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Updated 10 hours ago
Updated 10 hours ago

Hi, I'm Shewolf Tara!!🐾Posh Ambassador ll


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Hi there!! I'm Tara,the free-spirited "Shewolf" and my home is the hot and humid Sunshine State!Shoes,vintage gems,and bright colors make me howl with joy! Awoo! My keen wolfie senses for fashion and detail have helped me with my career in customer relations & management as I love helping ppl and always take pride in my work.Please never hesitate to interact with me just because I'm part wolf; I promise I don't bite!!😉 I want you to be happy that you chose to shop with me!! I appreciate all of you and thank you for taking the time out to read this! Remember to always HAVE FUN!!🐾
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islandlyf Welcome to the Poshmark Community! Lemme know if you have any questions!
Sep 07Reply
emilycallister Welcome to Poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet. Thank you!
Sep 07Reply
amandab0511 hello!! please stop by my closet!  I am moving overseas soon and need all of my stuff gone asap!  I am accepting almost all  offers and can give huge discounts on bundles!  I have both mens and womens clothing.  I'm also offering free shipping and a free item from my closet on bundles of three items or more! please let me know if you have any questions!
Sep 07Reply
shewolf_awoo @islandlyf Thank you so much! And yes, I'm in the process of listing my items so I'm sure I will be needing your insight come this week!! I appreciate you reaching out! 💙🤗
Sep 07Reply
shewolf_awoo @emilycallister Hello and thank you mucho mucho!! I will definitely check out your closet!💙🤗
Sep 07Reply
islandlyf @shewolftnt you got it 😊
Sep 07Reply
theposhqueens2 I thought you were blond headed
Sep 09Reply
shewolf_awoo @tgreen1971 Lol..why is that?
Sep 09Reply
theposhqueens2 @shewolftnt Apologies wrong person
Sep 09Reply
shewolf_awoo @tgreen1971 Haha, it's alright! I kept wondering that!!! Have a lovely one!!💙
Sep 09Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sep 12Reply
shewolf_awoo @iranybrito Thank you so much for the Posh Love!! I will have my closet up and running this week so swing back through!! I'm checking out your closet right now!! Thanks again!!💙🤗
Sep 12Reply
stephsstorm Welcome to the world of Poshing! Please feel free to browse my closet and make offers! I love making deals😉🌹💜😊💖💟❣!
Sep 13Reply
shewolf_awoo @stephsstorm Than you so much for welcoming me! I appreciate the invite to your closet, as I've already started browsing it! 💙🤗
Sep 13Reply
lbalades Thank you so much for all your sharing! It is greatly appreciated!!! 🌹
Sep 13Reply
shewolf_awoo @lbalades You are so welcome! 💙🤗
Sep 13Reply
adt0608 Thanks for the follow! 🥰 Sending you some Posh ❤️ (shares) !!! I appreciate you! 🥰
Sep 13Reply
shewolf_awoo @adt0608 Aww, thank you!! I will definitely share the 💙!! I appreciate you too!!!🤗
Sep 14Reply
queenscloset143 Thank you for checking out my closet Love. Please feel free to look around and let me know if you like anything else and I will gladly make you a bundle offer. Stay Safe and Happy Poshing.
