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Updated Jul 12
Updated Jul 12

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Meet the Posher



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Hi I’m Jennifer! My mom is “Penni” in @Penniworth, she was a real “value” lady-from double coupons to BOGO sales. She would have LOVED PM! She is why I posh, somehow it makes me feel close to her ❤️💔❤️ As for me, I’m more drawn to style, color and fabric vs labels, although I trust Nike and Express most. Some brands I WONT buy (or sell!) b/c of past quality issues! I sell from my home closet and my 18 y/o son (!!!), and at times other family. If you have ?s on an item or its history, just ask!
  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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purtistore Hi Jennifer, Can you please decline the offer I sent you? I will send you a new private offer...
Jan 02Reply
penniworth @purti_store Sure thing and thanks! You’re very quick on the draw! Lol
Jan 02Reply
purtistore @penniworth Thank you for the purchase. Will ship the tops asap... Happy New Year! :-)
Jan 02Reply
monikens Hello, I’m Julia. Whether you are buying or selling, welcome to Poshmark😊.
Jan 07Reply
purtistore @penniworth hi Jennifer thank you for the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating and the wonderful feedback. It means a lot to me. 😊
Jan 08Reply
mysticalblue 🌹Hi 🙋🏻I'm Carolyn. Welcome to Poshmark‼️A community of Poshers willing to share Posh💕Love, help, & encourage you. Here are some 👠LINKS👠to find answers to many questions about Posh Compliant Closets & other info for Beginners. 🌸YOUR GUIDE TO POSHMARK & POSH ETIQUETTE (Click on your Closet Name.) 🌸HTTPS://SUPPORT.POSHMARK.COM 🌸HTTPS://BLOG.POSHMARK.COM/ (Click on the MENU, scroll down to POSH TIPS.) Anytime I can help, just message me🦋@mysticalblue🦋. Happy Poshing🌷 I wish you much success‼️👗🛍
Jan 16Reply
tjahjadi6801 Sweet thanks 🤗❤
Jan 17Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh! hope you are loving it! ❤️
Jan 18Reply
micaya5 Welcome to Poshmark! A great platform to safely buy and sell quality merchandise. The Posh Community is super sweet as you may have already noticed by all the warm welcome messages. Looks like you are off to a great start with your closet and having fun already! Happy poshing🛍🤗
Jan 19Reply
carnabystreet Luv the name.☮
Jan 25Reply
penniworth @carnabystreet Thanks! My mom’s name was Penni too - she passed away last year. She was a huge “value” queen, from double coupons to saving cardboard boxes. She would have LOVED posh! she is the reason I’m here, somehow it makes me feel closer to her... 💔
Jan 25Reply
carnabystreet @penniworth She was a Penni with an I also?. I think that's the best reason I've ever heard to be a Posh Queen 👑. To your Mom💫
Jan 25Reply
india79 Hi doll thank you for the like if you have any questions lmk open to offers happy poshing
Jan 26Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Jennifer. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 08Reply
meisch1234 Beautifully written I too have lost my mom in 03 2yrs after donating my kidney to her in 01. I follow hank n his gorgeous jewelry. Celebrate our mom's together n I'm so sorry I know the sadness n heartache of loosing our best friends our mothers!!!
Feb 20Reply
penniworth @meisch1234 Awww thanks for the kind note! I’m definitely still trying to cope with losing my mom, and I’m so sorry to hear about yours - how tragic!! The loss sneaks up on us sometimes, doesn’t it? Hank has a beautiful timepiece with a penny in it, thinking about getting it for my dad - would have been their 47th anniversary in April 💔
Feb 20Reply
meisch1234 @hmsimon1 so unique I found u on my new find of posh friends. She was telling about your new pieces n I found the beautiful larimar. I have a ring in the light blue with whitish swirling is that ocean larimar? Was always curious. How many stones do u have in that color. I would love to send u pic of ring.
Feb 20Reply
meisch1234 I lost my fiance Dakota April 21st my birthday 2016 tragically n just b4 mom passed in July of 03. Her mom my granny, my other best friend n mom passed 10 months prior. 3 great loves of this lifetime. I was with them all living with them.
Feb 20Reply
meisch1234 It's a hole in the heart n soul only God can fill. I'm praying for you sweetie n will continue to pray for u!!!!
