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Updated Nov 09
Updated Nov 09

❤️Happy Poshing❤️


$100,000,000 $100,000,000

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Thank you all for my shares and likes and support. 😘😘😘.
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sandygaboury @elisehunter @isa_wine_lover @randikandi @ilovesunset almost party time and I am once again at work like @randikandi. Boooo us girls need to go home and party. 🎉🎉😊😊 hope to get to party soon. Have fun sweeties 😘😘
Dec 14Reply
randikandi @sandygaboury hey gf. I just got home & of course missed the party. Glad u liked ur present. Sorry about ur pic...I went on FB. U have no pics of yourself...hummmmm. Took the one of u kissing ur son. Either way...hysterical.
Dec 14Reply
randikandi @sandygaboury when I originally tried to send it, it said it was to long. Had to shorten...whatever. Elise did it. I texted it to her.
Dec 14Reply
sandygaboury @randikandi Haha I loveddddd our gift. Hilarious. My head looks huge and hilarious. It was so funny. Ty for making that. 😊😊. I also worked late and missed party. Working 14 hours tomorrow. We work too much. Haha
Dec 14Reply
randikandi @sandygaboury @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover @elisehunter oh girls, it was nothing. I had fun doin it. So glad u all liked it. We could all always use a good laugh 😂😂😂😂😂 goin 2 bed girls. Luv u all ❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dec 14Reply
elisehunter @randikandi @sandygaboury @isa_wine_lover @ilovesunset. I love you girls!! I love our little group!! Me thinks we might need a name. (If only for us!) 😘😘
Dec 14Reply
randikandi @elisehunter @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover @sandygaboury good morning girls. Well...goin in early. 2:00. A lot goin on. Might as well make what I can while I can. One. One week til Christmas...ugggggg. Gonna def b a long night. Anyway, yes, yes, yes. I would luv us 2 have a name. I've mad lots of friends here. Had a click when I first joined. They were great. We had lots of fun. But over time it fizzled. We shall never fizzle. I luv u girls. U r my friends...u r my stress relievers...& u actually give me something to look forward to at the end of my day. I thank u all 4 that. I truly adore all of u. So again...👏👏👏 let's get a name. Still having my coffee & have to get in the But then 2 days off. Hurrayyyyyyyyyy lots of time to play 👭👭👭👭👭👭👭👭
Dec 14Reply
elisehunter @randikandi @sandygaboury @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover. No, we'll never fizzle!! We're bonded!!! RK, SG, LMK if I need to share to the party for you!!! Same same for you isabel and ilovesunset. Love you girls!! 😘😘😘
Dec 14Reply
elisehunter Ok, wait, what??? A week????? @randikandi @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover
Dec 14Reply
ilovesunset Thanks, mama, as busy as you are and still make time to do the video. It's super funny. @randikandi ❤ Yes, almost Christmas time, Elise @elisehunter Can you believe that? 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅@isa_wine_lover @sandygaboury & I agree on making a group name 😄😄😄😄😄😄
Dec 14Reply
sandygaboury Oops hit post too fast. @elisehunter @randikandi @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover Hi girlies. I am also at work since 7 this morning and here until about 10 tonight. Boooo. Haha but I need $$$ for Christmas which I am not happy that it is so close. Haha. 😊😊🎄🎄 it is snowing. Supposed to be so much tonight. Fun fun. But yes we are not going anywhere and not fizzling out. Love my girls. ❤️❤️❤️. Talk to you girls little later my posh princesses 👸 xoxoxo
Dec 14Reply
sandygaboury @elisehunter @randikandi @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover Message got cut off again. Said talk to you later my posh princesses. 👸 xoxoxo
Dec 14Reply
isa_wine_lover Ladies, don't think for a minute that I forgot about you; I'm having a weekend in NYC with some friends. B'Day party, broadway show, the whole nine yards. Thinking about you girls! @elisehunter @randikandi @ilovesunset @sandygaboury 💜💜💜💜💜
Dec 15Reply
elisehunter @isa_wine_lover I'll share your closet, sweetie!! 😘
Dec 15Reply
ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover I saw that you haven't been on Posh, lol. Have fun, girl!!!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Dec 15Reply
sandygaboury @isa_wine_lover @elisehunter @randikandi @ilovesunset Yay. Weekend in NY. Sounds so fun. Is it your birthday?? We have missed you. We're wondering where you were.. Glad it was something fun 😍😍😍. Have fun. Talk to you when you are back. ❤️❤️
Dec 15Reply
sandygaboury @elisehunter @randikandi @ilovesunset I shared all of your closets to the party tonight. Talk to you lovelies tomorrow. Sweet dreams loves. 😍😍😍
Dec 18Reply
randikandi @sandygaboury who's better then u??? No one. Sweet dreams darlin
Dec 18Reply
ilovesunset @sandygaboury Thank you so much for sharing my listings to the party :) How was it? Goodnight everyone!!!! @randikandi @isa_wine_lover @elisehunter
Dec 18Reply
elisehunter Tyvm, my lovelies, for your shares!!! 😘😘😘. I got a lot of sleep and am starting to feel better. @randikandi @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover @sandygaboury. I thought y'all would get a kick out of this: I have a note titled "My Girls" so I can quickly copy/paste everybodys usernames in 😃
Dec 18Reply
isa_wine_lover Hi lovely! I'm glad you're feeling better! Resting makes a big difference! I'd been feeling cranky when I was staying up until 1:00 or 2:00 A.M... I was sharing closets and responding to inquiries after the parties; now I stay until midnight only if I know the co-host. If not, I participate to half, so I can be in my bed by 11:30 at the latest! Did you see my email Elise?
