammies to wear when I'm through. Thanks for your encouragement.
Feb 21Reply
jacaranda1831 @ppnbrk01 Thanks for $haring. Indeed, it would be a great problem to have when you have nothing but jammies to wear!!
Feb 22Reply
ppnbrk01 @jacaranda1831 happy to help!😊
Feb 22Reply
makeanoffernow Aww, who who is this goofy darling ? I could eat him/her righjt up !
Feb 23Reply
ppnbrk01 @eugeniuss goofy is right! He got into the toilet paper. His name is Tonka. But we call him the Tonkanator, because he can get into things and really destroy them. Bahahaha! But he's the gentlest sweetest animal. And we love him.
Feb 23Reply
makeanoffernow I have one of my own that looks just like sweet Tonka (with a longer white streak above the nose). These dogs are so good ! Please give Tonka a ton of kisses and huggies when you find the time :-) I wish you and Tonka a magical night !
Feb 23Reply
ppnbrk01 @eugeniuss thank you very much you have a good evening also. I give him a kiss all the time. They're wonderful animals so loving I'm sure yours is very loving too.
Feb 23Reply
makeanoffernow Amazing dogs ! Do you know Titus and His Girl Hailey ? Check out Titus
Feb 23Reply
ppnbrk01 @eugeniuss no I don't know about them but I will check that out. I follow a lot of dogs on Facebook. Like the blue boys. They're awfully cute. Thanks for the info I will go and look at that.
Feb 23Reply
makeanoffernow not my dog (I wish ! ) but I think he looks much like Tonka and mine. Mine is very good too, very loving and friendly.
Feb 23Reply
ppnbrk01 @eugeniuss I love animals. I have 2 dogs and a cat.
Feb 23Reply
sassyfrass32 🎊 Welcome to Poshmark!! This is a great site to sell and buy great items at an AMAZING price! Check out my Large closet if you would like and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing!! 😊
Feb 25Reply
ppnbrk01 @sassyfrass32 Thank you for the welcome. I will look through your closet. I like selling things but the problem is I keep finding lots of things. My husband's not too happy. LOL
Feb 25Reply
sassyfrass32 @ppnbrk01 hehe I’m the same way...It’s so hard not to buy stuff on this site!! I would just try and budget yourself lol it’s not easy
Feb 25Reply
ppnbrk01 @sassyfrass32 😁👍👍👍
Feb 25Reply
hairgirl1019 Cute closet!! Happy poshing🌞
Mar 01Reply
lorimiller75 @ppnbrk01 Hi I just purchased the Pong Tunic and I think it’s going to be to long for me. Is there anyway I could swap it out for something else in your closet?
Mar 16Reply
ppnbrk01 @lorimiller75 of course or I can cancel the order for you .
Mar 16Reply
ppnbrk01 @lorimiller75 just let me know if you want me to cancel it, because I think there is a 3 hour window to do that.
Mar 16Reply
lorimiller75 @ppnbrk01 You will that would be great and I will be back to shop in your closet it’s beautiful. And I’ll share. Thanks so much! Your so sweet😊
Mar 16Reply
ppnbrk01 @lorimiller75 actually I will have to cancel it to be able to make a new shipping tag. If you think it's going to be too long that's probably the best thing to do. Saves you the hassle of having to ship it back.
Mar 16Reply
ppnbrk01 @lorimiller75 no problem. I'm going to go ahead and cancel it now.
Mar 16Reply
ppnbrk01 @lorimiller75 okay I went ahead and successfully cancelled that. And I took a screenshot of the cancellation. May take a few days for Poshmark to reverse the charge. Just keep a lookout for it. And you probably will have gotten some kind of confirmation too. I'll be posting other things on my closet so check back soon.
Mar 16Reply
lorimiller75 @ppnbrk01 Thanks so much, your so sweet sorry to take up your time. I love your closet you have beautiful things. I’ll be back. And I’ll be sharing with a friend who loves Brighton!
