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Please remember the information posted along with the seller's other costs, including but not limited to packing materials, thank you cards, free gifts, etc.
For some sellers, this is a safe way to sell things they don't use; for some, there's a specific cause or event that brought them here, and for others, this is their small business. No matter what the reason, please consider all this information before deciding on an offer price.
Personally, I became seriously ill and confined to a hospital bed going on 3 years ago. I need an uncovered surgery in order for me to have a chance at healing and eventually walk again. I have no supports but I worked my whole life in upper retail e something management as well as having my own business for a while.
My integrity is very important to me, so my items that I list, I give all details, and am completely transparent. At this point, everything I sell is brand new; however, if that changes, I will clearly make that know on each item to which it applies.
I'm grateful to EVERYONE! It doesn't matter if you just visit, like something, buy, not buy, share my closet with others, etc etc I'm beyond grateful TO EVERYONE!

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