Sep 16Reply
houseofoz Thank you so much for taking the time to leave kind feedback and an awesome rating! I'm so happy you love your purchase! Have a great weekend!💛
Sep 18Reply
texanlady Hi Tara 🙋 Welcome and happy poshing 🌺🌷🌺
Sep 19Reply
shewolf_awoo @houseofoz Was my pleasure!! 🤗💙
Sep 19Reply
shewolf_awoo @texanlady Thank you for the warm welcome!! I appreciate that!! 🤗💙
Sep 19Reply
texanlady @shewolftnt Awwe you're most welcome 😍💕💗 I hope you have fun here and meet lots of super nice people ❤️
Sep 19Reply
shewolf_awoo @texanlady Thank you again! I already have met some very nice people! 💙 Thank you for sharing my meet the poster listing even though it's my only listing right now!!! Lol!! I'm in the process of creating my closet as we speak..Im just super OCD and am taking a bit longer to photograph and list all of my items than I anticipated, lol!! I appreciate your hospitality to Poshmark and will continue to show your closet some Posh Love!!💙🤗
Sep 19Reply
shewolf_awoo @queenscloset143 Thank you..and I definitely will!🤗
Sep 19Reply
texanlady @shewolftnt You're such a sweetheart ❤️ you're so very welcome! and your poster is too cool! did you do the art work? I'm happy to hear you're meeting some very nice people 😍 well when you get a chance to list a few items I'll be happy to share them for you 💗💕 Have a wonderful evening and thank you so much for sharing my closet 😘
Sep 19Reply
shewolf_awoo @texanlady Your very welcome, and I'll have my closet up this weekend so thanks a bunch! The first and third wolf lady pics my tattoo artist friend drew for me for tattoo ideas but the others I saw on Pinterest and just loved them! Have an awesome evening!!💙🤗
Sep 19Reply
texanlady @shewolftnt Wow! that's great! so I'll definitely share your items for you and I hope you'll make some great sales too! ❣️ well those are some really great drawings, very cool😍 I always wished I could draw really well but I'm terrible, lol but I still try anyway have a wonderful night sweetie ❤️ oh I'm Karen so nice to meet you and so fun talking to you too😘💕
Sep 20Reply
shewolf_awoo @texanlady You have a relaxing night yourself..oh and I'm with you; I can't draw a stickman right!! Lol..but I love artwork...btw I'm Tara..nice to meet you too!! 💙🤗😜💙
Sep 20Reply
texanlady @shewolftnt Tara you are such a joy it's great meeting you! that was pretty cute, it made me giggle 😂 can't draw a stick man right ha ha yep that's me too 🤣 my favorite thing I used to try to draw was horses I love them, but I'm more picasso than Rembrandt lol nite sweetie talk to you later ❣️
Sep 20Reply
share123 Hey Tara - Thanks for "following" me! I see you're in Jacksonville, my home town 😊 I've got lots of relatives there...quite a few nieces (married to my nephews) about your age, so I visit every few years. Let me know when you get items listed in your closet so I can share them. Have a wonderful day and Happy Poshing!
Sep 20Reply
share123 Thanks for all the shares Tara! Keep in touch....I can't wait to see your closet!
Sep 20Reply
shewolf_awoo @share123 Well hello Sheryl, you J-ville native you!!! And thank you for following me!! The weather has changed up as of today(yay) and it's comfortable and breezy here!! I just went to your closet and shared a bunch of your items that were so cute and affordable! I'm getting my closet up and running by Tuesday and have all of the edited photos of my items done so I will definitely let you know when my closet is ready!!! Thank you for offering your Posh Love!! 💙🤗
Sep 20Reply
share123 @shewolftnt I'm glad to hear the weather's nice there (my sister's always complaining about it...and rightly so LOL). I think the weather's always great long as it isn't humid 😂. I wrote down your name earlier, to keep a watch for your listings....hey, we're almost relatives LOL
Sep 20Reply
shewolf_awoo @share123 Haha..Sheryl!!! Yes, I've been here since I was 8 and now I'm 41 but as I get older my tolerance for the heat and humidity is decreasing! I really appreciate you taking the time to write my name down for reminder to share my items, so cool of you! I actually enjoy sharing others' closets so, my new found distant relative, hehe, I'll be sure to continue sharing your closet. Nice chatting with you!☺💙
Sep 20Reply
share123 @shewolftnt Sheesh, I thought your were like maybe 32 LOL I guess it's true, the older you get the younger everyone else looks! 💖🌹💖
Sep 21Reply
dina_fiore Hi Tara! welcome and thank you for checking out my closet! Have a wonderful evening! 👋👏🥰
Sep 22Reply
dina_fiore Thank you!! For all the wonderful shares!! Have a blessed and beautiful evening! 👏👋🥰❤️❣️
Sep 22Reply
shewolf_awoo @dina_fiore You are very welcome!! It was my pleasure!! Awesome closet!! I will be back to purchase for sure!! Have a lovely night!!🤗💙
Sep 22Reply
dina_fiore @shewolftnt awesome!🥰🥰🥰😍
Sep 22Reply
share123 Hi Tara - Just thought of a little "suggestion" for you. I recommend you not list all your items at the same time. Maybe one or two a day. It seems to bring in more buyers every time I list something new. And I think that was recommended to me 4 years ago when I started Poshing. Your choice/decision of course. Have a great evening!