Mar 16Reply
lorimiller75 Thanks again sorry for the hassle. I’ve never done this before so I apologize I usually am selling not buying so I wasn’t paying attention. So thanks again for your kindness and patience!
Mar 16Reply
ppnbrk01 @lorimiller75 no problem I'm just glad you realized it and we could cancel it right away. They only give you three hours to cancel then you have to send it out and it would have to be returned by you. So it's fine. Like I said I'm going to be posting more things probably over the weekend. Just keep an eye out I posted shoes today. I'll probably post some clothes over this weekend. Take care thanks for checking my closet out.
Mar 16Reply
mzpitty1 Hi, my name is Lee I was just stopping in to say hello! There are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! As a WELCOME Gift...I offer buy one get one FREE. Anything in my closet. Buy one ITEM full price and the 2nd ITEM is FREE (Equal or Lesser Value).
Mar 30Reply
buywithgrace Hello, thank you so much for the Tumblr share😇⚘🌹
Apr 04Reply
buywithgrace Cute pics😇🎈⚘💚
Apr 04Reply
ppnbrk01 @buywithgrace I'm happy to share! Thank you too! 😊👍👍👍
Apr 04Reply
sdmcparn @ppnbrk01 What a beautiful dog! They look so soft! Love Plano! Lived in Farmers Branch for years and my aunt lived in Flower Mound. I’m really old, so I remember when Plano was undeveloped with big open fields and tumbleweeds! Love Georgia, but I sure miss Texas! They have the greatest people there! Have a great weekend!
Apr 05Reply
ppnbrk01 @sdmcparn oh you know Plano has changed so much. I'm a Texas gal I was born and bred in Dallas. And I'm not that young that I can't remember when Plano was basically farmland. It's changed so much that I wouldn't mind moving a little farther out to the country it's become so popular to live here that it's really getting congested. You have a good weekend.
Apr 05Reply
luvnoostuf Pretty pups. Nice closet!
Apr 07Reply
princessandie19 I love your pups!!!!! Thank you for the shares😘
Apr 16Reply
ppnbrk01 @princessandie19 thank you too!
Apr 16Reply
divasale Hello! Thank You for the rating!! And you are Welcome, I’m glad you liked everything 😁👍🤗!
May 07Reply
ppnbrk01 @divasale yes your so sweet! I loved everything! 😊
May 07Reply
divasale @ppnbrk01 👏👏🤗😁 i am a dog lover too!!
May 07Reply
ppnbrk01 @divasale glad to hear that. I have 2 and a cat! Love them all !
May 07Reply
nic2700 So cute!!!
May 12Reply
yazpasha @ppnbrk01 Hello Rosalind what a beautiful closet and great statement, I have yet to start selling on Posh I love the idea of recording while boxing the item prior to shipping!have a question for you, I have a little guy and sometimes time pass by and I don’t even realize, please forgive me for being so forward and feel free to refuse!
May 14Reply
yazpasha @ppnbrk01 As I mention please feel free to say NO, I just had to ask, I have been looking for that particular Jcrew red knit cardigan with silk lining that has fruits and flowers that match my top and belt for about 8 years if not a little longer....with out any success ...😢
May 14Reply
yazpasha @ppnbrk01 After searching for a while I finally came across this red ribbed cardigan with the beautiful silk lining that matched my blouse and my belt... I couldn’t BELIVE It ! 😍🤩 right here on posh at Jojo1987 closet! But as usual I wasn’t as fast😢 and that’s ok...
May 14Reply
yazpasha @ppnbrk01 Rosalind please forgive me for so many notes explaining why I’m asking you to sell your purchase I know it’s just a sweater ... but I decided to give it a try I see you’re a posh Ambassador, you’re all for sales! 👉🏻So If you feel like selling it ( the cardigan) I would like to be the first one to know please, 🤝as a matter of fact would you like to sell it to me for double the price?I hope to hear from you soon! 🙏😍Thank you for your time!