Dec 18Reply
elisehunter @isa_wine_lover hi sweetie! No, I haven't checked email. I will this morning. I slept hard last night so I'm feeling a little bit better. I need to take some more sudafed. 😘😘. Yeah, someone asked me to bundle last night. I hope I don't lose them. 😘
Dec 18Reply
sandygaboury Hiiiii girls. Crazy day just getting on here now. @ilovesunset you're welcome 😍😍. Anytime. Ty for my shares. the party was super slow. @randikandi you're welcome too. You guys definitely didn't miss much. Right @isa_wine_lover ?? @elisehunter glad you are feeling little better and got some rest. Does anyone need shares tonight? I will be there if I don't hear from you guys I will just share anyway. 😊😊😍😍xoxoxo
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter I'll be there doll!! 😘😘❤️
Dec 19Reply
ilovesunset Hi my lovelies, how are you today????? I have been busy lately, so I'll miss party tonight AGAIN, lol. If any of you can share my listings, pls do so. I'll appreciate it. Hope you are all feeling great. Holidays are coming...... @elisehunter @randikandi @isa_wine_lover
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @ilovesunset I'll share your closet. @randikandi you workin? Miss you all too😘@isa_wine_lover
Dec 19Reply
ilovesunset Thanks Elise @elisehunter :)
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @sandygaboury hey gf. I'll b there. Elise will 2. Long day 4 me 2. But I'll b there.
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury @randikandi ok sweetie. ❤️❤️@elisehunter I will be there too.. Sorry you had a long day Randi.. Hope everything ok. Hope you are still feeling better Miss Elise. @ilovesunset hope you get some rest sometime too.. @isa_wine_lover will you be there or need us to share?? See you girls soon.. My little pumpkin has a fever he is never sick.. We are snuggling going to lay him down. See you soon.. ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @sandygaboury @elisehunter @isa_wine_lover @ilovesunset ok girls. I'm goin in. Have to share first. C u all in a bit 💕💕💕💕
Dec 19Reply
isa_wine_lover Hello lovely ladies! Sorry I've been MIA today, but I had my husband's company Christmas lunch, then getting the girls, then doing homework, then making dinner... You get the drill... I'll be at the party for a little bit; I'm feeling pretty tired right now, but I'll share some closets for sure. Love you all!!! @ilovesunset @sandygaboury @randikandi @elisehunter
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury @isa_wine_lover know what you mean.. You need to get your rest too.. Was going to share your things but you are here. Yay!! @randikandi @ilovesunset @elisehunter 😍😍😍😍
Dec 19Reply
isa_wine_lover 😘😘😘😘
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter I just shared @ilovesunset 's closet. I think we're all here but Thuy @randikandi @isa_wine_lover 😘😘
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @randikandi no too great?
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @elisehunter it's a little better now. Just went back in
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @elisehunter @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover @sandygaboury So, my sis finally has a few posts up...@pinkgato About time sis 😘😘😘
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @randikandi I followed her the other day
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @elisehunter Ty. She's just gettin started. I've been pushing her.
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @randikandi @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover I'm (hopefully) working on a bundle. 🙏
Dec 19Reply
isa_wine_lover @elisehunter Yayyyyyyy!!!! Happy for you sweets!