Sep 25Reply
shewolf_awoo @share123 Thanks Sheryl for the great advice. It's taking me longer than expected to steam clean, photograph, and organize my clothing, and I was planning to do that first with my whole inventory and THEN list everything at the same time but your recommendation makes complete and total sense!! I will definitely have a few items listed by tomorrow now!! I appreciate you looking out for me S!!! Hope to chat soon!💙🤗
Sep 25Reply
share123 @shewolftnt 😍🌹💖
Sep 25Reply
shewolf_awoo @lorevers You're so welcome; you have a really cool closet! Anytime!💙🤗
Sep 28Reply
boshka Thank you love for sharing my closet 🤗
Sep 29Reply
playinwgt Duuuval
Sep 30Reply
shewolf_awoo @playinwgt And you know this...maannnn!!!!..I had to show my home team some Posh Love real quick!! I am about to start listing my inventory in a few hours; check back through soon!! Thanks for the like and follow!!💙🤗
Sep 30Reply
playinwgt @shewolftnt mos definitely. Thanks for sharing. I got ya
Sep 30Reply
ralphb35 Hello!!! NICE ARTWORK!!!
Oct 06Reply
shewolf_awoo @thegoodknight1 Thank you and You are most welcome! Anytime! 💙🤗
Oct 07Reply
laviedansante Hello, Welcome to Poshmark! Whether you're selling or buying if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me. Happy Poshing! If you decide to sell I have mystery boxes available for inventory which will include polybags, Thank you cards, and stickers. 15% off to new sellers. Leave a comment so I can share your stuff ☀️Misha~~
Oct 07Reply
shewolf_awoo @laviedansante Thank you so kindly for the Welcoming!! I've book marked your closet for when I'm ready to shop!! I am creating my closet as we speak and will have listings very soon! I love buying on Posh and have decided to start selling so thank you in advance for your shares offering! You are very sweet! Have a lovely day!💙🤗
Oct 07Reply
laviedansante @shewolftnt I'll bookmark to start sharing for you!
Oct 07Reply
secondglimpse 💕the pics💕
Oct 10Reply
alott84 @shewolftnt Thank you so ☺ much for following my closet ❤
Oct 10Reply
shewolf_awoo @es72 Thank you so much!! Appreciate it!!💙🤗
Oct 10Reply
alott84 @shewolftnt anything you see that you like in my closet feel free to send me over an offer 😊
Oct 10Reply
secondglimpse Thanks for the share ❤️ Take care!
Oct 10Reply
shewolf_awoo @es72 My pleasure!!💙🤗
Oct 11Reply
shewolf_awoo @alott84 Will Do!!💙🤗
Oct 11Reply
krazyleopard Hi 👋 Welcome to Poshmark! In these unprecedented times in which we find ourselves, it is nice to have a distraction! Whether buying or selling, I’m sure you’ll enjoy poshing! Thank you for visiting my closet! Stay safe and healthy!
Oct 15Reply
shewolf_awoo @krazyleopard Thank you for the warm welcoming!!💙🤗 I love your closet, had to share a bunch!!
Oct 18Reply
likeatree Welcome to Poshmark! 🌸May you enjoy your stay here. Wishing you many many sales as you start your closet! Happy poshing! 💜💚💙
Oct 18Reply
shewolf_awoo @likeatree Thank you so much! My closet is on its I appreciate your warm welcoming!!!💙🤗
Oct 18Reply
krazyleopard @shewolf_awoo Thank you! And thanks for the shares!! I am open to reasonable offers 😃
Oct 18Reply
shewolf_awoo @krazyleopard No problem!! I made sure to bookmark your closet!!💙🤗
Oct 18Reply
amazing_alesha Hello! 🌹 Welcome to Poshmark! 😊 We are happy to have you here! 🥰 Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help. Happy poshing! ♥️
Oct 22Reply
shewolf_awoo @amazing_alesha Aawww....thank you?so much for the warm welcome!!! I appreciate that!💙🤗
Oct 22Reply
tyleneruckstuhl Hello there beautiful glad to have you as one of us! I have stuff from wigs to Marx vintage toys! Horses of all kinds model and painted ponies
Oct 26Reply
shewolf_awoo @tyleneruckstuhl Thank you! I will definitely peak in your closet and check it out!!!💙🤗
Oct 26Reply
ritzysrags Hi Tara! Thanks for sharing my closet! Hope you enjoy being on Poshmark!!!