May 14Reply
choprph Happiness is beautiful! Love your closet
Jun 17Reply
ppnbrk01 @blondie844 thank you! Feel better. 😊👍
Jul 08Reply
ppnbrk01 @blondie844 and thank you for all the shares. I will share your closet when I get home from work!
Jul 08Reply
ppnbrk01 @yazpasha I don't know if you're still looking for that sweater. But I did post it. If you're not interested that's fine I just didn't know if you saw that I had messaged you and that I had reposted it.😊
Jul 08Reply
yazpasha @ppnbrk01 Hello ans thank you! Yes I’m still looking! Thank you for letting me know
Jul 08Reply
jam1968 Your fur baby is precious
Jul 28Reply
ppnbrk01 @jam1968 thank you!
Jul 28Reply
hazeljune Hello dear, can you help me on the process of making a trade? I’ll be making my 1st trade on Posh and I am not sure how to do it. Thank you in advance 🙂
Aug 07Reply
ppnbrk01 @hazeljune I'm sorry but I've never done trades. So I really couldn't help you on that.
Aug 07Reply
hazeljune @ppnbrk01 okay thank you
Aug 07Reply
fashionsavy1ny Hi! It’s very nice to meet you!!! 💕 Please, consider my counter offer! Thank you! God bless! 💖😘
Sep 30Reply
fashionsavy1ny Hi! Thank you! This is my limit, with me paying for shipping. I hope that’s alright! Thank you! God bless! 💖😘
Sep 30Reply
ppnbrk01 @fashionsavy1ny I'll ship it tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it!
Sep 30Reply
fashionsavy1ny @ppnbrk01 Yay! Thank you so much!!! 💕🤗 I am excited! I have been wanting this bag for a while now, just waiting to get more funds. With two little ones at home, my budget is limited! Thank you, again! 🌸🌺 Looking forward to receiving the beautiful new bag!!! God bless! 💖😘
Sep 30Reply
ppnbrk01 @fashionsavy1ny I just posted a comment on your page. I don't know if you saw it or not. This purse has never been opened its in its original box with its dust bag but I could not find the authenticity cards. I don't like disappointed customers so if this was for resale you might want to cancel the order. I wouldn't have a problem with you canceling the order I would rather that than a complaint. Thanks so much.
Sep 30Reply
ppnbrk01 @fashionsavy1ny please get back to me as soon as possible because there's a three-hour window for cancellations.
Sep 30Reply
fashionsavy1ny @ppnbrk01 Hi! No worries! 💕 This bag is for me. I would have liked the cards, but that’s fine. I can tell if it’s authentic. Were you the one who purchased it at the store? Please, let me know. Thank you! 💖😘
Sep 30Reply
ppnbrk01 @fashionsavy1ny no my husband purchased this for me here in Dallas at Neiman Marcus. As I've said the purse still has all the original packing inside I never wanted to pull out the hacking but I did when you asked about the cards. I can tell you that even the dust bag has never been unfolded. I had it at $525 so that it could be authenticated by Poshmark but it wasn't selling at that price that's why I lowered it.
Sep 30Reply
fashionsavy1ny @ppnbrk01 Hi! No worries! I was not the one who asked about the cards. I never asked because I know they always come with a new bag. Thank you for letting me know. I would still like the bag. Thank you! 💖😘
Sep 30Reply
ppnbrk01 @fashionsavy1ny I will have it shipped out tomorrow. Thank you for your purchase!
Sep 30Reply
fashionsavy1ny @ppnbrk01 Thank you! Looking forward to receiving it! God bless! 💖😘
Sep 30Reply
ppnbrk01 @rsuyaba you're welcome! Thank you too! 😊
Dec 03Reply
mumbojumbo11 Is u dog’s name “Happiness?” Sooo pretty! & looks super sweet too! I won’t make an offer on this priceless beauty! Haha. 🐶
Dec 06Reply
cutehosiery @ppnbrk01 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 07Reply

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Last Active: Feb 07

Plano, TX
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Last Active: Feb 07

Plano, TX
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