Feb 20Reply
meisch1234 My love & hugs are sent to you Jennifer
Feb 20Reply
nixinne Thank you! thank you! This is great! Will be following your wonderful closet! :)
Feb 21Reply
lhackettlah Hi there...Thanks for sharing items in my closet!
Feb 25Reply
pennie3 Beautiful photos!!! ❤️
Mar 03Reply
jennifer88597 Hey Jennifer, I love your style!!! This could be dangerous for me! 😉😂 I love so many items in your closet!
Mar 11Reply
penniworth @jennifer88597 Awww thanks! Posh can be SOO tempting to buy, believe me I know! I try very hard to limit myself to one purchase a week - and I make a point to buy bundles cuz it’s a much better deal! Stick with the ones who stand out, every so often I find a seller/closet where item after item just WANTS to come to my house lol! Anyway I’m sitting here surrounded by more great stuff to list so make sure to check back with me! 😉
Mar 11Reply
anngooden Hello! Welcome to the Poshmark Family, and Thank yo UN so much for bathe likes and shares.....😘
Mar 13Reply
mae246 Hi Jennifer! Thanks so much for the share on Tumblr. 😊 I need to create an account there. Have a great weekend! ☀️
Apr 13Reply
blissfulbrands @penniworth Hi! Hope all is well 💗
Apr 23Reply
dcgms Great closet,🙂
May 07Reply
penniworth @dcgms aww thank you! Yours too and I love the earrings BTW - I have the same ones in clear crystal and I always get compliments! And I’ve been looking for a pair of green earrings for a while now - but Unfortunately I’m over my self-imposed PM spending limit so I’m having a little bit of an internal battle at the moment lol!
May 07Reply
dcgms @penniworth I understand. I will go down to $30 if still interested, also thank you
May 07Reply
penniworth @dcgms Ok done! Self control loses the battle again lol! Would you be willing to drop the listing $ to see if it triggers discounted shipping? I’ll buy either way but I’d happily take a shipping discount from PM if possible
May 07Reply
atimebiwok Thanks Jennifer fr sharing my closet im grateful, shd u desire to buy anything, l will giv u a good deal. Thanks again
May 12Reply
jrchavez67 big THANKS! for the shares 🤙🏽
May 22Reply
emevari Hi Jennifer, thank you for the share! Happy sales😊
Jun 06Reply
noblecharm18 Hello Jennifer! You have a beautiful closet I’ll be checking it out and feel free to check out my closet too 💁🏻‍♀️👑 Happy poshing 🌺💐💕🌷🌸🎉✨✨
Jun 25Reply
cceseretti Thanks for the five star rating So happy you liked everything!
Jul 02Reply
penniworth @cceseretti Thank YOU for working on that stain for me! One more soak & wash and should be good as new - I’m a huge fan of the Awesome spray at the dollar store! I haven’t tried the jeans on yet but they look identical to my old favorites that I wore to death - I am so happy I found a replacement pair! Happy 4th!!
Jul 02Reply
cceseretti @penniworth Thanks for the top on awesome I will try that! Happy 4th!
Jul 02Reply
penniworth @cceseretti I think it’s called Totally Awesome- it’s yellow in a spray bottle with cleaning supplies and it really lives up to its name! ESPECIALLY on “organic” laundry stains (and great for getting hair spray off bathroom counters, too)!
Jul 02Reply
cceseretti @penniworth Thanks I’ll try it!
Jul 02Reply
heatherpj love your closet! <3
Jul 20Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item 💖 all orders placed tonight will ship tomorrow 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Jul 21Reply
janfast Hi Jennifer! Thanks for following my closet! 💕😊
Aug 09Reply
ahuot Hello Jennifer 😊 I hope you are doing well. I feel the same way as you do about fashion. I'm not drawn to any labels and/or specific brands. I'm drawn to vintage and more quality brands, because of their quality/durability, and feel. I sell an eclectic array of Ladieswear, Menswear, and other unique goodies too. I offer a Bundle discount, discount shipping, and I always ship the next day. If you have any questions about anything in my closet, I'll be happy to help you out. ✌💛
Sep 06Reply
powerposhgirl Thanks for the shares!!!🤩
Sep 09Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Geiger sweater! 😊
Sep 13Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 18Reply
seliz23 Thanks for following my closet! Have a great day filled with 🌞 and 🦋s! 💗🛍
Sep 19Reply
oscarsgirl @penniworth Thank you for your purchase!!