Nov 07Reply
shewolf_awoo @ritzysrags719 Of course! My pleasure! and Thank you!!🤗💙
Nov 08Reply
shewolf_awoo @1llmatic And thank you for showing me love too!! I appreciate it for real. Have a great night as well!💙🤗
Nov 19Reply
share123 @shewolf_awoo Hi Tara - Your closet looks fantastic! And you're making sales! Yippee!!! Have a great day and Happy Poshing❣ 🤩
Dec 01Reply
shewolf_awoo @share123 Sheryl!! How are you? Yes, I've finally started my closet! I've taken your advice and have been listing 2-4 items a day! It's less stressful and helped me to get 3 sales my 2nd day!! You rock for sharing my closet!! I'm off to return the favor😉..hope all is well!!🤗💙💙💙
Dec 01Reply
share123 @shewolf_awoo I'm good, thanks! Been checking on you but didn't know you had changed your "handle". PM must have finally put two and two together. I'm excited to see you're selling already. Some people don't sell so quickly. Thanks for all the outdid yourself, but appreciated. I see you did a "bundle" 😍 I'm about to discount it....just in case you are interested in purchasing. Wishing you many happy sales....and no returns!
Dec 02Reply
shewolf_awoo @1llmatic No no...Kevin, YOU, my Posh Friend, are the one that rocks!!! I appreciate all the shares seriously!! Thank YOU for showing love!!💙🤗💙
Dec 04Reply
poshpussycat Hi Tara, feel free to take advantage of my 3 for $20 sale throughout my closet.
Dec 09Reply
callme4biz Extremely beautiful
Dec 13Reply
andrewsposh Thank you for all the shred :)
Dec 20Reply
andrewsposh ...shares :)
Dec 20Reply
shewolf_awoo @andrewsposh Thank you so much as well!!🤗💙
Dec 20Reply
apextim Hiya Tara You are in Jax Cool! If you lived in a colder place (notwithstanding tomorrow and Saturday) you would love my fleece NZ jacket
Dec 24Reply
vampirestyles Wishing you a wonderful and successful New Year! Aloha, Bunny
Jan 05Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 20Reply
janellno5 Did you draw the artistic pics? They are really amazing!! 💜💜💜
Feb 03Reply
janellno5 Ty for the shares you’ve got a great closet! 🥰
Feb 03Reply
shewolf_awoo @janellno5 Hi there! Thank you as well for the shares! I could have kept on sharing; your closet is what I want my closet to be like in time!! Your closet completely rocks with the coordination and pairing and all! I have a great eye for detail so your closet was eye candy to me for sure!!! And no, I can't draw to save my friend's brother draws and did 3 of them; he loves wolves as well!! Thank you again for the shares, compliments and closet inspiration!!!💙🤗
Feb 03Reply
parislolly Thanks for the Twitter share!💋. I got you 😉
Feb 03Reply
xlucisuicidex Ty for all the shares! 🥰
Feb 04Reply
shewolf_awoo @xlucisuicidex Holy Shmoly!!! I just spent an hour and a half looking at your closet..Im now feeling like stalker status!! Lmbo!!! Super cool closet, pieces, and my guts saying..super cool seller too!!! I could have shared more..I just had to stop somewhere!! Lol! Thanks for the shares as well! Here's to the old skool 40+ gals still doing their thing!💙🤗😍
Feb 04Reply
xlucisuicidex For sure!! Thank you. !!
Feb 04Reply
motherthrifts Hey Tara, thank you for your order! Just packing up the bundle of childrens place jeans and I noticed one pair is labeled 5 and the other is 5T...both w/ adjustable waist band. No noticeable difference in size. Same length and everything. Same jeans as shown in photos. Wanted to confirm b4 shipping that you still want them since I failed to note in the description that one was 5T. Let me know if you want to cancel, otherwise I will ship out this morning. My apologies, have an extraordinary day💞
Feb 04Reply
shewolf_awoo @divinemthrising Hi! No worries! Send them babies!! Thank u for letting me know about the size!! Have a good one!
Feb 04Reply
janehathaway Your face is so pretty
Mar 09Reply
shewolf_awoo @janehathaway Aawww thank you so much for that compliment!! I appreciate that!!💙🤗🐾
Mar 09Reply
janehathaway Thank you for sharing my listings on Twitter! I appreciate your generosity
Mar 10Reply
shewolf_awoo @janehathaway You are so welcome! And thank you for your shares! Have a great night!!💙🤗🐾
Mar 10Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate it.