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury @randikandi Awwww I just added her. Yay sister 😊😊
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury @elisehunter yay bundle 😊😊😊
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @isa_wine_lover I hope so. I worked on one all day and the girl disappeared!! 😡
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @elisehunter 👏👏👏👏 bundle away girlfriend. I'm happy 4 u.
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @sandygaboury ahhhh sis. Marci. I will introduce her to the crew. @elisehunter @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @pinkgato hey sis...please meet the best gals alive. @elisehunter @sandygaboury @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover. We r the Fab 5... For now. We r up every night chatting & sharing & seeing who gets a host pick. We really have sooooo much fun. These girls r my Posh besties 💕💕💕💕❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dec 19Reply
isa_wine_lover @pinkgato Welcome to Poshmark Marci! Anything you need I'm just a tag away... although you have the best mentor ever, your sister!!! Well, aside from my sweet Elise! @elisehunter ;-)
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @isa_wine_lover @randikandi @sandygaboury now why would some one say "ok, ready to bundle" and then not have the funds!??? That was this mornings bundle. Grrrrr. She just responded "oh, don't hold them, I'm waiting on sales. I have officially enforced a "no hold"policy. Grrrrrr PMO!!
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @isa_wine_lover I love you sweetie!!! 😘😘
Dec 19Reply
isa_wine_lover @elisehunter oh no! A bundle bandit! So sorry darling! Well, many others will come! You have an amazing closet and very affordable prices, so buyers will come! 😘😘😘
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @isa_wine_lover 😘😘 tyvm, sweetie!
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury Welcome @pinkgato Yes your sister and @isa_wine_lover and @elisehunter and @ilovesunset All amazing. ❤️❤️❤️ love these girls.
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury @elisehunter awwww people are awful sometimes. You will get another I know it. 😍😍❤️❤️❤️
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @sandygaboury @isa_wine_lover @randikandi @ilovesunset I really love you girls!!!! 😘😘❤️
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @elisehunter I don't hold anything anymore. Got burnt tooooo many times. But to ask u to bundle & then say I'm waiting on sales...well...😡😡😡 I have no words. But guess what? I luv u bunches 💕💕❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury People!!!! Drive ya crazy. But my fav girls never do. They are sooo awesome.. Congrats @elisehunter and @ilovesunset for your hps tonight. Proud of all of you. Adore you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter @randikandi I love you!! You pulled another Elise-- "I have no words". I used to say that a lot! 😘😘😘. I'm packing it in! Kiss kiss to my lovelies @isa_wine_lover @sandygaboury @ilovesunset
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury Goodnight sweet Elise 😴😴😴😴😴 get some rest. @elisehunter Xoxoxo
Dec 19Reply
elisehunter XOXOXO😘😘👭
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury Goodnight to my other lovelies. @randikandi @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover ❤️❤️xoxoxo
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @elisehunter @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover @sandygaboury me too girls. Sleepy time. Sweet dreams to u all. 😴😴😴
Dec 19Reply
isa_wine_lover Good night lovelies! I'm falling asleep on the couch... TTYT. 😘💕💜🍷@elisehunter @randikandi @sandygaboury @ilovesunset
Dec 19Reply
ilovesunset @elisehunter @isa_wine_lover @randikandi Hi everybody, including Sandy, lol. Sorry for disappearing tonight. Thank you very much for sharing my listings. I came back here with 430 newsfeed 😍😍😍😍😍 Just noticed I got 3 HPs, too 😳😳😳😳😳 surprised & so happy 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 goodnight & ttyl 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Dec 19Reply
pinkgato @sandygaboury tu so much. Looking forward to getting to no the girls. My sis is my best friend ♥♥♥ Hugs to u all 《》;-)
Dec 19Reply
pinkgato @ilovesunset @elisehunter @isa_wine_lover hi girls. Thanx for the welcome. Learning as I go. Gonna try to get creative. Mayb. Lol. Big group hug incl. Sandy + @randikandi my sissie! ♥♥♥ xo :-D
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury @pinkgato I am glad to meet you. Your sister is an incredible person. So glad to have met her. You sound sweet just like her. So welcome and anytime you need anything we are all here to help or listen or whatever. 😊😊😊.
Dec 19Reply
randikandi @elisehunter @ilovesunset @isa_wine_lover @sandygaboury good morning girls. Hope u all slept well. Thuy...I didn't even c ur HP's last night. They must have popped up later. Congrats gf.