Sep 22Reply
oscarsgirl @penniworth I just made new listing..
Sep 22Reply
oscarsgirl @penniworth it's all done! Thanks again!! Will ship tomorrow;)
Sep 22Reply
hustlehard_23 Thanks for the share
Sep 23Reply
oscarsgirl @penniworth Thank you for all the Stars!!
Sep 25Reply
prof I appreciate your closet
Sep 27Reply
logelson Thanks for sharing your story! My mom would have loved PM too! Good luck 🍀 with your closet and I wish you lots of sales.
Oct 10Reply
good2bkind Thank you for Following. I know I don't have much in my Closet but I'm simply on here to make some $ to pay for some bills that I have recently fallen short on. So again, I greatly appreciate your support. Nice way to show the Love! God Bless
Oct 19Reply
attud2 Hi Jennifer Thanks for sharing the photos and wonderful story of your Mom. I just love how you are honoring her with the name. I'm a native Chicago suburban girl which according to my husband is not the same as living in the city 😉 I grew up in far west Aurora. I can't say I miss the wether after being in Ga for 11 yrs now. Take care 😊
Oct 26Reply
attud2 Weather ... You have to love the phone corrector
Oct 26Reply
cindy_j_y You know what my mom would of loved Posh to. Love your closet. God bless
Nov 06Reply
theposhunic0rn Good morning! Thank you so much for visiting my closet & liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning! Happy Poshing! 💃🏼
Nov 06Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 14Reply
cindy_j_y Just wanted to give you a holler and let you know I shipped your jeans a couple days ago and thank you much for your order. God bless. Hope you love the jeans.
Nov 25Reply
wflhoutx Great closet. Thank you for sharing my item.
Nov 26Reply
cindy_j_y Poshmark sent me a final email to ship your jeans. I sent them the receipt where I shipped it the 24th. Also I posted the receipt so you can see I did ship it. I'm so sorry it's not scanned in.
Nov 26Reply
cindy_j_y Your order is being reshipped tomorrow for the American Eagle Jeans. I am so very sorry. What happened is I had another order and some how I printed the same shipping label twice so her order and yours went to her. Poshmark finally sent her a label for you. I am very very sorry. If you order from me again I will give you a huge huge discount.
Dec 04Reply
prbymaxx Thx luv,😘
Jan 26Reply
mcbendit You have such a great closet! All my favorite brands.
Feb 12Reply
penniworth @mcbendit Aww thanks! Come back anytime!
Feb 12Reply
look_fabulous I'm hosting a Posh and Sip Chicago in June, more info to come on my page 🌻
Feb 16Reply
m_sarna Love your closet and your story 😊
Mar 29Reply
penniworth @m_sarna Awwww thank you! She’s with me every day ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 29Reply
1deeh Hi Jennifer. Appreciate the shares. Great eye! If you are interested I will make you a terrific deal. Smiles and thanks for sharing. Dee
Apr 03Reply
bigsis3328 Love your closet!
Apr 14Reply
musemax It's Rosanna from the group. I love what you say in this profile pic. I deleted my Meet the Posher by mistake one time and have never figured out how to get it back.
May 03Reply
guinevere57 Hello, Jennifer! Looking forward to meeting you at Posh Party Chicago Live tonight. Love your closet too!
May 21Reply
fourlimes Loving your color-coding :)
May 29Reply
reace28 Good evening I just shared a few of your items please return the favor happy poshhhing ps a host pick wouldn’t hurt😎
Jun 04Reply
dailyshopper73 Adorable closet! I love it!!! 😊💕✨🌸
Jun 25Reply
melalugosi Hi Jennifer! You have a beautiful selection and I love the story behind your Poshing! <3
Jun 27Reply
missjen17 Can you explain???? I don’t get it??? This is ongoing???
Jul 05Reply
penniworth @missjen17 I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question? Is what ongoing?
Jul 05Reply
yyhill99 You have a beautiful closet 👏
Jul 23Reply
chante_allday Congratulations on co-hosting the posh party!! Please check out my closet for dope finds hoping for a HP🎉🎉 Best of luck to you. Please follow me on Instagram I’ll return the favor @chante_allday
Aug 06Reply
fourhanger I would love ❤️ ❤️ for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day. ❤️😄❤️😄❤️❤️
Aug 07Reply
wildflower_91 Hi I am so excited for this posh party and am new to poshmark! I would love if you looked at my closet to consider an item for a host pick! Have fun :)
Aug 07Reply
rachelrocksit . . .. 🦋🦋🦋Congratulations on your posh party!🦋🦋🦋 .. .