Mar 17Reply
affordinstyle Hi. Thank you for your purchase! Your package was dropped off in the mail early this morning. The USPS tracking should update for you shorty. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Mar 29Reply
couturechalet Hi dear! I just wanted you to know that I got the gals At the shop to package up all of your goodies and they will go to the post first thing in the morning as I missed the cut off today, sorry it took so long we like to send things out to the cleaners before they go out to customers so we had to wait for them to come back which took a tad bit longer than it usually does.
Apr 19Reply
shewolf_awoo @couturechalet Hi, my fellow "Duval" Floridian!! It's Absolutely ok! Thank you for the update!! 🐾💙
Apr 19Reply
couturechalet @shewolf_awoo you mean, “doooooooooooovaaaaaaaaal”? Lol weird that rhey don’t allow for hand delivery or meet up if it’s local. It if I do t use the mail they won’t pay us. lol Silly.
Apr 19Reply
couturechalet @shewolf_awoo hey duuuvaaal! Just checking in and making sure your got your pretties and all is good :)
Apr 29Reply
shewolf_awoo @couturechalet My apologies!! I am just leaving my meeting! I am running home now to check the lockers and see if my pretty purchase has indeed arrived and will def make sure to accept immediately so you can get your shmoney honey!! Thank you again; you are awesome.... Duvvvaaalllll!! 💙🐾
Apr 29Reply
couturechalet @shewolf_awoo no rush! I’m not worried about that I just wanted to make sure you got it because I do t trust the Jax postal system with larger packages lol
Apr 29Reply
eblboutique48 Hi beautiful I just like for you to come check out my closet.
May 08Reply
ranooshti Hi! I saw your recent likes on the scarves :) if you're interested, bundle them for extra savings!
Jul 27Reply
brandonmeyer560 thanks for adding me
Aug 20Reply
yoshie2018 🙋‍♀️There, Stop by a my closet and check it out when you have time. I have a variety of styles, sizes and welcome reasonable offers. Happy Poshing and God Bless.
Sep 03Reply
tatnaples Hi Tara! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 18Reply
share123 @shewolf_awoo Hey Tara - Thanks for the shares! 💖 Your closet is fabulous. Yes, you've come a long way baby LOL Guess the weather is getting better there in Jax now!? We have finally cooled off in Phoenix ...down in the wonderful/beautiful 80s. So good to see you again! Keep in touch and always have Happy Poshing!!!
Oct 28Reply
eschellapurvis amazing bio , went to usf now in nj on golfcourse not sunshine lol, I def can related to baseball hats, I shared yours I lol need to keep mine 😆 great price top line you have shared 😀
Nov 03Reply
ney7kline Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you like 👍 is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting ALL OFFERS. Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
Nov 26Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 28Reply
cstonebraker Thanks for the like on the broach-feel free to make a reasonable offer-most are accepted!!! Happy Holidays!
Dec 10Reply
cstonebraker I’m so sorry I just noticed you had made an offer that expired 5 days ago! If you resubmit it I will accept it . I’m sorry I was home sick for a few days and wasn’t on here as much as usual!
Dec 10Reply
starzelda7 Hi Tara, Thank you for the great waist bag! I’m glad you are an advocate for the big cats and the wolves. They really need people like you to educate the general public. I also contribute to many animal charities & always hope the funds are put to good use to protect them all. We are their voices. I like the drawing you posted of the “she-wolf”!😍 Did u do it?✨
Dec 20Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Jan 17Reply
raadams267 FYI I am truly thankful for the like. I had to take time out to let you know that we are conducting a 10% discount on all items. Come back and we will take care of you! Take care!
Jan 31Reply
_elissa_ashley_ Thanks for the follow, I’m new here to Poshmark if your interested in anything in my closet let me know I have great deals on there and I also do discounts on bundles😊❤️
Feb 06Reply
goodiebag77 Aroooooo 🐺
Feb 17Reply
kris4404 Hi! Thanks for shopping my closet. I sent you an offer with discounted shipping on the item you liked. If you accept the offer, I can ship this out today. Thanks!! 😊
Apr 08Reply
shopbigmikes Hi neighbor ,down to wrestle with the old Ladies at the bins? I need a partner
May 09Reply
cutehosiery @shewolf_awoo Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 11Reply
brawdcaster Thanks for all the shares! How can I repay you 🙏
May 11Reply
jkez36m Hi Tara my name is Angela. Nice to meet you.
May 21Reply
asssugale Hi! Thank you so much for all the shares😍
May 28Reply
jgolladay9 😍😊 thanks for adding me and the shares .
Jun 04Reply
jgolladay9 thanks for sharing my items 😊 !