Dec 19Reply
sandygaboury @elisehunter just tagged you in someone's closet that is looking for mentor. 😊😊
Dec 20Reply
elisehunter I'm blushing!! Tyvm, sweetie!! I actually saw that the other day and a lady I'm mentoring pointed her in my direction. I'm without words, sweetie!! 😘😘
Dec 20Reply
thejeweladdict Thanks for the shares:) Have a great Christmas!!!
Dec 21Reply
daisygirl321 Your closet is awesome!!!!! I love EVERYTHING in it!!!!😘😘😘😘😘👏👏👏👏
Dec 27Reply
sandygaboury @daisygirl321 hi 😊 awwww thank you very much for the compliment. Yours is awesome too!! 😊😊❤️❤️
Dec 27Reply
tammysbeachwear Love this! Can I use in my closet?
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury @tammysbeachwear Awww yes of course you can. Ty 😊 It has my name on it though. 😊 I can email or text you the one without my name of you would like. 😊😊 I put the pink lines on the side and those things. Let me know. ❤️Sandy
Jan 07Reply
tammysbeachwear Omg, that would be awesome!!! You don't mind? It's just perfect for my beachwear closet! My phone that you can text it to is (805)302-2750 thanks so much💓💓💓💓💓
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury @tammysbeachwear noooo I don't mind at all. I will send to you right now. 😊😊💕💕
Jan 07Reply
tammysbeachwear I'd say I'm a little technically challenged. Lol! I'm always learning new things on apps! Thanks so much💓I just saw it came through, so ill look at it right now💕
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury @tammysbeachwear if you want me to do anything to it for you I can. 😊
Jan 07Reply
tammysbeachwear Aw thanks:) I'm sure you have better things to do. Lol
Jan 07Reply
tammysbeachwear What app is it that you use?
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury @tammysbeachwear I honestly wouldn't mind if you wanted help 😊 but apps I use most are beautiful mess, Rhonna, instacollage, image chef, piZap, pic collage, deco blend, and few others but those most. I'm kinda an app fanatic. Haha 😊😊
Jan 07Reply
tammysbeachwear @sandygaboury could you do something like you have but say @tammysbeachwear ?
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury Sure. Give me little bit. Do you want any certain colors or any other words?? Sparkles?
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury Oops forgot to tag you @tammysbeachwear
Jan 07Reply
tammysbeachwear Anything Beachy, surfy , lol
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury @tammysbeachwear I'm working on it. 😊😊
Jan 07Reply
tammysbeachwear No hurry:) !!!!!!!
Jan 07Reply
sandygaboury @lovelysara. Thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 27Reply
justjessi @sandygaboury thx for follow & 👣👣👣👣 💋#xojessi
Feb 03Reply
sandygaboury @justjessi Yw. Thank you also. 💕💕
Feb 03Reply
sassystylinfind Stopping by to say HI, SHARE & FOLLOW ~~Have a Happy Summer~~~Happy Poshin!✌🏼⚓️🌺
Aug 13Reply
sandygaboury @sassystylinfind hello. Thanks so much. 💕💕💕
Aug 13Reply
matadora1978 hi!! shared 10 happy poshing!!!
Apr 12Reply
sandygaboury @matadora1978 hiiii.. sorry haven't been here much lately :-) thank you for sharing.. will go share your closet right now.. :-)
Apr 17Reply
matadora1978 @sandygaboury no problem ty so much girl!! 🙋
Apr 17Reply
sandygaboury @matadora1978 you are very welcome.. of course it started tracking right after I messaged you.. haha.. Thanks for being so understanding though.. :-)
Apr 19Reply
sandygaboury @matadora1978 hahaa.. omg.. sooo sorry.. I am tagged you in wrong message.. haha.. I MEANT to say you are very welcome.. great closet :-) disgregard my message before this one.. haha.. :-)
Apr 19Reply
javywoodard Thanks for the shares!!!! :)
Nov 22Reply
sandygaboury @javywoodard hi. You’re welcome. 😊. Thank you!! 💕
Nov 22Reply
thepiperjames Happy Poshing!! 😍 Hope you have a wonderful day full of lots of sales and shares. ❤️🙌🏻🎉😊 Please check out my closet! I have lots of fun baseball caps, beanies, gloves, scarfs and jewelry. 🧢🧣🧝🏻‍♀️🧤
Dec 17Reply
cutehosiery @sandygaboury Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 08Reply

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