Aug 07Reply
templevation CONGRATULATIONS ON CO-HOSTING 💯🔥WOOHOO!!!💥🎉🥳 Wishing a great party, speedy sales and poshalicious vibes 🐝🥳🎉💕🍭
Aug 07Reply
nhark85 Hi! Please check out my closet for a potential Host Pick for tonight’s Fashion Favorites Party - thank you!! 🎉🤗🤞
Aug 08Reply
robstertan How do you get an item to become a host Pick?Can you please check out my items. I have been a Poshmark ambassador for quite a while now and have never had a host pick.
Aug 08Reply
aliceswnderland Great closet! Thank you so much for host pick! 😘
Aug 08Reply
forehands_finds Hi Jennifer. I sold the Ed Hardy jeans that you picked for a host pick. I just want to thank you continuing to share my items that you have chosen for host picks. ❤️
Aug 30Reply
penniworth @codorey awww I’m so glad they sold! I love following my HP items - every time they sell, I feel like a proud parent 😆
Aug 30Reply
vivavogue Your mom is all around you 👼 I try to remind myself of that when I’m thinking of my mom❤️ missing her everyday. Friday is my birthday and it’s the day I miss her the most. Your mother would be so proud of what you’re doing. ❤️❤️❤️ I try now to be the best mother I can be to my kids just like my mom was to me.
Sep 25Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @penniworth! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Sep 25Reply
plusperfectshan It was so great to meet you at the Posh & Sip Coffee Edition!
Oct 27Reply
fabulusdiva4mga Beautiful💚💚💚R.i.h 🙏Penni🌹🌹🌹...BEAUTIFUL Closet💚💚
Nov 29Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Jan 12Reply
thxithaspockets Beautiful closet!
Feb 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 23Reply
kirsten84j @penniworth thanks so much for accepting my offer. Can’t wait to receive it. Take care & be safe:)
Sep 27Reply
penniworth @kirsten84j Thanks for your purchase - your package will go out tomorrow! Enjoy your Sunday and the fall weather!
Sep 27Reply
flhockeymomco Love the story about your mom! 😊❤
Sep 29Reply
penniworth @flhockeymomco Awwwww thanks! And thanks for your purchase, your package will go out tomorrow! It’s such a cool and unique piece, I hope you love it!!
Sep 29Reply
beoirem 💋💋💋 CONGRATS ON YOUR PARTY DEAR PFF. I would love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ❣️❣️❣️📀📀📀📀🧚📀📀 🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀 📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌏📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌍📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀 🧚Thank you so much🧚 DNC 🌎
Nov 02Reply
fashionwonders 💕💕💕Dear Jennifer, congratulations on hosting a Together We Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
Nov 03Reply
secondhope Hello! Your closet has beautiful pieces and so well laid out! Love the color coordination! Congratulations on hosting tonight’s Posh Party 🎉. If you are looking for any last minute HP’s, I would be honored if you took a peek at my closet. - Blessings, Julie (SecondHope)
Nov 05Reply
mamaw5172 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉🥳 Have a POSHtacular party🛍🤟🏻🚀🌴🌹
Nov 06Reply
madiyates Hi! I have a 50% discount on EVERYTHING in my closet!! If you see anything you like give it a like and I’ll offer you 50% off! Same day shipping too! Happy shopping 💗
Jan 27Reply
asavage01 Thank you for time & stopping by my closet 💌.  I truly appreciate it. A little bit about my closet I have set up an automatic 30% discount on 2 or more bundled items. Also,  there is a continuous bundle 5 or more listings 6$ & under = 3$ each for You. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. 😊 Have a Poshtastic Day!
Aug 21Reply
gingerberry65 Thank you for sharing my listings! ☺️
Jan 22Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Jennifer on sharing from my family closet ❤️❤️💜. Welcome/ enjoy 🙏🛍🤟🏻🤟🏻❤️
Jun 30Reply
cutehosiery @penniworth Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 13Reply

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Last Active: Sep 01 2024

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Last Active: Sep 01 2024

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