Jun 04Reply
shewolf_awoo @jgolladay9 🥰😉☺️💙🐾..and thank you as well!!!
Jun 04Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jun 22Reply
tcflorida @shewolf_awoo Hello, darling, I just accepted your offer, but PM said there was some glitch. Just wanted to let you know, so you could sort it out with them. Thank you for shopping my closet! Cici.
Jun 25Reply
shopluckylotus Hi, just had to just a like and say hi to my fellow shewolf! As soon as I saw your username, it reminded me of the Shewolf Pack from Fuller House! Is that where you got it from? Too cute! 💕 Also loving your Closet! Very nice pieces!
Aug 25Reply
shewolf_awoo @shopluckylotus Hey hey!! Thanks so much for likes and shares!! And no, I got Shewolf from my free-spirited nature and my love for wild animals in their own habitat and the preservation of their habitat and these animals' precious existence by simply treating our world and everyone/everything in it better!! Everything everyone does has a butterfly effect that they should constantly be aware of and act on it.Thank you and BTW, your closet is awesome as well!! Awooo my PFF!!💙💜
Aug 25Reply
65coffeegirl Thank you for all the likes! Are you interested in a bundle?💜💜💜
Oct 08Reply
forevercadeidra Hello, I am doing a Name Your Price Sale today!!! So, If you would be interested in this sale. Please message me back with the price you want me to drop the item to and don’t forget to bundle. So, you can save $$$. Have a bless day.
Oct 13Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, Ms Tara I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some beautiful items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Many sales to you! Happy Poshing!
Oct 25Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Nov 15Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following
Dec 06Reply
lakesidetrades TY for visiting and the like ,Offer sent / free shipping & will include a couple mystery gifts with your purchase 🎁Happy New Year 2023🎉🍀
Jan 01Reply
special_vintage Thanks for all the likes in my closet! If you bundle your likes, I'll be sure to send you a great deal!
Jan 04Reply
Jan 10Reply
special_vintage Thanks for all the likes in my closet! If you bundle your likes, I'll be sure to send you a great deal!
Jan 10Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂 Best of luck with sales ✨️ Nice to meet you.
Jan 26Reply
379_vintage I love this so much! you have such a great spirit. 🐺🐾💚
Feb 17Reply
shewolf_awoo @379_vintage Aaww well thank you so much!!! I love your closet btw!! Stay awesome!!!💜💛🐺🐾🌷🌻
Feb 17Reply
379_vintage @shewolf_awoo Thank you so much! I love your closet too! 💕💕💕 sorry for the late reply, it's been a busy day. 😅 Hope you have an amazing weekend!
Feb 18Reply
haleykelly87 Hi Tara! Thanks for all the likes! If you’re interested please make a bundle & send me an offer. Thanks so much for stopping by my closet ❤️
Mar 26Reply
taboome2 Hi dear. I noticed that you liked my Betsey Johnson lavender purse. That’s the lowest I can go on that deer. I’ve already put out a edit for public. I don’t know if you got it or not anyway, let me know if you want it. Thank you Diana.
Jun 27Reply
lakesidetrades Hi ! Offer sent free ship including a couple mystery gifts with purchase,enjoy your weekend !
Jul 14Reply
ashleywilson208 Wolves are my favorite animal 😍 there so beautiful! what your selling is really cool and pretty, I hope you have many sales!
Jan 07Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Jan 29Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. Love your closet! We are over-stocked, so we're accepting offers at well less than our posted price. If you get a chance, take a look. Happy Poshing!
Feb 20Reply
shewolf_awoo @lynnbeckylynn Will do!!!💜🌺
Feb 21Reply
katiah94 Thx for liking my book! 😊
May 08Reply
raine222922 Hi! i do great deals on bundles and i’m taking offers as well! if you have any questions please feel free to ask🫶🏼. Also, i give a free small crystal gift with every bundled order (2 or more items).
Jun 22Reply
p44n47 We live up in Washington state in the country. Have had a few wolves on our property. It’s actually their property. Maybe it was you! Peter😊
Jan 04Reply
lori8910 @shewolf_awoo Hi Sherwolf Tara, I see you like the “100% Silk, Luxurious Vintage Blouse by Plymouth New York“ in my closet. Would you like it to be sent to your closet? Just let me know. And, you can save 10% instantly by bundling this and at least two other items from my closet too! I’ll put it in a bundle for your convenience. Thanks for browsing! Awoo… Lori8910🛍
4 days agoReply

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